Progress 04/15/15 to 09/30/19
Outputs Target Audience:This research wasdisseminated to those with interests in the biorefinery industry and developing the bioeconomy. For this period, this included several fuel ethanol production facilities as well as researchers working on improving efficiency of fuel ethanol production. We also interacted with short course participants from the corn wet milling and corn dry grind industries. Research results were reported at conferences that had participants from the corn processing, biofuels, and allied industries. We had collaborative research discussions with representatives from the enzyme bioindustry as they seek to provide enzymes that may affect evaporator performance. There are currently more than 200 biorefineries in the U.S., all having multiple effect evaporators. Each plant is supported by suppliers that provide equipment, cleaning chemicals, and enzymes. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The project partially supported participation in scientific conferences and stakeholder meetings each year of the project. Graduate students were able to present posters that helped them develop written and verbal communication skills as well as focus their research. Typically, graduate students participate in 2-3 meetings or conferences per year. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?We have presented our findings at conferenes which attracted participants interested in fouling of evaporators at bioprocessing facilities. We presented our research findings to an international conference (2018) dedicated to fouling and cleaning phenomena. Communities interested in our work include commodity groups and producerowned processing facilities, since efficient operation of evaporators affects the profitability of the facilities. We also present our findings to the research community across a broad range of industries, including water treatment, petroleum refining, and food processing. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?
Nothing Reported
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
We developed a satisfactory fluid that resembles commercial thin stillage. Commercial thin stillage is highly variable in composition and perishable, making it cumbersome to conduct research and collect repeatable data. A model thin stillage, consisting of shelf stable ingredients was developed and compared to thin stillage. This facilitates collecting data in the future that may test effects of cleaning chemistries, enzyme additions, and process parameters (e.g., stillage pH, temperature). We observed fouling phenomena at processing facilities long term that showed that fouling inside a multiple effect evaporator was slower during the initial several weeks after a major plant shutdown compared to routine operation of the facilities with scheduled cleaning events. The causes of this should be studied further.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Under Review
Year Published:
You, J., Johnston, D.B., Dien, B.S., Singh, V., Engeseth, N.J., Tumbleson, M.E. and Rausch, K.D. 2019. Effects of nitrogenous substances on heat transfer fouling using model thin stillage fluids. Food and Bioproducts Processing (Under Review).
Progress 10/01/17 to 09/30/18
Outputs Target Audience: This research will be disseminated to those with interests in the biorefinery industry and developing the bioeconomy. For this period, this included several fuel ethanol production facilities as well as researchers working on improving efficiency of fuel ethanol production. We also interacted with short course participants from the corn wet milling and corn dry grind industries. Research results were reported at conferences that had participants from the corn processing, biofuels and allied industries. We had collaborative research discussions with representatives from the enzyme bioindustry as they seek to provide enzymes that may affect evaporator performance. There are currently more than 200 biorefineries in the U.S., all having multiple effect evaporators. Each plant is supported by suppliers that provide equipment, cleaning chemicals and enzymes. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Research work provided professional development opportunities for onegraduate student. Students presented research at the USDA multistate research committee meeting for S-1041 "The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry" and the Corn Processing Workshops at the University of Illinois. We have also interacted with commercial wet milling and ethanol production facilities as we learn to interpret our observations in a commercial context. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?We have presented our findings at conferences which attracted people interested in fouling of evaporators. We presented our recent findings to an international conference dedicated to fouling and cleaning phenomena. Communities interested in our work include commodity groups and crop producers since efficient operation of evaporators affects the profitability of producer owned facilities. We also presented our work to the scientific community that focuses on the mechanisms of evaporator and heat exchanger fouling across a broad range of industries, including water treatment, petroleum refining and food processing. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Several experiments are being planned for the coming year. One is to study the effects of phytase addition and pH change on fouling characteristics. In the dry grind process, this phytase is often added during the liquefaction step to improve ethanol yields. Anecdotal information from industry suggests this enzyme use is affecting evaporators downstream. We are also planning to develop a model thin stillage that will incorporate a simple protein or amino acid source so that Mallard reactions can be observed during fouling.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Evaporator fouling is a common, chronic problem during corn starch and ethanol production. To compensate for the consequences of fouling, capital costs are increased, operating costs are incurred and environmental impact is increased. Despite these issues, fundamental causes of increased fouling in maize processes are not well understood. A batch system was used to simulate the evaporation process. An annular fouling probe was used to measure fouling resistance for varying test conditions of bulk fluid temperature and initial probe surface temperature. Experiments were conducted using commercial steepwater with different phytic acid concentrations. Fouling resistances were measured using an annular probe. Mean fouling rate, maximum fouling resistance and induction period characterized fouling behavior. The results will provide a better understanding of phytic acid effects on wet milling fouling and provide possible solutions to fouling mitigation in the wet milling process.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
You, J., Johnston, D.B., Dien, B.S., Singh, V., Engeseth, N.J., Tumbleson, M.E. and Rausch, K.D. 2018. Effects of nitrogenous substances on heat transfer fouling using model thin stillage fluids. In: Proc. Fouling Cleaning Food Processing. 8 pp. Lund, Sweden.
