Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
May 13, 2016
Project End Date
Jan 25, 2021
Grant Year
Project Director
Auger, D, .
Recipient Organization
PO BOX 2275A
Performing Department
Biology & Microbiology
Non Technical Summary
Essential to modifying corn to meet the challenges of a changing social and physical environment, there needs to be development of basic knowledge and tools. The work outlined here will act upon this need on four fronts. 1. Variation in discrete traits, classical mutations, is well understood, but variation in quantitative traits is not well known. This disparity is important because breeders typically focus on variation in quantitative traits. This project intends to gain insight into how this variation arises spontaneously. 2. The use of genetically modified corn has been almost universally adopted by farmers, but niche markets call for products free of these modifications. The niche markets are willing to pay a premium, but require genetic testing to insure that these products are free from contamination. The gametophyte factor (Ga1-S) offers a method to prevent pollen contamination, but its mode of action is variable and not understood. This project will move towards better understanding of this factor. 3. High amylose (unbranched) starch is desired for certain applications, both for food and industry. A quantitative trait locus has been identified that clearly modifies the amount of amylose in corn. A specific gene, starch branching enzyme 1, has been implicated as the cause of this trait, but it has not yet been confirmed. We intend to confirm this. 4. Corn is an annual crop plant. It has two close relatives that are perennial. If the genetics of perennialism were understood, it might be possible to transfer this trait to corn.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
202 - Plant Genetic Resources;

Subject Of Investigation
1510 - Corn;

Field Of Science
1080 - Genetics;
Goals / Objectives
1. Analyze the progeny of doubled-haploid maize to better understand the basis of spontaneous quantitative trait polymorphisms. We previously developed ten lines that are descended from a single doubled-haploid seed. Several lines demonstrated significant differences for various quantitative traits, but only two were putatively heritable. The goal of this project is to develop at least five descent lines that are each heritably polymorphic for a different quantitative trait. These will be used not only to determine the basis for the spontaneous emergence of quantitative polymorphisms, but will also allow for the analysis of gene expression among lines that differ in polymorphic traits but otherwise possess an isogenic background.2. Investigation of Ga1-s (gametophyte factor). Maize plants that possess Ga1-s resist pollen from plants that do not. The gametophyte factor has been used for years in popcorn to prevent cross-pollination from other maize varieties. More recently, Ga1-s has been used to prevent organic maize from being cross-pollinated by genetically modified maize. Although the factor has been fine-mapped on the short arm of chromosome 4, the gene itself has not been isolated and the mechanism of how this factor works is not well understood. Other laboratories are attempting to isolate the actual gene, which currently appears to be somewhat illusive. We have observed that the penetrance of this factor is heavily dependent upon the genetic background. We will use recombinant inbred lines (RILs) developed for the nested associated mapping (NAM) populations to attempt to identify what quantitative trait loci (QTL) may be modifying this trait. If one or more genes can be identified that are necessary for Ga1-s function, it will assist in understanding how Ga1-s works.3. Study the allelic differences among starch branching enzyme 1 (sbe1) gene. In our previous work, we have implicated a specific allele of sbe1 in yielding very high amylose content in maize endosperm. Sequence analysis indicates that the high-amylose allele differs from the most common allele by six amino acid differences. We propose to test if sbe1 is the actual cause of the high-amylose trait (as opposed to a closely linked factor). If it is, then we will investigate4. Corn is an annual crop, but there are two close relatives that are perennial. I am collaborating with Dr. Yang Yen to investigate the genetics of perennialism in the genus Zea and determine the feasibility of transferring this trait to corn.
Project Methods
1. Descent lines will be planted in Complete Randomized Blocks in subsequent summer nurseries. Plants will be measured for various quantitative traits and analyzed using ANOVA. A descent line that demonstrates a significant variation in two sequential generations will be identified as polymorphic.2. RILs from NAM population are to be crossed with a line homozyous for Ga1-S. The F1 lines will be grown and pollinated with ga1 pollen on one day and pollinated with Ga1-S pollen on the second day. The ga1 pollen carries color factors that result in blue-colored kernels. The degree of contamination with colored kernels indicates the strength of Ga1-S resistance to ga1 pollen. The resulting ears are to be scored and the data correlated with molecular markers that will allow mapping of potential quantitative trait loci (QTL).3. A plant that is heterozygous for the higher and lower amylose have been crossed with a mutated null sbe1 allele. The higher/lower amylose traits are semi-dominant to each other. The null sbe1 allele is recessive. If either the higher or lower amylose trait continue to demonstrate semidominance in the presence of the null sbe1 allele, then it would indicate that the trait is not caused by sbe1, but rather some other closely linked gene. In addition, DNA from diverse varieties will be obtained and used to sequence the sbe1 gene for allelic differences. Lines with variations in the sbe1 enzyme will be identified and tested for variations in amylose content.4. Maize is an annual plant, but there are close relatives that are perennial. In collaboration with Dr. Yang Yen, we have crossed maize with Z. diploperennis (a perennial) and have found the hybrid to be perennial. The self-pollinated progeny of the hybrid (i.e., the F2) have been generated and these segregate for regrowth/non-regrowth at a ratio close to 9:7, which may indicate that this trait is controlled by two dominant complementary genes. We are validating this model in two ways in hopes of identify candidate genes that are responsible for perennialism. First is the development of both F3 and backcross populations that are perennial. This will allow for genetic mapping of genes responsible for this trait. Complete genomic sequence data has been generated from parental varieties, F1 and F3. These data are being analyzed for evidence of chromosomal regions that cosegregate with the trait.

