Source: UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Mar 16, 2015
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2019
Grant Year
Program Code
[(N/A)]- (N/A)
Recipient Organization
LOGAN,UT 84322
Performing Department
Plants, Soils & Climate
Non Technical Summary
Soils transform and supply water, energy, nutrients, and organic materials and moderate release of water, nutrient and chemical needs for plants. Soil is where biological and chemical transformations occur, and it is the domain that sustains all flora and fauna ecosystem cycles. Despite considerable scientific advances, knowledge gaps still remain in measurement and modeling, transfer across spatio-temporal scales, and multidisciplinary integration of results. This project seeks to fill these gaps by developing new technologies for measuring transport, transfer, rate and state variables using comprehensive experimental designs that will yield appropriate scaling approaches. We will develop new measurement tools and process statistical structures for both measurements and processes essential for investigating soil ecosystem processes. We will improve conceptual and numerical modeling approaches that couple interdependent processes and improve our ability to transfer measurement and model information between scales. Finally, we will use our skills as soil physicists and soil scientists to advise and participate in national and international multidisciplinary projects to impart the importance of soil resources and the knowledge we have gained through decades of studying this critical zone. As a working group, we will achieve these goals by participating in activities such as establishing national research site observatories and measuring the spatial distribution of soil moisture across watershed to continental scales.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
To improve our fundamental understanding of soil physical properties and processes, and how they interact with other environmental and biogeochemical processes across various spatial and temporal scales. To develop and evaluate new instruments and analytical methods to connect our understanding of mass and energy transport in soil at different scales to environmental transformations. To extend our knowledge of scale-appropriate methodologies to improve stakeholder-management of soil and water resources that benefit agricultural, natural resource and environmental sustainability.
Project Methods
UT will design and model plant growth systems for reduced gravity conditions based on porous medium physical properties and plant physiological characteristics. UT, AZ, and CA will study relationships between soil and manure physical properties and greenhouse gas emissions and evaporation. UT will also employ numerical modeling of subsurface processes to better understand vadose zone processes of water infiltration from snowpack, deep drainage and uptake by plant roots in mixed forest systems.UT will develop multi-functional measurements for soil property determination including physically-based approaches for predicting evaporation rates from thermal surface signatures. UT will develop a heat pulse sensor to determine shallow soil profile temperature, thermal properties and sensible and latent soil heat fluxes. Utah will examine frequency-domain permittivity of soils for physical property determination using dielectric measurements.UT will estimate point-scale evapotranspiration from mixed forest systems and employ remotely sensed estimates of ET for comparison and upscaling of those rates of water uptake. UT will also apply geophysical measurements for improved understanding of watershed and forest ecological processes.

Progress 03/16/15 to 09/30/19

Target Audience:Researchers including hydrologists, soil scientists, ecologists and engineers. Policy makers that address issues related to the environment. Students conducting research within environmental and agricultural areas. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Kshitij Parajuli (postdoc) was mentored early in 2019, presented at the SSSA meeting in San Diego and accepted a job offer in February with Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL). I continued to mentor Pakorn Sutitarnnontr, who successfully defended his Ph.D. in August 2019. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Three peer-reviewed manuscripts were published, one Ph.D. dissertation was defended, one technical paper appeared in the AGU newsletter, EOS, and 5 presentations were delivered at international meetings. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Final project year

