Source: UNIV OF WISCONSIN submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Jan 1, 2016
Project End Date
Dec 31, 2017
Grant Year
Project Director
Recipient Organization
21 N PARK ST STE 6401
MADISON,WI 53715-1218
Performing Department
Animal Sciences
Non Technical Summary
Thermal treatments are critical for controlling foodborne pathogens in RTE meat products. Currently, U.S. processors of RTE meat and poultry products have limited science-based documentation to validate pathogen destruction during thermal processing. USDA, FSIS Appendix A is widely used as validation support for thermal processes, but its time-temperature tables and humidity requirements were originally developed and validated for only Salmonella in roast, cooked, and corned beef by Goodfellow and Brown regarding over 35 years ago. Despite the narrow focus of this research, Appendix A guidelines are routinely applied to a wide variety of processes and pathogens. Recent USDA draft guidance on food safety validation challenges the scientific appropriateness of Appendix A as support documentation for thermal processing of products not included in the original study. However, Appendix A is routinely applied to a wide array of products including hams, hot dogs, luncheon meats and jerky, to name a few. The widespread use of a procedure originally developed only for roast beef has raised question about its appropriateness for non-roast beef products or for pathogens other than Salmonella. Therefore, this proposed research will address identified shortcomings, develop new knowledge, and provide assurance thermal processing does not contribute to foodborne illnesses.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
This study will focus on developing newscientifically supported thermal processing criticalparameters for non-beef ready-to-eat (RTE) products and will include pathogenic Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes frequently identified as a food safety hazard likely to occur by USDA, FSIS. The research will equip meat processors in Wisconsin, extending to those nationwide, with important scientifically supported knowledge to improve as well as ensure the safety of their thermally processed RTE products.
Project Methods
Phase 1: Impact of physicochemical properties on total lethality D- & z- value generation: The physicochemical factors, fat content, pH, and salt concentration, will be investigated in this study. Cooked beef, pork, and poultry (1/3 of each used in formulation) sausages will be manufactured with varying levels of each factor. Fat levels investigated will include 10%, 20%, and 30% (based on total formulation). pH levels will include 5.5, 5.9, 6.3. Salt concentration levels will include 1.5% and 2.5% (based on total formulation). Eighteen treatment combinations will be included in this experiment. In addition, two pathogens Salmonella and L. monocytogenes will be investigated in two separate experiments. No study has been designed for address multiple intrinsic factors in a balanced design thus this study is expected to yield valuable data to establish fundamental concepts. Although other factors such as inclusion of other non-meat ingredients could also impact thermal lethality, it is not feasible to include these factors. Multiple text batches will need to be manufactured to create formulations that achieve factor targets. Due to the magnitude of these experiments (18 treatment combinations x 2 pathogens x 2 replicates), it is expected to take 10-12 months to complete. For reach treatment combination, separate experiments will take place at 4 different temperatures with microbial sampling, in triplicate, at 4 different pull times at each temperature (a minimum of 3,456 samples assayed). This is further detailed below.Small batches (2-5 lbs) of each experimental treatment will be manufactured utilizing formulations and processing methods mimicking industry practices. Beef, pork and turkey trimmings will be selected (based on treatment needs for fat content) and ground thru a ½" grinder plate and transferred to a meat mixer. Water, salt (based on treatment requirement), dextrose, sodium phosphates, spices, sodium nitrite, and sodium erythorbate will be mixed with the meat for 5 minutes. Adjustment of the pH will be accomplished by adding sodium phosphates with different pHs (food grade phosphates range in pH from 4.0 to 11.0). The meat mixture will be re-ground though a 1/8" plate batched for experiment needs. Immediately after manufacture, the treatment batches will be transported to the Food Research Institute where they will be inoculated with either a 7-log cfu/g of a 5-strain mixture of Salmonella or a 7-strain mixture of L. monocytogene in two separate experiments. The rate of thermal inactivation of the pathogens will be determined by the "cook-in-bag" method. Briefly, 1 g samples of