Progress 05/13/16 to 01/25/21

Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems:Submitting this report to close Dr. Auger's project. Dr. Auger lost his five year battle with cancer ealier this month What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Submitting this report to close Dr. Auger's project. Dr. Auger lost his five year battle with cancer ealier this month


    Progress 10/01/18 to 09/30/19

    Target Audience:The audiences targeted by this work included: 1) An organic farmer (Donald D. Jarrett) from Britton, SD, 2) about 40 students interested in plant breeding (through the SDSU Crop Improvement, PS 383), 3) scientists at the Maize Genetics Conference in St. Louis, MO in March 2019. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Two MS graduate students, Prameela Awale and Namrata Maharjan, have worked on these projects. Ms. Awale is working on sbe1. Besides practical nursery and field genetic skills, she is developing molecular laboratory skills such as PCR. Ms. Maharjan is a new MS student who is moving the Tcb1 project forward. She is also developing skills in practical and theoretical genetics. Three undergraduates have worked on these projects. Aaron Yam and Brevin Gustavson have sequenced eight more alleles of sbe1. Samuel Peterson gathered data on the heritability of tassel branches in the doubled-haploid project. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Presentations have been made at a scientific conference, one article has been published in a refereed journal, and a second article is under review. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Objective 1: Analyze the progeny of doubled-haploid maize to better understand the basis of spontaneous quantitative trait polymorphisms. We are advancing the lines another generation to allow for the potential generation of new polymorphisms. We will screen for new polymorphisms in the 2020 nursery, depending upon resources. Objective 2: Investigation of Ga1-s (gametophyte factor 1). Manuscripts for Ga1-s and for Tcb1 modifiers will be prepared. We will also repeat the Tcb1 QTL study because we believe the results in 2019 may have been heavily affected by the unusual weather conditions. Objective 3: Study the allelic differences among starch branching enzyme 1 (sbe1) gene. We are currently testing amylose content in kernels segregating for sbe1 alleles form Z. parviglumis. We will sequence other lines to determine other sbe1 alleles that may be of interest. Objective 4: Investigate the genetics of perennialism in the genus Zea and determine the feasibility of transferring this trait to corn. We will continue to develop lines that are true-breeding for the potential factors that necessary for regrowth, and introgress the regrowth trait into B73.

