Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Oct 1, 2015
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2020
Grant Year
Program Code
[(N/A)]- (N/A)
Project Director
Griffiths, PH.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Geneva - Horticulture
Non Technical Summary
The common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an important crop in several regions of the United States (U.S.). Demand for dry and snap beans is expected to remain strong or increase as consumers search for healthy alternatives in their diet and there are greater numbers of citizens in the U.S. with a culinary tradition of consuming beans. In order to compete with other commodities such as soybeans and maize, dry bean seed yields need to continue to increase. More efficient use of inputs such as water and nitrogen is needed to reduce production costs and to preserve scarce resources. Numerous abiotic and biotic stresses can threaten both dry and snap bean production. Fungal, bacterial, and viral diseases are among the main production constraints, whereas drought, heat, soil mineral deficiencies, and short growing seasons reduce productivity and contribute to a yield-gap between on-farm and potential seed yield in many production areas.In addition to human health benefits, beans promote soil and environmental health through biological fixation of atmospheric nitrogen which allows beans to be produced with less N-fertilizer than other non-legume crops. The nitrogen fixation characteristic of common bean and other legumes promotes sustainable agriculture practices by reducing fertilizer use, the potential for water contamination through run-off, and crop expansion in low nitrogen soils.Several diseases can occur simultaneously and reduce dry and snap bean yield and quality within and across different production regions. Yield losses can range from 10 to 90%, depending on the diseases involved and the severity. For example, in the Western U.S., Beet curly top virus (BCTV), Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV), Fusarium root rot (caused by Fusarium solani f.sp. phaseoli) and Fusarium wilt (caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. phaseoli), and white mold (caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum), can simultaneously infect susceptible cultivars. Similarly, in Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, and Wisconsin, anthracnose (caused by Colletotrichum lindemuthianum), bacterial brown spot [caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae (Psp)], BCMV, common bacterial blight [caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli (Xcp) and X. axonopodis pv. phaseoli var. fuscans (Xcpf), Syn. with X. campestris], halo blight (caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola), root rots (in most cases caused by a complex of fungal pathogens), rust (caused by Uromyces appendiculatus), and white mold can occur together and cause severe yield losses. Similarly, the root rot pathogens cause serious problems in snap beans and kidney beans across all production regions. In addition, snap beans are vulnerable to regional epidemics of viral diseases including Beet mild curly top virus (BMCTV) in the western states (e.g., California, Idaho and Washington), and to a virus complex in the Great Lakes states which includes Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV), Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV), and Clover yellow vein virus (ClYVV), among others. Many of these pathogens are highly variable in their virulence and new races or strains can appear in different regions.This interdisciplinary, multi-state, collaborative W-3150 project proposal comprises several complementary sub-projects. Key collaboration among participants in these sub-projects is designed to achieve our overall goals and objectives of developing high yielding cultivars with enhanced culinary and nutritional qualities and resistance to major abiotic and biotic stresses. These cultivars will help reduce production costs and pesticide use, increase yield and competitiveness of the U.S. bean growers, and sustain production for domestic consumption and export. Researchers participating in each sub-project have complementary expertise and represent two or more institutions. This research scheme has been very successful as evidenced by the "Excellence in Multistate Research Award" given to the W-1150 multistate project by the Western Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors (WAAESD) in March of 2009. The inclusive group of bean researchers jointly prepared the project renewal and is committed to collaborating with each other to achieve the overall objectives. For simplicity, these projects are grouped into the following priorities: biotic stresses, abiotic stresses, characterization/utilization of exotic germplasm, applied genomics, nurseries, nutritional and health related benefits in the human diet, and production/sustainability.