Source: MICHIGAN STATE UNIV submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2016
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2021
Grant Year
Program Code
[SCRI]- Specialty Crop Research Initiative
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Our Standard Research and Extension Project addresses 3/5 of the mandated SCRI focus areas with a majority emphasis on: new innovations and technology, including improved mechanization and technologies that delay or inhibit ripening and efforts to improve production efficiency, handling and processing, productivity, and profitability over the long term. The multi-region project has a national scope completing the development and delivery of Solid Set Canopy Delivery Systems (SSCDS) for high-density tree fruit production and evaluate SSCDS spray coverage for additional perennial fruit crops. SSCDS consist of a network of microsprayers positioned in the tree canopy/trellis and connected to a pumping/mixing station. SSCDS application virtually eliminates applicator exposure common to tractor-based sprayers, while increasing farmers' ability to apply sprays during critical weather periods. SSCDS would make frequent applications at low rates possible for modern agricultural chemicals, including nutrients and reduced-risk pesticides, to improve efficacy of "soft impact" IPM programs and reduce soil fertilizer levels. SSCDS will help ensure that US growers remain competitive in an increasingly globalized marketplace. The specific objectives for this proposal are: 1) Optimize SSCDS technologies for modern orchard architectures for improved spray material application efficacy; 2) Determine and test SSCDS applications for standard and novel fruit production operations; 3) Determine the economic benefits and costs associated with SSCDS and identify non-economic barriers to grower adoption of SSCDS; and 4) Develop and deliver extension and outreach activities and materials --including field scale and on-farm demonstrations-- to increase producer knowledge and adoption of SSCDS technologies.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The goal of our three year Standard Research and Extension Project (SREP) is to refine and deliver Solid Set Canopy Delivery Systems (SSCDS) to U.S. perennial fruit growers --helping them remain competitive in an increasingly demanding, globalized marketplace. SSCDS can reduce the energy and labor inputs for foliar applications by eliminating tractors and drivers. SSCDS technology can also improve growers' ability to utilize more selective, reduced risk pesticides and horticultural inputs, while reducing spray drift and providing new strategies for orchard microclimate manipulation, which protects against a rapidly changing weather patterns.
Project Methods
Objective 1. Optimize SSCDS... (Lead PIs --Brereton, Khot, Zhu Collaborators, Nye, Ledebuhr) SSCDS are integrated systems that consist of an applicator cart and a distributed delivery system. The previous project focused on the development of prototype SSCDS to provide proof of concept of this technology. While we achieved these aims we also identified a suite of interrelated engineering problems that need to be addressed to make SSCDS commercializable. The key challenges identified in our previous project include: development of optimized microsprayers, reducing the need for excess agrichemical to fill the delivery lines, advancing system design to eliminate microsprayer and line plugging, automated control and fault detection systems, and determination of the factors contributing to maximum SSCDS set size.Our project Engineering Team includes researchers from WSU Center for Precision and Automated Agricultural Systems (CPAAS), MSU, Trickl-eez Irrigation and Application Insight. The engineering team will develop optimized SSCDS for high-density fruit plantings that maximize efficacy, affordability, durability, functionality, ease of operation, and scalability. The engineering activities will include three sub-objectives: 1.1 Optimize microsprayer design (Brereton, Khot, Ledebuhr); 1.2 Reduce agrichemical waste or overflow and improved system cleaning (Brereton; Ledebuhr; Nye), 1.3 development of improved control systems including automated fault detection systems (Zhu), and 1.4 identification of engineering factors limiting SSCDS maximum set size (Khot, Ledebuhr, Nye). Figure 7 provides a schematic view of the SSCDS components each of these sub-objectives relate to.Objective 2. Determine and test SSCDS applications... (Lead PI --Grieshop, Collaborators: MSU-Wise WSU-Khot, Hoheisel) Our project field research/plant science team includes researchers from WSU Center for Precision and Automated Agricultural Systems (CPAAS), MSU and Trickl-eez Irrigation. The field research team will provide field validation of Objective 1 outputs and establish field demonstration sites in both project states. Project personnel will develop test installations and test their efficacy using a combination of fruit quality, spray card depostion and tracer dyes. The three subobjectives for Objective 2 are: 2.1 Validate orchard scale SSCDS (Grieshop, Khot, Wise); 2.2 Evaluation of SSCDS coverage in additional perennial crops (Grieshop, Khot, Wise) and 2.3 Demonstrate SSCDS use for microclimate modification (Flore, Grieshop).Objective 3: Determine the economic benefits and costs associated with SSCDS... (Lead PI-Miller). This objective will pick up where the original economic evaluation of the SSCDS project ended. In the previous effort, a thorough accounting of investment and operating expenditures were compared to a set of baseline operational budgets for Michigan and Washington orchards, and showed that the installation and operation of a SSCDS is competitive to conventional, tractor-pulled airblast sprayer practices. In the current project we will collect additional economic data as well as build this data inot a spreadsheet that will help adopted growers understand the potential costs and benefits associated with SSCDS adoption. This objective will be carried out in two subobjectives: 3.1 Develop an economic model for SSCDS and 3.2 Develop a cost estimation spreadsheet to aid in grower design of SSCDS (PI: Miller)Objective 4: Develop and deliver extension... (Leads- Grieshop, Hoheisel, Collaborators: all personnel). A considerable amount knowledge has been discovered during the initial development of prototype SSCDS. The previous project, however, lacked an extensive extension program due to its two year timeline. This project will extend both previously developed SSCDS findings as well as the findings from objectives 1-3. Our extension team has personnel in both MI and WA and will have additional support from the Project Manager who will serve as the outreach coordinator. The Extension team will be the major communications conduit to stakeholders and develop extension materials including field days, presentations, bulletins, regular reports/newsletters, trade publications and webinars.