Progress 10/01/16 to 09/30/17
Outputs Target Audience: This research will be disseminated to those with interests in the biorefinery industry and developing the bioeconomy. For this period, this included several fuel ethanol production facilities as well as researchers working on improving efficiency of fuel ethanol production. We also interacted with short course participants from the corn wet milling and corn dry grind industries. Research results were reported at conferences that had participants from the corn processing, biofuels, and allied industries. We had collaborative research discussions with representatives from the enzyme bioindustry as they seek to provide enzymes that may affect evaporator performance. There are currently more than 200 biorefineries in the U.S., all having multiple effect evaporators. Each plant is supported by suppliers that provide equipment, cleaning chemicals, and enzymes. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Research work provided professional development opportunities for 2 graduate students. Students presented research at the USDA multistate research committee meeting for S-1041 "The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry" and the Corn Processing Workshops at the University of Illinois. We have also interacted with commercial wet milling and ethanol production facilities as we learn to interpret our observations in a commercial context. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?We have presented our findings at conferences which attracted people interested in fouling of evaporators. In 2017, we presented our recent findings to an international conference dedicated to fouling phenomena. Communities interested in our work include commodity groups and crop producers since efficient operation of evaporators affects the profitability of producer-owned facilities. We also presented our work to the scientific community that focuses on the mechanisms of evaporator and heat exchanger fouling across a broad range of industries, including water treatment, petroleum refining, and food processing. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Several experiments are being planned for the coming year. One is to study the effects of phytase addition and pH change on fouling characteristics. In the dry grind process, this phytase is often added during the liquefaction step to improve ethanol yields. Anecdotal information from industry suggests this enzyme use is affecting evaporators downstream. We are also planning to develop a model thin stillage that will incorporate a simple protein or amino acid source so that Mallard reactions can be observed during fouling.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Evaporator fouling is a common, chronic problem during corn starch and ethanol production. To compensate for the consequences of fouling, capital costs are increased, operating costs are incurred and environmental impact is increased. Despite these issues, fundamental causes of increased fouling in maize processes are not well understood. A batch system was used to simulate the evaporation process. An annular fouling probe was used to measure fouling resistance for varying test conditions of bulk fluid temperature and initial probe surface temperature. Experiments were conducted using commercial steepwater with different phytic acid concentrations. Fouling resistances were measured using an annular probe with a 7 L batch system. Mean fouling rate, maximum fouling resistance, and induction period characterized fouling behavior. The results will provide a better understanding of phytic acid effects on wet milling fouling and provide possible solutions to fouling mitigation in the wet milling process. Research related to protein effects on thin stillage fouling is limited despite its relatively high concentration in thin stillage (approximately 33% db). Protein contributions to fouling have been verified in the dairy industry. Whey proteins, together with phosphate-calcium, interact with each other and other proteins to form aggregates deposited on heated surfaces. Proteins have been detected in milk and thin stillage fouling deposits. Maillard browning, which involves proteins, is another potential factor influencing fouling since amino acids in thin stillage are able to react with reducing sugars and form brown pigments. Therefore, it is likely that proteins, as well as their hydrolyzed products amino acids, with accompanying sugars in thin stillage contribute to fouling. Due to the diverse and variable components in commercial thin stillage, it is difficult to study a single effect on fouling without interference from other factors. Therefore, experiments investigated protein effects on fouling using various thin stillage models with simplified composition. Different nitrogenous substances (urea and yeast) were mixed with glucose. Effects of glucose and nitrogenous substances were studied. Total solids were maintained at 7% db and fouling was characterized by fouling resistance, induction period, and fouling rate.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Challa, R.K., Zhang, Y.B., Johnston, D.B., Singh, V., Engeseth, N.J., Tumbleson, M.E. and Rausch, K. D. 2017. Evaporator fouling tendencies of thin stillage and concentrates from the dry grind process. Heat Transfer Engr. 38:743-752.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Rausch, K.D., Murthy, G.S., Runge, T. and Tumbleson, M.E. (eds). 2017. The science and engineering for a biobased industry. Symposium as part of the S-1041 Annual Meeting. S-1041 USDA Multistate Research Project, The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry. NIFA, Waterfront Centre, Washington, DC. Jul 9-10.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Tian, J., Johnston, D.B., Singh, V., Tumbleson, M.E. and Rausch, K.D. 2017. Phytic acid concentration effects on fouling characteristics of steepwater. Poster No. 07. Corn Processing Workshops, Urbana, IL.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
You, J., Johnston, D.B., Singh, V., Engeseth, N.J., Tumbleson, M.E. and Rausch, K.D. 2017. Protein effects on heat transfer fouling using model thin stillage fluids. Poster No. 09. Corn Processing Workshops, Urbana, IL.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
You, J., Johnston, D.B., Singh, V., Tumbleson, M.E. and Rausch, K.D. 2016. Protein effects on heat transfer fouling using model thin stillage fluids. Abstr. No. 1013-P. AACC International Meeting. Savannah, GA.
- Type:
Year Published:
You, J. 2017. Protein effects on heat transfer fouling using model thin stillage fluids. Masters thesis. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Zhang, Y.B., Johnston, D.B., Engeseth, N.J., Dien, B.S., Singh, V., Tumbleson, M. and Rausch, K.D. 2017. Effects of temperature conditions and heat treatment within a multiple effect evaporator on thin stillage fouling characteristics. In: Proc. Intl. Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning XII (refereed proceedings). (Malayeri, M.R., Muller-Steinhagen, H. and Watkinson, A.P., eds.). 8 pp. Madrid, Spain.
