Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Dec 15, 2015
Project End Date
Dec 14, 2018
Grant Year
Project Director
Lowry, C.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Improving the capacity of crop roots to compete for soil resources will reduce the need for irrigation and fertilizer, while increasing crop competitiveness against weeds. Root foraging encompasses the morphological and physiological plastic responses utilized by roots to exploit heterogeneously distributed resources. Soils are extremely heterogeneous environments. However, it is not yet clear how agricultural management influences the heterogeneous distribution of resource within the soil, and how that in turn influences belowground competition. Recent crop breeding efforts have aimed to enhance root foraging, but foraging responses are not always predictable under competitive environments. The goal of this project is to compare root foraging strategies among maize varieties (Zea mays) and common weeds, and evaluate how spatially heterogeneous resources influence root foraging and maize-weed competition.We will use a series of greenhouse experiments to characterize root foraging of maize and weeds, with and without competition. We will also conduct a field experiment to determine the effects of cover crop residue spatial heterogeneity on the distribution and availability of soil resources, root foraging and mycorrhizae colonization, and weed-crop competition. We will utilize a novel approach to directly study the mechanisms influencing competition by using 15N enrichment combined with high pressure dye injection. 15N enriched red clover residue will allow us to directly trace the flow of N from resources of specific sizes and location within the soil. A high pressure dye injection system will be used to stain roots and facilitate identification to species.Improved understanding of the effects of soil resource heterogeneity and root foraging plasticity on weed-crop competition will enhance our capacity to adapt crops to low-input environments, and reduce our reliance on herbicides and synthetic fertilizers. Long-term outcomes include increased awareness among researchers of the role that soil heterogeneity plays in mediating belowground competition, as well as increased appreciation among breeders of the importance of considering belowground competitiveness when selecting for root traits. An additional outcome is a deeper understanding of how nutrient placement (N banding, manure injection, zonal cover cropping) influences crop N uptake and weed competition. Results from the proposed research will be disseminated through presentations at academic and scientific meetings, publications in scientific journals, and extension presentations and bulletins.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The goal of this project is to compare root foraging strategies among maize and common agricultural weeds, and evaluate how spatially heterogeneous resources within the soil influence root foraging and maize-weed competition.Specific objectives and hypotheses include:Objective 1: Characterize root morphological and physiological plasticity and N uptake in maize and common agricultural weeds grown in monoculture with spatially heterogeneous and homogeneously distributed soil resources.Objective 1 Hypotheses: We predict that: 1) weed and crop species will vary in N uptake and root: shoot (R:S) ratios in response to heterogeneous soil environments; and 2) compared to crop species, weed species will have greater plasticity in root morphological and physiological foraging response and higher 15N uptake under heterogeneous compared to homogeneous soil resource environments.Objective 2: Evaluate the effects of soil resource spatial heterogeneity and root morphological and physiological plasticity on weed-crop competition.Objective 2 Hypotheses: We predict that 1) 15N uptake by maize will be reduced in the presence of weeds and soil resource spatial heterogeneity will alleviate the magnitude of this reduction; 2) increasing the number of N-rich patches and reducing the distance between maize and a patch will increase maize 15N uptake when in the presence of weeds; and 3) weed-maize combinations that include species with high foraging plasticity (as measured in Obj. 1) will compete less under conditions of high soil resource heterogeneity compared to weed-crop combinations with species that have low foraging plasticity.Objective 3: Determine the effects of cover crop residue spatial heterogeneity on the distribution and availability of soil resources, mycorrhizae colonization of roots, and weed-crop competition.Objective 3 Hypothesis: We expect that by increasing soil resource spatial heterogeneity through agricultural management we will see 1) increased aboveground biomass and lower R:S ratios of both maize and weeds in competition; 2) greater root system complementarity between crops and weeds; and 3) greater overall N capture by maize.