Progress 09/01/16 to 08/31/21

Target Audience:Fellow agricultural scientists Extension Educators Farmers Agricultural Industry Representatives Changes/Problems:The ongoing COVID pandemic caused signficant delays in some activities due to public safety regulations and supply chain disruption. We were unable to host field days for the last two years of the project and the majority of presentations over this time were made virtually. Our team overcame these challenges and maintained a high level of productivity. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Our project has provided training opportunities for four PhD students, one M.S. student, one research technician and 5 undergraduate employees. They have been trained in the evaluation of spray coverage and deposition, fluid dynamics, pest scouting and damage evaluation, certified aerial drone operation, CAD, 3D printing, and computer programming. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?We have made presentations/posters at national and regional scientific and extension meetings (>20 over the project timeperiod) and maintained a project webpage at We have been working with potential commercialization partners; Netafim, Jain Irrigation and Rivulus and have developed 2 patents from our work that should support these efforts. We have completed a rough draft of an SSCDS "design" book that will provide growers and technical experts with a guide that provdies an overview of the benefits and limitations of SSCDS and describes fabrication of state of the art systems. It includes numerous figures, diagrams, economic data and a glossary of terms. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? IMPACTS STATEMENT: The impacts of our project have been changes in knowledge around Solid Set Canopy Delivery Systems. KNOWLEDGE IMPACT 1: We have demonstrated that SSCDS systems greatly reduce off target drift compared to radial airblast sprayers in both vineyard and apple systems. KNOWLEDGE IMPACT 2: We have demonstrated that SSCDS can provide adequate pest management compared to radial airblast sprayers in high density apple systems but that this depends on adapting microsprayer placement to specific canopy structure. KNOWLEDGE IMPACT 3: We have developed optimized, low cost microsprayers based on readily available irrigation technology. 4: We have determined that continuous loop SSCDS systems are likely best suited to small plantings and that larger SSCDS emplacements will require more advanced, segmented plumbing systems. KNOWLEDGE IMPACT 5: We have developed two proof of concept solutions for segmented SSCDS systems. KNOWLEDGE IMPACT 6: We have demonstrated the use of thermal imagery for detecting faults in spray systems. KNOWLEDGE IMPACT 7: We have developed an economic model that identifies that SSCDS systems will need economy of scale to become price competative with tractor-based sprayers. KNOWLEDGE IMPACT 8: We have increased awareness of the advantages of fixed spray application systems for perennial crops in both growers and spray technologist communities, including manufacturers of micro irrigation equipment. SUMMARY OF ACTIVIES: 2021 (final project year) project progress centered focused on the 2nd year of large scale on farm evaluation of the WSU reservoir/canister based SSCDS system. The major knowledge gains were: 1) season long proof of concept data for the WSU canister based system 2) Farm scale evaluation of an improved canister based SSCDS plumbing system with wireless electro-mechanical valving; 3) submission of two patent applications 4) Delivery of sprayer optimization and technology programming to WA and MI growers and completion of a rough draft of an SSCDS "guidebook" for growers and technical experts. OBJECTIVE 1: Optimize SSCDS technologies 1A) further evaluation of new microemitter placement under field conditions, 1B) season-long evaluation of a new SSCDS plumbing system and further development of a second. 1A) MICROEMITTER PLACEMENT EVALUATION Project team member Lav Khot and his team at WSU demonstrated that canopy coverage consistency could be improved for apple cultivars with dense canopies by positioning microemitters on a 40 cm long horizontal support positioned perpendicularly to the trellis system, raising average leaf coverage above a 10% threshold in all parts of the canopy. 1B) PLUMBING: Lav Khot (WSU team lead) continued evaluation of a 3-tier SSCDS configuration canister-based system and tested it on a collaborating private orchard in WA. They compared pest management results collected in the field as well as used semi field laboratory methods to evaluated insect control between their system and an airblast control. Both SSCDS and airblast systems provided equivalent pest management as measure in the field (<1% insect damage) as well as in semi field lab bioassays conducted for codling moth and oblique banded leaf roller (100% mortality under both conditions). The WSU team evaluated canister "volumes" in order to optimize system cost -900ml provided optimal performance, as indicated by consistency in spray coverage, followed by 450ml and 1200ml. The WSU team filed a patent on the cannister based system and is seeking additional funds to pursue commercialization. Mark Ledebuhr (project consultant) and Matt Grieshop (MSU team lead), have secured additional MSU funding and have an pending USDA SBIR phase 1 proposal to pursue commercialization of a "cannisterless" prototype SSCDS reservoir type. The project team is in contact with members of Jain Irrigation, Netafim and Rivulus to discuss commercialization potential. This effort has been aided via the development of the two patents. OBJECTIVE 2. Determine and test SSCDS applications for standard and novel fruit production operations This objective consisted of the following activities: Jim Flore and Brent Crain (MSU team members) developed an updated theoretical model to improve water use in SSCDS canopy cooling applications. They are pursuing funding to validate the model. OBJECTIVE 3. Determine the economic benefits and costs associated with SSCDS... Project Economist Steve Miller refined spreadsheets that provide cost estimates for both the MSU (direct injection) and WSU (Canister based) systems. For a continuous system the establishment cost estimate for within orchard components is $8,948 per acre, based on the materials used in the most recent (2020) large scale MSU emplacement and assuming a 10 acre installation. The overall per acre cost for the canister-based system is expected to be higher, but cannot be accurately calculated as it relies heavily on custom manufactured components that are not yet commercially available. Applicator carts were calculated to cost $3,760 in materials. Commercialized costs are expected to be much lower, especially as the size of installations increases from 10 acres. OBJECTIVE 4: Develop and deliver extension and outreach activities and materials...MSU and WSU teams developed extension and professional presentations and maintained the project webpage( Professional talks and posters were delivered at the 2021 ASABE annual meeting. Extension talks and posters were presented at regional extension shows and in trade journals. A rough draft for a SSCDS guidebook has been completed and is undergoing internal revisions. This guidebook will be made available through MSU and WSU extension services, electronically and provides detailed information on SSCDS applications, proof of concept, limitations, and detailed schematics for the construction of "state of the art SSCDS" systems including the WSU canister-based system. Due to the COVID pandemic the project team was unable to host field days in 2020 or 2021.