What was accomplished under these goals? Collaborative international work with China Agricultural University resulted in publication of a manuscript titled, "In-situ estimation of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity in freezing soil using high resolution field measurement and inverse numerical modeling". Additional international collaboration with the Center for Ecology and Hydrology in Bangor Wales, resulted in a Global Change Biology publication titled, "Global environmental changes impact soil hydraulic functions through biophysical feedback". My former Ph.D. student published a manuscript titled, "Estimating actual evapotranspiration from stony-soils in montane ecosystems". I lead 1 NSF "Signals in the Soil" (SitS) proposal titled, "Novel digital and genomic sensing of soil redox processes to inform redox processes and develop new models of carbon stability and GHG exchange". This was in collaboration with the Center for Ecology and Hydrology in the UK . I also collaborated with the UofU Electrical Engineering Dept. Head on another of these SitS proposals, with a title, "On-Chip Sensing of Soil Properties using Novel Spread-Spectrum Electrical Spectroscopy." I also collaborated on two internal UAES grant proposals addressing sensors and soil moisture mapping. I submitted an equipment grant with Rob Gillies for 3 UofU High Performance Computing Nodes and received $8000 to match our funds in support of this resource, which will help to build the soil moisture network that is part of a 2017 UAES seedgrant. Although funding for the UAES seedgrant ended in 2019, work continues to build the soil moisture resource as part of the Utah Climate Center overall mapping resource that will provide State-of-Utah visual imagery of various weather and climate related parameters including soil moisture. Additional work this past year has improved the acquisition time for daily soil moisture data from some 250 stations previously requiring about 10 hours to around 10 minutes using parallel computing capabilities.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Tuller, M., Babaeian, E., Jones, S. B., Montzka, C., Vereecken, H., & Sadeghi, M. (2019, September). The paramount societal impact of soil moisture. EOS/AGU, 100, Q17
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Cheng, Q., Sun, Y., & Jones, S. B. (2019, September). In-situ estimation of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity in freezing soil using high resolution field measurements and inverse numerical modeling. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2019 Citation: Presentation: Jones, S. B., 5th Brazilian Soil Physics Meeting, "Advances in sensors and instrumentation for soil physical property and process determination," Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), Lavras, MG State, Brazil. (May 26, 2019 - May 29, 2019)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2019 Citation: Presentation: Jones, S. B., Sheng, W., Xu, J., Robinson, D. A. (Presenter & Author), European Geosciences Union General Assembly, "Electromagnetic Water Content Sensors: A Quest for Testing and Performance Standards," EGU, Vienna, Austria. (April 7, 2019 - April 12, 2019)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2019 Citation: Presentation: Xu, J., Jones, S. B., Sheng, W., European Geosciences Union General Assembly, "Factors Influencing MiniVNA-Based Dielectric Measurements using Bilinear Analysis," EGU, Vienna, Austria. (April 7, 2019 - April 12, 2019)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2019 Citation: Presentation: Robinson, D. A. (Presenter & Author), Jones, S. B., Blonquist, J. M., Friedman, S. P., European Geosciences Union General Assembly, "Structural effects on the dielectric response of porous media," EGU, Vienna, Austria. (April 7, 2019 - April 12, 2019)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2019 Citation: Presentation: Jones, S. B., W-3188 Multi-State Research Project, "Utah State University Report," USDA, USDA Research Center - Riverside, CA. (January 10, 2019 - January 11, 2019)

Progress 10/01/17 to 09/30/18

Target Audience:Researchers including hydrologists, soil scientists, ecologists and engineers. Policy makers that address issues related to the environment. Students conducting research within environmental and agricultural areas. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Kshitij Parajuli (Ph.D. student) graduated and remained as a postdoc through the end of the year. Rong Zhou (Postdoc) was mentored and supported by a seed grant aimed at developing a soil moisture map and forecast over the state of Utah. Kay presented research at meetings in 2018 and early 2019. An M.S. level programmer was hired to continue Rong's work on the soil moisture map How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?One book chapter and seven peer-reviewed papers were published and eight presentations were delivered at conferences and meetings. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?A third paper is in process regarding the study of impacts of stony soil on soil water retention and evapotranspiration from native soils. In this application Land Surface Models will be evaluated and results compared to eddy covariance measurements of ET. Additional efforts aimed at determination of Net Water Flux from soil and remote sensing of soil moisture are being prepared for publication. Standards will be developed for electromagnetic sensors to quantify their operational and measurement quality. This is an international effort to be developed with scientists and sensor companies. International collaborations will be further developed and expanded to Taiwan and Israel with potential to develop external proposals such as BARD. A lunar lander experiment will be pursued in collaboration with Kennedy Space Center Scientists and Mechanical Engineering Faculty.

What was accomplished under these goals? Collaborative work with the University of Arizona (M Tuller) included publication of a book chapter titled, "Remote Sensing of Environmental Variables and Fluxes" as part of a handbook of environmental engineering. We also published a manuscript dealing with the influence of particle/aggregate size on reflectance from Shortwave Infrared wavelengths. A UAES Seed Grant titled, "A Utah Soil Moisture Monitoring and Forecast Network for Improved Water Resource Management and Risk Prediction" was advanced to the point of accomplishing project objectives of, (1) Testing soil moisture sensors at monitoring stations, including a wireless option for farmer-owned water content sensing. This included monitoring and online presentation of data to farmer in both Spring Wheat ( and in Alfalfa ( (2) Produce simulations using soil moisture measurements and weather forecast data to predict future soil moisture at target rangeland, forest and agricultural sites and compare with subsequent actual measured values for simulation quality assessment. We accomplished the first part of this objective in creating a tool to acquire state-wide soil moisture data from over 200 soil moisture monitoring sites. Those data were then statistically analyzed for goodness and subsequently kriged into a soil moisture data product and map. The second part of this objective is currently underway with testing of a 2 week period to compare state-wide actual soil moisture measured with simulated soil moisture from the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Climate Model. (3) Quantify the feasibility and societal benefits of developing a state-wide soil moisture monitoring and forecast network coupled with remotely sensed products leading to a state-wide resource map including soil moisture forecast and flood-, fire- and drought-prediction. We are working with the Utah Climate Center to acquire computing resources necessary to provide a daily soil moisture map and forecast using up to four Nodes on the University of Utah's High Performance Computing Resource. Dedicated nodes will facilitate an operational capability to create the daily map and forecast, leading to data products that are needed for flood, fire, and drought risk information. Two papers were published with Chinese collaborators emphasizing the fluxes of carbon dioxide and methane from manure and soil looking at the factors influencing their emissions, namely temperature, water content and soil texture. A follow-on paper regarding stony soil was developed and published by a Ph.D. student to illustrate stony soil influence on estimates of evapotranspiration. A correction for the anisotropy experienced in tree sap flux measurements using a penta-needle heat pulse probe was developed and published with Chinese collaborators. A USDA-SBIR proposal was funded in conjunction with PI Scott Anderson at Acclima Inc. The goal is to develop a novel sensor coupling USU's heat pulse probe with Acclima's TDR. Proposals were submitted to the USDA and to the NSF to expand research efforts in remote sensing and evapotranspiration work.