Progress 10/01/15 to 09/30/16
Outputs Target Audience:This research will be disseminated to those with interests in the biorefinery industry and developing the bioeconomy. For this period, this included several fuel ethanol production facilities as well as researchers working on improving efficiency of fuel ethanol production. We also interacted with short course participants from the corn wet milling and corn dry grind industries. Research results were reported at conferences that had participants from the corn processing, biofuels and allied industries. We had collaborative research discussions with representatives from the enzyme bioindustry as they seek to provide enzymes that may affect evaporator performance. There are currently more than 200 biorefineries in the US, all having multiple effect evaporators. Each plant is supported by suppliers that provide equipment, cleaning chemicals, and enzymes. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The research work has provided professional development opportunities for two graduate students. Students presented research at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers annual meeting, and poster presentations at the USDA multistate research committee meeting for S-1041 "The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry" and the Corn Utilization and Technology Conference. We have also interacted with commercial wet milling and ethanol production facilities as we learn to interpret our observations in a commercial scale context. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?We have presented our findings at conferences which attracted people interested in fouling of evaporators. Communities interested in our work include commodity groups and crop producers since efficient operation of evaporators affects the profitability of producer-owned facilities. We also presented our work to the scientific community that focuses on the mechanisms of evaporator and heat exchanger fouling across a broad range of industries, including water treatment, petroleum refining, and food processing. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Several experiments are being planned for the coming year. One is to study the effects of phytase addition on fouling characteristics. In the dry grind process, this enzyme is often added during the liquefaction step to improve ethanol yields. Anecdotal information from industry suggests this enzyme use is affecting evaporators downstream. We are also planning to develop a model thin stillage that will incorporate a simple protein or amino acid source so that Malliard reactions can be observed during fouling.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Evaporator fouling is a common, chronic problem during corn starch and ethanol production. To compensate for the consequences of fouling, capital costs are increased, operating costs are incurred, and environmental impact is increased. Despite these issues, fundamental causes of increased fouling in maize processes are not well understood. A batch system was used to simulate the evaporation process. An annular fouling probe was used to measure fouling resistance for varying test conditions of bulk fluid temperature and initial probe surface temperature. Experiments were conducted using commercial steepwater with different phytic acid concentrations. With phytic acid addition, the phytic acid concentrations of the samples were adjusted to vary from 25 to 75 mg/g sample. Fouling resistances were measured using an annular probe with a 7 L batch system. Mean fouling rate, maximum fouling resistance, and induction period characterized fouling behavior. The results