Progress 06/01/18 to 05/31/19
Outputs Target Audience:
Nothing Reported
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The list of opportunities provided is below- 1. VetPAC Interns 2. Museum Medicine Internship 3. Two Study Abroad in Widllife and Animal Behavior respectively 4. Research opportunities at CVM-NCSU 5. Leadership opportunities through APVMA 6. Conference attendance at NCVC, APVMA and MANRRS How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Safari Richardson presented her experiences as a MSP Scholar to the Jefferson Scholars program on NC State Campus. Safari Richardson also traveled to MANRRS National Convention in Spring 2019 and presented a round table on the MSP Scholars program. Her travel was supported by the funds from the grant. In her closing remarks at Penn State University Widdy Francillon, the VP of the National Executive board of APVMA, acknowledged the tremendous role that USDA-NIFA played in her success as a PreVeterinary student. It was attended by 750+ PreVeterinary students and 34 advisors. As a part of program evaluation all MSP Scholars were required to write a relfective report on each year of their grant funding. These reports have been shared with Dr. Zycherman in an email communication with the PD. The MSP Scholars are also currently undergoing exit interviews, the results of which shall be shared with Dr. Zycherman in an email by the end of 2020. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?This the last year of the grant
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Objective I: To recruit, retain and mentor four PreVeterinary track Multicultural Scholars in the Animal Science major to ultimately improve diversity in the admitted DVM class; With the successful placement of three MSP Scholars, PD & co-PD focussed all their efforts on two current applicants namely Taylor Murphy and Widdy Francillon. Taylor and Widdy were both advised on their independent work plans for timely graduation. Safari Richardson was advised on Junior year coursework, internships and study abroad options for the academic year. Objective II: To utilize VetPAC resources for providing a variety of animal, veterinary, research, professional development and leadership opportunities to strengthen the PreVeterinary portfolio of the scholars; A. Taylor Murphy Animal Sitter employee Boxing Club Member Club Diving Member Cum Laude Bachelor of Science in Animal Science and Zoology Royal Veterinary College London Acceptance B. Widdy Francillon Physiology Teacher's Assistant APVMA National Vice President Veterinary Technician Peer Mentor Coordinator at PreVet Club C. Safari Richardson Thomas Jefferson Scholars Program University Scholars Program MANRRS Member Small Ruminant Unit Volunteer WISE Village member and mentor Objective III: To provide assistance with the Veterinary Medical Colleges Application Service (VMCAS) online application, critique personal statement, and conduct mock interview preparation to make the scholars competitive for successful DVM admission. PD provided VMCAS review and mock interview preparation to Taylor and Widdy for RVC, London, the OSU and Purdue University. Currently, PD is assisting safari for the VMCAS 2020 cycle. Taylor Murphy is accepted into Royal Veterinary College, London. Widmaier "Widdy" Francillon has started Vet School at the OSU, Columbus, OH. This grant has successfully placed 5/5 MSP scholars who applied to Vet Schools. They are well on their way to become veterinarians. The hope for Safari Rihcardson is that she would follow suit. PD is very confident of her VMCAS package at this time.
Progress 06/01/14 to 05/31/19
Outputs Target Audience:Year 1 (2014-15) The multi-facted recruitment process began in the spring and summer of 2014 (January- July). a) Dr. Trivedi sent an email to all the Veterinary Camp (VetCAMP) minority students that had participated her camp since 2011 as High Schoolers making them aware of the MSP grant and its offer to recruit, mentor and support admission intoveterinary colleges across the US and abroad. Similarly, Dr. Cannedy also informed all his past participants from his middle school camp in Rocky Mount inviting them to consider the MSP program when they get accepted into NC State University.b) Dr. Lisa Guion recruited actively from CALS Office of Diversity Affairs' Creating Awareness of Agriculture and Life ScienceDisciplines, Degree Programs and Discoveries (CAALS 3-D) which provides up to 30 minority male high school students withone-week of hands-on, experiential research under the guidance of faculty mentors during each summer.c) Dr. Trivedi and Dr. Guion also compiled a list of all early-admit and late admit URM students in CALS majors to send theman invitation letters to apply for the MSP Scholars program.d) The program was also advertized via VetPAC website (, this website has a constant traffic of1200-1300 visitors per month.e) Finally, an email will the details and flyer of the MSP program was sent to Wake County, Mecklenberg County, ForsythCounty and their Career Development Counselors (CDCs). These counties were targeted as they have the highest numberof URMs enrolled and on track for graduation ex. Wake County has 28 High Schools, 16 of which have over 50% URMstudents in their classes.These efforts yielded 27 applications for the MSP scholars out of which 9 were from out-of-state applicants. The applicantswere then interviewed over the phone by Dr. Trivedi and a list of 10 finalists was created to invite for interviews on-campuson 9th June. Year 2 (2015-16) One of the MSP Scholars is also a member of the Pan-Hellenic Association which celebrated his selection intothe MSP program and interviewed him (Kier is featured in the photo The community within NC State was also made aware of the prgram via posterpresentation by the PD. Major efforts were undertaken for extension and outreach to make stakeholders (ie VeterinarySchools) become aware of the existing MSP Scholars at NC state. Target Audience-1. URM students at NC State University (Pan-Hellenic Association)2. Faculty at NC State (Poster presentation at SOTL conference)3. Diversity Director & Student Services, School of Veterinary Medicine, Purdue University. Year 3 (2016-17) Several target audience were reached during 3rd year. One of the MSP Scholars is also a member of the Pan-Hellenic Association which hosted a step dancecompetition where the NC State team was placed 3rd. Major efforts were undertaken for extension and outreach to makestakeholders (ie PreVeterinary Advisors) become aware of the existing MSP Scholars at NC state.Target Audience-1. URM students at NC State University (Pan-Hellenic Association)2. PreVeterinary Advisors at APVMA Annual Symposium (PD Presentation). Year 4 (2017-18) Two addtional MSP Scholars were selected with the help of stakeholderswithin the NC State Community (TriO and Diversity initiatives at CALS and CVM).Major efforts were undertaken by the PD to reach out to various Veterinary Colleges especially Purdue University, the OhioState University and Royal Veterinary College, UK. The reason behind these efforts was to place 3 current MSP Scholars(Nicole Flores, Kier Way and Ebony Jones) at veterinary colleges of their choice via a very successful VMCAS application. Changes/Problems:Year 2 Two MSP Scholars left the program after the first year (2014-15). Sydney Norman did not notify about her departure fromNC State University to join Florida International University. Jaspreet Pooni decided against being a PreVet and transferred out of Animal Science, she notified Dr. Trivedi in a meeting in Fall 2015. Dr. Trivedi teaches two core courses of Anatomyand Physiology of Domestic Animals in the Animal Science department. She directly recruited a committed PreVeterinarytrack student, Kier Way, in Fall 2015 on the basis of a very strong Freshman GPA as well as his performance in her rigorouscourses. Kier Way was inducted into the MSP Scholar program from Spring of 2016. She also recruited Ebony Jones fromher Anatomy and Physiology course. Ebony was a transfer PreVeterinary track student who scored a 4.0 GPA in her firstsemester at NC State as a junior. She also performed extremely well in Dr. Trivedi Physiology course where she alsoearned an honors credit. After making Ebony fully aware of Dr. Trivedi interviewed Ebony in Spring 2016 and made her anoffer to start as a MSP Scholar in Fall 2016 which she gladly accepted.Dr. Guion, co-PD and Diversity lead from CALS-NCSU, resigned from her position and moved to Florida in summer of 2016. The PD and other co-PD decided to not replace her in the grant. However, they determined that they could involve the newdiversity director in case of any urgent issues facing the MSP scholars or the grant progress. Year 3 There are no changes/problems to report from the 3rd year.The meeting with departmental accountant and CALS Business Office opened an opportunity to recruit two additional MSP scholars from Sophomore and Junior levels of college coursework. The new MSP Scholars will be PreVeterinary trackstudents with a strong academic record as well as at least two to three complete or ongoing animal and veterinaryexperiences. The PD was effective in recruiting new MSP scholars and therefore, positively impacting more number of MSP Scholars than originally intended in the grant. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Year 1 The variety of opportunities provided are listed below.1. Pre-Vet Club Active Member2. Animal Science Club Active Member3. CRU/Bible Study Member4. VOLAR (Hispanic study society) MemberThese activities were very important in intergration of the MSP scholars into the student body at NC State, it also helpedcreate a sense of belongingness.5. VetPAC's Shelter Medicine Internship ( is one of the VetPAC's Freshman internship that PD had committed to provide. It is a very hands-on internship at WakeCounty Animal Center under supervision of shelter vets. This internship helps students understand the role of vets incommunity practice and introduces them to pet overpopulation issues. It is considered as a foot into the door experience tooas it has at least 50 veterinary hours built in. Year 2 Equine Medicine Intern, Algonquin Animal Hospital Intern, Pre-Vet Club Active Member/Executive Board Member, Dairy Educational Unit Volunteer, Community Hope Mentor & Bible Study Member, Animal Sitter, APVMA Annual Conference Attendance, NCVC Conference attendance. Year 3 Animal Experiences Animal Sitter employee (self-employment for NCAA Athlete) NC Museum of Natural Science's conservatory volunteer SPCA VolunteerVeterinaryAvian and Exotic Animal Care employee (Private Vet Hospital)Camelid Mobile Practice (Dr. Cannedy's ruminant private practice)Turtle Rescue Team employee (CVM-NCSU)EAMS Shadow (CVM-NCSU)Carefirst Animal Hospital internshipResearch USDA-APHIS Research Intern Baynes Pharmacology Lab Intern (CVM-NCSU) Honors Research Project LeaderLeadership VetPAC Intern (Leadership Internship in VetPAC) VetCAMP Counselor (VetPAC Summer program) APVMA Annual Symposium Organizing Committee member and attendeeStudy AbroadANS 395/495 Wildlife Management and Conservation in S. Africa participants (15 day study abroad course in Maymester). Year 4 The opportunities provided via the USDA NIFA project is outlined per MSP Scholar.A. Nicole FloresDairy Unit Volunteer & Turtle Rescue TeamBible Study MemberANS 206 Teaching Assistant (PD's Anatomy lab course)Gained PQA/TQA certificationB. Taylor MurphyANS 395/495 Animal Behavior & Vet Physiotherapy study abroad courseTurtle Team VolunteerAnimal SitterC. Kier WayPVMA Active club memberPan- Hellenic Association MemberANS 281 Teaching Assistant (PD's professional development course)D. Ebony JonesVetPAC internship (Leadership)VetPAC seminar coordinatorNCMNS Internship (VetPAC Museum Medicine Internship)Undergraduate Research assistantE. Widdy FrancillonEquine Unit VolunteerVetPAC Internship (leadership)TOTA Desk EmployeeStudent Researcher- Pig and Goat ProjectsF. Safari RichardsonThomas Jefferson Scholars ProgramUniversity Scholars ProgramMANRRS Active memberAfrican-American History Research ProjectSmall Ruminant and Camelid Mobile Veterinary Services. Year 5 1. VetPAC Interns2. Museum Medicine Internship3. Two Study Abroad in Widllife and Animal Behavior respectively4. Research opportunities at CVM-NCSU5. Leadership opportunities through APVMA6. Conference attendance at NCVC, APVMA and MANRRS How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Year 1 1. The VetPAC page has featured the MSP Scholars and introduced them to the peers.2. At NCVC. Dr. Trivedi set up a booth of VetPAC and its resources where a flyer on the new MSP scholars was distrbuted to600+ attending veterinarians, veterinary technicians as well as paraprofessionals.3. The MSP Scholars attended the PreVeterinary Medical Association Symposium at The Ohio State University in March 2015and met with several admissions program officials from various schools where they talked about the MSP program. Year 2 1. Dr. Trivedi presented a poster on the current success and challenges of MSP program in the Scholarship pf Teaching andLearning Symposium at NC State University in March 2016.2. At APVMA Symposium, Dr. Trivedi arranged a meetingof MSP Scholars Nicole and Kier with Dr. Darryl Ragland who is theDiversity Director at School of Veterinary Medicine, Purdue University. Dr. Ragland offered strong tips for MSP Scholars forcontinuing on the path and getting in touch with him at the time of application. He also gave them his business card to get intouch with him anytime they wanted. Purdue University's SVM has major diversoty inititatives and have been previous MSPgrant awardee.3. Kier Way was interviewed by his pan-hellenic organization about selection into MSP program to make other URMS awareof the program. Year 3 1. Hosting Advisors meeting at the APVMA Annual Symposium (CVM-NCSU)The PD won the bid to host APVMA Annual Symposium which provided MSP Scholars with immense leadership andorganizational opportunity. PD held an advisors session and informed them about the MSP grant to mentor and successfullyplace MSP Scholars into veterinary Schools. It was attended by 46 advisors from various land-grants and liberal artscolleges. The symposium has 660+ attendees and was held in March 2017. American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges Annual Conference, Washinton DCThe PD attended the AAVMC annual conference where they are a member of the admissions and recruitment committee(ARC). PD presented the success of MSP Scholars program to the ARC which has members of admissions committee fromall 30 veterinary colleges in the US as well as affiliates from the UK, Caribbean and Australia. Year 4 The successful admission of all 3 applicants was communicated to all participating organizations and stakeholders.Nicole Flores- She was accepted at UIUC (chose to go in-state)Kier Way- He was accepted into the OSU and NC State (chose to go in-state)Ebony Jones- She was accepted into Texas A & M and NC State (chose to go in-state)A photoshoot was arranged with their cap and gown. The pictures of each MSP scholar and their PreVet portfolio waspublished on VetPAC wesbite. Kier Way's interview was published on the study abroad office website.Kier and Ebony requested Dr, Trivedi to presen their white coat at the DVM induction ceremony which was attended by 700CVM faculty, students, family members, NC Vet Med association and other veterinary professionals. Each Scholaracknowledges the role of USDA NIFA MSP grant in their success. Year 5 Safari Richardson presented her experiences as a MSP Scholar to the Jefferson Scholars program on NC State Campus.Safari Richardson also traveled to MANRRS National Convention in Spring 2019 and presented a round table on the MSPScholars program. Her travel was supported by the funds from the grant.In her closing remarks at Penn State University Widdy Francillon, the VP of the National Executive board of APVMA,acknowledged the tremendous role that USDA-NIFA played in her success as a PreVeterinary student. It was attended by750+ PreVeterinary students and 34 advisors.As a part of program evaluation all MSP Scholars were required to write a relfective report on each year of their grantfunding. These reports have been shared with Dr. Zycherman in an email communication with the PD. The MSP Scholarsare also currently undergoing exit interviews, the results of which shall be shared with Dr. Zycherman in an email. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?
