Source: KANSAS STATE UNIV submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2013
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2017
Grant Year
Program Code
[112.C]- Methyl Bromide Transitions Program
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Under the continuing use exemption (CUE) process, the amount of methyl bromide nominated for post-harvest use on structures and food processing plants has been decreasing but will be eliminated by 2015. The objective of this project is to develop more effective Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs to reduce stored-product insect populations in food facilities. Our first objective focuses improving aerosol applications through use of more efficacious droplet sizes, shorter exposure times, and more even coverage of surfaces in food facilities. Our second objective will evaluate the potential of chlorine dioxide gas as a potential fumigant for suppressing stored-product insect populations. For our third objective, we will use a meta-analysis approach to summarize bioassay data and also incorporate an economic analysis to determine costs to relative efficacy for different management tactics. We will conduct workshops and training courses as part of a fourth objective to disseminate this information to end users. Economic analysis will be conducted using the foundation developed in our current methyl bromide transitions grant for aerosols and the additional costs and benefits of applying aerosols at different droplet sizes, using fans to increase aerosol dispersion, and calculating cost savings based on reducing the length of exposure time required for complete mortality will be included. This proposed research is expected to provide both short and medium term solutions for the adoption of more effective and economical IPM programs for stored-product insects in food processing facilities.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The long-term goal of this project is to reduce and finally eliminate the need for methyl bromide whole structure treatments by developing more effective integrated pest management (IPM) programs to suppress stored-product insect populations in food facilities such as flour mills, rice mills, and pet food processing plants. Specific objectives are to: 1) characterize and improve dispersion and efficacy of insecticidal aerosols through use of more efficacious droplet sizes, shorter exposure times, and more even coverage of surfaces in food facilities; 2) evaluate the potential of using chlorine dioxide gas, a fumigant that has been registered for controlling microorganisms in food-processing facilities, as a cost-effective methyl bromide alternative to suppress stored-product insect populations; 3) conduct a meta-analysis to summarize bioassay data of different methyl bromide alternatives in user-friendly format and also incorporate an economic analysis to determine costs to relative efficacy for different management tactics against stored-product insects; and 4) disseminate research information from this project to stakeholders through workshops, research presentations and publications. This research is expected to provide both short and medium term solutions for the adoption of more effective and economical methyl bromide alternatives for managing stored-product insects in food facilities.
Project Methods
Objective 1. Characterize and improve dispersion and efficacy of insecticidal aerosols In year one of the project, tests will be conducted using individual bioassay units in Petri dishes with a concrete surface. Methods will be adjusted so that eggs, 4-week-old larvae, pupae and the adult stages of the confused flour beetle will be directly exposed separately in Petri dishes with 300 mg of whole-wheat flour, and not removed from that food source. This is necessary to simulate exposure of immature stages under field conditions, as immatures will not develop without a food source. The criteria for assessment will be successful emergence of the adult stage from those immatures exposed to the aerosol, and mortality of adults directly exposed to the aerosol. Three sub-replicates of 10 individuals will be used at each specific testing point, and three blocks will be conducted as separate replicates (90 individuals for each set of conditions). The analytical equipment will also be set up to monitor droplet size distribution during the various tests, quantify the size ranges, and correlate the size with insecticidal efficacy. Later in year 1, field trials will be conducted to assess dispersal of aerosols in the Hal Ross flour mill, Department of Grain Science and Industry, Kansas State University. These tests will be conducted on the fifth floor of the pilot scale flour mill, using two different commercial formulations of piperonyl butoxide-synergized pyrethrin insecticide. One formulation is applied using a hand-held unit and the other is dispensed from a cylinder. Adults of the confused flour beetle will be used as the test insect species, as the adults do not fly. This will minimize risk of escape. Ten adults will be exposed in an individual disposable Petri dish containing ca. 100 mg of flour, or in a duplicate set of dishes without flour, and these dishes will be set out at the same locations as the APS units. Additional sets of dishes containing eggs, larvae, and pupae of the confused flour beetle will be exposed in ca. 300 mg of flour. Objective 2. Determine the potential for using chlorine dioxide as a fumigant to suppress stored-product insect populations The PureLine Treatment Services company has donated a laboratory scale chamber for evaluating efficacy of chlorine dioxide gas against microorganisms on grains. Chlorine dioxide gas is generated in water by tablets provided by the company. The gas release container is connected to the chamber. The same set up will be used for exposing various life stages of the confused flour beetle. Each of the life stages described in Objective 1 will be individually exposed within the chamber in plastic vials with mesh on both sides for gas distribution. About 5 g of flour and 20 individuals of each stage will be used at each trial with chlorine dioxide gas to establish dose/response data. The whole set up including pump, chlorine dioxide gas chamber (4,000 cubic inch), and the senor is installed inside the chemistry hood. The gas from the chlorine dioxide gas generator is passed through the optical sensor, pump, and again circulated back to the chamber. The life stages of confused flour beetles are kept inside the chlorine dioxide gas chamber before the start of chlorine dioxide gas treatment. The chlorine dioxide gas sensor recordings are displayed in an Optek AF26-control 4000 unit. The recordings can be transferred to computer for further analysis. These tests will be conducted in Years 1 and 2 of the study. Once the optimum dosage has been establish, field trials will be conducted in years 2 and 3 of the project. The individual life stages of the confused four beetle will be exposed to chlorine dioxide gas in a rectangular clear plastic box that was 27 cm long, 17.5 cm wide, and 4.2 cm high with 12 compartments. Each compartment is 8.3 cm long, 4.2 cm wide, and 3.7 cm deep. Two sanitation levels will be simulated within the bioassay box. In the top row of compartments within a box, the 2-cm deep flour (43 g/compartment) simulates "poor sanitation", and the bottom row of compartments with dusting of flour (~0.5 g/compartment) simulates "good sanitation". All flour used in the bioassay boxes will be first sifted through a 250 μm sieve. Only 10 of the 12 compartments will be used for confining various insect life stages. In each compartment, 50 individuals of a life stage will be introduced. In the remaining two compartments, temperature sensors