will provide a better understanding of phytic acid effects on wet milling fouling and provide possible solutions to fouling mitigation in the wet milling process. Research related to protein effects on thin stillage fouling is limited despite its relatively high concentration in thin stillage (approximately 33% db). Protein contributions to fouling have been verified in the dairy industry. Whey proteins, together with phosphate-calcium, interact with each other and other proteins to form aggregates deposited on heated surfaces. Proteins have been detected in milk and thin stillage fouling deposits. Maillard browning, which involves proteins, is another potential factor influencing fouling since amino acids in thin stillage are able to react with reducing sugars and form brown pigments. Therefore, it is likely that proteins as well as their hydrolyzed products amino acids, with accompanying sugars in thin stillage contribute to fouling. Due to the diverse and variable components in commercial thin stillage, it is difficult to study a single effect on fouling without interference from other factors. Therefore, experiments investigated protein effects on fouling using various thin stillage models with simplified composition. Different nitrogenous substances (urea and yeast) were mixed with glucose. Effects of glucose and nitrogenous substances were studied. Total solids were maintained at 7% db and fouling was characterized by fouling resistance, induction period, and fouling rate.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Ju Tian, David B. Johnston, Vijay Singh, M.E. Tumbleson, Nicki J. Engeseth and Kent D. Rausch. 2015. Phytic Acid Concentration Effects on Fouling Characteristics of Steepwater. AIChE. Salt Lake City, Utah. November 8-13.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Ju Tian, David B. Johnston, Vijay Singh, M.E. Tumbleson, Nicki J. Engeseth and Kent D. Rausch. 2016. Phytic Acid Concentration Effects on Fouling Characteristics of Steepwater. CUTC. St. Louis, Missouri. June 6-8.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Ju Tian, David B. Johnston, Vijay Singh, M.E. Tumbleson, Nicki J. Engeseth and Kent D. Rausch. 2016. Phytic Acid Concentration Effects on Fouling Characteristics of Steepwater. S-1041. Albany, California. August 8-9.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Ju Tian, David B. Johnston, Vijay Singh, M.E. Tumbleson, Nicki J. Engeseth and Kent D. Rausch. 2016. Phytic Acid Concentration Effects on Fouling Characteristics of Steepwater. CoFE. Columbus, Ohio. September 12-14.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Jiayi You, David B. Johnston, Vijay Singh, M.E. Tumbleson and Kent D. Rausch. 2016. Protein Effects on Heat Transfer Fouling Using Model Thin Stillage Fluids. Corn Utilization and Technology Conference (CUTC). St. Louis, MO. June 6-8.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Jiayi You, David B. Johnston, Vijay Singh, M.E. Tumbleson and Kent D. Rausch. 2016. Protein Effects on Heat Transfer Fouling Using Model Thin Stillage Fluids. S-1041. Albany, CA. Aug 7-10.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Jiayi You, David B. Johnston, Vijay Singh, M.E. Tumbleson and Kent D. Rausch. 2016. Protein Effects on Heat Transfer Fouling Using Model Thin Stillage Fluids. Conference of Food Engineering 2016 (CoFE2016). Columbus, Ohio. September 12-14.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Zhang, Y.B., Johnston, D.B., Engeseth, N.J., Singh, V., Tumbleson, M.E. and Rausch, K.D. 2015. Temperature Effects on Heat Transfer Fouling of Thin Stillage from Ethanol Production. Proc. AIChE (Abstr. No. 41691). Salt Lake City, UT.
