Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2013
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2016
Grant Year
Project Director
Kim, M.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Plant and Microbial Biology
Non Technical Summary
With support from the NIFA Fellowship, I expect that integration of rice chromatin biology (Kim), cell isolation technique (Dr. Okamoto) and genetics and seed development biology (Dr. Fischer), will create a highly synergistic and well-coordinated team for investigating gametophyte development. The proposed research will provide novel insights into the epigenetic programming of pollen development, which will provide valuable resources for developing new technologies that increase crop yield to feed growing populations and address the problem of world hunger.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
201 - Plant Genome, Genetics, and Genetic Mechanisms;

Subject Of Investigation
1530 - Rice;

Field Of Science
1080 - Genetics;
Goals / Objectives
To evaluate the successful performance of the proposed research, a list of milestones follows: 1) Have ~3,800 vegetative nuclei, sperm cells, and pollen grains from wild-type and ~3,800 sperm cells and pollen grains from ros1a plant collected. About 3,300 sperm, vegetative nuclei, and pollen grains from wild-type; and sperm cells and pollen grains from ros1a mutants are isolated (~1,500 cells/pollen for DNA methylation mapping, two biological replicates of ~150 cells/pollen for RNA mapping, and two biological replicates of ~1,000 cells/pollen for small RNA mapping). With help of Dr. Okamoto and his technicians, I obtain enough materials by a manual cell isolation method in one month. 2) Have Illumina sequencing libraries constructed. DNA and RNA are purified from the collected cells, and BS-seq and RNA/small RNA-seq libraries are constructed. The libraries are sequenced using the Illumina HiSeq2000 platform in Vincent J. Coates Genomic Sequencing Laboratory in UC Berkeley. 3) Have hypotheses answered through computational analyses of genomic data sets. Sequenced reads from BS-seq, RNA-seq and small RNA-seq are aligned against the reference rice genome. I identify 1) If vegetative and sperm cells have differentially methylated elements; 2) If these differentially methylated elements are also differentially expressed in those cells; and 3) If small RNA population is observed in ROS1a inactive cells. 4) Have data published in a well-respected scientific journal. The results from the computation analyses are organized in a manuscript for publication.
Project Methods
AIM 1. Identify ROS1a-mediated DNA demethylation in pollen. 1A) Isolate vegetative nuclei, sperm cells, and pollen in rice wild-type and ros1a mutants. Experimental method. The anthers will be collected from flowers before dehiscence. Pollen grains will be collected in sucrose solution by gently crushing the anthers as shown previously. For sperm and vegetative nuclei isolation, anthers will be crushed in mannitol solution to burst the pollen. In the mannitol solution, two sperm cells and the vegetative nucleus are released through three apertures of a pollen grain. The sperm and vegetative nuclei will be collected manually with a microinjecter under bright field and fluorescence microscopy. The collected materials will be thoroughly washed in clean mannitol solution before freezing in liquid nitrogen for storage. 