Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Apr 1, 2016
Project End Date
Feb 15, 2019
Grant Year
Project Director
Bombarely, AU, .
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
School of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Non Technical Summary
Florist's gloxinias (Sinningia speciosa) are attractive ornamental plants with devoted growers and consumers across America and Europe. Sinningia, with probably Saintpaula, are the most popular genus from the Gesneriaceae family. The popularity of S. speciosa as ornamental plant is based in two factors: (1) plants display a wide range of ornamental phenotypes, not only for flower color and morphology, but also for leaf color and shape including several types of double corolla phenotypes, and (2) they are easy to propagate by leaf or stem cuttings. The current wholesale prices for Sinningia are unknown, but some of the ornamental characteristics of this plant could make it a potentially attractive new crop for the fast growing nursery industry in the state of Virginia. Virginia is not one of the top fifteen ornamental crops producers in the US. The ornamental production is limited a several nurseries mainly in the Virginia Beach area, so most of the ornamentals consumed in Virginia come from other states, such as California, Florida and North Carolina. Nevertheless the development of new varieties with novel phenotypes such as double corollas could help to increase the production of floral crops in the state of Virginia, helping to the diversification of the economy with stable values such as flower production. The elucidation of molecular mechanisms involved in the production of double corolla phenotypes could be applied to develop new varieties more attractive to growers, retailers and consumers.Sinningia has a complex breeding history. We propose the genetic study of the domestication of Sinningia as an approach to search for genes involved in specific ornamental traits such as flower color and flower morphology. Additionally we will search for genes controlling the double corolla as a way to generate knowledge that could be applied to other floral crops (e.g. petunias). The development of new methods for massively-parallel DNA sequencing, such as the Illumina or PacBio sequencing platforms, make it possible to apply whole genome sequencing (WGS), genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS), and RNA-Seq methods to the genetic study of sinningia in a cost-effective manner. We will use two different complementary approaches to search candidate genes associated with these traits: (1) Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) analysis to search for correlations between genomic regions and phenotypes using GBS genetic markers; (2) RNA-Seq analysis to search candidate genes based in differential expression between two or more samples. The result intersection between genome location (QTL analysis) and differentially expressed genes (RNA-Seq analysis) will reduce the list of candidate genes to a manageable size for a posterior functional validation. The results of the proposed study will have a favorable impact the breeding of this species, accelerating the development of more attractive varieties. Additionally, the use of Sinningia as a model for domestication can help us understand the impact of human manipulation on plant species, and how our search for specific phenotypes (e.g. double corolla) can modify the genetic information in these species, by selecting defective alleles for genes (e.g. in the flower development pathway as a way to increase the yield in crops).
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
ObjectivesThe main objective of this project is to produce a genetic description of the process of domestication and breeding in the species Sinningia speciosa (the florist's gloxinia), highlighting possible alleles and/or chromosome regions that have been selected during this process and that can be involved in specific ornamental traits. Specific objectives for this project are:Objective 1: Development of Sinningia speciosa reference genome and other genomic resources (e.g. gene expression atlas) to facilitate the use of approaches such as genomic selection in Sinningia speciosa breeding.Objective 2: Genetic characterization of wild and cultivated accessions to evaluate and describe: (a) the genetic diversity, (b) potential genetic bottlenecks that occurred during the breeding history, and (c) wild species introgressions into old and modern cultivars.Objective 3: Development and Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) analysis of two mapping populations (S. speciosa var. "Buzios" x S. speciosa var. "Empress" for domesticated traits such as erect flowers and S. speciosa var. "Love Potion" x S. speciosa var. "Merry Christmas" for double corolla) to detect marker loci linked to Sinningia speciosa ornamental traits.Objective 4: Transcriptomic characterization of Sinningia speciosa, two mapping population samples and six to ten cultivars to search for candidate genes involved in begonia ornamental traits.
