Source: NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Feb 15, 2016
Project End Date
Feb 14, 2019
Grant Year
Project Director
Liu, Z.
Recipient Organization
FARGO,ND 58105
Performing Department
Plant Pathology
Non Technical Summary
Tan spot of wheat, caused by the necrotrophic fungus Pyrenophora tritici-repentis, is an economically important disease in many wheat-growing areas worldwide. The fungal pathogen is highly diverse in pathogen virulence with at least eight races having been described. So far, only three necrotrophic effectors (NEs), namely Ptr ToxA, Ptr ToxB and Ptr ToxC, have been identified as virulence factors, and also the fungal genes for Ptr ToxC production have not been identified. Recent evidence has suggested additional NEs and other genetic factors are importantly involved in wheat-P. tritici-repentis interactions. Despite a high quality genome sequence being available for the pathogen, characterization of P. tritici-repentis virulence/pathogenicity factors is incomplete compared to other important fungal pathogens. The fungus is homothallic in nature, which does not allow us to develop fungal populations and characterize virulence genes using genetic tools. We propose here to manipulate the fungal mating type system to create heterothallic strains, use these heterothallic strains to develop fungal populations, and perform genetic analysis as a new approach for identifying P. tritici-repentis virulence genes that are undetectable using current methods. Specifically, the genes governing the production of Ptr ToxC and encoding novel virulence/pathogenicity factors will be identified in this project. Further characterization of fungal virulence will not only improve the understanding of the disease system, but also provide knowledge and tools for developing wheat cultivars with durable resistance to tan spot.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
212 - Pathogens and Nematodes Affecting Plants;

Subject Of Investigation
4020 - Fungi;

Field Of Science
1080 - Genetics;
Goals / Objectives
The fungus Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (Ptr), is the causal agent of wheat tan spot which is a destructive disease on both common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and durum wheat (T. turgidum L.) worldwide. The long-term goal of this research is to improve the understanding of this disease system by further characterizing the pathogen virulence genes and elucidating the underlying mechanisms how they interact with the host. The disease system is known to involve fungal-produced necrotrophic effectors (NE), namely Ptr ToxA, Ptr ToxB and Ptr ToxC, that interact with corresponding host sensitivity genes in an inverse gene-for gene manner to cause necrosis or chlorosis on sensitive lines. However, recent evidence has suggested that this system involves additional uncharacterized NEs and other type of genetic factors. The causal fungus (Ptr) is homothallic, precluding the development of fungal population and characterization of the pathogenicity/virulence genes using the power of genetic mapping. Our goal for this project is to develop a new approach to further identify Ptr virulence genes through converting the fungal mating system, following by development of fungal populations and genetic mapping of virulence genes. The specific objectives are 1)Develop various fungal populations involving different races and construct the genetic maps of the fungus, 2) Map novel virulence genes and those responsible for the production of Ptr ToxC in P. tritici-repentis.
Project Methods
The project will start from the creation of MAT gene deletion strains in Ptr different races. These mutated strains were genetically modified by the deletion of either MAT1-1 or MAT1-2. The MAT gene deletion in Ptr will basically follow a procedure we have established in Stagonosopora nodorum, another fungal pathogen on wheat. The mutated strains which have the opposite MAT gene will be mated with each other based on the established methods in our lab. The conidia spores of two MAT gene knockout strains will be mixed and transferred onto a piece of sterilized corn leaf that is placed on the top of agar in a petri dish. The parafilm-sealed agar plates will be incubated under conditions with a temperature setting at 15 ± 1.5 ºC and a 12 h photoperiod of cool white florescent tubes (=3,200 Lux). After incubation for one to two months when mature ascospores starts shooting, the petri dish lid will be filled with water agar to collect the ascospores. At least 120 ascospores will be picked for each cross to develop individual fungal mapping populations.The obtained fungal populations will be genotyped by using genotype by sequencing (GBS) approach. GBS has been very efficient and cost effective in the generation of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers in fungi. A standard SDS extraction method will be used to extract DNA from each fungal progeny. Genome sequencing will be conducted on an Ion Torrent PGM next generation sequencing system that has been installed in Dr. Robert Brueggeman's lab. A bioinformatics pipeline for SNP marker discovery based on ion Torrent system has been established Dr. Robert Brueggeman's lab. Unique polymorphic markers will be aligned along the reference sequence of Pt-1C-BFP. The segregating SNP markers will be used to assemble genetic maps using the computer software Mapdisto. Fungal population and linkage map will be developed between the crosses of 86-124 (race 2) × DW5 (race 5), 86-124 (race 2) × Pti2 (race 1) and 86-124 (race 2) × 13L18 (race 4 avirulent).Wheat genotypes have differential reactions to each race/NE will be used to phenotype the fungal progenies from different populations. '6B365', the differential for Ptr ToxC, will be used in Pti2 × 86-124 cross for mapping Ptr ToxC production genes. A few genotypes with differential reactions to 86-124 and DW5 will be used in phenotyping 86-124 × DW5 population. Several susceptible genotypes will be used in phenotyping 86-124 × 13L18 population to map pathogenicity gene. Disease inoculation will be done in the greenhouse at the seedling stage, following the previously described protocols. The experiment will follow a randomized complete block design with three replications. Disease reaction will be scored using a standard 1-5 disease scale based on the lesion size. Disease data and genetic map from each population will be used to determine genomic regions for virulence/ pathogenicity and Ptr ToxC production through QTL analysis, which will be executed on free computer program QGene 4.0.

