Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2016
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2018
Grant Year
Program Code
[A4182]- Regional FSMA Center
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
More than ever before, Americans are seeking artisan foods. You need only look as far as your local grocery store's dairy department for proof of the growing trend. While there are many benefits to small-batch dairy production, one drawback is a lack of available time and resources for the manufacturer to focus on becoming fully educated on and compliant with the Food Safety Modernization Act.The Artisan Dairy Producer Food Safety Initiative aims to address that issue, offering practical, hands-on, and individualized programming designed to make FSMA a reality, not just a regulation, for Wisconsin's many artisans. This initiative will evaluate the food safety efforts of small cheese plants and other dairy manufacturing facilities and develop and implement plans to improve upon current practices. The initiative also endeavors to educate all Wisconsin dairy manufacturers on FSMA.Most critically, this initiative will result in a safer food supply for consumers. Consequentially, this initiative will also safeguard and strengthen the nation's economy, which currently enjoys an annual dairy industry impact of more than $140 billion and cannot afford the market volatility which often accompanies foodborne illness.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The Artisan Dairy Producer Food Safety Initiative is a practical, hands-on outreach program designed to make the Food Safety Modernization Act a reality, not just a regulation, for Wisconsin's many artisan dairy manufacturers. In implementing the elements of FSMA in small cheese plants and other dairy manufacturing facilities which may now have limited resources for food safety consulting, the initiative will - most importantly - make our food supply safer for consumers. Consequentially, this initiative will also safeguard and strengthen Wisconsin's economy, which currently enjoys a dairy industry impact of $43.4 billion annually and cannot afford the hits that would undoubtedly come as a result of an illness outbreak triggered by dairy product consumption.Initiative goals are achievable, given the 12-month timeframe and $152,600 budget allotted, as clear objectives are met.Via the Artisan Dairy Producer Food Safety Initiative, two part-time Food Safety Educators will reach out to all of Wisconsin's 127 identified cheese plants, as well as its other identified dairy production plants, providing informational packets on FSMA regulations and an invitation to participate in ongoing training and consulting opportunities.This initiative features five regional kick-off seminars across Wisconsin, providing to dairy manufacturers basic information regarding FSMA regulations, an invitation to utilize Food Safety Educators as expert resources on FMSA, and - for artisan cheesemakers - an invitation to participate in an intensive process designed to make them fully FSMA-compliant.The initiative timeframe and scope allow for Food Safety Educators to work closely with 50 artisans, spending one full day on-site at each plant, developing individualized food safety plans, and then following up multiple times on-site and via telecommunication to ensure plans are implemented and continued successfully. Food Safety Educators will spend no less than 20 hours working with each individual artisan, and will spend more time with those in need of additional assistance.This initiative also ensures that there is ongoing industry-wide FSMA education, via the Food Safety Educators' development of online resources like webinars and FAQs, bimonthly newspaper columns and submissions to magazines, and via their ongoing on-call consulting availability. The Food Safety Educators will also develop a standard FSMA education packet with sample plant plans, so that beyond the life of this initiative, additional artisans will have resources to assist them in making safe dairy products.
Project Methods
The Artisan Dairy Producer Food Safety Initiative requires the two part-time Food Safety Educators leading the program to utilize many traditional scientific methods, asking questions of dairy product manufacturers related to their food safety practices, researching the best options for manufacturers to achieve greater food safety and be fully FSMA-compliant, constructing individualized food safety plans for manufacturing plants, and analyzing the efforts of manufacturers to follow-though on those plans. Finally, the Food Safety Educators must communicate the results of this initiative, both to the federal government and to the dairy manufacturing industry.To be more specific, efforts to deliver science-based food safety knowledge to the dairy manufacturing industry will include the development of curriculum for regional seminars open to dairy manufacturers large and small, learning opportunities for artisans who will engage in on-site evaluations, and the ongoing distribution of information on FSMA elements to the industry via traditional media, email, and web resources.The effectiveness of the program will be monitored quarterly by stakeholders including the Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association, the Center for Dairy Research, and the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board. WCMA and CDR will develop an on-line survey tool for program clients to provide feedback and suggested improvements for the training and protocols provided by the food safety educator and feedback on the effectiveness of the educator and the on-site and follow-up aspects of the program. The initiative will also be evaluated based on the number of small dairy manufacturers who develop and implement food safety plans.