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Sahni, R.K*., Ranjan, R., Khot, L.R., Hoheisel, G.A. and Grieshop, M.J. (July 1216, 2021). Reservoir size and functionality optimization for efficient spray applications in modern apple orchard using pneumatic spray delivery based fixed spray system. Paper Presented at 2021 Annual International Meeting of American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (Virtual presentation).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Sahni, R.K*., Ranjan, R., Khot, L.R., Hoheisel, G.A. and Grieshop, M.J. (July 2630, 2021). Fixed spray delivery systems for efficient crop input applications in deciduous crops. Paper Presented at XII International Symposium on Integrating Canopy, Rootstock and Environmental Physiology in Orchard Systems (Virtual presentation).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: 8. Grieshop M.J., Ledebuhr M. and Koonter, K. (July 15, 2020) Season long evaluation of two types of solid set canopy delivery systems in high density apples. Paper presented at: 2020 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual Virtual Meeting. (July 12-15, 2020)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Ledebuhr M., Grieshop M.J., and Johnson, C. (July 15, 2020) A solid set canopy deposition system innovation to eliminate recirculating flows while maintaining uniform application rates. Paper presented at: 2020 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual Virtual Meeting. (July 12-15, 2020)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Ranjan, R., Sinha, R, Khot, L., Hoheisel, G, Grieshop M.J., and Mark Ledebuhr (July 15, 2020) Effect of emitter modifications on spraying attributes of a pneumatic delivery based solid set canopy delivery system configured for high-density apple orchard. Paper presented at: 2020 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual Virtual Meeting. (July 12-15, 2020)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Savage, B., Koonter, K., and Grieshop, M.J. (November 19, 2019) Exploring optimal microsprayer placement in a solid set canopy delivery system for high density apples. Poster presented at: 2019 Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. St. Louis, MO. ((Novermber 17-20, 2019)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Sinha, R., Khot, L., Hoheisel, G, Ranjan, R. and Grieshop M.J. (July 10, 2019) On and off-target spray deposition from a solid set canopy delivery system and an axial-fan airblast sprayer tested for vineyard spray applications. Paper presented at: 2019 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual Meeting. Boston MA (July 7-10, 2019)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Grieshop, M. J., M. Ledebuhr, K. Koonter, B. Savage, and L. Khot (July 18, 2019) Off-target deposition of a Solid Set Canopy Delivery System in high density apples, Paper Presented at: 15th Workshop on Spray Application and Precision Technology in Fruit, East Malling UK (July 16-18, 2019).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Sinha, R., R. Ranjan, L. R. Khot, G.-A. Hoheisel, and M. Grieshop. (July 18, 2019) SOLID SET CANOPY DELIVERY SYSTEM for modified vertical shoot position trained vineyards, Paper Presented at: 15th Workshop on Spray Application and Precision Technology in Fruit, East Malling UK (July 16-18, 2019).
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Ranjan, R., Sinha, R., Khot, L. R., Hoheisel, G. A., Grieshop, M., & Ledebuhr, M. (2021). Spatial Distribution of Spray from a Solid Set Canopy Delivery System in a High-Density Apple Orchard Retrofitted with Modified Emitters. Applied Sciences, 11(2), 709.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Awaiting Publication Year Published: 2021 Citation: Sinha, R., Khot, L., Hoheisel, G., & Grieshop, M. (2021). Field Performance of a Solid Set Canopy Delivery System Configured for HighDensity Tall Spindle Architecture Trained Apple Canopies. Transactions of the ASABE (in press). doi: 10.13031/trans.13199
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Sinha, R., Khot, L., Hoheisel, G, Ranjan, R. and Grieshop M.J. (July 10, 2019) Design modifications to an automated solid set canopy delivery system (SSCDS) for scale-up and improved uniformity. Paper presented at: 2019 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual Meeting. Boston MA (July 7-10, 2019)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Sinha, R., Khot, L., Hoheisel, G, and Grieshop M.J. (July 10, 2019) Effect of emitter modifications on spraying attributes of a solid set canopy delivery system (SSCDS) configured for a high-density apple orchard. Paper presented at: 2019 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual Meeting. Boston MA (July 7-10, 2019
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation: Grieshop, M., Koonter K., Savage, B. and Ledebuhr, M. (November 13, 2018) (November 11-14, 2018). Characterization of Off Target Spray Drift from a Solid Set Canopy Delivery System (SSCDS). Poster presented at: 2018 Entomological Society of America, Entomological Society of Canada and Entomological Society of British Columbia Joint Annual Meeting. Vancouver, BC, Canada (November 11-14, 2018).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation: Sinha, R., Bahol, H., Hoheisel, G.A., Grieshop, M.J., Khot, L. (August 1, 2018) Spray Drift Potential Assessment of Solid Set Canopy Delivery System Configurations in Washington Apple Orchards and Vineyards. Paper presented at: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual Meeting. Detroit, MI (July 29-August 1, 2018
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Grieshop M.J., Koonter, K. and Ledebuhr, M. (July 9, 2019) Solid set canopy delivery spray systems for high density fruit production: Comparison of off-target deposition using various strategies over 2 filed seasons. Paper presented at: 2019 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual Meeting. Boston MA (July 7-10, 2019)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation: Grieshop, M.J., Emling, J., Ledebuhr, M. (July 31, 2018) Re-envisioning agrichemical input delivery: Solid Set Delivery Systems for High Density Fruit Production, Impacts on Off-Target Deposition. Paper presented at: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual Meeting. Detroit, MI (July 29-August 1, 2018).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation: Ranjan, R., Shi, G., Sinha, R., Hoheisel, G.A., Grieshop, M., Khot, L. (July 30, 2018) Automation of Reservoir Based Solid Set Canopy Delivery System (SSCDS) for Commercial Scale Spray Applications in Tree Fruit Crops. Paper presented at: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual Meeting. Detroit, MI (July 29-August 1, 2018).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation: Sinha, R., Hoheisel, G.A., Ranjan, R., Shi, G., Grieshop, M., Khot, L. (July 30, 2018) Performance of a Scaled-Up Solid Set Canopy Delivery System in a High-Density Apple Orchard. Paper presented at: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual Meeting. Detroit, MI (July 29-August 1, 2018).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Grieshop, M.J., Owen-Smith, P. and Malsch, J. (November 8, 2017) Spray coverage of a solid set canopy delivery system in grapes, raspberries, and blueberries. Poster Presented at Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Denver CO
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Solid set system offers airblast alternative by Matt Milkovich, Good Fruit Grower, March 11, 2021, Solid set system offers airblast alternative | Good Fruit Grower
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Grieshop, M.J., K. Koonter, B. Savage, M. Ledebuhr and L. Khot. 2020. Solid Set Canopy Delivery Systems (SSCDS) reduce off target spray drift compared to a radial airblast sprayer in a high-density apple orchard. Fruit Quarterly. 28: 912. New York State Horticultural Society and Michigan Apple Committee
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Crain, B., I. Rijal, J. Flore, J. Andresen, M. Grieshop, P. Owen-Smith, K. Koonter. From frost protection to pest control, solid-set canopy systems deliver! 2021 Departments of Horticulture and Plant and Microbial Sciences Spring Seminar Series, East Lansing, MI, Feb. 2021.