  • Type: Book Chapters Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation: Book Chapters Sadeghi, M., Babaeian, E., Arthur, E., Jones, S. B., & Tuller, M. (2018). Soil Physical Properties and Processes. In Myer Kutz (Ed.), Handbook of Environmental Engineering. (pp. 137-208). New York, New York: Wiley.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2018 Citation: Conference Proceedings Jones, S. B., Sheng, W., Xu, J., & Robinson, D. A. (2018). Electromagnetic Sensors for Water Content: The Need for International Testing Standards. (pp. 1-9). IEEE/12th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances (ISEMA).
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation: Gholoubi, A., Emami, H., Jones, S. B., & Tuller, M. (2018, November). A Novel Shortwave Infrared Proximal Sensing Approach to Quantify the Water Stability of Soil Aggregates. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 82(6), 1358-1366.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation: Hu, E., Yuan, Z., Zhang, H., Zhang, W., Wang, X., Jones, S. B., & Wang, N. (2018, February 01). Impact of elevated tropospheric ozone on soil C, N and microbial dynamics of winter wheat. Agriculture, Ecosystems \& Environment, 253, 166--176.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation: Kustas, W., Anderson, M. C., Alfieri, J. G., Knipper, K., Torres-Rua, A., Parry, C. K., Nieto, H., Agam, N., White, A., Gao, F., McKee, L., Prueger, J. H., Hipps, L. E., Alsina, M., Sanchez, L., Sams, B., Dokoozlian, N., Jones, S. B., McKee, M., McElrone, A., Heitman, J. L., Howard, A., Post, K., Melton, F. S., & Hain, C. (2018, October 09). The Grape Remote Sensing Atmospheric Profile and Evapotranspiration eXperiment (GRAPEX). Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation: Parajuli, K., Zhao, L., Tarboton, D. G., Hipps, L. E., Torres-Rua, A., Sadeghi, M., Flerchinger, G. N., & Jones, S. B. (2019). Noah-MP simulation of evapotranspiration and moisture dynamics in stony soils. To appear in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation: Parajuli, K., Jones, S. B., Tarboton, D. G., Flerchinger, G. N., Hipps, L. E., Allen, L., & Seyfried, M. S. (2019, February 15). Estimating actual evapotranspiration from stony-soils in montane ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 265, 183-194.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation: Wang, S., Fan, J., & Jones, S. B. (2018, September). Correction of anisotropy effects on penta-needle heat-pulse probe sap-flux density and thermal property measurements. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 263, 399--408.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2018 Citation: Presentations Jones, S. B. (Coordinator/Organizer), Sheng, W. (Author Only), Xu, J. (Author Only), Robinson, D. A. (Author Only), 12th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave interactions with Water and Moist Substances (ISEMA), "Electromagnetic sensors for water content: The need for international testing standards," IEEE, Mercure Hotel, Lublin, Poland. (June 4, 2018 - June 7, 2018)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2018 Citation: Presentations Jones, S. B., Sheng, W., Zhou, R., Sadeghi, M., Bababeian, E., Robinson, D. A., Tuller, M., European Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, "High Resolution Monitoring of Near-Surface Soil Hydrodynamics using a Novel TDR Array," EGU, Vienna, Austria. (April 8, 2018 - April 13, 2018)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2018 Citation: Presentations Sadeghi, M., Sheng, W., Bababeian, E., Tuller, M., Jones, S. B., European Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, "Soil-water content and -water flux profiles determined by SWIR imaging and TDR array," EGU, Vienna, Austria. (April 8, 2018 - April 13, 2018)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2018 Citation: Presentations Jones, S. B., 2018 Utah Water Users Workshop, "A soil moisture monitoring and forecast network for water resources management," Utah Water Users Association, Dixie Center, St. George, UT. (March 20, 2018 - March 21, 2018)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2018 Citation: Presentations Jones, S. B., Taiwan-NCHU Faculty Workshop, "Faculty Introduction and Discussions for Collaboration," National Chung Hsing University, Taipei, Taiwan. (March 5, 2018 - March 8, 2018)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2018 Citation: Presentations Jones, S. B., 2018 Utah Green Industry Conference and Trade Show, "Soil Moisture Sensors 101," Utah Nursery and Landscape Association, South Towne Expo Center. (January 29, 2018)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2018 Citation: Presentations Parajuli, K. (Presenter & Author), Zhou, L., Jones, S. B., Tarboton, D. G., Hipps, L. E., Torres-Rua, A., Sadeghi, M., Flerchinger, G. N., 2018 SSSA Annual Meeting, "Evapotranspiration Estimates in Stony Soils using Noah-MP Land Surface Model," Soil Science Society of America, Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina, San Diego, CA. (January 6, 2018 - January 9, 2018)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2018 Citation: Presentations Jones, S. B., W-3188 Multi-State Research Project, "Utah State University Report," USDA, Desert Research Institute, Las Vegas, NV. (January 2, 2018 - January 4, 2018)

