Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Mar 15, 2016
Project End Date
Mar 14, 2019
Grant Year
Project Director
Donovan, D. M.
Recipient Organization
RM 331, BLDG 003, BARC-W
BELTSVILLE,MD 20705-2351
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Multi-drug resistant bacteria are a problem in health care, food safety and animal health. Streptococcus suis causes more than $100 million dollars in annual losses to the US pork industry. Treatment is usually via antibiotics that are often expensive and can yield resistant strains. S. suis is a rare zoonotic pathogen and when it does infect humans, is often lethal (20% fatalities in recent episodes). This application describes the development of novel antimicrobials based on bacteriophage (phage) lytic proteins (bacteriophage are bacterial viruses that lyse bacteria). Phage lytic enzymes are highly refractory to resistance development, likely due to the co-evolution of host and phage. To further reduce resistant strain development, this proposal describes the engineering of triple-acting cell wall degrading proteins with three unique, simultaneous, lytic activities. In addition to in vitro testing of biofilm eradication by the triple-acting antimicrobials, this work proposes to develop several porcine models of S. suis infection/colonization: nasal, blood stream and vaginal colonization (outside the funding of this project). In vivo studies will include: 1) microbiomics to identify the effect of the novel antimicrobials on non-targeted commensal strains, 2) pharmacokinetics to determine the half-life of the engineered enzymes in blood stream, and 3) antigenicity testing to verify pig antibodies against the triple-acting enzymes do not neutralize the antimicrobial action and that the proinflammatory proteins released from lysed S. suis do not cause a deleterious immune response. Each model will be tested for resistant strains by screening the S. suis isolates that survive the treatment for their susceptibility to the triple-acting agents.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
311 - Animal Diseases;

Subject Of Investigation
3410 - Dairy cattle, live animal;

Field Of Science
1060 - Biology (whole systems);
Goals / Objectives
Antimicrobials with reduced resistance development are essential to both human and animal health. Antibiotics are commonly used to treat or prevent bacterial diseases, and in food-producing animals to improve feed efficiency.However, antibiotics have numerous unintended or collateral effects, including killing non-target beneficial microbes.These beneficial microbes are the host organism's co-evolved partners and are an essential component of host health. Resistance to antibiotics is a concern in the clinic and on the farm because of the potential for farm-to-clinic resistance transfers. There is increasing pressure to limit antibiotic use in agriculture, and to identify acceptable alternatives to antibiotics for use in food animal production. Increases in antibiotic-resistant Streptococcus suis strains worldwide is presumably due to widespread veterinary use of antibiotics. Notably, peptidoglycan hydrolase (PGH) enzymes for the prevention or treatment of infectious disease have the potential to reduce or eliminate the need for antibiotic usage. The non-antibiotic nature of PGH antimicrobials has many advantages: 1) near pathogen-specificity helps avoid the concerns associated with broad-spectrum antibiotics; 2) active on multi-drug resistant forms of the pathogen; 3) active on senescent and biofilm forms of the pathogen; 4) non-toxic, non-caustic, and biodegradable; and 5) as enzymes, PGHs can attack the multiple cell wall sites. This proposal will develop pathogen-specific antimicrobials against S. suis that are highly refractory to resistance development (via a strategy that should be applicable to any Gram-positive pathogen).Aim 1. Identify components and develop triple-acting antimicrobials to eradicate S. suis. Aim 2. Characterize triple fusion constructs. Aim 3. Demonstrate triple-acting PGH efficacy in vivo with S. suis infected/colonized pigs.
Project Methods
Novel enzymes will be identified in public data sets for analysis as potent antimicrobials against S. suis. Technologies include protein expression, purification and conventional in vitro antimicrobial assays. Molecular biological techniques will be used to fuse the existing parental enzymes into novel fusion constructs that harbor three unique, simultaneous peptidoglycan degrading activities in one protein. Mass spectrometry of peptidoglycan digestion products will be used to verify three lytic activities in one enzyme construct. In vivo animal models will be used (outside the funding of this proposal) to test the efficacy of the candidate constructs against the pathogen on pigs.

