Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2014
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2016
Grant Year
Program Code
[A1141]- Plant Health and Production and Plant Products: Plant Breeding for Agricultural Production
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Plant Biology & Pathology
Non Technical Summary
Hazelnuts are currently being planted on a large scale in Chile, Georgia, and China, which is clear evidence that their demand exceeds current supply. The US is a significant leader in hazelnut breeding and research, yet US production amounts to <5% of the world's crop and most US consumption is from imported nuts. Eastern filbert blight (EFB), a stem canker disease found only in North America, is devastating to the European hazelnut and threatens the sustainability of current commercial production in the Willamette Valley of Oregon, where 99% of the US crop is grown. It also severely restricts expansion of hazelnut plantings in the eastern US, where selections of European hazelnut could thrive if resistant.To date, more than 40 sources of genetic resistance to the disease have been identified, although only a dozen of them have been used in breeding and all recently released commercial cultivars rely on a single R-gene. A substantial germplasm base, including new EFB-resistant accessions and cultivars and thousands of breeding progeny, has been amassed in Oregon and New Jersey. These resources are now available for study and use in developing enhanced, EFB-resistant plant material. Much research has also been completed on the genetics of hazelnut and the EFB fungus, and is now available to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of breeding for durable resistance. Through this targeted research: 1) the inheritance of EFB resistance from many new sources will be studied; 2) hazelnut germplasm available for use in breeding will be characterized with molecular markers; and, based on these results, 3) new, enhanced EFB-resistant germplasm will be developed from which to select/breed new cultivars in the future. Graduate and undergraduate students will also be trained.Broad outcomes of this project will include the expanded planting of hazelnut as a sustainable, low-input, high-value food crop. The target environments are the Pacific Northwestern US and the "fruit belt" of the eastern states--from Virginia to the Hudson Valley and along the Great Lakes. Although the climate in these areas is suitable for growing European hazelnuts, EFB susceptibility is a major constraint. The breeding of new cultivars with durable EFB resistance will provide new economic options for growers and entrepreneurs, improve national food security, and enhance crop and product diversity.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
201 - Plant Genome, Genetics, and Genetic Mechanisms;

Subject Of Investigation
1210 - Filbert;

Field Of Science
1081 - Breeding;
Goals / Objectives
Goals/Objectives:There is clear evidence available that demand for hazelnuts exceeds current supply. The U.S. stands out as a significant leader in hazelnut breeding and research, yet U.S. production amounts to <5% of the world's crop and most U.S. consumption is from imported nuts. Meanwhile, the fungal disease eastern filbert blight (EFB) threatens the sustainability of current U.S. production in OR and severely restricts the initiation and expansion of plantings in the eastern U.S, where the fungus is endemic. This proposal will bolster the collaboration of Rutgers University and Oregon State University (OSU) to more effectively develop widely adapted, EFB-resistant hazelnut cultivars. These cultivars will lead to much greater opportunities to secure long-term, sustainable hazelnut production in OR and expand production to the "Fruit Belt" of the eastern U.S. and the Great Lakes fruit growing region, where the European hazelnut should perform well when resistant to EFB.Over 40 sources of genetic resistance to EFB have been identified in hazelnut, but less than 15 have been utilized in breeding. Of greater concern, the currently available resistant cultivars and pollinizers rely on a single R-gene. Through this targeted proposal the inheritance of EFB resistance from many new sources will be studied; hazelnut germplasm available for use in breeding will be characterized with molecular markers; and, based on these results, new, enhanced EFB-resistant germplasm will be developed. Graduate and undergraduate students will receive training in plant breeding over the course of this proposal.Specific objectives:We will evaluate many new sources of resistance via existing and new seedling populations, segregating for response to EFB in OR and NJ using field, greenhouse, and structure-based inoculations, and through the optimization of an existing real-time PCR assay for the causal fungus Anisogramma anomala.We will determine inheritance of resistance and place new R-genes on the hazelnut linkage map through co-segregation with simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers.We will use 50 SSR markers to characterize ~700 hazelnut accessions held in the Rutgers, OSU, and USDA collections to study genetic diversity and population structure and construct a comprehensive, public DNA fingerprint database of allele sizes from capillary electrophoresis.We will use the newly generated information to develop enhanced, diverse progenies to be evaluated in the future in NJ and OR to support identification of new cultivars expressing durable resistance to EFB