Progress 10/01/16 to 09/30/17

Target Audience:Researchers including hydrologists, soil scientists, ecologists and engineers. Policy makers that address issues related to the environment. Students conducting research within environmental and agricultural areas. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Kshitij Parajuli (Ph.D. student) and Rong Zhou (Postdoc) were mentored and supported by a new seed grant aimed at developing a soil moisture map and forecast over the state of Utah. Both Kay and Rong presented research at meetings in 2017. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?4 peer-reviewed papers were published and 13 presentations were delivered at conferences and meetings. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Additional effort will be invested in the study of impacts of stony soil on soil water retention and evapotranspiration from native soils. A new sensor development is underway in conjunction with the heat pulse probe where the 3 needles of the heat pulse sensor would be coupled with a dielectric sensor providing dilectric spectra in addition to thermal properties. This research in in collaboration with Dr. Jinghui Xu from Northwest Ag. and Forest University in Yangling, Shaanxi Province, China. We will further our efforts to develop a soil moisture map and forecast capability for the state of Utah using a UAES seed grant. This effort will include collaboration with the Utah Climate Center, the University of Arizona and interested state and federal agencies.

What was accomplished under these goals? A 2017 peer-reviewed publication described an electromagnetic induction (EMI) mapping approach in low apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) soils under varying soil water contents used to capture time invariant properties such as soil texture. Georeferenced ECa measurements were taken using a ground conductivity meter on six different days where volumetric water content (θv) varied from 0.11 to 0.23. Combined maps using temporal stability analysis gave the clearest image of the textural differences. These maps could be informative for modeling, experimental design, sensor placement and targeted zone management strategies in soil science, ecology, hydrology, and agricultural applications. A binary mixing model was described in a peer-reviewed publication, which was used to illustrate the effects of stony soil on water retention and storage. This work is important in natural soils, such as in montane settings where stones are incorporated within the top few meters of soil and can significantly reduce water holding capacity. The approach is key to improving estimates of actual plant evapotranspiration using coupled inverse numerical modeling and water content monitoring approaches. A paper describing the iUTAH Instrumentation and data available through the GAMUT network was published as part of the iUTAH NSF EPSCOR-funded project ending in August 2017. A seed grant proposal was written and submitted to the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, which was successful in receiving funding for developing a state-wide soil moisture mapping and forecasting capability. A USDA-SBIR proposal was developed in conjunction with Acclima Inc. and submitted to develop a novel sensor coupling USU's heat pulse probe with Acclima's TDR.


