Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2013
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2015
Grant Year
Program Code
[A7201]- AFRI Post Doctoral Fellowships
Project Director
Casteel, C. L.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Most pathogens depend on vectors for transmission among host plants and, ultimately, for survival. Thus, vector behavior can affect pathogen epidemiology. Potato leafroll virus (PLRV), which is primarily transmitted by the potato-peach aphid (Myzus persicae), causes one of the most serious diseases of potato (Solanum tuberosum) worldwide, reducing crop yield by 40-70%. The objectives of my proposed research are to investigate the molecular mechanisms that underpin potato-M. persicae-PLRV interactions and determine the functions of specific PLRV proteins in vector-plant relationships and virus epidemiology. By studying potato gene expression, metabolic and protein responses to PLRV and M. persicae, I will test the hypothesis that PLRV-induced changes increase nutrient availability for aphids and suppress potato defense responses. In addition, I will clone and express each of the nine PLRV proteins in transgenic potatoes and tobacco. Using insect bioassays and biochemical screens, I will determine the impact of individual PLRV proteins on plant-aphid interactions. My proposed research will promote the development of novel virus-vector control strategies in crop plants, thus leading to reduced pesticide use and increased food safety. By studying the mechanisms mediating plant-virus-vector interactions, I will address the following program challenge and foundational areas: (1) Plant health and production and plant products; (2) Food safety, nutrition, and health; (3) Agriculture systems and technology; and (4) Food security.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The long term goals of my research are to establish an agriculturally relevant model with S. tuberosum (potato), M. persicae, and PLRV to investigate the functions of virus infection in vector-plant interactions. The specific objectives of this proposed project are (1) to investigate the molecular mechanisms that underpin potato-M. persicae-PLRV interactions and (2) determine the functions of specific PLRV proteins in vector-plant relationships and virus epidemiology.
Project Methods
Hypothesis 1.1: Phloem-specific changes in gene expression differ between healthy and infected potatoes, with and without aphid feeding. Description and methods. As M. persicae are more fecund on PLRV-infected potatoes [30, 38-41], it is likely that changes in the plant transcriptional environment underlie at least some of the difference in insect performance. To study these differences, I will sequence cDNA libraries generated from healthy and PLRV-infected potatoes with and without aphid feeding using Illumina sequencing technology (RNAseq). These data will identify candidate genes and mechanism underling the function of viruses in plant-vector interactions. I will validate changes at the protein level using iTRAQ technology, a discovery-based proteomics approach, and selected reaction monitoring (SRM) mass spectrometry in collaboration with the Cilia lab. Expected outcomes and measures. These experiments will provide quantitative data about gene expression and protiens in potatoes during virus infection and aphid feeding. These studies are likely to confirm my hypotheses that there are specific gene expression changes in virus infected potatoes that underlie the extended phenotype of enhanced aphid performance. I expect mRNA changes to be consistent with protein changes. However differences may be found between mRNA and corresponding protein targets, as many regulatory mechanisms operate at the protein level. Gene expression changes that I will identify may indicate that primary or secondary metabolism is being reprogrammed by PLRV infection. These results will help to guide experiments described below (Hypothesis 1.2), where I will investigate changes in host plant nutritive value and defense responses that can affect aphid feeding and reproduction. Hypothesis 1.2: Increased palatability of virus infected tissue increases aphid performance. Description and methods. PLRV-induced changes in potato metabolism may alter plant palatability for aphids and could explain the observed increases in aphid reproduction on virus-infected plants [40, 61]. Both increased nutrient content and decreased defenses in the host plant could increase aphid performance. I will conduct experiments to determine whether PLRV alterations in plant metabolism contribute to increased palatability for aphids. Outlined below are some examples of nutrient changes and defenses I will examine. However, this research will be guided by results from Hypothesis 1.1 and specific focus may change accordingly. Expected outcomes and measures. If the plant palatability of healthy and PLRV-infected tissue differs for aphids, then I expect to see differences between free amino acid content and/or plant defense responses among the treatments. I expect free amino acids to be elevated in infected plant tissue and for aphids to acquire greater amounts of this nutrient in their body. I also expect aphid defenses to be reduced in potatoes. Together, these experiments will determine whether PLRV infection re-programs potato metabolism and thereby increases the palatability of the tissue for aphids. However these results are not mutually exclusive, one, all or a combination of these expected results may be found and contribute to enhanced aphid growth and fecundity. Hypothesis 2.1: Phloem expression of specific PLRV proteins increases aphid reproduction. Description and methods. I hypothesize that activity of one or more PLRV proteins contributes to changes in the host plant that influence aphid performance. To test this, I will clone the coding sequence of the 9 mature PLRV proteins [53, 83]into a derivative of the Gateway-compatible vector pMDC85 which is available in the Jander lab [84]. Transgene expression in pMDC85 has been modified to be under the control of the phloem-specific promoter, AtSuc2 [85]. In addition, the pMDC85 vector attaches a GFP and HIS-tag [84], opening the possibility for doing protein purifications, immunoprecipitation (IP) and western blot experiments based on epitope tags. Expected outcomes and measures. I expect expression of one or more PLRV proteins will increase aphid fecundity, similar to the actual virus infection. I expect this will correlate with changes in plant metabolism in virus infected tissue identified in Hypothesis 1.2. If changes in aphid fecundity are observed in PLRV diet experiments I expect individual proteins may also impact aphid fecundity through diet. Hypothesis 2.2: PLRV proteins expression determines volatile emissions and epidemiology. Description and methods. Potato plants infected withPLRV attract and arrest M. persicae more strongly than non-infected plants [30, 87]. These differences were due to altered volatile emission in virus infected host plants [39, 88]. Because insect preference and emigration rate from infected plants will ultimately determine vector inoculation and future transmission, I will determine if expression of PLRV proteins in the host plant will alter aphid attraction/ arrestment. Expected outcomes and measures. I expect that expression of one or more PLRV proteins will increase volatile production and aphid attraction/arrestment on plants, similar to actual virus infection. However it is likely that multiple PLRV proteins alter plant-vector dynamics. For instance, aphid arrestment on PLRV-infected leaves changes as disease progresses [41]. The induction of a different suite of volatiles may be involved in these changes. If single proteins do not produce significant differences, I expect a combination of PLRV proteins may be involved and this will be examined using transient expression in N. benthamiana.