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Improving bean yield potential by incorporating resistance/tolerance to major biotic and abiotic stresses, broadening the genetic base, implementing/integrating genomic resources and coordinating field trial nurseries. The overall strategy is based on collaborative research of constraints shared across production regions. This collaboration includes germplasm and pathogen exchange, sharing of protocols and techniques (e.g. DNA markers, virus isolates and infectious viral clones, field/greenhouse/lab. screening methodologies, etc.), regional nurseries and trials, and screening of genotypes for the traits of interest. As a result of this exchange of knowledge and material, breeding projects will be able to introgress and pyramid favorable alleles and QTL for enhanced seed yield potential, nutritional value, and resistance to multiple abiotic and biotic stresses using a multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional team approach. To accomplish these objectives, our research activities are divided into various sub-projects (see Appendix 1) in which researchers from two or more participating states and institutions conduct research on each major problem as a team. To identify and set priorities, all W-3150 participating researchers and stakeholders (such as growers and industry), will be periodically consulted about production problems and deficiencies in the available germplasm.
Project Methods
Heat tolerance. Collaborative breeding for high ambient temperature tolerance in the dry bean and snap bean market classes will continue under hot summer field conditions (33C/24°C) in Puerto Rico. Thus, tolerance to both high day and high night temperature conditions will be effectively tested in this environment. Greenhouse evaluation will also be conducted at several sites, including NE, where high ambient temperatures can be achieved. Phenotypic selection based on yield components, reproductive traits such as pollen shed, and additional phenotypic traits facilitating rapid evaluation will be implemented. Improved heat tolerant germplasm will be developed in the snap bean and dry bean market classes using pedigree and recurrent selection. Advanced lines selected for drought tolerance through a shuttle breeding program between PR and NE will be tested for heat tolerance. The RCB 593 x INB 841 RIL population and diversity panels will be evaluated for the development of markers for MAS of heat tolerance.Rust. Combinations of effective Andean (new gene in PI 260418, Ur-9, Ur-12, and Ur-4) and Mesoamerican (Ur-11, the new gene in PI 310762, Ur-5, and Ur-7) rust resistant genes will continue to be developed in cultivars in all US market classes, through collaboration between the ARS Bean Project in Beltsville, MD and W-3150 collaborators and private seed companies. Identification of new sources and genes for resistance through W-3150 collaboration will continue, as well as the development of markers for MAS. New Andean sources or genes with broad rust resistance from the ADP will be identified. Interaction between several rust resistance genes including Ur-4 and Ur-5, Ur-4 and Ur-11, Ur-3 and Ur-11, and Ur-4 and the gene in PI 260418 will be examined for efficacy of resistance to specific races of the bean rust pathogen.National/Regional Nurseries. This multi-state project coordinates five nurseries grown every year: The Bean Rust Nursery (BRN) grown in Beltsville, MD, the national Cooperative Dry Bean Nursery (CDBN) grown at nine locations across the country, the Midwest Regional Performance Nursery (MRPN) grown in four states, the Bean White Mold Nursery (BWMN) grown at seven locations, the Western Regional Bean Trial (WRBT) grown in four states, and the Dry Bean Drought Nursery (DBDN) grown in five states. These nurseries have facilitated the evaluation of genotypes across multiple environments and consequently, the release of several cultivars and germplasm lines that have been used in more than one production area. Private bean breeding programs are invited to submit genotypes to the CDBN, which allows mutual benefits, communication, and collaboration among the public breeding programs and the private sector. In addition, these nurseries provide long-term databases with genetic and agronomic information that can be used as a tool to estimate genetic gains and for modeling effects of climate and photoperiod on performance.White mold. Knowledge of genomic locations of QTL conditioning avoidance and partial physiological resistance to WM through fine mapping will allow pyramiding of small effect QTL and generate bean lines for release with higher levels of resistance. Association mapping, next generation sequencing, and RNA expression will be used for fine mapping and candidate gene analysis. Association mapping diversity panels and RIL populations will continue to be shared by the W-3150 research community for characterization of QTL for various traits including resistance to WM. A MAGIC population to study white mold resistance within the Mesoamerican gene pool is under development at NDSU. Metabolic profiling, will be deployed for identification of novel WM resistance mechanisms. Avoidance and physiological resistance from multiple and independent sources will be combined for increased WM resistance. Levels of resistance incorporated into preferred seed types with high agronomic performance will continue to be tested in a coordinated uniform BWMN. Characterization of isolates will involve collection of more grower field isolates in the Great Lakes, Red River Valley and High Plains bean production areas. Pathogen haplotypes and their relationship to MCGs and aggressiveness relationships as well as isolate comparison studies between grower fields and screening nurseries will be studied. In addition, another important characteristic of S. sclerotiorum isolates, fungicide sensitivity, will be determined for selected isolates maintained by W-3150 researchers (Otto-Hanson et al., 2011).