Project Methods
1. Methods for studying inheritance of EFB resistance and mapping of R-genes. A combination of field, structure, and greenhouse inoculations will be used to determine EFB response in progenies from controlled crosses (resistant × susceptible). We will use the resulting data to determine inheritance of EFB resistance from new sources and to facilitate the mapping of R-genes, where applicable, through co-segregation with SSR markers. Some progenies will be examined in both Oregon and New Jersey and results compared to account for possible differences in A. anomala isolates and other factors (e.g., climate and inoculum load) that may affect disease response.Approach 1a - Determine inheritance/segregation patterns of EFB response in existing seedlings populations. Existing seedling populations (resistant × susceptible) growing in the field in New Jersey (planted in 2011 or earlier) will be assessed using a 0-5 scale, where 0 = no cankers and 5 = all stems containing cankers. More than 35 resistant × susceptible progeny (50 to 150 trees each, planted in 2011 or earlier) are segregating for response to EFB in the field in New Jersey. For controlled crosses of resistant parents 'Uebov' and Moscow N02 with susceptible selections, scions will be collected, grafted (3 of each), and inoculated in the greenhouse in Oregon since field disease pressure is low. The trees will then be planted in a nursery row and evaluated for cankers during the following December, ~20 mo. after inoculation. Additional progenies planted in the field in October 2012, expected to segregate for resistance to EFB, will also be screened through this method. Approach 1b - Greenhouse and structure-based inoculations of newer progenies. Young seedlings from controlled crosses using new sources of EFB-resistance (resistant × susceptible) will be directly inoculated with spores of A. anomala in the greenhouse or under structures (outdoors). Plants will be examined for the presence of cankers (disease incidence) ~16 months following inoculation to determine transmission of resistance (segregation patterns). This approach will also include progenies inoculated in 2013 and 2014 prior to this proposal, which will yield data in Dec. 2014 and 2015. Approach 1c - Real-time (qPCR) enhanced screening for EFB response. A qPCR-based, accelerated EFB-screening approach will be optimized to more rapidly determine segregation patterns and to facilitate placing R-genes on the linkage map. This approach will be based on a rapid direct screening approach, combined with a qPCR assay. We propose to optimize the qPCR assay via altering primer and probe concentrations and by improving our sampling technique. One approach will be to take larger tissue sample sizes from each plant to reduce the chance of missing the presence of the fungus in the early weeks after inoculations. We will confirm its use through testing several progenies exhibiting known segregation patterns and control plants, and will then use the confirmed, improved method to screen progenies segregating for new sources of resistance. We will use 5 controlled crosses (resistant × susceptible, 100 seedlings each) made in Feb. 2014 for our first optimized "fall" qPCR screening. The DNA extracted can be stored and then used in the R-gene mapping process (see Approach 1d below) where applicable, if results and resources dictate. We will use data generated from this proposal to plan an additional 5 crosses in 2015 to be subjected to optimized "fall" qPCR screening in winter 2015/early 2016. Approach 1d - Placement of new R-genes on the hazelnut linkage map. Preliminary results indicate that several (~20) sources of EFB resistance are segregating 1 resistant: 1 susceptible for disease response following inoculation indicating control by a single locus. For each of these sources, DNA will be extracted from a subset of 24 susceptible and 24 resistant seedlings in one segregating progeny. DNA from these seedlings (and parents) will be amplified by PCR using primer pairs for previously-mapped SSR loci, and the resistance locus initially assigned to a linkage group based on correlation (r>0.5). Then, disease response and nearby SSR markers will be mapped. SSR markers on LG6 would be screened first, as several EFB resistance genes have mapped to the same region as 'Gasaway' resistance. If resistance does not map to LG6, SSR markers on LG7 ('Ratoli' resistance) and LG2 (Georgian resistance) will then be screened in a stepwise manner. The procedures for correlation and mapping were previously used for 3 EFB resistance sources (Sathuvalli et al., 2010a, 2011, 2012). Resistance sources to be investigated and mapped starting immediately include 'Uebov' (greenhouse inoculation of grafted trees), Holmskij OSU 1087.101, 8 Moscow selections (structure inoculation of seedlings), and Sochi Redleaf OSU 1166.123 (greenhouse inoculation of seedlings). Segregation for EFB resistance from Crimean OSU 1185.126 and Turkish OSU 1273.092 will be studied in 2015, but SSR marker studies on these seedlings will occur after this AFRI grant has ended. Five existing progenies will be mapped at Rutgers, where preliminary data show 1:1 segregation, and they represent 4 different genetic STRUCUTRE/ UPGMA groups resolved by Muehlbauer, et al. (2014): Black Sea Group 1 (H3R04P28 Holmskij), Black Sea Group 2 (H3R13P40 Holmskij & CRXR16P57 Nikita Bot. Garden); Moscow Group (CRXR13P91 Sochi RedLeaf), and Wild C. avellana Group (H3R12P62). Additional, newer progenies will also be considered for mapping, once evaluated, as described in Approach 1a-1c, and based on available resources.2. Methods for studying genetic diversity in C. avellana selections. We will fingerprint ~700 C. avellana accessions using 50 SSR markers. For fingerprinting, OSU and Rutgers will choose a set of 50 SSR loci that cover all 11 linkage groups, have high values for He, Ho and PIC, and few null alleles. The accessions include the 198 unique accessions fingerprinted by Gökirmak et al. (2009) using 21 SSR markers, and 83 additional accessions from Black Sea countries fingerprinted by Gurcan et al. (2010b) using 12 SSR markers. Accessions not yet fingerprinted include 26 in the USDA Repository collection, 160 selections at OSU, and 205 EFB-resistant and highly tolerant selections at Rutgers. The OSU selections are from seeds collected in Turkey (77), Georgia (15), Azerbaijan (16), Russia (26), Ukraine (10), Armenia (11) and Iran (4), and the cultivars are from Argentina (2) and Chile (3). The EFB-resistant plants at Rutgers were selected from >4,500 seedlings screened for disease response that originated as seeds from Russia & Ukraine (88), Poland (21), Turkey (30), Georgia (50), Lithuania (13), and Latvia (3).3. Methods for developing new, enhanced populations. The results of Approaches 1 and 2 above will be used to support the selection of breeding parents to develop new populations for cultivar development and the study of EFB resistance and other traits. We will use this knowledge to help maintain high genetic diversity in breeding lines, including the selection of parent plants from unrelated geographic origins and genetic groups defined by the UPGMA and STRUCUTRE analysis of SSR data. We will also use the results of R-gene mapping to combine parents believed to hold R-genes found on different linkage groups to "pyramid" genes for resistance. Nut and kernel characteristics, yield, cold hardiness, etc., will also be taken into account.

Progress 09/01/14 to 08/31/16

Target Audience:Multiple stakeholders (including growers, handlers, and processors) of the commercial hazelnut industry in Oregon were reached by efforts related to this grant over this reporting period. Prospective hazelnut growers in New Jersey and New York were also reached as well as the agricultural scientific community through multiple presentations and posters provided at scientific and grower meetings and small tours given at Rutgers University. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?At Rutgers, three graduate students were associated with the AFRI-funded hazelnut project (Megan Muehlbauer, Peninah Feldman, and Clayton Leadbetter). Megan and Peninah made presentations in 2016 and expect to have several research manuscripts published in 2017 on their work that constitutes chapters in their dissertations. At OSU, Gehendra Bhattarai's MS thesis was defended 9/15/15. One chapter was devoted to studying new sources of EFB resistance and mapping them. The research project of Ph.D. student Golnaz Komaei continues includes studying and mapping EFB resistance from new sources. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Grower meetings and tours were hosted at Oregon State University in the summer of 2016. The following presentations and posters were made over the 2016 grant period by the PIs or their students. Presentations we missed for 2015 report: Oral Presentation: M. Muehlbauer. Hazelnuts: Development of a new crop for the Eastern United States". 11th annual West Virginia Small Farmers Conference, Charleston, WV. February 12-14, 2015. Poster: Gehendra Bhattarai* and Shawn A. Mehlenbacher. Microsatellite Development and Characterization in Hazelnut. Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science. Aug. 4, 2015. Mehlenbacher, S.A. 2015. Hazelnut releases from Oregon State University. Annual Meeting of the Northern Nut Growers Association. LaCrosse, WI. July 28, 2015. 2016 presentations Oral presentation: Peninah Feldman*, John Capik, and Thomas Molnar. Investigating eastern filbert blight response in hazelnut progenies from new sources of resistance. Annual meeting of the Northeast region of the American Society for Horticultural Science. Philadelphia, PA, Jan. 3-7, 2016. Poster presentation: Megan Muehlbauer*, Adam Morgan, John Capik, David Hlubik, and Thomas Molnar. Assessment of the effect of interspecific hybrid hazelnut pollen on nut set of European hazelnut in New Jersey. Annual meeting of the Northeast region of the American Society for Horticultural Science. Philadelphia, PA, Jan. 3-7, 2016. Poster: Vidyasagar R Sathuvalli, Kelly Vining, Brian J. Knaus, and Shawn A. Mehlenbacher. Differential Gene Expression during Sporophytic Incompatibility in European Hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.). P1142. Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXIV, San Diego, CA, January 9-13, 2016. Poster: Gehendra Bhattarai and Shawn A. Mehlenbacher. Mapping New Simple Sequence Repeat Markers in Hazelnut. P1141. Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXIV, San Diego, CA, January 9-13, 2016. Oral Presentation: Thomas Molnar. Hazelnuts: Developing an Old Crop for a New Region. University of Guelph Seminar Series. Department of Plant Agriculture, University of Guelph, ON, Canada. Feb. 17, 2016. Oral Presentation: Thomas Molnar. Developing resistance to Eastern Filbert Blight in Hazelnuts. 2016 Ontario Fruit & Vegetable Convention. Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. Feb. 18, 2016. Poster Presentation: Thomas Molnar*, John Capik, Josh Honig, Megan Muehlbauer, and Shawn Mehlenbacher. Securing and expanding the U.S. hazelnut industry through breeding for resistance to eastern filbert blight. Twenty-fifth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, March 18, 2016. Oral Presentation: Samantha Haley*, Megan Muehlbauer, Josh Honig, and Thomas Molnar. Eastern Filbert Blight Disease of Hazelnuts: Is there evidence for race differentiation? Rutgers, Aresty Research Center for Undergraduates Symposium. New Brunswick, NJ, April 2016. Oral presentation: Thomas Molnar. Ornamental hazelnuts: developing edible landscape plants as bridge to backyard nut growing. 107th Annual Meeting of the Northern Nut Growers Association. Nebraska City, Nebraska. August 2, 2016. Oral Presentation: Shawn Mehlenbacher. Breeding hazelnuts resistant to eastern filbert blight. 107th Annual Meeting of the Northern Nut Growers Association. Nebraska City, Nebraska. August 2, 2016. Oral Presentation: Megan Muehlbauer*, Thomas Molnar, John Capik, Daniel Ward, and David Hlubik. Pollenizers Affect Kernel Characteristics in European Hazelnuts (Corylus avellana). Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science. Aug. 10, 2016. Oral Presentation: Thomas Molnar: The Rutgers University Woody Ornamental and Nut Tree Breeding Program: NEW Plants and Future Directions. SEGreen Plant Conference. Athens Georgia Aug. 31-Sept 1, 2-16. Breeding Plot Tour OSU: Shawn Mehlenbacher: September 8, 2016. A summary of the process (and flow chart) of developing new hazelnut cultivars. A listing of sources of EFB resistance and current status. A plot tour: 1) to show promising selections with EFB resistance from many different sources, 2) to show advanced selections with potential for release as new cultivars, 3) to show recent OSU releases. Attended by about 40 growers in 2016. (About 150 people attended in 2015). What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? We have made great strides in understanding the inheritance of eastern filbert blight resistance (EFB) in hazelnuts. We identified new sources of resistance from Russia, Crimea, Turkey, and the Rep. of Georgia. We have examined progenies from many sources of resistance, confirmed the presence of heritable resistance, and documented inheritance patterns. Further, we used molecular tools to place R- genes on the hazelnut genetic linkage map, which helps us know more about the diversity of genes present and will allow us to cross parents with known R-genes to pyramid genes in their progeny. In addition, we have fingerprinted over 700 accessions and will complete a comprehensive diversity study from these data making the USDA GRIN Corylus collection one of the best characterized in the National Plant Germplasm System. Most importantly, we are applying the knowledge generated through this project to breeding efforts in OR and NJ where it is guiding breeding decisions to meet our goals of securing and enhancing widely adapted, sustainable hazelnut production. 1. Studying inheritance of Eastern Filbert Blight (EFB) resistance. 1a. We identified new sources of resistance from Russia and Crimea and documented inheritance. From a total of 1299 seedlings grown in Oregon, 68 Russian and 29 Crimean improved selections were identified. They were evaluated for disease response after systematic inoculations. Results showed 4 remained free of EFB: Crimean selection OSU 1185.126 and Russian selections OSU 1168.013, OSU 1187.101 and OSU 1185.126. Screening over 2015-2016 identified 3 additional resistant selections: Russian OSU 1168.013 and Turkish OSU 1233.145 and OSU 1240.131. Further, 12 highly tolerant selections were identified including 9 from Turkey, 1 from Azerbaijan, 1 from Russia, and 1 from Crimea. In 2003, 1,285 Russian/Crimean seedlings were planted in New Jersey and nearly all died from EFB; however, ~70 resistant trees were identified. We crossed 11 with susceptible male parents to examine inheritance of resistance. 