Progress 02/15/16 to 02/14/19

Target Audience:The research results from this work have been disseminated by the PD and graduate students at national or international meetings (see above for the details), invited talks and annual departmental seminars. The audiences for these meetings and seminars included fungal geneticists and biologists, plant geneticists and biologists, graduate students, post-doctoral researchers and other professionals. The published peer-reviewed articles can reach a broader audience in the world scientific community. ? Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Two Ph.D students, Gayan Kanishka Kariyawasam and Jingwei Guo, in the Department of Plant Pathology, North Dakota State University are working on this project and have been training in fungal genetics and biology and professional development from this project. Two undergraduate student, Joseph Lead majoring in biology and Kristen Almen majoring in agronomy and environmental science at NDSU, received training in molecular genetics and microbiology. Ms. Almen has started a graduate program at NDSU. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The results from this project have been disseminated by the PD and graduate students at international or national meetings, including the 29th Fungal Genetics Conference in Pacific Grove, CA (March 14-18, 2017), the 2017 Dothideomycetes Comparative Genomics workshop in Pacific Grove, CA, and the 2018 American Phytopathological Society North Central Division Meeting in Fargo, ND (June 12-14, 2018). During these meeting, the research results were disseminated by the way of poster or oral presentations as well as published abstracts in meeting program books. The PD attended the NIFA-AFRI project directory meetings in Washington DC twice during this project (June 30-July 1, 2016, and December 11-12, 2017) and reported the research results to other PDs. Graduate students also presented research results at departmental seminars. Two peer-reviewed articles have been published from this project with other two being prepared for publication. ? What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? For objective 1) The heterothallic fungal strain by deleting one of mating type gene was createdin isolates 86-124 (race 2), DW5 (race 5), AR CrossB10 (new race), L13-192L2 (race 4), and by using the heterothallic strains, the fungal populations have been successfully developed from the crosses of 86-124×DW5, AR CrossB10×DW5, AR CrossB10×86-124 with the number of progeny at 118, 164, and 144, respectively. However, the crosses between L13-192 with other isolates did not produce any fertile pseudothecia probably due to genetic distance and incompatibility between race 4 and other races. For objective 2) Because AR CrossB10 produces Ptr ToxC and 86-124 does not, the population AR CrossB10×86-124, which thereafter was referred to AR/86, was used in the genetic mapping of fungal gene(s) responsible for the Ptr ToxC production. The AR/86 population segregates for the Ptr ToxC production as 50 (Ptr ToxC producing):62 (non-Ptr ToxC producing), which fits the 1:1 ratio (χ2=1.28, P=0.25) suggesting a single gene conditioning Ptr ToxC production. However, the segregation for Ptr ToxA production was 46 (producing Ptr ToxA):67 (producing no Ptr ToxC), which slightly deviates from 1:1 (χ2=4.32, P=0.04). Due to the low polymorphism between two parental lines, the restriction-site-associated DNA sequencing method (about 1x coverage) did allow us to develop any polymorphic marker for genetic mapping. Therefore, we sequenced a total of 20 progeny (10 producing Ptr ToxC and 10 producing no Ptr ToxC) as well as the two parental isolates with about 50 x coverage using illumina Hiseq platform. SNPs were