Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2015
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2019
Grant Year
Program Code
[EWE]- Extension Project
Recipient Organization
PO BOX 1000
Performing Department
Research and Public Service
Non Technical Summary
In West Virginia, there has been a noticeable increase in the demand for locally grown food while there has also been a steady decrease in employment opportunities in our southernmost coalfields. With the state in dire need of more agricultural producers and simultaneously a need for retraining opportunities rising for displaced workers in areas such as McDowell County, agriculture may be a solution. This program's purpose is to establish an agricultural training facility at the West Virginia Army National Guard Armory in McDowell County, develop an agricultural training incubator program around agricultural production education and provide technical assistance and connections to federal, state and private agencies to increase the farmer's capacity to be successful in agricultural endeavors. Beginning farmers will be provided with the support and start up resources necessary to help guide the way toward building a productive and sustainable small farming venture. This project addresses food security and consumption of locally grown products in West Virginia through the creation of an agricultural incubator program, enhancing farmers' capacity to meet local markets' needs. Participants will complete a year-long program that includes workshops, trainings and technical assistance to help ensure that they are given every chance to become successful in a new agricultural career.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The overall goal of this capacity building program is to develop an Agricultural training incubator at the Welch Armory to address the needs of small and rural farmers in the areas of agricultural production methodologies, assessment of local market needs, farm safety planning, postharvest handling and agricultural economic development. Objective 1: To establishan agricultural training facility at the WVANG Armory in McDowell County; Objective 2: To develop an agricultural training incubator program around agricultural production education; Objective 3: To deliver outreach efforts and technical assistance to increase the farmer's capacity to be successful in agricultural endeavors. Objective 4: To establishan aquaponics pilot project within a high tunnel at the agricultural training facility at the WVANG Armory in McDowell County; Objective 5: To conduct fish nutrition based studies and correlate them with growth of both fish and plants.
Project Methods
Plan of Operation and Methodology: The purpose of the proposed WVSU Extension Service program is to increase the capacity of the Extension Service to provide agricultural training to beginning rural farmers. WVSUES will look to expand our programmatic outreach through the development of workshops that target the needs of these producers. Working with our program partners, workshops and training events will be designed and conducted to increase their agricultural knowledge base in order to increase their productivity. With a focus on high tunnel, raised bed, and hydroponic production, this program will provide the baseline education on how to produce in numerous scenarios. Overlapping with our Agricultural & Environmental Research Station (AERS), which is committed to developing knowledge and engaging in technology transfer and economic development activities beneficial to West Virginia, the creation of affordable pilot aquaculture and aquaponic systems will be developed to add to the educational opportunities provided. The culture system will provide the opportunity to field test current lab based research findings on feed formulation and fish nutrition. Furthermore, particular attention will be given to the construction and design of the system. Special consideration will be given to lowering construction, and running cost. By moving away from using traditional fiberglass or polyethylene tanks to using wire frames with molded pond liners for housing fish and grow beds with raft systems, production cost can be lowered without compromising the integrity of the system. Using technologies in airlift systems to aerate and move water relative to using magnetic water pumps would significantly lower running costs. Through the support of the WVDA additional trainings and guidance would be provided in regards to developing a farm safety plan, product marketing, creation and distribution. The WVANG would work to develop opportunities with program participants on post mine use lands for future agricultural expansion. They will also support the program efforts through use of the Armory and assist with the program implementation through the manpower resources they bring to the table. This holistic plan will look to embrace the beginning farmers in the area and help pave the way for an easier transition into the realm of agriculture. The effectiveness of the program will be evaluated throughout the term of the grant and adjusted as needed to ensure that we are achieving the desired impacts. With emphasis on increasing agricultural production in the state growing, it is important that we are attentive that the basic needs of the farmers are being met in order to attain this goal.

