Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2016
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2021
Grant Year
Program Code
[8.5]- Food Science & Nutrition
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Strawberries are the 2nd largest non-citrus fruit crop in the U.S., trailing grapes and surpassing apples (USDA 2012). With strawberries harvested for processing (as a value-added food ingredient), the calyx (the stem cap with green crown leaves) must be removed to avoid having inedible leaves in the food product. The current in-field labor intensive de-capping processUsing cutting tools risks finger laceration and food cross-contamination. The current defect sorting practice is labor intensive and prone to errors and human fatigue.The overall goal of this research is to revolutionize strawberry processing practices by moving the calyx removal process from the field to the processing plant and automating the defect sorting process. This change will be accomplished by developing an automated, imaging-guided calyx cutting and defect detection technology featuring bladeless high-pressure thin water knives. With proven concepts and feasibility from Phase I, the Phase II research will lead to the development of a fully-automated prototype system.This research will lead to a new technology that will revolutionize the strawberry processing industry by huge savings in field labor, while enhancing the quality for value-added products, and worker/food safety.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Strawberries are the 2nd largest non-citrus fruit crop in the U.S, trailing grapes (USDA 2015). With strawberries harvested for processing as a value-added food ingredient, the calyx (the stem cap with the green crown leaves) must be removed to avoid having inedible leaves in the food product. The current in-field labor intensive de-capping process using cutting tools risks finger laceration and food cross-contamination. The current defect sorting process is labor intensive and prone to errors and human fatigue.Through Phase I study, we have developed a new technology that uses an automated, optical-guided calyx cutting technology featuring a bladeless high-pressure water knife. Phase I research demonstrated the feasibility of an automated optical-guided calyx and defect removal system, andsuccessfully met and exceeded its objectives.With proven concepts from Phase I, Phase II will lead to development of a fully-automated prototype.Our objectives for Phase II are: (1) to develop and implement a user-friendly wash-down capable prototype embedded with hardware electronics, algorithms, and software designed to operate in a strawberry processing plant, (2) to improve cutting performance moving prototype closer to a production model while testing reliability, robustness, stress tolerance, durability, safety, etc.; (3) to develop and further improve strawberry calyx cutting accuracy and defect detection/separation to meet growers practical needs.
Project Methods
Methods: **** Proprietary and confidential information ****An overview of the proposed strawberry processing machine is shown the following steps (unable to load figure drawing herein).With the help of machine vision and high precision waterjets (housed inside the enclosure), the system automatically removes calyxes from strawberries and eliminates defects from the product stream.The proposed system operation steps are:1. Loading and Material Handling. Strawberries from the fields will be loaded from the water tank (as is the current practice in the strawberry processing industry) and a customized feeder onto the special strawberry roller conveyor. This customized special strawberry roller conveyor rotates, orientates, and singulates strawberries into multiple lanes.2. Scanning. When the rotating fruit enters the machine vision section, two industrial imaging cameras take continuous images of the fruit surface, identify the calyx location, and detect any defects. By the time the strawberries exit the viewing areas, multiple views of all calyxes will have been taken, and all calyxes and/or defects will have been identified and precisely located. The system no longer needs rotation after this point, and all strawberries remain in their stationary lateral locations as they move to the calyx removal section (see Fig. 15 for details). For dynamic synchronization, a conveyor shaft encoder tracks objects in motion precisely, regardless of speed. Therefore, the computer registers the precise position of strawberries and calyxes (e.g. 1mm or better resolution) in coordinates synchronized with conveyor motion.3. Cutting. While there are several calyx removal mechanisms and options, we have used non-metal or blade-free waterjet knifes. To achieve high throughput, multiple high precision blade-free waterjets retrieve the coordinates from the vision system and remove calyxes from wholesome strawberries in parallel. After the calyx removal, the caps fall through the gaps of the roller conveyor.4. Discharging and Output. The strawberry with defects will skip the calyx removal process and be ejected to a separate belt. The calyx-free and wholesome strawberries will be rinsed with ozone water (FDA approved, industry standard practice) and individually frozen in subsequent sections.Ultimately through this machine, the strawberries are loaded, oriented, and scanned automatically. The ones with defects are rejected, while the calyxes of the wholesome strawberries are cut by high precision waterjets.Research and development will be conducted to obtain the needed parameters on samples, material handling mechanisms, spectral imaging, defects, waterjet cutting, and synchronization electro-mechanical control schemes, food safety sanitation, OSHA safety, and other data toward a fully automated prototype in Phase II.