Project Methods
Objective1. Experimental Design:A 9 x 2 factorial (species x resource distribution) will be arranged in a completely randomized design with six replications. Crop species will include: four varieties of maize with contrasting root architectures. Weed species will include: Chenopodium album, Setaria faberi, Galinsoga quadriradiata, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, and Avena fatua. Each treatment will contain the same total amount of 15N enriched red clover residue. In the heterogeneous treatment, two soil cores (2 cm diameter x 10 cm deep), will be removed on opposite sides of the pot 8 cm from the plant. 15N enriched red clover residue will be mixed with the removed soil and replaced into the hole. In the homogenous treatments, the same amount of enriched clover residue will be mixed uniformly throughout the whole pot.Obj. 1. Sampling: After 6 weeks, aboveground biomass will be clipped at the soil surface, dried and weighed. Roots and soil from the (heterogeneous) patch cores, and control cores of the same size and distance from the plant (both homogenous and heterogeneous), will be carefully excavated. Roots will be sieved, washed, and scanned for root length, surface area, and number of branches using Winrhizo, then weighed. Remaining roots from the pot will be sieved, washed and weighed to determine R:S ratios. Distribution of 15N and total N will be determined on dried and ground aboveground biomass, soils, and roots.Obj. 1. Analysis. Morphological plasticity for each species will be calculated as the ratio of root length in nutrient patches to control cores. Physiological plasticity will be calculated as the rate of 15N uptake per root length from a nutrient patch.The effects of plant species and resource heterogeneity on R:S ratios, 15N uptake, total N, morphological, and physiological plasticity will be analyzed using a two-way ANOVA, and means will be compared using Tukey's HSD Test.Objective. 2. Experimental Design: A 2 x 2 x 4 factorial design (maize variety, weed species, and resource distribution) with six replications will be arranged as a completely randomized design. Two varieties of maize, along with two weed species, with contrasting foraging responses will be selected based on results from Objective 1. The experiment will take place in 50 cm diameter pots with the two competing individuals placed 20 cm apart. Each pot will receive the same total quantity of 15N enriched clover residue, but will differ in residue patch number and placement. Patches will be created as in Objective 1. Treatments include: 1) Homogenous: clover residue equally distributed throughout whole pot; 2) Heterogenous1: one patch with full residue equal distance from crop and weed ; 3) Heterogenous2: two patches, each with ½ residue, both equal distant from crop and weed; 4) Heterogeneous3: one patch with full residue but patch closer to crop and farther from the weed.Obj. 2. Sampling: Sampling will occur just as in Objective 1, except for the following differences: 1) A high-pressure dye injection system will inject dye into the weed root system to differentiate maize from weed roots; and 2) Aboveground biomass will be separated to species before processing.Obj. 2. Statistical Analysis: R:S ratios, morphological, and physiological plasticity will be determined as described in Objective 1. R:S ratios, 15N uptake, total N, and morphological and physiological plasticity will be analyzed with a 3-way ANOVA with maize foraging strategy ('low plasticity' vs 'high plasticity), weed species foraging strategy ('low plasticity', and 'high plasticity'), and residue distribution as treatment factors .Objective. 3. Experimental Design: Soil residue spatial heterogeneity treatments will be established at the UNH Kingman Research Farm in Madbury, NH. The experiment will be a split plot randomized complete block design, with five replicates. Whole plot treatments will consist of residue heterogeneity level, and the split plot treatment will be a 2 x 2 factorial (maize variety and +/- weeds). Selection of the weed species will be based on the results from Objective 1 and 2. Maize varieties will be the same as used in Objective 2. Red clover residues will be used and the source of organic N, and chopped to achieve two residue size classes: small (5 cm), and large (15 cm). Treatments will be established by spreading the clover residue evenly over the whole plot (Treatments 1, 2, and 3), or in 25 cm bands directly in line with future maize rows (Treatment 4), and tillage to incorporate the residue will run parallel to the residue band direction. Weed seeds will be overseeded at time of maize planting and thinned (if necessary) to uniform density.Obj. 3. Sampling: To examine the