    What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1: Analyze the progeny of doubled-haploid maize to better understand the basis of spontaneous quantitative trait polymorphisms. (80% Accomplished) This objective will allow us to better understand how heritable variability emerges from a maize population that is genetically homogeneous. The potential impact of this project will be to allow breeders to better understand how spontaneous variability arises. This year we examined the heritability of the higher tassel branch trait found in one doubled-haploid line. Two randomized blocks of F1 and F2 populations were grown and tassel branch numbers were recorded. We focused on this trait because it was the most consistent and should be readily testable for broad sense heritability (H2). Data analysis is not complete, but preliminary results indicate no detectable heritability, which indicate that the trait is not genetic. We advanced the doubled-haploid population one more generation, but because of weather and resources, did not attempt to screen for new heritable traits. Objective 2: Investigation of Ga1-s (gametophyte factor 1). (80% Accomplished) This objective will allow us to determine the factors help Ga1-s and Tcb1 more effectively block foreign pollen. The impact is that this will help breeders incorporate either of these two factors into maize lines to protect them from genetic contamination. We are still in the process of completing a manuscript on quantitative trait loci (QTL) that modify efficacy of Ga1-s. Two recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from the nested association mapping (NAM) populations were crossed by a Ga1-s standard. The hybrids were grown and pollinated. We first crossed five plants from each RIL with pollen that lacked Ga1-s, but possessed genes that cause the resulting kernels to express anthocyanin (blue color). We subsequently crossed the resulting plants with pollen possessing Ga1-s, but no color factors, which results in yellow kernels. The resulting ears were scored for contamination with blue kernels and these scores were statistically associated with chromosomal markers. From the two RILs, we found significant QTL on chromosomes one, four, five, and ten. Knowledge of these QTL can assist breeders in strengthening the effect of Ga1-s. This past summer we tested hybrids of Tcb1-s (strong allele) with recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from the intermated B73/Mo17 (IBM). We first crossed five plants from each RIL with pollen that lacked Tcb1, but possessed genes that cause the resulting kernels to express anthocyanin (blue color). We subsequently crossed the resulting plants with pollen possessing Tcb1, but no color factors, which results in yellow kernels. Two strong QTLs were detected on chromosomes 4 and 5. These data are currently being analyzed to determine QTL that modify Tcb1 efficacy in blocking non-Tcb1 pollen. Even so, we intend to repeat this experiment next summer because we believe the results are likely skewed by the poor conditions last summer. Because of wet conditions, the seeds were planted so late that we could not afford to have staggered planting of the tester stocks. By the time the testers flowered, the Tcb1 stocks were getting old and we experience poor seed set. We think the results may have been confounded by this uncontrolled variable of the age of the ears. This year we also crossed both Ga1-s and Tcb1 onto lines that are part of the Goodman-Buckler panel. This collection of stocks will allow for a genome-wide association study (GWAS). Unfortunately, the weather was a strong factor in limiting the success of making these crosses. We will move forward to make more such crosses during summer 2020. Objective 3: Study the allelic differences among starch branching enzyme 1 (sbe1) gene. (100% Accomplished) This objective will allow us to determine if a specific version (allele) of starch branching enzyme 1 (sbe1) is responsible for high amylose (unbranched starch) in maize endosperm. The impact of this project is that we have demonstrated that the specific allele originally found in GEMS-0067 is directly responsible for this trait and this can be incorporated into other lines in order to increase amylose content. Now that we have established that a specific allele (version) of sbe1 is responsible for the high amylose trait, we are testing whether a similar allele of sbe1 found in a close wild relative of maize (Z. mays parviglumis) has the same property. The high amylose trait is only apparent in the absence of another starch branching enzyme, which is encoded by the amylose extender 1 (ae1) gene. Because we have been using an unusual dominant knock-out allele (Ae1-5180, where one copy eliminates this other starch branching enzyme), we have developed molecular markers that identify this allele. This last summer we grew and identified plants that possess Ae1-5180 and are segregating for the sbe1 allele from parviglumis. Analysis is currently being done. Objective 4: Investigate the genetics of perennialism in the genus Zea and determine the feasibility of transferring this trait to corn. (100% Accomplished) This objective will help us better understand the genetics of perennialism in maize. The impact is the possibility of developing varieties of maize that are perennial and don't have to be re-seeded each year. The perennialism trait appears to be mostly controlled by two strong loci. The methods and key results of this work were reported last year. During the past reporting year our manuscript was accepted and published. We are continuing to pursue this project by developing plants that have either one or the other dominant controlling locus. This will allow us to cross them and directly test the two loci model. In addition, we are continuing to backcross the trait into the maize B73 line. On the last item, we were unsuccessful this last summer.


    • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Ma A, Qiu Y, Raihan T, Paudel B, Dahal S, Zhuang Y, Galla A, Auger D, Yen Y. 2019. The genetics and genome-wide screening of perennialism loci in Zea diploperennis. G3:Genes|Genomes|Genetics. 9:1393-1403.
    • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2019 Citation: Maharjan N, Awale P, Auger D. 2019. Development of an iPCR method to identify genes mutated by transposed activator in maize. Maize Genetics Conference, St. Louis, MO. March 14-17.
    • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2018 Citation: Awale P, Auger D. 2019. Polymerase chain reaction primers that identify the Ae1-5180 allele. Maize Genetics Conference, St. Louis, MO. March 14-17.
    • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Awaiting Publication Year Published: 2019 Citation: Wang Y, Afeworki Y, Geng S, Kanchupati P, Gu M, Martins C, Rude B, Tefera H, Kim Y, Ge X, Auger D, Chen S, Yang P, Hu T, Wu Y. 2019. Hydrotropism in the primary roots of maize. New Phytologist.

    Progress 10/01/17 to 09/30/18

    Target Audience:The audience targeted by this work included: 1) An organic farmer (Donald D. Jarrett) from Britton, SD, 2) about 40 students interested in plant breeding (trhough the SDSU Crop Improvement, PS 383), 3) between 50-100 plant bredders at the 54th Annual Illinois Corn Breeders' School (Champaign, IL), and 4) scientists (through the American Society of Plant Biologists Midwest Regional Meeting & Maize Genetics Conference). Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Three MS graduate students, Merritt Burch, Prameela Awale and Namrata Maharjan, have worked on these projects. Ms. Burch worked on doubled haploids and the pollen blocking factors. Besides practical nursery and field genetic skills, she has developed an expertise in statistical analysis. She graduated this last year and is now pursuing a Ph.D. with Dr. Edward Buckler at Cornell University. Ms. Awale is working on sbe1. Besides practical nursery and field genetic skills, she is developing molecular laboratory skills such as PCR. Ms. Maharjan is a new MS student who is moving the Tcb1 project forward. She is also developing skills in practical and theoretical genetics. One undergraduate, Tate Voss, worked with us on the Ga1-S project gathering data. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Presentations have been made at scientific conferences, one article has been published in a refereed journal, and a second article is under review. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Objective 1: Analyze the progeny of doubled-haploid maize to better understand the basis of spontaneous quantitative trait polymorphisms. We are advancing the lines two more generations to allow for the potential generation of new polymorphisms. We may screen for new polymorphisms in the 2019 nursery, depending upon resources. Objective 2: Investigation of Ga1-s (gametophyte factor 1). Manuscripts for Ga1-s (and potentially for Tcb1) modifiers will be prepared. Objective 3: Study the allelic differences among starch branching enzyme 1 (sbe1) gene. We are currently testing amylose content in kernels segregating for sbe1 alleles form Z. parviglumis and NC350 to determine if they have a similar effect as the GEMS allele. Objective 4: Investigate the genetics of perennialism in the genus Zea and determine the feasibility of transferring this trait to corn. We have submitted a manuscript and now are revising it for publication. We will continue to develop lines that are true-breeding for the potential factors that necessary for regrowth.

