Source: MURRAY STATE UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2016
Project End Date
Dec 31, 2020
Grant Year
Project Director
Reed, D.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Hutson School of Agriculture
Non Technical Summary
The group of projects proposed by the Breathitt Veterinary Center center on four objectives set forth by the NALHN organization:Quality ManagementInformation TechnologyStaff TrainingNAHLN Sample handling and testingThe Quality Management component addresses proficiency testing (PT) performed by BVC technicians yearly. The BVC, as an AAVLD accredited laboratory must complete PT testing yearly, however the more important reason that PT testing is necessary is to assure the veterinarians who submit samples to us that techniciansfollow directions precisely, adhere to protocols of testing and that test results are repeatable. PT testing is not a luxury but a necessity for any laboratory reporting results that reflect the health status of animals that enter the food chain.The Information Technology component of this project is a critical part of the data reporting and data retention part of the BVC. By increasing the timeliness,efficiency and accuracy of data entry at the BVC, results reported to submittingveterinary clinics are also more accurate. Any steps that the BVC can take to speed data input at the laboratory level, increase accuracy in test reporting and speed the delivery of this data to the submitting veterinarian will increase the ability of the veterinarian to ensure the health of livestock and ultimately the consumer of agriculture goods.Training of BVC technicians and further education of BVC veterinarians is essential to the continuing success of the BVC. Learning new technology and new methods of testing are important to the continued success of the BVC and our mission.Cooperation between the BVC and other laboratories is facilitated by networking at association meetings.The purchase of a Mass Spectrometer will enhance the toxicology diagnostic abilities of the BVC. Mycotoxins and aflatoxin,poisonousto livestock, are two of many toxins produced by molds.These toxins can be difficult to identify in some situations and can affect livestock adversely when in feeds at levels of parts per billion.Withthe extended capabilites provided by the mass spec, BVC can more quickly and accurately identifyof the presence of these toxins in livestock feeds. Ionophores, compounds routinely fed to cows to safely improve feed efficiency and combat a parasite called coccidia, are highly toxic to equines. The mass spec will enable the BVC to identify the presence of ionophores in adulterated feed and expandthe number of pesticides and herbicides that the BVC toxicology section can identify.The entirety of the NAHLN funding project at the BVC is aimed at improving the ability of the laboratory to serve the agriculture community. Thespeed, precisionand accuracy of testing is critical to the diagnosis of disease and the protection of consumers and the agriculture community. The accuracy and promptreporting of test results to the submitting veterinarian is an essential component of the process as well. Without NAHLN support, financial administration of the Breathitt Veterinary Center would be more difficult and services would be less.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The goals of this project are to:Enhance the Quality Management System of the BVCProvide Staff Training for foreign and emerging animal diseasesImprove the Laboratory Information Management System (including NAHLN messaging)Enhance NAHLN sample testing capacities.Objectives for each goal are as followsQuality Management-Funds will be used to purchase reagents or tests for the following proficiency testing programs:Leptospirosis serologyBrucella serologyJohne's PCRClassic Swine Fever PCRFoot and Mouth Disease PCRAvian Influenza PCRStaff Training-NAHLN funds will be utilized for travel and associated costs of sending:Two faculty to the American Association of Avian Practitioners meetingOne technicianwill be attending Avian Influenza PCR trainingOne technician will be attending Mycoplasma test trainingInformation Technology (LIMS system)-Funds will be utilized for the purchase of:Five new computer work stationsUSALIMS upgradeData Transfer AutomationInstrument Interface for 5 unitsBar coding software and hardware for receiving20 hours training from CAI, producers of USALIMSNAHLN Sample handlingPurchase of Mass Spectrometry unit for Toxicology
Project Methods
1. Quality Management- Each Proficiency Test(PT) is evaluatedby the disseminating organization with test results reported back to the BVC. For instance, if NAHLN distributes the proficiency test, NAHLN officials then grade the PT and report results to the BVC. In many cases, the disseminating organization also reports on the results as a whole, discussing PT results and trends in the results from all laboratories who participated. This can be a very valuable learning tool for technicians or veterinarians in examining their PT results as compared to other labs' results. Should a technician not pass a PT, the testing protocol, reagents or testing kitswill be examined, then the technique of the technician will be examined to determine where the error exists. Changes will then be made to reconcile the inconsistencies in testing. Any testing results that have been reported within the timeframe of the problem protocol, reagent or kit will be retested and if incorrect results were reported, new results will be reported to the submitting veterinarian. Should the technician require retraining on proper protocol, this will occur as well. The evaluation of PT testing within the BVC will be based upon technicians passing PT testing that is required for their area.2. Staff Training- The efforts of staff training will be reflected in the PT testing (evaluation) of diseases for which technicians are trained. The efforts totrain BVC veterinarians in poultry disease will be reflected in the additional information brought back by the veterinarians to the BVC. The BVC plans to work with the University of Kentucky Veterinary Disease Diagnostic Lab and the Kentucky Poultry Federation to hosttraining meetings for local veterinarians on backyard poultry. Evaluation will be based upon the response of the local veterinarians to meetings in Hopkinsville and Lexington, Kentucky.3. LIMS System-The upgrades to the USALIMS system at the BVC, together with the proposed training regimen will be efforts to increase the accuracy, precision and timeliness of test results being returned to submitting veterinarians. Upgrades will decrease human error and reduce redundant data entryat the technician and clerical levels. Through data transfer automation, test results can be placed directly into the clinic records of the animal in question, further decreasing the human error component and increasing the speed of results arriving in the clinic. Many commercial veterinary diagnostic laboratories already have this capability. Instrument interfacingwill allow many more BVC testing machines to place data directly into the LIMS system, reducing technician time and the opportunity for human error. Bar coding capabilities will reduce the repetitive data entry necessary for many tasks and enable identification to be placed on each and every sample submitted to the BVC, not simply and ID on every case. Consultant training is an effort to better educate BVC staff about all the efficiencies put in place in the LIMS system to enhance speed and accuracy. New computer work stations for some staff will increase the speed of the software, increasing the efficiency. These effeciencies will be measured with the decrease in number of mistakes made by all staff performing data entry.4. NAHLN Sample Handling-The BVC project to purchase a new Mass spectrometry unit is an effort to expand toxocology services and identify a greater number of potential harmful agents for animals. The mass spec unit will speed the identification of mycotoxins and aflatoxins as well as provide the ability to identify ionophores and a greater number of pesticides and herbicides. The speedy identification of mycotoxins and aflatoxins in feeds can prevent the adulteration of food products for animal consumers. The success of this portion of the project will be evaluated by the measurement of turn around times for submitted samples.The speedy ability to identify the adulteration of feed with ionophores where they do not belong will also be of value to the equine business.

