Progress 11/05/13 to 09/30/18
Outputs Target Audience:Organic farmers in North Carolina and in similary systems nationwide and the extension agents that work with them. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?A winter conference and summer field day has been offered to organic farmers and extension professionals every year. Each event draws 150-200 people. Agent only training is provided to extension at annual in-service training events. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Website: Organic commodities production guide available as hardcopy: What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?
Nothing Reported
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Plant Breeding for Organic Corn NC State began a collaboration with the University of Guadalajara to identify new sources of Dominant Gametophytic Factors (DGF's). That collaboration has been highly successful and has resulted in our ability to provide new source of pollen blockage to breeders around the country. Our aggressive shipment of these seeds to other public breeders and publication of the new DGF's was done to prevent patenting of these genes at the request of our University of Guadalajara colleagues(Jones et al. 2016). Soybeans We have developed protocols to screen soybeans for competitiveness with weeds. Multiple methods of measuring soybean canopies were tested to predict their competitive ability.Directly measuring competitive ability, as done in this study, is extremely expensive as it involves growing the crop in competition with weeds and then separating crop and weed biomass to assess the outcome. Fortunately, one of the techniques, overhead image analysis of the soybean canopy combined with pixel counting software, was sufficiently predictive to allow it to serve as an indirect measure of competitive ability. We utilized this approach to screen 45 entries chosen to represent as wide a range in growth patterns as possible. Heritable variation in competitive ability is present in soybean and we have used these results to screen germplasm from the national soybean collection and our advanced lines from the USDA NC soybean breeding program. Wheat Research was initiated to: a) identify protocols for screening wheat genotypes for competitiveness with ryegrass in field trials and b) to evaluate genetic diversity in eastern US wheat varieties for allelopathic activity against ryegrass (Wu et al. 2001). Allelopathic wheat lines exude chemicals from their roots that prevent the germination and growth of weeds (Lemerle et al. 2001). Wheat to rye biomass ratio prior to harvest was correlated with various visual, spectral signal and overhead photography measurements taken during the growing season. The number of ryegrass heads per square meter was highly correlated with biomass ratio and early growth pattern during the October to March period influenced ryegrass growth (Worthington et al. 2013) We trialed 60 cultivars and advanced lines two years in a row to screen for ryegrass suppression. The best genotype from that experiment (Featherstone VA258) suppressed ryegrass by 44% (Worthington et al. 2015). Considering the minimal cost to farmer of switching varieties, this additional tool in the fight against ryegrass can be instantly adopted by growers. We have continued to refine exactly what traits make the most competitive wheat. Molecular marker searches have revealed that day length sensitivity genes are the most correlated, more evidence that early to elongate in the spring varieties with a highly erect habit are the most competitive. Selection for these traits is possible while still maintaining a medium maturity wheat that will not risk late frosts. Alternative Crops Canola Low seeding rates provided the highest yields in the 26.7 inch row spacing. Disease pressure and intra-row competition are both possible explanations for yield declines experienced at the higher seeding rates in the wider row spacing. In the 13.3 inch row spacing, yields were also higher with the lower seeding rates. As with the 26.7 inch row spacing, disease pressure and intra-row competition could be possible explanations for yield declines at the higher seeding rates. At the majority of the locations, the highest yields were obtained with the 6.7 inch row spacing at the highest seeding rate (15 lbs/acre). 9 lbs/acre also yielded very well at the 6.7 in row spacing. Weed coverage was lowest in the 26.7 inch row spacing's receiving between row cultivations. At many locations early spring weeds, reaching up to 90% weed coverage in some locations, ended up naturally dying out and not proving to be a large issue for harvest. Fields which have previously been planted with a vetch cover crop should be avoided for canola growth because vetch can become a serious problem for canola harvest. At Salisbury, a high yielding location, some lodging occurred across all row spacing's beginning at seeding rates of 9 lbs/acre. Reducing Tillage To be able to determine which cover crops work well in the Southeast and compliment the planting schedule for corn and soybean, we planted 20 varieties of rye and legume cover crops at 7 locations from the NC Piedmont to the Tidewater region. We planted 14 legume cover crop varieties, including berseem clover, subterranean clover, sweet clover, crimson clover, hairy vetch, common vetch, winter pea and blue lupine, and we planted 6 varieties of rye. Cover crop stands were evaluated, and all the legume cover crops were rolled on two to three different dates from early April to early May in order to see how rolling and planting match up with full-bloom for cover crop kill. Only the crimson clover varieties and two hairy vetch varieties were killed during the 2nd and 3rd roll dates. Corn was no-till planted into the rolled legume cover crops. Corn yielded an average of 128 bu/acre under the hairy vetch cover crop, and 69 bu/acre under the crimson clover cover crop. The six varieties of rye were rolled on 2 roll dates (mid-May and late-May). Soybeans (NC Roy, maturity group 6) were immediately planted into the rolled rye. Regardless of roll date, all rye varieties were killed successfully. Soybeans emerged well from the rye mulches, and weeds were slow to break through. Soybean yields in the rolled rye were not significantly different from conventional tilled, weed-free soybeans. Additional weed control methods were trialed at each research station and consisted of organic herbicides (corn gluten meal and clove oil) and high-residue cultivation. The rolled rye mulch alone controlled weeds very well, though at some sites, cultivation or the organic herbicides also performed well. Soybean yields were between 30 and 35 bu/acre under all rye varieties. Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Organic Trace gas emissions: Continuous measurements of nitrous oxide (N2O) emission study were performed in six different farming systems with three replicates at Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS), Goldsboro, NC. These systems include Organic clean-till, Organic reduced-till, Organic long-rotation, Conventional clean-till, Conventional no-till, and Conventional long-rotation. A static gas chamber technique was employed to collect N2O emitted from soils. Gas sampling started right after corn seeds were sowed, and takes place 24-48 hours after every rainfall event greater than 0.5 inch within 24 hours. In general, N2O flux rates tended to be higher in the conventional clean-till system than conventional no-till and organic-reduced till systems, with the N2O emission rate being nearly twice much in the former than in the two systems. Soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics: We analyzed soil samples collected before planting and during the growing season to monitor the soil C and N dynamics, in particular, the labile C and extractable N. In general, organic C, particularly labile C was higher in organic than conventional systems, but extractable N was strongly affected by organic or mineral N inputs, which was closely related to N2O emissions. The duration of each farming practice also affected the dynamics of soil labile C and N and microbes. Soil C dynamics and mycorrhizal fungi: We found that mycorrhizal infection of both corn and soybean roots tended to be lower in organic than conventional soils. However, a greenhouse experiment that assessed mycorrhizal effects on N2O emissions showed that mycorrhizal fungi significantly reduced N2O emissions in organic soils but had no effects in conventional soils with high N inputs, suggesting that infection rate may have underestimated the contribution of mycorrhizal fungi in N retention.
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Journal Articles
Year Published:
Worthington, M., S.C. Reberg-Horton, G. Brown-Guedira, D. Jordan, R. Weisz, and J. P. Murphy. 2015. Morphological Traits Associated with Superior Weed Suppressive Ability of Winter Wheat against Italian Ryegrass. Crop Science 55:50-56
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Journal Articles
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Worthington, M., S.C. Reberg-Horton, G. Brown-Guedira, D. Jordan, R. Weisz, and J. P. Murphy. 2015. Relative Contributions of Allelopathy and Competitive Traits to the Weed Suppressive Ability of Winter Wheat Lines against Italian Ryegrass. Crop Science 55:57-64.
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Journal Articles
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Atwell, R.A. and S.C. Reberg-Horton. 2016. Row spacing and seeding rate effects on canola population, weed competition, and yield in winter organic canola production. Agronomy Journal 108:2425-2432.
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Journal Articles
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Liebman, A.M., J. Grossman, M. Brown, M.S. Wells, S.C. Reberg-Horton, W. Shi. 2018. Legume cover crops and tillage impact nitrogen dynamics in organic corn production. Agronomy Journal 110: 1045-1057
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Journal Articles
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Vann, R., S. Reberg-Horton, H. Poffenbarger, G. Zinati, J. Moyer and S. Mirsky. 2017. Starter fertilizer for managing cover-crop-based organic corn. Agronomy Journal 109: 2214-2 222.
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Journal Articles
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Wells, M.S., S.C. Reberg-Horton, and S.B. Mirsky. 2014. Cultural strategies for managing weeds and soil moisture in cover crop-based no-till soybean production. Weed Science 62:501-511
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Journal Articles
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Wells, M.S., S.C. Reberg-Horton, S.B. Mirsky, J.E. Maul, and S. Hu. 2017. In situ validation of fungal N translocation to cereal rye mulches under no-till soybean production. Plant and Soil 410:153-165.
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Journal Articles
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Wells, M.S., S.C. Reberg-Horton, and S.B. Mirsky. 2016. Planting date impacts on soil water management, plant growth and weeds in cover-crop-based no-till corn production. Agronomy Journal 108:162-170.
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Journal Articles
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Wells, M.S., C. Brinton, and S.C. Reberg-Horton. 2016. Weed suppression and soybean yield in a no-till cover-crop mulched system as influenced by six rye cultivars. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 31:429-440.
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Journal Articles
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Parr, M., J.M. Grossman, S.C. Reberg-Horton, C. Brinton, and C.R. Crozier. 2014. Roller-crimper termination for legume cover crops in North Carolina: impacts on nutrient availability to a succeeding corn crop. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 45:1106-1119.
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Journal Articles
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Wu, K., Chen, D., Tu, C., Qiu, Y., Burkey, K.O., Reberg-Horton, S.C., Peng, S. and Hu, S., 2017. CO2-induced alterations in plant nitrate utilization and root exudation stimulate N2O emissions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 106, pp.9-17.
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Journal Articles
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Qiu, Y., Jiang, Y., Guo, L., Zhang, L., Burkey, K.O., Zobel, R.W., Reberg-Horton, S.C., Shew, H.D. and Hu, S., 2019. Shifts in the Composition and Activities of Denitrifiers Dominate CO2 Stimulation of N2O Emissions. Environmental science & technology, 53(19), pp.11204-11213.
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Journal Articles
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Xiao, R., Qiu, Y., Tao, J., Zhang, X., Chen, H., Reberg?Horton, S.C., Shi, W., Shew, H.D., Zhang, Y. and Hu, S., 2020. Biological controls over the abundances of terrestrial ammonia oxidizers. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29(2), pp.384-399.