Project Methods
Plant ResourcesWe will use three different sources to get obtain material for this project:The Gesneriad Society ( has a seed fund with >30 accessions.Different retail companies such as The Violet Barn ( where various commercial accessions can be purchased.A collaboration with Prof. Cassia Sakuragui (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) to explore the natural diversity of Sinningia speciosa in the wild.We will grow the plants, when needed, at the Virginia Tech greenhouses ( Soil, pots, rooting hormone (for vegetative propagation), and fertilizers will be purchased locally. For objective 3, we will grow between three and six progenitor plants for the mapping population. We are planning to obtain F2 seeds in years 1 and 2. We will grow 150 plants per F2 mapping population for the QTL analysis for years 2 and 3. We will reproduce the different lines using vegetative propagation. For objective 4, we will grow 12-15 plants reproduced by cuttings from single plants of each accession during years 1 and 2, except for the bulk segregation analysis, where we will need to have segregating phenotypes for the mapping population, so we will grow the plants during years 3 and 4.DNA will be extracted using the DNeasy Plant Mini Kit® from Qiagen. RNA will be extracted using Qiagen RNeasy Plant Mini Kit®. DNA concentration and integrity will be evaluated with a Qubit® instrument and a Bioanalyzer 2100. Both instruments are available in the Bombarely laboratory.Objective 1: Development of a Sinningia speciosa reference genomeS. speciosa were developed through the domestication of one (or several) wild populations, although it is probable that some lines have been crossed with other species (e.g. S. macrophylla). Our approach will be focused on one species, S. speciosa (estimated genome size of 392 Mb), and completing the dataset with the re-sequencing of the three other wild species (S. macrophylla, S. helleri and S. pusilla) that may be participated in the Sinningia breeding. Additionally we will re-sequence three to six other varieties (wild types and cultivars). The design for the whole genome sequencing of these species will be:S. speciosa, hybrid assembly with Illumina and PacBio reads.75X of 2x125 Illumina pair ends (insert size 500 bp).80X of 2x100 Illumina mate pairs (insert size 2 Kb and 5Kb).20X of PacBio reads.S. macrophylla, S. helleriandS. pusilla, Illumina resequencing.20X of 2x150 Illumina pair ends (insert size 300 bp).Other cultivars (3-6), Illumina resequencing.20X of 2x150 Illumina pair ends (insert size 300 bp).Reads will be processed with Fastq-mcf. Illumina reads will be corrected with Musket and PacBio reads with LoRDEC. We will use SOAPdenovo2 to assemble the Illumina reads, and Sprai and the Celera Assembler to assemble the PacBio reads. Both assemblies will then be evaluated, and the best assembly will be used as the base, using the other read set to re-scaffold the assembly with SSPACE and to fill the gaps with GapCloser or PBJelly.We will annotate the different genomes using Maker-P, and also generate a reference transcriptome as evidence-based support for the annotation. RNA extracted from roots, leaves, stems, flowers will be sequenced on an Illumina instrument (2x150 bp, 300 bp insert size, 10-20 million reads/sample). Trinity will be used to assemble the reads. All the programs will be run on a 64-core server with 256 Gb of RAM and 7 Tb of disk space in the Bombarely laboratory. If more computational power is needed, the ARC resources at Virginia Tech will be used ( 2: Genetic characterization of wild and cultivated accessionsWe will use Genotyping-By-Sequencing (GBS) to characterize genetically wild and cultivated Sinningia accessions. GBS is a relatively cost-effective approach to rapidly generate thousand of polymorphic molecular markers. Based in the small genome size of these species, we will use a 5 bp restriction site enzyme (ApeKI), sequencing 0.5-5 million of reads per sample (Illumina; 1x100). Reads will be processed with Fastq-mcf and mapped to the reference genome using Bowtie2 or BWA depending of their performance. Sam files will be processed with Samtools. DNA sequence polymorphisms will be detected using GATK or FreeBayes with a minimum read depth of 10 and a minimum mapping score of 20. We will estimate the genetic diversity of each sample using a custom Perl script. The population structure will be analyzed using Structure and FineStructure. Because several species will be used, we will analyze their phylogenetic relations using SNAPP.Objective 3: QTL analysis for sinningia agronomical/ornamental traitsThere are several agronomical/ornamental traits that we will analyze in this project and that are related to the domestication and breeding of S. speciosa. The wild S. speciosa is a perennial herb with short stems and light to dark green. Flowers have bilateral symmetry and five petals. They are slipper shaped. There are a number of important traits that have been selected in the last hundred years during the breeding of S. speciosa, such as (1) Flower shape (erect flowers), (2) Flower color and patterning, (3) Flower size and petal number, (4) flower longevity (longer-lived. Additionally we will characterize other traits applicable to other floral crops such as (5) double corolla. Our approach to find genomic regions responsible for these traits is to generate two F2 mapping populations derived from a wild type accession ("Buzios") crossed with a cultivated accession ("Empress"). Additionally