Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Aug 1, 2016
Project End Date
Jul 31, 2019
Grant Year
Program Code
[BFRDA]- Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program, Standard
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Ohio has 27,000 farmers on their present farms less than 10 years and a sizable (though imprecise) number of aspiring farmers. All face multiple challenges to gaining farm stability and success. At the same time, farmers aged 55 and above account for 65% of all farmers in Ohio, hold 83% of all farmland in the state (over 8 million acres), and outnumber farmers under the age of 35 eightfold. The impending retirement of this cohort, with an average age of 56.8 years presents several threats, with loss of their knowledge and conversion of their farmland to other uses chief among them.For these two parallel populations - the beginning farmer and the exiting farmer - the problems confronted by one provide at least part of the solution for the other. The key is to support beginning farmers so that they can be successful as producers and small business owners. Growing Good Farmers, Growing Good Food will advance the goal of helping aspiring farmers advance to become new farmers, and help new farmers achieve more success and thus persist in farming. The project will do so by delivering a package of skill-building educational opportunities to facilitate beginning farmers' development as producers and small business owners.The ultimate goal of this project is to increase the number of organic and sustainable farms in Ohio. For aspiring farmers, we will offer intensive on-farm apprenticeships to develop farming skills, and complementary activities such as classroom instruction, network building, and support to assess and address individual learning needs. For new farmers, we will provide additional farming skills and knowledge, whole farm planning, business and financial management skill-building, tools and knowledge for expanding production, direct technical assistance, mentoring, and network building. We also will provide education and assistance to land trusts, landowners, and beginning farmers about innovative tools, farm succession and transition planning, and financing to address the need for beginning farmers to access capital and affordable farmland. Over the course of the project, we anticipate serving the needs of 500 beginning farmers.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The goal of the proposed work is to increase the number of successful beginning farmers who operate economically viable farms and utilize organic and sustainable production practices.Objectives include:Create skill-building, educational, and networking opportunities for aspiring farmers.Support those who have already begun farming on their own operations to achieve production and business success through education, technical support, and mentoring.Address the land access needs of beginning farmers with innovative tools and new partnerships.
Project Methods
We will create educational, training, and networking opportunities for aspiring farmers by:(1) Offering an apprentice farmer programOEFFA will partner with two Central Ohio organic farms to pilot this intensive, hands-on, experiential learning opportunity. The Beginning Farmer Program Coordinator will maintain a close working relationship with apprentices and host farmers. S/he will promote the program, recruit excellent candidates for it, and work with host farmers to identify the successful applicants. The BF Program Coordinator will work with each apprentice farmer to create a personal learning plan and will help develop the mentoring skills of host farmers. Apprentice farmers will be expected to immerse themselves full-time for 4-6 months (determined by farm needs and apprentice availability). (2) Providing off-farm sustainable agriculture education for apprenticesRoughly twice per month during the season, the apprentice farmers will gather for an educational event. At least three of these gatherings will be for a farm tour and/or work party at an exemplary farm. The remaining gatherings will be more traditional classroom activities. Readings, lectures, and discussions will cover such topics as agroecology, organic standards, soil properties and processes, plant physiology, crop rotations, managing weeds and other pests, etc. The Beginning Farmer Program Coordinator is responsible for planning and designing these events.These events will be designed so that participating apprentice farmers will get to know each other, exchange information, and begin to form bonds that they can carry into the future as fellow farmers. (3) Offering a Farm Dream courseBeginning farmers who complete an on-farm apprenticeship will receive a scholarship to attend a Farm Dream course. They will be joined by other beginning farmers, and together each will explore whether farming is the right next step for them and how to make progress towards that goal. We will support those who have already begun farming on their own operations to achieve production and business success by:(1) Organizing a Beginning farmer track at the annual conferenceThe Beginning Farmer Program Coordinator will leverage OEFFA's well-known annual conference to meet the specialized needs of beginning farmers. Through 21 workshops, at least 300 beginning farmers will learn sustainable and organic production practices as well as business and financial management skills. Participants will also benefit from general components of the conference including networking with over 1,000 other food producers and consumers, a trade show, networking opportunities, and more. (2) Offering "Scaling Up" intensive workshopsWe will offer two iterations of a two-day intensive workshop on scaling up production for mixed produce operations. The focus is how to enlarge the scale of production, with attention to questions such as techniques and equipment, weed control on larger acreage, increasing consistency, meetings demands of distributors, retailers, and institutions, post-harvest handling, and food safety. (3) Facilitatingmentorships for beginning farmers by experienced farmersBy request, the Beginning Farmer Program Coordinator will pair or group beginning farmers with mentor farmers, formalizing what OEFFA members have practiced, informally, for three decades. (4) Staffing a production assistance hotlineDirect technical assistance will be available to beginning farmers through OEFFA's "Farmer Production hotline," which will be staffed by OEFFA's Sustainable Agriculture Educator and Beginning Farmer Program Coordinator. (5) Developing and nurturinga network of beginning farmersEach year, three field day events customized for beginning farmers will be held and each will be attended, on average, by 20 beginning farmers. These will provide focused opportunities to see farms utilizing organic and sustainable agriculture production; some will be