Progress 09/01/16 to 11/02/20

Target Audience:The target audience for this grant is NAHLN diseases of interest to USDA. The purchase of an Applied Biosystems 7500 real time PCR system is targeted towards testing and diagnosis of foreign animal diseases including but not limited to: ASF, AI, vNCD and CSF. This expands the capacity of BVC to diagnose these diseases and serves the NALHN and USDA. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Staff Training-NAHLN funds were utilized for travel and associated costs of sending: One faculty to the American Association of Avian Practitioners meeting One technicianattended Avian Influenza PCR training One technician attended Mycoplasma test training One technician attended Quality Auditor Training How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Technicians returned to Breathitt Veterinary Center and trained coworkers on new techniques and disseminated information obtained during training. Technicians also assisted Quality Manager in updating quality management documenttion. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Quality Management-Funds were used to purchase reagents or tests for the following proficiency testing programs: Leptospirosis serology Brucella serology Johne's PCR Classic Swine Fever PCR Foot and Mouth Disease PCR Avian Influenza PCR Information Technology (LIMS system)-Funds were utilized for the purchase of: Five new computer work stations USALIMS upgrade Data Transfer Automation Instrument Interface for 5 units 20 hours training from CAI, producers of USALIMS NAHLN Sample handling Purchase of Mass Spectrometry unit for Toxicology Purchase of Applied BIosystems 7500 real time PCR system with notebook computer