Progress 09/01/15 to 08/31/19

Target Audience:The target audience of this project comprised small urban and rural farmers (mainly in Southern West Virginia) andveterans interested in high tunnel and aquaponic systems. Changes/Problems:Extension Program leads shared that it was somewhat difficult to convince farmers to attend activities at the WVANG Armory, however, two post-survey respondents shared that having access to the WVSU Extension Center staff and their knowledge and resources was the greatest benefit of the program. This suggests that WVSU Extension Center staff helped to build trust with farmers in the area, and this should continue to be fostered. Based on the external evaluation, on the research side, the scientist (and extension personnel) on the project indicated that the program helped to establish an agricultural incubator that served beginning farmers. However, there were issues with water quality in the region and further testing was needed. Additionally, the scientist indicated that another round of experiments would be conducted to assess an efficient and cost-effective model for the feed formula. Given 79% of needs assessment respondents indicated that a barrier to farming was operating costs, following up on research findings for a cost-effective model, will help to further support the needs of farmers in the region. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Working in conjuction with independent evaluators, extension personnel gained addtional knowledge and evaluation tools which will be useful to better assess existing and future extension programs. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results derived from this endeavor are being disseminated through extension workshops and written publications (e.g. Extension Magazine and Ag Buzz). In addition, information is also disseminated to program participants via the aforementioned workshops and meetings with stakeholders and advisory groups. Results related to research are being disseminated through scientific workshop and presentations provided by the research scientist(s) What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1. To establishan agricultural training facility at the WVANG Armory in McDowell County: The demonstration and training facility was established at the McDowell's formerArmory building during the second year of this program. This site was used for almost 4 years fordemonstration, training and research activities in terms of the programming associated with this grant. A Full-time Agricultural Agent and Associate positions were hired to support this program. Due to the recent closure of the aforementioned facility, high tunnels and other associated resources are being relocated to campus. These resources will continue being used for demonstration and research activities associated with this grant's endeavors. Objective 2. To develop an agricultural training incubator program around agricultural production education: The development of the training incubator program was achieved and materialized during the second year of the program. This incubator program was developed to address the needs of small and rural farmers (new farmers) and received education in agricultural production methodologies, assessment of local markers, farmer safety planning, postharvest handling and agricultural economic development. Initial efforts were initiated to implement an agriculture education certification program developed through the DACUM model. An advisory board was organized and served to assist in curriculum development and review and assessment of the pilot project. The program will no longer be delivered at the aforementioned site, however, it will continue to be available to farmers through the WVSU extension services. Objective 3. Delivery of outreach efforts and technical assistance to increase the farmer's capacity to be successful in agricultural endeavors: The WVSU Agricultural Incubator Program was able to reach at least 156 farmers and train them in complementary agricultural practices to improve their businesses. This program worked directly with area farmers and residents to support their efforts related to implementing agricultural entrepreneurial enterprises. A partnership with the American Youth Agripreneur Association, located in Berwind, WV was developed and is still ongoing. Several outreach efforts took place, including meetings with area residents and farmers to assess need and to advertise training opportunities through Extension. Monthly workshops were delivered and provided learning opportunities to area residents and farmers. The program established an infrastructure of workshops and trainings where 92% of post-survey respondents indicated that the program met their expectations. Objective 4: To establish an aquaponics pilot project within a high tunnel at the agricultural training facility at the WVANG Armory in McDowell County. Three recirculation aquaponics systems were established within a high-tunnel system at the armory in Welch, WV during the end of the second year of this program. This resources were used to conduct the proposed experimental research. The systems used all male Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fed with three commercially available diets and three different protein concentrations 28%, 32% and 36%. These diets and the relative effect on the growth and production of several different leafy green vegetable varieties were evaluated. Data was collected to determine the viability of aquaponics system as an industry for small West Virginia farmers, the optimal fish and plant species, and feed formulations. Results indicated that the least expensive feed formula was just as effective as the most expensive feed formula. However, the research team was not able to find the fish with the highest efficiency due to some complications with fish dying. Results did not either elucidate which plants were most efficient within the aquaponics system. Further research is being conducted beyond the cycle of this grant. Objective 5: To conduct fish nutrition based studies and correlate them with growth of both fish and plants: The Aquaculture Specialist (research scientist-faculty) and the hired Research Associate conducted research related to evaluating the efficient production of fish and plant in aquaponics systems relative to feed formulations since February of 2017. Data was collected and evaluated by the research scientist until early summer of 2019. The research scientist indicated that not all research objectives were fully met, due to challenges associated with some species not performing well, water quality, and other research logistics. Results did clearly elucidated the effect of fish nutrition and its association with the plants within the aquaponics system. Further research is being conducted beyond the cycle of this grant.