Progress 09/01/16 to 08/31/18

Target Audience:The Artisan Dairy Producer Food Safety Initiative cast a wide net with the goal of elevating FSMA understanding and compliance across the dairy processing industry in the target states of Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa. Specifically, the Initiative invited representatives of all of Wisconsin's cheese production facilities, as well as representatives from ice cream, butter, and other dairy processing entities, to participate in the program. The Initiative also identified several dairy processing facilities in Iowa and Minnesota, and invited their representatives to participate. A total of80 companies elected to participate in the Artisan Dairy Producer Food Safety, including: Agropur Ingredients Alpine Slicing and Cheese Conversion Arena Cheese Arla Foods Bifrost Farms Bletsoe Cheese Bleu Mont Dairy Brunkow Cheese Burnett Dairy Cooperative Caprine Supreme Caves of Faribault (Prairie Farms) Cedar Grove Cheeese Chula Vista Cheese (V&V Supremo) Clock Shadow Creamery Comstock Creamery (Ellsworth Cooperative Creamery) Cosmic Wheel Creamery Curran's Cheese Warehouse Door Artisan Cheese Company Dreamfarm Dupont Cheese Eau Galle Cheese Factory Edelweiss Creamery Ellsworth Cooperative Creamery Guardian Pest Solutions Gibbsville Cheese Gilman Cheese Happy Hollow Creamery Henning's Cheese Hidden Springs Creamery Hill Valley Cheese Hook's Cheese Kelley Country Creamery Kelly Supply Kickaas Cheese Klondike Cheese Company Laack Bros. Cheese LaClare Farms LaGrander's Hillside Dairy Landmark Creamery Lynn Dairy Maple Grove Cheese Maple Leaf Cheese Maple Leaf Cheese Store Marieke Gouda Mill Creek Cheese Misty Moraine Creamery Montchevre Nasonville Dairy Nelson-Jameson Noble View Cheese Company North Country Packaging North Hendren Co-op Creamery Oshkosh CheeseSales and Storage Pagel's Ponderosa Pine River Dairy Pine River Pre-Pack Polka Dot Dairy Purple Door Ice Cream Renard's Cheese Rockwell Automation Roelli Cheese Ron's Wisconsin Cheese Sassy Cow Creamery Schuman Cheese - Greenwood Packaging Schuman Cheese - Imperia Schuman Cheese - Lake Country Dairy Silver Lewis Cheese Springside Cheese Taylor Cheese Tea Rose Toggenburgs Thuli Family Creamery Union Star Corporation Uplands Cheese Wapsie Valley Creamery Whitehall Specialties Widmer's Cheese Cellars Winona Foods Wisconsin Aging and Grading Cheese W&W Dairy Zimmerman Cheese Changes/Problems:USDA-NIFA granted the Artisan Dairy Producer Food Safety Initiative a two-year timeframe, as opposed to the initially-proposed 12 month window. This extension has allowed the Initiative to reach more dairy processors and to make the most of grant funding allocated. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Initiative Food Safety Educators have referred artisan dairy processors to numerous food safety trainings. Educators also presented findings on FSMA challenges and opportunities to an audience of artisans at the 2018 International Cheese Technology Expo. As a result of the new partnerships and open lines of communication created via the Artisan Dairy Producer Food Safety Initiative, Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association, the Center for Dairy Research, and Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin have launched the Dairy Food Safety Alliance, a group - open to all - which will provide regular seminars on food safety topics and ongoing information about regulatory changes and food safety best practices How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?While participating producers received hard copies and/or flash drives with all pertinent results, the Artisan Dairy Producer Food Safety Initiative also has utilized industry publications, including Cheese Market News and Cheese Reporter, to share updates with dairy processors about the availability of free FSMA-compliant Standard Operating Procedure templates and Site Record templates on The Initiative also published summary finding in these industry publications. Results were also shared with industry stakeholders at the 2018 International Cheese Technology Expo. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? The Artisan Dairy Producer Food Safety Initiative has successfully aided dairy processors in their efforts to reach Food Safety Modernization Act compliance, providing regional workshops, written resources and food safety manuals, on-site assessments and ongoing consultations, and template FMSA-compliant Standard Operating Procedures and Site Records. A total of 80 companies received services via this program; far more than the 50 initially estimated. The Initiative's two Food Safety Educators provided on-site assessments, ongoing consultations, and on-call answers to representatives from 72 dairy processing facilities. During on-site visits, the educators toured facilities, noting specific areas in need of improvement, and developed or reviewed FSMA plans. During follow-up communications, the educators helped to ensure progress was made in the effort to reach full FSMA compliance. The Initiative's Food Safety Educators developed 24 Standards Operation Procedure templates and 26 Site Record templates to assist dairy processors with their planning to reach FSMA compliance, and those templates are available to all, free of charge courtesy USDA-NIFA, on and The Initiative's Food Safety Educators presented findings on the most common challenges and opportunities for artisan dairy producers to achieve FSMA compliance at the 2018 International Cheese Technology Expo, and again shared them via a published column in industry newspapers. As a result of the new partnerships and open lines of communication created via the Artisan Dairy Producer Food Safety Initiative, Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association, the Center for Dairy Research, and Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin have launched the Dairy Food Safety Alliance, a group - open to all - which will provide regular seminars on food safety topics and ongoing information about regulatory changes and food safety best practices.