effects of agricultural management on soil heterogeneity, fifteen soil cores (3 cm diameter x 20 cm deep) per plot will be collected two week after maize and weed planting, every 15.2 cm along one transect that runs perpendicular to crop rows. Cores will be split in half by depth, and analyzed separately for potentially minerazable N (PMN), and total C and N. Ingrowth cores will be used to examine the effect of soil heterogeneity on crop and weed root foraging. Sixcores (5 cm diameter and 20 cm deep) will be removed from each treatment directly in between one maize and one weed plant. A subsample from each excavated core will beanalyzed for inorganic N and PMN. Remaining soil will be used to construct the following ingrowth core treatments (2 cores of each/ subplot): 1) 15N enriched red clover residue addition uniformly distributed, 2) 15N enriched red clover residue addition in large patch in middle of core , and 3) Control: original soil and residue returned.Aboveground biomass of neighboring weeds and crops will be harvested, dried, and weighed; then analyzed for 15N uptake and total N. A high-pressure dye injection system will be used to inject dye into the weed root system in order to distinguish maize versus weed roots. Roots will be sieved from ingrowth cores and separated to species. Roots will then be cleaned and split into two subsamples, one portion for mycorrhizae analysis, the other scanned for root length, surface area, and number of branches using Winrhizo, then weighed. Soil heterogeneity within the core will be analyzed for 15N and total N pool distribution (inorganic N, dissolved organic N, and soil microbial N) and microbial biomass, and soil organic matter.Obj. 3. Statistical Analysis: Weed aboveground biomass, and corn yield will be analyzed with a two-way ANOVA with community type (maize variety vs maize-weed mixture) and soil heterogeneity level as fixed factors. Soil heterogeneity measurements within ingrowth cores, R:S ratios, morphological, and physiological plasticity will be analyzed as a three-way ANOVA with community type (crop and weed monoculture vs mixture), soil heterogeneity level, and ingrowth core residue distribution (control, uniform, patch) as fixed factors. Semivariograms will be used to analyze patterns in soil spatial variability of PMN, and total N and C.To ensure we are achieving project goals, I will measure the following indicators: time required to set up experiments, and collect and analyze data for each research objective, the number of publications accepted in peer review journals per year, presentations at scientific meetings, and non-peer review extension or public outreach publications. I will utilize the events and activities in the Project Timeline as milestones to ensure the project, as well as training and career development, are progressing adequately. Presentations at scientific meetings will set additional deadlines for completion of data collection, analysis, and summary. The self-assessments I complete for biannual reviews with my primary mentor will assist in monitoring progress in project completion and professional development.

Progress 12/15/15 to 12/14/18

Target Audience:UNH undergraduate students and campus community: Six undergraduate students actively participated with the project experiments. This project has provided them with training in experimental design, and research methods such as laboratory analyses of plant samples. Scientific community: Research questions and results have been disseminated to the scientific community via presentations at the 2018 meeting of the International Sweet Corn Development Association, 2018 Weed Science Society of America annual meeting, 2017 Interdisciplinary Plant Group Symposium at the University of Missouri, 2016 tri-societies meeting (ASA, CSA, and SSSA), 2016 NIFA Projects Directors Meeting, UNH natural resources department, as well as to visiting scientists and collaborators at UNH. General Public: Research questions and information have been disseminated to the general public at the Macfarlane greenhouse open house. Changes/Problems:In response to feedback from both proposal reviewers and collaborators with expertise in roots and belowground competition, we decided that prior to initiating the Objective 1 experiment, we would conduct a screen of maize lines to look at intraspecific variability in root foraging traits, specifically morphological plasticity. Thus far, no one has established to what extent intraspecific variation exists in root morphological plasticity, as well as whether roots display tradeoffs between morphological plasticity and other foraging traits. We screened 12 recombinant inbred lines of maize (B73 X Mo17, IBM population) for morphological plasticity