14 progenies were field planted in 2010/11, annually exposed to high levels of A. anomala, and evaluated for EFB response in 2015. A rating scale of 0 (no signs or symptoms of EFB) to 5 (all stems containing cankers) was used. We found that all 11 accessions transmitted resistance to a useful number of their offspring. Interestingly, all progenies showed a clear bimodal distribution of resistant (rating = 0) and highly susceptible trees (rating = 4 or 5) with few intermediate individuals, which indicates genetic control by one or a small number of major genes. Further, at Rutgers 7 additional sources of EFB-resistance were examined for inheritance of resistance. This includes C. avellana OSU 495.072 and OSU 759.010, from Russia and the Republic of Georgia, respectively; 4 National Arbor Day Foundation hybrids related to C. americana 'Winkler'; Grimo 208P and Yoder #5 related to C. americana 'Rush'; 'Grand Traverse', which has a lineage containing Turkish tree hazel; and OSU 526.041, a hybrid of C. heterophylla. Controlled crosses were made between these resistant plants and known susceptible parents. The offspring were grown in the field and exposed to high disease pressure and then evaluated. Results from 2016 showed that all of the sources examined yielded progeny expressing a striking bimodal pattern again indicating control by a very limited number of major genes. At OSU, similar work showed that the EFB-resistant Moscow selections N02, N23, N26, N27 and N37 transmit resistance to about half of their offspring when crossed with susceptible selections. Further, progeny with resistance tracing from 'Grand Traverse' and C. heterophylla 'Oygoo' also transmit resistance to about half of their seedlings, also in the dominant, bi-modal pattern. 1b: Greenhouse and structure-based inoculations of newer progeny. In spring 2016, the progeny of 33 crosses were inoculated under a structure topped with disease wood. 14 of the crosses were comprised of "resistant" x "susceptible" parents crossed to study inheritance of resistance and for use in mapping the resistance locus through co-segregation with SSR or SNP markers. Of these, 8 originated from Russia/Crimea, one from Michigan, and the last from 'Armarillo Tardio' from Chile. Disease response will be scored in December 2017. 1c: Real-time (qPCR) enhanced screening for EFB response. Results in 2016 confirmed poor inoculation success in 2014/2015. This hampered our progress using qPCR to evaluate segregation patterns in progeny segregating for new genes for resistance. However, some trees were infected, and we were able to reconfirm the accuracy of our test, where 100% of trees exhibiting symptoms after 16-months post inoculation were accurately labeled as susceptible within 8 weeks from the point of inoculation. Further, we identified a better DNA extraction protocol from the A. anomala qPCR test: Qiagen® TissueLyser was the preferred method to grind the samples with the cTAB method followed by the UltraClean® Plant DNA Isolation kit for DNA extractions. 2. Placement of new R-genes on the hazelnut linkage map. Disease response was noted following inoculation in segregating progenies of 'Culpla' from Spain, 'Crvenje' from Serbia, and OSU 495.072 from southern Russia and the resistance loci mapped using SSR markers. Marker A614 was closely linked to resistance from all 3 sources. Maps were constructed for LG6 for each resistant parent using SSRs. The 3 resistance loci mapped to the same region on LG6 where resistance from 'Gasaway' is located. More recent work following similar methodology showed that the resistance from C. americana 'Rush' and Yoder #5 maps to LG7 (same region as C. avellana 'Ratoli'). Whereas, 'Uebov' maps to LG6 (same region as 'Gasaway'). At Rutgers, a mapping population was created by crossing the EFB resistant Russian H3R07P25 with EFB susceptible OSU 1155.009 for the purpose of creating a linkage map. In 2012, 281 plants were field planted, exposed to EFB, and evaluated. In 2016, Genotyping by Sequencing was performed on 119 seedlings and parents using a PstI-MspI ddRAD-seq procedure similar to the methods described by Elshire et al. (2011) and Poland et al. (2012). From this, 2217 SNP and SSR markers were placed on 11 linkage groups using JoinMap at a LOD score of 20. A putative major QTL for EFB resistance was identified on linkage group 2 using MapQTL. 3. Studying genetic diversity in C. avellana selections. At OSU, the fingerprinting project began in December 2015. In 2016, 61 SSR markers in 11 multiplexes were used. DNA of the 700 hazelnut accessions was amplified and scored. As of Sept. 2016, the PCR and scoring has been completed. The data awaits analysis and will be done in early 2017. When this work is completed and the results posted in GRIN, the hazelnut collection will be one of the best-characterized in the NPGS System. 4. Developing new populations. 2016 crosses included 4 C. avellana selections with Turkish resistance, 2 selections (3-4-28, 3-4-30) with Molnar resistance, and 8 progenies of (Americana x Avellana) representing the F2 generation. Additional successful crosses from Rutgers included two new resistant accessions from Poland and one from the Republic of Georgia.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Leadbetter, C.W., J.M. Capik, Mehlenbacher, S.A., and T.J. Molnar. 2016. Hazelnut accessions from Russia and Crimea transmit resistance to eastern filbert blight. Journal of the American Pomological Society 70:92-109