we will develop a population for the double corolla trait (staments to petals) crossing the single corolla accession "Love Potion" with the double corolla accession "Merry Christmas". We will analyze between 80 and 150 F2 lines (3 plants/each) for the traits described previously. Phenotypes such as flower and leaf color and morphology will be measured by scanning 3-5 flowers of each plant and analyzing the images ( We will also collect other phenotypic data such as number of flowers, size of the plant and longevity of the flower. One plant per line will be genotyped using GBS. The GBS reads will be processed as was described in Objective 1. QTL analysis will be performed using R/QTL.Objective 4: Transcriptomic characterization of begonia accessionsTranscriptomics can be a useful tool to gain a better understanding of molecular mechanisms involved in any biological process. We will use RNA-seq to study the gene expression in several Sinningia accessions. We expect that in combination with the QTL results, RNA-seq will provide a complete framework in which to elucidate the most relevant genes involved in the traits that have been selected during the begonia breeding. We will use two different sets: (1) two wild and three or four cultivated accessions with different phenotypes with three biological replicates per sample and three plants per biological replicate, and (2) bulks of plants with similar phenotypes from different F2 mapping population lines (two bulks of 5-10 lines for each trait, three traits to analyze: flower color, single/double corolla, flower shape). Five organs/developmental stage will be analyzed: mature leaf, flower meristem, flower bud, flower petals, flower staments, flower pistils. Each of the samples will be subjected to Illumina sequencing (1x100 nucleotide reads, 5-10 million reads/sample). The reads will be processed as described previously in the first objective. Reads will be mapped with Tophat2 or HISAT. The differential expression analysis will be performed using Cufflinks or Stringtie. Some of the downstream analyses will involve cluster and Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) using several R and Bioconductor software packages such as CummeRBund, Ballgown and TopGo.

Progress 04/01/16 to 02/15/19

Target Audience:Students, fellow scientists, and researchers. Changes/Problems:Dr. Bombarely is no longer with Virginia Tech and we respectfully request to terminate the project with the submission of this final report. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?This project has been used in the training and professional development of the PhD student Tomas Hasing. The study of the domestication process using as model the species Sinningia speciosa has been the focus of this dissertation. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The results were disseminated through different presentations in professional meetings and seminars. Specifically this project were presented in the following meetings: • International Congress of Genetics (Foz do Iguazu, Brazil, September 10-14). What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We are planning to improve the genome assemblies using the HiC technology. Additionally we will produce a extensive annotation of the repetitive elements focusing in the influence of them in the production of new phenotypes. Additionally we are planning to analyze possible candidate genes for the red corolla color for our F2 Buzios x Empress population.

What was accomplished under these goals? The following goals have been accomplished since the last report: • Objective 1: We have developed two reference Sinningia speciosa genomes reference genomes. In the first one we used a combination of Illumina and PacBio sequencing technologies and in the second one, a combination of Illumina and Oxford Nanopore. The first one, based on the wild accession Avenida Niemeyer, has a total assembly size of 395 Mb and 8,079 scaffolds with an N50 of 337 scaffolds and N50 of 282 Kb. The second one, based on the cultivated accession Empress Red, has a total size of 324 Mb and 492 contigs with an N50 of 44 sequences and an L50 of 3.57 Mb. Only the first assembly has been annotated delivering 31,581 gene models. • Objective 2: We have characterized the genetic diversity of a collection of 123 individuals including 20 wild S. speciosa accessions, 33 cultivated S. speciosa, 3 F1 S. speciosa hybrids and 67 other different Sinningia species. The analysis of the origin of S. speciosa cultivars indicated that they derived from a single wild population originated in the region of Ipanema Beach. Our analysis also show a strong genetic bottleneck caused by a founder effect. No contribution of other species or S. speciosa populations were detected in this analysis. • Objective 3: The QTL analysis of > 120 F2 individuals for the cross Buzios (wild type) x Empress Red (domesticated) revealed to single single peaks for the traits: Flower morphology (peloric flowers) and flower color (red). The peloric flower is associated with a mutation in the CYCLOIDEA homolog gene. • Objective 4: No advances can be reported for this goal.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Submitted Year Published: 2018 Citation: Hasing T, Rinaldi E, Manrique S, Colombo L, Haak DC, Zaitlin D, Bombarely A (2019) Extensive phenotypic diversity in the cultivated Florists Gloxinia, Sinningia speciosa (Lodd.) Hiern, is derived from the domestication of a single founder population (Submitted to New Phytologist).