Progress 09/01/13 to 08/31/15

Target Audience: The target audience has consisted of other scientists who have heard the results of this research presented in the form of seminars and posters at meetings. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Postdoctoral training was provided for the PI Clare Casteel. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Clare Casteel presented results of virus-vector interactions at Univerisity of California and the International Congress of Molecular Plant Microbe Interacitons. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? In the next year we will focus on examining amino acids, callose or other defenses, and proteomics in infected plants and investigate the impact of the PLRV proteins on insect biology and behavior.

What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1: Investigate the molecular mechanisms that underpin potato-M.persicae-PLRV interactions. Using the infectious clone of PLRV obtained from the Cillia lab at Boyce Thompson Institute, I have completed 1) analyses of insect performance and choice with infected plants, 2) analysis of susceptibility of tomato hosts to PLRV and 3) Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) of infected aphids and plants. This research has enabled us to validate the infectious clone of PLRV also influences insect biology and can be used in subsequent research proposed in this project, such as NGS. For NGS, we prepared cDNA libraries from insect vectors and host plants with and without PLRV infection. Libraries prepared from aphid samples have been sequenced and lists of significantly regulated aphid and Buchnera transcripts generated. Libraries prepared from plant samples have been sent to the sequencing center and are in the line for processing. We also began investigating the phytohormones and plant defenses. Preliminary experiments have been set up. We were not able to visualize callose in potato/tomato samples with traditional methods, we are attempting alternatives now. A seminar was presented on virus-vector-plant interactions. Casteel, CL. (2014) The role of ethylene in virus-vector interactions. The International Congress of Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. Rhodes Island, Greece. Data for a paper was generated. The paper has been submitted. Hillwig MS, Chiozza M, Casteel CL, Lau ST, Hohenstein J, Hernández E, Jander G, MacIntosh GC. 2014. Abscisic acid suppression of effective defense responses against Myzus persicae in Arabidopsis. Submitted. Objective 2: Determine the functions of specific PLRV proteins in vector-plant relationships and virus epidemiology. We sequenced the complete genome of the infectious PLRV clone and submitted the sequence to NCBI. This allowed us to clone the coding sequence from 5 of the 9 proteins. The coding sequences of two proteins are now in expression vectors and we are currently investigating the role in vector-plant interactions. We are continuing to clone the remaining proteins and verifying accuracy in sequence. A review article on the influence of microbes in plant-insects has been published. Casteel* CL, Hansen AK. (2014). Evaluating Insect-Microbiomes at the Plant-Insect Interface. Journal of Chemical Ecology. DOI: 10.1007/s10886-014-0475-4. * Corresponding Author.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Casteel* CL, Hansen AK. (2014). Evaluating Insect-Microbiomes at the Plant-Insect Interface. Journal of Chemical Ecology. DOI: 10.1007/s10886-014-0475-4. * Corresponding Author.
  • Type: Websites Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: The genome sequence of potato leaf roll virus, PLRV, infectious clone. Origin: Gray Lab at Cornell. NCBI.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: The role of ethylene in virus-vector interactions. The International Congress of Molecular Plant- Microbe Interactions. Rhodes Island, Greece.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Submitted Year Published: 2014 Citation: Hillwig MS, Chiozza M, Casteel CL, Lau ST, Hohenstein J, Hern�ndez E, Jander G, MacIntosh GC. 2014. Abscisic acid suppression of effective defense responses against Myzus persicae in Arabidopsis. Submitted.