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Molnar, T.J., J. Capik, J.A. Honig, M. Muehlbauer, and S. Mehlenbacher. 2016. Securing and expanding the U.S. hazelnut industry through breeding for resistance to eastern filbert blight. Pg 64-67. Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. Center for Turfgrass Science. School of Environmental and Biological Sciences. Rutgers University
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Muehlbauer, M., T. Villani, J. Simon, H. Juliani and T. Molnar. 2016. Lipid profiles of a diverse collection of Corylus species and interspecific hybrids. Acta Hort 1109:29-33. DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1109.5
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Brooke C. Colburn, Shawn A. Mehlenbacher,Vidyasagar R. Sathuvalli and David C. Smith. 2015. Eastern Filbert Blight Resistance in Hazelnut Accessions Culpl�, Crvenje, and OSU 495.072. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 140: 191-200
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2016 Citation: Bhattarai, G., S.A. Mehlenbacher, and D.C. Smith. 2016. Eastern filbert blight disease resistance from Corylus americana Rush and selection 'Yoder #5' maps to linkage group 7. Tree Genetics and Genomes.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Mehlenbacher, SA. 2016. Hazelnut breeding program. Annual Report of the Nut Growers Society of OR, WA and BC 101:74-83.

Progress 09/01/14 to 08/31/15

Target Audience:The scientifc hazelnut community with was reached with one technical, peer-reviewed paper published during this period, two papers in grower journals, and at least 10 presentations at scientific meetings (oral presentations and posters). Other stakeholders were reached by hosting two grower meetings including tours of hazelnut research plots (one at Rutgers and one at Oregon State University). Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?At Rutgers, two graduate students are associated with the AFRI-funded hazelnut project (Megan Muehlbauer and Clayton Leadbetter). Both made presentations in 2015 and expect to have several research manuscripts published in late 2015 or early 2016 that constitute chapters in the dissertations. At OSU, Gehendra Bhattarai's MS thesis was defended 9/15/15. One chapter was devoted to studying new sources of EFB resistance and mapping them. The research project of Ph.D. student Golnaz Komaei includes studying and mapping EFB resistance from new sources. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Grower meetings and tours were hosted at Oregon State University and Rutgers University in the summer of 2015. The follwoing presentations and posters were made over this grant period by the PIs or their students. Poster: Bhattarai, G., S.A. Mehlenbacher and D.C. Smith. 2015. Novel sources of resistance to eastern filbert blight in hazelnut. Abstracts of the annual meeting of the American Society for Horticultural Science. New Orleans, LA. August 4-7, 2015. Oral Presentation : Optimization of a High-throughput assay enabling early detection of Anisogramma anomala in Hazelnuts. M. Muehlbauer*, Davis, J., Molnar, T. Abstracts of the annual meeting of the American Society for Horticultural Science August 4-7, 2015, New Orleans, LA. Poster: 'Gasaway' Source of Resistance to Eastern Filbert Blight Provides a Predictable Level of Tolerance but not Complete resistance in New Jersey. T. Molnar, J. Capik, M. Muehlbauer*. Abstracts of the annual meeting of the American Society for Horticultural Science August 4-7, 2015, New Orleans, LA. Oral presentation: The Rutgers hazelnut breeding program: are we close? Thomas Molnar. 106th Annual Meeting of the Northern Nut Growers Association. Lacrosse, Wisconsin July 26-29, 2015. Oral Presentation: New hazelnut varieties. Shawn Mehlenbacher. Thomas Molnar. 106th Annual Meeting of the Northern Nut Growers Association. Lacrosse, Wisconsin July 26-29, 2015. Oral Presentation. Hazelnuts: an old crop for a new region. Thomas Molnar. Invited Seminar. Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (NRES) speaker series. University of Illinois, March 13, 2015. Poster: Implementation of Real-Time PCR to Track the Proliferation of Anisogramma anomala (Eastern Filbert Bight) in Juvenile Hazelnut Seedlings. Julianne Davis*, Megan Muehlbauer, John Capik, and Thomas J. Molnar, Department of Plant Biology and Pathology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 59 Dudley Road, New Brunswick, NJ 08901. 2015 Annual Meeting of the Northeast Region of the American Society for Horticultural Science. University of Delaware, January 5-7, 2015. Poster: Resistance to Eastern Filbert Blight in Progenies from New Hazelnut Germplasm Collected in Russia and Ukraine. Clayton Leadbetter*, John Capik, and Thomas Molnar. Department of Plant Biology and Pathology, Rutgers The State University of NJ, 59 Dudley Road, New Brunswick, NJ 08901. 