  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation: "As FSMA Takes Full Effect, Partnership Opportunities Abound to Improve Food Safety Practices" - A column offered by Jim Mueller and Larry Bell of the Artisan Dairy Producer Food Safety Initiative, published in Cheese Market News and Cheese Reporter, available on

Progress 09/01/17 to 08/31/18

Target Audience:The Artisan Dairy Producer Food Safety Initiative's target audience of dairy product manufacturers and procesors, including makers of cheese, butter, yogurt, and ice cream in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa, has been successfully reached. A total of 72 dairy manufacturers and processors were assisted during this reporting period. Those companies which benefited from FSMA plan-building records and templates, instructional booklets, on-call assistance and/or on-site consultations from at least one of the Initiative's two Food Safety Educators include: 1. Agropur Ingredients 2. Alpine Slicing and Cheese Conversion 3. Arena Cheese 4. Arla Foods 5. Bifrost Farms 6. Bletsoe Cheese 7. Bleu Mont Dairy 8. Brunkow Cheese 9. Burnett Dairy Cooperative 10. Caprine Supreme 11. Caves of Faribault (Prairie Farms) 12. Cedar Grove Cheese 13. Chula Vista Cheese (V&V Supremo) 14. Clock Shadow Creamery 15. Comstock Creamery (Ellsworth Creamery Cooperative) 16. Cosmic Wheel Creamery 17. Curran's Cheese Warehouse 18. Door Artisan Cheese Company 19. Dreamfarm 20. Dupont Cheese 21. Eau Galle Cheese Factory 22. Edelweiss Creamery 23. Ellsworth Cooperative Creamery 24. Gibbsville Cheese 25. Gilman Cheese 26. Happy Hollow Creamery 27. Hastings Cooperative Creamery 28. Henning's Cheese 29. Hidden Springs Creamery 30. Hill Valley Dairy 31. Hook's Cheese 32. Kelly Country Creamery 33. Kickaas Cheese 34. Klondike Cheese Company 35. Laack Bros. Cheese 36. LaClare Farms 37. LaGrander's Hillside Dairy 38. Landmark Creamery 39. Lynn Dairy 40. Maple Grove Cheese 41. Maple Leaf Cheese 42. Marieke Gouda 43. Mill Creek Cheese 44. Misty Moraine Creamery 45. Montchevre 46. Nasonville Dairy 47. Noble View Cheese Company 48. North Country Packaging 49. North Hendren Co-op Creamery 50. Pagel's Ponderosa 51. Pine River Dairy 52. Pine River Pre-Pack 53. Polka Dot Dairy 54. Purple Door Ice Cream 55. Renard's Rosewood Dairy 56. Roelli Cheese 57. Ron's Wisconsin Cheese 58. Schuman Cheese - Greenwood 59. Schuman Cheese - Imperia 60. Schuman Cheese - Lake Country Dairy 61. Silver Lewis Cheese 62. Springside Cheese 63. Taylor Cheese 64. Tea Rose Toggenburgs 65. Union Star Corporation 66. Uplands Cheese 67. Wapsie Valley Creamery 68. Whitehall Specialties 69. Widmer's Cheese Cellars 70. Winona Foods 71. W&W Dairy 72. Zimmerman Cheese Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Initiative Food Safety Educators have referred artisan dairy processors and manufacturers to numerous food safety trainings. Educators also presented findings on FSMA challenges and opportunities to an audience of artisans at the International Cheese Technology Expo. As a result of the new partnerships and open lines of communication created via the Artisan Dairy Producer Food Safety Initiative, Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association, the Center for Dairy Research, and Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin have now launched the Dairy Food Safety Alliance, a group - open to all - which will provide regular seminars on food safety topics and ongoing information about regulatory changes and food safety best practices and resources. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The Artisan Dairy Producer Food Safety Initiative has utilized industry publications, including Cheese Market New and Cheese Reporter, to share updates to dairy manufacturers and processors about the availability of free FSMA-compliant Standard Operating Procedure and Site Record templates on The Initiative was also able to publish summary findings in these industry publications via a newsworthy column. Participating dairy producers were contacted in person, via telephone, and via email. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? In the past 12 months of project activity, the Artisan Dairy Producer Food Safety Initiative has successfully aided many participating dairy manufacturers and processors in reaching full FSMA compliance, and has provided FSMA-compliant Standard Operating Procedure and Site Records to all. During this period, a total of 72 companies continued to receive guidance from the Initiative's two Food Safety Educators via on-site visits, and on-call answers to FSMA-related questions. During on-site visits, the educators toured facilities, noting specific areas in need of improvement and developed or reviewed FSMA plans. The Initiative's Food Safety Educators presented findings on the most common challenges and opportunities for artisan dairy manufacturers and processors working to achieve FSMA compliance at the International Cheese Technology Expo, and again shared those findings via a published column in industry newspapers. As a result of the new partnerships and open lines of communication created via the Artisan Dairy Producer Food Safety Initiative, Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association, the Center for Dairy Research, and Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin have now launched the Dairy Food Safety Alliance, a group - open to all - which will provide regular seminars on food safety topics and ongoing information about regulatory changes and food safety best practices and resources.