Progress 09/01/19 to 08/31/20

Target Audience:Fellow agricultural scientists Extension Educators Farmers Agricultural Industry Representatives Changes/Problems:We requested and received a second no cost extension for the project. This was due to the COVID pandemic which limited our ability to fully implement our test orchard in Washington state due to resulting travel restrictions and labor shortages. We will complete this final trial in the 2021 field season. Research at the Michigan performance locations has been largely completed at this time. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Our project has provided training opportunities for three PhD students, one M.S. student, one research technician and 4 undergraduate employees. They have been trained in the evaluation of spray coverage and deposition, fluid dynamics, certified aerial drone operation, CAD, 3D printing, and computer programming. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?We have made presentations/posters at national and regional scientific and extension meetings (11 total) and maintained a project webpage at What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We will collect a second year of data on at an WSU commercial farm collaboration on the WSU cannister system. We will develop additional manuscripts for publication. We will work on commercialization funding for specific SSCDS technologies (the cannister and cannisterless reservoir systems). We will continue to develop extension presentations and will complete development of a final extension electronic publication that summarizes total progress made over this and a previous SCRI funded project including a spreadsheet that will aid growers in the design of their own SSCDS.

What was accomplished under these goals? 2020 project progress centered on the field testing of prototype systems developed in the first three project years including the second year of a replicated farm scale trial that tracked pest management performance and a large scale evaluation of the WSU reservoir/canister based SSCDS system. The major knowledge gains in the last year have been: 1) field long, farm scale evaluation of an SSCDS relying solely on overhead microsprayers using a clog resistant, bridged impact style microsprayer 2) Farm scale evaluation of an improved canister based SSCDS plumbing system with wireless electro-mechanical valving; 3) Delivery of sprayer optimization and technology programming to WA and MI growers OBJECTIVE 1: Optimize SSCDS technologies We focused on four major research areas for this objective: 1A) further evaluation of new microemitter placement under field conditions, 1B) season-long evaluation of a new SSCDS plumbing system 1A) MICROEMITTER PLACEMENT EVALUATION Project team member Matt Grieshop continued a field scale evaluation of above canopy SSCDS using a clog resistant microemitter for a second year. Results suggest that the clog resistant microsprayers arranged in 3 m intervals over the top of apple trees provided equivalent pest management efficacy compared to earlier, clog prone emitters placed throughout the canopy. However, we did identify two potential challenges: 1) thinning sprays delivered through both SSCDS systems did not function as well as thinning through an airblast sprayer check and 2) Disease management on Fuji apples, while not significantly different than airblast plots was much more variable in the SSCDS treated plots. . 1B) PLUMBING: Lav Khot and the WSU team further developed an improved 3-tier SSCDS configuration canister based system and tested it on a collaborating private orchard in WA. System measurements taken this year focused on coverage and deposition with the goal of evaluating pest management efficacy next year. Low cost irrigation micro-emitters were modified to customize its spray attributes to mimic a hollow cone nozzle used in prior configurations. The resulting configuration had higher overall canopy deposition and coverage than off-the-shelf nozzle configured SSCDS treatment. Moreover, emitter modifications improved the spray uniformity in the canopy foliage and on either side of leaf surfaces. Ground and aerial spray losses, quantified as deposition, was numerically lower as well Keith Koonter, Mark Ledebuhr and Matt Grieshop, have further refined a "cannisterless" prototype SSCDS reservoir type system and are working with MSU technology to develop subsequent funding to support commercialization of this technology. OBJECTIVE 2. Determine and test SSCDS applications for standard and novel fruit production operations This objective consisted of the following activities: Nothing to report. OBJECTIVE 3. Determine the economic benefits and costs associated with SSCDS and identify non-economic barriers to grower adoption of SSCDS: Project Economist Steve Miller in collaboration with the WSU and MSU teams has finished development of spreadsheets that provide cost estimates for both the MSU (direct injection) and WSU (Canister based) systems. Data includes detailed parts diagrams and cost information which will be used for final extension products (Objective 4). OBJECTIVE 4: Develop and deliver extension and outreach activities and materials...MSU and WSU teams developed additional extension and professional presentations and maintained the project webpage( Professional talks and posters were delivered at the 2019 Entomological Society of America meeting, the 2020 American Society of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering annual meeting. Extension talks and posters were presented at regional extension shows in Michigan and Washington. Dr. Grieshop provided 1 virtual extension talk on sprayer calibration and optimization in Summer 2020.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Guler, H., Z. Zhang, H. Zhu, M. Grieshop, and M. A. Ledebuhr. 2020. Spray Characteristics of Rotary Micro Sprinkler Nozzles Used in Orchard Pesticide Delivery. Transactions of the ASABE. 0.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Sinha, R., R. Ranjan, L. R. Khot, G.-A. Hoheisel, and M. J. Grieshop. 2020. Comparison of within canopy deposition for a solid set canopy delivery system (SSCDS) and an axialfan airblast sprayer in a vineyard. Crop Protection. 132: 105124.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Khot, L. R. 2020. Transitioning from precision to decision horticulture: technology landscape. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1279, XXX International Horticultural Congress IHC2018: VII Conference on Landscape and Urban Horticulture, IV Conference on Turfgrass Management and Science for Sports Fields and II Symposium on Mechanization, Precision Horticulture, and Robotics, 43:1,
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Sinha, R., R. Ranjan, H. Y. Bahlol, L. R. Khot, G.A. Hoheisel and M. Grieshop. 2020. Development and performance evaluation of a pneumatic spray delivery based solid set canopy delivery system for high-density apple orchard. Transactions of the ASABE, 62(6): 37-48.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Sinha, R., R. Ranjan, G. Shi, G.-A. Hoheisel, M. Grieshop and L. R. Khot. 2020. Solid set canopy delivery system for efficient agrochemical delivery in modern architecture apple and grapevine canopies. Acta Horticulturae 1269: II International Symposium on Innovative Plant Protection in Horticulture, 277-286.

