Source: UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Jul 1, 2014
Project End Date
Jun 30, 2017
Grant Year
Program Code
[(N/A)]- (N/A)
Recipient Organization
RENO,NV 89557
Performing Department
Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences
Non Technical Summary
Arid and semi-arid regions cover about 40% of the earth's surface. These areas have experienced major land use changes, including conversion to agricultural lands and development of large urban centers. It is however unclear if arid lands can act as a source or sink for atmospheric CO2 and how source/sink behavior may be affected by changes in land use. Most C is typically stored in soils both as dead plant residues and as carbonate minerals formed during soil formation. Land use change from native rangelands to irrigated agriculture potentially changes plant inputs into the soil as well as conditions for carbonate formation.We propose to carry out a study involving soil and plant sciences to determine how transitions from unmanaged rangelands to irrigated agricultural use affects C storage in soils. The study will be conducted in the Walker Basin on lands that have been under irrigated agriculture for decades and on adjacent unmanaged rangelands. Consequently we will be able to directly measure how prolonged periods of land use change may affect soil C contents. We will measure soil organic and inorganic C contents by conducting detailed soil sampling to assess rates of change in C stocks in response to land use changes. We will also monitor environmental conditions that may affect belowground C processes including soil moisture and soil temperature. We will link these parameters to above- and belowground plant production in managed and unmanaged lands. Finally, we will conduct laboratory experiments to further characterize the organic C and inorganic C in managed and unmanaged soils.This project aims to determine the importance of agricultural systems in semi-arid areas in the global C cycle and to identify if and how agricultural activities contribute toward reducing or enhancing atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Carbon sequestration is becoming an increasingly important management objective and the results from this study are expected to help land managers assess the impacts of land management practices on C sequestration.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
This main goal of the project is to determine the importance of agricultural systems in semi-arid areas in the global C cycle and to identify if and how agricultural activities contribute toward reducing or enhancing atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Carbon sequestration is becoming an increasingly important management objective and the results from this study are expected to help land managers assess the impacts of land management practices on C sequestration.The main objective is to obtain a better mechanistic understanding of biotic and abiotic processes that regulate the C cycling in both natural and managed systems. We will assess how management affects soil organic C cycling and how vegetation interacts with soil C. In addition to addressing organic C dynamics, we will include an assessment of the potential role of inorganic C in C sequestration in semi-arid lands, which has been understudied relative to organic C.
Project Methods
Methodology1. Site descriptionThe proposed study will be conducted on the Rafter 7 Ranch. This Ranch is a 1,300 hectare ranch located 130 kilometers southeast of Reno on the East Walker River. The site has been under irrigated agriculture for the last 50 years having a variety of crops and irrigation regimes. Currently, approximately 200 hectares are still under cultivation with several different crops including alfalfa using both sprinkler and flood irrigation practices. Soils at the site have formed in alluvium and colluvium derived from mixed rocks, and are classified as Aridisols (USDA, Soil taxonomy). Mean annual precipitation is 129 mm. Mean maximum temperature is 34°C; and mean minimum temperature is 9°C.2. MeasurementsAt each of the sites we will establish five permanent measurement plots in agricultural fields and five plots in unmanaged rangelands. In each plot we will conduct the following measurements for the duration of two years.Soil PCO2: We will sample soil CO2 monthly from stainless steel tubes (1 cm diameter) installed at 10, 30, and 100 cm depths in each plot using four replicates per depth under and between canopies. The tubes will be capped with rubber stoppers between samplings. We will sample soil air using airtight syringes and inject the air into 10 ml Exetainers (Labco, Buckinghamshire, England). A subsample will be analyzed for CO2 using a LiCOR 6262 Infra Red Gas Analyzer (IRGA). Four times per year, samples from one plot of each treatment will be sent to the stable isotope facility at the University of California, Davis for measurement of isotopic composition of soil CO2. At the same times, ambient air samples will be collected for isotope measurements as well.Soil respiration: We will measure soil CO2 efflux monthly using a Vaisala GMP343 IRGA placed inside a static chamber. Two permanent collars will be installed in each plot (one under canopy and one between plant canopies in the native site and two randomly placed in the agricultural sites). On four dates and within one plot from each site, we will measure respiration every six hours to construct diurnal time courses. To assess the contribution of organic vs. inorganic C to soil-respired CO2, we will use the Keeling plot approach. We will sample the chamber headspace for isotopic