    What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1: Analyze the progeny of doubled-haploid maize to better understand the basis of spontaneous quantitative trait polymorphisms. (70% Accomplished) This objective is to better understand how heritable variability emerges from a maize population that is genetically homogeneous. The potential impact of this project is to allow breeders to better understand how spontaneous variability arises. This year we did not attempt to screen for newly emerged heritable polymorphic traits, but instead focused on advancing the ten lines in both the summer and winter nurseries in order to allow for the potential generation of new polymorphisms. We may screen for new polymorphisms in the 2019 nursery, depending upon resources. Objective 2: Investigation of Ga1-s (gametophyte factor 1). (90% Accomplished) This objective is to determine what genetic factors help Ga1-s (and also Tcb1) more effectively block foreign pollen. The impact is to help breeders incorporate either of these two factors into maize lines to protect them from genetic contamination. We used two different maize populations to screen for modifiers of Ga1-s. Both populations showed two significant modifiers of the ability of Ga1-s to block pollen. It was interesting that the pair of modifier genes from the two populations were different, which indicate that there are likely other modifiers of Ga1-s that have yet to be detected. Equally important, we have also shown that there is at least one physiological modifier of Ga1-s. Older silks are more resistant to pollen lacking the Ga factor. We are currently analyzing data from the summer of 2018 to determine if the modifiers work with Ga1-s (synergistically) or separately (in parallel). We are working towards having a manuscript prepared this spring. We have also made progress on the Tcb1 (Teosinte crossing barrier 1) gene. Last summer we crossed Tcb1-s (strong allele) with a different population to map modifiers. The new population was developed from a cross between B73 and Mo17 inbreds. The B73 inbred line showed a strong blocking response to non-Tcb1 pollen, whereas the Mo17 line was weaker. This coming summer we will test the progeny of last years crosses to detect factors that modify the effectiveness of Tcb1-s. Objective 3: Study the allelic differences among starch branching enzyme 1 (sbe1) gene. (100% Accomplished) This objective is to determine if a specific version (allele) of starch branching enzyme 1 (sbe1) is responsible for high amylose (unbranched starch) in maize endosperm. The impact of this project is that we have demonstrated that the specific allele originally found in GEMS-0067 is directly responsible for this trait and this can be incorporated into other lines in order to increase amylose content. We are continuing to investigate similar alleles found in other varieties. We are currently testing whether the sbe1 alleles found in teosinte (closest wild relative of maize) and inbred line NC350 also share the same property. The sbe1 alleles found in these is nearly identical to the high-amylose allele. Objective 4: Investigate the genetics of perennialism in the genus Zea and determine the feasibility of transferring this trait to corn. (75% Accomplished) This objective is to better understand the genetics of perennialism in maize. The impact is the possibility of developing varieties of maize that are perennial and don't have to be re-seeded each year. Our data indicate that regrowth after senescence is likely the result of two dominant genetic factors. What the factors are and how they function are unknown at this time, but one is located on chromosome 2 and the other on chromosome 7. We have submitted a manuscript for publication and are continuing to inbreed the factors in order to better confirm our observations.


    • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation: Gyawali A, Auger DL. (2018) Evidence that the allelic segregation of starch branching enzyme 1 (sbe1) is the source of a high amylose QTL in maize. Crop Sci. 58:doi: 10.2135/cropsci2017.01.0026
    • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2018 Citation: Burch M, Auger D. 2018. Mapping loci that modify the efficacy of teosinte crossing barrier 1. American Society of Plant Biologists Midwest Regional Meeting, March 3-4, Ames, IA.
    • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2018 Citation: Burch M, Auger D. 2018. Mapping loci that modify the efficacy of Teosinte crossing barrier 1. 54th Annual Illinois Corn Breeders School, March 5-6, Champaign, IL.
    • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2018 Citation: Burch M, Auger D. 2018. Mapping loci that modify the efficacy of Teosinte crossing barrier 1. 60th Annual Maize Genetics Conference, March 22-25, St. Malo, France.
    • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2018 Citation: Awale P, Auger D. 2018. Determining the effect of the sbe1 allele from Z. mays parviglumis on maize endosperm starch composition in an ae1 background. American Society of Plant Biologists Midwest Regional Meeting, March 3-4, Ames, IA.
    • Type: Theses/Dissertations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2018 Citation: Burch M. 2018. Identification of QTLs modifying the activity of the Tcb1-S locus and characterization and sequencing of two plutonium-beryllium induced male gametophyte mutants in maize. Masters thesis, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD.
    • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2018 Citation: Ma A, Qiu Y, Raihan T, Paudel B, Dahal S, Zhuang Y, Galla A, Auger D, Yen Y. 2018. The genetics and genome-wide screening of perennialism loci in Zea diploperennis. Submitted to G3:Genes|Genomes|Genetics on August 20, 2018.

    Progress 10/01/16 to 09/30/17

    Target Audience:Genetistits, breeders, organic farmers, and scientists. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Two MS graduate students, Merritt Burch and Prameela Awale, are working on these projects. Merritt is working on doubled haploids and the pollen blocking factors. Besides practical nursery and field genetic skills, she has developed an expertise in statistical analysis. Prameela is working on sbe1.Besides practical nursery and field genetic skills, she is developing molecular laboratory skills such as PCR. Two undergraduates, Busha Hika and Rongbo Huang, have worked on sbe1 in 2017. Their work was exclusively learning and using molecular laboratory skills. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Presentations have been made at scientific conferences and one publication has been accepted in a refereed journal. See Products section for particulars. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Goal 1. Analyze the progeny of doubled-haploid maize to better understand the basis of spontaneous quantitative trait polymorphism. This last summer we grew a new generation and screened them again for heritable polymorphisms. These data are being analyzed. We intended to test one polymorphism, tassel branch number, for heritability, but there was insufficient field space. We will attempt to gather these data this summer. Goal 2. Investigation of Ga1-s (gametophyte factor 1). Manuscripts for Ga1-s and Tcb1 modifiers will be prepared. Goal 3. Study the allelic differences among starch branching enzyme 1 (sbe1) gene. We will test amylose content in kernels segregating for sbe1 alleles form Z. parviglumis and NC350 to determine if they have a similar affect as the GEMS allele. Goal 4. The genetics of perennialism in the genus Zea. We are finishing analysis of mapping data from a cross of Z. diploperennis and B73 in order to determine it these data will reveal location of perennialism genes. We are continuing to generate descent lines from a cross of diploperennis with inbreds B73 and Mo17.