Progress 09/01/13 to 08/31/14

Target Audience: The target audience has consisted of other scientists who have heard the results of this research presented in the form of seminars and posters at meetings. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Postdoctoral training was provided for the PI Clare Casteel. In addition to research training in the laboratory, major activities of the past year include: How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Communication with other scientists: Clare Casteel presented results of virus-vector interactions at Univerisity of California and the International Congress of Molecular Plant Microbe Interacitons. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? In the next year we will focus on examining amino acids, callose, and proteomics in infected plants and investigate the impact of thePLRVproteins on insect biology and behavior.

What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1: Investigate the molecular mechanisms that underpin potato-M.persicae-PLRVinteractions. Using the infectious clone of PLRV obtained from the Cillia lab at Boyce Thompson Institute, I have completed 1) analyses of insect performance and choice with infected plants, 2) analysis of susceptibility of tomato hosts to PLRV and 3) Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) of infected aphids and plants. This research has enabled us to validate the infectious clone of PLRV also influences insect biology and can be used in subsequent research proposed in this project, such as NGS. For NGS, we prepared cDNA libraries from insect vectors and host plants with and without PLRV infection. Libraries prepared from aphid samples have been sequenced and are currently being analyzed in the lab. Libraries prepared from plant samples have been sent to the sequencing center and are in the line for processing. We also began investigating the phytohormones and plant defenses. A seminar was presented on virus-vector-plant interactions. Casteel, CL. (2014) The role of ethylene in virus-vector interactions. The International Congress of Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. Rhodes Island, Greece. Objective 2: Determine the functions of specificPLRVproteins in vector-plant relationships and virus epidemiology. We sequenced the complete genome of the infectious PLRV clone and submitted the sequence to NCBI. This allowed us to clone the coding sequence from 5 of the 9 proteins. The coding sequences of two proteins are now in expression vectors and we are currently investigating the role in vector-plant interactions. We are continuing to clone the remaining proteins. A review article on the influence of microbes in plant-insects has been published. Casteel* CL, Hansen AK. (2014). Evaluating Insect-Microbiomes at the Plant-Insect Interface. Journal of Chemical Ecology. DOI: 10.1007/s10886-014-0475-4. * Corresponding Author.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Casteel* CL, Hansen AK. (2014). Evaluating Insect-Microbiomes at the Plant-Insect Interface. Journal of Chemical Ecology. DOI: 10.1007/s10886-014-0475-4. * Corresponding Author.
  • Type: Other Status: Under Review Year Published: 2014 Citation: The genome sequence of potato leaf roll virus, PLRV, infectious clone. Origin: Gray Lab at Cornell. NCBI.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2014 Citation: Casteel, CL. (2014) The role of ethylene in virus-vector interactions. The International Congress of Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. Rhodes Island, Greece.