Progress 10/01/15 to 09/30/20

Target Audience:The target audiences included grower groups, seed company breeders and representatives, processing companies, food companies, international agricultural stations, NGOs, academic/research institutions and training sites. These included multiple international seed companies, grower groups including NYSVRA/C and the dry bean advisory board, international KARI centers in Kenya, CIIFAD, collaborative researchers and institutions throughout the USA. The activities also involved outreach with retailers including Wegmans supermarkets, and interactions through direct on farm trials. Products were also sent to Row 7 seeds for evaluation by chefs. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?A visiting scientist (Andre Lasmar) from Brazil was trained in evaluating and selecting beans developed with upright architecture for higher density plantings, he returned to Brazil 2015-2017 and we continue to communicate and collaborate. Graduate student Hannah Swegarden was trained in virus identification and evaluation, and development and selection of populations for bean seed-coat color. The rainbow kidney beans were increased as a research project as part of the summer scholar initiative, the student Margot Pitney worked on this project in 2018 examining nutritional components of seed-coat color relative to cooking, canning and color retention. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?A presentation was given in March 2020to the dry bean grower groups and processors in Batavia NY. Due to Covid most presentations were virtual but were presented via VBI virtual field days and to multiplecompanies and stajeholder collaborators via zoom/powerpoint. Efforts are underway to work with Wegmans and Mike Kreher (largest organic grower in NY State) to investigate new markets for black kidney beans, and with Row 7 and NYC chefs for availability in consumer markets. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?During the next reporting period, new populations will be advanced combining optimal combinations of plant type and seedcoat color. These will be screened in greenhouse and field trials, identifying new breeding lines that can be advanced to cultivars providing yield stability and new market class products. Populations of the Andean market classes snap bean and red kidney bean are also being developed with the upright vine architecture for increased yield and as options for smallholder and organic growers. New rainbow kidney bean breeding lines will be advanced and field tested in organic plots at Freeville NY and in collaborationwith growers/seed companies including canning trials for quality and evaluation of new product opportunities. High color retention will continue to be introgressed into the black bean market class, a trait that could be transformative to the industry.

What was accomplished under these goals? 1.New dry bean and snap bean breeding lines are being developed in the upright vine plant architecture that are targeted for small farm and international markets that will be promising for organic agriculture in particular.Multi-colored kidney bean breeding lines are being developed and stabilized in the same plant background, new black kidney bean lines have been developed (BK1 and BK33), they have generated significant interest among canners together with the new purple kidney bean line UPRK45 and the new mini kidney bean NYD4. These are being tested withprocessors, seed companies and retailors as a new product line. Other kidney bean breeding lines are being selected in the colors: white, yellow, pink, light red, dark red, purple, chestnut andblack. Heat tolerant germplasm previously selected that can reduce pod abortion or split-set during high temperatures has been incorporated through crosses and field tested in summer trials and at sites in Homabay, Kenya.New black beans are being developed with excellent seed-coat color retention (BB6 and BB13) that are retainfar greater color than current market varieties. This could be transformative to the canning industry and all retail outlets that rely on high aesthetic color quality without the addition of chemicals like ferrous carbamate. It also likely leads to improved nutrition of the cooked product.Populationsof common bean lines previously bred for white mold resistance wereadvanced to select new breeding lines. 2. Heat tolerant genotypes were evaluated for yield under heatstress in collaboration with USDA-TARS Mayaguez, Puerto Rico and with ACL in Homabay Kenya. The most promising of thesematerials were advanced in greenhouses to ship to Kenya, Puerto Rico and the Netherlands. These snap bean breeding lines were developed with rust resistance (Ur4 and Ur11) that was introgressed from USDA Beltsville, they have previously been tested in Kenya.Testing of heat tolerant snap bean line CHT7by Dr. Porch in Southern Africa showed significant promise. The snap bean association panel compiled has been shared with other mutli-state collaborators. Collaborative testing of materials was made through the dry bean nursery trials organized by Dr. Urrea at the University of Nebraska. New rainbow kidney beans were distributed to seed company collaborators for testing. New breeding lines are being tested with chefs in collaboration with Row 7. Canning and cooking trials have been undertaken by Bondouelle and Furmano beans.