composition of accumulated CO2 inside the static chamber at the same frequency as the gas well sampling as on days 1, 5, and 14, following precipitation/irrigation events, using a 10 mL glass syringe.Aboveground plant production: Aboveground plant production on the agricultural sites will be estimated by measuring harvested biomass and sampling any residue left on the fields. In the native vegetation plots, aboveground biomass production will be measured using a combination of leaf and stem elongation measurements on selected shrubs in each plot and convert these to biomass using allometric equations. Subsamples of aboveground biomass will be taken for isotopic analysis.Root production: Root biomass production will be measured twice per year using three 4 cm diameter, 50 cm deep ingrowth cores per plot. We will separate the year in two seasons encompassing the cool winter/spring and warm summer/fall season. The first set of cores will be installed in September and collected in May. A second set will be installed in May, and collected in September. We anticipate that two samplings per year would allow us to estimate differences in root production between slow-growing shrubs and fast-growing agricultural crops.Soil moisture content and soil temperature: Volumetric soil water content and soil temperature will be measured hourly using Decagon EC-5 probes installed at 10, 30 and 100 cm. The probes will be logged using Decagon Em50 dataloggers. To install the sensors, soil pits will be excavated in each plot using a small backhoe. These pits will also allow for obtaining soil samples for chemical, physical, and micromorphological characterization (see below).Soil characterization: Soil morphology, will be described using standard field methods at the start of the study. We will excavate a trench to 1.20 m depth to determine spatial patterns in soil properties in relation to vegetation. Soil samples will be taken in a transect extending from under canopies to the canopy interspace throughout the profile in the unmanaged site and randomly in the agricultural fields. Pedogenic C will be removed from clasts using a small drill equipped with a nylon brush. Samples will be inspected using a stereoscopic microscope and passed through a 50-µm sieve. Total soil C will be measured using a Perkin Elmer element analyzer. Total inorganic C will be determined using a Chittick carbonate analyzer. The d13C of carbonates will be measured on solid samples by mass spectrometry. The d13C of the organic matter will be measured on ground samples after treatment with HCl. Major cat-and anions will be measured using saturated soil extracts. Soil pH will be measured in a 1:5 soil/H2O solution using a glass electrode. Cat- and anions in soil and irrigation water will be measured using ion chromatography. Soil texture will be measured using the hydrometer method. Water retention characteristics will be measured using a combination of pressure plates and hanging water columns.Soil organic matter dynamics: Differences in soil organic matter decomposition between agricultural and unmanaged sites will be assessed using laboratory incubation of soil samples at constant temperature and moisture conditions. Soils will be incubated at 25ºC at water holding capacity for 60 days in 250 ml glass jars in a constant temperature incubator. Soil moisture will be kept at field capacity. Decomposition will be derived from the measurement of CO2 accumulation in the headspace of the glass jars during the incubation period. The CO2 accumulation in the headspace of incubation jars will be measured using a Vaisala GMP343 Infra Red Gas Analyzer. To further characterize the organic matter, organic matter will be separated into light and heavy fractions by floating soil material in a 1.6 g cm-3 Na polytungstate solution before and after sonication.Data analysis: We will use factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) and analysis of co-variance (ANCOVA) to assess the effects of management on soil characteristics using the individual plot as the experimental unit. For (semi)continuous measurements we will use repeated-measures ANOVA. The isotope data will be used to assess signatures of organic matter fractions and secondary carbonates. The isotopic composition of the organic matter reflects the vegetation that has been growing on each site. The isotopic composition of the pedogenic carbonates reflect the CO2 present at the time of precipitation and may be a mixture of recent and old CO2 depending on the age of the carbonates. The soil CO2 originates from autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration and reflects a mixture of CO2 originating from current vegetation as well as SOM present in the soil. Data on soil and water chemistry will help determine if soils and soil solution are over- or undersaturated with respect to CaCO3. Finally the lab incubations and density fractionations will allow for determining how organic matter quality is affected by management practices.3. Extension and OutreachThe Rafter 7 Ranch is a demonstration ranch for local farmers in the Walker Basin so our research will act as a demonstration project on how land management can impact C sequestration and soil quality in general. Dr. Verburg will participate in training for begining farmers and ranchers organized by the Cooperative Extension at the UNR and will teach fundamentals of soil science as they relate to agriculture in semi-arid lands. Finally, the College of Agriculture, Biochemistry and Natural Resources has an annual field day for the general public and Dr. Verburg will have a display about effects of management on soil properties.