structured as work days to provide additional hands-on experience. These events allow beginning farmers to come together and develop an identity as a cohort, which we will further foster by creating additional opportunities for them to network and support each other. (6) Offering a Farm Beginnings/Whole Farm Planning courseIn Years 2 and 3 of the project, we will offer a multi-session whole farm planning workshop for beginning farmers. OEFFA staff will receive train-the-trainer support in order to build our capacity to deliver this class. Currently there are no service providers for this course in Ohio or surrounding states. Beginning farmers who complete this course will create a farm business plan. We will address the land access needs of beginning farmers with innovative tools and new partnerships by:(1) Providing a training workshop for accessing farmlandIn partnership with the National Young Farmers Coalition (NYFC), we will host the workshop Financial Decision Making for Land Access Workshop. This workshop helps connect farmers who are looking for land with the tools and resources that they need to better analyze the financial and personal implications of their land access decisions(2) Offering a Land Access Innovation Training for Ohio land trustsIn partnership with NYFC and the Tecumseh Land Trust we will offer a one-day, in-person training for land trusts. The workshop will focus on farm protection tools that incorporate affordability innovations. Topics may include: easement enhancements and ground leases that preserve affordability and active farming; funding strategies; monitoring and enforcement; and legal considerations. Following the training, participants will take part in an ongoing working group and receive assistance from mentor organizations as they implement farmland affordability projects.(3) Providing a Farm Succession and Land Transition Planning WorkshopIn partnership with the Tecumseh Land Trust, we will offer workshops to help landowners assess their current and future farm situation, articulate goals, and develop a plan for farm succession or transition, including tools for transferring the land to a beginning farmer will be highlighted.EvaluationThis project will integrate two systematic participatory evaluation plans, including formative and summative evaluation approaches. Formative evaluation will be on-going, to track progress and to identify any areas for improvement or changes within the program in real-time. This may apply to program context, inputs, process, and product. For this reason, the evaluation is a cyclical rather than linear process. The summative approach draws purpose, design, and criteria for evaluation from program goals and objectives.Multiple methods of analysis, utilizing both quantitative and qualitative data, will be used to evaluate this program as this allows for greater flexibility in evaluation structure and for situations when unexpected outcomes may emerge. Evaluation will include qualitative methods of analysis in addition to quantitative assessments, yielding a more holistic picture of the program. Baseline and progress data will be compared.

Progress 08/01/16 to 07/31/19

Target Audience:Emphasis • Organic producers • Small farms • Specialty crop producers • Traditional commercial producers Participants Served: 1,851 Cumulative number of participants who as a result of your program: 13 started farming, 131 helped prepare to start farming, 891 Improved farming success Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Total Meetings: 58 Total Meeting Participants: 1795 Total Meeting Participant Hours: 10405.00 Total Webinars: 9 Total Webinar Participants: 84 Total Webinar Participant Hours: 135.00 Total Website Visits: 9991 Total Online Course Participants: 17 Meetings 11/15/2016: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 6 2/10/2017: Dayton, OH -- Number of Attendees 98 2/11/2017: Dayton, OH -- Number of Attendees 98 2/9/2017: Dayton, OH -- Number of Attendees 79 3/18/2017: Springfield, OH -- Number of Attendees 38 5/17/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 9 6/1/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 6 6/28/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 6 7/12/2017: Fredericktown, OH -- Number of Attendees 6 7/26/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 7 8/8/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 50 8/13/2017: New Lebanon, OH -- Number of Attendees 55 6/25/2017: Amesville, OH -- Number of Attendees 50 2/9/2017: Dayton, OH -- Number of Attendees 55 9/7/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 6 10/7/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 10 10/15/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 25 10/21/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 10 11/3/2017: London, OH -- Number of Attendees 9 11/4/2017: London, OH -- Number of Attendees 9 11/11/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 10 11/18/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 10 12/2/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 10 12/16/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 10 1/6/2018: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 10 1/20/2018: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 10 2/3/2018: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 10 2/14/2018: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 35 2/15/2018: Dayton, OH -- Number of Attendees 38 2/15/2018: Dayton, OH -- Number of Attendees 25 2/16/2018: Dayton, OH -- Number of Attendees 92 2/17/2018: Dayton, OH -- Number of Attendees 92 2/24/2018: Dayton, OH -- Number of Attendees 10 5/8/2018: Westerville, OH -- Number of Attendees 10 6/23/2018: Yellow Springs, OH -- Number of Attendees 28 6/24/2018: New Lebanon, OH -- Number of Attendees 4 7/15/2018: Clarksville, OH -- Number of Attendees 12 8/5/2018: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 28 8/7/2018: Ashland, OH -- Number of Attendees 6 8/11/2018: Napoleon, OH -- Number of Attendees 12 8/25/2018: Windsor, OH -- Number of Attendees 35 9/5/2018: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 18 1/10/2019: Ravenna OH -- Number of Attendees 45 2/2/2019: Columbus OH -- Number of Attendees 50 2/14/2019: Dayton OH-- Number of Attendees65 2/15/2019: Dayton OH -- Number of Attendees 200 2/16/2019 :Dayton OH -- Number of Attendees 200 4/5/2019: Columbus OH -- Number of Attendees 6 4/6/2019: Springfield OH -- Number of Attendees 15 5/29/2019: Alexandria OH -- Number of Attendees 7 6/26/2019: Dayton OH -- Number of Attendees 2 6/26/2019: Westerville OH -- Number of Attendees 2 6/29/2019: Lancaster OH -- Number of Attendees 24 7/9/2019: Garretsville OH -- Number of Attendees 9 7/11/2019:Clarksville OH - Number of Attendees 7 7/13/2019: Columbus OH -- Number of Attendees 11 7/16/2019: Ashland OH -- Number of Attendees 3 7/16/2019: Navarre OH-- Number of Attendees 2 Webinars 8/31/2017: Number of Attendees 