1B) Generate a map of DNA methylation in wild-type and ros1a mutants. Experimental method. I will construct BS-seq libraries of DNA extracted from isolated sperm cells, vegetative nuclei, or pollen grains and will elucidate their DNA methylation profiles. About 1,000-2,000 cells or pollen grains, containing roughly 0.5-1 ng of genomic DNA, will be lysed at 98 oC for 10 minutes. After lysis, I will shear the DNA to 150-1,500 bp range, then clean the DNA using AMPure XP beads (Beckman Coulter). The sheared DNA will be used to generate libraries using Ovation Ultralow Methyl-Seq Library System kit (NuGen). A total of five BS-seq libraries will be sequenced on the Illumina HiSeq2000 platform in one 100bp sequencing lane. Each sample will have >10x genome coverage. AIM 2. Determine if DNA demethylated elements are activated and produce small RNAs. 2A) Produce transcriptomes in sperm and vegetative cells from wild-type and ros1a plants. Experimental method. From the isolated sperm cells, vegetative nuclei and pollen grains from Aim 1A, total RNA will be extracted using the RNAqueous-Micro Kit (Ambion). cDNA will be synthesized and amplified using the Ovation RNA-seq FFPE system kit (NuGen), as previously described using 5 ng of total RNA samples. Ovation-amplified cDNA will be used to construct an Illumina library by Encore Rapid Library System kit (Nugen). A total of ten (including one biological replicate) RNA-seq libraries will be sequenced on the Illumina HiSeq2000 platform in one 100bp sequencing lane. Each sample will have >10x cDNA coverage. Alternative approach. It has been shown that nuclear and cytoplasmic RNA populations are similar in human cells. Thus, the above method is likely to produce comprehensive maps of RNA in vegetative and sperm cells. However, we cannot eliminate the possibility of excluding mRNA predominantly found in the vegetative cytoplasm. To complement the proposed method, I will extract RNA from pollen and sperm cells, which will be isolated using Percoll gradient centrifugation as described previously. FACS is not suitable for isolating cells for RNA experiments, because sperm cells are found inside a vegetative cell so FACS separated sperm isolate is likely to be contaminated with cytosolic RNA from the vegetative cell. Through the computational analysis, I will be able to obtain the vegetative cells' transcriptional landscape indirectly by subtracting the sperm transcriptome from the pollen transcriptome. In addition, with the larger amount of RNA (~500ng) from the cells isolated via Percoll gradient centrifugation I will construct RNA-seq libraries of samples with depleted ribosomal RNA using the Ribo-Zero kit (Epicentre) instead of isolating mRNA using oligo-dt probes. This way, I will be able to obtain RNA data with a full representation of non poly-adenylated RNAs such as non-coding RNAs, unlike the proposed method in Aim 2A that predominantly identifies the expression level of poly-adenylated mRNA. By performing both RNA extraction methods, I will be able to obtain near-complete landscapes of sperm- and vegetative cell-specific transcriptomes. 2B) Measure small RNA populations in sperm cells and vegetative nuclei isolated from wild-type and ros1a pollen. Experimental method. To obtain a profile of the nuclear small RNA population of wild-type and ros1a sperm and vegetative cell, I will construct small RNA libraries of sperm cells, vegetative cells or pollen grains isolated from Aim 1A, using the TruSeq small RNA preparation kit (Illumina). A total of ten (including one biological replicate) small RNA-seq libraries will be sequenced on the Illumina HiSeq2000 platform in one 50bp sequencing lane. Each sample will have >10x small RNA genome coverage.