Progress 10/01/16 to 09/30/17

Target Audience:Students, fellow scientist, faculty, academic peers and other researchers. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?This project is the main topic for a PhD dissertation. During his second year, the student has been trained in the analysis of segregant populations and the corresponding data analysis. He developed a genetic map and performed QTL analysis of an F2 population. He also wrote a research project for the Gesneriad Society that was awarded $2,000. Additionally an undergraduate student was a summer intern in our laboratory and was trained in genome size estimation using flow cytometry for some of the accessions of the Sinningia collection. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The results of this research havebeen presented as: Oral presentations at international meetings Plant Animal Genome (PAG) 2017international meeting(San Diego, CA, USA, January 14-18). Invited seminars at academic institutions and research centers Royal Botanical Gardens, Edinburgh (RBGE) (Edinburgh, UK) Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG) (Barcelona, Spain) Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Plantas (IBMCP) (Valencia, Spain) Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA)(Amsterdam, Netherlands) University of Pudget Sound (Tacoma, WA, USA). University of British Columbia (UBC) (Vancouver, Canada) Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre, Brazil) What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? In order to improve the genome assembly, we are planning to perform a Hi-C experiment on the Sinningia speciosa accession Avenida Niemeyer. Hi-C data has proved to be an excellent approach to generate a chromosome scale scaffolding of the genome assembly. Additionally the contact map generated with the Hi-C data will let us know the 3D structure of the nuclear DNA and how this structure is affecting gene expression and the transposon dynamics. We are still considering to run two single cells of PacBio Sequel to improve the genome assembly. A postdoctoral researcher from the H2020-EU.1.3.3. MSCA-RISE-Marie Skodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) program (SexSeed project) is currently working in our laboratory optimizing this technique for Sinningia. To contextualize the genome architecture changes produced during the domestication process, we are planning to produce a de-novo assembly of the domesticated accession Empress Red (previously used in the F2 population). We will use the new DNA sequencer developed by Oxford Nanopore (MinION) capable to produce 10 Gb per run. We will correct the reads with Illumina reads and assemble them with Canu. Additionally we will also perform a Hi-C experiment to scaffold the assembly to chromosomes. The resequencing of 21 accessions set up the framework to characterize not only polymorphisms, but also the transposon dynamics that may be affecting the phenotypic space of the species. We will develop a pipeline to analyze the repetitive elements of the genome and how unstable they are. The genetic characterization of 122 different accessions using GBS gave us data that could be re-analyzed to obtain greater insight into the breeding history in domesticated accessions. We will analyze introgressions and gene flow between different accessions. We will submit a publication with these results during the first semester of 2018. We are re-phenotyping 450 individuals (3 individuals for each of the 150 lines) forthe cross Buzios (wild) x Empress Red (domesticated) to verify our results. We will use transcriptomics to reduce the number of candidate genes for flower color. We will produce several loss-of-function mutants of the most promising candidates using CRISPR/Cas9 in collaboration with the group of the Prof.Yin-Zheng Wang fromInstitute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences who has optimized a method to transform Sinningia. Our F2 population for the crosssingle corolla ("Love Potion") and double corolla ("Merry Christmas") is growing. We will characterize this population and perform a QTL analysis for the double corolla trait.