2015 Annual Meeting of the Northeast Region of the American Society for Horticultural Science. University of Delaware, January 5-7, 2015. Oral presentation: Hazelnuts from the Republic of Georgia: The Search for Eastern Filbert Blight Resistance Continues. Thomas Molnar*, Clayton Leadbetter, Megan Muehlbauer, Michele Pisetta, and John Capik. Department of Plant Biology, Rutgers University, 59 Dudley Road, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 2015 Annual Meeting of the Northeast Region of the American Society for Horticultural Science. University of Delaware, January 5-7, 2015. Oral Presentation: Genetic characterization of New Eastern Filbert Blight resistant germplasm from Turkey Latvia and Lithuania: M. Muehlbauer. Twenty-fourth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. Center for Turfgrass Science. School of Environmental and Biological Sciences. Rutgers University January 16, 2015. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We will continue along our specific research outline as describe in our proposal. Our SSR marker study of ~700 accessions will be completed and prepared for publication. Multiple progenies segregating for new resistance genes will be phenotype and mapped with molecular markers including using a GBS method and results published. Controlled crosses will be made to develop new progenies to examine in the future based on new sources of resistance identified from our germplasm collections. Students will continue to receive training under direction of the PIs and multiple presentations and meetings will be made and attended by those associated with this proposal in the 2016 period to share knowledge gained with our various stakeholders.

What was accomplished under these goals? Studying inheritance of Eastern Filbert Blight (EFB) resistance and mapping of R-genes.Determine inheritance/segregation patterns of EFB response in existing seedling populations. At Rutgers, disease response evaluations of all existing seedling progenies derived from new sources of EFB resistance crossed with susceptible pollen parents were completed in the winter of 2014/2015 (totaling over 6,000 trees). Segregation patterns were determined for progenies derived from the new EFB-resistant Russian and Crimean Corylus avellana accessions, which highlighted at least 5 of them as likely transmitting single dominant genes for resistance. These results are exciting as the new Russian/Crimean plants should prove very valuable in breeding as the progeny also show greatly improved nut quality and yield in addition to resistance under high disease pressure in New Jersey. Further, evaluation of a new seed-based germplasm collection from the Republic of Georgia was completed. From the evaluation of 1,394 plants from 47 seed lots we identified 79 resistant individuals, which provides a wealth of new hazelnut material to select for use in resistance breeding. New information was also generated about how the 'Gasaway' R-gene performs across a wide diversity of progenies in New Jersey, where data suggest that the R-gene alone provides only a useful level of tolerance but that it is regularly augmented in the final plant response by yet-to-be-characterized modifying genes. Results of these collective research topics were presented as poster and oral presentations at the Northeast Branch of the ASHS meeting and/or the National ASHS meeting in 2015. One manuscript was published on the Georgian population and two others (Russian/Crimean resistance and Gasaway R-gene response) are nearing completion for submission.At OSU, scions of seedlings from crossing the Serbian EFB-resistant cultivar 'Uebov' with two susceptible parents were collected, and three trees of each were grafted in the greenhouse. The shoot tips were inoculated with EFB spores in early summer 2012 and disease response scored in Dec. 2013. Only 18% of the seedlings were resistant, but resistance mapped to linkage group 6, and linked SSR markers also showed segregation distortion. Individual seedlings of progenies from crosses of susceptible selections with seven resistant selections from a forestry institute near Moscow, Russia were inoculated in the greenhouse in early summer 2013 and scored in the nursery in December 2014. Very few seedlings of Moscow selections N01, N01-06, and N01-07 remained free of disease and were likely escapes. In contrast, seedlings of Moscow selections N23, N26, N27 and N37 segregated in a 1:1 ratio, indicating control by a single locus and a dominant allele for resistance. The resistance locus for Moscow N27 was assigned to LG7 based on co-segregation with previously mapped markers. For the other three Moscow selections whose progenies segregate in a 1:1 ratio, further work is needed to map resistance genes and identify linked markers. Additional seedlings from the same progenies were inoculated by exposure under a structure topped with diseased wood. The disease response of these seedlings will be scored in late December 2015. 