  • Type: Book Chapters Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Abdu, H., Robinson, D. A., Boettinger, J. L., Jones, S. B. (2017). Electromagnetic induction mapping at varied soil moisture reveals field-scale soil textural patterns and gravel lenses. Frontiers in Agricultural Science and Engineering.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Parajuli, K., Sadeghi, M., Jones, S. B. (2017). A Binary Mixing Model for Characterizing Stony-Soil Water Retention. Ag. Forest Meteorology, 244-245, 1-8
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Spackman Jones, A., Aanderud, Z. T., Horsburgh, J. S., Eiriksson, D., Dastrup, D., Cox, C., Jones, S. B., Bowling, D. R., Carlisle, J., Carling, G. T., Baker, M. A. (2017). Designing and Implementing a Network for Sensing Water Quality and Hydrology Across Mountain to Urban Transitions. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA).
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Sun, Y., Cheng, H., Cheng, Q., Zhou, H., Li, M., Fan, Y., Guilin, S., Damerow, L., Schulze-Lammers, P., Jones, S. B. (2017). A smart-vision algorithm for counting whiteflies and thrips on sticky traps using two-dimensional Fourier transform spectrum. Biosystems Engineering, 153, 82-88.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2017 Citation: Elaheh, G. (Presenter & Author), Sadeghi, M. (Author Only), Babaeian, E. (Author Only), Davary, K. (Author Only), Farid, A., Jones, S. B. (Author Only), Tuller, M. (Presenter & Author), American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, "New Physical Algorithms for Downscaling SMAP Soil Moisture," AGU, New Orleans, LA. (December 10, 2017 - December 15, 2017)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2017 Citation: Babaeian, E. (Author Only), Sadeghi, M. (Author Only), Franz, T. (Author Only), Jones, S. B. (Author Only), Tuller, M. (Presenter & Author), American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, "Validation of SMAP L4 Surface & Root Zone Soil Moisture Estimates with Cosmic-Ray Neutron Probe Observations," AGU, New Orleans, LA. (December 10, 2017 - December 15, 2017)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2017 Citation: Aanderud, Z. T. (Presenter & Author), Jones, A. S. (Author Only), Horsburgh, J. S. (Author Only), Eiriksson, D. (Author Only), Dastrup, D. (Author Only), Cox, C. (Author Only), Jones, S. B. (Author Only), Bowling, D. (Author Only), Carlisle, J. (Author Only), Carling, G. (Author Only), Baker, M. A., 1th Annual Salt Lake County Watershed Symposium, "Transcending system boundaries through integrative ecohydrologic research," Salt Lake City, UT. (November 15, 2017 - November 16, 2017)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2017 Citation: Jones, S. B., Meeting, "A Soil Moisture Monitoring and Forecast Network for Improved Water Resource Management and Risk Prediction," National Weather Service, Salt Lake City, UT. (November 8, 2017)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2017 Citation: Jones, S. B. (Presenter & Author), Parajuli, K. (Author Only), Zhou, R. (Author Only), Sadeghi, M. (Author Only), Ochsner, T. (Author Only), Simunek, J. (Author Only), Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting, "A Soil Moisture Monitoring and Forecast Network for Improved Water Resource Management and Risk Prediction," ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Tampa, FL. (October 23, 2017 - October 26, 2017)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2017 Citation: Sadeghi, M. (Presenter & Author), Sheng, W. (Author Only), Babaeian, E. (Author Only), Jones, S. B. (Author Only), Tuller, M. (Author Only), Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting, "Application of Shortwave Infrared Imaging for Estimation of Soil Water Content and Flux Profiles," ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Tampa, FL. (October 23, 2017 - October 26, 2017)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2017 Citation: Babaeian, E. (Presenter & Author), Sadeghi, M. (Author Only), Jones, S. B. (Author Only), Tuller, M. (Author Only), Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting, "Evaluation of a Novel Optical Trapezoid Model for Estimation of Large-Scale Root Zone Soil Moisture Based on MODIS Satellite Observations and Reference Cosmic-Ray Measurements," ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Tampa, FL. (October 23, 2017 - October 26, 2017)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2017 Citation: Parajuli, K. (Presenter & Author), Jones, S. B. (Author Only), Tarboton, D. G. (Author Only), Zhao, L., Flerchinger, G., Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting, "Simulating Stony Soil Impact on Evapotranspiration," ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Tampa, FL. (October 23, 2017 - October 26, 2017)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2017 Citation: Jones, S. B., International Workshop: Soil Physics and the Nexus of Food, Energy, and Water, "A Soil Moisture Monitoring and Forecast Network for Improved Water Resource Management," Northeastern University, Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China. (August 3, 2017 - August 5, 2017)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2017 Citation: Jones, S. B., iUTAH Annual Symposium and Summer All-hands Meeting, "A Utah Soil Moisture Monitoring and Forecast Network for Improved Water Resource Management and Risk Prediction," iUTAH, Logan, UT. (July 13, 2017 - July 14, 2017)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2017 Citation: Robinson, D. A. (Presenter & Author), Jones, S. B. (Author Only), Lebron, I. (Author Only), Reinsch, S. (Author Only), Dominguez, M. T. (Author Only), Smith, A. R. (Author Only), Jones, D. L. (Author Only), Marshall, M. R. (Author Only), Emmett, B. A. (Author Only), European Geophysics Union Annual Meeting, "Experimental evidence for drought induced alternative stable states of soil moisture," Vienna, Austria. (April 24, 2017 - April 28, 2017)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2017 Citation: Jones, S. B., Environmental Sciences Department Seminar, "Plant Growth Media selection for Reduced Gravity Ecosystems: Orbit, Moon and Mars," UC Riverside, Riverside, CA. (March 10, 2017)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2017 Citation: Jones, S. B., W-3188 Multi-State Research Project, "Utah State University Report," USDA, Desert Research Institute, Las Vegas, NV. (January 2, 2017 - January 4, 2017)

Progress 10/01/15 to 09/30/16

Target Audience:Target Audience Researchers including hydrologists, soil scientists, ecologists and engineers. Policy makers that address issues related to the environment. Students conducting research within environmental and agricultural areas. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Opportunities A Ph.D. student and a new M.S. student were trained under the PI's direction. The Ph.D. student attended and presented at the SSSA Annual meeting. Collaboration with researchers at China Agricultural University and at Northwest Ag and Forest University continued, with 1 month of training of graduate students in China. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Dissemination Research results were reported in 10 presentations at professional meetings and 3 manuscripts were published in refereed journals. a newspaper article was published describing the heat pulse sensor for monitoring ground water flow. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Plan of Work Ongoing collaboration with Markus Tuller at the University of Arizona will pursue topics of near surface soil property and process determination using in situ and remote sensing approaches. Novel research proposals will be developed. Ongoing research will continue with colleagues in Beijing and Yangling, China, addressing instrumentation and measurements in soil. A NSF/BSF proposal will be developed with Israeli Scientists to explore new sensing capabilities using multifunctional sensors. Collaboration continues with a large group of scientists working on Grape Vinyard ET (GRAPEX) estimation in California. I will pursue measurement and modeling of the soil heat flux and other processes and supervise an M.S. student involved in that work.