Nothing Reported
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Objective I: To recruit, retain and mentor four PreVeterinary track Multicultural Scholars in the Animal Science major toultimately improve diversity in the admitted DVM class. The grant proposal was able to support 6 MSP Scholars, 5 of whom have already been placed into veterinary schools in the US and UK. One MSP Scholar is a current DVM applicant with a very strong application. Objective II: To utilize VetPAC resources for providing a variety of animal, veterinary, research, professional development and leadership opportunities to strengthen the PreVeterinary portfolio of the scholars; The most important criteria for providing these opprtunities was that every MSP was made aware of the listings. However, as a part of developing self-reliance Dr Trivedi advised the MSP Scholars to apply, interview and communicate with the clinics, labs and instituions individually. They were allowed to reference Dr. Trivedi in the contact emails. Several opportunities were provided via VetPAC. Veterinary experiences Companion animal, Equine, farm animal and exotic veterinary practitioners were among the variety of porfessionals that MSP Scholars ultimately ended up working with. Animal Experiences Animal Education Units, Farms and pet-sitting were some of the major ways for MSP Scholars to gain animal experiences. Research Experiences CALS, CVM and USDA-APHIS were the institutions were MSP Scholars conducted research Leadership Opportunities VetPAC Interns, PreVet Club board, Pan-Hellenic Association and APVMA (National organization) were the leadership activities that MSP Scholars chose to participate in. Study Abroad courses The two study abroad courses in Wildlife Conservation in S. Africa and Animal behavior in UK taught by the PD were utilized extensively by the MSP Scholars. Objective III: To provide assistance with the Veterinary Medical Colleges Application Service (VMCAS) online application, critique personal statement, and conduct mock interview preparation to make the scholars competitive for successful DVM admission. The successful placement of 5/5 MSP Scholars in the DVM programs is a testament to the guidance provided during VMCAS application preparation. The DVM programs are very competitive and typically there are 5 applicants for 1 seat in each Vet School.
Progress 06/01/17 to 05/31/18
Outputs Target Audience:Several target audience were reached during 4th year (2017-18). The activities with target audience are also described as a part of the accomplishment section of the report. Two addtional MSP Scholars were selected with the help of stakeholders within the NC State Community (TriO and Diversity initiatives at CALS and CVM). Major efforts were undertaken by the PD to reach out to various Veterinary Colleges especially Purdue University, the Ohio State University and Royal Veterinary College, UK. The reason behind these efforts was to place 3 current MSP Scholars (Nicole Flores, Kier Way and Ebony Jones) at veterinary colleges of their choice via a very successful VMCAS application. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The opportunities provided via the USDA NIFA project is outlined per MSP Scholar. A. Nicole Flores Dairy Unit Volunteer & Turtle Rescue Team Bible Study Member ANS 206 Teaching Assistant (PD's Anatomy lab course) Gained PQA/TQA certification B. Taylor Murphy ANS 395/495 Animal Behavior & Vet Physiotherapy study abroad course Turtle Team Volunteer Animal Sitter C. Kier Way PVMA Active club member Pan- Hellenic Association Member ANS 281 Teaching Assistant (PD's professional development course) D. Ebony Jones VetPAC internship (Leadership) VetPAC seminar coordinator NCMNS Internship (VetPAC Museum Medicine Internship) Undergraduate Research assistant E. Widdy Francillon Equine Unit Volunteer VetPAC Internship (leadership) TOTA Desk Employee Student Researcher- Pig and Goat Projects F. Safari Richardson Thomas Jefferson Scholars Program University Scholars Program MANRRS Active member African-American History Research Project Small Ruminant and Camelid Mobile Veterinary Services How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The successful admission of all 3 applicants was communicated to all participating organizations and stakeholders. Nicole Flores- She was accepted at UIUC (chose to go in-state) Kier Way- He was accepted into the OSU and NC State (chose to go in-state) Ebony Jones- She was accepted into Texas A & M and NC State (chose to go in-state) A photoshoot was arranged with their cap and gown. The pictures of each MSP scholar and their PreVet portfolio was published on VetPAC wesbite. Kier Way's interview was published on the study abroad office website. Kier and Ebony requested Dr, Trivedi to presen their white coat at the DVM induction ceremony which was attended by 700 CVM faculty, students, family members, NC Vet Med association and other veterinary professionals. Each Scholar acknowledges the role of USDA NIFA MSP grant in their success. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?The 3rd year in the life-cycle of the PreVeterinary track student is called the "crunch year". During this year, MSP Scholars will be immersing in a lot of activities listed below. At this time, the number of meetings between MSP Scholars and Dr. Trivedi will increase in number to twice a month alongwith more frequent lunch and dinner meetings with other professionals. 1. VetPAC Interns (a year-long Leadership program) 2. ANS 205 Teaching Assistantship 3. Study Abroad participation 4. Diversification of veterinary experiences 5. APVMA & MANRRS Symposium 6. Research experiences at CVM-NCSU
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Objective I: To recruit, retain and mentor four PreVeterinary track Multicultural Scholars in the Animal Science major to ultimately improve diversity in the admitted DVM class. With the successful recruitment of two additional MSP Scholars, Safari Richardson (Spring 2018) (AA female) and Widmaier "Widdy" Francillon (AA female, Haitian-origin and a first-generation student), the PD was able to raise the number back to 6 MSP Scholars to be supported by the USDA NIFA grant. The 4th year required finalizing last year academic coursework for Nicole, Kier and Ebony to ensure a timely graduation. For Taylor Murphy, it required planning out coursework for 1 additional minors (Zoology) as well as improving time-management for engaging in experiential opportunities for diversification of PreVeterinary portfolio. She dropped nutrition as a minor and understood the importance of graduating within 5 years. Upon individual discussion with the 3 MSP Scholars (Nicole, Kier and Ebony), it was determined that all three of them felt very prepared to apply for Veterinary Colleges in the Fall of 2017. It was advised that they take the GRE and send the scores to the veterinary schools of their choice. Nicole applied to Purdue University and University of Illinois (in-state school). Kier applied to the Ohio State University and NC State University (in-state school). Ebony applied to Texas A & M and NC State University (in-state school). Nicole received an interview call from UIUC, Kier received one from The OSU while Ebony received one from Texas A & M. It is to be noted that NC State does not have an interview process in place as a part of DVM admissions Widdy and Safari were welcomed to the cohort and introduced to the existing MSP Scholars. They were all taken out to a dinner as part of their introduction. The senior MSP Scholars were extremely supportive of both of them and immediately assimilated them into the group. Objective II: To utilize VetPAC resources for providing a variety of animal, veterinary, research, professional development and