    Progress 10/01/18 to 09/30/19

    Target Audience:The target audiences included grower groups, seed company breeders and representatives, processing companies, food companies, international agricultural stations, NGOs, academic/research institutions and training sites. These included multiple international seed companies, grower groups including NYSVRA/C and the dry bean advisory board, international KARI centers in Kenya, CIIFAD, collaborative researchers and institutions throughout the USA. The activities also involved outreach with retailers including Wegmans supermarkets, and interactions through direct on farm trials. Presentations were made to multiple seed companies and stakeholders including growers and processors during the reporting period. Significant interest is being generated in the high seedcoat color retention black beans, the purple kidney bean lines, the mini kidney lines and the black kidney lines. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?A visiting scientist (Andre Lasmar) from Brazil was trained in evaluating and selecting beans developed with upright architecture for higher density plantings, he has since returned to Brazil and we continue to communicate. Graduate student Hannah Swegarden was trained in virus identification and evaluation, and development and selection of populations for bean seed-coat color. The rainbow kidney beans were increased as a research project as part of the summer scholar initiative, the student Margot Pitney worked on this project as a summer scholarexamining nutritional components of seed-coat color relative to cooking, canning and color retention. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?A presentation was given in March 2019to the dry bean grower groups and processors. Reports and a visits weremade to field trials in the US, and in Kenya in April 2019- including visits to growers in those areas to disseminate knowledge. Materials were demonstrated to seed company breeders and individuals at the Cornell VBI field days in August 2019and through independent visits. Outreach meetings with dry bean growers and retailers generated feedback to promotion of new products into the marketplace, including working with Wegmans and Mike Kreher (largest organic grower in NY State) to investigate new markets for black kidney beans. Processors are taking a keen interest in the advancement of high color retention black beans. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?During materials will be screened in greenhouse trials, identifying new breeding lines that can be advanced to cultivars providing yield stability and adaptation to NE growing regions. Populations of the Andean market classes snap bean and red kidney bean are also being developed with the upright vine architecture for increased yield and as options for smallholder and organic growers. New rainbow kidney bean breeding lines will be advanced and field tested in organic plots at Freeville and in collaborationwith growers/seed companies including canning trials for quality and evaluation of new product opportunities. High color retention will continue to be introgressed into the black bean market class, a trait that could be transformative to the industry.

    What was accomplished under these goals? 1. Screening and selection of common bean lines previously bred for white mold resistance was undertaken in greenhouse trials to improve the plant type of the most resistant lines, and new breeding lines were tested. Virus resistant genes have beenintrogressed into snap bean from multiple sources to protect against cucumber mosaic virus, additionally resistance to clover yellow vein virus, bean common mosaic virus, bean common mosaic necrosis virus and bean yellow mosaic virus have been generated. Resistance to the viruses has beenintrogressed into the same recurrent parent type, the pyramided genes provide resistance to CMV, not seen in any other genotypes. These materials were selected and the most promising lines selected which are currently being increased to test in field trials. New dry bean and snap bean breeding lines are being developed in the upright vine plant architecture that are targeted for small farm and international markets that will be promising for organic agriculture in particular.Rainbow kidney bean breeding lines are being developed and stabilized in the same background, the black kidney, they have generated significant interest among canners,processors and retailors as a new product line. Kidney beans are being selected in the colors: white, yellow, pink, light red, dark red, purple, chestnut andblack. Heat tolerant germplasm previously selected that can reduce pod abortion or split-set during high temperatures has been incorporated through crosses and field tested in summer 2019at sites in Homabay, Kenya.New black beans are being developed with excellent seed-coat color retention that is far greater than current market varieties. This could be transformative to the canning industry and all retail outlets that rely on high aesthetic color quality without the addition of chemicals like ferrous carbamate. It also likely leads to improved nutrition of the cooked product. These were tested against varieties in trials in 2019 and canning trials were undertaken to evaluate color retention. Populations are currently being advanced. 2. Heat tolerant genotypes were evaluated for yield under heatstress in collaboration with USDA-TARS Mayaguez, Puerto Rico and with ACL in Homabay Kenya. Snap bean breeding lines have been developed with rust resistance (Ur4 and Ur11) that was introgressed from USDA Beltsville have also tested in Kenya.Testing of heat tolerant snap beans by Dr. Porch in Southern Africa showed significant promise. The snap bean association panel has been shared with Dr. Myers at OSU and other mutli-state collaborators. Collaborative testing of materials was made through the dry bean nursery trials organized by Dr. Urrea at the University of Nebraska and two entries were made with promising yield data and performance. New rainbow kidney beans were distributed to seed company collaborators for testing. A snap bean association panel has been increased and shared with the W3150 collaborators. Additionally heat tolerant materials have been distributed to seed company collaborators.