    Progress 09/01/17 to 08/31/18

    Target Audience:The primary main target audience of this program are a group of approximately 50 small rural farmers and other stakeholders interested in aquaponics in Southern West Virginia. Changes/Problems:On the Extension side, community participation continues being the greatest challenge to this program. Agents have been building and re-establishing relationships with moderate success. Given that the facility is now staffed and the water issues solved, increased interest and participation will come. The program has drawn the interest of several volunteers and word that the facility is up, running, and now in production is spreading. With the hiring of the Alt Ag Extension Associate, the Alt Ag Extension Agent is now able to focus on marketing, public interaction and educational programming. On the Research side, problems with insect infestation are still affecting the Kale grow systems. Some integrated past control procedures have been implemented and partially controlled the insect infestation. Further measures will be implemented during the subsequent trials. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Training activities: The small rural farmers are receiving training by the Alternative Ag Agent hired as part of this program. Training and other outreach materials are being developed to meet the needs of the population. Professional development: The Agent has been working to develop the program curriculum which will be comprised of professional development activities, including training and workshops in development of farmer education programs. These trainings have been useful in creation of a working program model for implementation of the training efforts since the spring of 2017. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results are disseminated through the publication of "Ag Buzz" and through a developing email list of interested parties. In addition, information is also disseminated to program participants via the aforementioned workshops and meetings with stakeholders and advisory groups. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Objective 1: Continue the development of the Armory facility through the additions of composting units, expand post-harvest handling facilities, and upgrading of educational facilities. These developments will be in partnerships with the WVNG and the WVDA NRCS. Objective 2: Continue working with the Advisory Council selected and further development of curricula for the agriculture education certification program. In addition, partners will be identified to provide support and assistance through partnered apprenticeship programming. Objective 3: Continue delivering workshop offerings on an every other week format. Extension staff will continue ad hoc advising and availability to area residents and farmers when questions or needs arise. Objectives 4 & 5: Continue collecting data experiment is over, we will analyze the data collected and start the second trial. This trial will involve different combination of vegetables such as mustard, Swiss chad, Bok choy and Romaine lettuce and three commercial production diets for tilapia.

    What was accomplished under these goals? OBJECTIVE 1: (a) A Full-time Alternative Agricultural Agent and Associate positions were hired to (partially) support this program; (b) the training program is active and being delivered to participants; (c) A Reverse Osmosis system was installed to treat municipal water source so that the aeroponic and hydroponic systems will support plant life; (d) 10-tower aeroponic systems were installed and put into service to provide educational experience: Bato Bucket System, Nutrient Flow System, Raft System, Ebb and Flow seed table. These systems are running and supporting product; (e) Five raised beds have been established exterior to the high tunnel, two interior. These are planted and supporting product. OBJECTIVE 2: Initial efforts were initiated to implement an agriculture education certification program developed through the DACUM model. An advisory board was organized and is serving to assist in curriculum development and review and assessment of the pilot project. OBJECTIVE 3: (a) The program continues working directly with area farmers and residents to support their efforts to implement agricultural entrepreneurial enterprises. (b) The partnership with the American Youth Agripreneur Association located in Berwind, WV is still ongoing and providing benefits. (c) Outreach efforts continue and include one on one meetings with area residents and farmers to assess need and to advertise training opportunities through Extension. (d) The monthly publication of "Buzz News" continues providing outreach throughout the area, supporting the dissemination of timely educational topics in agriculture. (e) Monthly workshops continue and provide learning opportunities to area residents and farmers. OBJECTIVE 4: Three recirculation aquaponics systems were established in a high-tunnel system at the armory in Welch, WV and are used for experimental research. The systems are using all male Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fed with three commercially available diets with three different protein concentrations 28%, 32% and 36%. This diets and the relative effect on the growth and production of several different leafy green vegetable varieties continue being evaluated. Data continue being collected to determine the viability of aquaponics system as an industry for small West Virginia farmers, the optimal fish and plant species, and feed formulations. OBJECTIVE 5: The Aquaculture Specialist (research faculty) and the hired Research Associate continue the research related to evaluate the efficient production of fish and plant in aquaponics systems relative to feed formulations since February of 2017. Some data has been collected and evaluated by the research scientist. A last research trial will be conducted in early summer of 2019.


    • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2018 Citation: The Alternative Extension Agent for McDowell County publishes a monthly column in the Welch News, monthly titled Buzz News. This column highlights seasonally relevant information on agriculture, home canning, and other items relevant to the mission of the Extension office and associated with this activity.

    Progress 09/01/16 to 08/31/17

    Target Audience:The primary main target audience of this program are a group of approximately 50 small rural farmers in Southern West Virginia. Changes/Problems:Extension & Outreach: Community participation is the largest challenge to this program. Agents have been building and re-establishing relationships with moderate success. Given that the facility is now staffed and the water issues solved, increased interest and participation is expected. The program has drawn the interest of several volunteers and word that the facility is up, running, and now in production is spreading. With the hiring of the Alt Ag Extension Associate, the Alt Ag Extension Agent is now able to focus on marketing, public interaction and educational programming. Research: For the first experiment, there was problem of insect infestation that affected the Kale growth. We will be looking for procedures to control insect infestation during the subsequent trials. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Five workshops have been conducted to date disseminate information on the potential of aquaponics in West Virginia at the following locations: (1) Lincoln County HS; (2) 2 workshops at Buffalo HS; (3) West Virginia State University campus; and (4) Sissonville HS. Over 200 participants were engaged with at the five workshops. The workshops consisted of a presentation that introduced the theory behind aquaponics, plant species, and fish species used, diets, and filtration. Participants were given handouts and printed literature encompassing, setup, budgets, fish species and feeding regimes. The workshops also included a demonstration on how to build and assemble a simple aquaponics system. Three additional aquaponics workshops were presented between January 2017 and June 2017. Two workshops were located at a local partner site where 2 IBC systems with catfish and greens were operational. Forty-five participants attended the first workshop and ten participants attended the second workshop. Hands on demonstration of building and IBC tank system along with handouts and review of the operational systems was presented. Handouts included the ATTRA publication "Aquaponics-Integration of Hydroponics with Aquaculture, University of Hawaii "On Farm Food Safety-Aquaponics", WVSU parts list of IBC tank system construction, and WVSU handout on fish species suitable for aquaponics systems. Of the participants, twenty completed surveys. The results are below. An additional workshop was presented at the WV Urban Agriculture Conference. Twenty-eight participants were given handouts and were able to see an operational IBC system with catfish and kale. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results are disseminated through the publication of "Ag Buzz" and through a developing email list of interested parties. In addition, information is also disseminated to program participants via the aforementioned workshops. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Objective 1: Continuing development of the Armory facility through the additions of composting units, expand post-harvest handling facilities, and upgrading of educational facilities. These developments will be in partnerships with the WVNG and the WVDA NRCS. Objective 2: To have an Advisory Council selected and further development of curricula for the agriculture education certification program. In addition, partners will be identified to provide support and assistance through partnered apprenticeship programming. Objective 3: Continued workshop offerings, expanding to an every other week format is expected. In addition, having the Extension office fully staffed will permit ad hoc advising and availability to area residents and farmers when questions or needs arise. Objectives 4 & 5: Once the first experiment is over, we will analyze the data collected and start the second trial. This trial will involve different combination of vegetables such as mustard, Swiss chad, Bok choy and Romaine lettuce and three commercial production diets for tilapia.