Progress 09/01/13 to 08/31/16

Target Audience:Several undergraduate students were able to get a hand-on experience of molecular biology research. I actively mentored many female undergraduate students and one of them has entered a graduate school to study biology.Five UC Berkeley undergraduate students were selected from Sponsored Projects for Undergraduate Research Program (SPUR) through out semesters. I mentored two female students from NSF Research experience for undergraduate program. Also, I mentored a female student throughNIH Summer research program to provide a research opportunity to local community college students. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?With support from the NIFA fellowship, I was able to create a highly synergistic and well-coordinated international team for investing male gametophyte epigenetics. I was able to get hands-on experience on manual cell isolation in Okamoto lab in Japan. Also, the project provided five undergraduate students a research training opportunity at UC Berkeley. I have presented to research progress of the project at Correlative Gene system: Establishing Next-Generation Genetics, Morinoie, Japan in 2014, as an invited speaker and at Seoul National University in 2015, as an invited speaker. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? A. Summary of progress made toward the achievement of the originally stated aims. The originally stated ultimate goal: We aimed to identify how DNA glycosylase generates a mobile signal that facilitates epigenetic reprogramming in pollen. To accomplish the proposed goals, I have performed studies with the following specific aims. Below, I summarize 1) the original specific aims, 2) modifications made, and 3) results and accomplishment. Original Aim I. Identify ROS1a-mediated demethylation in pollen: A list of modifications made: Originally, I proposed to isolate approximately 1 ng DNA equivalent number of cells for generating bisulfite-sequencing libraries. I found a new bisulfite-sequencing library construction method, post bisulfite adaptor tagging (PBAT), which allowed me to use even smaller number of cells as an input to generate a map of DNA methylation. Results and accomplishments: As a part of this aim, I 1) isolated vegetative cell nuclei and sperm cells in rice wild-type and ros1a/+ via manual isolation and 2) generated maps of DNA methylation of those isolated samples. Accomplishment 1. Collection of pure vegetative cell nuclei and sperm cells from wild-type rice and ros1a/+ heterozygous mutant. Preliminary data presented in our proposal showed that our collaborator, Dr. Okamoto, generated a transgenic plant harboring GFP tagged H2B driven by a ubiquitous promoter, which allowed us to visualize the nuclei of sperm and vegetative cells for efficient cell isolation via fluorescence microscopy. In the Okamoto lab in Japan, I was able to isolate 1667 wild-type sperm cells, 2626 wild-type vegetative cell nuclei, 4484 ros1a/+ sperm cells, and 1085 ros1a/+ vegetative cell nuclei via manual isolation using a microinjector These cells were washed once in clean mannitol solution and stored in -80C. Accomplishment 2. Generation of bisulfite-seq libraries via PBAT method using a very small number of input cells. Since I was not able to collect 1 ng equivalent number of cells (about 2500 haploid cells) for all of my samples, I changed the bisulfite-seq library construction method that allowed me to use much less DNA. PBAT method successfully made bisulfite-seq libraries using 250-450 haploid cells. Even with a small amount of starting material, I was able to generate DNA methylation maps with high genome coverageWith support from the NIFA fellowship, I was able to create a highly synergistic and well-coordinated international team for investing male gametophyte epigenetics. I was able to get hands-on experience on manual cell isolation in Okamoto lab in Japan. Also, the project provided five undergraduate students a research training opportunity at UC Berkeley. I have presented to research progress of the project at Correlative Gene system: Establishing Next-Generation Genetics, Morinoie, Japan in 2014, as an invited speaker and at Seoul National University in 2015, as an invited speaker.. Original Aim II. Determine if DNA demethylated elements are activated and produce small RNAs: A list of modifications made: Originally, I proposed to manually isolate sperm and vegetative cell nuclei for RNA analysis. However, manual isolation was extremely labor intensive and manual isolation requires an extensive washing step at room temperature that lead to RNA degradation of samples. I found a more robust way to isolate sperm and vegetative cell nuclei via Percoll density gradient method. This method would not provide purist samples as manual isolation method would, but by having several technical and biological replicates I would be able to minimize the error created by cross contamination. Progress: I am optimizing the protocol for sperm cell and the vegetative cell fraction via Percoll density gradient based on published rice sperm cell and vegetative cell fraction isolation method. B. Key outcomes: From the DNA methylation maps of rice vegetative cell and sperm cells in wild-type and ros1a/+ mutant, I identified that ROS1a is responsible for creating DNA demethylation in vegetative cell. Also, the sperm cells from ros1a/+ mutant showed a decrease in DNA methylation in transposons in non-CG context, suggesting that a signal, such as small RNA, is induced by ROS1-mediated DNA demethylation which establish DNA methylation reprogramming in sperm.