Progress 09/01/18 to 08/31/19

Target Audience:Fellow agricultural scientists Extension Educators Farmers Agricultural Industry Representatives Changes/Problems:Ongoing rapid prototyping improvements to our system components and the need for rigoruous, meaningful season long pest managment data have slowed establishement of grower prroof of concept systems. We have shifted the MI grower scale proof of concept to representative blocks on a research center where fruit losses will not threaten economic sustainability of grower collaborators. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Our project has provided training opportunities for three PhD students, one M.S. student, one research technician and 6 undergraduate employees. They have been trained in the evaluation of spray coverage and deposition, fluid dynamics, certified aerial drone operation, CAD, 3D printing, and computer programming. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?We have made presentations/posters at national and regional scientific and extension meetings (10 total) and developed an improved project webpage at What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We will continue to fault test system components and small protoypes during the winter months. We will establish a small proof of concept block using the canister system on a WA grower collaborator farm and collect a second year of data on at an MSU research farm (in a replicated study using ¼ acre blocks). We will continue to develop extension and scholarly presentations and will continue to submit manuscripts developed during the first and second years of the project. We will develop a final extension electronic publication that summarizes total progress made over this and a previous SCRI funded project including a spreadsheet that will aid growers in the design of their own SSCDS.

What was accomplished under these goals? 2019 project progress centered on the field testing of prototype systems developed in the first two project years including a replicated farm scale trial that tracked pest management performance. The major knowledge gains in the last year have been: 1) field long evaluation of a clog resistant bridged impact style 2) Field long evaluation of an improved canister based SSCDS plumbing system with wireless electro-mechanical valving; 3) Development of a prototype canisterless segmented SSCDS system, 4) Characterization of off target drift of prototype SSCDS systems in both apples and grapes. 5) Delivery of sprayer optimization and technology programming to WA and MI growers OBJECTIVE 1: Optimize SSCDS technologies We focused on four major research areas for this objective: 1A) evaluation of new microemitter placement under field conditions, 1B) season-long evaluation of a new SSCDS plumbing system 1C) analysis of fault detection data and further development of wireless controls. 1A) MICROEMITTER PLACEMENT EVALUATION Project team member Matt Grieshop lead the field scale evaluation of above canopy SSCDS using a clog resistant microemitter. Emitters were further customized using 3D printing technology provided by team member Mark Ledebuhr. Results suggest that the clog resistant microsprayers arranged in 3 m intervals over the top of apple trees provided largely superior coverage and equivalent pest management efficacy compared to earlier, clog prone emitters placed throughout the canopy. These data are very encouraging and we will collect a second season of field data in the final project year. Project team member Lav Khot led further optimization of microemitter placement by evaluating different commercial and modified emitters/microsprayers in shower down as well as three-tier within canopy configurations installed in high-density apple orchard. Preliminary laboratory results from WSU suggest that shower down microemitter arrangements perform similarly to distributed arrangements but arrangements with microemitters designed to spray upwards and placed in the lower canopy zones provide the best under leaf coverage. 1B) PLUMBING: Lav Khot and the WSU team further developed a canister based system and tested it in 300 foot orchard and vineyard rows. The canister system achieved more uniform spray application over longer spray lengths, team has refined a reservoir sub-system (pneumatic spray delivery). A deposition and drift study was completed using the reservoir system in a two-tier microemitter configuration in modified VSP trained grapevines to 300 ft row length. Laboratory evaluation of spray coverage are being completed in Fall and Winter 2019-2020. Keith Koonter, Mark Ledebuhr and Matt Grieshop, in consultation with Giles Brereton completed development of a prototype SSCDS reservoir type system that utilizes system piping instead of canisters -the advantage of this solution is that fewer parts are needed and it further reduces the need to mix extra agrichemicals to fill system delivery lines. The prototype was successfully run under laboratory conditions but limitations in our ability to print seals to sub-mm tolerances lead to failures under semi field conditions. Thus, we have demonstrated the concept but further development will require resources beyond the scope of this project. 