leadership opportunities to strengthen the PreVeterinary portfolio of the scholars. In order to meet Objective II, the PD worked together with all the MSP scholars to enable them to search and successfully apply for internships. PD also prepared the current applicants in diversifying their experiences by selectively reaching out to various labs, clinics and private organizations. The comprehensive list of various experience opportunities is provided below; Animal Experiences Dairy Unit volunteer Equine Unit volunteer Small Ruminant Unit Volunteer Techniques of Animal Care course SPCA Volunteer Veterinary VetPAC's Museum Medicine Internship Camelid Mobile Practice (Dr. Cannedy's ruminant private practice) Turtle Rescue Team employee (CVM-NCSU) PQA/TQA Certification Research African-American History research project Baynes Pharmacology Lab Intern (CVM-NCSU) Pig and Goats Research Projects intern (CALS- NCSU) Leadership APVMA Vice-President (National Executive Board) VetPAC Intern (Leadership Internship in VetPAC) VetCAMP Counselor (VetPAC Summer program) TOTA Desk Employee APVMA Annual Symposium attendee Study Abroad ANS 395/495 Animal Behavior & Vet Physiology in UK (15 day study abroad course in Summer II) Objective III: To provide assistance with the Veterinary Medical Colleges Application Service (VMCAS) online application, critique personal statement, and conduct mock interview preparation to make the scholars competitive for successful DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) admission. As a part of gearing up for a successful applications cycle in the Fall of 2017, PD reviewed VMCAS for Nicole Flores, Kier Way and Ebony Jones. There were at least 4-5 drafts of the VMCAS that each of the MSP worked on to edit typos, add specific details and tell a reflective story of their PreVeterinary journey. PD recommended that they all identify themselves as "USDA-NIFA Multicultural Scholars" in the Awards & Honors section. PD carefully edited animal, veterinary, research and extra-curricular activities and also asked the scholars to add experiences from High School. In Spring of 2018, PD assisted Nicole, Kier and Ebony with mock interview preparations for UIUC, the OSU and Texas A & M's DVM interviews. Travel to the interviews for the MSP Scholars was covered by the MSP grant. Each of the MSP Scholars was offered admission into the institutions were they interviewed. Their success was tweeted immediately by the PD from the VetPAC twitter account.
Progress 06/01/16 to 05/31/17
Outputs Target Audience:Several target audience were reached during 3rd year. The activities are described as a part of the accomplishment section of the report. One of the MSP Scholars is also a member of the Pan-Hellenic Association which hosted a step dance competition where the NC State team was placed 3rd. Major efforts were undertaken for extension and outreach to make stakeholders (ie PreVeterinary Advisors) become aware of the existing MSP Scholars at NC state. Target Audience- 1. URM students at NC State University (Pan-Hellenic Association) 2. PreVeterinary Advisors at APVMA Annual Symposium (PD Presentation) Changes/Problems:There are no changes/problems to report from the 3rd year. The meeting with departmental accountant and CALS Business Office opened an opportunity to recruit two additional MSP scholars from Sophomore and Junior levels of college coursework. The new MSP Scholars will be PreVeterinary track students with a strong academic record as well as at least two to three complete or ongoing animal and veterinary experiences. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The MSP Scholars are making great strides in finding their niche within veterinary medicine as they are carefully selecting from the multiple experiential opportunities that they are being offered. The opportunities are listed according to the MSP Scholars. A. Nicole Flores VetPAC Intern APVMA 2017 Volunteer Coordinator Pharmacology Research Data Collection- Dr. Bayne's Lab Bible Study Member Camelid and Mobile Practice Study Abroad South African Widlife Management and Conservation USDA-APHIS Intern Algonquin Animal Clinic Intern VetCAMP Volunteer Coordinator B. Taylor Murphy Division 1 NCAA Athlete (Gymnast) NCVC Attendee Animal Sitter (self-employed) Family Veterinary Hospital of Stone Ridge Summer Intern C. Kier Way PVMA Active Member NCVC 2016 attendee Avian and Exotic Care Veterinary hospital employee Study Abroad South African Widlife Management and Conservation Step Dance Regional Contestant (Pan-Hellenic Association)- 3rd place D. Ebony Jones SPCA volunteer Turtle rescue team volunteer Honors research project NCSU EAMS veterinary shadowing Peer tutoring Care First Animal Hospital NCVC Conference NCMNS living conservatory volunteer Study Abroad South African Widlife Management and Conservation How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?1. Hosting Advisors meeting at the APVMA Annual Symposium (CVM-NCSU) The PD won the bid to host APVMA Annual Symposium which provided MSP Scholars with immense leadership and organizational opportunity. PD held an advisors session and informed them about the MSP grant to mentor and successfully place MSP Scholars into veterinary Schools. It was attended by 46 advisors from various land-grants and liberal arts colleges. The symposium has 660+ attendees and was held in March 2017. 2. American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges Annual Conference, Washinton DC The PD attended the AAVMC annual conference where they are a member of the admissions and recruitment committee (ARC). PD presented the success of MSP Scholars program to the ARC which has members of admissions committee from all 30 veterinary colleges in the US as well as affiliates from the UK, Caribbean and Australia. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?1. Recruitment of 2 additional MSP Scholars There seems to be a scope to recruit 2 additional MSP Scholars on the basis of funds remaining in the grant. PD had a careful and thorough review of the grant funds with the department accountant and the college business office. PD will start recruiting from the ANS 205, Physiology of Domestic Animals and ALS 103 Careers Preparation course at the College Level. 2. GRE Preparation Vendors for GRE preparation exist on and off-campus. PD is in discussion with them to provide subsidized preparation courses to the MSP Scholars 3. ANS 395/495 Animal Behavior and Vet Physiotherapy course PD is developing an addtional study abroad course for all Animal Science majors with a class size of 20 students to the Harper Adams University, UK. This will also serve as another study abroad short term course in Summer II for MSP Scholars to participate in. 4. Taylor Murphy (NCAA Athlete) Taylor needs a 5 year graduation plan due to her coursework where she planned 2 additional minors beyond her Animal Science major each of which require 15 credit hours of coursework.