Progress 04/15/15 to 09/30/15
Outputs Target Audience:This research will be disseminated to those with an interest in the biorefinery industry. For this period, this included several fuel ethanol production facilities as well as researchers working on improving efficiency of fuel ethanol production. We also interacted with short course participants from the corn wet milling and corn dry grind industries. Research results were reported at conferences that had participants from the corn processing, biofuels and allied industries. We had collaborative research discussions with representatives from the enzyme bioindustry as they seek to provide enzymes that may affect evaporator performance. There are currently more than 200 biorefineries in the US, all having multiple effect evaporators. Each plant is supported by suppliers that provide equipment, cleaning chemicals and enzymes. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The research work has provided professional development opportunities for 3 graduate students (one graduated and got a job in early 2015). Two students presented their research at the International Starch Technology Conference, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers annual meeting, and had poster presentations at the USDA multistate research committee meeting for S-1041 "The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry". We have also interacted with commercial wet milling and ethanol production facilities as we learn to interpret our observations in a commercial scale context. A representative from a commercial facility was present at one student's seminar and PhD defense exam. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?We have presented our findings at conferences which attracted people interested in fouling of evaporators (e.g., The Corn Technology Conference sponsored by the Confederation of Indian Industry, the International Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning conference and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers annual meeting). Communities interested in our work include commodity groups and crop producers since efficient operation of evaporators affects the profitability of producer owned facilities. We also presented our work to the scientific community that focused on the mechanisms of evaporator and heat exchanger fouling across a broad range of industries, including water treatment, petroleum refining and food processing. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Several experiments are being planned for the coming year. One is to study the effects of phytase addition on fouling characteristics. In the dry grind process, this enzyme is often added during the liquefaction step to improve ethanol yields. Anecdotal information from industry suggests this enzyme use is affecting evaporators downstream. We are also planning to develop a model thin stillage that will incorporate a simple protein or amino acid source so that Malliard reactions can be observed during fouling.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Evaporator fouling is a common, chronic problem during maize starch and ethanol production. To compensate for the consequences of fouling, capital costs are increased, operating costs are incurred and environmental impact is increased. Despite these issues, fundamental causes of increased fouling in maize processes are not well understood. A batch system was used to simulate the evaporation process. An annular fouling probe was used to measure fouling resistance for varying test conditions of bulk fluid temperature (60 to 80°C) and initial probe surface temperature (100 to 120°C). Fouling characteristics of commercial thin stillage and a model thin stillage were observed. Test conditions of 60°C bulk temperature and 120°C initial probe temperature were found to provide rapid, repeatable fouling data. These conditions can be used in future testing. Steepwater samples from a commercial wet milling process were tested to determine general fouling behavior of this bioprocess stream. Steepwater fouling resistance was found to increase linearly with short induction periods.
