Source: LINCOLN UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2013
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2023
Grant Year
Project Director
LaVergne, D.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Agriculture & ENV Sci.
Non Technical Summary
Due to hiring of much needed faculty, post doctoral fellows, and graduate students the University is maxed out on office space and laboratory space, as well as functional greenhouse space. Two new programs critically need expanded space. One of these new programs is the plant pathology program. This program includes developing statewide research and extension programs that are geared towards formulating fact-based diagnosis and identification of vegetable and small fruit diseases as well as providing accurate recommendations of management strategies to improve the livelihood of Missouri residents. The current satellite Extension facility is poorly suited to accommodate the needs of the clientele in the boot heel area of Missouri. This extension office serves a large number of the underserved population in this area. The existing facility only allows enough space for office work and a very small computer lab located in a converted garage. A new facility is needed with the appropriate type of spaces, rather than having to continually rent spaces from local churches and schools to implement programs.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
205 - Plant Management Systems;

Subject Of Investigation
0199 - Soil and land, general;

Field Of Science
1130 - Entomology and acarology;
Goals / Objectives
1. The objective is to construct a 3,000 square foot addition to Dickinson Research Center and a 2,400 square foot greenhouse connected to Dickinson Research Center. Approximately 45% of the facility is assigned to teaching, 45% to research and 10% to extension. 2. The objective is to: 1) acquire a suitable land site, and 2) construct an 8,000 square foot facility for the Satellite Extension Office in Sikeston, MO. This facility will be used 100% by extension.
Project Methods
The following tasks shall be undertaken in order to accomplish this objective. 1. The 1890 Land-Grant Administrator shall appoint an Advisory and Oversight Committee to be active in the selection of the design consultant, providing input into the needs of the spaces, and to assist with oversight of the project. 2. The Advisory and Oversight Committee shall define the building program spaces and develop the RFQ for consultant selection. 3. The Advisory and Oversight Committee shall review all consultant submittals of statement of qualifications, short-list as necessary, conduct interviews, and negotiate a contract with the first-ranked firm. Request for approval of the design consultant shall be made to the University Administration and to NIFA. 4. The consultant of record shall begin the design process for producing construction documents in order to bid the project. 5. The Pre-Environmental Assessment shall be completed and submitted to NIFA for approval. 6. The project shall be advertised statewide for competitive bids. Pre-bid conference to be held. Bids received. 7. The bids shall be evaluated and recommendations sent to the University Administration and NIFA for approval of the construction contract. 8. Upon approval of the construction contract by NIFA, schedule the Pre- Construction conference and commence construction. Progress coordination meetings to be held. 9. Upon construction completion, conduct a punch list for any outstanding issues. 10. Once all punch list items have been completed, receive all necessary close-out documents to make final payments to the consultant and the contractor. 11. Occupants to move into the facility and begin using it. 12. Conduct an 11-month warranty to see if anything needs to be addressed within the year warranty of materials and workmanship.

Progress 09/01/13 to 08/31/23

Target Audience:Researchers and outreach faculties and staff Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? The goal of completing the structure has been accomplished.


    Progress 09/01/21 to 08/31/22

    Target Audience:Researchers and Outreach Faculties and Staff. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

    What was accomplished under these goals? Accomplishments under Objective 1: Design of the new Dickinson Research Center began in August 2017. The consultant contract for design was awarded to PGAV Architects in the amount of $310,575.00. The design process was completed in March 2018 and bids for a General Contractor to construct the new facility were solicited in April 2019. After receiving bids from five qualified general contractors on May 23, 2019, a construction contract was awarded on December 11, 2019 for $4,535,223.00 to lowest responsible, responsive bidder, Curtis-Manes-Schulte, Inc. This contract included the demolition of the existing structure that was damaged by a fire and the new construction of a 7,185 sq. ft. facility that included laboratory space, growing rooms, and classroom space. Construction of the new facility was substantially completed in September 2021. On December 5, 2016, Lincoln University contracted with Patterhn-Ives, LLC as a consultant to design a new 6,765 sq. ft. office facility. The design phase was completed in June 2019 and bids were solicited for the construction of the new office space. Three qualified general contractors submitted bids for this project including Boulder Construction, LLC; Zoellner Construction Co Inc.; and Evrard Company, Inc. Boulder Construction was determined to be the lowest responsible, responsive bidder and was awarded a contract totaling $2,149,000.00 for the construction of the facility. Construction of the facility was subsequently completed in July 2021 for a total of $2,479,801.53 after appropriate change orders.