    Progress 09/01/16 to 08/31/20

    Target Audience:The target audience for this grant is NAHLN diseases of interest to USDA. The purchase of an Applied Biosystems 7500 real time PCR system is targeted towards testing and diagnosis of foreign animal diseases including but not limited to: ASF, AI, vNCD and CSF. This expands the capacity of BVC to diagnose these diseases and serves the NALHN and USDA. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Staff Training-NAHLN funds were utilized for travel and associated costs of sending: Two faculty to the American Association of Avian Practitioners meeting One technicianattended Avian Influenza PCR training One technician attended Mycoplasma test training One technician attended Quality Auditor Training How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Technicians returned to Breathitt Veterinary Center and trained coworkers on new techniques and disseminated information obtained during training. Technicians also assisted Quality Manager in updating quality management documenttion. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

    What was accomplished under these goals? Quality Management-Funds were used to purchase reagents or tests for the following proficiency testing programs: Leptospirosis serology Brucella serology Johne's PCR Classic Swine Fever PCR Foot and Mouth Disease PCR Avian Influenza PCR Information Technology (LIMS system)-Funds were utilized for the purchase of: Five new computer work stations USALIMS upgrade Data Transfer Automation Instrument Interface for 5 units Bar coding software and hardware for receiving 20 hours training from CAI, producers of USALIMS NAHLN Sample handling Purchase of Mass Spectrometry unit for Toxicology Purchase of Applied BIosystems 7500 real time PCR system with notebook computer


      Progress 09/01/16 to 08/31/19

      Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Staff Training-NAHLN funds were utilized for travel and associated costs of sending: Two faculty to the American Association of Avian Practitioners meeting One technicianattended Avian Influenza PCR training One technician attended Mycoplasma test training How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

      What was accomplished under these goals? Quality Management-Funds were used to purchase reagents or tests for the following proficiency testing programs: Leptospirosis serology Brucella serology Johne's PCR Classic Swine Fever PCR Foot and Mouth Disease PCR Avian Influenza PCR Information Technology (LIMS system)-Funds were utilized for the purchase of: Five new computer work stations USALIMS upgrade Data Transfer Automation Instrument Interface for 5 units Bar coding software and hardware for receiving 20 hours training from CAI, producers of USALIMS NAHLN Sample handling Purchase of Mass Spectrometry unit for Toxicology


        Progress 09/01/17 to 08/31/18

        Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Staff attended the American Association of Avian Practitioners meeting; technicians attended Avian Influenza PCR training and Mycoplasma training. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Continue to push forward in purchasing bar coding equpiment. Send technicians and faculty to continuing education and networking opportunities.

        What was accomplished under these goals? Mass Spectrometry unit was purchased for use by Toxicology. Proficiency testing was completed for Leptospirosis, Brucella, Johne's, CSF, FMD, and Avian INfluenza. Staff attended the American Association of Avian Practitioners meeting; technicians attended Avian Influenza PCR training and Mycoplasma training. Computer workstations were purchased, and a USALIMS upgrade was completed.


          Progress 09/01/16 to 08/31/17

          Target Audience:The ultimate target audience for all of the project is animal owners whose veterinarians submit samples to the BVC for testing. The protection of agricultural products is a critical portion of the BVC mission. Companion animal owners alsw deserve the bery best in testing as well. The BVC strives to report accurate and timely test results to submitting veterinarians. Funds from this project will enhance the accuracy and timeliness of: 1) Quality Management- The target audience for funding will be BVC technicians 2) Staff Training- The target audience for funding wil be BVC veterinarians and technicians 3) LIMS System-The target audience will be BVC veterinarians and technicians 4) NAHLN sample handling- The target audience will be veterinarians submitting feed samples to test for mycotoxins and aflatoxins Changes/Problems:We have moved into a new facility and the move, coupled with attendant issued with a new facility have delayed some purchases that were planned. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Faculty and staff attended: 1) American Association of Avian Pathologists 2)Avian Influenza PCR training 3)Mycoplasma training How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Purchase of toxicology equipment Purchase of bar coding equipment purchase of additional interfaces

          What was accomplished under these goals? 1.) Quality Management- funds were expended to purchase reagents or tests for the following proficiency testing programs: Leptospirosis, and brucella serology, Johne's, CSF, FMDV and AI PCR 2) Staff Training: NAHLN funds used to send technicians/staff to AAAP, AI PCR training and Mycoplasma training 3)Information technology: 5 new computer workstations, USALIMS upgrade, training from CAI for USALIMS