      Progress 10/01/17 to 09/30/18

      Target Audience:The target audiences included grower groups, seed company breeders and representatives, processing companies, food companies, international agricultural stations, NGOs, academic/research institutions and training sites. These included multiple international seed companies, grower groups including NYSVRA/C and the dry bean advisory board, international KARI centers in Kenya, CIIFAD, collaborative researchers and institutions throughout the USA. The activities also involved outreach with retailers including Wegmans supermarkets, and interactions through direct on farm trials. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?A visiting scientist (Andre Lasmar) from Brazil was trained in evaluating and selecting beans developed with upright architecture for higher density plantings, he returned to Brazil 2015-2017 and we continue to communicate and collaborate. Graduate student Hannah Swegarden was trained in virus identification and evaluation, and development and selection of populations for bean seed-coat color. The rainbow kidney beans were increased as a research project as part of the summer scholar initiative, the student Margot Pitney worked on this project in 2018 examining nutritional components of seed-coat color relative to cooking, canning and color retention. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?A presentation was given in March 2018 to the dry bean grower groups and processors. Reports and a visits weremade to field trials in the US, and in Kenya in April 2018 - including visits to growers in those areas to disseminate knowledge. Materials were demonstrated to seed company breeders and individuals at the Cornell VBI field days in August 2018and through independent visits. Outreach meetings with dry bean growers and retailers generated feedback to promotion of new products into the marketplace, including working with Wegmans and Mike Kreher (largest organic grower in NY State) to investigate new markets for black kidney beans. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?During the next reporting period, new populations will be advanced combining optimal combinations of virus resistance genes for evaluation of field resistance to CMV. These will be screened in greenhouse trials, identifying new breeding lines that can be advanced to cultivars providing yield stability. Populations of the Andean market classes snap bean and red kidney bean are also being developed with the upright vine architecture for increased yield and as options for smallholder and organic growers. New rainbow kidney bean breeding lines will be advanced and field tested in organic plots at Freeville and in collaborationwith growers/seed companies including canning trials for quality and evaluation of new product opportunities. High color retention will continue to be introgressed into the black bean market class, a trait that could be transformative to the industry.