      Progress 09/01/20 to 08/31/21

      Target Audience:Researchers and outreach faculties and staff Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

      What was accomplished under these goals? This project is completed.


        Progress 09/01/13 to 07/22/21

        Target Audience:Researchers and outreach faculties and staff Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

        What was accomplished under these goals? The goal of completing the structure has been accomplished.


          Progress 09/01/19 to 08/31/20

          Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems:Delay with both Dickinson Research Facility and Sikeston Extension building projects are a result of COVID-19. However, both projects are moving forward and will complete in FY21 What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Complete construction of Dickenson Research Center. Complete construction of Sikeston Extension building. Complete minor repairs as needed.

          What was accomplished under these goals? For the period of 9/1/19 to 8/31/20, the following goals were accomplished: 1) The construction of the Dickinson Research Center started in January of 2020. Currently the building is approaching the final stages of completion including final concrete, landscaping, and interior finish. The expected substantial completion date is December 2020. 2) The construction of the new Sikeston Extension building was started in March of 2020. The building is currently under roof with interior framing and mechanical systems being installed. The expected substantial completion date is March of 2021.


            Progress 09/01/18 to 08/31/19

            Target Audience:Design and construction Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

            What was accomplished under these goals? Bids are out for the new building construction


              Progress 09/01/17 to 08/31/18

              Target Audience:Construction companies. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Start constructions

              What was accomplished under these goals? Final constrcution plans.


                Progress 09/01/16 to 08/31/17

                Target Audience:Faculty, students, public Changes/Problems:Delay with the Dickinson Research Facility project is a result of the fire. Due to no initial settlement agreement with the insurance company, plans and specifications had to be prepared to reconstruct the facility back to existing conditions. Once the bids came in higher than expected by the insurance company, they finally agreed to a settlement amount. It is unfortunate that it took so long to come to this realization. However, we are under design for a new facility. The insurance delay also created a postponement by University staff of soliciting a request for qualifications for the consultant to design the new extension facility in Sikeston, MO. Once a recommendation was reached though after going through the Request for Qualifications and interview process, NIFA received the request during the DC administration transition in December 2016/January 2017. This resulted in a delay in approval to proceed with design until the award letter of April 2017. However, this project is moving along now. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Complete the plans and specifications to rebuild Dickinson Research Center. Competitive construction bids will be solicited in Spring 2018. Submit action approval to NIFA for construction contract. Begin construction. Complete the plans and specifications for the new extension facility in Sikeston, MO. Competitive construction bids will be solicited in Spring 2018. Submit action approval to NIFA for construction contract. Begin construction. Complete minor repairs as needed.