Progress 09/01/16 to 08/31/21

Target Audience:During the project development, we have reached california strawberry industries, growers, strawberry processors, and attending meetings and discussions in scientific communites. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?We have presented the technology to the variety of the audients, disseminated the work and reportedto the strawberry and food industry and scientific community and extensions. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? In summary, with our vigorous efforts, the project has achieved all the goals for an industrially viable automated system. All laboratory system tests, including algorithms, electronics, mechanical arms, waterjet arms, and motor controls, are completed . The engineering and manufacturing of the new prototype machine for the in-field testing are in progress. However, due to the covid19 pandemic shutdown, the manufacturing work had been halted. The process of constructing the new design of the system was stopped as a result. As a result, our system is still in the construction phase as of now. Except for the mechanical manufacturing work of the new prototype II machine, all other works have been accomplished: 1) Deep learning algorithms on calyx cutting and control system have been developed in its effectiveness and accuracy; 2) We have implemented smart waterjet cutting through a 128-point digital curved cutting which enables the cutting of strawberries in various orientations. 3) The system can handle more cases of strawberries that were rejected by previous designs and instances of unripe strawberries, berries with dirt, and green apex. 4) The lab test results showed around 92%-95% total accuracy of various situations. 5) Redesigned the mechanical motor control to improve the point-to-point movement time lag and improve the whole system processing speed ready for large throughput processing. We will continue to bring the project to complete fruition to ensure the system's reliability and durability in the field environments required by the strawberry processing industry. Our success will enhance the industry's ability to deliver quality, safe, and cost-effective fruit products to American consumers.


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Wang, Dongyi, Robert Vinson, Maxwell Holmes, Gary Seibel, Xuemei Cheng, and Yang Tao. 2019. Vision Intelligence guided strawberry decalyx machineautomatic vision-guided intelligent decalyxing network (AVIDnet). In 2019 ASABE Annual International Meeting, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2019. Paper number: 1901905.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Tao, Y. and D. Wang. 2020. Recent Advances of Artificial Intelligence Applications in Food. IUFoST Scientific Information Bulletins (SIB), 2020(9).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Tao, Y. 2019. Application of AI in food processing  Machine Intelligence Embedded in Food Processing Automation Systems. IFT: Leveraging Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Ushering Innovations from Farm to Fork". IFT Annual Conference, New Orleans, June 2-4, 2019.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Tao, Y. 2019. Machine Vision Guided Food Manufacturing. IFT Advanced Food Manufacturing Program. USDA NIFA PI Annual Report Meeting (invited). June 2, 2019. New Orleans.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation: Holmes, M. R. Vinson, D. Wang, Y. Tao, G. Seibel. 2018. Food Process Automations for Increase Food System Sustainability. Global Health Poster. College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Poster Presentation. College Park Student Union.

Progress 09/01/19 to 08/31/20

Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?1. Waiting for the new machine construction frame to be ready. 2. To assemble the new machine construction frame and test the new generation machine's performance on accuracy, speedand throughput with labortory samples. 2. Try to conduct a field trip test on the new machine in the coming spring and summer season.

What was accomplished under these goals? We are waiting for the new manufacturing framework of the machine to start engineering process of putting everything together and it requires time. We have ordered all the parts that needed for manufactoring the new machine. We had done all the laboratory system tests, including algorithm, electronics, mechanical arms, waterjet arms and motor controls during the past years and are in the progress of engineering and manufacturing the new prototype machine for the in-field testing in California. However, due to the covid19 pandemic shutdown, the manufacturing work that carried out in a industrial enviroment in Pensilvinia had been halted. The process of constructing the new design of the system was stopped as a result. Our system is still in the construction phase as of now. However, the peak strawberry harvesting window for 2020 field testing was missed as well because of the pandemic shutdown. As a result, we could finish what we planed to achieve during this year. Despite of the mechanic manufacturing work of the new prototype machine, all other works were ready: 1) deep learning imaging algorithm on calyx cutting and control system has developed in its effectiveness and accuracy; 2) We have implemented smart waterjet cutting through a 128-point digital curved cutting which enables the cutting of strawberries in various orientations. 3) The system can handle more cases of strawberries which were rejecting by previous design, and instances of unripe strawberries, berries with dirt and green apex. 4) The lab test results showed around 92%-95% total accuracy of various situations. 5) redesigned the mechanical motor control to improve the point-to-point movement time lag and improve the whole system processing speed ready for large throughput processing. We are waiting for the new manufacturing framework of the machine to start engineering process of putting everything together and it requires time. We filed a US utility patent for the machine in 2020. We plan to bring the machine in-field testing in the strawberry industry in California in 2021.