will be placed. The bioassay boxes that will not be exposed to chlorine dioxide gas (control treatment) will be infested similarly with all the life stages of confused flour beetles and will be placed in on the first floor of the mill. After 24 h of chlorine dioxide gas treatment, all bioassay boxes from the mill will be brought to the laboratory and incubated at 28ºC and 65% RH. Criteria for assessment for immatures and adults will be as described for Objective 1. There will be three separate chlorine dioxide gas treatments (replicates) during the second and third years of the project. The mill temperature for all treatments will be held at 27oC. The mill will be sealed by the PureLine Treatment Services company personnel prior to each fumigation (see support letter). Each bioassay box will have a gas monitoring line, and the gas concentration will be monitored continuously throughout the fumigation using chlorine dioxide gas monitoring device ( 3. Conduct a meta-analysis of the currently available data on methyl bromide alternatives Meta-analysis is a statistical method that can be used to combine results from independent experiments and assess the magnitude of the effects across studies. Meta-analysis can be used to determine the overall effect size and if it is significantly different from zero and what variables influence the magnitude of the observed effect. The meta-analysis approach reduces the subjectivity of narrative reviews, and the remaining subjectivity is more apparent since the decisions and mechanisms used are transparent. A number of management tactics have been evaluated either as direct methyl bromide replacements (e.g., sulfuryl fluoride, phosphine, heat, controlled atmospheres) or as part of an IPM program (e.g., surface residual sprays, aerosol insecticides), but there has not been a systematic evaluation of the differences in efficacy among these different tactics. A systematic evaluation will not only provide a summary of the current state of research in the area of methyl bromide alternatives for stored-product insects, but also identify important remaining data gaps. An initial survey we conducted accumulated more than 150 publications related to efficacy of different methyl bromide direct replacements. Objective 4. Transfer this information to stakeholders through a series of workshops We will explore creation of a virtual center at Kansas State University, where we can maintain a list of relevant research we have conducted that has been sponsored by the USDA NIFA MBT Program. This will also house the results of the meta-analysis and the database used in that analysis which will facilitate future analysis and make it possible for other scientists to update or use the database in the future. Any notices regarding this website can be distributed through trade journals and through research presentations given by the Principle Investigators. In the final year of the grant we will conduct a one-day training session at Kansas State University. We will work with individual state organizations to certify the sessions for Continuing Education Units for certified pesticide applicators in those states. The stakeholder advisory panel will be invited to attend both of these meetings and this will provide an opportunity not only to disseminate results but also to obtain feedback on the findings. We will also utilize a number of methods for disseminating the results of this project and education of stakeholder groups.

Progress 09/01/13 to 08/31/17

Target Audience:Target audiences for this research project are primarily in three groups of stakeholders that submitted CUN for continued use of MB in 2014: flour millers (North American Millers), rice millers, and pet food manufacturers. Other target audiences include the companies that manufacture insecticides and that manage insect pest populations in food facilities, and ultimately the consumers who depend on those mills for safe, wholesome, insect-free food products. Changes/Problems:A graduate student responsible for meta-analysis of the efficacy data of methyl bromide alternatives on stored product insect pests had a health problem and had to go back to his home in December 2015. Although the data for meta-analysis were collected, the meta-analysis was delayed. We will arrange other personnel to complete this analysis even after the termination of this project. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?A total of three graduate students have been trained through this project. Two (1 M.S./Ph.D. and 1 Ph.D.) have worked on this project and have learned to develop optimization models, quantitatively analyze insect count data, and understand the economic impacts of insect population growth through use of an insect growth model and review of entomology and economic literature. They have also learned GIS and mathematical modeling techniques. One of the two students has completed Master's thesis and made the thesis available online through the Oklahoma State University library (Alternatives to Methyl Bromide Fumigation for Insect Control in Rice and Wheat Processing Facilities: An Economic Optimization." M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University). A third graduate student (Ph.D.) worked on this project until December 2015. His research focused on developing the database needed to perform the meta-analysis of methyl-bromide alternative treatments. The initial focus was on developing this database for aerosol insecticides and evaluating the depth of the literature and developing criteria for inclusion in the analysis and the data to be extracted from each study. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The major findings of the project were disseminated either as peer-reviewed journal articles (16) or as book chapters (2). Results were also disseminated to communities of interest through 28 oral presentations at various international and national scientific conferences, technology transfer meetings and workshops, and in training sessions conducted by private industry. Our results were presented at the 11th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection in Chiang Mai, Thailand (2014); the Food Safety Summit in Baltimore, MD (2014); the McCloud Pest Invasion 2015 Seminar in Oakbrook Terrace, IL (2014); the Annual Meeting of the International Association of Operative Millers in Omaha NE (2014); the Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reductions in Orlando, FL (2014 and 2016); the meeting of the Food Protection Alliance in Manhattan, KS (2015); the meeting of the management team at Cardinal Professional Products in Woodland, CA (2015); a training session for Clark Pest Management in Modesto, CA (2015); seminar presentations for workshop on insect pest management in stored rice in East Bernard, TX (2015), Lake Charles, LA (2015), Jonesboro, AR (2015) and Richvale, CA (2015); the Annual meeting of the North Central Branch of the Entomological Society of America in Manhattan, KS (2015); the Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center Research Symposium (in conjunction with OSU Research Week) in Stillwater, OK (2015); the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association/Western Agricultural Economics Association annual meetings in San Francisco, CA (2015); the 24th Annual Nebraska Urban Pest Management Conference in Lincoln, NE (2016); the Annual Meeting of the National Pest Management Association in Seattle, WA (2016); the 36th Meeting of the Rice Technical Working Group in Galveston, TX (2016); the NC-213 Annual Meeting in Austin, TX (2016); the XXV International Congress of Entomology in Orlando, FL (2016); the 10th International Conference on Controlled Atmosphere and Fumigation in Stored Products in New Delhi, India (2016); the Science Exchange