What was accomplished under these goals? The overall goal of our laboratory is to understand how changes in genome architecture and gene space drive the production of new phenotypes, specially during the domestication process. We use Sinningia speciosa as a model to study domestication because: 1- It has wide phenotypic diversity produced by amateurs and companies; 2- They are easy to breed and propagate; 3- Generation time of 6 months; 4- Its small number of wild populations simplify characterization of its natural genetic diversity; 5- Its small genome size makes the application of genomic tools cost effective. The development of Sinningia speciosa as model will drive the production of not only new Sinningia varieties, but also other ornamentals that share attractive traits such as double corolla. The Virginia nursery industry had a revenue value of $270 million in 2012, so the development of new attractive varieties could impact positively this industry generating new economical niches or reinforcing the current ones. This project has already accomplished: Objective 1: The development of areference draft genome was previously reported in 2016 (8,078 scaffolds with a total of395 Mb;10 Mb of gaps; 31,581 annotatedgenes). We have developed a genetic map (see objective 3) with 3,777 markers that we have used to anchor67% of the genome assembly to 13 linkage groups. The gene space of the assembly and the annotation were evaluated with BUSCO delivering a completeness of 94and 88%,respectively. Additionally, weresequenced 21Sinningiaaccessions (9wild accessions,10 cultivarsand 2differentSinningiaspecies) with 20x-30x coverage. Analysis of polymorphisms revealed that ~2,000 genes per accession (on average) may be affected by loss-of-function changes.Further analysis needs to be done to link these changes to specific phenotypes in our collection. Objective 2: In 2016,we reported that the genetic analysis of 35 accessions (9 wild accessions, 25 cultivars and 1 closely related species) indicated that the Avenida Niemeyer population was the founder of domesticated lines. We also characterized thegenetic bottleneck produced during Sinningia speciosadomestication as result of the limited genetic diversity of the founder.We have increased the number of accessions analyzed to 122(21 wild accessions, 31 cultivars, 5 semi-domesticated lines and 65 different Sinningia species). The results confirm that Avenida Niemeyer was the founder population for the domesticated lines and also indicate that no otherSinningiaspecies was used during subsequent Sinningiabreeding. Objective 3: Our previous report described the phenotypic characterizationof two traits, flower color and flower shape, for 150 individuals of the F2Sinningia speciosapopulation Buzios (wild) x Empress Red (domesticated). Flower color (purple/red) presented a 3/1 segregation (single dominant) and flower shape 1/2/1 (partial co-dominant). We have conducted the genotyping of these 150 individuals and a re-characterization of the phenotypes finding that both phenotypes are controlled by single dominant genes. We generated a genetic map with 3,777 genetic markers and 13 linkage groups. A Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) analysis of flower color gave us a region with 139 genes. Some of them, such as a cytochrome P450 oxidase,could be possible candidates associated to flower color. The QTL for flower shape is in the same region as the Cycloidea gene, which has been previously described as an important player in flower symmetry. The resequencing data of severalSinningia speciosaaccessions(Objective 1) showed a deletion of 10 bp in the Cycloidea gene for the domesticated lines. Objective 4: We have collected tissues at different developmental stages. No further results can be reported at this point.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Soorni A, Haak D, Zaitlin D, Bombarely A (2017) Organelle_PBA, a pipeline for assembling chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes from PacBio DNA sequencing data. BMC Genomics 18 (1):49 doi:10.1186/s12864-016-3412-9.

Progress 04/01/16 to 09/30/16

Target Audience:Students, Fellow Scientists, and Faculty. Changes/Problems:One of the major problems that we have found is the limitation of resources (availability of adequated plant material, complementary funding sources...) to perform the proposed research for wax begonias, so we have changed the model to the species Sinningia speciosa. Although this species is not as popular as Begonia semperflorens, the availability of resources makes this project more accessible with the same objectives. Additionally, the existence of double corolla phenotypes makes it a more attractive model from the point of view of develop new phenotypes applicable to other floral crops. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?This project is the main topic for a PhD student. During the first year, the student has been trained in the use of several molecular(e.g. DNA/RNA extraction), genomic (e.g. GBS library preparation) and bioinformatic techniques (e.g. Variant calling). How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?For the next reporting period we will performing the following activties according the proposed goals: We have adquired plant material for Sinningia macrophylla, S. helleri and S. pusillathrough The Gesneriad Society. Additionally, our previous genotyping results have given us a list of wild and domesticated accessions based in the genetic diversity ("Buzios", "Carangola", "Sao Fidelis", "Pedra Lisa", "Miguel Pereira", "Empress") and the phenotypic interest ("Merry Christmas"). We have extracted DNA and sent it for re-sequencing to complete Objective 1. Additionally we are evaluating the possibility of performing more PacBio DNA sequencing for our reference "Avenida Nyemeyer" to improve the genome assembly quality, especially now that the new high yield PacBio system (Sequel) is available. We are in the stage of completing our cultivated collection. Currently we have around 60 different accessions. We will extract DNAfrom those and add them to the analysis by genotyping. Additionally, we have started a collaboration withProf. Cassia Sakuragui, at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, to get Sinningia speciosa samples from wild populations to have a more complete evaluation of the genetic diversity loss during the domestication. Additionally, this collaboration could give us some insights about the local enviromental adaptation of the wild accessions that could drive to develop new varieties with abiotic stress resistances. We expect to have completed the phenotyping for the Wild/Domesticated populationby themiddle of 2017. At the same time, we are in the process of DNA extraction to perform the genotyping of this population that will be completed in 2017. We expect to obtain an F2 population for Sigle/Double corolla population for 2017. We are planning to prepare the RNA-Seq library for Buzios (wild type), Empress (domesticated single corolla) and Merry Christmas (domesticated double corolla) for floral meristems, floral buds and different floral organs for 2017. The Ph.D. student involved in the project will travel to the laboratory of Dr. Michiel Vandenbusshen (ENS, Lyon) during the summer of 2017, to issolate the corresponding tissues and to perform deep characterization of the double corolla phenotype.