Progress 07/01/14 to 06/30/17

Target Audience:Our main target audience reached includes the scientific community and undergraduate students. The sceintific community was reached by presenting at professional meetings, and writing scientific papers. Undergraduate students were reached through formal teaching of courses and by having undergraduate students participate in ongoing research. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The project provided funding for one graduate student and several undergraduate students. One undergraduate student conducted an independendent research project that resulted in a journal article that is currently in review. The graduate student continues to work in the soil science field. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Our results have primarily been disseminated through presentations at professional meetings and peer-reviewed publications. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Impact statement Soils in semi-arid rangelands can contain substantial amounts of carbon (C) as soil organic matter. Many rangelands have been converted to irrigated agriculture to meet growing the demand for food production but it is unclear what the fate of organic C is upon conversion. This study compared soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics in an alfalfa field that has been under irrigation for more than five decades with an adjacent unmanaged shrubland at the University of Nevada, Reno Main Station Field Laboratory on the eastern boundary of Reno, Nevada. Particle size and density fractionations of surface soils (0-10 cm) were performed to assess quantitative changes in quantity and quality of SOC following land-use change. Additionally, a buried A horizon (90-100 cm) was sampled in both sites to determine whether decomposition at depth is regulated by environmental or (bio)chemical factors. An eight-week laboratory incubation at constant temperature and moisture levels was performed to assess the decomposability of organic matter in each soil type. To assess changes in soil CO2 dynamics between the unmanaged shrubland and irrigated cropland, surface soil CO2 efflux and soil CO2 concentrations at 10, 30 and 75cm depths were measured every month over the 12-month duration of the study. The conversion to irrigated cropland reduced the amount of labile C in the soil and increased the amount of recalcitrant soil C compared to the shrubland soils most likely as a result of more favorable conditions for decomposition under irrigation. The lab incubation showed that, under optimal environmental conditions, microbial respiration was lower in the alfalfa field soils than in the shrubland soils reflecting the larger amount of recalcitrant C present in the alfalfa soils. Still, increased belowground biological activity in the cropland due to the elimination of water stress through irrigation resulted in larger soil CO2 concentrations and effluxes, especially during the growing season despite shrubland soils having larger amounts of labile C. Data from the buried horizons showed that these horizons contained more recalcitrant SOC than the surface soils and differences between the land use types were smaller than those for the surface soils. Still, the land use change had some effect on SOC dynamics even at this depth despite these buried horizons having formed when vegetation was most likely similar between alfalfa field and shrublands. Overall our data indicate that land-use conversion may result in significant soil C losses from semi-arid soils through decomposition of labile C sources that accumulate under shrub vegetation. Despite more stable C being present in the alfalfa field, the more favorable conditions for biological activity will increase CO2 emissions from these managed lands. Main Objective Throughout previous decades, land-use change has contributed to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations by reducing carbon (C) storage and increasing C emissions from previously natural ecosystems. Due to the scarcity of arable land, semi-arid rangelands are often converted to irrigated croplands, which is likely to have a large effect on soil organic carbon (SOC) due to changes in C inputs to the soil as well as environmental factors regulating decomposition. The objective of this study was to quantify the long-term effects of converting an unmanaged semi-arid shrubland into irrigated agricultural land on SOC dynamics. We sampled surface soils (0-10 cm) in a native rangeland dominated by rubber rabbitbrush (Ericameria nauseosa) and yellow rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus) with an adjacent alfalfa (Medicago sativa) field that has been under irrigated agriculture for at least five decades near Reno, NV. Additionally, a buried organic matter-rich, A horizon (90-100 cm) was sampled in both