                What was accomplished under these goals? For the period of 9/1/16 to 8/31/17, the following goals were accomplished: 1) The design of the addition onto Dickinson Research Center was completed in May 2015. The project was advertised for competitive bids and the bids were received on July 14, 2015. As a reminder, on July 16, 2015, Dickinson Research Center caught on fire and there was substantial damage. The University actively tried negotiating with the insurance company on the value of the damage and whether the existing facility should be razed and reconstructed or whether to rebuild. The University did not agree with the assessment and value of damage as provided by the insurance company, especially relative to the structural integrity of the building, roof damage, and plumbing/electrical damage. The University was authorized to use the same architect/engineer who had designed the expansion to prepare plans and specifications to reconstruct the facility. These plans are completed and the University solicited bids for the reconstruction. Bids were received on September 29, 2016. The bids came in higher than anticipated for the insurance company. The University began to then negotiate once again with the insurance company that with the large amount of cost to rebuild, it was desirable to raze the facility and start over. After a seven month dialogue with the insurance company, both sides finally agreed to a settlement amount in April 2017. As a result, the University entered into a third contract with the same architect/engineer to prepare plans and specifications to raze the existing structure and design a whole new facility. All of the insurance proceeds as well as the funds from this grant earmarked for this project provide the construction budget of $3.2M for the new facility. Schematic design began in June 2017. As of 8/31/17, 60% of schematic design phase was completed. The project will bid for construction costs in March/April 2018. 2) The University advertised for the qualification statements from architects and engineers for the design of the new Extension facility in Sikeston, MO. Ten companies submitted their proposals on August 4, 2016. The Consultant Selection Committee short-listed to five firms and conducted the interviews on 9/15/16. A request for approval of the recommended consultant was approved by the University's Board of Curators in November 2016 and the approval request to NIFA was sent to them in December 2016. NIFA approved the consultant 4/20/17. A kick-off meeting for the project occurred in May 2017 and approximately 80% of schematic design is completed. The project will bid for construction costs in March/April 2018.


                  Progress 09/01/16 to 08/31/16

                  Target Audience:Faculty, students, public Changes/Problems:Delay with the Dickinson Research Facility project is a result of the fire. Due to no initial settlement agreement with the insurance company, plans and specifications had to be prepared to reconstruct the facility back to existing conditions. Once the bids came in higher than expected by the insurance company, they finally agreed to a settlement amount. It is unfortunate that it took so long to come to this realization. However, we are under design for a new facility. The insurance delay also created a postponement by University staff of soliciting a request for qualifications for the consultant to design the new extension facility in Sikeston, MO. Once a recommendation was reached though after going through the Request for Qualifications and interview process, NIFA received the request during the DC administration transition in December 2016/January 2017. This resulted in a delay in approval to proceed with design until the award letter of April 2017. However, this project is moving along now. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Complete the plans and specifications to rebuild Dickinson Research Center. Competitive construction bids will be solicited in Spring 2018. Submit action approval to NIFA for construction contract. Begin construction. Complete the plans and specifications for the new extension facility in Sikeston, MO. Competitive construction bids will be solicited in Spring 2018. Submit action approval to NIFA for construction contract. Begin construction. Complete minor repairs as needed.

                  What was accomplished under these goals? For the period of 9/1/16 to 8/31/17, the following goals were accomplished: 1) The design of the addition onto Dickinson Research Center was completed in May 2015. The project was advertised for competitive bids and the bids were received on July 14, 2015. As a reminder, on July 16, 2015, Dickinson Research Center caught on fire and there was substantial damage. The University actively tried negotiating with the insurance company on the value of the damage and whether the existing facility should be razed and reconstructed or whether to rebuild. The University did not agree with the assessment and value of damage as provided by the insurance company, especially relative to the structural integrity of the building, roof damage, and plumbing/electrical damage. The University was authorized to use the same architect/engineer who had designed the expansion to prepare plans and specifications to reconstruct the facility. These plans are completed and the University solicited bids for the reconstruction. Bids were received on September 29, 2016. The bids came in higher than anticipated for the insurance company. The University began to then negotiate once again with the insurance company that with the large amount of cost to rebuild, it was desirable to raze the facility and start over. After a seven month dialogue with the insurance company, both sides finally agreed to a settlement amount in April 2017. As a result, the University entered into a third contract with the same architect/engineer to prepare plans and specifications to raze the existing structure and design a whole new facility. All of the insurance proceeds as well as the funds from this grant earmarked for this project provide the construction budget of $3.2M for the new facility. Schematic design began in June 2017. As of 8/31/17, 60% of schematic design phase was completed. The project will bid for construction costs in March/April 2018. 2) The University advertised for the qualification statements from architects and engineers for the design of the new Extension facility in Sikeston, MO. Ten companies submitted their proposals on August 4, 2016. The Consultant Selection Committee short-listed to five firms and conducted the interviews on 9/15/16. A request for approval of the recommended consultant was approved by the University's Board of Curators in November 2016 and the approval request to NIFA was sent to them in December 2016. NIFA approved the consultant 4/20/17. A kick-off meeting for the project occurred in May 2017 and approximately 80% of schematic design is completed. The project will bid for construction costs in March/April 2018.