      What was accomplished under these goals? 1. Screening and selection of common bean lines previously bred for white mold resistance was undertaken in greenhouse trials to improve the plant type of the most resistant lines, and new breeding lines were tested. Virus resistant genes have beenintrogressed into snap bean from multiple sources to protect against cucumber mosaic virus, additionally resistance to clover yellow vein virus, bean common mosaic virus, bean common mosaic necrosis virus and bean yellow mosaic virus have been generated. Resistance to the viruses has beenintrogressed into the same recurrent parent type, the pyramided genes provide resistance to CMV, not seen in any other genotypes. These materials were selected and the most promising lines selected which are currently being increased to test in field trials. New dry bean and snap bean breeding lines are being developed in the upright vine plant architecture that are targeted for small farm and international markets that will be promising for organic agriculture in particular.Rainbow kidney bean breeding lines are being developed and stabilized in the same background, the black kidney, they have generated significant interest among canners,processors and retailors as a new product line. Kidney beans are being selected in the colors: white, yellow, pink, light red, dark red, purple, chestnut andblack. Heat tolerant germplasm previously selected that can reduce pod abortion or split-set during high temperatures has been incorporated through crosses and field tested in summer 2018at sites in Homabay, Kenya.New black beans are being developed with excellent seed-coat color retention that is far greater than current market varieties. This could be transformative to the canning industry and all retail outlets that rely on high aesthetic color quality without the addition of chemicals like ferrous carbamate. It also likely leads to improved nutrition of the cooked product. 2. Heat tolerant genotypes were evaluated for yield under heatstress in collaboration with USDA-TARS Mayaguez, Puerto Rico and with ACL in Homabay Kenya. Snap bean breeding lines have been developed with rust resistance (Ur4 and Ur11) that was introgressed from USDA Beltsville have also tested in Kenya.Testing of heat tolerant snap beans by Dr. Porch in Southern Africa showed significant promise. The snap bean association panel has been shared with Dr. Myers at OSU and other mutli-state collaborators. Collaborative testing of materials was made through the dry bean nursery trials organized by Dr. Urrea at the University of Nebraska and two entries were made with promising yield data and performance. New rainbow kidney beans were distributed to seed company collaborators for testing.


        Progress 10/01/16 to 09/30/17

        Target Audience:The target audiences included grower groups, seed company breeders and representatives, processing companies, food companies, international agricultural stations, NGOs, academic/research institutions, retail outlets and training sites. These included multiple international seed companies, grower groups including NYSVRA/C and the dry bean advisory board, international KARI centers in Kenya, CIIFAD, collaborative researchers,institutions throughout the USA. The activities also involved outreach with retailers including Wegmans supermarkets. Changes/Problems:No major changes or problems were encountered. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?A visiting scientist (Andre Lasmar) from Brazil was trained in evaluating and selecting beans developed with upright architecture for higher density plantings, he returned to Brazil in early 2017. Graduate student Hannah Swegarden was trained in virus identification and evaluation, and development and selection of populations for bean seedcoat color. The rainbow kidney beans are being increase as a research project as part of the summer scholar initiative. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?A presentation was given in March 2017 to the dry bean grower groups and processors. Reports and a visits weremade to field trials in the US and Africa - including visits to growers in those areas to disseminate knowledge. Materials were demonstrated to seed company breeders and individuals at the Cornell VBI field days in August 2017and through independent visits. Outreach meetings with dry bean growers and retailers generated feedback to promotion of new products into the marketplace, including working with Wegmans and Mike Kreher (largest organic grower in NY State) to investigate new markets for black kidney beans. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?During the next reporting period, new populations will be advanced combining optimal combinations of virus resistance genes for evaluation of field resistance to CMV. These will be screened in greenhouse trials, identifying new breeding lines that can be advanced to cultivars providing yield stability. Populations of the Andean market classes snap bean and red kidney bean are also being developed with the upright vine architecture for increased yield and as options for smallholder and organic growers. New rainbow kidney bean breeding lines will be advanced and field tested in organic plots at Freeville and in collaborationwith growers/seed companies including canning trials for quality and evaluation of new product opportunities.

        What was accomplished under these goals? Screening and selection of common bean lines previously bred for white mold resistance was undertaken in greenhouse trials to improve the plant type of the most resistant lines, and new breeding lines were tested. Virus resistant genes have beenintrogressed into snap bean from multiple sources to protect against cucumber mosaic virus, additionally resistance to clover yellow vein virus, bean common mosaic virus, bean common mosaic necrosis virus and bean yellow mosaic virus have been generated. Resistance to the viruses has beenintrogressed into the same recurrent parent type, the pyramided genes provide resistance to CMV, not seen in any other genotypes. These materials were selected and the twelve most promising lines selected which are currently being increased to test 3-4 in field trials. New dry bean and snap bean breeding lines are being developed in the upright vine plant architecture that are targeted for small farm and international markets that will be promising for organic agriculture in particular.Rainbow kidney bean breeding lines are being developed and stabilized in the same background, the black kidney had preliminary testing with Kreher farms andWegmans supermarkets in 2017, they have generated significant interest among canners,processors and retailors as a new product line. Kidney beans are being selected in the colors: white, yellow, pink, light red, dark red, purple, chestnut andblack. Heat tolerant germplasm previously selected that can reduce pod abortion or split-set during high temperatures has been incorporated through crosses and field tested in summer 2017at sites in Homabay, Kenya. These genotypes were evaluated for yield under heatstress in collaboration with USDA-TARS Mayaguez, Puerto Rico and with ACL in Homabay Kenya. Snap bean breeding lines have been developed with rust resistance (Ur4 and Ur11) that was introgressed from USDA Beltsville have also tested in Kenya.