mined from the genome sequences for marker development and linkage mapping. The resulting map contains 16 linkage groups spanning 4922.8 cM in genetic distance. Genetic mapping with Ptr ToxC phenotypic data indicate the gene responsible for the production is located in the distal of chromosome 2 and candidate gene is delimited to about a ~200 kb genomic region in the reference genome. To map fungal gene in DW5 that confers necrosis development on 'rusty' durum wheat, we conducted the genotyping and phenotyping of the 86-124×DW5 (86/DW) population. In this population, the segregation ratios of the mating type gene, ToxA, and ToxB were 58:60 (MAT1-1:MAT1-2), 45:73 (present vs absent) and 96:22 (present vs absent), respectively. The 1:1 segregation ratio for the mating type gene indicates the developed population has no problem. The significant deviation of the ToxA gene segregation ratio from 1:1 is not expected, which is intriguing. The segregation ratio for the presence of ToxB is close to 3:1 indicating two independent genetic loci for ToxB. The DW5 probably has six copies of ToxB with five being in one locus and one in the other locus. The locus containing five copies is on the chromosome 11 and the other locus is likely on the chromosome 2. Phenotyping data suggests that ToxB likely confers the necrosis development on rusty. To identify new host and necrotrophic effector interaction, we evaluated a wheat population for reaction to several progeny which have neither ToxA nor ToxB. QTL mapping indicates a wheat gene on the chromosome 7B conditions disease susceptibility to the new NE.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation: Guo, J., Shi, G., Liu, Z.H. 2018. Characterizing Virulence of the Pyrenophora tritici-repentis Isolates Lacking Both ToxA and ToxB Genes. Pathogens, 7(3):74
  • Type: Theses/Dissertations Status: Awaiting Publication Year Published: 2018 Citation: Kariyawasam, G. MOLECULAR GENETIC CHARACTERIZATION OF PTR TOXC-TSC1 INTERACTION AND COMPARATIVE GENOMICS OF PYRENOPHORA TRITICI-REPENTIS. North Dakota State University, PhD dissertation

Progress 02/15/17 to 02/14/18

Target Audience:The research results from this period work have been disseminated by the PD and graduate students at national or international meetings, including the 29th Fungal Genetics Conferrence in Pacific Grove, CA, March 14-18, 2017 and the NIFA-AFRI Project Directory meeting in Washington DC, December 11-12, 2017. The results were also presented in annual departmental seminars. The audiences for these meetings and seminars included fungal geneticists and biologists, plant geneticists and biologists, graduate students, post-doctoral researchers and other professonials. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Two Ph.D students, Gayan Kanishka Kariyawasam and Jingwei Guo, in the Department of Plant Pathology, North Dakota State University are working on this project and have been training in fungal genetics and biology and professional development from this project. One undergraduate student, Kristen Almen majoring in agronomy and environmental science at NDSU received training in molecular genetics and microbiology. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The results from this project have been disseminated by the PD and graduate students at international or national meetings or departmental seminars. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We will finish the phenotyping and genotyping of the fungal population derived from 86-124×DW5 and the gene for virulence toward 'rusty' or 'Kronos' will be mapped. The fungal progeny without ToxA and ToxB will be tested on several wheat populations for identifying new necrotrophic effector and host sensivity gene interactions.