within heterogeneously distributed resources. We selected the IBM population because previous work has shown these lines to have considerable variation in root architecture. This would allow us to examine whether certain architectural traits can predict morphological plasticity. We used results from this first experiment (the maize screen) to select four maize lines to be used in the Obj 1 experiment. Additionally, after receiving feedback from other researchers studying belowground competition, we decided to use rhizo (or window)-boxes as growing containers throughout our experiment. Previous work has shown that forcing the roots to be grown in an almost 2-dimensional plane facilitates root identification to species, one of the biggest challenges with studying belowground competition. This method has been shown to be more reliable and feasible compared to root dye-injection. In response to proposal reviewer feedback, and to fully utilize the rhizo-box approach, we decided to limit our experiments to the greenhouse instead of scaling up to the field. In Experiment 2, we evaluated maize and weed foraging strategies in response to both spatially heterogeneous and homogeneously distributed soil resources. From this experiment, we identified a number of issues that would likely arise from conducting a competition experiment between maize and the weed species we selected for Experiment 2. Most importantly, the large initial mass difference between maize and the weed species we selected would create challenges for the rhizobox system we developed. Because we can only grow the maize plants to approximately the V4 stage before reaching the outer edges of the rhizobox and becoming root bound, the experiment can only run for a few weeks which was not enough time for the weed species to overcome the initial size difference and would not be a sufficient competitor against the maize. Additionally, some of the weed species (e.g. Sinapsis arvensis) has extremely fine root systems which we were unable to see within the rhizobox. However, we became increasingly interested in examining which of the maize foraging traits identified in Experiment 1 (large scale versus high precision) would enhance competition for soil N. We decided the best method to answer this question would be to pair these traits against each other and examine how they affect maize N uptake and productivity under competition. Therefore, for the third experiment we selected three maize genotypes from Experiment 1 that had contrasting foraging strategies and paired them together in a full factorial competition experiment within heterogeneous and homogenous distributions of soil resources (Experiment 3). What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?This fellowship has provided me the opportunity to enhance both my research and data analysis skills. I have become proficient in new root image analysis software, such as SmartRoot. Additionally I have developed a strong proficiency in R, and have greatly enhanced my teaching skills by developing an R module for my mentor's multivariate statistics course. UNH has numerous opportunities for researchers to gain training in research methods and data management. For example, I organized a training for our lab with UNH's Research Data Services Librarian on best practices and new tools for data management. Working under the direction of my postdoc mentor, Dr. Rich Smith, I have been included in other projects within the lab, and have developed new skills in data collection and analysis, such as those necessary to conduct a meta- analysis. This fellowship has also provided me with a number of networking opportunities, including presenting my research at conferences, as well as with visiting scientists to UNH. Additionally, the natural resources department has allowed me to develop new collaborations with individuals with expertise different from my own. I also have been able to enhance my mentoring skills by working with both undergraduates and graduates in the lab. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results and ideas related to this project have been shared to the scientific community through the following presentations: 2016: annual meeting of the ASA, CSSA, and SSSA 2017: annual meeting of the Interdisciplinary Plant Group Symposium at the University of Missouri 2018: annual meeting of the Weed Science Society 2018: UNH undergraduate research symposium 2018: An invited seminar at the University of Denver 2018: An invited seminar at the 2018 meeting of the International Sweet Corn Development Association 2018: An invited seminar at Purdue University. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Soil resources, such as decomposing organic matter, are patchily distributed throughout the soil, resulting in an extremely heterogeneous environment. 