by Plant Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centres in Creswick, Victoria, Australia (2016); and the Entomological Society of America North Central Branch Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, IN (2017). What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? We evaluated the susceptibility of the confused flour beetle at different developmental stages to pyrethrin aerosols dispensed at different droplet sizes and measured the impact of droplet size on the efficacy of the insect growth regulator (IGR) methoprene. Results showed that aerosol droplet size distributions averaging 16 um produced good efficacy, whereas droplet size distributions averaging 2 um did not produce mortality even at the longest exposure times. All treatments caused some initial knockdown of the insect, but most recovered after the treatment. Intermediate droplet sizes averaging around 8 um also produced high mortality of the insect. We further characterized dispersal of particles from different aerosol systems and for different insecticides by using aerodynamic particle sizer (APS) devices. Results of field studies with pyrethrin combined with either the insect growth regulator methoprene or pyriproxifen showed that dispersal can be affected by structural components within mills. Artificial and real barriers also limited dispersal. While these aerosols may give quick knockdown of adult confused flour beetles, recovery can occur in areas within a mill where obstructions or barriers to aerosol dispersal may be present. Furthermore, smaller particles may have increased dispersion but also reduced efficacy due to lack of impingement on target insects. We conducted a series of experiments at the KSU pilot scale flour mill in which the following factors were evaluated. In this case the aerosol was a combination of pyrethrin and insect growth regulator applied using compressed CO2. In the first set of experiments we evaluated the efficacy in terms of insect mortality and the temporal pattern of droplet number and sizes being deposited on surfaces. In the first field trial, the effect of the distance from the application point and the effect of walls/corners and coverage by equipment on droplet concentration and droplet size deposition were evaluated. In the second set of experiments we evaluated the effect of fans and exposure time on efficacy. Specifically, we evaluated 0.5, 1, and 2-h exposure periods to determine if shorter periods of time would apply similar dosages and result in similar efficacy. In the final experimental test, we evaluated if fans placed to direct airflow under horizontal barriers could increase efficacy in these hidden areas. These three experiments have been completed, but the insect mortality data and the analysis of the droplet sizes and concentrations are still ongoing. The dispersion, efficacy, and persistence of dichlorvos applied as an aerosol inside the KSU pilot flour mill were also evaluated based on responses of adults of the confused flour beetle and pupae of the red flour beetle, during and after application. Knockdown and mortality of the confused flour beetle adults was 99-100% and mortality of the red flour beetle pupae was 97-100% in open and obstructed mill locations, indicating uniform dispersion of dichlorvos. In concealed locations, knockdown and mortality of the confused flour beetle adults and mortality of the red flour beetle pupae was 85-94%, indicating effective dispersion of dichlorvos into pieces of equipment. Exposure to dichlorvos residues aged for an additional 24 h on concrete resulted in moderate to poor knockdown and/or mortality of the flour beetles, suggesting lack of residual activity. Thus, dichlorvos will give immediate kill of exposed insects but will not offer effective residual control. We also examined the efficacy of dichlorvos aerosol against eggs, young larvae, old larvae, pupae and adults of the red flour beetle. The mortality of the five stages of the confused flour beetle was similar across the five floors. Based on the mortality data, obstructed locations received similar amount of dichlorvos aerosol compared to open locations indicating good dispersion of the aerosol. In treatments with good sanitation, no significant difference was observed among the mortality of five stages (63.6 to 96.7%). However, where excess flour was available, large larvae and pupae showed significantly lower mortality, followed by adults, and eggs and small larvae were still very susceptible to the dichlorvos aerosol with mortality of 76.4 and 92.2% respectively. The efficacy of chlorine dioxide gas as a potential fumigant to control stored-product insects was evaluated. Adults of five species of economically important stored-product insects, including lesser grain borer, red flour beetle, sawtoothed grain beetle, rice weevil, and maize weevil, were exposed to four concentrations of chlorine dioxide gas for varying time periods. Mortality was observed on days 1 through 5 after exposure to record any delayed mortality effects. Phosphine-susceptible laboratory strains and phosphine-resistant field strains of the five species were used in the study. All exposed sawtoothed grain beetles died within a day when exposed to chlorine dioxide at 500 ppm for 6 h. Red flour beetle, rice and maize weevils, and lesser grain borer were more tolerant to this concentration, with mortality ranging between 25 and 80%. Exposures to chlorine dioxide at 500 and 750 ppm for 6 h showed similar trends in mortality of all five species. The mortality of phosphine-susceptible and phosphine-resistant sawtoothed grain beetle, red flour beetle, and lesser grain borer adults reached 100% when exposed to chlorine dioxide at 1000 ppm for 7 h. However, only the phosphine-susceptible rice weevil showed 100% mortality at this concentration. Phosphine-resistant rice weevil and maize weevil showed 57 and 50% mortalities, respectively, when exposed to chlorine dioxide at 1000 ppm for 7 h. At this concentration and exposure time, phosphine-susceptible maize weevil showed 83% mortality one day after exposure. The post-exposure mortality increased from day 1 to day 5, suggesting delayed mortality effects after exposure to chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide may be a potential gas to control these stored-product insects. Data for meta-analysis of fumigation and heat treatment data were collected and entered in the proper format and analysis was started. Collecting efficiency data for other methyl bromide alternatives from the literature was also started. Economic model for measuring costs and benefits of insect control treatments in a processing facility is completed. The major component of the model uses previously developed insect growth models and economic cost analysis from this project and previous projects to identify strategies that can achieve target levels of insects in a processing facility at lowest cost. A second component of the model incorporates location-specific data on insect numbers over time, using geographic information system (GIS) analysis to represent insect activity in various locations within a processing facility. This will help identify specific areas that need treatment, potentially saving money by reducing the amount of treatment needed. A third component is modeling the riskiness of insect control decisions as a real option. A model and method for identifying optimal time for treatment of insects in a processing facility has also been developed. This method quantifies in dollar terms the risk in treating too early (thus conducting too many treatments) and treating too late (incurring excessive damage from insects). The next step in the model's implementation is to provide a decision rule for managers based on the results of this model.