    Progress 09/01/13 to 08/31/14

    Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

    What was accomplished under these goals? DNA methylation plays a key role in gene silencing of plants. Genomic elements such as transposons, that can copy themselves and insert into the genome, are potentially detriment to genome stability and gene expression. Some genes are also silent by DNA methylation, and these genes are activated spatially and temporally via DNA demethylation pathways. In particular, DNA demethylation in seeds is important in fertilization and endosperm development. Despite the importance of DNA demethylation in plants, it is largely unknown in crop plants such as rice. To understand how DNA demethylation pathway controls seed development, we investigate cells (sperm and vegetative cell) in rice pollen. Our study in rice gametes will offer valuable resources for developing new technologies in improving crops, particularly in seed yield and quality. ROS1a is a DNA demethylating DNA glycosylase in rice. ROS1a is expressed in the central cell and the vegetative cell, the companion cells of egg in ovule and sperm in pollen, respectively. These cells do not transmit its genome to next generation; however defects in ros1a in either parent result in seed abortion, emphasizing vital, albeit indirect, function of ROS1a in genome transmission and seed development. Recent studies suggest a crosstalk between the vegetative cell and sperm cells in generating cell-specific DNA methylation landscapes in Arabidopsis. However, the molecular mechanism of cell-specific DNA methylation in rice pollen and the role of ROS1a in this pathway remain still elusive. To address this problem, we investigate DNA demethylation in rice sperm and vegetative cell via whole-genome sequencing technology. Specifically, we isolate sperm and vegetative cell nuclei from wild-type and ros1a plants that expresses GFP tagged histone H2B driven by a ubiquitin promoter (UBQ::H2B-GFP) to easily detect the cells and nuclei under a fluorescence microscope. Then, we perform bisulfite-sequencing to determine DNA methylation landscapes of sperm and vegetative cell in ros1a mutant and wild-type. In this reporting period, we crossed ros1a +/- heterozygous plant and UBQ::H2B-GFP transgenic wild-type plants. We used pollen from ros1a+/- plant to pollinate ovules from UBQ::H2B-GFP transgenic plant. From this cross, we identified ros1a allele containing abnormally developing seeds. These seeds cannot germinate and generate a viable plants, thus we performed embryo rescue, an in vitro culture technique. We have been embryo rescuing 4-5 plants every 2 weeks since early May to have enough plant materials for cell collecting. Currently these plants are growing and we will isolate cells from them in early September. Meanwhile the plants are growing, I optimized bisulfite-sequencing protocol so that we can use a small amount of DNA and/or directly using cells as input material. Traditionally, bisulfite-sequencing libraries are constructed using at least 10 ng of purified DNA and our lab was able to generate libraries using as low as 1 ng purified DNA in the past. This widely used method requires library construction using purified DNA from cells and subsequent bisulfite conversion. During the bisulfite conversion, a large portion of library DNA is sheared by the chemical treatment leading to a low amount of sequenceable DNA fragments. To circumvent this problem, I performed post bisulfite-adaptor tagging (PBAT) method, in which DNA is bisulfite treated first then sequencing adaptors are ligated to sheared DNA. This method also allows using cells as input material by performing bisulfite-conversion using commercially available kits, which presumably reduce DNA loss during the DNA purification step. I used Arabidopsis sperm cells that are collected via fluorescent activated cell sorter (FACS) to approximately determine how much DNA is used as starting material. The initial experiment was performed on purified 1 ng DNA, and I was able to successfully generate a sequencing library with correct size and appropriate DNA concentration. Then I performed using cells from FACS (1000 cells: 60pg; 2000 cells: 120pg; 3000 cells: 180pg; 4000 cells: 240pg; 5000 cells: 300 pg) and a couple of negative controls. From the Bioanalyzer data, I was able to generate a good quality library with appropriate DNA concentration with >2000 sperm cells. The negative controls did not show any amplification, indicating that DNA contamination from other sources such as bacteria and human is very low. However, the quality of libraries in terms of genome coverage and library complexity cannot be measured by the library size and concentration; therefore, these libraries are sent for sequencing and the results will arrive in a couple of months. From the library construction optimization results, I strongly feel that the bisulfite-sequencing libraries can be generated using a very small number of rice cells. Based on the data I obtained from Arabidopsis sperm cells, I need > 600 haploid rice cells (equivalent to 2000 haploid Arabidopsis cells) for library construction. This will dramatically reduce time collecting cells for bisulfite sequencing.