6 5/3/2018: Number of Attendees 11 5/30/2018: Number of Attendees 11 6/13/2018: Number of Attendees 11 6/21/2018: Number of Attendees 11 7/10/2018: Number of Attendees 11 8/14/2018: Number of Attendees 11 6/20/2019:Number of Attendees 5 7/25/2019:Number of Attendees 7 How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Promotional Materials Begin Farming Program website - Web outreach and program summaries Begin Farming Handout 1 - Begin Farming brochure 1 Handout for events, conferences, and farm tours and workshops to recruit farmers Heartland Farm Beginnings website - Overview of this year long program for early career farmers Begin Farming Apprentice Program website - Overview of apprentice program for aspiring farmers Stories from the Field blog - Beginning farmer blog for the Begin Farming program OEFFA's Next Farm Team Facebook group - Online networking group for beginning farmers and experienced farmers Greenhorns Unite at 2017 OEFFA Conference Newsletter article: Highlights from beginning farmer experiences at the OEFFA conference Young Farmers Getting Helping Hand from New Ohio Program:WOSU, NPR affiliate news story All Sides with Anne Fisher (NPR) discussing challenges facing beginning farmers in Ohio WOSU, NPR affiliate news story New Farmers Positioned for Success with Heartland Farm Beginnings: Recruitment for Heartland Farm Beginnings program Beginning Farmers the Focus of Ohio's Largest Sustainable Food and Farm Conference:Press release for OEFFA Conference highlighting features for beginning farmers OEFFA to Help Ohio Invest in Future of Agriculture: Press release for BFRDP grant Challenges for New Farmers - All Sides with Anne Fisher (WOSU, NPR affiliate) An hour long radio session with OEFFA's Begin Farming Program Coordinator Kelly Henderson, National Young Farmers Coalition's Land Access Associate Michael Durante, farmer Lyndsey Teter of Six Buckets Farm, and farmer Rachel Tayse of Foraged & Sown discuss the realities of farming and the challenges new farmers face in the current landscape. Listening to the Land: Tools and Strategies for Land Assessment Workshop Promotional Flier: Land seekers interested in attending the half day workshop to learn about the land assessment process. Heartland Farm Beginnings handout: Promotion and recruitment of Heartland Farm Beginnings whole farm planning course Growing Farmers: article in Edible Ohio Valley Article written about several OEFFA farmers participating in the Begin Farming program. Article highlights benefits and impacts of programs on small-scale, local farmers. Article is on page 42 by Amy Leibrock. Heating Up at the Ashmores - Article by Rural Life Today highlighting host farm and apprentices Local newspaper article covering the story of one of OEFFA's Apprenticeship program's host farmers and apprentices throughout the season. Ashmores teach apprentices process of pasture poultry - Article by Rural Life Today highlighting host farm and apprentices Fourth article in the series following host farm and apprentices in OEFFA's Begin Farming Apprenticeship Program. Heavy rain won't stop the Ashmores - Rural Life Today Article highlighting host farm and apprentices Third article in a series following host farm and apprentices in OEFFA's Begin Farming Apprenticeship Program. Beginning Farmers Key Focus of Upcoming Ohio Food Conference - Farm World article Discussion of key beginning farmer highlights at OEFFA's 2018 Conference. Article by Doug Graves The Ins and Outs of Farm Internships:Article published in In Good Tilth describing farm internship models nationwide. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Result 1. Aspiring farmers will gain new knowledge and hands-on competence as agricultural producers to prepare them to farm independently. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Organic production When measured: April and August (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 27, Actual Number: 29How verified: Self-reporting via pre and post survey; focus group Result 2. Aspiring farmers will understand the agro-ecological underpinnings of organic production. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Organic production When measured: April and August (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 27, Actual Number: 29How verified: Self-reporting via pre and post survey; focus group Result 3. Aspiring farmers will develop competence in the organic certification standards and process. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Organic production When measured: April and August (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 27, Actual Number: 29How verified: Self-reporting via pre and post survey; focus group Result 4. Aspiring farmers will learn about the management skills needed to operate a commercial agricultural business. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Cost of production and farm financial benchmarking When measured: April and August (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 45, Actual Number: 14How verified: Self-reported via pre and post survey; focus group Result 5. Host farms will develop their skills for educating and supporting the learning goals of apprentice farmers. Producer action: Develop, Topic: Mentoring, apprenticeships, and internships When measured: April and August (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 2, Actual Number: 6How verified: Survey Result 6. Aspiring farmers will take steps towards or complete starting up a farm. Producer action: Decide, Topic: Business and strategic planning When measured: November (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 20, Actual Number: 43How verified: Follow up survey or interview Result 7. Aspiring farmers will develop a support network that includes other beginning farmers. Producer action: Develop, Topic: Interpersonal, family, and business relationships When measured: April and August (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 25, Actual Number: 10 How verified: Self-reporting via pre and post survey; focus group Result 8. Aspiring farmers will assess readiness and ability to enter farming. Producer action: Develop, Topic: Business and strategic planning When measured: November (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 45, Actual Number: 68How verified: Self-reporting via pre and post survey Result 9. Aspiring farmers will create an individual learning plan to help progress towards farming independently. Producer action: Develop, Topic: Business and strategic planning When measured: April, August, November (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 45, Actual Number: 50How verified: Self-reporting via post survey; focus group Result 10. Working organic farmers will develop formal training programs that can serve as Ohio models. Producer action: Implement, Topic: Mentoring, apprenticeships, and internships When measured: November (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 2, Actual Number: 7 How verified: Survey Result 11. Early-career farmers will gain new knowledge of sustainable and organic production, and develop new farming skills. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Organic production When measured: August (2017, 2018, 2019) Estimated Number: 300, Actual Number: 728How verified: Online survey Result 12. Early career farmers will build a network of other beginning farmers. Producer action: Develop, Topic: Interpersonal, family, and business relationships When measured: August (2017, 2018, 2019) Estimated Number: 150, Actual Number: 524How verified: Online count Result 13. Early-career farmers will gain new knowledge and skills to scale up their production related to product quality and consistency, increasing yields, and expanding production. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Organic production When measured: November (2017,2018) Estimated Number: 50, Actual Number: 20How verified: Survey Result 14. Early-career farmers will develop new business management knowledge and skills. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Business and strategic planning When measured: August (2017, 2018, 2019) Estimated Number: 60, Actual Number: 103How verified: Written survey Result 15. Early-career farmers will learn new information as a result of OEFFA's producer information line. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Organic production When measured: August (2017, 2018, 2019) Estimated Number: 150, Actual Number: 472 How verified: Tracking via Educator log Result 16. Early-career farmers will learn about resources for financing their farm business. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Financial records and analysis When measured: August (2017, 2018, 2019) Estimated Number: 100, Actual Number: 101How verified: Written survey; online survey Result 17. Early-career farmers will make improvements to production practices or farm management. Producer action: Implement, Topic: Organic production When measured: March (2017, 2018, 2019) Estimated Number: 150, Actual Number: 260 How verified: Online survey, written survey Result 18. Early-career farmers will make at least one change that allows them to scale up production. Producer action: Implement, Topic: Organic production When measured: November (2017,2018) Estimated Number: 45, Actual Number: 41How verified: Survey Result 19. Early-career farmers will develop a holistic farm plan. Producer action: Develop, Topic: Business and strategic planning When measured: March (2018, 2019) Estimated Number: 30, Actual Number: 17How verified: Survey Result 20. Early-career farmers will establish relationships with seasoned mentors. Producer action: Implement, Topic: Mentoring, apprenticeships, and internships When measured: November (2018) August (2019) Estimated Number: 20, Actual Number: 37How verified: Survey Result 21. Early-career farmers will receive a loan through Kiva Zip with OEFFA serving as Trustee. Producer action: Implement, Topic: Acquiring and managing credit When measured: August 2019 Estimated Number: 6, Actual Number: 3 How verified: Survey Result 22. Staff and volunteers of land trusts will increase their awareness and knowledge of innovative tools for land transfer. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Access to land When measured: February 2018 Estimated Number: 15, Actual Number: 28How verified: Surveys Result 23. Beginning farmers will increase their awareness and knowledge of innovative tools and financing for acquiring land. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Access to land When measured: February 2018 Estimated Number: 25, Actual Number: 38How verified: Surveys Result 24. Farm families will gain new knowledge and skills related to legal, tax, and estate implications of farm succession. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Asset management, including leasing and renting When measured: March, June 2017, 2019 Estimated Number: 20, Actual Number: 38How verified: Surveys, follow-up interviews/surveys Result 25. Ohio land trusts will choose to utilize new tools to make farmland available to beginning farmers. Producer action: Decide, Topic: Access to land When measured: February, May 2018; June 2019 Estimated Number: 3, Actual Number: 2How verified: Surveys, interviews Result 26. Beginning farmers will begin conversations with land trusts about accessing farmland. Producer action: Implement, Topic: Access to land When measured: February, May 2018; June 2019 Estimated Number: 3, Actual Number: 1How verified: Survey, follow-up interviews Result 27. Farm families will begin a farm succession plan that will result in transfer of business and/or land to beginning farmers. Producer action: Implement, Topic: Asset management, including leasing and renting When measured: March, June 2017, 2019 Estimated Number: 6, Actual Number: 21How verified: Surveys, follow-up interviews


    Progress 08/01/17 to 07/31/18

    Target Audience: Audience Emphasis Organic producers Small farms Specialty crop producers Traditional commercial producers Participants Served Record the total number of unique participants who participated in your program: Total Number of Participants: 1,290 Enter the actual cumulative number of participants who as a result of your program: Started farming: Target - 12, Actual - 1 Helped prepare to start farming: Target - 200, Actual - 17 Improved farming success: Target - 300, Actual - 260 Changes/Problems:To address programming needs and capacity issues on host farms participating in our apprentice program, last year we indicated we would be on-boarding additional host farms. In the second year of the grant, we on-boarded a total of four new host farms with much success for both apprentices and farmers. We will continue to work with this larger cohort of host farms in the final year of the grant. One additional change to note is that we offered four scholarships for beginning farmers to attend the Heartland Farm Beginnings training to help keep the program affordable for participants and to support recruitment efforts. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Delivery Total Meetings: 42 Total Meeting Participants: 1147 Total Webinars: 7 Total Webinar Participants: 72 Total Website Visits: 6774 Total Online Course Participants: 17 Meetings 11/15/2016: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 6 2/10/2017: Dayton, OH -- Number of Attendees 98 2/11/2017: Dayton, OH -- Number of Attendees 98 2/9/2017: Dayton, OH -- Number of Attendees 79 3/18/2017: Springfield, OH -- Number of Attendees 38 5/17/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 9 6/1/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 6 6/28/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 6 7/12/2017: Fredericktown, OH -- Number of Attendees 6 7/26/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 7 8/8/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 50 8/13/2017: New Lebanon, OH -- Number of Attendees 55 6/25/2017: Amesville, OH -- Number of Attendees 50 2/9/2017: Dayton, OH -- Number of Attendees 55 9/7/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 6 10/7/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 10 10/15/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 25 10/21/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 10 11/3/2017: London, OH -- Number of Attendees 9 11/4/2017: London, OH -- Number of Attendees 9 11/11/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 10 11/18/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 10 12/2/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 10 12/16/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 10 1/6/2018: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 10 1/20/2018: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 10 2/3/2018: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 10 2/14/2018: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 35 2/15/2018: Dayton, OH -- Number of Attendees 38 2/15/2018: Dayton, OH -- Number of Attendees 25 2/16/2018: Dayton, OH -- Number of Attendees 92 2/17/2018: Dayton, OH -- Number of Attendees 92 2/24/2018: Dayton, OH -- Number of Attendees 10 5/8/2018: Westerville, OH -- Number of Attendees 10 6/23/2018: Yellow Springs, OH -- Number of Attendees 28 6/24/2018: New Lebanon, OH -- Number of Attendees 4 7/15/2018: Clarksville, OH -- Number of Attendees 12 8/5/2018: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 28 8/7/2018: Ashland, OH -- Number of Attendees 6 8/11/2018: Napoleon, OH -- Number of Attendees 12 8/25/2018: Windsor, OH -- Number of Attendees 35 9/5/2018: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 18 Webinars 8/31/2017: Number of Attendees 6 5/3/2018: Number of Attendees 11 5/30/2018: Number of Attendees 11 6/13/2018: Number of Attendees 11 6/21/2018: Number of Attendees 11 7/10/2018: Number of Attendees 11 8/14/2018: Number of Attendees 11 How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Promotional Materials Begin Farming Program website Web outreach and program summaries Begin Farming Handout 1 Printable version of web summary Begin Farming brochure 1 Handout for events, conferences, and farm tours and workshops to recruit farmers Heartland Farm Beginnings website Overview of this year long program for early career farmers Begin Farming Apprentice Program website Overview of apprentice program for aspiring farmers Stories from the Field blog Beginning farmer blog for the Begin Farming program OEFFA's Next Farm Team Facebook group Online networking group for beginning farmers and experienced farmers Greenhorns Unite at 2017 OEFFA Conference Newsletter article: Highlights from beginning farmer experiences at the OEFFA conference Young Farmers Getting Helping Hand from New Ohio Program WOSU, NPR affiliate news story All Sides with Anne Fisher (NPR) discussing challenges facing beginning farmers in Ohio WOSU, NPR affiliate news story New Farmers Positioned for Success with Heartland Farm Beginnings Recruitment for Heartland Farm Beginnings program Beginning Farmers the Focus of Ohio's Largest Sustainable Food and Farm Conference Press release for OEFFA Conference highlighting features for beginning farmers OEFFA to Help Ohio Invest in Future of Agriculture Press release for BFRDP grant Challenges for New Farmers - All Sides with Anne Fisher (WOSU, NPR affiliate) An hour long radio session with OEFFA's Begin Farming Program Coordinator Kelly Henderson, National Young Farmers Coalition's Land Access Associate Michael Durante, farmer Lyndsey Teter of Six Buckets Farm, and farmer Rachel Tayse of Foraged & Sown discuss the realities of farming and the challenges new farmers face in the current landscape. Listening to the Land: Tools and Strategies for Land Assessment Workshop Promotional Flier Land seekers interested in attending the half day workshop to learn about the land assessment process. Heartland Farm Beginnings handout Promotion and recruitment of Heartland Farm Beginnings whole farm planning course Growing Farmers article in Edible Ohio Valley Article written about several OEFFA farmers participating in the Begin Farming program. Article highlights benefits and impacts of programs on small-scale, local farmers. Article is on page 42 by Amy Leibrock. Heating Up at the Ashmores - Article by Rural Life Today highlighting host farm and apprentices Local newspaper article covering the story of one of OEFFA's Apprenticeship program's host farmers and apprentices throughout the season. Ashmores teach apprentices process of pasture poultry - Article by Rural Life Today highlighting host farm and apprentices Fourth article in the series following host farm and apprentices in OEFFA's Begin Farming Apprenticeship Program. Heavy rain won't stop the Ashmores - Rural Life Today Article highlighting host farm and apprentices Third article in a series following host farm and apprentices in OEFFA's Begin Farming Apprenticeship Program. Beginning Farmers Key Focus of Upcoming Ohio Food Conference - Farm World article Discussion of key beginning farmer highlights at OEFFA's 2018 Conference. Article by Doug Graves What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Future steps the project will take: Meet with farmer advisory committee to disseminate program evaluation findings and identify needs for future programming. Host at least three networking events and at least two farmlink mixers. Deliver the Farm Vision course in 2019. Deliver six Begin Farming workshop at the OEFFA conference in 2019. Deliver 8 Heartland Farm Beginnings class sessions in 2018-2019 program. Participate in on-going professional development through the Farm Beginnings Collaborative including participation in the annual meeting and facilitator meeting in 2019. Deliver one additional scaling up intensive workshops with farmer educator Linda Halley and marketing educator Corinna Bench in 2018. Deliver one Farm Succession workshop in coordination with the Tecumseh Land Trust. Deliver classes, off-farm field days, and networking events for aspiring farmers in the apprentice cohort in 2019. Work with host farmers to develop individual learning plans for apprentices. Conduct site visits at apprentice host farms to help host farmers assess learning opportunities on-farm in 2019. Host at least three more Begin Farming farm tours during the growing season in 2019. Add to the blog to share beginning farmer stories, resources and events available to beginning farmers, and to highlight successes of the program. Provide 20 early career scholarships for attendance to the OEFFA Conference in each year. Provide on-demand phone and resource assistance for production, business, and marketing questions. Provide scholarships for farmers to attend Heartland Farm Beginnings training course. Pair 8 beginning farmers with experienced farmers to provide mentorship.