    What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1: Establishment of an agricultural training facility at the WVANG Armory in McDowell County. A Full-time Alternative Agricultural Agent and Associate positions were hired to (partially) support this program. / A Reverse Osmosis system was installed to treat municipal water source so that the aeroponic and hydroponic systems will support plant life. / In addition to the 10-tower aeroponic system the following systems have been installed and putinto service to provide educational experience: Bato Bucket System, Nutrient Flow System, Raft System, Ebb and Flow seed table. These systems are running and supporting product. / Five raised beds have been established exterior to the high tunnel, two interior. These are planted and supporting product. Objective 2: Development of an agricultural training incubator program around agricultural production education. Initial efforts have been initiated to implement an agriculture education certification program that will be developed through the DACUM model. An advisory board will be organized and will serve to assist in curriculum development and review and assessment of the pilot project. Objective 3: Delivery of outreach efforts and technical assistance to increase the farmer's capacity to be successful in agricultural endeavors. The program is working directly with area farmers and residents to support their efforts to implement agricultural entrepreneurial enterprises. Of particular interest is our partnershipwith the American Youth Agripreneur Association located in Berwind, WV. / Outreach efforts are in progress and include one on one meetings with area residents and farmers to assess need and to advertise training opportunities through Extension. / The monthly publication of "Buzz News" provides outreach throughout the area, supporting the dissemination of timely educational topics in agriculture. / A monthly workshop schedule has been implemented to provide learning opportunities to area residents and farmers. Objective 4: Establishment of an aquaponics pilot project within a high tunnel at the agricultural training facility at the WVANG Armory in McDowell County. Three recirculation aquaponics systems are been established in a high-tunnel system at the armory in Welch, WV to be used for research. The systems are using all male Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fed with three commercially available diets with three different protein concentrations 28%, 32% and 36%. This diets and the relative effect on the growth and production of several different leafy green vegetable varieties are being evaluated. Data is being currently collected to determine the viability of aquaponics system as an industry for small West Virginia farmers, the optimal fish and plant species, and feed formulations. Objective 5: Conducting fish nutrition based studies and correlate them with growth of both fish and plants. The aquaponics systems were filled with city water from the local supply in February of 2017. The water was dechlorinated and the air lifts turned on to start the flow of water. The flow rates were slowly calibrated, and aeration adjusted. Over several months water temperatures were monitored to determine changes in temperature trends and evaporation rates. Water quality parameters were measured and adjusted using chemical additives to obtain optimal water quality conditions for the fish as well as the plants. The bacterial bio-filtration units were seeded and allowed to establish themselves. The three experimental commercial diets (28%, 32% and 36% crude protein) were formulated and purchased from a commercial supplier (Rangen, TX). When the water temperature reached 25 C juvenile all-male tilapia (1.6g) were purchased from a supplier in LA. The necessary permits to import, transport and house tilapia in WV were obtained from the Fish and Wildlife service WV. The fish were received on the 5th of July 2017, acclimated to local conditions, and stocked into each system at 335 fish per system. The juvenile fish were allowed to establish themselves, and fed at 10% body weight in order to increase nutrient load in the water prior to the plants being introduced. Seedlings of two species of kale and two species of lettuce were purchased from a commercial greenhouse supplier and introduced to the three systems on the 26th of July 2017.


    • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: The Alternative Extension Agent for McDowell County publishes a monthly column in the Welch News, titled Buzz News. This column highlights seasonally relevant information on agriculture, home canning, and other items relevant to the mission of the Extension office and associated with this activity.

    Progress 09/01/15 to 08/31/16

    Target Audience:The primary main target audience of this program are a group of approximately 50 small rural farmers in southern West Virginia, who are interested in expanding their agricultural ventures. Changes/Problems:The program, as planned, has been slightly delayed due to the lack of qualified applicants for the Alternative Agent position. To keep the program on track we have our Local Food Systems Agent working on the curriculum development for the program and have another round of interviews upcoming in hopes of filling the Alternative Ag Agent role.The team is making all efforts to get this program back on track. However, if needed, additional time through a no-cost extension will be requested in the future. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Training activities: The small rural farmers will receive training by the Alternative Ag Agent hired as part of this program. Training and other outreach materials are being developed to meet the needs of the population. Professional development: The Agent has been working to develop the program curriculum which will be comprised of professional development activities, including training and workshops in development of farmer education programs. These trainings have been useful in creation of a working program model for implementation of the training efforts this upcoming Spring 2017. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Objective 1: Establishment of an agricultural training facility at the WVANG Armory in McDowell County Continued development of the Armory facility and increased partnerships in the community and with the WVNG and the WV Department of Agriculture to enhance the outreach opportunities of this grant funding. Objective 2: Development of an agricultural training incubator program around agricultural production education The program curriculum will be defined and the lesson plans in place for the first class of participants in Spring of 2017. Based on needs and interest of the first round of participants additional production methods will be explored as well as an overlap with other agencies to bring in a well-rounded educational approach. Objective 3: Delivery of outreach efforts and technical assistance to increase the farmer's capacity to be successful in agricultural endeavors The program will work with the farmers directly to help increase their capacity to be successful in their farming endeavors. Through overlap with both our cold storage and veteran and minority program efforts, the program participants will receive additional outreach and education in order to ensure that they are well informed about all the programs through USDA offices that are available to assist in the development of a sustainable farming operation. Objective 4: Establishment of an aquaponics pilot project within a high tunnel at the agricultural training facility at the WVANG Armory in McDowell County The program team will continue to develop the research facility on site and look to have it up and running with the first aquaponics trial in Spring of 2017. Testing of the equipment will occur In November to make sure it is all In working order before winter. Activity 5-1: Research on the efficient production of fish and plant in aquaponics systems relative to feed formulations Research will be structured with the first trial in the Spring of 2017 and directed and overseen by the Researchers on this grant.