'Root foraging' encompasses the strategies utilized by roots to find and exploit these heterogeneously distributed soil resources. One such response is 'morphological plasticity', which consists of the proliferation of root growth in response to localized nutrient enrichment. Previous research has demonstrated considerable interspecific variation in root morphological plasticity, which may or may not increase N capture from heterogeneously distributed resources. Thus far, no one has established to what extent intraspecific variation exists in root morphological plasticity. Additionally, few studies have examined which root foraging strategies enhance maize competitive ability. In Experiment 1, we screened 12 recombinant inbred lines of maize (B73 X Mo17, IBM population) for morphological plasticity within heterogeneously distributed resources. At the University of New Hampshire MacFarlane Greenhouse, we utilized root window (or rhizo-) boxes as growing containers to facilitate the visualization and measurement of root architectural traits, as well as root proliferation within nutrient patches. We hypothesized that maize lines which produced a greater total number and length of lateral roots would exhibit greater morphological plasticity, measured as the percent of root surface area located within resource patch. However, contrary to our expectations, we found no relationship between root architectural traits and morphological plasticity. Generally, we found a negative relationship between root foraging traits associated with larger scale foraging (total root surface area, total root length, total shoot and root biomass) and foraging within nutrient rich patches (precision foraging). In Experiment 2, which ran from November 2016 to April 2017, I characterized root morphological plasticity and N uptake in maize and common agricultural weeds (Obj. 1). We continued to utilize the rhizo-boxes in the UNH Macfarlane Greenhouses. We selected four maize lines from Experiment 1 found to vary in their root foraging traits: 2 lines that exhibited high precision foraging (M0063 and M0167) and 2 lines that exhibited high scale foraging (M0005 and M0013). We compared these maize lines to four common agricultural weeds: Setaria faberi, Abutilon theophrasti, Echinocloa crus-galli, and Sinapsis arvensis. Both the maize lines and weed species were grown in rhizo-boxes with heterogeneous (nutrients concentrated in patches) and homogeneous (nutrients evenly distributed throughout the container) distributions of soil resources. We found that both the maize and weeds increased shoot biomass in the heterogeneous compared to homogeneous resource distribution. However, the weed species exhibited greater plasticity in shoot growth (a greater increase in shoot productivity in the heterogeneous compared to homogeneous resource distribution) compared to the maize genotypes. Interestingly, we found a positive relationship between shoot biomass and morphological plasticity within the weed species but not in the maize genotypes. In Experiment 3, which ran from June 2017 to November 2017, we selected three maize lines from Experiment 1 that varied in their root foraging traits: 1) high precision foraging, low scale foraging; 2) low precision foraging, high scale foraging; and 3) high precision and high scale foraging. Each of these maize lines were paired in a full factorial experiment to examine which root traits have the strongest influence on the outcome of competition in both heterogeneous and homogenous soil conditions. All samples have finished being processed and data collection is finished. We are currently in the process of data analysis and writing manuscripts for publication.


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2017 Citation: Lowry, CJ, M Ryan, RG Smith. 2017. Maize root architectural traits influence morphological plasticity and response to patchy resources. Interdisciplinary Plant Group Symposium at the University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2016 Citation: Lowry, C J, M Ryan, RG Smith. 2016. Root morphological plasticity in maize and its influence on N uptake from patchy resources. ASA, CSA, SSSA Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2018 Citation: Lowry CJ. November 2018. Using rhizoboxes to understand corn root foraging strategies. Annual meeting of the International Sweet Corn Development Association. Wisconsin Dells, WI.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2018 Citation: Lowry, CJ, M Ryan, RG Smith. 2018. Root Foraging Strategies of Maize and Four Common Agricultural Weeds. Weed Science Society of America Annual Meeting. Oral Presentation.