What was accomplished under these goals? The research work associated with the objective 1 has been basically accomplished, which was the development of several fungal populations. Our work for this peroid was mainly focused on the objective 2. We have completed phenotyping and genotyping of the fungal population derived from AR Crossb10 x 86-124 (referred to as AR/86 population) which segregates for the production of Ptr ToxC. The AR/86 population segregates for the Ptr ToxC production as 50 (Ptr ToxC producing):62 (non-Ptr ToxC producing), which fits the 1:1 ratio (χ2=1.28, P=0.25) suggesting a single gene conditioning Ptr ToxC production. However, the segregation for Ptr ToxA production was 46 (producing Ptr ToxA):67 (producing no Ptr ToxC), which slightly deviates from 1:1 (χ2=4.32, P=0.04). The restriction-site-associated DNA sequencing (RAD-seq) method (about 1x coverage) was first used to genotype the population, but no polymorphic marker was obtained. Subsequently, a total of 20 progeny (10 producing Ptr ToxC and 10 producing no Ptr ToxC) as well as the three parental isolates were sequenced for the whole genome with about 50 x coverage using illumina Hiseq platform. Sequencing analysis showed an extremely low level of SNP (0.3 SNP/kb) between two parental lines, which explains well why our RAD-seq method failed. Genome comparison among the sequenced Ptr ToxC producing and non-Ptr ToxC producing progeny showed a genomic region on chromosome 2 associated with Ptr ToxC production. The SNP markers around that region were developed and genotyped on the whole population leading to the identification of a ~40 kb candidate region on that chromosome. There are ten genes predicted in the candidate region. The second population that we developed was derived from 86-124×DW5, refered to the 86/DW population. 'Rusty', 'Kronos' and some other durum lines are resistant to 86-124, but highly susceptible (developing large necrotic lesions) to DW5. Thus, the 86/DW population is useful for mapping virulence gene in DW5 towards Rusty. For this population, the segregation ratios of mating type gene, ToxA, and ToxB were 58:60 (MAT1-1:MAT1-2), 45:73 (present vs absent) and 96:22 (present vs absent). The deviation of ToxB segregation ratio from 1:1 may be due to the presence of multiple copies of ToxB gene in DW5. The significant deviation of the ToxA gene segregation ratio from 1:1 is not expected, which is intriguing. We obtained fungal progenies that have recombinant genotypes with neither ToxA or ToxB gene. We have genotyped the population with 60 SSR markers, the majority of which have segregation ratio close to 1:1. The SNP markers across the whole gene are being genotyped in the whole population to map the rusty-specific virulence gene in DW5.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Ameen, G., Kariyawasam, G., Shi, G., Friesen, T.L., Faris, J.D., Ali, S., Rasmussen, J.B., Liu, Z.H. (2017) Molecular manipulation of the mating-type system and development of a new approach for characterizing pathogen virulence in Pyrenophora tritici-repentis. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 109:16-25.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Kariyawasam, G.K, Liu, Z.H. (2017) Developing a bi-parental fungal population and mapping of the genetic locus conditioning Ptr ToxC production in Pyrenophora tritici-repentis. In: Proceeding of 29th Fungal Genetics Conference at Asilomar, Pacific Grove,CA, March 14-19, 2017, pp293 abstract #579F. Poster presentation
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Liu, Z.H. (2017) Development of a new approach to further characterize pathogen virulence mechanisms in the wheat-tan spot disease system. In: Dothideomycetes Comparative Genomics workshop, Oral presentation.