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Objective I: To recruit, retain and mentor four PreVeterinary track Multicultural Scholars in the Animal Science major to ultimately improve diversity in the admitted DVM class. With the successful recruitment of Kier Way (AA Male) and Ebony Jones (AA female), the PD was able to raise the number back to four MSP Scholars as supported by the USDA NIFA grant. The 3rd year/Junior year required a lot of close monitoring of student progress and mentoring on academic coursework as well as collaborative lining up of experiential opportunities for diversification of experiences. The PD and 4 MSP Scholars met twice a month at 8 am in VetPAC (341 Riddick Hall) before classes began on campus. Each MSP Scholar was required to present success and challenges of coursework as well as experiential opportunities so that they may learn from each other. This also helped the PD alleviate any hurdles in the learning and successful completion of Fall and Spring coursework and building diversity in their PreVeterinary portfolio. Objective II: To utilize VetPAC resources for providing a variety of animal, veterinary, research, professional development and leadership opportunities to strengthen the PreVeterinary portfolio of the scholars. In order to meet Objective II, the PD worked together with MSP scholars to enable them to search and successfully apply for internships. PD also prepared them for working interviews at various labs, clinics and private organizations. The comprehensive list of various experience opportunities is provided below; Animal Experiences Animal Sitter employee (self-employment for NCAA Athlete) NC Museum of Natural Science's conservatory volunteer SPCA Volunteer Veterinary Avian and Exotic Animal Care employee (Private Vet Hospital) Camelid Mobile Practice (Dr. Cannedy's ruminant private practice) Turtle Rescue Team employee (CVM-NCSU) EAMS Shadow (CVM-NCSU) Carefirst Animal Hospital internship Research USDA-APHIS Research Intern Baynes Pharmacology Lab Intern (CVM-NCSU) Honors Research Project Leader Leadership VetPAC Intern (Leadership Internship in VetPAC) VetCAMP Counselor (VetPAC Summer program) APVMA Annual Symposium Organizing Committee member and attendee Study Abroad ANS 395/495 Wildlife Management and Conservation in S. Africa participants (15 day study abroad course in Maymester) Objective III: To provide assistance with the Veterinary Medical Colleges Application Service (VMCAS) online application, critique personal statement, and conduct mock interview preparation to make the scholars competitive for successful DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) admission. As a part of gearing up for a successful applications cycle in the summer of 2017, the PD shared several examples of VMCAS applications from PreVeterinary student who were selected into CVM-NCSU and 12 other veterinary colleges. It helped the MSP Scholars understand the significance of including specific details of the experiences, responsibilities, duties and overall goals. PD required the MSP Scholars to provide her a draft of their personal statements in Spring of 2017 so that they could critique it with the help of co-PD Dr. Cannedy. Both PD and co-PD are permanent members of the CVM-NCSU admissions committee and are very well-versed with the difference between a competitive application versus a non-competitive one. The PD held a seminar in VetPAC called Tips for VMCAS Applications for all PreVeterinary students as a part of Fall VetPAC Seminar series and MSP Scholars were required to attend it. MSP Scholars also attended mock-interview sessions with VetPAC interns and the PD.
Progress 06/01/15 to 05/31/16
Outputs Target Audience:Several target audience were reached during 2nd year. The activities are described as a part of the accomplishment section of the report. One of the MSP Scholars is also a member of the Pan-Hellenic Association which celebrated his selection into the MSP program and interviewed him. The community within NC State was also made aware of the prgram via poster presentation by the PD. Major efforts were undertaken for extension and outreach to make stakeholders (ie Veterinary Schools) become aware of the existing MSP Scholars at NC state. Target Audience- 1. URM students at NC State University (Pan-Hellenic Association) 2. Faculty at NC State (Poster presentation at SOTL conference) 3. Diversity Director & Student Services, School of Veterinary Medicine, Purdue University Changes/Problems:Two MSP Scholars left the program after the first year (2014-15). Sydney Norman did not notify about her departure from NC State University to join Florida International University. Jaspreet Pooni decided against being a PreVet and transferred out of Animal Science, she notified Dr. Trivedi in a meeting in Fall 2015. Dr. Trivedi teaches two core courses of Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals in the Animal Science department. She directly recruited a committed PreVeterinary track student, Kier Way, in Fall 2015 on the basis of a very strong Freshman GPA as well as his performance in her rigorous courses. Kier Way was inducted into the MSP Scholar program from Spring of 2016. She also recruited Ebony Jones from her Anatomy and Physiology course. Ebony was a transfer PreVeterinary track student who scored a 4.0 GPA in her first semester at NC State as a junior. She also performed extremely well in Dr. Trivedi Physiology course where she also earned an honors credit. After making Ebony fully aware of Dr. Trivedi interviewed Ebony in Spring 2016 and made her an offer to start as a MSP Scholar in Fall 2016 which she gladly accepted. Dr. Guion, co-PD and Diversity lead from CALS-NCSU, resigned from her position and moved to Florida in summer of 2016. The PD and other co-PD decided to not replace her in the grant. However, they determined that they could involve the new diversity director in case of any urgent issues facing the MSP scholars or the grant progress. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Summer 2015 A. Nicole Flores Equine Medicine Intern (80 hours) -Assisted in performing shock wave therapy on swollen hocks. - Observed SI injections on sore sacral vertebrae, nerve blocks, and colic surgery. - Set up sonograph equipment for navicular bursa injections. -Monitored TPR for all of the horses receiving treatments. -Assisted in preparing fluid therapy for colic case. -Angled Phosphor-plates for radiographs. Crystal Lake Vet Hospital Intern (91 hours) -Assisted in taking TPR and monitored respiration rate during surgical procedures. -Observed bladder stone removal, stenotic nare corrective surgery, neuters, ear hematomas, and dentals with extractions. - Handled post-operative care inclusive of TPR and respiration rate monitoring. Also observed mucous membrane coloration and capillary refill time. Algonquin Animal Hospital Intern (132 hours) -Prepped slides for ear cytology screenings and practiced observing for yeast infection. - Observed dentals, beak trimmings, tail amputation, neuters, and spays - Filled prescriptions and observed fine needle aspirate samples under the microscope for lipomas. - Aided in a farm call to vaccinate a North American Hawk and a Great Horned Owl against West Nile Virus. -Observed a Bob Cat to decipher the presence of a mast cell tumor rather than irritation from a ringworm infection. - Monitored respiration and heart rates during various surgical procedures, and adjusted anesthesia levels. Bible Study Member B. Taylor Murphy NCAA Gymnast Attended and participated in daily training including in gym practice, weights, and cardio Delivered maximum effort in improving quality of sport performed in order to make competition line ups Attend meetings and worked with sports psychologist, nutritionist, athletic trainer and weight coaches in order to maximize training efficiency and quality Participated and competed in the regular competition season consisting of 13 weeks of meets each spring Participate in community service with fellow teammates through out the academic year Demonstrated behavior reflective of team values Volunteer at NCSU Dairy Unit (30 hours) -Sterilized teats prior to hooking up milking claws -Ensured teats were dipped in iodine before releasing heifer -Learned milking protocol for lactating bovine on antibiotics -Cleaned milking parlor post milking -Prepared bottles of milk and milk substitute for calves -Measure out and fed grain and hay to calves off milk through to yearlings -observed ear tagging Wake County Animal Control Shelter Medicine Intern (50 hours) -Participated in animal