                    Progress 09/01/15 to 08/31/16

                    Target Audience:Faculty, students, public Changes/Problems:Delay has resulted in submitting the bids for approval to NIFA for the addition onto Dickinson Research Center, which were received on July 14, 2015. Delay is due to a substantial fire that happened in Dickinson Research Center on July 16, 2015. Course of action to rebuild took nearly a year due to constant negotiation with the insurance company. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?(none at this time since neither the addition nor the new extension office is completed) How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Reconstruct Dickinson Research Center due to fire.Determine how to handle the expansion portion of the building - whether to rebid or not. Submit action approval to NIFA. Finalize consultant selection process for architectural and engineering services for the new extension facility in Sikeston, MO. Submit recommendation to NIFA.Upon approval, begin design of the new facility. Complete minor repairs as needed.

                    What was accomplished under these goals? For the period of 9/1/15 to 8/31/16, the following goals were accomplished: 1) The design of the addition onto Dickinson Research Center was completed in May 2015 as reported last year. The project was advertised for competitive bids and the bids were received on July 14, 2015. As a reminder, on July 16, 2015, Dickinson Research Center caught on fire and there was substantial damage. During this past year, the University has been actively negotiating with the insurance company on the value of the damage and whether the existing facility should be razed and reconstructed or whether to rebuild. The University did not agree with the assessment and value of damage as provided by the insurance company, especially relative to the structural integrity of the building, roof damage, and plumbing/electrical damage. The University was authorized to use the same architect/engineer who had designed the expansion to prepare plans and specifications to reconstruct the facility. These plans are completed. The University will be soliciting bids for the reconstruction. Bids will be due on September 29, 2016. Once these bids are in and approvals received to begin reconstruction, a determination will be made on how to move forward with the expansion work. The University may have to rebid the expansion project. 2) The University advertised for the qualification statements from architects and engineers for the design of the new Extension facility in Sikeston, MO. Ten companies submitted their proposals on August 4, 2016. The Consultant Selection Committee is currently reviewing each and will be short listing for interviews in September 2016. A recommendation for award to an a/e firm shall be sent to NIFA fall of 2016.


                      Progress 09/01/14 to 08/31/15

                      Target Audience:Faculty- students, public Changes/Problems:Delay has resulted in submitting for approval to NIFA the bids for the addition onto Dickinson Research Center, which were received on July 14, 2015. Delay is due to a substantial fire that happened in Dickinson Research Center on July 16, 2015. Course of action is currently being determined with the insurance company. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Determine course of action for Dickinson Research Center due to the building fire.Reconstruct as per existing facility or rebuild with existing needs and new needs as had been planned with the new addition. Submit action approval to NIFA. Begin consultant selection process for architectural and engineering services for the new extension facility in Sikeston, MO. Complete minor repairs as needed.

                      What was accomplished under these goals? For the period of 9/1/14 to 8/31/15, the following goals were accomplished: 1) The accessibility ramp into Founders Hall (existing facility) was completed. 2) The design of the addition onto Dickinson Research Center was completed. The project was advertised for competitive bids and the bids were received on July 14, 2015. Unfortunately, on July 16, 2015, Dickinson Research Center caught on fire and there was substantial damage. At this time the University is working with its insurance company to determine plans to either rebuild the facility or raze and reconstruct. Additional information will be forthcoming as soon as a course of action is determined. 3) The University acquired the land purchase for the new extension facility in Sikeston, MO and 4) Minor repairs were made to the hvac system at the Kansas City Extension Office.