What was accomplished under these goals? Accomplishments Objective 1. To improve our fundamental understanding of vadose zone physical properties and processes, and how they interact with other environmental and biogeochemical processes across various spatial and temporal scales. Influence of Stone Content on Soil Water Retention (Kshitij Parajuli, Morteza Sadeghi and Scott B. Jones): A century of research focused primarily on agricultural soils has largely ignored stony soils, which dominate some forests and are poorly understood in terms of the stone influence on soil hydraulic properties. Motivated by this knowledge gap, we quantified the influence of soil-containing stone fragments on bulk soil hydraulic properties by determining the water retention curve (WRC) of soil, stone and stone-soil mixtures with varied volumetric stone content. The measured WRC for seven different stone types showed maximum and minimum saturated water contents of 0.55 m3 m-3 in pumice and 0.025 m3 m-3 in fine sandstone, respectively. The stony soil water retention function was measured using the simplified evaporation method. Contrasting scenarios were studied considering a broad range of stone inclusions; (i) negligibly porous, (ii) significantly porous but less porous than the background soil, (iii) more porous than the background soil. An averaging scheme to describe the WRC of stony soil was proposed based on the individual WRC of the background and stone inclusion which was in good agreement with the experimental data. The HYDRUS-3D model was also employed to simulate the evaporation experiment used for the WRC measurements. The model simulations supported the basic assumptions of the proposed averaging scheme. Objective 2. To develop and evaluate new instruments and analytical methods to connect our understanding of mass and energy transport in the vadose zone at different scales to environmental transformations. A joint research project with Chinese colleagues was discussed after attending a workshop and giving several invited presentations in Xinjiang Province and Yangling Xianxi Province, China. The objective of the research would be to develop and carry out evaluation criteria for electromagnetic soil water content sensors available worldwide. A manuscript was published describing water content monitoring capabilities provided in the root zone using a novel horizontally-oriented mobile dielectric sensor which was also applied for partitioning evapotranspiration. The 2016 Kirkham Conference held in Sde Boker, Israel provided an opportunity to establish a new direction for research using heat pulse sensors. Ideas discussed with Tamir Kamai (Volcani Center, ARO, Israel) there and again at the SSSA Annual Meeting in Phoenix have resulted in development of a collaborative NSF/BSF proposal. Plans for both advanced measurements and modeling using heat pulse sensors are in the works. Objective 3. To apply our knowledge of scale-appropriate methodologies to enhance the management of vadose zone resources that benefit agricultural, natural resource and environmental sustainability. 3). To extend our knowledge of scale-appropriate methodologies to improve stakeholder-management of soil and water resources that benefit agricultural, natural resource and environmental sustainability. One paper was published and another submitted exhibiting experimental evidence for drought induced alternative stable states of soil moisture. These stable states were observed to shift during drought conditions and did not return to the former state despite rewetting of the organic soil profile. Advancing NASA's AirMOSS P-Band Radar Root Zone Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithm via Incorporation of Richards' Equation (Morteza Sadeghi, Alireza Tabatabaeenejad, Markus Tuller, Mahta Moghaddam, and Scott B. Jones): Collaborative research on the interpretation of P-band radar returns using a form of Richards Equation was conducted with colleagues at the University of Southern California and the University of Arizona. P-band radar remote sensing applied during the Airborne Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface (AirMOSS) mission has shown great potential for estimation of root zone soil moisture. When retrieving the soil moisture profile (SMP) from P-band radar observations, a mathematical function describing the vertical moisture distribution is required. Because only a limited number of observations are available, the number of free parameters of the mathematical model must not exceed the number of observed data. For this reason, an empirical quadratic function (second order polynomial) is currently applied in the AirMOSS inversion algorithm to retrieve the SMP. The three free parameters of the polynomial are retrieved for each AirMOSS pixel using three backscatter observations (i.e., one frequency at three polarizations of Horizontal-Horizontal, Vertical-Vertical and Horizontal-Vertical). We derived a more realistic, physically-based SMP model containing three free parameters based on a solution to Richards' equation for unsaturated flow in soils. Evaluation of the new SMP model based on both numerical simulations and measured data revealed that it exhibits greater flexibility for fitting measured and simulated SMPs than the currently applied polynomial.