the inoculated meat will be flattened into a thin film (0.5-1.0 mm) in a moisture-impermeable pouch, vacuum-packaged, heated at one of four temperatures (130, 140, 150, and 160°F) in a water bath in 4 separate experiments. Triplicate samples will be removed at predetermined time points based on expected results at each temperature (such as 0, 5, 15, 30 and 60 minutes at 130°F or 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 seconds at 160°F) and samples will be immediately chilled to <40°F by placing in ice. Samples will then be enumerated for the survival of Salmonella, or L. monocytogenes using XLD or Modified Oxford agar, respectively, with thin layer overlay of nonselective media to enhance recovery of injured cells. Initial times and temperatures were selected based upon review of work by Goodfellow and Brown (7) where a 7-log reduction at 135oF was achieved in 30 minutes of elapsed time. Finished products will be analyzed for moisture, salt, pH, aw, protein and fat, and nitrite, as appropriate. The study will be replicated twice to determine D- and z-values for each product type and pathogen.Phase 2: Impact of physicochemical properties and extrinsic factors on total lethality: validation of D- and z-values in commercial products and exploration of surface lethality: Phase 2 will be designed to elicit "worst-case" parameters for the factors investigated in Phase 1 and validate the findings in commercial product systems as well as incorporate surface lethality exploration. This will be important as to validate D- values using a system approach where the results generated in a 1 g system can be scaled up to commercial products in a commercial processing environment. To validate the results found in Phase 1, at least three treatment combinations with the highest D-value for each physicochemical factor explored above (n=3) will be again manufactured using the same formulations and procedures outlined in Phase 1. It is likely more than 3 will be need to be included in this phase since multiple combinations of the investigated factors could result in pathogen lethality resistance. In addition, the impact extrinsic factors have on surface lethality will also be explored in this research phase by first measuring environmental (wet bulb, dry bulb, and relative humidity) and product surface (water activity) conditions during a commonly used meat industry thermal process. Based upon the results, up to 2 additional thermal processes will be developed for each treatment combination tested (n=3) that focus on surface temperature and dwell time to determine the feasibility and approaches to achieving product surface lethality. This experiment is expected to add additional 6-10 product treatments. It is important to validate D and z values otherwise their application value is negated. Careful review of Phase 1 data will need to take place to ensure the most appropriate treatment combinations are used for validation. Consultation with the meat industry will also need to occur to ensure experimental practices and procedures mimic those used in the meat industry. There is potential that not all D values will be successfully validated (as we determined was the case in previous research noted in Table 1) and will require additional experiments address and understand this occurrence. Due to the complexity of the proposed work, 7-8 months are expected for validation work while an additional 3-4 months are expected for surface lethality experiments.Cooked sausage meat batter will be inoculated with Salmonella or L. monocytogenes, stuffed into 4-5" diameter casings to represent an average product size, and thermally processed using a combi-oven (Alto Shaam) or smokehouse using cooking schedules similar to those commonly used in the meat industry. Temperature mapping of the product will take at the surface, mid-point, and the geometric center of the product to establish thermal lethality/location specific data and for use in integrated lethality calculations while environmental conditions of the oven will also be recorded. Inactivation of pathogens will be validated at one to three internal temperatures (depending on experimental findings) by enumerating, with the same techniques previously described, at appropriate time intervals. The three internal temperatures utilized will be chosen based upon results of Phase 1. All experiments in this phase will be replicated at least twice. These experiments will include a minimum of 3 treatments (from validation) x 2 replicates x 3 sample locations x 3 temperatures x 4 pull times x triplicate samples=648 samples plus a minimum of 6 treatments to investigate surface lethality (6 treatments x 2 replicates x 6 surface temperature/dwell points x triplicate samples=216 samples. Finished products will be analyzed for moisture, salt, pH, aw, and nitrite, as appropriate.