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2017 Citation: Xinyi E., Li, B.B., Subramanyam Bh., 2016. Control of immature stages of the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), with chlorine dioxide. 10th International Conference on Controlled Atmosphere and Fumigation in Stored Products, New Delhi, India. Xinyi E., Li, B.B., Subramanyam Bh., 2016. Efficacy of chlorine dioxide gas against laboratory and field strains of five stored product insect species. 10th International Conference on Controlled Atmosphere and Fumigation in Stored Products, New Delhi, India. Xinyi E., Subramanyam Bh., 2016. Evaluating chlorine dioxide and ozone as alternative methods for controlling phosphine-resistant insects in on-farm and commercial storages. Science Exchange by Plant Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centres, Creswick, Victoria, Australia. Xinyi E., Subramanyam Bh., 2017. Control of stored product insects with chlorine dioxide gas in pilot scale. Entomological Society of America North Central Branch Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Arthur F. H., 2015. Residual efficacy of pyrethrin+methoprene for control of Tribolium castaneum and Tribolium confusum in a commercial flour mill. J. Stored Prod. Res. 63: 42-44. Arthur F. H., Campbell J. F., Ducatte G. R., 2014. Susceptibility of Tribolium confusum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) to pyrethrin aerosol: effects of aerosol particle size, concentration, and exposure conditions. J. Econ. Entomol. 107: 2239 - 2251. Arthur F. H., Campbell J. F., Toews M. D., 2014. Distribution, abundance, and seasonal patterns of stored product beetles in a commercial food storage facility. J. Stored Prod. Res. 56: 21-32. Arthur F. H., Campbell J. F., Donaldson J. E., 2017. Laboratory evaluation of particle size, food contamination, and residual efficacy of pyrethrin + methoprene aerosol. J. Stored Prod. Res. 72: 100-110. Campbell J. F., Arthur F. H., Zhu K. Y., 2014. Spatial pattern in aerosol insecticide deposition inside a flour mill. J. Econ. Entomol. 107: 440-454. Kharel K., Arthur F. H., Zhu K. Y., Campbell J. F., Subramanyam B., 2014. Evaluation of synergized pyrethrin aerosol for control of Tribolium castaneum and Tribolium confusum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 107: 462-468. Kharel K., Arthur F. H., Zhu K. Y., Campbell J. F., Subramanyam B., 2014. Susceptibility of different life stages of Tribolium confusum to pyrethrin aerosol: effects of flour source on insecticidal efficacy. J. Pest Sci. 87: 295-300. Kharel K., Arthur F. H., Zhu K. Y., Campbell J. F., Subrmanyam B., 2015. Influence of temperature and artificially-created physical barriers on the efficacy of synergized pyrethrin aerosol. J. Stored Prod. Res. 60: 36-42. Oppert B., Guedes R. N. C., Aikins M. J., Phillips T.W., Chen Z., Zhu K. Y., Opit G. P., Hoon K., Sun Y., Meredith G., Bramlett K., Supunpong Hernandez N., Sanderson B., Taylor M., Dhingra D., Blakey B., Lorenzen M., Fallis L., Arthur F., 2015. Genes related to mitochondrial functions are differentially expressed in phosphine-resistant and susceptible Tribolium castaneum. BMC Genomics 16: 968. Subramanyam Bh., Boina D. R., Arthur F. H., 2014. Dispersion, efficacy, and persistence of dichlorvos aerosol against two flour beetle life stages in a mill. J. Stored Prod. Res. 59: 96-100. Tucker A. M., Campbell J. F., Arthur F. H., Zhu K. Y., 2014. Mechanisms for horizontal transfer of methoprene from treated to untreated Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). J. Stored Prod. Res. 57: 36-42. Tucker A. M., Campbell J. F., Arthur F. H., Zhu K. Y., 2014. Horizontal transfer of methoprene by Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) and T. confusum Jacquelin du Val. J. Stored Prod. Res. 57: 73-79. Tucker A. M., Campbell J. F., Arthur F. H., Zhu K. Y., 2014. Efficacy of aerosol applications of methoprene and synergized pyrethrin against Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) adults and eggs. J. Econ. Entomol. 107: 1284-1291. Tucker A. M., Campbell J. F., Arthur F. H., Zhu K. Y., 2015. Effects of methoprene and synergized pyrethrin aerosol applications on Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) populations. J. Stored Prod. Res. 64B: 168-174. Su L., Adam B. D., Lusk J., Arthur F. H., 2017. Anchoring, information, and fragility of choice experiments: An application to consumer willingness to pay for rice with improved storage management. J. Agr. Resour. Econ. 42: 255274. Xinyi E., Subramanyam Bh., Li, B. B., 2017. Responses of phosphine susceptible and resistant strains of five stored-product insect species to chlorine dioxide. J. Stored Prod. Res. 72: 21-27.
  • Type: Books Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Kenkel P., Adam B. D., 2017 (Forthcoming). Economic theory vs. reality in stored product management. In: Athanassiou C. G., Arthur F. H. (Eds.), Economics and Insect Pest Management in Stored Products. Springer Press. Xinyi E., Subramanyam Bh., 2016. Efficacy of chlorine dioxide gas against laboratory and field strains of five stored-product insect species. Pp. 167-172. In: Navarro S., Jayas D.S., Alagusundaram K. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Controlled Atmosphere and Fumigation in Stored Products (CAF2016), CAF Permanent Committee Secretariat, Winninpeg, Canada.
  • Type: Theses/Dissertations Status: Submitted Year Published: 2016 Citation: Niu, Li. 2016. Alternatives to Methyl Bromide Fumigation for Insect Control in Rice and Wheat Processing Facilities: An Economic Optimization. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2017 Citation: Arthur F., 2015. Sanitation and Residual Insecticides. Seminar presentation for workshop on insect pest management in stored rice, East Bernard TX, 24 February, TX, Lake Charles, LA, 25 February, Jonesboro, AR, 27 February, Richvale CA. Arthur F., Campbell J. F., 2015. Aerosol particle size and effects on flour beetles. Annual meeting of the North Central Branch of the Entomological Society of America, Manhattan, KS. Arthur F., 2016. Aerosol particle size and insect control. 24th Annual Nebraska Urban Pest Management Conference, Lincoln, NE. Arthur F., 2016. Sanitation and efficacy of residual insecticides. 24th Annual Nebraska Urban Pest Management Conference, Lincoln, NE. Arthur F., 2016. Aerosol particle size and control of stored product insects. 2016 Annual Meeting of the National Pest Management Association, Seattle, WA. Arthur F., 2016. Aerosol particle size and residual efficacy. Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reductions, Orlando, FL. Campbell J. F., 2014. Integrated pest management: stored-product pests and pheromone technology. Food Safety Summit, Baltimore, MD. Campbell J. F., 2014. Stored product insects and pheromones. McCloud Pest Invasion 2015 Seminar, Oakbrook Terrace, IL. Campbell J., 2016. Evaluation of treatment effectiveness against stored-product insects in food facilities. 24th Annual Nebraska Urban Pest Management Conference, Lincoln, NE. Campbell J. F., Arthur F. H., Zhu K. Y., 2014. Evaluation of aerosol insecticide efficacy. Annual Meeting of the International Association of Operative Millers, Omaha NE. Duan S., Adam B. D., 2015. Economically optimal timing of insect control in food processing facilities: an option approach. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association/Western Agricultural Economics Association annual meetings, San Francisco, CA. Duan S., Adam B. D., 2015. Balancing insect control and insect damage costs. Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center Research Symposium (in conjunction with OSU Research Week), Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK. Duan S., Adam B. D., 2016. Economically optimal timing of insect control in processing facilities: A real option approach. Selected Presentation at 36th Meeting of the Rice Technical Working Group, Galveston, TX. Duan S., Adam B. D., 2016. Economically optimal timing of insect control in processing facilities: A real option approach. Presented at NC-213 Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. Niu L., 2016. Alternatives to methyl bromide fumigation for insect control in rice and wheat processing facilities: An economic optimization. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University. Subramanyam Bh., Xinyi E., Li B. B., 2016. Efficacy of a high concentration of chlorine dioxide gas against laboratory and field strains of five stored product insect species. XXV International Congress of Entomology, Orlando, Florida, USA.