    What was accomplished under these goals? Results: What Producers Learned, Achieved, Applied Result 1. Aspiring farmers will gain new knowledge and hands-on competence as agricultural producers to prepare them to farm independently. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Organic production When measured: April and August (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 27, Actual Number: 12 How verified: Self-reporting via pre and post survey; focus group Result 2. Aspiring farmers will understand the agro-ecological underpinnings of organic production. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Organic production When measured: April and August (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 27, Actual Number: 16 How verified: Self-reporting via pre and post survey; focus group Result 3. Aspiring farmers will develop competence in the organic certification standards and process. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Organic production When measured: April and August (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 27, Actual Number: 16 How verified: Self-reporting via pre and post survey; focus group Result 4. Aspiring farmers will learn about the management skills needed to operate a commercial agricultural business. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Cost of production and farm financial benchmarking When measured: April and August (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 45, Actual Number: 16 How verified: Self-reported via pre and post survey; focus group Result 5. Host farms will develop their skills for educating and supporting the learning goals of apprentice farmers. Producer action: Develop, Topic: Mentoring, apprenticeships, and internships When measured: April and August (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 2, Actual Number: 7 How verified: Survey Result 6. Aspiring farmers will take steps towards or complete starting up a farm. Producer action: Decide, Topic: Business and strategic planning When measured: November (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 20, Actual Number: 44 How verified: Follow up survey or interview Result 7. Aspiring farmers will develop a support network that includes other beginning farmers. Producer action: Develop, Topic: Interpersonal, family, and business relationships When measured: April and August (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 25, Actual Number: 10 How verified: Self-reporting via pre and post survey; focus group Result 8. Aspiring farmers will assess readiness and ability to enter farming. Producer action: Develop, Topic: Business and strategic planning When measured: November (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 45, Actual Number: 44 How verified: Self-reporting via pre and post survey. Result 9. Aspiring farmers will create an individual learning plan to help progress towards farming independently. Producer action: Develop, Topic: Business and strategic planning When measured: April, August, November (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 45, Actual Number: 16 How verified: Self-reporting via post survey; focus group Result 10. Working organic farmers will develop formal training programs that can serve as Ohio models. Producer action: Implement, Topic: Mentoring, apprenticeships, and internships When measured: November (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 2, Actual Number: 7 How verified: Survey Result 11. Early-career farmers will gain new knowledge of sustainable and organic production, and develop new farming skills. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Organic production When measured: August (2017, 2018, 2019) Estimated Number: 300, Actual Number: 336 How verified: Online survey Result 12. Early career farmers will build a network of other beginning farmers. Producer action: Develop, Topic: Interpersonal, family, and business relationships When measured: August (2017, 2018, 2019) Estimated Number: 150, Actual Number: 21 How verified: Online survey Result 13. Early-career farmers will gain new knowledge and skills to scale up their production related to product quality and consistency, increasing yields, and expanding production. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Organic production When measured: November (2017,2018) Estimated Number: 50, Actual Number: 9 How verified: Survey Result 14. Early-career farmers will develop new business management knowledge and skills. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Business and strategic planning When measured: August (2017, 2018, 2019) Estimated Number: 60, Actual Number: 90 How verified: Written survey Result 15. Early-career farmers will learn new information as a result of OEFFA's producer information line. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Organic production When measured: August (2017, 2018, 2019) Estimated Number: 150, Actual Number: 472 How verified: Tracking via Educator log Result 16. Early-career farmers will learn about resources for financing their farm business. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Financial records and analysis When measured: August (2017, 2018, 2019) Estimated Number: 100, Actual Number: 44 How verified: Written survey; online survey Result 17. Early-career farmers will make improvements to production practices or farm management. Producer action: Implement, Topic: Organic production When measured: March (2017, 2018, 2019) Estimated Number: 150, Actual Number: 260 How verified: Online survey, written survey Result 18. Early-career farmers will make at least one change that allows them to scale up production. Producer action: Implement, Topic: Organic production When measured: November (2017,2018) Estimated Number: 45, Actual Number: 9 How verified: Survey Result 19. Early-career farmers will develop a holistic farm plan. Producer action: Develop, Topic: Business and strategic planning When measured: March (2018, 2019) Estimated Number: 30, Actual Number: 10 How verified: Survey Result 20. Early-career farmers will establish relationships with seasoned mentors. Producer action: Implement, Topic: Mentoring, apprenticeships, and internships When measured: November (2018) August (2019) Estimated Number: 20, Actual Number: 12 How verified: Survey Result 21. Early-career farmers will receive a loan through Kiva Zip with OEFFA serving as Trustee. Producer action: Implement, Topic: Acquiring and managing credit When measured: August 2019 Estimated Number: 6, Actual Number: 3 How verified: Survey Result 22. Staff and volunteers of land trusts will increase their awareness and knowledge of innovative tools for land transfer. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Access to land When measured: February 2018 Estimated Number: 15, Actual Number: 16 How verified: Surveys Result 23. Beginning farmers will increase their awareness and knowledge of innovative tools and financing for acquiring land. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Access to land When measured: February 2018 Estimated Number: 25, Actual Number: 20 How verified: Surveys Result 24. Farm families will gain new knowledge and skills related to legal, tax, and estate implications of farm succession. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Asset management, including leasing and renting When measured: March, June 2017, 2019 Estimated Number: 20, Actual Number: 21 How verified: Surveys, follow-up interviews/surveys Result 25. Ohio land trusts will choose to utilize new tools to make farmland available to beginning farmers. Producer action: Decide, Topic: Access to land When measured: February, May 2018; June 2019 Estimated Number: 3, Actual Number: 5 How verified: Surveys, interviews Result 26. Beginning farmers will begin conversations with land trusts about accessing farmland. Producer action: Implement, Topic: Access to land When measured: February, May 2018; June 2019 Estimated Number: 3, Actual Number: 0 How verified: Survey, follow-up interviews Result 27. Farm families will create a farm succession plan that will result in transfer of business and/or land to beginning farmers. Producer action: Implement, Topic: Asset management, including leasing and renting When measured: March, June 2017, 2019 Estimated Number: 6, Actual Number: 1 How verified: Surveys, follow-up interviews


      Progress 08/01/16 to 07/31/17

      Target Audience: Audience Emphasis Organic producers Small farms Specialty crop producers Traditional commercial producers Participants Served Record the total number of unique participants who participated in your program: Total Number of Participants: 1,031 Enter the actual cumulative number of participants who as a result of your program: Started farming: Target - 12, Actual - 0 Helped prepare to start farming: Target - 200, Actual - 6 Improved farming success: Target - 300, Actual - 179 Changes/Problems:Beginning in Year Two, OEFFA will work with five host farms for the apprenticeship program instead of two. We learned in Year One that our host farms did not have enough capacity to take on as many apprentices as they initially thought. To continue supporting the host farmer needs, we decided to add three more host farms with training capacity to ensure we would meet our apprentice placement goals for the project. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Delivery Total Meetings: 15 Total Meeting Participants: 569 Total Webinars: 1 Total Webinar Participants: 6 Total Website Visits: 2772 Total Online Course Participants: 0 Meetings 11/15/2016: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 6 2/10/2017: Dayton, OH -- Number of Attendees 98 2/11/2017: Dayton, OH -- Number of Attendees 98 2/9/2017: Dayton, OH -- Number of Attendees 79 3/18/2017: Springfield, OH -- Number of Attendees 38 5/17/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 9 6/1/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 6 6/28/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 6 7/12/2017: Fredericktown, OH -- Number of Attendees 6 7/26/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 7 8/8/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 50 8/13/2017: New Lebanon, OH -- Number of Attendees 55 6/25/2017: Amesville, OH -- Number of Attendees 50 2/9/2017: Dayton, OH -- Number of Attendees 55 9/7/2017: Columbus, OH -- Number of Attendees 6 Webinars 8/31/2017: Number of Attendees 6 How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Promotional Materials Begin Farming Program website Web outreach and program summaries Begin Farming Handout 1 Printable version of web summary Begin Farming brochure 1 Handout for events, conferences, and farm tours and workshops to recruit farmers Heartland Farm Beginnings handout Promote and recruit for the Heartland Farm Beginnings whole farm planning course Heartland Farm Beginnings website Overview of this year long program for early career farmers Begin Farming Apprentice Program website Overview of apprentice program for aspiring farmers Stories from the Field blog Beginning farmer blog for the Begin Farming program OEFFA's Next Farm Team Facebook group Online networking group for beginning farmers and experienced farmers Greenhorns Unite at 2017 OEFFA Conference Newsletter article: Highlights from beginning farmer experiences at the OEFFA conference Young Farmers Getting Helping Hand from New Ohio Program WOSU, NPR affiliate news story All Sides with Anne Fisher (NPR) discussing challenges facing beginning farmers in Ohio WOSU, NPR affiliate news story New Farmers Positioned for Success with Heartland Farm Beginnings Recruitment for Heartland Farm Beginnings program Beginning Farmers the Focus of Ohio's Largest Sustainable Food and Farm Conference Press release for OEFFA Conference highlighting features for beginning farmers OEFFA to Help Ohio Invest in Future of Agriculture Press release for BFRDP grant What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Future steps the project will take: Update web content to reflect new programs, services, and resources as they are offered and developed. Meet with farmer advisory committee to disseminate program evaluation findings and identify needs for future programming. Review and adapt apprentice program materials based on the evaluation findings. Update the apprentice application process to reflect program expectations and address human resource management on-farm. Host at least three networking events in each year. Deliver the Farm Vision course in each year. Deliver six Begin Farming workshop at the OEFFA conference each year. Deliver 10 Heartland Farm Beginnings class sessions in each year. Participate in on-going professional development through the Farm Beginnings Collaborative including participation in the annual meeting and facilitator meeting in each year. Deliver two additional scaling up intensive workshops with farmer educator Linda Halley in 2017 and 2018. Deliver one Farm Succession workshop in coordination with the Tecumseh Land Trust. Deliver one financial decision making workshop for land access with the National Young Farmers Coalition as part of OEFFA's Food and Farm School in 2018. Deliver one land access innovation training for land trusts and conservation professionals with the National Young Farmer Coalition in 2018. Deliver classes, off-farm field days, and networking events for aspiring farmers in the apprentice cohort in each year. Work with host farmers to develop individual learning plans for apprentices. On-board additional host farms for the apprentice program. Conduct site visits at apprentice host farms to help host farmers assess learning opportunities on-farm. Host at least six more Begin Farming farm tours during the growing season between 2018-2019. Add to the blog to share beginning farmer stories, resources and events available to beginning farmers, and to highlight successes of the program. Provide 20 early career scholarships for attendance to the OEFFA Conference in each year. Provide on-demand phone and resource assistance for production, business, and marketing questions. Pair 20 beginning farmers with experienced farmers to provide mentorship.