                        Progress 09/01/13 to 08/31/14

                        Target Audience: Extension and Reserach faculty, staff; students from Department of Agriculture; Minority farmers; area public high school students. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? During this past year, the facilities program continued to impact the future of the research and extension programs at Lincoln University. With the completion of the new aquaculture research facility, the aquaculture program was moved from a deteriorating facility to a new state-of-the-art one which will enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the research being conducted. Major upgrades were made to the Small Animal Research Facility HVAC system and roof replacements. This enabled continued research to continue in the facility. Repairs made at various facilities continue to support the programs provided and research being conducted at these facilities. Design was completed for the small ruminant building critically needed at the Busby Farm. Bids will be forthcoming upon approval of the Pre-Environmental Assessment. No major land or equipment purchases were made during the FY13 reporting period. During this past year, the facilities program continued to impact the future of the research and extension programs at Lincoln University. With the completion of the new aquaculture research facility, the aquaculture program was moved from a deteriorating facility to a new state-of-the-art one which will enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the research being conducted. Major upgrades were made to the Small Animal Research Facility HVAC system and roof replacements. This enabled continued research to continue in the facility. Repairs made at various facilities continue to support the programs provided and research being conducted at these facilities. Design was completed for the small ruminant building critically needed at the Busby Farm. Bids will be forthcoming upon approval of the Pre-Environmental Assessment. No major land or equipment purchases were made during the FY13 reporting period. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? A summary of activities to be undertaken during the next 12 month period relative to the 5-year plan for FY08-FY12 Grant No. 2008-45200-04424, include: Complete repairs to the Teaching Greenhouse. Contract pending approval by NIFA. (Approval received 11/4/14.) Complete the repairs/renovation to the hvac system in Small Animal Research Facility to provide a more functional and energy efficient system. Bid the construction of the small ruminant facility at Busby Farm for the Integrated Farming Systems Institute in Winter 2014/2015. Construction to be completed summer 2015. This grant has been extended until 8/31/15. A summary of all project costs incurred to date relative to the FY08-FY12 Section 1447, Facilities Grant Program, #2008-45200-04424 is as follows. Cost Item Federal Share Non-Federal Share 1. Advertising costs and ½ $14,237 $0 Building permit for the Kansas City project 2. Additional public works drawings $4,632 $0 For KC project 3. Pre-Environmental Assessment $2,900 $0 for removal of old greenhouse 4. Youth Development Camp Log $41,055 $0 Cabin repairs 5. Dickinson Research Center $21,110 $0 Parking Lot expansion design 6. Kansas City project construction $76,050 $0 Change order No. 1 7. Kansas City project construction $98,395 $0 Change Order No. 2 8. A/E services for the Kansas City $1,125 $0 Outreach Center retaining wall 9. Construction of reservoir at $99,500 $0 Busby Farm 10. QA, staking, SWPPP for $12,000 $0 Reservoir at Busby Farm 11. A/E services for design of new $146,800 $0 Aquaculture Research Facility 12. Dickinson Research Center $312,356 $0 Parking Lot Expansion (construction) 13. Youth Development Camp Log $2,378 $0 Cabin Repairs change order No. 1 14. Youth Development Camp Log $3,950 $0 Cabin Repairs change order No. 2 15. Youth Development Camp – $1,828 $0 Raise backflow preventer 16. Emergency Acquisition release of - $3,950 $0 funds for PEA for reservoir, ads for aquaculture facility consultant 17. Emergency