Progress 09/01/15 to 08/31/16

Target Audience:Target audiences for this research project are primarily in three groups of stakeholders that submitted CUN for continued use of MB in 2014: flour millers (North American Millers), rice millers, and pet food manufacturers. Other target audiences include the companies that manufacture insecticides and that manage insect pest populations in food facilities, and ultimately the consumers who depend on those mills for safe, wholesome, insect-free food products. Changes/Problems:There has been a delay in systematic review and meta-analysis of the efficacy data of methyl bromide alternatives on stored product insect pests and characterization of pyrethrin aerosols in a simulated environment. A Ph.D. graduate student responsible for these studies had a health problem last year and had to go back to his home in December 2015. We have been granted a one-year extension that allows us to catch up the project progress and complete all the proposed studies. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?A total of three graduate students have been trained through this project. Two (1 M.S./Ph.D. and 1 Ph.D.) have been working on this project and have learned to develop optimization models, quantitatively analyze insect count data, and understand the economic impacts of insect population growth through use of an insect growth model and review of entomology and economic literature. They have also learned GIS and mathematical modeling techniques. One of the two students has completed Master's thesis and made the thesis available online through the Oklahoma State University library (Li, Niu. 2016. Alternatives to Methyl Bromide Fumigation for Insect Control in Rice and Wheat Processing Facilities: An Economic Optimization." M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University). A third graduate student (Ph.D.) worked on this project until December 2015. His research focused on developing the database needed to perform the meta-analysis of methyl-bromide alternative treatments. The initial focus was on developing this database for aerosol insecticides and evaluating the depth of the literature and developing criteria for inclusion in the analysis and the data to be extracted from each study. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results to date have been presented at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the North Central Branch of the Entomological Society of America (Manhattan, KS), the 24th Annual Nebraska Urban Pest Management Conference (Lincoln, NE), the 2016 Annual Meeting of the National Pest Management Association (Seattle, WA), the 2016 Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reductions (Orlando, FL), the 36th Meeting of the Rice Technical Working Group (Galveston, TX), and the NC-213 Annual Meeting (Austin, TX). What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?In the next year of the project, we will focus on additional laboratory studies on the relationship between aerosol particle size and efficacy, and completing database construction and the performance of the initial meta-analysis. For economic analysis, further research efforts will focus on determining optimum particle size necessary to kill all life stages of flour beetles, through cooperative laboratory studies with industrial partners. We will also characterize actual dispersal of aerosols within a milling facility, sizes of particles dispensed from commercial aerosol application systems, and distribution of particles during specified exposure times.

What was accomplished under these goals? As part of our research project, we characterized dispersal of particles from different aerosol systems and for different insecticides. Results of field studies with pyrethrin combined with either the insect growth regulator methoprene or pyriproxifen showed that dispersal can be affected by structural components within mills. Artificial and real barriers also limited dispersal. While these aerosols may give quick knockdown of adult confused flour beetles, recovery can occur in areas within a mill where obstructions or barriers to aerosol dispersal may be present. Aerosol particle size can also be an important factor in conferring toxicity. Smaller particles may have increased dispersion but also reduced efficacy due to lack of impingement on target insects. Laboratory studies showed that a particle size of 16 microns was effective to kill adult confused flour beetles, depending on the time of exposure and the presence or absence of food materials. The efficacy of chlorine dioxide gas as a potential fumigant to control stored-product insects has also been evaluated. Adults of five species of economically important stored-product insects, including lesser grain borer, red flour beetle, sawtoothed grain beetle, rice weevil, and maize weevil, were exposed to four concentrations of chlorine dioxide gas for varying time periods. Mortality was observed on days 1 through 5 after exposure to record any delayed mortality effects. Phosphine-susceptible laboratory strains and phosphine-resistant field strains of the five species were used in the study. All exposed sawtoothed grain beetles died within a day when exposed to chlorine dioxide at 500 ppm for 6 h. Red flour beetle, rice and maize weevils, and lesser grain borer were more tolerant to this concentration, with mortality ranging between 25 and 80%. Exposures to chlorine dioxide at 500 and 750 ppm for 6 h showed similar trends in mortality of all five species. The mortality of phosphine-susceptible and phosphine-resistant sawtoothed grain beetle, red flour beetle, and lesser grain borer adults reached 100% when exposed to chlorine dioxide at 1000 ppm for 7 h. However, only the phosphine-susceptible rice weevil showed 100% mortality at this concentration. Phosphine-resistant rice weevil and maize weevil showed 57 and 50% mortalities, respectively, when exposed to chlorine dioxide at 1000 ppm for 7 h. At this concentration and exposure time, phosphine-susceptible maize weevil showed 83% mortality one day after exposure. The post-exposure mortality increased from day 1 to day 5, suggesting delayed mortality effects after exposure to chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide may be a potential gas to control these stored-product insects. Economic model for measuring costs and benefits of insect control treatments in a processing facility is nearly completed. The major component of the