      What was accomplished under these goals? Results: What Producers Learned, Achieved, Applied Result 1. Aspiring farmers will gain new knowledge and hands-on competence as agricultural producers to prepare them to farm independently. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Organic production When measured: April and August (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 27, Actual Number: 1 How verified: Self-reporting via pre and post survey; focus group Result 2. Aspiring farmers will understand the agro-ecological underpinnings of organic production. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Organic production When measured: April and August (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 27, Actual Number: 6 How verified: Self-reporting via pre and post survey; focus group Result 3. Aspiring farmers will develop competence in the organic certification standards and process. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Organic production When measured: April and August (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 27, Actual Number: 6 How verified: Self-reporting via pre and post survey; focus group Result 4. Aspiring farmers will learn about the management skills needed to operate a commercial agricultural business. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Cost of production and farm financial benchmarking When measured: April and August (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 45, Actual Number: 5 How verified: Self-reported via pre and post survey; focus group Result 5. Host farms will develop their skills for educating and supporting the learning goals of apprentice farmers. Producer action: Develop, Topic: Mentoring, apprenticeships, and internships When measured: April and August (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 2, Actual Number: 2 How verified: Survey Result 6. Aspiring farmers will take steps towards or complete starting up a farm. Producer action: Decide, Topic: Business and strategic planning When measured: November (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 20, Actual Number: 0 How verified: Follow up survey or interview Result 7. Aspiring farmers will develop a support network that includes other beginning farmers. Producer action: Develop, Topic: Interpersonal, family, and business relationships When measured: April and August (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 25, Actual Number: 6 How verified: Self-reporting via pre and post survey; focus group Result 8. Aspiring farmers will assess readiness and ability to enter farming. Producer action: Develop, Topic: Business and strategic planning When measured: November (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 45, Actual Number: 0 How verified: Self-reporting via pre and post survey. Result 9. Aspiring farmers will create an individual learning plan to help progress towards farming independently. Producer action: Develop, Topic: Business and strategic planning When measured: April, August, November (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 45, Actual Number: 6 How verified: Self-reporting via post survey; focus group Result 10. Working organic farmers will develop formal training programs that can serve as Ohio models. Producer action: Implement, Topic: Mentoring, apprenticeships, and internships When measured: November (2017,2018,2019) Estimated Number: 2, Actual Number: 2 How verified: Survey Result 11. Early-career farmers will gain new knowledge of sustainable and organic production, and develop new farming skills. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Organic production When measured: August (2017, 2018, 2019) Estimated Number: 300, Actual Number: 178 How verified: Online survey Result 12. Early career farmers will build a network of other beginning farmers. Producer action: Develop, Topic: Interpersonal, family, and business relationships When measured: August (2017, 2018, 2019) Estimated Number: 150, Actual Number: 21 How verified: Online survey Result 13. Early-career farmers will gain new knowledge and skills to scale up their production related to product quality and consistency, increasing yields, and expanding production. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Organic production When measured: November (2017,2018) Estimated Number: 50, Actual Number: 0 How verified: Survey Result 14. Early-career farmers will develop new business management knowledge and skills. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Business and strategic planning When measured: August (2017, 2018, 2019) Estimated Number: 60, Actual Number: 70 How verified: Online survey Result 15. Early-career farmers will learn new information as a result of OEFFA's producer information line. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Organic production When measured: August (2017, 2018, 2019) Estimated Number: 150, Actual Number: 257 How verified: Online survey, phone interviews Result 16. Early-career farmers will learn about resources for financing their farm business. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Financial records and analysis When measured: August (2017, 2018, 2019) Estimated Number: 100, Actual Number: 23 How verified: Online survey Result 17. Early-career farmers will make improvements to production practices or farm management. Producer action: Implement, Topic: Organic production When measured: March (2017, 2018, 2019) Estimated Number: 150, Actual Number: 179 How verified: Online survey, written survey Result 18. Early-career farmers will make at least one change that allows them to scale up production. Producer action: Implement, Topic: Organic production When measured: November (2017,2018) Estimated Number: 45, Actual Number: 0 How verified: Survey Result 19. Early-career farmers will develop a holistic farm plan. Producer action: Develop, Topic: Business and strategic planning When measured: March (2018, 2019) Estimated Number: 30, Actual Number: 0 How verified: Survey Result 20. Early-career farmers will establish relationships with seasoned mentors. Producer action: Implement, Topic: Mentoring, apprenticeships, and internships When measured: November (2018) August (2019) Estimated Number: 20, Actual Number: 0 How verified: Survey Result 21. Early-career farmers will receive a loan through Kiva Zip with OEFFA serving as Trustee. Producer action: Implement, Topic: Acquiring and managing credit When measured: August 2019 Estimated Number: 6, Actual Number: 1 How verified: Survey Result 22. Staff and volunteers of land trusts will increase their awareness and knowledge of innovative tools for land transfer. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Access to land When measured: February 2018 Estimated Number: 15, Actual Number: 0 How verified: Surveys Result 23. Beginning farmers will increase their awareness and knowledge of innovative tools and financing for acquiring land. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Access to land When measured: February 2018 Estimated Number: 25, Actual Number: 0 How verified: Surveys Result 24. Farm families will gain new knowledge and skills related to legal, tax, and estate implications of farm succession. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Asset management, including leasing and renting When measured: March, June 2017, 2019 Estimated Number: 20, Actual Number: 21 How verified: Surveys, follow-up interviews/surveys Result 25. Ohio land trusts will choose to utilize new tools to make farmland available to beginning farmers. Producer action: Decide, Topic: Access to land When measured: February, May 2018; June 2019 Estimated Number: 3, Actual Number: 0 How verified: Surveys, interviews Result 26. Beginning farmers will begin conversations with land trusts about accessing farmland. Producer action: Implement, Topic: Access to land When measured: February, May 2018; June 2019 Estimated Number: 3, Actual Number: 0 How verified: Survey, follow-up interviews Result 27. Farm families will create a farm succession plan that will result in transfer of business and/or land to beginning farmers. Producer action: Implement, Topic: Asset management, including leasing and renting When measured: March, June 2017, 2019 Estimated Number: 6, Actual Number: 1 How verified: Surveys, follow-up interviews