    What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1: Establishment of an agricultural training facility at the WVANG Armory in McDowell County Activity 1-1: Purchase and implementation of the high tunnel, raised beds and the vertical aeroponic systems at the Welch Armory The high tunnel has been purchased and constructed Part Time Alt Ag Associate has been hired and assisting with program implementation on site The raised beds and the tower system identified with quotes coming. 10 tower system as well as pilot aquaponics system have been running on site and being managed by caretaker at the Welch Armory Basic education has been provided at the location as construction has been underway. Objective 2: Development of an agricultural training incubator program around agricultural production education Activity 2-1: Creation of an annual agricultural education program Activity 2-1-1: The Program Coordinator will work with the program team and the WVSUES Communications Department to create a Farmer and a Food Industry Needs survey and distribute Suitable candidate not found yet for coordinator position- working with current Agents on staff on project Part Time Alt Ag Associate has been hired and assisting with program Surveys have been developed on the Food Industry Request and have been in circulation and follow up is to occur Farmer surveys have been in development and are working off of information that has been collected from current programs to designate best information to compile Activity 2-1-2: The Program Coordinator and the Extension Associate will compile responses for Food Industry and Farmer Surveys Received responses from food industry surveys are being compiled as received Activity 2-1-3: The Program Coordinator will work with the program team and partners, based on the results of the Needs Surveys, to designate topics that need to be addressed within the annual agricultural training program Topics are being discussed based on current expertise on staff and areas of interest being illustrated through basic interest surveys in the communities administered at workshops Activity 2-1-4:The Program Coordinator work with the program team and partners to develop a course curriculum around designated topics. Working with the basic structure of the WV SAGE Program, a 3 year old farmer education program in urban Charleston, WV Reaching out to successful farmer education programs around the country for input on the best structure for a balance between classroom and hands on education. Agent attended week long training on farmer educator program and the outline of the curriculum has been developed and lesson plans are being structured Objective 3: Delivery of outreach efforts and technical assistance to increase the farmer's capacity to be successful in agricultural endeavors Activity 3-1: Coordination of Farmer/Buyer Meetings The Program Coordinator will work with the PI, CoPI, the program partners to structure two Farmer/Buyer Meetings that will allow farmers to engage with the local food industry and make connections that could turn into viable markets for their products. Activity 3-1-1: The Program Coordinator will work with the program team the program partners to develop relationships with other organizations that conduct these efforts such as the West Virginia Food and Farm Coalition and the WV Community Development Hub Program is working directly with local restaurants, the Farmers Market Association, WVU Extension Service, and as well as developing connections with the local schools to determine viable markets. Meetings with local Food Banks in WV who are providing consistent, viable market opportunities for above wholesale price to those farmers interested in a secure marketplace. Objective 4: Establishment of an aquaponics pilot project within a high tunnel at the agricultural training facility at the WVANG Armory in McDowell County Activity 4-1: Design of the facility and the layout of the floor plan Activity 4-1-1: The research leader, aquaponics specialist and an outside consultant will determine the design and layout of the aquaponics systems. Researchers had been working with a consultant on the design and layout of the facility Activity 4-2: Purchase construction and startup of the recirculating aquaponics systems within the high tunnel at the Welch Armory Activity 4-1-1: The Aquaponics specialist and the RL will coordinate purchase of supplies, construction and startup of the systems. Tanks have been purchased and implemented on site with first trial run of systems happening in November.