sites to determine if decomposition at depth is regulated by environmental or (bio)chemical factors. We conducted particle size and density fractionations and each fraction was analyzed for δ13C, δ15N, percent C and percent nitrogen (N). Above- and belowground vegetation samples were also analyzed for percent C and N, δ13C and δ15N analysis to compare these with the various soil fractions. An eight-week laboratory incubation at constant temperature and moisture levels was performed to assess the decomposability of organic matter in each soil type. To assess changes in soil CO2 dynamics between the unmanaged shrubland and irrigated cropland, surface soil CO2 efflux and soil CO2 concentrations at 10, 30 and 75 cm depths were measured every month over the 12-month duration of the study. Soil CO2 collected from each soil depth was also analyzed for δ13C isotopic composition to determine the dominant biotic and abiotic sources of CO2 in each soil type. Carbon and nitrogen (N) analysis of particle size and density fractions revealed that irrigation and management significantly reduced the total amount of C and N in the soil. In addition, the total amount of C contained in the labile fractions derived from both the particle size and density fractionations was significantly smaller in the alfalfa field than in the shrubland. As a result, the relative amount of C contained in recalcitrant fractions was higher in the alfalfa field. The differences in δ13C values of the soil organic matter reflected differences between dominant vegetation types, but these differences were only significant for density fractions and not for the particle size fractions. The density fractionation data showed that alfalfa-derived C was present in the stable fractions despite these fractions having a supposedly long turnover time. Both fractionation methods revealed differences in δ15N values between soil types, reflecting differences in vegetation. The laboratory incubation showed that the shrubland soil had a higher potential decomposition rate than the alfalfa field soil, most likely due to the larger amount of labile vs. stable C in the shrubland soil. Water limitations likely allowed for greater accumulation of labile C in the shrubland soil. Decomposition in the subsoil (90-100 cm) of each site was limited by substrate quality rather than environmental conditions. This lower decomposability was supported by the fractionation data showing that the relative amount of stable C was much higher in the buried A horizons than in the surface horizons and differences between the land use types were smaller than those for the surface soils. Still, the land use change had some effect on SOC dynamics even at this depth despite these buried horizons having formed when vegetation was most likely similar between alfalfa field and shrublands. The conversion from a semi-arid shrubland to irrigated cropland also resulted in larger soil CO2 concentrations and effluxes, especially during the growing season. The higher CO2 production was most likely caused by more favorable moisture conditions in the irrigated cropland despite cropland soils having smaller amounts of labile C. It was unclear however how much of the respired CO2 originated from autotrophic (root) versus heterotrophic (microbial) respiration but δ13C of the soil CO2 values were consistent with differences in δ13C isotopic values for the soil organic matter (SOM) and vegetation at each study site. The isotope data further indicated that inorganic C did not contribute to belowground CO2 production. Overall our study showed that land-use conversion may result in significant soil C losses from semi-arid soils through decomposition of labile C sources that accumulate under shrub vegetation. Despite more stable C being present in the alfalfa field, the more favorable conditions for biological activity will increase CO2 emissions from these managed lands.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2017 Citation: Ketchian E., Trimble B., Poulson S., Verburg P.S.J. Determination of the concentration and isotopic composition of soil C in arid soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2017 Citation: Trimble B., Poulson S., Verburg P.S.J. Conversion of semi-arid rangelands to irrigated agriculture significantly alters quantity and quality of soil organic matter. Journal of Environmental Quality.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2016 Citation: Verburg P.S.J., Ketchian E., Trimble B., Poulson S.R. 2016. Assessment of two methods for determination of quantity and isotopic composition of soil C in arid soils. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2016 Citation: Trimble B., Verburg P.S.J., Poulson S.R. 2016. Effects of Land Use Change on the Organic C Fractions in a Semi-Arid Soil. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ.