husbandry activities with the animals of the shelter including stimulating play, walking, and socialization -Cleaned kennels and cages -Learned the proper protocol of engagement, care, and cleaning for dogs and cats in sick bays -Assisted the Health Care Technicians in receiving -Logged new comers into the system -Aided in updating vaccinations -Observed animals on the floor for any signs of illnesses -Restrained patients for examinations -Assisted in preparing patients for medical procedures and surgery -Collected fecal samples to run fecal flotations Animal Emergency Clinic of Cary Intern Fall 2015 A. Nicole Flores Pre-Vet Club Active Member/Executive Board Member (312 hours) - Agri-Life Representative Chair during the 2015/2016 academic year. -Facilitated club relations between Pre- Vet Club and Agri-Life Club to engage students in joint fundraisers and service events. - Applied for club appropriations and was interviewed as a result. -Motivated club members to attend service, social, and fundraising events led by the club officers in charge. - Attended Student Government meetings concerning appropriations to serve as a liaison between both clubs. - Networked with CVM faculty and DVM students. Dairy Educational Unit Volunteer (120 hours) -Administer milk and replacer to heifer and bull calves based on weaning stage. -Supply the cows in pasture with haylage and soybean hulls. -Maintain overall care of calves by replenish bedding and water in calf hutches. -Administer ear tags and colostrum to neonates. -Extract milk from the fresh dairy cattle in waves utilizing the claw, first practicing proper sanitation rules of pre-dipping and post dipping the teats. -Maintain overall cleanliness of the milking parlor. Undergraduate Research Assistant- Dr. Oviedo's Lab - Study on broiler chicken nutrition for optimal growth performance to ensure high breast meat yield. - Collection of bursa from digestive tract, integument samples from the footpad, and jejunum samples of further biopsy during the sampling period; sampling of each experimental group to analyze growth and development of breast tissue. -Collected fecal samples and analyzed intestinal absorption of nutrients. Community Hope Mentor & Bible Study Member B. Taylor Murphy Division 1 NCAA Gymnast (Same as above) Volunteer at NCSU Dairy Unit (30 hours) Sterilized teats prior to hooking up milking claws -Ensured teats were dipped in iodine before releasing heifer -Learned milking protocol for lactating bovine on antibiotics -Cleaned milking parlor post milking -Prepared bottles of milk and milk substitute for calves -Measure out and fed grain and hay to calves off milk through to yearlings -observed ear tagging Animal Sitter Day or day and overnight animal care Provide meals at times requested by owner Provide walks (if dog) 2-3 times per day Clean Crate (rabbit) or litter box (cat) Provide enrichment, play, and monitoring Bathe and/or trim nails if necessary Spring 2016 A. Nicole Flores Pre-Vet Club Executive Board Member (same as above) Dairy Educational Unit Volunteer (same as above) Undergraduate Research Assistant- Dr. Oviedo's Lab (same as above) B. Taylor Murphy Division 1 NCAA Gymnast (same as above) Volunteer at NCSU Dairy Unit (same as above) Animal Sitter (same as above) C. Kier Way APVMA Annual Conference Attendance (Purdue University) (10 hours) Attended Pre-Veterinary Symposium at Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine. This two day event allowed me to network with veterinarians and other students from diverse backgrounds. Participated in necropsy and suture labs. In addition, I attended lectures delivered from veterinarians. Gained valuable information to share with other animal science students unable to attend. Research in Dr. Ronald Bayne's Pharmacology lab (160 hours) Conducted experiments to test plasma protein binding of thymol and carvacrol in organic dairy cattle suffering from udder mastitis. Utilized dilution and titration formula to calculate unknown quantities when mixing proportional solutions. Centrifuge solutions/mixtures to separate them based on density. Wrote lab proposal for experiment which provided background knowledge on the mechanism behind plasma protein binding and the organic constituents of my experiment. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Dissemination of Results 1. Dr. Trivedi presented a poster on the current success and challenges of MSP program in the Scholarship pf Teaching and Learning Symposium at NC State University in March 2016. 2. At APVMA Symposium, Dr. Trivedi arranged a meetingof MSP Scholars Nicole and Kier with Dr. Darryl Ragland who is the Diversity Director at School of Veterinary Medicine, Purdue University. Dr. Ragland offered strong tips for MSP Scholars for continuing on the path and getting in touch with him at the time of application. He also gave them his business card to get in touch with him anytime they wanted. Purdue University's SVM has major diversoty inititatives and have been previous MSP grant awardee. 3. Kier Way was interviewed by his pan-hellenic organization about selection into MSP program to make other URMS aware of the program. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?The 3rd year in the life-cycle of the PreVeterinary track student is called the "crunch year". During this year, MSP Scholars will be immersing in a lot of activities listed below. At this time, the number of meetings between MSP Scholars and Dr. Trivedi will increase in number to twice a month alongwith more frequent lunch and dinner meetings with other professionals. 1. VetPAC Interns (a year-long Leadership program) 2. Teaching Assistantship 3. VetPAC's Museum Medicine Internship 4. Diversification of veterinary experiences 5. Planning of Annual Symposium of APVMA to be hosted by VetPAC 6. Research experiences at CVM-NCSU 7. Identification of a big sib/DVM student at CVM-NCSU for each MSP Scholar
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Objective I: To recruit, retain and mentor four PreVeterinary track Multicultural Scholars in the Animal Science major to ultimately improve diversity in the admitted DVM class. In the 2nd year of the grant, Nicole Flores and Taylor Murphy were the only two MSP Scholars that were on track from the original cohort. Seeing a dearth of African American (AA) students in the program, Dr. Trivedi started very mindfully recruiting AA MSP Scholars from the Animal Science Major. To fulfill Objective I, two MSP Scholars were ultimately recruited from Dr. Trivedi's ANS 205 Physiology of Domestic Animal course. This is a very rigorous course and it is known to help ANS majors determine whether they want to continue on the PreVeterinary track or not. Kier Way, an AA male, was recruited in Spring 2016 while Ebony Jones, an AA female, was recruited in Fall 2016. The new MSP scholars were academically strong, were committed to being a PreVeterinary student and had already started to avail the opportunities offered by VetPAC. Kier and Ebony had met Dr. Trivedi during the VetPAC Annual Networking Event that she organizes to host local DVM practitioners, CVM faculty, DVM students, admissions services professionals, GRE prep vendors, study abroad directors from NCSU and representatives from Animal Education Units. Objective II: To utilize VetPAC resources for providing a variety of animal, veterinary, research, professional development and leadership opportunities to strengthen the PreVeterinary portfolio of the scholars. In the 2nd year of the grant, Dr. Trivedi had asked both Nicole and Taylor to line up at least 1-2 experiential opportunities by Spring 2015 itself such that they start accruing hours towards a competitibe application. By immersing themselves in these experiences, Nicole and Taylor were also going