1C) The WSU team developed an electromechanical system for controlling spray sets within SSCDS sets using a mobile app basedGUI controller and the prototype was tested for actuation time-lags and spray uniformity. Preliminary data suggest that the system operates at least as well as human actuated systems. The MSU team Keith Koonter and Matt Grieshop in consultation with Mark Ledebuhr and John Nye developed a wirelessly run spray trailer that allowed full system operation of a direct injection SSCDS from the cab of a truck or tractor once hydraulic and air lines are connected to the in field emplacement. The system was used to collect the coverage and season long pest management data summarized under 1B. The MSU team led by George Zhu developed algorithms for sticking fault detection video into composite stills that allowed the visual identification of faults. .. OBJECTIVE 2. Determine and test SSCDS applications for standard and novel fruit production operations This objective consisted of the following activities: 2A Completion of evaluation of off target spray drift in high density apples and grapes, 2B a lab study evaluating the potential of ozonated water as an insecticide using spotted wing drosophila as a model organism (SSCDS would allow daily applications of ozonated water which has no chemical residual). 2A) The WSU team designed an infield drift study in apples and grapes that were conducted in Fall 2018 results have been analyzed and published and suggest that SSCDS reduce off target drift by 80% or more compared to a radial airblast sprayer. The MSU team completed data analysis of a 2018 off field drift study evaluating both impact and spinner type microsprayers. Both microsprayer designs reduced off field drift by >80% compared to a radial airblast sprayer. However, spinner type microsprayers lost >50% more spray to the orchard floor compared to impact microsprayers or the airblast sprayer. These results support the observation that SSCDS applications GREATLY reduce off target drift and also suggest that impact type microsprayers are a better fit for orchard and vineyard canopies as they produce less in field ground losses. 2B) Laboratory evaluations of ozonated water conducted at MSU showed almost no acute toxicity to spotted wing drosophila even when insects were submerged for > 1 minute. Insects were observed to desiccate faster and mating was prevented after ozone application. This result suggests that ozone applications in SSCDS are not likely to provide pest management services. Ozone may provide system cleaning however. OBJECTIVE 3. Determine the economic benefits and costs associated with SSCDS and identify non-economic barriers to grower adoption of SSCDS: Project Economist Steve Miller in collaboration with the WSU and MSU teams has been developing spreadsheets that provide cost estimates for both the MSU (direct injection) and WSU (Canister based) systems. Data includes detailed parts diagrams and cost information which will be used for final extension products (Objective 4). OBJECTIVE 4: Develop and deliver extension and outreach activities and materials...MSU and WSU teams developed additional extension and professional presentations and maintained the project webpage( Professional talks and posters were delivered at the 2018 Entomological Society of America meeting, the 2019 American Society of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering annual meeting and the 2019 SuproFruit Spray Application and Precision Technology in Fruit Growing Programme in the UK. Extension talks and posters were presented at regional extension shows in Michigan and Washington. Dr. Grieshop provided 2 extension talks on sprayer calibration and optimization (one in MI and on in UT) utilizing the airflow optimization simulator built in 2018.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Owen-Smith, P., J. Wise, and M. J. Grieshop. 2019. Season Long Pest Management Efficacy and Spray Characteristics of a Solid Set Canopy Delivery System in High Density Apples. Insects. 10: 193.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Sinha, R., L. R. Khot, G.-A. Hoheisel, M. J. Grieshop, and H. Bahlol. 2019. Feasibility of a Solid set canopy delivery system for efficient agrochemical delivery in vertical shoot position trained vineyards. Biosystems Engineering. 179: 5970.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Sinha, R., R. Ranjan, L. R. Khot, G. Hoheisel, and M. J. Grieshop. 2019. Drift potential from a solid set canopy delivery system and an axialfan airassisted sprayer during applications in grapevines. Biosystems Engineering. 188: 207216.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Owen?Smith, P., R. Perry, J. Wise, R. Z. R. Jamil, L. Gut, G. Sundin, and M. Grieshop. 2019. Spray coverage and pest management efficacy of a solid set canopy delivery system in high density apples. Pest Management Science. 75: 30503059.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Sinha, R., R. Ranjan, L. R. Khot, G.-A. Hoheisel, and M. Grieshop. 2019. SOLID SET CANOPY DELIVERY SYSTEM for modified vertical shoot position trained vineyards, p. 79. In 15th Workshop on Spray Application and Precision Technology in Fruit Growing Programme and Abstracts.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Grieshop, M. J., M. Ledebuhr, K. Koonter, B. Savage, and L. Khot. 2019 Off-target deposition of a Solid Set Canopy Delivery System in high density apples, p. 81. In 15th Workshop on Spray Application and Precision Technology in Fruit Growing Programme and Abstracts.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Ranjan, R., G. Shi, R. Sinha, L. R. Khot, G.-A. Hoheisel, and M. J. Grieshop. 2019. Automated Solid Set Canopy Delivery System for Large-Scale Spray Applications in Perennial Specialty Crops. Transactions of the ASABE. 62: 585592.