Progress 10/01/15 to 09/30/16

Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The project employed one graduate student and several undergraduate students throughout the year. One undergraduate student worked on the project as part of a senior thesis. Her work was presented at an international meeting in November 2016 and a manuscript is being developed for submission to an international peer-reviewed journal. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?The field and laboratory work has been finalized and all data are being analyzed. We initiated a collaboration with the USDA-ARS to conduct advanced chemical analyses of all our samples to identify differences in chemistry between sites and organic matter fractions. The graduate student is finalizing her thesis and she is preparin two manuscripts for submission to international peer-reviewed journals.

What was accomplished under these goals? The main focus of the project is to assess the impacts of long-term management on soil properties and processes emphasizing C dynamics. To meet our goals we established 10 permanent plots in a location dominated by rabbitbrush (five plots under plant canopies and five plots in canopy interspace areas) while a second set of five plots was established in an adjacent alfalfa field. We continuously measured soil temperature, moisture and salinity at 10, 30 and 75 cm depth at each site. In addition, we measured soil CO2 efflux and soil CO2 concentrations at 10, 30 and 75 cm depths on a monthly basis in each plot. We conducted an intensive soil sampling of surface soils and measured soil texture, total C and N as well as soil chemical and physical characteristics. In addition, we conducted a particle size fractionation to measure organic C associated with clay, silt and sand fractions. We also conducted a density fractionation separating out organic C associated with heavy and light soil fractions. Most field and laboratory measurements have been completed and we are currently focusing on data analysis. A preliminary data analysis shows that soil CO2 efflux is higher in the alfalfa field compared to the native vegetation. Soil CO2 concentrations also tend to be higher in the alfalfa field supporting the CO2 efflux data. The soil CO2 samples are currently being analyzed for C-isotopic composition to determine the source (i.e. root vs. organic matter) of the CO2. In contrast, the fractionation data indicate that the total organic C content is higher in the rabbitbrush field and more organic C and N is contained in the labile fractions (sand and particulate organic matter fraction or light fraction) than in the alfalfa field. As a result, the higher soil CO2 efflux rates in the alfalfa field are most likely due to a larger contribution of root respiration to the total soil CO2 efflux of alfalfa compared to rabbitbrush rather than higher decomposition rates of soil organic matter. We incubated surface soil samples and measured microbial activity as a measure of decomposability of organic matter. Decomposability of the organic matter was higher in the rabbitbrush than in the alfalfa soils supporting the fractionation data that indicated that the rabbitbrush soils contain more labile organic matter. To further confirm this observation we conducted Fourier-transformed Infra-Red (FTIR) spectroscopy measurements of the different soil fractions and spectroscopy data are currently being analyzed. Two soil pits were dug in the native vegetation and alfalfa field revealing presence of a buried A horizon at approximately 1 m depth in the profile. We sampled these horizons to determine if organic matter quality differs from that in surface horizons. Microbial activity was much lower in the buried A horizons compared to the surface horizons indicating that the organic matter was more recalcitrant. Organic matter fractionation also showed that more C and N was contained in stable fractions compared to the surface horizons. Our results to date show that conversion of native vegetation to alfalfa will lower soil organic matter content and will decrease the decomposability of the organic matter. Overall belowground biological activity increased when native vegetation was converted to alfalfa but this increase was most likely primarily due to increased root respiration of the crops rather than microbial decomposition of organic matter. As part of this project we also tested different methods used for differentiating between soil organic and inorganic, carbonate-derived C. The results showed that most methods can produce erroneous results both in terms of amounts of C as well as the isotopic composition depending on the relative amounts of organic vs. inorganic C present in the soil.