Progress 12/15/16 to 12/14/17

Target Audience:UNH undergraduate students: Threeundergraduate students and one recent college graduate have been actively participating with project experiments. This project has provided them with training in experimental design, and research methods such as laboratory analyses of root and soil samples. UNH graduate students: As part of my fellowship, I developed an R module for my primary mentor's graduate level multivariate statistics course and held two introduction to R workshops for UNH graduate students enrolled in the class. Scientific community: Research questions and results have been disseminated to the scientific community via presentations at the 2017 Interdisciplinary Plant Group (IPG) Meeting at the University of Missouri,as well as to visiting scientists and collaborators at UNH. General Public: Research questions and information have been disseminated to the general public at the Macfarlane greenhouse open house. Changes/Problems:In Experiment 2, we evaluated maize and weed foraging strategies in response to both spatially heterogeneous and homogeneously distributed soil resources. From this experiment, we identified a number of issues that would likely arise from conducting a competition experiment between maize and the weed species we selected for Experiment 2. Most importantly, the large initial mass difference between maize and the weed species we selected would create challenges for the rhizobox system we developed. Because we can only grow the maize plants to approximately the V4 stage before reaching the outer edges of the rhizobox and becoming root bound, the experiment can only run for a few weeks which was not enough time for the weed species to overcome the initial size difference andwould notbe a sufficient competitor against the maize. Additionally, some of the weed species (e.g. Sinapsis arvensis) has extremely fine root systems which we were unable to see within the rhizobox. However, we became increasingly interested in examining which of the maize foraging traitsidentified in Experiment 1 (large scale versus high precision) would enhance competition for soil N. We decided the best method to answer this question would be to pair these traits against each other and examine how they affect maize N uptake and productivity under competition. Therefore, for the third experiment we selected three maize genotypes from Experiment 1 that had contrasting foraging strategies and paired them together in a full factorial both within heterogenous and homogenous distributions of soil resources (Experiment 3). What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?This fellowship has provided me the opportunity to enhance both my research and data analysis skills. I have developed a strong proficiency in R, and havegreatly enhanced my teaching skills by developing an R module for my mentor's multivariate statistics course. Working under the direction of my postdoc mentor, Dr. Rich Smith, I have been included in other projects within the lab, and have developed new skills in data collection and analysis, such as those necessary to conduct a metaanalysis. This fellowship has also provided me with a number of networking opportunities, including presenting my research at conferences, as well as with visiting scientists to UNH. Additionally, the natural resources department has allowed me to develop new collaborations with individuals with expertise different from my own. I also have been able to enhance my mentoring skills by working with both undergraduates and graduates in the lab. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results and ideas related to this project have been shared at the 2017Interdisciplinary Plant Group (IPG) Symposium at the University of Missouri, and to the local community at the 2016 UNH Macfarlane Greenhouse open house, as well aswithin meetings with project collaborators. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We willcontinue to process samples, analyze data, and prepare manuscripts for publication for the first (intraspecific variation in maize morphological plasticity),second experiment (morphological and physiological plasticity in maize and weeds), and third experiment (maize root foraging traits inflience on belowground competition).

What was accomplished under these goals? Soil resources, such as decomposing organic matter, are patchily distributed throughout the soil, resulting in an extremely heterogeneous environment. 'Root foraging' encompasses the strategies utilized by roots to find and exploit these heterogenously distributed soil resources. One such response is 'morphological plasticity', which consists of the alteration of root growth and architecture in response to localized nutrient enrichment. Previous research has demonstrated considerable interspecific variation in root morphological plasticity, which may or may not increase N capture from heterogeneously distributed resources. Thus far, no one has established to what extent intraspecific variation exists in root morphological plasticity. Additionally, little work has been done to examine which root foraging strategies enhance maize competitive ability. In Experiment 1, we screened 12 recombinant inbred lines of maize (B73 X Mo17, IBM population) for morphological plasticity within heterogeneously distributed resources. This