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Guilin, S., Sun, Y., Cheng, Q., Wang, Z., Zhou, H., Wang, L., Xue, X., Chen, B., Jones, S. B., Schulze-Lammers, P., Berg, A., Damerow, L. (2016). Monitoring Tomato Root Zone Water Content Variation And Partitioning Evapotranspiration With A Novel Horizontally-Oriented Mobile Dielectric Sensor. Ag. Forest Meteorology.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Hall, S. J., Baker, M. A., Jones, S. B., Stark, J. M., Bowling, D. R. (2016). Contrasting soil nitrogen dynamics across a montane meadow and urban lawn in a semi-arid watershed. Urban Ecosystems.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Robinson, D. A., Jones, S. B., Lebron, I., Reinsch, S., Dominguez, M. T., Smith, A. R., Jones, D. L., Marshall, M. R., Emmett, B. (2016). Experimental Evidence for Drought Induced Alternative Stable States of Soil Moisture. Scientific Reports, 6, 20018.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: Presentations Sheng, W. (Presenter & Author), Zhou, R. (Author Only), Blonquist, M. (Author Only), Bugbee, B. G. (Author Only), Jones, S. B. (Author Only), 2016 USTAR Confluence: Where Innovation Meets Economic Development, "A Novel Multifunctional Energy and Mass Transport Sensor for Environmental Monitoring," Utah Science Technology and Research Initiative (USTAR), James L. Sorenson Molecular Biotechnology Building-University of Utah. (October 4, 2016 - October 5, 2016)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: Presentations Sadeghi, M. (Presenter & Author), Tabatabaeenejad, A. (Author Only), Tuller, M. (Author Only), Babaeian, E. (Author Only), Jones, S. B. (Author Only), American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, "A New Richards Equation-Based AirMOSS Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithm," AGU, San Francisco, CA. (December 11, 2016 - December 16, 2016)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: Presentations Mohamed, R. (Presenter & Author), Jones, S. B. (Author Only), Neale, C. M. U. (Author Only), American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, "Numerical Modeling of Coupled Heat Transport and Liquid Water and Water Vapor Flow in Geothermally Heated Ground at Norris Geyser Basin," AGU, San Francisco, CA. (December 11, 2016 - December 16, 2016)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: Presentations Sadeghi, M. (Presenter & Author), Tabatabaeenejad, A. (Author Only), Tuller, M. (Author Only), Babaeian, E. (Author Only), Jones, S. B. (Author Only), Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting, "A New Solution to Richards Equation for Application to P-band Radar Remote Sensing of Root Zone Soil Moisture," ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Phoenix, AZ. (November 6, 2016 - November 9, 2016)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: Presentations Parajuli, K. (Presenter & Author), Sadeghi, M. (Author Only), Jones, S. B. (Author Only), Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting, "Measuring and modeling the influence of stone content on soil water retention," ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Phoenix, AZ. (November 6, 2016 - November 9, 2016)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: Presentations Jones, S. B. (Author Only), Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting, "Soil Sensing and Modeling Approaches for Improved Understanding of Urban Soil Restoration," ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Phoenix, AZ. (November 6, 2016 - November 9, 2016)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: Presentations Jones, S. B., NWAFU Seminar, "Advancing Soil-Sensors and -Measurements," Northwest Forest and Agricultural University, Yangling, China. (June 8, 2016)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: Presentations Jones, S. B., Agricultural Irrigation Workshop, "Progress in Irrigation Techniques in Utah," Xinjiang Agricultural University, Xinjiang, China. (May 17, 2016)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: Presentations Jones, S. B. (Presenter & Author), Heinse, R. (Author Only), Or, D. (Author Only), Tuller, M. (Author Only), Bingham, G. E. (Author Only), Kirkham Conference, "Considerations for Growing Plants in the Reduced Gravity of Space: Gas Percolation and Root Intrusion Effects in Porous Media," SSSA, BARD, ASF, Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Sede Boqer Campus, Israel. (April 10, 2016 - April 14, 2016)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: Presentations Jones, S. B., W-3188 Multi-State Research Project, "Utah State University Report," USDA, Desert Research Institute, Las Vegas, NV. (January 3, 2016 - January 5, 2016)
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Periodicals Jones, S. B. (2016). USU Professor Testing New Ground Water Sensors (pp. A3, A6). Logan, Utah: The Herald Journal.