    Progress 10/01/14 to 09/30/15

    Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems:We had to find a new field site after the projected site turned out to be unsuitable for our study. For our managed site we were relying on having active crop production. The drought in Nevada caused irrigation to be absent and as a result no crops could be grown. We found a new site that was actually closer to the university where active cropping with alfalfa was ongoing. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?A graduate student is working on this project as part of her thesis. Similar to last year, my lab and the lab of co-PI Leger had weekly joined lab meeting to discuss scientific papers about plant-soil interactions, experimental design as well as professional ethics including paper authorship and reviewing papers and proposals. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We will continue to analyze samples taken from the field site and conduct density fractionation of soil organic matter. In addition, we will assess how these fractions correlate with fractionation based on particle size. Individual soil organic matter fractions based on density and size fractionation will be chemically characterized using Fourier-Transformed Infra Red (FTIR) spectroscopy to determine how management regimes affect chemical composition of different soil organic matter fractions. In addition, we will measure stable carbon isotopic composition of each individual fraction. We will also sample excavate a soil pit in the alfalfa field and conduct a sampling with depth of this profile. Finally, we will measure isotopic composition of soil CO2 and soil-respired CO2 to assess the potential contribution of inorganic C to soil CO2 production.

    What was accomplished under these goals? The main focus of the project is to assess the impacts of long-term management on soil properties and processes emphasizing C dynamics. To accomplish our goals we were looking for sites where native vegetation was present on similar landforms as fields that had been under long-term irrigation. The first year we had challenges finding a suitable field site for our project. We had identified a site at the Rafter 7 Ranch in the Walker basin and conducted an intensive sampling during the spring of 2015. However, for our project we had to rely on the presence of irrigated crops and the lack of water available for irrigation prevented us from working at the site. We ended up moving our project to Main Station Farm. During the spring we conducted a soil survey to find appropriate locations at Main Station Farm and we finalized field selection and instrumentation installation during the summer. We established 10 permanent plots in a location dominated by rabbitbrush (five plots under plant canopies and five plots in canopy interspace areas) while a second set of five plots were established in an adjacent alfalfa field. We installed sensors for continuous measurement of soil temperature, moisture and salinity at 10, 30 and 75 cm depth. In addition, we installed PVC rings for soil CO2 efflux measurements and gas wells at 10, 30 and 75 cm depths for soil CO2 measurements. Soil CO2 efflux and soil CO2 concentrations are measured manually on a monthly basis. We conducted an intensive soil sampling of surface soils and measured soil texture, total C and N and other soil chemical and physical characteristics. In addition, we conducted a density fractionation separating out organic C associated with heavy and light soil fractions. Preliminary data suggest textural differences between rabbitbrush and alfalfa field as well as differences in organic matter fractions. In addition, soil CO2 efflux is higher in the alfalfa field compared to the native vegetation. Two soil pits were dug in the native vegetation showing presence of a buried A horizon in the profile. We sampled these horizons to determine if organic matter quality differs from that in surface horizons.


      Progress 07/01/14 to 09/30/14

      Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? We have recruited a graduate student who started at the end of August. She has taken courses that help her prepare for coonducting the research as proposed in this project. In addition, my lab and the lab of co-PI Leger had weekly joined lab meeting to discuss scientific papers about plant-soil interactions, experimental design as well as professional ethics including paper authorship and reviewing papers and proposals. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? We presented our proposed research to representatives of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation who own the property where the research is conducted. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? We will finalize site selection and start installing equipment as well as take samples for lab analyses during the spring and summer of 2015. We will work closely with the site managers to keep them up to date on our progress and participate in any tours of the site. The site is used as a demonstration site for vegetation restoration work conducted in western Neavda and as a result receives many visits from the general public, farmers and ranchers, and other land managers. We will use these visits as an opportunity to demonstrate our research and disseminate our results to wider audiences. We will continue to hold joint lab meetings to engage the graduate students and help them develop their research skills.

      What was accomplished under these goals? We have identified potential research sites to conduct our measurements using existing soil maps. We have interacted with site managers to help select research plots for destructive sampling and installation of soil moisture sensors and gas wells.