to identify which areas of veterinary medicine that was exciting versus not so appealing to them as young professionals in making. Taylor participated in VetPAC's Shelter medicine internship. She started working at the Dairy Education Unit while participating in the milking and calf care. Both MSP Scholars continued to add their experiences in VetPAC's online portfolio builder. They also continued to have face-to-face meetings once a month. In their 2nd year, MSP scholars became very comfortable with Dr. Trivedi and would stop by several times in her office to seek advice on dropping a course or not, inform her of the leadership role they were playing in the PreVet Club as well as athletic program rigors. It was tough for Taylor to make time for multiple experiential or extracurricular activities due to her tight weekly practice routine as a gymnast. Dr. Trivedi assured her that she was not falling behind in experience hours. Nicole contacted several labs and interviewed in person in 3 different labs. She started to work in Dr. Oviedo's lab which was in the Poultry Science department and received experience in basic lab work. Nicole also engaged very actively with the PreVet Club on campus and ultimately became a member of the e-board for the club. Kier was able to attend the Annual Symposium of American PreVeterinary Medical association at Purdue University along with Nicole Flores and this two day event allowed him to network with veterinarians and other students from diverse backgrounds. They participated in swine necropsy and suture labs. In addition, he attended lectures delivered from veterinary faculty on equine neonatology and farm animal medicine. He then presented that valuable information to other animal science students in VetPAC who were unable to attend. With Dr. Trivedi's assistance, Kier Way started working in Dr. Ronald Bayne's lab in the summer (one of the researchers mentioned in the grant). He gained 160 hours of experience critical for his VMCAS application where he conducted experiments to test plasma protein binding of thymol and carvacrol in organic dairy cattle suffering from udder mastitis. Additionally he wrote a lab proposal for experiment which provided background knowledge on the mechanism behind plasma protein binding and the organic constituents of his experiment. Objective III: To provide assistance with the Veterinary Medical Colleges Application Service (VMCAS) online application, critique personal statement, and conduct mock interview preparation to make the scholars competitive for successful DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) admission. This specific objective will be fulfilled in 3rd and 4th year of the grant. The mentoring and provision of variety of experiential opportunities to accumulate hours for becoming a competitive DVM applicant is already in place and going very strong. Dr Trivedi and Dr. Cannedy have currently established a strong rapport with the MSP Scholars via meetings as well as scheduled lunch/dinner outings with them. Nicole and Taylor took ANS 281 Professional Development course which covers VMCAS details, crafting a unique personal statement highlighting an applicant's human factor and how to prepare for DVM interviews in the Freshman year itself.
Progress 06/01/14 to 05/31/15
Outputs Target Audience:Target Audience & efforts The multi-facted recruitment process began in the spring and summer of 2014 (January- July). a) Dr. Trivedi sent an email to all the Veterinary Camp (VetCAMP) minority students that had participated her camp since 2011 as High Schoolers making them aware of the MSP grant and its offer to recruit, mentor and support admission into veterinary colleges across the US and abroad. Similarly, Dr. Cannedy also informed all his past participants from his middle school camp in Rocky Mount inviting them to consider the MSP program when they get accepted into NC State University. b) Dr. Lisa Guion recruited actively from CALS Office of Diversity Affairs' Creating Awareness of Agriculture and Life Science Disciplines, Degree Programs and Discoveries (CAALS 3-D) which provides up to 30 minority male high school students with one-week of hands-on, experiential research under the guidance of faculty mentors during each summer. c) Dr. Trivedi and Dr. Guion also compiled a list of all early-admit and late admit URM students in CALS majors to send them an invitation letters to apply for the MSP Scholars program. d) The program was also advertized via VetPAC website (, this website has a constant traffic of 1200-1300 visitors per month. e) Finally, an email will the details and flyer of the MSP program was sent to Wake County, Mecklenberg County, Forsyth County and their Career Development Counselors (CDCs). These counties were targeted as they have the highest number of URMs enrolled and on track for graduation ex. Wake County has 28 High Schools, 16 of which have over 50% URM students in their classes. These efforts yielded 27 applications for the MSP scholars out of which 9 were from out-of-state applicants. The applicants were then interviewed over the phone by Dr. Trivedi and a list of 10 finalists was created to invite for interviews on-campus on 9th June. Attached below is an email acceptance from one of the finalists. This email outlines the interview details. Also, attached is the scoring sheet for the MSP Interviews which was adapted from the Jefferson Scholars program that Dr. Trivedi is a permanent interview panelist on. At the end of the interviews 4 MSP Scholars were selected by the interview team formed by all 4 grant members, PD and Co-PDs (Dr. Trivedi, Dr. Guion, Dr. Cannedy and Dr. Gimeno) and 4 junior/senior Animal Science majors. The 4 MSP Scholars are listed below- Nicole Flores (IL) (Hispanic) Taylor Murphy (CA) (Hispanic) Jaspreet Pooni (NC) (African American) Sydney Norman (NC) (African American) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Dr.Trivedi, My name is Miranda Myers and I am pleased to be one of the finalists for the MSP scholarship. I am rsvping so that I may have an interview on the 9th of June. I appreciate the opportunity and thank you for your time. Sincerely, Miranda Myers ------------------------------ On Wed, May 28, 2014 4:32 AM PDT Shweta Trivedi wrote: >Dear MSP Applicant, > >A faculty team has completed a review of the applications we received for >the Multicultural Scholars program (MSP) at North Carolina State >University. I am very pleased to inform you that you have been chosen as >one of the finalists. > >We are inviting all the finalists to come to Raleigh at 9:30 am on Monday, >June 9th for a personal interview. There will be a luncheon starting at >12:00 p.m. in the Riddick Hall building on the North Carolina State >University campus followed by interviews between 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. On >the interview day you will have an opportunity to meet and talk with >several students in the PreVeterinary track program as well as faculty who >are currently involved in mentoring PreVeterinary track students. We would >also like to invite you and your parents to be our guests for lunch that >day. A tour of the VetPAC and College of Veterinary Medicine will also be >available. We will send the final agenda shortly via e-mail. > > Please RSVP via e-mail by Monday, June 2nd so that we can make >arrangements for your interview and to let us know who will be attending >the luncheon with you. If you are interested in overnight accommodations >for either Sunday and/or Monday night, the DoubleTree, Brownstone at 1707 >Hillsborough Street (1 block from campus) has a North Carolina State >University rate. To contact the Doubletree, Brownstone, call 919-828-0811. > >Congratulations on the excellent record that has led to