    What was accomplished under these goals? Goal 1. Analyze the progeny of doubled-haploid maize to better understand the basis of spontaneous quantitative trait polymorphisms. (60% accomplished). The goal of this project is to develop at least five descent lines that are each heritably polymorphic for a different quantitative trait. These will be used not only to determine the basis for the spontaneous emergence of quantitative polymorphisms, but will also allow for the analysis of gene expression among lines that differ in polymorphic traits but otherwise possess an isogenic background. Several traits (kernels per ear, number of tassel branches, number of days to pollen shed, number of days to silk emergence) have been demonstrated to be polymorphic. The total variation in our 2014 planting was subjected to factor analysis and the great majority of the variance of 13 traits is explained by five underlying factors. When data from other years are similarly analyzed, the same five components emerge. The factors are theoretical, but we will attempt to determine which of the factors are environmental and which are heritable. Those factors that are heritable may allow more insight into what contributes to quantitative traits, which would be informative to breeders. Goal 2. Investigation of Ga1-s (gametophyte factor 1). (80% accomplished). In this study, we have included another pollen blocking factor: Teosinte crossing barrier 1 (Tcb1). (50% accomplished). This last summer we tested efficacy of the Teosinte crossing barrier 1 (Tcb1) in hybrids between a line carrying Tcb1 and about different 75 recombinant inbred lines from the "intermated B73-Mo17" (IBM) population. The results oflast summer's test allowed us to identify five quantitative trait loci that modify the efficacy of Tcb1. Goal 3. Study the allelic differences among starch branching enzyme 1 (sbe1) gene.(95% accomplished). We propose to test if sbe1 is the actual cause of the high-amylose trait (as opposed to a closely linked factor). If it is, then we will investigate. Last year we established that the allele of sbe1 found in GEMS-0067 is the source of the high amylose trait. A report has been accepted on this in Plant Science. We have also generated materials where the sbe1 allele found in Z. mays parviglumis and NC350, both of which encode proteins that are nearly identical to the GEMS allele, are segregating with the common allele that results in lower amylose. These materials will be analyzed in 2018. Goal 4. Corn is an annual crop, but there are two close relatives that are perennial. I am collaborating with Dr. Yang Yen to investigate the genetics of perennialism in the genus Zea and determine the feasibility of transferring this trait to corn. (50% accomplished) The map data from Z. diploperennis/Z. mays mays Var. Rhee Flint were found to be difficult to analyze. We are now analyzing mapping data from a cross of Z. diploperennis and Maize inbred B73 and these data are more amenable to analysis. We hope to have a manuscript in 2018 that indicate which chromosomal regions likely possess the perennial factors. We are also introgressing the perennial trait into inbred lines B73 and Mo17 and are propagating backcross individuals and identifying which show re-growth. The greenhouse suffered a failure of heating in December of 2017 and we have are still determining the amount of plant loss.


    • Type: Journal Articles Status: Accepted Year Published: 2018 Citation: Abiskar Gyawali and Donald Auger, 2018, Evidence that the Allelic Segregation of starch branching enzyme 1 (sbe1) is the Source of a High Amylose QTL in Maize. Crop Science doi:10.2135/cropsci2017.01.0026
    • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2017 Citation: Auger, Donald; Gyawali, Abiskar, Wu, Yusheng, Huang, Ruijia; Wu, Yajun; 2017. The high-amylose trait of GEMS-0067 is due to an allele of starch branching enzyme 1 that appears to be literally wild-type. Maize Genetics Conference, St. Louis, MO, March 2017.
    • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2017 Citation: Burch, Merritt B; Auger, Donald, 2017. The hunt for modifiers of the Tcb1 locus. Maize Genetics Conference, St. Louis, MO, March 21-24, 2017.
    • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2017 Citation: Yafang Wang, Brady Rude, Donald Auger, Yajun Wu, 2017. Hydrotropic Response of Different Genotypes in Maize. University of Missouri IPG symposium. June 7-9, 2017, Columbia, MO

    Progress 05/13/16 to 09/30/16

    Target Audience: Genetistits, breeders, organic farmers, and scientists. Changes/Problems:Include consideration of Tcb1 as explained above. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Two graduate students, Vivek Shrestha and Abiskar Gyawali, have graduated with MS in Aug 2016. Abiskar worked on sbe1 and the Vivek worked on Ga1-s and doubled-haploids. A current graduate student, Merritt Burch, is working on doubled haploid, Tcb1 and perennialism. One undergraduate has worked on sbe1 in 2017. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Presentations have been made at scientific conferences and publications accepted in refereed journals. See Products section for particulars. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Goal 1. Analyze the progeny of doubled-haploid maize to better understand the basis of spontaneous quantitative trait polymorphis. This summer we will grow a new generation and screen for more heritable polymorphisms. Also, we will test one polymorphism for heritabilty. Goal 2. Investigation of Ga1-s (gametophyte factor). A manuscript for the QTL data on Ga1-s modifiers is in preparaton. This summer we will make a similar survey of quantitative trait loci that modify efficacy of Teosinte crossing barrier 1 (Tcb1). Goal 3. Study the allelic differences among starch branching enzyme 1 (sbe1) gene. We have currently introgressed the sbe1 allele of Z. m. parviglumis into a maize line that is null for ae1 and will test if it enhances amylose levels in a similar fashion as the GEMS-0067 allele. The parviglumis allele is nearly identical to the GEMS allele at the amino acid level. Goal 4. The genetics of perennialism in the genus Zea. We hope to finish analysis of mapping data from a cross of Z. diploperennis and Z. mays mays Var. Rhee Flint in order to determine it these data will reveal location of perennialism genes. We are also generationg descent lines from a cross of diploperennis with inbreds B73 and Mo17.