  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation: As FSMA Takes Full Effect, Partnership Opportunities Abound to Improve Food Safety Practices A Column Offered by Jim Mueller and Larry Bell of the Artisan Dairy Producer Food Safety Initiative Published in Cheese Market News and Cheese Reporter, available on

Progress 09/01/16 to 08/31/17

Target Audience: The Artisan Dairy Producer Food Safety Initiative's target audience of dairy product manufacturers and processors, including makers of cheese, butter, yogurt, and ice cream in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa, has been successfully reached, with 80 companies participating over the past year. Those companies which have received FSMA plan-building records and templates, instructional booklets, and are receiving on-site consultations from at least one of the Initiative's two Food Safety Educators include: Alpine Slicing and Cheese Conversion (WI) Arena Cheese (WI) Arla Foods (WI) Bifrost Farms (WI) Bletsoe Cheese (WI) Bleu Mont Dairy (WI) Brunkow Cheese (WI) Burnett Dairy Cooperative (WI) Caprine Supreme (WI) Cedar Grove Cheese (WI) Chula Vista Cheese - V & V Supremo (WI) Clock Shadow Creamery (WI) Comstock Creamery/Ellsworth Cooperative (WI) Cosmic Wheel Creamery (WI) Curran's Cheese Warehouse (WI) Door Artisan Cheese Company (WI) Dreamfarm (WI) DuPont Cheese (WI) Edelweiss Creamery (WI) Eau Galle Cheese Factory (WI) Gibbsville Cheese (WI) Gilman Cheese (WI) Hill Valley Dairy (WI) Schuman Cheese - Greenwood Packaging (WI) Happy Hollow Creamery (WI) Henning's Cheese (WI) Hidden Springs Creamery (WI) Hook's Cheese (WI) Schuman Cheese - Imperia Foods (WI) Kelley Country Creamery (WI) Kickaas Cheese (WI) Klondike Cheese Company (WI) Laack Bros. Cheese (WI) LaClare Farms (WI) LaGrander's Hillside Dairy (WI) Landmark Creamery (WI) Maple Grove Cheese (WI) Maple Leaf Cheesemakers (WI) Marieke Gouda/Holland's Family Cheese (WI) Mill Creek Cheese (WI) Misty Moraine Creamery (WI) Montchevre-Betin (WI) Nasonville Dairy (WI) North Country Packaging (WI) North Hendren Co-op Creamery (WI) Pagel's Ponderosa (WI) Pine River Dairy (WI) Pine River Pre-Pack (WI) Purple Door Ice Cream (WI) Renard's Cheese (WI) Roelli Cheese Co. (WI) Ron's Cheese (WI) Sassy Cow Creamery (WI) Schuman Cheese - Lake Country Dairy (WI) Silver Lewis Cheese (WI) Springside Cheese (WI) Taylor Cheese (WI) Tea Rose Toggenburgs (WI) Thuli Family Creamery (WI) Union Star Corporation (WI) Uplands Cheese (WI) Wapsie Valley Creamery (IA) Whitehall Specialties (WI) Widmer's Cheese Cellars (WI) Winona Foods (WI) Wisconsin Aging & Grading (WI) W&W Dairy (WI) Zimmerman Cheese (WI) Additionally, the program has served the following companies which elected to participate only in FSMA training sessions held in February 2017: Agropur Ingredients (WI) Caves of Faribault (MN) Guardian Pest Solutions (WI) Hastings Cooperative Creamery (MN) Kelley Supply (WI) Lynn Dairy (WI) Maple Leaf Cheese Store (WI) Nelson-Jameson (WI) Noble View Cheese Company (WI) Oshkosh Cheese Sales and Storage (WI) Polka Dot Dairy (MN) Rockwell Automation (WI) These companies were also provided with FSMA training booklets and plan-building templates. Changes/Problems:USDA-NIFA granted the Artisan Dairy Producer Food Safety Initiative with a two-year timeframe, as opposed to the initially proposed 12 month window. This extension has allowed the Initiative to reach more dairy products processors and manufacturers, and to make the most of monies allocated to the program. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Regional training seminars in Green Bay, Eau Claire, Fond du Lac, and Spring Green provided the basic tenets of Food Safety Modernization Act compliance, emphasizing the needs for food safety plans, GMP reviews, hazards and hazard analysis, preventive controls, and records. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The Artisan Dairy Producer Food Safety Initiative has reached out to Wisconsin's 127 identified cheese plants, as well as ice cream, butter, and other dairy product manufacturers. The Initiative further reached out to other identified dairy manufacturing and processing plants in Iowa and Minnesota. These companies were alerted to the Food Safety Modernization Act deadlines, and invited to partake in free services provided by the Initiative, thanks to USDA-NIFA support. In most cases, processors and manufacturers were contacted via direct postal mail, while others were also reached via electronic mail and via notices in industry news publications. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Initiative project goals included the availability of FSMA-compliant food safety plan templates for the general public; these materials will be online before the next reporting period. Our Food Safety Educators will also work on broad communications, such as FAQ documents available online and columns for industry-specific publications. Finally, Food Safety Educators will continue to follow up on-site with dairy products processors and manufacturers in need of additional assistance, and will continue to be available to the industry for FSMA-related questions and concerns.