selection as a >finalist for the MSP Scholarship. We look forward to meeting you on June 9th. > > > If you have any questions, or if we can be of any assistance, please let >us know. > >Sincerely, > >Dr. Shweta Trivedi, Director VetPAC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Multicultural Scholars Interviews Evaluation Sheet Group 1 (please check your name) ? Dr. Guion ? Nolan Shaw ? Natalia Salazar Name Recommendatio n Comments Mariela Torres (1:30) ? Invite ? Do Not Invite ? Alternate Taylor Murphy (2:15) ? Invite ? Do Not Invite ? Alternate Sydney Norman (3:00) ? Invite ? Do Not Invite ? Alternate Please return this sheet and finalist application materials to Dr. Trivedi. Multicultural Scholars Interview Day 9th June, 2014 Riddick Hall, NC State Campus AGENDA 9:30 am- Arrival and Introductions, 336 Riddick Hall 9:45 am- Orientation to the MSP Scholarship, 336 Riddick Hall 10:30 am- Meeting with the TRIO program, 336 Riddick Hall 11:00 am- Depart for Vet School (Bus, Parking lot Behind Riddick Hall) 11:15 am- Orientation to DVM admissions, CVM tour, Ms. Johanna Donovan 12:15 pm- Boxed Lunch in CVM cafeteria 1:15 pm- Depart for Riddick Hall for Interviews 1:45 pm- Interviews begin in 336, 340, 342 D and E Riddick Hall (35 min long, 7 candidates in person, 3 candidates via Skype) Interview * Information ** Jaspreet Pooni Miranda Myers Nicole Flores Mariela Torres 1:30 - 2:05 pm 2:15 - 2:50 pm Yuta Ueyama Kady Castaneda Marissa Thompson Taylor Murphy 2:15 - 2:50 pm 1:15 - 2:05 pm Angela Cui Sydney Norman 3:00- 3:35 pm Angela will be in VetPAC with Interns while Sydney is interviewing via skype * Interview......................................................................Riddick Rooms ** Information.......................................................VetPAC (341 Riddick) MSP Applicants should meet at the indicated locations 5 minutes prior to start of event. Changes/Problems:There are no major changes in approach to report. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The variety of opportunities provided are listed below. 1. Pre-Vet Club Active Member 2. Animal Science Club Active Member 3. CRU/Bible Study Member 4. VOLAR (Hispanic study society) Member These activities were very important in intergration of the MSP scholars into the student body at NC State, it also helped create a sense of belongingness. 5. VetPAC's Shelter Medicine Internship ( This is one of the VetPAC's Freshman internship that PD had committed to provide. It is a very hands-on internship at Wake County Animal Center under supervision of shelter vets. This internship helps students understand the role of vets in community practice and introduces them to pet overpopulation issues. It is considered as a foot into the door experience too as it has at least 50 veterinary hours built in. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Dissemination of results- 1. The VetPAC page has featured the MSP Scholars and introduced them to the peers. 2. At NCVC. Dr. Trivedi set up a booth of VetPAC and its resources where a flyer on the new MSP scholars was distrbuted to 600+ attending veterinarians, veterinary technicians as well as paraprofessionals. 3. The MSP Scholars attended the PreVeterinary Medical Association Symposium at The Ohio State University in March 2015 and met with several admissions program officials from various schools where they talked about the MSP program. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?The plan for the next reporting period are outlined below. 1. Academic Support- Dr. Trivedi will continue to advise them on academic coursework. MSP Scholars have been introduced to Ms Courtney Simpson of TriO student support services for tutoring and study skills development. The University Tutorial Services appointments will be scheduled by the MSP scholars as Dr. Trivedi had assisted them how to schedule them online for Math, Chemistry and Physics. 2. Animal Experiences- MSP Scholars were all advised to sign up for volunteering at Animal Educations Units namely Equine Edication unit and Small Ruminants Education unit. They will start working there in Fall of 2015 alongwith 15-20 other Animal Science peers who will form the team of volunteers. 3. Veterinary Experiences- MSP Scholars have already connected with several local practitioner through Dr. cannedy and Dr Trivedi's help. They are in the process of undergoing working interviews at several clinics in Raleigh as well as back home so that they can utilize their summer well. 4. Research Experiences- Nicole Flores has already established a good working relationship with Dr Gimeno (co-PD) and will start working with her in Fall of 2015. Other MSP Scholars have contacted several faculty at CVM-NCSU and in other CALS departments to start shadowing them as a part of lab rotations. 5. Dr Trivedi has required all her MSPs to enroll for ANS 281 the professional develeopment course for PreVet track students in Spring 2016. They have attended one class with her on Mock Interviews preparation in Spring of 2015.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Objective I: To recruit, retain and mentor four PreVeterinary track Multicultural Scholars in the Animal Science major to ultimately improve diversity in the admitted DVM class. We were able to interview 10 MSP Scholars and accept 4 from the accepted incoming students in the animal science major. All four of them were females and equally represented two URM groups of Hispanics and African-American races. These MSP Scholars were also assigned to Dr. Trivedi as academic advisees so she assisted them in picking courses for Fall 2014 and Spring 2015 semesters. The Scholars met with Dr. Trivedi every month on second Mondays from 5-6 pm to share any successes or challenges within the academic program. Dr. Trivedi began to discuss with them opprtunities via VetPAC, CVM-NCSU and upcoming conferences so that they could start drafting a workplan for engaging in 1-2 activities per semester. They were all advised to become a part of PreVet Club, MANRRS or any pan-hellenic sorority/fraternity of their choice. Objective II: To utilize VetPAC resources for providing a variety of animal, veterinary, research, professional development and leadership opportunities to strengthen the PreVeterinary portfolio of the scholars. All the MSP Scholars meeting were held in Dr. Trivedi's office from across VetPAC (341 Riddick Hall) so that scholars were utlizing resources within VetPAC. Each of them was required to spend 1 hour per week in VetPAC working with VetPAC interns on Portfolio Builder to input their high school achievements as these can be added onto the VMCAS (Vet Med Centralized application service) at the time of application. It also helped them learn how to use the portfolio builder. Dr. Trivedi asked them consider being a VetPAC intern in sophomore and junior years of the ANS major. They all attended North Carolina Veterinary Conference in downtown Raleigh in November, 2014 with Dr. Trivedi where they were specifically required to attend the Diversity Symposium organized by Dr. Cannedy. It helped them in getting connected with regional minority veterinarians of the NCAMV (NC Association of Minorty veterinarians). Objective III: To provide assistance with the Veterinary Medical Colleges Application Service (VMCAS) online application, critique personal statement, and conduct mock interview preparation to make the scholars competitive for successful DVM admission. This specific Objective will be fulfilled in 3rd and 4th year of the grant. The mentoring for the success of Objective III is already in place and going very strong. Dr Trivedi and Dr. Cannedy have currently established a strong rapport with the MSP scholars via meetings as well as schduled lunch/dinner outings with them.