Acquisition release of $4,646 $0 funds Dickinson Parking lot ads, printing of plans 18. New Aquaculture Facility $1,267,099 $0 (construction) 19. South Campus Ph. II Renovation $712,300 $0 20. PEA for South Campus Ph. II $2,300 $0 Renovation 21. PEA for New Farm acquisition $2,500 $0 22. New Farm Acquisition - $400,000 $780,000 9315 Tanner Bridge Road 23. A/E services for toilet room $10,688 $0 And misc. repairs at St. Louis Extension Office 24. New Laboratory renovation in $93,317 $0 Small Animal Research Facility 25. Emergency Acquisition release of $8,950.72 $0 funds for Dickinson parking lot ads, sanitary sewer bond in KC 26. Emergency Acquisition release of $21,695.59 $0 funds for new aquaculture facility ads, printing of plans 27. Emergency Acquisition release of $14,749.36 $0 funds for South Campus renovation ads, printing of plans 28. Restroom Remodel at the St. Louis $137,956.00 $0 Satellite Extension Office 29. Emergency Acquisition release of $909.67 $0 funds for emergency repairs at Youth Camp and KC Ext. office 30. Sheep Facility Roof Replacement $69,369.00 $0 at Carver Farm 31. Restroom Remodel at the St. Louis $26,043.00 $0 Extension Office – change order 1 32. Security cameras at the St. Louis $2,866.00 $0 Extension Office 33. Allen Hall floor covering replace- $14,945.00 $0 ment 34. Allen Hall floor moisture testing $488.00 $0 35. Repairs at Dickinson Research $8,261.00 $0 Center 36. Design of Small Animal Research $84,000.00 $0 Facility HVAC upgrades 37. Allen Hall Floor Covering $9,880.00 $0 Change order no. 1 38. Allen and Foster Halls Chiller $138,900.00 $0 Replacement 39. Small Animal Research Facility $48,150.00 $0 Chiller Replacement 40. Emergency Acquisition release $8,822.48 $0 of funds for chiller project ads 41. Small Animal Research Facility $9,500.00 $0 Roof design consultant 42. Small Ruminant Building Busby $62,550.00 $0 Farm design consultant 43. PEA for Teaching Greenhouse $2,500.00 $0 44. Bennett Hall New Door $14,909.70 $0 Installation 45. Solar pump enclosure at Busby $6,405.31.00 $0 Farm 46. Small Animal Research Facility $485,000.00 $0 HVAC renovation 47. Small Animal Research Facility $102,528.00 $0 Roof replacement 48. Change order no. 1 to new $16,724.07 $0 Aquaculture Facility 49. Change order no. 1 to Small $117,235.00 $0 Animal Research Facility HVAC Renovation 50. Change order no. 1 to Small $12,240.00 $0 Animal Research Facility HVAC Upgrades design consultant 51. Emergency Acquisition release $10,253.92 $0 of funds for SARF roof/hvac ads Total of FY08 – FY12 $4,756,289.25 funds released to date Balance of FY12 funds $609,932.92 Balance of EA funds $ 104,120.83 Total allocated funds FY08-FY12 $5,470,343.00 A summary of activities to be undertaken during the next 12 month period relative to this Grant No. 2013-45200-21362, include: Complete the Accessible Entrance Ramp into Founders Hall. Complete the Pre-Environmental Assessment for the Dickinson Research Center Expansion project. Send to NIFA for approval. Upon approval, proceed with advertising and bidding the project for construction. Send to NIFA for approval. Construction begins. Complete the property acquisition in Sikeston, MO, for the new Extension Office. Advertise for Statement of Qualifications from architectural/engineering firms to design the new Extension Office in Sikeston, MO. Proceed through the normal interview process and submit recommendation to NIFA for approval of the a/e contract. Complete minor repairs to existing facilities. Obtain bids and submit to NIFA. A summary of all project costs incurred to date relative to the FY13 Section 1447, Facilities Grant Program, #2013-45200-21362 is as follows. Cost Item Federal Share Non-Federal Share 1. Accessible Entrance Ramp into $58,400 $58,400 Founders Hall 2. Architectural/engineering consultant $126,600 $0 for Dickinson Research Center Expansion project 3. EA funds released for advertising $5,087.98 $5,087.98 Founders Hall accessible entrance ramp Total of FY13 $ 190,087.98 funds released to date Balance of FY13 funds $ 910,073.00 Balance of EA funds $ 44,912.02 Total allocated funds FY08-FY12 $1,145,073.00