Progress 03/16/15 to 09/30/15

Target Audience:Target Audience Researchers including hydrologists, soil scientists, ecologists and engineers. Policy makers that address issues related to the environment. Students conducting research within environmental and agricultural areas. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Opportunities A Ph.D. student was trained under the PI's direction and attended and presented annually at professional meetings. Collaboration with researchers at China Agricultural University and at Northwest Ag and Forest University was carried out, with 1 month of training of graduate students in China. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Dissemination Research results were reported in 8 presentations at professional meetings and 3 publications were published in refereed journals. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Plan of Work Ongoing research will be carried out in the measurement of gas emissions from animal manure and soils as a system. Proposals for funding to continue this line of research will be developed. Ongoing collaboration with Markus Tuller at the University of Arizona is on-going and will pursue topics of near surface soil property and process determination using in situ and remote sensing approaches. Ongoing research will also be developed further with colleagues in Beijing and Yangling, China, addressing instrumentation and measurements in soil. New direction for research will be explored with Israeli scientists during the 2016 Kirkham Conference held in Sde Boker, Israel. Part of this work stems from new collaboration with a group of biometeorologists working on Grape Vinyard ET estimation in California. I will pursue measurement and modeling of the soil processes there.

What was accomplished under these goals? Accomplishments Progress was made on Objective 1, "To improve our fundamental understanding of vadose zone physical properties and processes, and how they interact with other environmental and biogeochemical processes across various spatial and temporal scales." Here we carried out collaborative research on the impact of manure incorporation on greenhouse gas emissions in a semi-arid region. We also studied the influence of soil rock content on hydraulic properties with preliminary results being presented at two international meetings in the US. Advances were made under Objective 2, "To develop and evaluate new instruments and analytical methods to connect our understanding of mass and energy transport in the vadose zone at different scales to environmental transformations." A penta-needle heat pulse probe was produced and evaluated as coupled with an electromagnetic (EM) sensor. We also modified this heat pulse sensor for applications to soil heat flux determination and are pursuing commercialization of this sensor with a local instrumentation company. Progress was also made on Objective 3, "To apply our knowledge of scale-appropriate methodologies to enhance the management of vadose zone resources that benefit agricultural, natural resource and environmental sustainability." Research was also carried out looking at the vadose zone water depletion and recharge taking place in the Loess Plateau of China. Numerical simulations of water and nitrogen transport were conducted in a comparison study for urban and montane vegetation and soils. No significant results or impacts reported.


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Conference Proceedings Miller, R. L., Sutitarnnontr, P., Tuller, M., Walworth, J., Jones, S. B. (2015). Impact of manure incorporation on greenhouse gas emissions in semi-arid regions (vol. No. 72838). eXtension Waste to Worth.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Refereed Journal Articles Fan, J., Wang, Q., Jones, S. B., Shao, M. (2015). Soil water depletion and recharge under different land cover in Chinas Loess Plateau. Ecohydrology, n/an/a.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Refereed Journal Articles Heinse, R., Jones, S. B., Or, D., Podolskiv, I., Topham, T.S., Poritz, D., Bingham, G.E. (2015). Microgravity Oxygen Diffusion and Water Retention Measurements in Unsaturated Porous Media aboard the International Space Station. Vadoze Zone Journal, 14(6).
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Other Miller, R. L., Sutitarnnontr, P., Jones, S. B. (2015). The importance of rapid manure incorporation. USU Extension.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Presentations Jones, S. B. (Presenter & Author), Lv, L., Hipps, L. E., Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting, "Estimating Water Use in a Semi-arid Montane Ecosystem using a Soil Moisture Network and Numerical Modeling," ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Minneapolis, MN. (November 2015 - Present)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Presentations Parajuli, K. K. (Presenter & Author), Jones, S. B., Hipps, L. E., Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting, "Numerical Modeling of Evapotranspiration from Montane Vegetation with Verification from Surface Energy Balance Measurements," ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Minneapolis, MN. (November 2015 - Present)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Presentations Parajuli, K. K. (Presenter & Author), Sadeghi, M., Jones, S. B., American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, "Rock content influence on soil hydraulic properties," AGU, San Francisco, CA. (December 2015 - Present)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Presentations Sadeghi, M. (Presenter & Author), Jones, S. B., Tuller, M., American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, "Toward a Calibration-Free Model for Optical Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture," AGU, San Francisco, CA. (December 2015 - Present)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Presentations Sadeghi, M. (Presenter & Author), Jones, S. B., Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting, "A Physically-Based Model for Optical Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture," ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Minneapolis, MN. (November 2015 - Present)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Presentations Jones, S. B. (Presenter & Author), Sutitarnnontr, P., Tuller, M., Miller, R. L., Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting, "Automated Closed Chamber-based Measurements of CO2, CH4 and NH3 Emissions from Fresh, Dried and Sludged Dairy Cattle Manure," ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Minneapolis, MN. (November 2015 - Present)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Presentations Sadeghi, M. (Presenter & Author), Ghahraman, B., Tuller, M., Warrick, A., Jones, S. B., Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting, "Simultaneous Scaling of Soil Water Retention and Hydraulic Conductivity Curves: Revisiting Millers Similar-Media Theory," ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Minneapolis, MN. (November 2015 - Present)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Presentations Miller, R. L. (Presenter & Author), Sutitarnnontr, P., Tuller, M., Walworth, J., Jones, S. B., Waste to Worth, "Impact of Manure Incorporation on Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Semi-Arid Regions," ASABE, Seattle, WA. (April 2015 - Present)