Progress 01/01/16 to 12/31/17

Target Audience:Target audiences for results include other academic and meat industry scientists, meat industry production personnel, and Extension agents. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?A graduate student was trained on this project. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results fromon-going andprevious experiments were disseminated through invited presentationsat a food safety conference,several meat companies and professional scientific meetings. Additional outputs are currently in progress and are not completed at this time. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? A series of experiments were designed to investigate the individual and interaction effects of pH and salt content on Salmonella lethality during thermal processing. Divided into two phases, experiments in the first phase examined the fate of Salmonella during heating at 5 different temperatures in 12 different formulations of a model meat product with varying salt contents and pH levels. Experiments in the second phase intended to validate findings from the previous phase are on-going. Validation experiments are being conducted in a pilot plant-scale system using equipment and thermal processes designed to be representative of those used by meat processors. The findings from these experiments will provide new information which will be promptly transferred to the meat industry when appropriate.


    Progress 01/01/16 to 09/30/16

    Target Audience:Target audiences for results include other academic and meat industry scientists, meat industry production personnel, and Extension agents. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?OUTPUTS: Outputs are currently in progress and are not completed at this time. A thorough literature review has taken place to better understand the objectives of this research. This review has provided insight on the impacts that salt content and pH may have on controlling Salmonellain RTE products. PARTICIPANTS: 1) Jeff J. Sindelar (PI)- Provides oversight of entire project including management of graduate student and experiments. 1) Kathleen Glass (Co-PI)- Provides oversight on microbiological aspects of project as Kathy is a microbiologist and experiments are being conducted in her laboratory. 2) Russ McMinn (Research Assistant) - Responsible for performing literature search, experiment execution, data collection, and report preparation. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results from previous experiments were disseminated through two research abstracts and a posterat two food safety conferences with a combined attendance exceeding 700. Invited presentations have also taken place at several meat companies and professional scientific meetings that have discussed these research findings. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?A series of experiments will be conducted in two phases to investigate the individual and interaction effects of pH and salt content on Salmonella lethality during thermal processing. Experiments in the first phase will examine the the fate of Salmonella during heating at 5 different temperatures in 12 different formulations of a model meat product with varying salt contents and pH levels. Experiments in the second phase will validate findings from the previous phase in a pilot plant-scale system using equipment and thermal processes designed to be representative of those used by meat processors. The findings from these experiments will provide new information which will be promptly transferred to the meat industry when appropriate.

    What was accomplished under these goals? Several experiments were completed that were designed to assess the thermal tolerance of Salmonellaand Listeria monocytogenes in four different model processed meat products. The results of these experiments demonstrated the significantly greater resistance to heat stress of L. monocytogenes compared to Salmonellain range of products. Due to this consistently greater thermaltolerance, inclusion of L. monocytogenesin future experiments may not be prudent. Additionally, these results suggested that product pH may have a significant impact on the heat resistance of Salmonella.Athorough literature review was performed to better understand the role of pH in determining thermal tolerance and toidentify other physiochemical properties of an RTE product that may have a significant impact on pathogen lethality during thermal processing. Based on the findings from this review, aseries of experiments have been designed to investigate the individual and interaction effects of pH and salt content on Salmonellalethality during thermalprocessing.The findings fromtheseexperiments will provide new information which will be promptly transferred to the meat industry when appropriate.


    • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: McMinn, R.M., Glass, K.A., Hanson, R., and J.J. Sindelar. 2016. Thermal Inactivation of Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes in Beef Patties, Chicken Patties, Chicken Tenders, and High-fat Frankfurters. Food Research Institute 2016 Spring Meeting; Madison, WI (May 2016) (Abstract and Poster).
    • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: McMinn, R.M., Glass, K.A., Hanson, R., and J.J. Sindelar. 2016. Thermal Inactivation of Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes in Beef Patties, Chicken Patties, Chicken Tenders, and High-fat Frankfurters. Reciprocal Meat Conference; San Angelo,TX (June 2016) (Abstract and Poster).