                        What was accomplished under these goals? The following is a performance report for the work during the past twelve months (9/1/2013 to 8/31/2014) as related to the objectives identified and approved with the FY08-FY12 NIFA grant proposals. The grant number assigned to this five-year block of funding is 2008-45200-04424. New Aquaculture Facility at Carver Farm a. New Aquaculture Facility Construction Wisch & Vaughan Construction, Jefferson City, MO $1,267,099 July 6, 2011 b. New Aquaculture Facility Construction change order no. 1 Wisch & Vaughan Construction, Jefferson City, MO $16,724.07 May 29, 2014 Original work is completed, change order work is 5% completed. Change order is to replace lighting fixtures in the wetlab, and misc. venting/insulation for condensation issues. Work to be completed by 11/30/14. Small Animal Research Facility Roof Replacement a. Roofing Consultant for design specifications RoofTech Consulting, Highland, IL $9,500.00 September 27, 2013 Design work is 100% completed. Project was advertised and bid, construction contract has been awarded. b. Construction contract for roof replacement Missouri Builders, Inc., Jefferson City, MO $102,528.00 May 29, 2014 Work is scheduled to begin by 8/25/14. Small Animal Research Facility HVAC Renovation a. Small Animal Research Facility HVAC upgrades McClure Engineering, Inc. St. Louis, MO $84,000.00 March 27, 2013 b. Small Animal Research Facility HVAC upgrades, change order no. 1 McClure Engineering, Inc. St. Louis, MO $12,240.00 May 29, 2014 Design work is 100% completed. Project was advertised and bid, construction contract was awarded. Consultant contract is 80% completed. c. Construction contract for hvac renovation Harold G. Butzer, Inc., Jefferson City, MO $485,000.00 February 11, 2014 d. Construction contract for hvac renovation – change order no. 1 Harold G. Butzer, Inc., Jefferson City, MO $117,235.00 May 29, 2014 Work is 75% completed. Small Ruminant Building at Busby Farm a. Architect/engineering contract for design of new building The Architects Alliance, Inc., Jefferson City, MO $62,550.00 September 27, 2013 Design work is completed. Project will bid once approval of the PEA is received from NIFA. Construction contract to be submitted to NIFA for approval following receipt of bids. Minor Repairs/Renovations a. Pre-Environmental Assessment for Teaching Greenhouse renovation Midwest Environmental Consultants, Jefferson City, MO $2,500.00 September 27, 2013 Work is 100% completed. b. Bennett Hall New Door Installation Fischer Glass, Jefferson City, MO $14,909.70 September 27, 2013 Work is 100% completed. c. Solar pump enclosure at Busby Farm Hostetler & Sons, Linn, MO $6,450.31 October 23, 2013 Work is 100% completed. As of 8/31/14, the remaining unreleased funds for FY08 – FY12 are $609,932.92. Of the allowable 10% Emergency Acquisitions funds, $10,253.92 was used this past reporting period. A balance of $104,120.83 remains for this purpose. The following is a performance report for the work during the past twelve months (9/1/2013 to 8/31/2014) as related to the objectives identified and approved with the FY13 NIFA grant proposal. The grant number assigned to this five-year block of funding is 2013-45200-21362. Accessible Entrance Ramp – Founders Hall a. Construction of new accessible ramp at Founders Hall Wisch & Vaughan Construction, Jefferson City, MO $58,400 May 29, 2014 Project is 90% completed. Work to be completed by 11/30/14. Dickinson Research Center Expansion Project a. Architectural/engineering design firm for Dickinson Research Center Expansion PGAV Architects, Kansas City, MO $126,600 May 29, 2014 Construction documents are 90% completed. Pre-environmental assessment is being completed, and will be sent to NIFA for approval in order to proceed with bidding the project. As of 8/31/14, the remaining unreleased funds for FY13 are $910,073.00. Of the allowable $50,000 Emergency Acquisitions funds, $5,087.98 was used this past reporting period. A balance of $44,912.02 remains for this purpose.