Progress 03/15/16 to 03/14/19

Target Audience:The target audience includes the pork industry and pork farmers who will benefit from new therapeutics to treat porcine infection. The audience also includes consumers who will also benefit from safe, healthy livestock. Finally, students and postdocs who have worked on this project have received mentorship, education, and training. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The postdoc funded by this project has received training on equipment necessary to complete the project. She has also been responsible for training and mentoring incoming graduate, undergraduate, and high school students, all of which have helped with the project. Additionally, the postdoc attended a workshop to learn new techniques and instrumentation that will be essential for full characterization of the S. suis endolysins. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The results have been presented in posters at the Evergreen International Phage Biology meeting, the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Animal Health and Well-being Program Annual Project Director Meeting, and the Virology of Microbes meeting. Further, once complete, results will be submitted for peer review and published in leading scientific journals. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? A bioinformatic search was conducted to identify endolysins potentially active against Streptococcus suis. Our initial investigation resulted in nine putative candidates, but upon further examination, we narrowed this list to five endolysins with distinct architectures. These five endolysins (named PlySp0, PlySs0, PlySs9, PlySsM, and PlySs3) were synthesized by GeneArt (ThermoFisher Scientific). Additionally, we synthesized PlySs2, a known endolysin with lytic activity against S. suis. Each gene was cloned into pBAD24 expression vector and transformed into E. coli DH5α, whereupon the sequence was verified by Macrogen. The plasmids were then transformed into E. coli BL21 (DE3) pLysS and expression was induced with arabinose. All endolysins were successfully expressed in this system and were also able to be purified by nickel column chromatography. Each endolysin was then tested for lytic activity against a panel of ten S. suis strains. Using the turbidity reduction assay, only one endolysin (PlySs9) other than PlySs2 was shown to possess activity against S. suis in the native, un-engineered form. Further characterization was performed to determine PlySs9's optimal lytic activity in a range of pH, salt concentrations, and temperatures. This endolysin was shown to display activity against not only all S. suis strains tested, but multiple other species of streptococci, as well as against Staphylococcus aureus. Additionally, PlySs9 exhibited activity against biofilms formed by both S. suis or S. aureus. Identification of catalytic residues in PlySs9 was determined by site-directed mutagenesis, and preliminary results indicate that PlySs9 contains two active catalytic domains (which are annotated as an Amidase3 domain and a CHAP domain). Toward our goal of creating a triple-acting enzyme, PlySs9 will be the chassis upon which an extra domain will be added. Fusions between PlySs9 and the catalytic domains from the four other endolysins have been constructed, resulting in five new potential triple acting enzymes. Two were successfully expressed and purified (PlySp0Glucosaminidase+PlySs9 and PlySs0CHAP+PlySs9) and will need to be tested in comparison to the parental PlySs9 to determine if the addition of a third catalytic domain has resulted in increased lytic activity. Since the project ended early (i.e. the remainder of the project will be transferred to another institution), the final enzyme to put forward for in vivo studies has not yet been determined. Specific accomplishments include: Endolysins were synthesized, cloned into expression plasmid, transformed into cloning strain of E. coli, sequence verified, and transformed into expression strain of E. coli. All endolysins were successfully expressed and purified via affinity chromatography. Endolysins were tested for activity via turbidity reduction assay. Optimal lytic activity was determined in a range of pH, salt concentrations, and temperatures. Activity was observed against multiple species and against bacteria in biofilms. Catalytic residues of PlySs9 were identified. Construction of triple catalytic domain endolysins resulted in two new enzymes that could successfully be expressed and purified and will need to be tested for activity.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Other Year Published: 2019 Citation: A novel Streptococcus suis endolysin with broad host specificity (proposed title) - Viruses (Journal)

Progress 03/15/16 to 03/14/17

Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The postdoc funded by this project has received training on equipment necessary to complete the project. She has also been responsible for training and mentoring incoming graduate, undergraduate, and high school students, all of which have helped with the project. Additionally, the postdoc attended a workshop in April to learn new techniques and instrumentation that will be essential for full characterization of the S. suis endolysins. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?During the next reporting period, the multiple catalytic abilities of PlySs9 and triple catalytic domain enzymes will be confirmed by mass spectrometry and/or biochemical assay. Furthermore, the lytic activity of the triple catalytic domain constructs will be tested in comparison to the parental enzymes. If found to be more active than the parental enzymes, these fusions will be our lead candidates for all following experiments. The optimal conditions for lytic activity for these new constructs will be determined (pH, salt concentration, cation dependence, temperature, dose) and activity against our panel of target bacteria will be confirmed. Of the fusions are not more active than the single or double catalytic domain constructs, then these enzymes will be benchmarked against each other, it will be determined if they display synergy, and ultimately a final candidate or candidates will be selected for scale up expression and purification for the animal studies. Importantly, for all final candidates, resistance development studies will be performed.

What was accomplished under these goals? Technical summary: A bioinformatic search was conducted to identify endolysins potentially active against Streptococcus suis. Our initial investigation resulted in nine putative candidates, but upon further examination, we narrowed this list to five endolysins with distinct architectures. These five endolysins were synthesized by GeneArt (ThermoFisher Scientific). Additionally, we synthesizeda known endolysin with lytic activity against S. suis. Each gene was cloned into pBAD24 expression vector and transformed into E. coli DH5α, whereupon the sequence was verified by Macrogen. The plasmids were then transformed into E. coli BL21 (DE3) pLysS and expression was induced with arabinose. All endolysins were successfully expressed in this system and were also able to be purified by nickel column chromatography. Each endolysin was then tested for lytic activity against a panel of ten S. suis strains. Using the turbidity reduction assay, only one new endolysin and the knownendolyin were shown to possess activity against S. suis in the native, un-engineered form. Further characterization was performed to determinethe new endolysinoptimal lytic activity in a range of pH, salt concentrations, and temperatures. This endolysin was shown to display activity against not only all S. suis strains tested, but multiple other species of streptococci, as well as against Staphylococcus aureus. Additionally,it exhibited activity against biofilms formed by both S. suis or S. aureus. Identification of catalytic residues in PlySs9 was determined by site-directed mutagenesis, and preliminary results indicate thatit contains two catalytic domains. Toward our goal of creating a triple-acting enzyme,the new endolysinwill be the chassis upon which an extra domain will be added. Fusions between the new endolysin and the catalytic domains from the four other endolysins have been constructed, resulting in five new potential triple acting enzymes. Two were successfully expressed and purified and will need to be tested in comparison to the parental PlySs9 to determine if the addition of a third catalytic domain has resulted in increased lytic activity. Accomplishments Endolysins were synthesized, cloned into expression plasmid, transformed into cloning strain of E. coli, sequence verified, and transformed into expression strain of E. coli. All endolysins were successfully expressed and purified via affinity chromatography. Endolysins were tested for activity via turbidity reduction assay. Optimal lytic activity was determined in a range of pH, salt concentrations, and temperatures. Activity was observed against multiple species and against bacteria in biofilms. Catalytic residues of PlySs9 were identified. Construction of triple catalytic domain endolysins resulted in two new enzymes that could successfully be expressed and purified and will need to be tested for activity.