Progress 09/01/17 to 08/31/18

Target Audience:Our target audiences have been fellow agricultural scientists and engineers, policy makers, agricultural equipment manufacturers, extension educators and fruit growers. Changes/Problems:We experienced turnover in our project manager. Jake Emling left MSU in December 2017 and was replaced with a new manager, Keith Koonter in February 2018. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Our project has provided training opportunities for three PhD students, one research technician and 4 undergraduate employees. They have been trained in the evaluation of spray coverage and deposition, fluid dynamics, certified aerial drone operation, CAD, 3D printing, and computer programming. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?We have made presentations/posters at national and regional scientific and extension meetings and developed an improved project webpage at What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We will continue to evaluate individual system components and small protoypes during the winter months and fully assembled systems in the summer months. We have acquired access to an additional higher resolution 3D printer which is being engaged in rapid prototyping of microemitters and other components. Now that proof of concept of thermal fault detection has been obtained we will evaluate it at larger scale in summer 2019. Small systems on collaborating grower farms, will be established in Washington and new proof of concept pest management data will be collected at an MSU research farm (in a replicated study using ¼ acre blocks). We will continue to develop extension and scholarly presentations and will continue to submit manuscripts developed during the first and second years of the project.

What was accomplished under these goals? Our project continues to expand our knowledge of how to engineer solid set canopy delivery systems. The major knowledge gains in the last year have been: 1) the identification of both an existing rotary atomizer and bridged impact style microemitters that are sufficiently clog resistant to be incorporated into field scale proof of concept; 2) The development of a 300' proof of concept canister based SSCDS plumbing system with wireless electro-mechanical valving; 3) Further development of thermal imagery for visual detection of SSCDS faults, specifically suggesting that top down imagery is especially useful for SSCDS that rely on microemitters above the canopy; 4) Further characterization fo SSCDS coverage in grapes and apples Characterization of off target drift of protoype SSCDS sysetms indicating a greater than 50% reduction compared to radial airblast sprayers. 5) Delivery of sprayer optimization programming to MI growers and development Eprovisioning of optimization kits for MSU Extension educators in MI. Objective 1. Optimize SSCDS technologies We focused on four major research areas for this objective: 1A) evaluation of new microemitters under field conditions, 1B) evaluation of current system component durability, 1C) development of a new SSCDS plumbing system, 1D) proof of concept of a thermal imagery based fault detection system and conceptual design of wireless controls. 1A) MICROEMITTER EVALUATION Project team member Mark Ledebuhr lead the further evaluation of irrigation microemitters and customization using 3D printing technology. Results suggest that Jain "Greenspin" nozzles provide more consistent coverage compared to Netafim rotary atomizer sprayers. WSU team members identified a higher flow Jain modular bridge sprayer that provides similar through distance and slightly larger droplet sizes compared to the original prototype--modified sprayers are being developed and tested using the project 3D print bed 1B) DURABILITY Matt Grieshop and Keith Koonter lead a durability study evaluating Jain Greenspin emitters as well as a higher flow rate modular bridge sprayer -both new sprayers proved very difficult to clog in 30 hour laboratory evaluations. 1C) PLUMBING: Keith Koonter, Mark Ledebuhr and Matt Grieshop, in consultation with Giles Brereton continued the development of a SSCDS reservoir type system that utilizes system piping instead of canisters -the advantage of this solution is that fewer parts are needed and it further reduces the need to mix extra agrichemicals to fill system delivery lines. We have identified a mechanical control system that will allow segmentation, reduce the air volume needed to run the system by 70-90% and will autodrain when the system is not in use. Lav Khot and the WSU team further developed a canister based system and tested it in 300 foot orchard and vineyard rows. WSU also developed an electromechanical system for controlling spray sets within SSCDS sets using a mobile app based GUI controller.. FAULT DETECTION George Zhu and the project graduate student collected thermal imagery of three different prototype SSCDS systems with and without various faults from top and diagonal views. The drone footage was able to clearly see faults on the top line of the system in top down configuration, faults on lower lines required a diagonal view. 2018 data are being processed and analyzed for the development of an algorithm for automated fault detection. Lab evaluation of low cost wireless transmitters, pressure sensors and low wattage dynamos suggested that these fault detection approaches would only be suited to dedicated pneumatic lines -when placed in lines carrying agrochemicals they fail. Objective 2. Determine and test SSCDS applications for standard and novel fruit production operations This objective consisted of the following activities: 2A the development of data on spray coverage and deposition provided in additional grape canopies., 2B a study evaluating the potential of ozonated water as a pest management input (SSCDS would allow daily applications of ozonated water which has no chemical residual), 2C Evaluation of off target drift from prototype SSCDS. 2A Matt Grieshop and Keith Koonter conducted a replicated field study that showed that SSCDS coverage ranged between 10-40% on tops of grape leaves and between 5-30% on the bottom side of leaves depending on three training systems. Deposition data is being processed in the laboratory for this study. These coverage numbers are similar to the levels of coverage collected in apples that yielded acceptable pest management outcomes 2B OZONATED WATER Project consultant John Nye and Matt Grieshop designed a field study to evaluate the potential of ozonated water application for insect and disease management and evaluated durability of SSCDS components in ozonated water. Preliminary results suggest that current ozone generators do not deliver sufficient volume to manage orchard diseases or pests. Laboratory evaluation of ozonated water suggest that it might be effective for fungal and bacterial disease organisms but is unlikely to manage insect pests. Further proof of concept research will focus on plant pathogens. Current polyethylene SSCDS components proved to be ozone resistant. 2C Drift Study Matt Grieshop, Keith Koonter and project consultant Mark Ledebuhr conducted 4 replicates of a drift study evaluating spray drift up to 8 m high (2 m from sprayed row) and 62 m way from the sprayed row at ground level this study will provide a second year of data for comparisons of the original SSCDS design with an airblast sprayer and add a comparison of SSCDS microemitters based around rotary atomizers. Data are being analyzed in the laboratory. The WSU designed an infield drift study in apples and grapes that were conducted in Fall 2018. Objective 3. Determine the economic benefits and costs associated with SSCDS and identify non-economic barriers to grower adoption of SSCDS: Project Economist Steve Miller has been collecting economic data from the project team as well as from literature on orchard economics. An economic model that will allow real time cost estimates for SSCDS installation and operations is under construction in MatLab and will be ported to Excel. This will be completed in the final year of the project. Objective 4: Develop and deliver extension and outreach activities and materials... MSU and WSU teams developed additional extension and professional presentations and maintained the project webpage ( Professional talks and posters were delivered at the 2017 Entomological Society of America meeting and at the American Society of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering annual meeting. Extension talks and posters were presented at regional extension shows in Michigan and Washington. A sprayer calibration workshop was carried out in Northern Michigan in April 2018 by project consultant Mark Ledebuhr. Five sprayer optimization kits were developed and provided to collaborating extension educators for optimization of grower sprayers on farm visits. A model airblast sprayer was designed and developed to allow hands on demonstrations of how to optimize air flow from air assisted sprayers in indoor venues during winter months.


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Sinha, R.*, L.R. Khot, G.-A. Hoheisel, E.H. Beers and M. Grieshop. 2017. Optimization of solid set canopy delivery system for efficient delivery of agrochemicals to grapevines in Washington State. Paper No. 1700497, ASABE 2017 Annual International Meeting, Spokane, WA, July 16-19, 2017 (Oral Presentation).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation: Grieshop, M, J. Emling and M. Ledabuhr. 2018. Re-envisioning agrichemical input delivery: Solid Set Delivery Systems for high density fruit production, Impacts on off-target deposition. Paper No. 1800515, ASABE 2017 Annual International Meeting, Spokane, WA, July 26- August 1, 2018 (Oral Presentation).

Progress 09/01/16 to 08/31/17

Target Audience:Our target audiences have been fellow agricultural scientists and engineers, policy makers, agricultural equipment manufacturers, extension educators and fruit growers. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Our project has provided training opportunities for one PhD student, one research technician and 4 undergraduate employees. They have been trained in the evaluation of spray coverage and deposition, fluid dynamics, CAD, 3D printing, and computer programming. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?We have made presentations/posters at national and regional scientific and extension meetings and developed an improved project webpage at What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We will continue to evaluate individual system components during the winter months and fully assembled systems in the summer months. Now that proof of concept of thermal fault detection has been obtained we will fully evaluate it in summer 2018. We will begin assembly of small systems on collaborating grower farms, they will be engaged in this process by providing them access to several design concepts built at the Clarksville Research Center in early 2018. We will continue to develop extension and scholarly presentations and will submit manuscripts developed during the first year of the project.