What was accomplished under these goals? In the past 12 months of project activity, the Artisan Dairy Producer Food Safety Initiative successfully reached out to Wisconsin's 127 identified cheese plants, as well as ice cream, butter, and other dairy products manufacturers. The Initiative further reached out to other identified dairy manufacturing and processing plants in Iowa and Minnesota. These companies were alerted to the Food Safety Modernization Act deadlines, and invited to partake in free services provided by the Initiative, thanks to USDA-NIFA support. In most cases, processors and manufacturers were contacted via direct postal mail, while others were also reached via electronic mail and via notices in industry news publications. Dairy products processors and manufacturers were invited first to complete a survey regarding their plants' operations, in order to participate in either one or both of the Initiative's two primary efforts: training seminars and on-site consultations. A total of 80 companies elected to participate in the Artisan Dairy Producer Food Safety Initiative in the past 12 months. While some companies participated only in the seminars and others participated only in assessments and on-site consultations, most took advantage of all services offered by the Initiative. A total of four regional training seminars were held across Wisconsin; locations included Green Bay, Eau Claire, Fond du Lac, and Spring Green. A fifth seminar, set to be held in Marshfield, was cancelled due to unsafe travel conditions related to winter weather. 123 individuals representing 69 companies participated in these seminars. 68 companies are participating in assessments and consultative services performed at their production locations. The Initiative's two Food Safety Educators have toured facilities, noting specific areas in need of improvement, and have helped processors and manufacturers update or, in some cases, draft initial food safety site plans that are FSMA compliant. All participating companies have been provided with the Initiative's 24 FSMA-compliant Standard Operating Procedure templates and 26 FSMA-compliant Site Record templates, either via a hard copy or via a flash drive. Companies participating in the Artisan Dairy Producer Food Safety Initiative have further benefitted from the on-call availability of the program's Food Safety Educators, who have fielded questions and concerns related to FSMA-compliance and who have also directed processors and manufacturers to additional training and certification opportunities.