    What was accomplished under these goals? Goal 1. Analyze the progeny of doubled-haploid maize to better understand the basis of spontaneous quantitative trait polymorphisms. The goal of this project is to develop at least five descent lines that are each heritably polymorphic for a different quantitative trait. These will be used not only to determine the basis for the spontaneous emergence of quantitative polymorphisms, but will also allow for the analysis of gene expression among lines that differ in polymorphic traits but otherwise possess an isogenic background. (20% accomplished). We have established one stable polymorphic trait (increased tassel branch number) and several others that need to be screened in future generations in order to establish stability. Goal 2.Investigation ofGa1-s(gametophyte factor). We will use recombinant inbred lines (RILs) developed for the nested associated mapping (NAM) populations to attempt to identify ifquantitative trait loci (QTL) may be modifying this trait. If one or more genes can be identified that are necessary forGa1-sfunction, it will assist in understanding howGa1-sworks. (50% accomplished) We have demonstrted four quantitative trait loci that modify the efficacy of Ga1-s. Manuscript pending. In this project we are including consideration of another pollen-blocking factor: Teosinte crossing barrier 1 (Tcb1). Goal 3. Study the allelic differences amongstarch branching enzyme 1(sbe1) gene. We propose to test ifsbe1is the actual cause of the high-amylose trait (as opposed to a closely linked factor). If it is, then we will investigate. (90% accomplished) We have established that an allele of sbe1 is the cause of the high amylose trait found in GEMS-0067. We have also found that it is identical to an allele found in Z. mays parviglumis, which is the closest wild relative of maize. Separate manuscripts are in preparation for these two observations. Goal 4. Corn is an annual crop, but there are two close relatives that are perennial. I am collaborating with Dr. Yang Yen to investigate the genetics of perennialism in the genusZeaand determine the feasibility of transferring this trait to corn. (10% accomplished) We are currently analyzing mapping data from a cross of Z. diploperennis and Z. mays mays Var. Rhee Flint. Because both parents are non-inbreds, we are also introgressing the perennial trait into inbred lines B73, Mo17 and Mini-maize.


    • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Anower M. R., Boe A., Auger D., Mott I. W., Peel M. D., Xu L., Kanchupati P. and Wu Y. 2016. Comparative Drought Response in Eleven Diverse Alfalfa Accessions. J. of Agronomy and Crop Science. Article first published online: 1 DEC 2015 | DOI: 10.1111/jac.12156.
    • Type: Theses/Dissertations Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Vivek Shrethsa, THE SEARCH FOR MODIFIERS OF THE MAIZE GAMETOPHYTE FACTOR Ga1-S AND QUANTITATIVE TRAIT POLYMORPHISMS EMERGING FROM DOUBLED-HAPLOID MAIZE LINES. M.S. Thesis, South Dakota State University
    • Type: Theses/Dissertations Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Abiskar Gyawali, Analysis of starch branching enzyme 1 (sbe1) gene in maize. M.S. Thesis, South Dakota State University.
    • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Gyawali A. and Auger D., 2016. Test of Starch branching enzyme 1 as the source a of high amylose QTL;, Maize Genetics Conference, St. Petersburg, FL.
    • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Ma A., Qiu Y., Dahal S., Paudel B, Auger D. and Yen Y., 2016. Gene Mapping of Perenniality in Maize Using Simple-Sequence-Repeat (SSR) and Genotype-by-Sequencing,. Maize Genetics Conference, St. Petersburg, FL.