What was accomplished under these goals? Our project continues to expand our knowledge of how to engineer solid set canopy delivery systems. The major knowledge gains in the last year have been: 1) Bridged impact style microemitters produce droplets between 100-400 microns within the fine and medium spectra; 2) Rotary atomizer microemitters are likely a better fit for SSCDS due to clog resistance; 3) Aerially collected thermal imagery can be used to visually detect SSCDS faults; 4) SSCDS provide similar coverage in blueberries, grapes and raspberries compared to apples potentialy extending this approah to those crops 5) Extensoin educators in MI are interested in learning spray optomization techniques to teach to their grower clientele. Objective 1. Optimize SSCDS technologies 1A) evaluation of new microemitters under field conditions, 1B) evaluation of current system component durability, 1C) development of a new SSCDS plumbing system, 1D) proof of concept of a thermal imagery based fault detection system and conceptual design of wireless controls. 1A) MICROEMITTER EVALUATION Project team members Mark Ledebuhr and Giles Brereton lead the evaluation of the spray pattern of the Jain #7110 bridge style impact microsprinkler used in previous projects using laser diffraction techniques. The Jain microemitter provides a droplet spectrum ranging from 200 - 400 microns these droplets fall within the "fine-medium" range designated by EPA. Jacob Emling and Matt Grieshop conducted a field evaluation of rotary atomizer style and vibration based microemitters purchased from Netafim. Both styles of emitters produced less consistent coverage compared with the Jain microsprayers but covered a wider canopy. 1B) DURABILITY Jacob Emling and Matt Grieshop lead a durability study evaluating all of the current system components as well as the Netafim microemitters. Piping, valves and microemitters were run through 200 one minute cycles of spray solution containing sand and kaolin clay and evaluated at each cycle. PE > durable than PVC pipe, the stop drip, leak prevention valves failed at 50 cycles from particulate build up, and the Netafim rotary atomizer was identified as the least prone microemitter to failure to clogging. 1C) PLUMBING: Jacob Emling and Matt Grieshop led the development of a SSCDS reservoir type system that utilizes system piping instead of canisters -the advantage of this solution is that fewer parts are needed and it further reduces the need to mix extra agrichemicals to fill system delivery lines. The system has been tested in a small proof of concept test unit (~15 m) based around the use of swinging gate valves. Lav Khot and the WSU team conceptualized an electromechanical system for controlling spray sets within SSCDS sets. The design concept has been developed into a preliminary prototype utilizing wirelessly controlled solenoid valves to open and close hydraulic and pneumatic feed lines and canisters within the system. 1D. FAULT DETECTION George Zhu and the project graduate student developed a drone based thermal imagery platform for collecting thermal images of SSCDS. The system utilizes a DJI Inspire 1 V2.0 drone and FLIR VUE PRO-R IR camera providing both high definition visual imagery as well as thermal imagery. A customized gimbal assembly was engineered to allow use of both camera systems. In addition to drone engineering the project graduate student received training and certification to legally operate the drone on MSU property. Thermal imagery was collected in August of 2017 on SSCDS with and without various faults. The drone footage was able to clearly see faults of two types: 1) plugged emitters were visible due to large areas of foliage being warmer than expected and 2) system blowouts were visible as cold water jets appeared much darker than the surrounding areas. The project graduate student is developing a computer assisted fault identification system with the proof of concept data. In addition to thermal imagery work the MSU engineering team also identified low cost wireless transmitters, pressure sensors and low wattage dynamos that could be used to develop a traditional "flow rate" fault detection system. These will be evaluated in years 2 and 3 of the study. Objective 2. Determine and test SSCDS applications for standard and novel fruit production operations MSU: We focused on: 2A the development of preliminary data on spray coverage provided in raspberries, blueberries and grapes using small portable SSCDS, 2B a drift study comparing the vertical and horizontal non-target deposition by either and SSCDS based around Jain bridge style microemitters or an optimized Rear's radial air blast sprayer and 2C the collection of further proof of concept data on the use of SSCDS to delay bloom through early season canopy cooling. 2A Matt Grieshop and Jacob Emling conducted a replicated field study that showed that SSCDS coverage ranged between 20-40% on tops of grape, raspberry and blueberry leaves and between 5-20% on the bottom side of leaves. These coverage numbers are similar to the levels of coverage collected in apples that yielded acceptable pest management outcomes. At WSU Lav Khot and the project graduate student evaluated different SSCDS arrangements for modern canopy architectures common in the WA state. The WSU team evaluated 6 and 4 emitter/microsprayer configurations in apple and grape, respectively. Configurations were chosen in consultation with grower (stakeholder) advisory members and MSU team. SSCDS configurations, 10 m each, were implemented at the WSU-Prosser, WA research field blocks in early 2017. Configurations were evaluated for resulting spray material deposition and coverage within the canopies as well as it's the drift potential. Fluorescent tracer spray and analysis methods were followed for such evaluations. Data analysis revealed that two of six SSCDS configurations within grapevine canopies had spray coverage of >20% on both sides of leaves. Spray deposition analysis is on-going and will reveal more specific trends. 2B DRIFT STUDY Jacob Emling and project consultant Mark Ledebuhr conducted 4 replicates of a drift study evaluating spray drift up to 8 m high (2 m from sprayed row) and 62 m way from the sprayed row at ground level. SSCDS vertical drift was reduced by 75-95% compared to airblast sprayer drift at heights above 3.5 m and at distances longer than 12 m from the sprayed row. 2C CANOPY COOLING James Flore used SSCDS to delay bloom in apples and cherries by at least 7 days with treatments beginning at first green stages. A test system was also evaluated in Christmas tree production and data are being collected analyzed. Objective 3. Determine the economic benefits and costs associated with SSCDS and identify non-economic barriers to grower adoption of SSCDS: Project Economist Steve Miller has been collecting economic data from the project team as well as from literature on orchard economics. A economic model that will allow real time cost estimates for SSCDS installation and operations is under construction in MatLab and will eventually be ported to Excel. Objective 4: Develop and deliver extension and outreach activities and materials... MSU and WSU teams developed extension and professional presentations and redesigned the project webpage ( as well as conducted a "train the trainer" event on airblast sprayer optimization. The later activity was lead by Gwen Hoheisel and consisted of a 2-day training event held at the Clarksville Research Center. Six extension educators and faculty were provided training in how to optimize airblast sprayers and access to curricula to use in the training of farmers or other ag. professionals. This was accomplished through a series of lectures and hands on activities demonstrating how to develop a training tool kit as well as communicate the importance of sprayer optimization to grower clientele.