1b: Greenhouse and structure-based inoculations of newer progeny.At Rutgers, five progenies representing new sources of EFB-resistance crossed with susceptible pollen parents from OSU were germinated in the fall of 2014 and inoculated with the EFB pathogen. Samples were taken from the plants at weekly intervals after inoculation to later study proliferation of the fungus and be analyzed as part of Approach 1c below. qPCR analysis is underway and will be compared to tree responses to the inoculations. An additional 5 progenies of similar background were germinated in spring 2015 and inoculated with the EFB pathogen in the greenhouse for evaluation in 2016. At OSU, in 2013, Sochi Redleaf EFB-resistant selection OSU 1166.123 was crossed with two susceptible selections. The seedlings were grown in the greenhouse in summer 2014 and inoculated under the structure in Spring 2015. Disease response will be scored in late December 2016. In 2014, crosses were made with 11 new sources of EFB resistance: Amarillo Tardio (from Chile), Lisa and Farris selection OSU 533.029 (from Michigan), 5 Molnar selections from Holmskij (southern Russia) and three Molnar selections from Crimea. These will be inoculated under the structure in Spring 2016. Disease response will be scored in late December 2017. In 2015, crosses were made with 10 new sources of EFB resistance: 5 from the Crimea, one from Holmskij (Russia) and four from Turkey. Hybrid seeds were harvested, and will be stratified beginning in Nov. 2015. 1c: Real-time (qPCR) enhanced screening for EFB response. At Rutgers, the real-time PCR assay developed by Molnar et. al. (2013) has been improved to minimize false negatives when testing hazelnut seedlings for the presence or absence of Anisogramma anomala. This was done through the development of an endogenous control (hazelnut-based) for the qPCR reaction, which was previously lacking. Real-Time PCR primers and a probe were designed to amplify an SSR loci in hazelnuts. This newly designed endogenous control will serve to minimize false negatives and assist in quantifying the relative increase or decrease of Anisogramma anomala present in the plant tissues as a future means to assess tolerance. In the near future this optimized tool will be applied to a larger experiment, which will allow us to track the movement and proliferation of Anisogramma anomala in the stems of susceptible and tolerant hazelnut seedlings. This project was completed in part by Julianne Davis (Rutgers, SEBS 2015) as part of her senior honors thesis (G.H. Cook Honors Thesis) and was presented as a poster and oral presentation at local conferences. Samples from many hundred seedling hazelnut plants inoculated with the EFB pathogen have been collected and their DNA extracted. The DNA samples are now in storage awaiting qPCR analysis later this year. 1d: Placement of new R-genes on the hazelnut linkage map. At OSU, efforts continue to move forward the study of segregation for EFB resistance from several sources. Resistance from C. americana Rush and Yoder #5 maps to LG7 (same region as Ratoli). Resistance from Uebov maps to LG6 (same region as Gasaway) but segregation is distorted and only 18% of the seedlings are resistant. These three are in Gehendra Bhattarai's MS thesis, defended 9/15/15. Seedlings of Moscow N02, two Holmskij (Russian) selections (OSU1166.119 and OSU 1187.101) and one Crimean selection (OSU 1185.126) segregated 50% susceptible, 50% resistant following structure inoculation. DNA was collected from the seedlings in the EFB nursery for mapping in spring 2016. Studying genetic diversity in C. avellana selections. At OSU the fingerprinting project will begin in December. We identified 55 primer pairs based on high PIC values, low frequency of null alleles, no unexpected allele sizes, and ease of scoring. We extracted DNA in May and June 2015, and have DNA from previous years in the freezer. At Rutgers, DNA has been extracted from 110 EFB-resistant C. avellana accessions derived from germplasm screening efforts and will be shipped to OSU in late October 2015 to add to the large diversity study. The combined collection of OSU and Rutgers is about 700 accessions. Developing new populations. At Rutgers, in March 2015 we crossed 5 new EFB-resistant germplasm accessions from Poland with susceptible pollen provided by OSU. The seeds were harvested in September 2015 and will be germinated and subsequently evaluated in 2016 and beyond. At OSU, in 2015, crosses were made with 10 new sources of EFB resistance: 5 from the Crimea, one from Holmskij (Russia) and four from Turkey. Hybrid seeds were harvested, and will be stratified beginning in Nov. 2015.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Leadbetter, C.W., J.M. Capik, M. Pisetta, and T.J. Molnar. 2015. Sources of resistance to eastern filbert blight in hazelnuts from the Republic of Georgia. Scientia Horticulturae 193:269275
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Muehlbauer, M., T. Molnar. 2014. Hazelnuts, a Potential New Crop for the Northeast: An update on the Rutgers University Breeding Program. Horticultural News 94:1-3
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Molnar, T.J., A. Morgan, and J. Capik. 2015. Eastern filbert blight-resistant hazelnut selections: Gordon 1, Gordon 2, Gordon 3, and Gordon 4. Annual Report of the Northern Nut Growers Assoc. 105:6-12