Progress 02/15/16 to 02/14/17

Target Audience:The research results from this grant have been disseminated by the PD and graduate students at national and regional scientific meetings, and seminars, including the NIFA-AFRI project directory meeting in Washington DC, June 30-July 1, 2016, the 28th Fungal Genetics Conference in Pacific Grove, March 17-22, 2015, invited talk at South Dakota State University, December 7, 2015 and departmental seminar at North Dakota State University, Oct 21, 2016. These meetings and seminars included fungal geneticists and biologists, plant geneticists and biologists, graduate students and other professionals. Changes/Problems:Because of sex incomplibilty between virulence race and avirulent race, we cannot develop population between them. We will select a progeny from the developed population which do not produce all three effectors and cause no or low level of disease and will use it to cross with race 2 isolate to develop population for mapping genetic locus encoding additional new effectors. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Two Ph.D. students, Gayan Kanishka Kariyawasam and Jingwei Guo, in the Department of Plant Pathology, North Dakota State University are being trained in fungal genetic and biology from this grant. Two undergraduate students, Gabrielle Valenzuela and Kristen Almen majoring in agronomy and environmental science, respectively, at NDSU has been trained in molecular genectics and pathology. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The research results from this grant have been disseminated by the PD and graduate students at national and regional scientific meetings, and invited and departmental seminars. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We will continue to genotype and phenotype the two fungal populations, including 86-124×DW5 and AR CrossB10×86-124 and will use the data to identify genomic region associated with the Ptr ToxC production and new virulence factors.

What was accomplished under these goals? For objective 1), we have created heterothallic fungal strain with one of mating type gene deleted in isolates 86-124 (race 2), DW5 (race 5), AR CrossB10 (new race), L13-192L2 (race 4), and by using the heterothallic strains, the fungal populations have been successfully developed from the crosses of 86-124×DW5, AR CrossB10×DW5, AR CrossB10×86-124 with the number of progeny at 118, 164, and 144, respectively. Because AR CrossB10 produces Ptr ToxC, the populations AR CrossB10×DW5 and AR CrossB10×86-124 will be used in genetic mapping of fungal gene(s) responsible for the Ptr ToxC production. However, the crosses between AR CrossB10 × L13-192L2 did not yield any functional pseudothecia suggesting incompatibility between races 1 and 4. For objective 2), we have started genotyping and phenotyping of the three developed populations and they are at various stages. A considerable work of genotyping and phenotyping has been done for 86-124 × DW5 and AR CrossB10 × 86-124 populations. In 86-124 × DW5 population, the segregation ratios of mating type gene, ToxA, and ToxB were 58:60 (MAT1-1:MAT1-2), 45:73 (present vs absent) and 96:22 (present vs absent). The deviation of ToxB segregation ratio from 1:1 may be due to the presence of multiple copies of ToxB gene in DW5, but the significant deviation of the ToxA gene segregation ratio from 1:1 is not expected, which is intriguing. We obtained fungal progenies that have recombinant genotypes with both the ToxA and ToxB gene or neither of them. We have also genotyped the population with 35 SSR markers, the majority of which have segregation ratio close to 1:1. Genotype-by-sequencing has also been conducted on this population using ion-torrent platform, but no valuable marker was obtained probably due to low genome coverage and low polymorphism between the parental isolates which both come from the North American. Twenty-three progenies have been phenotyped onto tan spot differential lines. DW5 produces Ptr ToxB causing chlorosis on 6B662, but it can cause necrosis a number of hexaploid and tetraploid lines. Therefore, we included these lines in phenotyping to map the necrosis-inducing gene in DW5. Virulence pattern of fungal progenies on differential lines Glenlea and 6B662 correlated with the presence of the ToxA and ToxB gene, respectively. However, the size of chlorotic lesions on 6B662 caused by ToxB-containing progenies varied indicating they may contain different copies of the ToxB gene in the genome. In AR CrossB10×86-124, which is being used to identify Ptr ToxC production gene, the phenotyping for Ptr ToxC production has been done and the two pools of Ptr ToxC producing and non-Ptr ToxC producing progenies. The two pools and parental lines are being used to identify SSR markers linked to the genetic locus conferring Ptr ToxC production.