    Progress 09/01/18 to 08/31/19

    Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?1. To assemble the new machine construction frame and test the new generation machine's performance on accuracy, speed and throughput with labortory samples. 2. Try to conduct a field trip test on the new machine.

    What was accomplished under these goals? Methods and algorithms were developed to enable and advance machine intelligence in the new prototype systems. Large sample tests were conducted in the industrial operating environment and received expected results and high throughput. Dramatic performance improvement was achieved in lab tests, by implementing data-driven deep neural networks and applying the models to online strawberry orientation detection (94.5% Rejection decision sensitivity), overall 91.8% of accurate cutting rate, and by successful design of the motor control system that led to high resolution movement control of waterjets. We have implemented smart waterjet cutting through a 128-point digital curved cutting which enables the cutting of strawberries in various orientations. The system now can handle more cases of strawberries which were rejecting by previous design, and also instances of unripe strawberries, berries with dirt and green apex. The lab test results showed around 92% total accuracy of various situations. The overall dimensions of the machine were changed to more flexible sizes in order to adapt to various customer requirements.


    • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2019 Citation: Vision Intelligence guided strawberry decalyx machine-automatic vision-guided intelligent decalyxing network(AVIDnet), D. Wang, R.Vision, M.Holmes, G.Seibel, X.Cheng, Y.Tao., Paper presented at the 2019 ASABE Annual International Meeting, ASABE paper number:1901905

    Progress 09/01/17 to 08/31/18

    Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The new 2nd generation prototype system is arranged to field test and training of how to use of the machine in Califorinia strawberry growers around early spring 2019. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?1. need a new mechanic model of the frame-structure design to make the overall dimensions of the machine be changed to more flexible sizes in order to adapt to various customer requirements. 2.Re-design and change the new motor control and communication protocol. 3. Further effort on improving the neural network design and the cutting algorithm performance

    What was accomplished under these goals? In the 2nd year of the project,extensive research, design and experiments have been conducted toward the designing and training the neural networks and deploying the trained models to an online cutting algorithm. Based on the testing data collected during the first year of the Phase II project, a large volume of data analysis was conducted. More than 350,000 sample images were processed and analyzed offline, and 540,000 ground truth images were generated and utilized for training by the deep learning algorithms, to 1) classify the strawberries as cutable or non-cutable based on orientations and to 2) optimize curved cutting guideline positions for cutable strawberries. a new prototype structure was designed and tested on this new neural network based algorithm on samples. This 2nd generation prototype was designed to overcome the drawbacks of the 1st generation prototype as discovered in the field tests earlier. Dramatic performance improvement was achieved in lab tests, by implementing data-driven deep neural networks and applying the models to online strawberry orientation detection (94.1% of not cuttable accuracy rate), curved cutting (98% of accurate cutting rate), and by successful design of the electronic control system that led to high resolution movement control of waterjets.


      Progress 09/01/16 to 08/31/17

      Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?With our strong efforts, the project has gone very well toward its goal during the 1st year. In the 2nd year, we will make continued effort on algorithm development for improved machine intelligence for guiding the waterjet cutting, the online strawberry orientation detection, flexible tilted cutting, data-driven deep neural network implementation, and defect detection via combined NIR/VIS imaging. In hardware, we will add to the control mechanisms to improve the system capability of non-ideally oriented strawberries. We will conduct tests to examine the effectiveness of the neural network VGGNet, and investigate an efficient detection and sorting method, which will be suitable to be used in high speed processing environment.

      What was accomplished under these goals? 1) an initial prototype unit with user interface has been developed and tested. The prototype consists of subsystems of hardware control electronics, calyxes cutting line detection algorithm, high-pressure water cutting system, residual rejection system and controls. The machine was designed to adaptive to wash-down capabilities to meet the industrial operation requirements. In-plant tests were conducted in the previous fall season and the results have been further studied and analyzed for the system development. 2) a multi-dimensional dynamic cutting strategy has been explored and experimented to improve the cut robustness. Preliminary algorithms designed to guide the cutting and the post-cutting residue detection algorithms have been designed and analyzed. The algorithms were tested on large samples collected from the in-plant test for analysis. 3) large test samples and image processing results have been statistical analyzed. A deep-learning neural network module was designed to be trained by the samples. This neural network structure is designed to perform the defect detection and sorting. Additionally, the neural network is ready to be trained for strawberry orientation detection to improve the cutting decision, thereby improve the cutting effectiveness. A detailed technical progress report that contains proprietary and confidential information is submitted to the national program leader.