model uses previously developed insect growth models and economic cost analysis from this project and previous projects to identify strategies that can achieve target levels of insects in a processing facility at lowest cost. A second component of the model incorporates location-specific data on insect numbers over time, using GIS analysis to represent insect activity in various locations within a processing facility. This will help identify specific areas that need treatment, potentially saving money by reducing the amount of treatment needed. A third component, nearly completed, is modeling the riskiness of insect control decisions as a real option. This theoretical and applied innovation models the risk tradeoff the decision maker faces in deciding whether to treat now, avoiding the risk of further insect damage but potentially incurring more treatment costs later as the insect population rebounds, or treat later, increasing the risk that insects will cause damage before treatment but postponing the potentially costly (in terms chemical, labor, and shutdown costs) treatment. Work remaining is to calibrate this component of the model using data from other components of the project.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Arthur F. H., 2015. Residual efficacy of pyrethrin+methoprene for control of Tribolium castaneum and Tribolium confusum in a commercial flour mill. J. Stored Prod. Res. 63: 42-44. Oppert B., Guedes R.N.C., Aikins M. J., Phillips T.W., Chen Z., Zhu K. Y., Opit G. P., Hoon K., Sun Y., Meredith G., Bramlett K., Supunpong Hernandez N., Sanderson B., Taylor M., Dhingra D., Blakey B., Lorenzen M., Fallis L., Arthur F., 2015. Genes related to mitochondrial functions are differentially expressed in phosphine-resistant and -susceptible Tribolium castaneum. BMC Genomics 16: 968.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: Arthur F., Aerosol particle size and effects on flour beetles. Annual Meeting of the North Central Branch of the Entomological Society of America, Manhattan, KS, May 31- June 3, 2015. Arthur F., Aerosol particle size and insect control. 24th Annual Nebraska Urban Pest Management Conference, Lincoln, NE, Feb. 9-10, 2016. Arthur F., Sanitation and efficacy of residual insecticides. 24th Annual Nebraska Urban Pest Management Conference, Lincoln, NE, Feb. 9-10, 2016. Arthur F., Aerosol particle size and control of stored product insects. 2016 Annual Meeting of the National Pest Management Association, Seattle, WA, Oct. 19-23, 2016. Arthur F., Aerosol particle size and residual efficacy. Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reductions, Orlando, FL, Nov. 7-10, 2016. Campbell J., Evaluation of treatment effectiveness against stored-product insects in food facilities. 24th Annual Nebraska Urban Pest Management Conference, Lincoln, NE, Feb. 9-10, 2016. Duan S., Adam B. D., Economically optimal timing of insect control in processing facilities: A real option approach. Selected Presentation at 36th Meeting of the Rice Technical Working Group, Galveston, TX, March 3, 2016. Duan S., Adam B. D., Economically optimal timing of insect control in processing facilities: A real option approach. Presented at NC-213 Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, March 1. 2016.

Progress 09/01/14 to 08/31/15

Target Audience:Target audiences for this research project are primarily in three groups of stakeholders that submitted CUN for continued use of MB in 2014: flour millers (North American Millers), rice millers, and pet food manufacturers. Other target audiences include the companies that manufacture insecticides and that manage insect pest populations in food facilities, and ultimately the consumers who depend on those mills for safe, wholesome, insect-free food products. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Two graduate students (1 M.S. and 1 Ph.D.) have been working on this project and have been learning to develop an optimization model, quantitatively analyze insect count data, and understand the economic impacts of insect population growth through the use of an insect growth model and review of entomology and economic literature. A third student (M.S.) has begun to model the tradeoff that the decision maker faces in deciding whether and when to treat insect populations. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results to date have been presented at the McCloud Pest Invasion 2015 Seminar (Oakbrook Terrace, IL), the Food Safety Summit (Baltimore, MD) and the meeting of the Food Protection Alliance (Manhattan, KS). Results have also been presented to a management team at Cardinal Professional Products (Woodland, CA) and a training session for Clark Pest Management (Modesto, CA); and at the workshops on insect pest management in stored rice (East Bernard, TX; Lake Charles, LA; Jonesboro, AR; and Richvale CA) and the Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reductions (Orlando, FL). Results from economic analysis have been presented at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association/Western Agricultural Economics Association annual meetings (San Francisco, CA), and the Robert M. Kerr Food and Agricultural Products Center Research Symposium (in conjunction with OSU Research Week) (Stillwater, OK). What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?In the next year of the project, for objective 1 we will focus on additional laboratory studies on the relationship between aerosol particle size and efficacy, on the impact of fans on aerosol distribution and the potential to reduce exposure times and maintain efficacy levels which would be a great cost savings for this management tool. For objective 3 we will focus on completing database construction and the performance of the initial meta-analysis. For economic analysis, the second phase of the economic model is currently being developed. This will permit analysis of insect population pressure and its effect on treatment cost and on cost of failing to control insects at specific locations within the plant. The analysis will focus on key locations within each floor. GIS analysis will be used to better visualize the results obtained. The model will be completed during the next reporting period, and results from it will be generated as data is acquired from other researchers analyzing other components of the project. The real option model will be fully developed and then calibrated using data provided by other researchers on the project.