- Type:
Year Published:
Challa, Ravi K. 2015. Characteristics of heat transfer fouling of thin stillage using model thin stillage and evaporator concentrates. PhD thesis. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Challa, R.K., Johnston, D.B., Singh, V., Tumbleson, M.E. and Rausch, K.D. 2015. Fouling characteristics of model carbohydrate mixtures and their interaction effects. Food and Bioproducts Processing 93:197-204.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Challa, R.K., Johnston, D.B., Singh, V., Tumbleson, M.E., Engeseth, N.J. and Rausch, K.D. 2015. Thin stillage fouling multiple effect evaporators. Poster. Corn Technol. Conf. Confederation of Indian Industry. Mumbai, India.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Challa, R.K., Johnston, D.B., Singh, V., Tumbleson, M.E., Engeseth, N.J. and Rausch, K.D. 2015. Thin stillage fouling multiple effect evaporators. In: Intl. Starch Technol. Conf. (Rausch, K.D., Singh, V. and Tumbleson, M.E., eds.) p. 2 (Abstr. No. 1). Urbana, IL.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Challa, R.K., Zhang, Y.B., Johnston, D.B., Singh, V., Engeseth, N.J., Tumbleson, M.E. and Rausch, K.D. 2015. Evaporator fouling tendencies of thin stillage and concentrates from the dry grind process. In: Proc. Intl. Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning XI. (Malayeri, M.R., Muller-Steinhagen, H. and Watkinson, A.P., eds.). 8 pp. Enfield, Ireland.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Challa, R.K., Zhang, Y.B., Johnston, D.B., Singh, V., Engeseth, N.J., Tumbleson, M.E. and Rausch, K.D. 2015. Evaporator fouling tendencies of thin stillage and concentrates from the dry grind process. In: Proc. Sci. Engr. Biobased Industry. (Rausch, K.D. and Tumbleson, M.E., eds.). p. 13. Abstr. No. 6. Wooster, OH.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Tian, J., Johnston, D.B., Engeseth, N.J., Singh, V., Tumbleson, M.E. and Rausch, K.D. 2015. Phytic acid concentration and phytase addition effects on fouling characteristics of steepwater. In: Proc. Sci. Engr. Biobased Industry. (Rausch, K.D. and Tumbleson, M.E., eds.). p. 88. Abstr. No. 41. Wooster, OH.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Tian, J., Johnston, D.B., Engeseth, N.J., Singh, V., Tumbleson, M.E. and Rausch, K.D. 2015. Heat transfer effects of phytic acid concentration and phytase addition on fouling behavior of steepwater. Proc. AIChE (Abstr. No. 424098). Salt Lake City, UT.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Zhang, Y.B., Johnston, D.B., Engeseth, N.J., Singh, V., Tumbleson, M.E. and Rausch, K.D. 2015. Temperature effects on fouling characteristics of thin stillage. In: Intl. Starch Technol. Conf. (Rausch, K.D., Singh, V. and Tumbleson, M.E., eds.) p. 28 (Abstr. No. 14). Urbana, IL.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Zhang, Y.B., Johnston, D.B., Engeseth, N.J., Singh, V., Tumbleson, M.E. and Rausch, K.D. 2015. Temperature effects on heat transfer fouling of thin stillage from ethanol production. In: Proc. Sci. Engr. Biobased Industry. (Rausch, K.D. and Tumbleson, M.E., eds.). p. 104. Abstr. No. 49. Wooster, OH.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Zhang, B.Y., Johnston, D.B., Engeseth, N.J., Singh, V., Tumbleson, M.E. and Rausch, K.D. 2015. Temperature effects on heat transfer fouling of thin stillage from ethanol production. Proc. AIChE (Abstr. No. 41691). Salt Lake City, UT.
- Type:
Book Chapters
Year Published:
Rausch, K.D. and Eckhoff, S.R. 2015. MAIZE Wet milling. In: Encyclopedia of Grain Science. Wrigley, C., Walker, C. and Corke, H. (eds). 2nd edition. Elsevier Ltd, Oxford, UK.
- Type:
Book Chapters
Year Published:
Rausch, K.D. and Eckhoff, S.R. 2015. MAIZE Dry milling. In: Encyclopedia of Grain Science. Wrigley, C., Walker, C. and Corke, H. (eds). 2nd edition. Elsevier Ltd, Oxford, UK.