          Progress 10/01/15 to 09/30/16

          Target Audience:The target audiences included grower groups, seed company breeders and representatives, processing companies, food companies, international agricultural stations, NGOs, academic/research institutions and training sites. These included multiple international seed companies, grower groups including NYSVRA/C and the dry bean advisory board, international KARI centers in Kenya, CIIFAD, collaborative researchers and institutions throughout the USA. The activities also involved outreach with retailers including Wegmans supermarkets. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?A visiting scientist (Andre Lasmar) from Brazil was trained in evaluating and selecting beans developed with upright architecture for higher density plantings. Graduate student Hannah Swegarden was trained in virus identification and evaluation, and development and selection of populations for bean seedcoat color. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?A presentation was given in March to the dry bean grower groups and processors. Reports and a visits weremade to field trials in the US and Africa - including visits to growers in those areas to disseminate knowledge. Materials were demonstrated to seed company breeders and individuals at the Cornell VBI field days in August 2016 and through independent visits. Outreach meetings with dry bean growers and retailers generated feedback to promotion of new products into the marketplace, including working with Wegmans and Mike Kreher (largest organic grower in NY State) to investigate new markets for black kidney beans. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?During the next reporting period, new populations will be advanced combining optimal combinations of virus resistance genes for evaluation of field resistance to CMV. These will be screened in greenhouse trials, identifying new breeding lines that can be advanced to cultivars providing yield stability. Populations of the Andean market classes snap bean and red kidney bean are also being developed with the upright vine architecture for increased yield and as options for smallholder and organic growers. Lines developed will be tested in Mayaguez Puerto Rico in collaboration with Tim Porch, Kenya in collaboration with Charles Wasonga and multistate collaborations will be continued for white mold screening and the development od dry bean cultivars. New black kidney bean breeding lines will be advanced and field tested with growers/seed companies including canning trials for quality and evaluation of new product opportunities.

          What was accomplished under these goals? Screening and selection of common bean lines previously bred for white mold resistance was undertaken in field and greenhouse trials to improve the plant type of the most resistant lines, and new breeding lines were compared to national entries in the W-3150 greenhouse trials in 2016. New blackkidney bean breeding lines were also developed and stabilized, we are planning to test these with High Mowing Seed Company and wegmans supermarkets in 2017, they have generated significant interest among canners/processors as a new product. Heat tolerant germplasm previously selected that can reduce pod abortion or split-set during high temperatures has been incorporated through crosses and field tested in summer 2016 at sites in Homabay, Kenya. These genotypes were evaluated for yield under heatstress in collaboration with USDA-TARS Mayaguez, Puerto Rico and with ACL in Homabay Kenya. Snap bean breeding lines have been developed with rust resistance (Ur4 and Ur11) that was introgressed from USDA Beltsville that was also tested in Kenya in 2016. Virus resistant genes have beenintrogressed into snap bean from multiple sources to protect against cucumber mosaic virus, additionally resistance to clover yellow vein virus, bean common mosaic virus, bean common mosaic necrosis virus and bean yellow mosaic virus have been generated. Resistance to the viruses has beenintrogressed into the same recurrent parent type, the pyramided genes provide resistance to CMV, not seen in any other genotypes. New dry bean and snap bean breeding lines are being developed in the upright vine plant architecture that are targeted for small farm and international markets.