What was accomplished under these goals? Under objective 1, experiments were conducted to evaluate the susceptibility of different developmental stages of the confused flour beetle to pyrethrin aerosols dispensed at different droplet sizes and also experiments were begun to measure the impact of droplet size on the efficacy of the insect growth regulator (IGR) methoprene. These experiments were conducted in an aerosol chamber where droplet size and exposure time can be controlled. The impact of food material on efficacy was also evaluated. Results indicated that smaller droplet sizes did not provide adequate efficacy compared to the larger droplet size, regardless of insecticide concentration. A field test of aerosol efficacy in a commercial food facility was conducted on two different dates using different concentrations of pyrethrin insecticide. The temporal and spatial pattern in aerosol droplet deposition was measured using aerodynamic particle sizer (APS) units that quantified the concentration and size of droplets. Insect bioassay was also performed to determine spatial pattern in the efficacy of aerosol. Spatial variation in efficacy was observed in the one trial, but this was likely due to problems with a couple dispensers and generally uniform mortality was observed in the second test. Data on the droplet size and concentration is still being analyzed. Field experiments were also conducted at the Kansas State University pilot scale flour mill. For the first treatment, APS units were set up to assess dispersion and concentration of particles with different levels of obstruction: an open area of the floor, underneath a piece of equipment, and behind a vertical pillar. Bioassay dishes of adult and immature insects were also placed beside the APS units. Data from the APS units are being evaluated to determine the range of particle sizes dispensed during an application, how quickly the particles settle and the size range during the exposure, and how particles stay suspended during the holding period. The second treatment evaluated the impact of distance from release point on aerosol droplets and involved placing three APS units in a series, approximately 10 meters apart beginning 10 meters from the point of aerosol application. While this set of data is still being analyzed, the pattern clearly indicates considerable variation in droplet size and concentration that impacts efficacy. Economic analysis was performed to build an economic model for measuring costs and benefits of insect control treatments in a processing facility. The analysis focused on second phase of model, incorporating location-specific data on insect numbers over time, and using geographic information system (GIS) analysis to represent insect activity in various locations within a processing facility. This will help identify specific areas that need treatment, potentially saving money by reducing the amount of treatment needed. Further work will build on this using data from other components of the project. A third graduate student has begun an insect control treatment decision as a real option. This theoretical and applied innovation models the tradeoff the decision maker faces in deciding whether to treat now, avoiding the risk of further insect damage but potentially incurring more treatment costs later as the insect population rebounds, or treat later, increasing the risk that insects will cause damage before treatment but postponing the potentially costly (in terms chemical, labor, and shutdown costs) treatment. For objective 3, the focus has been on developing the database needed to perform the meta-analysis of methyl-bromide alternative treatments. The initial focus has been on developing this database for aerosol insecticides and evaluating the depth of the literature and developing criteria for inclusion in the analysis and the data to be extracted from each study.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Arthur F. H., Campbell J. F., Ducatte G. R. 2014. Susceptibility of Tribolium confusum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) to pyrethrin aerosol: effects of aerosol particle size, concentration, and exposure conditions. J. Econ. Entomol. 107: 2239 - 2251. Arthur F. H., Campbell J. F., Toews M. D. 2014. Distribution, abundance, and seasonal patterns of stored product beetles in a commercial food storage facility. J. Stored Prod. Res. 56: 21-32. Kharel K., Arthur F. H., Zhu K. Y., Campbell J. F., Subramanyam B. 2014. Evaluation of synergized pyrethrin aerosol for control of Tribolium castaneum and Tribolium confusum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 107: 462-468. Kharel K., Arthur F. H., Zhu K. Y., Campbell J. F., Subramanyam B. 2014. Susceptibility of different life stages of Tribolium confusum to pyrethrin aerosol: effects of flour source on insecticidal efficacy. J. Pest Sci. 87: 295-300. Kharel K., Arthur F. H., Zhu K. Y., Campbell J. F., Subrmanyam B. 2015. Influence of temperature and artificially-created physical barriers on the efficacy of synergized pyrethrin aerosol. J. Stored Prod. Res. 60: 36-42. Tucker A. M., Campbell J. F., Arthur F. H., Zhu K. Y. 2014. Mechanisms for horizontal transfer of methoprene from treated to untreated Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). J. Stored Prod. Res. 57: 36-42. Tucker A. M., Campbell J. F., Arthur F. H., Zhu K. Y. 2014. Horizontal transfer of methoprene by Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) and T. confusum Jacquelin du Val. J. Stored Prod. Res. 57: 73-79. Tucker A. M., Campbell J. F., Arthur F. H., Zhu K. Y. 2014. Efficacy of aerosol applications of methoprene and synergized pyrethrin against Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) adults and eggs. J. Econ. Entomol. 107: 1284-1291.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2014 Citation: Arthur F. 2014. Aerosol efficacy and direct and indirect exposure of flour beetles. The 11th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection, Chiang Mai, Thailand. Arthur F. 2014. Factors that affect pyrethrin aerosol efficacy. Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reductions, Orlando, FL. Arthur F. 2015. Control strategies for stored product insect pests-storage and milling. Seminar presentation to a meeting of the Food Protection Alliance, Manhattan, KS, 10 March; to management team at Cardinal Professional Products, Woodland, CA, 6 April; and to a training session for Clark Pest Management, 8 April, Modesto, CA. Arthur F. 2015. Sanitation and Residual Insecticides. Seminar presentation for workshop on insect pest management in stored rice, East Bernard TX, 24 February, TX, Lake Charles, LA, 25 February, Jonesboro, AR, 27 February, Richvale CA, 7 April, 2015. Arthur F. Campbell J. F. 2015. Aerosol particle size and effects on flour beetles. Annual meeting of the North Central Branch of the Entomological Society of America, Manhattan, KS. Campbell J. F. 2014. Stored product insects and pheromones. McCloud Pest Invasion 2015 Seminar, Oakbrook Terrace, IL. Campbell J. F. 2014. Integrated pest management: stored-product pests and pheromone technology. Food Safety Summit, Baltimore, MD. Duan S., Adam B. D. 2015. Economically optimal timing of insect control in food processing facilities: an option approach. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association/Western Agricultural Economics Association annual meetings, San Francisco, CA. Duan S., Adam B. D. 2015. Balancing insect control and insect damage costs. Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center Research Symposium (in conjunction with OSU Research Week), Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Progress 09/01/13 to 08/31/14

Target Audience: Target audiences for this research project are primarily in three groups of stakeholders that submitted CUN for continued use of MB in 2014: flour millers (North American Millers), rice millers, and pet food manufacturers. Other target audiences include the companies that manufacture insecticides and that manage insect pest populations in food facilities, and ultimately the consumers who depend on those mills for safe, wholesome, insect-free food products Changes/Problems: • Major problems or delays that may have a significant impact on the rate of expenditure • Significant deviations from research schedule or goals • Unexpected outcomes • Changes in approved protocols for the use or care of animals, human subjects, and/or biohazards encountered during the reporting period. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Two graduate students (one for M.S. and other for Ph.D.) have been brought on board to help with this project. The M.S. student has been learning to develop an optimization model, quantitatively analyze insect count data, and understand the economic impacts of insect population growth through the use of an insect growth model and review of entomology and economic literature, whereas the Ph.D. student just started to work on the project. He has started to build a meta-analysis dataset for structural fumigations and heat treatments, and learn meta-analysis. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Results to date have been reported at the annual meeting of the International Association of Operative Millers and to the Food Protection Committee of that group. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? In the next year of the project we will focus on completing the laboratory studies on pyrethrin aerosol particle sizes and analyze the results. We plan to run some additional experiments looking at impact of droplet size on insect growth regulator efficacy. The second year objective of evaluating fans has already been completed, but preliminary results indicate complex interactions so additional tests using fans in different configurations are being planned. Work on the meta-analysis of the initial dataset will be completed and building of the second dataset for non-structural treatments will be completed. The second phase of the economic model is currently being developed. This will permit analysis of insect population pressure and its effect on treatment cost and on cost of failing to control insects at specific locations within the plant. While current analysis is focused on floor-by-floor analysis, the second phase will focus on key locations within each floor. GIS analysis will be used to better visualize the results obtained. The model will be completed during the next reporting period, and results from it will be generated as data is acquired from the other components of the project.