population has previously been shown to have considerable variation in root architecture. At the University of New Hampshire MacFarlane Greenhouse, we utilized root window (or rhizo-) boxes as growing containers to facilitate the visualization and measurement of root architectural traits, as well as root proliferation within nutrient patches. We hypothesized that maize lines which produced a greater total number and length of lateral roots would also exhibit greater morphological plasticity, measured as the ratio of root length in nutrient patches to control cores. However, contrary to our expectations, we found that as the total number of both axial and lateral roots increased, root morphological plasticity decreased. Genereally, we found a negative relationship between root foraging traits associated with larger scale foraging (number of axial and lateral roots, and root system convex hull area) and foraging within nutrient rich patches (precision foraging).This suggests that maize lines which diverted a greater amount of carbon and energy into foraging for soil resources throughout the entire root system (scale foraging)had less energy and carbon reserves to initiate root proliferation within nutrient rich patches.We are currently processing the remaining maize root and shoot tissues to determine the percent N and draw inferences on how root foraging traits influence N uptake. In Experiment 2, which ran fromNovember 2016 to April 2017, Icharacterizedroot morphological and physiological plasticity and N uptake in maize and common agricultural weeds (Obj. 1). We continued to utilize the rhizo-boxes in the UNH Macfarlane Greenhouses. We selected four maize lines from Experiment 1 found to vary in their root foraging traits: 2 lines that exhibited high precision foraging(M0063 and M0167)and 2 lines that exhibited high scale foraging (M0005 and M0013). We compared these maize lines to four common agricultural weeds: Setaria faberi, Abutilon theophrasti, Echinocloa crus-galli, and Sinapsis arvensis. Both the maize lines and weed species were grown in rhizo-boxes with heterogenous (nutrients concentrated in patches) and homogenous (nutrients evenly distributed throughout the container) distributions of soil resources. We are currently in the process of analyzing data to examine whether root foraging traits effecton N uptake varies with the distribution of nutrients in the soil. In Experiment 3, which ran from June 2017 to November 2017, we selected three maize lines from Experiment 1 that varied in their root foraging traits: 1) high precision foraging, low scale foraging; 2) low precision foraging, high scale foraging; and 3) high precision and high scale foraging. Each of these maize lines werepaired in a full factorial experiment to examine whichroot traits have the strongest influence on the outcome of competition in both heterogenous and homogenous soil conditions. This greenhouse experiment has finished and we are currenty processing samples and analyzing data.


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2017 Citation: Lowry, C.J., M. Ryan, R.G. Smith. Maize root architectural traits influence morphological plasticity and response to patchy resources. Interdisciplinary Plant Group Symposium at the University of Missouri , Columbia, MO.

Progress 12/15/15 to 12/14/16

Target Audience:UNH undergraduate students: Two undergraduate students and one recent college graduate have been actively participating with project experiments. This project has provided them with training in experimental design, and research methods such as laboratory analyses of root and soil samples. Scientific community: Research questions and results have been disseminated to the scientific community via presentations at: 2016 tri-societies meeting (ASA, CSA, and SSSA), 2016 NIFA Projects Directors Meeting, UNH natural resources department, as well as to visiting scientists and collaborators at UNH. General Public: Research questions and information have been disseminated to the general public at the Macfarlane greenhouse open house. Changes/Problems:In response to feedback from both proposal reviewers and collaborators with expertise in roots and belowground competition, we decided that prior to initiating the Objective 1 experiment, we would conduct a screen of maize lines to look at intraspecific variability in root foraging traits, specifically morphological plasticity. Thus far, no one has established to what extent intraspecific variation exists in root morphological plasticity, as well as whether roots display tradeoffs between morphological plasticity and other foraging traits. We screened 12 recombinant inbred lines of maize (B73 X Mo17, IBM population) for morphological plasticity within heterogeneously distributed resources. We selected the IBM population because previous work has shown these lines to have considerable variation in root architecture. This would allow us to examine whether certain architectural traits can predict morphological plasticity. We have used results from this first experiment (the maize screen) to select four maize lines to be used in the Obj 1 experiment. Additionally, after receiving feedback from other researchers studying belowground competition, we decided to use rhizo (or window)-boxes as growing containers throughout our experiment. Previous work has shown that forcing the roots to be grown in an almost 2-dimensional plane facilitates root identification to species, one of the biggest challenges with studying belowground competition. This method has been shown to be more reliable and feasible compared to root dye-injection. In response to proposal reviewer feedback, and to fully utilize the rhizo-box approach, we decided to limit our experiments to the greenhouse instead of scaling up to the field. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?This fellowship has provided me the opportunity to enhance both my research and data analysis skills. I have become proficient in new root image analysis software, such as SmartRoot. Additionally, I have developed a strong proficiency in R. UNH has numerous opportunities for researchers to gain training in new research methods and data management. For example, I organized a training for our lab with UNH's Research Data Services Librarian on best practices and new tools for data management. Working under the direction of my postdoc mentor, Dr. Rich Smith, I have been included in other projects within the lab, and have developed new skills in data collection and analysis, such as thosenecessary to conduct a meta-analysis. This fellowship has also provided me with a number of networking opportunities, includingpresenting my research at conferences, as well as with visiting scientists to UNH. Additionally, the natural resources department has allowed me to develop new collaborations with individuals with expertise different from my own. Finally, I have been able to enhance my mentoring skills byworking with both undergraduates and graduates in the lab. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results and ideas related to this project have been shared at the 2016 meeting of tri-socities (ASA, CSA, and SSSA), at the 2016 NIFA Project Directors Meeting, to the local community at the 2016 UNH Macfarlane Greenhouse open house, and within meetings with project collaborators. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Within the next year, we plan on finishing our second experiment comparing root morphological and physiological plasticity in maize and common agricultural weeds. We will also continue to process samples, analyze data, and prepare manuscripts for publication for the first (intraspecific variation in maize morphological plasticity) and second experiment (morphological and physiological plasticity in maize and weeds). From May to November we will focus on Objective 2 of the proposal, evaluating how root foraging traits influence belowground competition. We will continue to use our rhizo-box experimental system in the greenhouse with 15N labeled clover residue. We will use results from experiment 2 to optimize experimental treatments and methods for the competition experiments.

What was accomplished under these goals? Soil resources, such as decomposing organic matter, are patchily distributed throughout the soil, resulting in an extremely heterogeneous environment. 'Root foraging' encompasses the strategies utilized by roots to exploit these patchy resources. One such response is 'morphological plasticity', which consists of the alteration of root growth and architecture in response to localized nutrient enrichment. Previous research has demonstrated considerable interspecific variation in root morphological plasticity, which may or may not increase N capture from heterogeneously distributed resources. Thus far, no one has established to what extent intraspecific variation exists in root morphological plasticity. We screened 12 recombinant inbred lines of maize (B73 X Mo17, IBM population) for morphological plasticity within heterogeneously distributed resources. This population has previously been shown to have considerable variation in root architecture. At the University of New Hampshire MacFarlane Greenhouse, we utilized root window (or rhizo-) boxes as growing containers to facilitate the visualization and measurement of root architectural traits, as well as root proliferation within nutrient patches. We hypothesized that maize lines which produced a greater total number and length of lateral roots would also exhibit greater morphological plasticity, measured as the ratio of root length in nutrient patches to control cores. However, contrary to our expectations, we found that as the total number of both axial and lateral roots increased, root morphological plasticity decreased. This suggests that maize lines which diverted a greater amount of carbon and energy into total lateral root formationhad less energy and carbon reserves to initiate root proliferation within nutrient rich patches. Future work will examine howmaize morphological plasticity affected N uptake. From November 2016 to March or April 2017, I am characterizing root morphological and physiological plasticity and N uptake in maize and common agricultural weeds (Obj. 1). We arecontinuing toutilizethe root window (or rhizo-) boxes. We plan on having a total of 8 replications (which are blocked by both space and time) and we are currently finished with 5 of the 8 replications.


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Submitted Year Published: 2016 Citation: Lowry, C.J., M. Ryan, R.G. Smith. Root morphological plasticity in maize and its influence on N uptake from patchy resources. ASA, CSA, SSSA 2016 meeting, Phoenix, AZ.