What was accomplished under these goals? One of the key elements in the development of the agriculture is the domestication of plants. The domestication involves the selection of useful traits for humans such as bigger fruits. Nevertheless, the link between phenotypes (e.g. big fruits and flowers) and genotypes (genes that control fruit size) is not completely understood. We are using floral crops such as begonias and Sinningiasto understand these links specifically associated to these crops, and at the same time to develop new ornamental varieties more attractive to producers and consumers. Thenursery Virginia industry produced more than $270 millions in 2012, so the development of new attractive varieties could impact positively this industry generating new economical niches or reinforcing the current ones. The limitation of resources such as plant material have produced a change in the proposed model from Begonia semperflorens to Sinningia speciosa(see Changes Problems section for more details). Objectives remainthe same, but with a different floral model. Objective 1: A draft genome for the species Sinningia speciosa, accession "Avenida Nyemeyer" has been developed with an assembly size of 395 Mb (with 10 Mb of gaps). The assembly has 8,078 scaffolds with a N50 of 282 Kb. Four tissues (leaves, root, corolla and tuber) were used to prepare RNA-Seq libraries for annotation. 31,581 genes were reported for the structural gene annotation.The quality of the assembly is similar or higher than other published genomes such as Cannabis sativa(Bakel et al. 2011) or the Nicotiana tabacum(Sierro et al. 2014) genomes. This draft can be used to: (1) Develop genetic markers (see results in the objective 2);(2) Mine gene models of interest (e.g. those previously described to be involved in flower developmentin other models). Objective 2: A total of 35different accessions (9 wild accessions, 25 cultivars and 1 close related species) were genotypedusing Genotyping-By-Sequencing delivering 41,626 SNP markers. The population analysis of these 35accessions revealed a genetic bottleneck in the domestication of Sinningia speciosa. Additionally we have identified the wild population of "Avenida Nyemeyer" as the closest relative to the population from which the domesticated accessions come from. These results support the idea of a reduction of the genetic diversity during the domestication process without a reduction in the phenotypic diversity. A reduction of the genetic diversity is related with a disease resistance loss, although it is not the scope of this project to evaluate the impact of this genetic bottleneck in the disease suceptibility of Sinningia cultivars. Objective 3: We have developed an F2 population of a wild type accession ("Buzios") and a domesticated accession ("Empress"). We are in the stage of the phenotyping of 150 F2 individuals. Traits such as flower color (Purple/Red) and flower shape (Sliper/Erect) show mendelian segregation of 3/1 (dominance) and 1/2/1 (partial dominance) respectively. Wehave also started the vegetative propagation of the 150 lines to increase the number of phenotypes plants per line. At the same time, we will evaluate if there is segregation for the successrate in the different lines for vegetative propagation. Additionally, we are growing an F1 population for the cross single corolla ("Love Potion") and double corolla ("Merry Christmas"). Objective 4: We have been collecting tissue and organs from different accessions to perform RNA extractions. At the same time we have been optimizing the RNA-Seq library preparation. No results can be reported at this stage for this objective.