What was accomplished under these goals? Characterize and improve dispersion and efficacy of insecticidal aerosols; 2. Determine the potential for using chlorine dioxide as a fumigant to suppress stored-product insect populations; 3. Meta-analysis of efficacy data; 4. Outreach and extension activities. What was accomplished under the major goals of this project? Objective 1: Characterize and improve dispersion and efficacy of insecticidal aerosols Experiments were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of different aerosol size distributions against the confused flour beetle when exposed for different periods of time. Results showed that aerosol droplet size distributions averaging 16 um produced good efficacy, whereas droplet size distributions averaging 2 um did not produce mortality even at the longest exposure times. Where the CT (concentration x time) of exposure to the two droplet sizes overlapped there were essentially no survivors at the larger particle size and complete survival at the smaller droplet size. All treatments caused some initial knockdown of the insect, but most recovered after treatment. Intermediate droplet sizes averaging around 8 um also tended to produce high mortality of the insect. Evaluations of the actual droplet sizes produced during a commercial aerosol application were evaluated in a commercial flour mill that uses a permanently installed system that uses a combination of pyrethrin and insect growth regulator. To evaluate the temporal and spatial pattern in aerosol concentration and droplet size, insects (adult and pupae of the confused flour beetle) were used in bioassays and three APS particle measurement devices were used to measure concentration and droplet sizes. The bioassay results revealed that several insecticide nozzles were not operating correctly, generating zones with poor efficacy. The particle size data from the APS units still need to be analyzed. A series of experiments were also conducted at the KSU pilot scale flour mill in which the following factors were evaluated. In this case the aerosol was a combination of pyrethrin and insect growth regulator applied using compressed CO2. In the first set of experiments we evaluated the efficacy in terms of insect mortality and the temporal pattern of droplet number and sizes being deposited on surfaces. In the first field trial, the effect of the distance from the application point and the effect of walls/corners and coverage by equipment on droplet concentration and droplet size deposition were evaluated. These results are still being analyzed. In the second set of experiments we evaluated the effect of fans and exposure time on efficacy. Specifically, we evaluated 0.5, 1, and 2 hr exposure periods to determine if shorter periods of time would apply similar dosages and result in similar efficacy. In the final experimental test, we evaluated if fans placed to direct airflow under horizontal barriers could increase efficacy in these hidden areas. These three experiments have been completed, but the insect mortality data and the analysis of the droplet sizes and concentrations are still ongoing. The dispersion, efficacy, and persistence of dichlorvos applied as an aerosol inside the Kansas State University pilot flour mill was evaluated based on responses of adults of the confused flour beetle and pupae of the red flour beetle, during and after application. Dichlorvos was applied at the highest labeled rate of 0.35 g per cubic meter. Concrete arenas with or without different life stages of the two species were placed in open, obstructed, and concealed mill locations during aerosol application. Knockdown and mortality of the confused flour beetle adults was 99-100% and mortality of the red flour beetle pupae was 97-100% in open and obstructed mill locations, indicating uniform dispersion of dichlorvos. In concealed locations, knockdown and mortality of the confused flour beetle adults and mortality of the red flour beetle pupae was 85-94%, indicating effective dispersion of dichlorvos into pieces of equipment. Holding insects directly exposed to dichlorvos for an additional 24 h in the same arenas did not increase knockdown or mortality. Exposure to dichlorvos residues aged for an additional 24 h on concrete resulted in moderate to poor knockdown and/or mortality of the flour beetles. suggesting lack of residual activity. Results show dichlorvos will give immediate kill of exposed insects but will not offer effective residual control. The efficacy of dichlorvos aerosol against eggs, young larvae, old larvae, pupae and adults of the red flour beetle was also studied in a pilot flour mill at Kansas State University. The application rate of dichlorvos was 0.35 g per cubic meter. Five bioassay boxes were placed in either outside or inside the equipment on each of the five mill floors. Two sanitation levels (good or bad) were simulated by providing insects with dusting flour or 2-cm deep flour in each box respectively. The mortality of five stages of the confused flour beetle was similar across the five floors. Based on the mortality data, obstructed locations received similar amount of dichlorvos aerosol compared to open locations indicating good dispersion of the aerosol. In treatments with good sanitation, no significant difference was observed among the mortality of five stages (63.6 to 96.7%). However, where excess flour was available, large larvae and pupae showed significantly lower mortality, followed by adults, and eggs and small larvae were still very susceptible to the dichlorvos aerosol with mortality of 76.4 and 92.2% respectively. The first phase of economic model for measuring costs and benefits of insect control treatments in a processing facility has been built. The second phase of the model is currently being built to incorporate location-specific data that will permit GIS analysis when it is available from other components of the project. Objective 2: Determine the potential for using chlorine dioxide as a fumigant to suppress stored-product insect populations A 9.1 meter (30 feet) trailer equipped with machinery to produce chlorine dioxide gas electrolytically was donated to Kansas State University by Pure Line Systems, Palatine, Illinois in June of 2014. Recently, representatives from the company trained Kansas State University scientists and students on the proper and safe use of the equipment. Tests with chlorine dioxide gas will be conducted starting September 2014. Objective 3: Meta-analysis of efficacy data Data for a meta-analysis of fumigation and heat treatment data has been collected and entered in the proper format and analysis has been started. Collecting efficacy data for other methyl bromide alternatives from the literature has also been started.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Campbell, J. F., Arthur, F. H., and Zhu, K. Y. 2014. Spatial pattern in aerosol insecticide deposition inside a flour mill. Journal of Economic Entomology 107: 440-454. Subramanyam, Bh., Boina, D. R., and Arthur, F. H. 2014. Dispersion, efficacy, and persistence of dichlorvos aerosol against two flour beetle life stages in a mill. Journal of Stored Products Research 59: 96-100.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2014 Citation: Campbell, J. F., Arthur, F. H., and Zhu, K. Y. Evaluation of aerosol insecticide efficacy. Annual Meeting of the International Association of Operative Millers, Omaha NE. 2014.