Progress 01/01/01 to 09/30/16
Outputs This project anticipates trends and emerging issues by conducting high-quality, objective economic research as part of the USDA ERS mission to inform and enhance public and private decision making on economic and policy issues related to food, farming, natural resources and rural America. Findings and impacts are represented through a variety of outputs including reports, journal articles, briefings, and conference presentations. ERS shapes its research program and products to serve those who routinely make or influence public policy and program decisions. Key clientele include White House and USDA policy officials; the U.S. Congress; program administrators/managers; other Federal agencies; State and local government officials; and organizations, including farm and industry groups interested in public policy issues. Current listings of ERS published reports and data products, and journal articles by ERS researchers, can be found at
Impacts (N/A)
- Miller, C., Greene, C., Livingston, M., "Environmental Implications of Pest and Nutrient Management Practices in Organic and Conventional Soybean Production", poster presented at the 2009 AAEA Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, July 28, 2009. pp.
- Oberholtzer, L., Dimitri, C., U.S. Organic Imports: Evidence from the Food Marketing Chain, U.S. Department of Agriculture, pp.
- Oberholtzer, Lydia and Carolyn Dimitri, Organic Prices Data Product, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
- Oberholtzer, Lydia, Carolyn Dimitri and Catherine Greene, Organic farmgate and wholesale prices, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
- Park, T., Volpe, R., "Predicting Somatic Cell Counts in Dairy Marketing: Quantile Regression for Count Data FFC", Federal Forecasters Conference, Washington, DC, pp.
- Park, T., Volpe, R., "Somatic Cell Counts in Dairy Marketing: Quantile Regression for Count Data", pp.
- Park, T.A., Lohr, L., "Assessing the Technical and Allocative Efficiency of U.S. Organic Producers", Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 2010, Vol. 42, Nr. 2, pp. 247-259
- Rachael L. Dettmann and Carolyn Dimitri, "Demographic Portrayal of the U.S. Fresh Produce Consumer", European Agricultural Economics Association meeting, Bologna, Italy, pp.
- Shelly Grow and Catherine Greene, "Impact of international organic markets on small U.S. producers", conference paper presented at 105th EAAE Seminar, Bologna, Italy, March 8, 2007. pp.
- Shelly Grow and Catherine Greene, "Impact of International Organic Markets on Small U.S. Producers", paper presented to the EAAE Seminar on International Trade of Quality Food Products, Bologna, Italy, pp.
- Singerman, A., Delate, K., Chase, C., Greene, C., Livingston, M., Lence, S., Hart, C., 2011, "Profitability of organic and conventional soybean production under �green payments� in carbon offset programs.", Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, CJO2011 doi:10.1017/, pp.
- Slattery, E., Livingston, M., Greene, C., Karen Klonsky, U.S. Fresh and Processed Apple Production--Organic Systems Gain a Toehold, U.S. Department of Agriculture, pp.
- Slattery, E., Nehring, R., Greene, C., Wechsler, S., Hallahan, C., "Comparing Apples to Apples: Organic and Conventional Apple Production in the US", NAREA, Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, NJ, June 14, 2010. pp.
- Ted Jaenicke, Stephan J. Geotz, Ping-Chao Wu (Penn State), Carolyn Dimitri, "Identifying and measuring firm clusters", Food Distribution Research Society Conference, Broomfield, CO, October 31, 2009. pp.
- Ted Jaenicke, Stephan J. Geotz, Ping-Chao Wu, Carolyn Dimitri, "Identifying and Measuring the Effect of Firm Clusters", paper presented at AAEA, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, pp.
- Timothy A. Park, Luanne Lohr, "The Influence of Local Selling Decisions on Organic Farm Incomes", Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization, vol 8, iss 1, art6, pp. online journal
- Timothy A. Park, Luanne Lohr, "The Influence of Local Selling Decisions on Organic Farm Incomes", Poster presented at AAEA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, July 25, 2010.
- Weber, J., "How much more do growers receive for Fair Trade-organic coffee?", pp.
- Weber, J., "Trade in Certified Agricultural Products in Theory and Practice: The Case of Coffee", pp.
- Yan Zhuang, Ted Jaenicke, Carolyn Dimitri, "Consumer Choice of Private Label or National Brand: The case of organic and non-organic milk", paper presented to AAEA, Milwaukee, WI, pp.
- C. Dimitri and A. Woolverton, "Green marketing: Are environmental and social objectives compatible with profit maximization?", Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, Special Issue 2010, pp.
- Carolee Bull, Catherine Greene, James Kotcon, and Lydia Oberholtzer, "Organic Agriculture--Innovations in Organic Marketing, Technology, and Research: introduction to the Proceedings", Introduction of the Proceedings/USDA Workshop on Organic Agriculture published in Crop Management, Washington, DC, pp.
- Carolee T. Bull, Catherine Greene, James B. Kotcon, and Lydia Oberholtzer, 2006, "Organic Agriculture: Innovations in Organic Marketing, Technology, and Research�Introduction to the Proceedings", Crop Management, Vol. 2006, No. 11, pp.
- Carolyn Dimitri and Lydia Oberholtzer, "Organic Agriculture Sectors and Policies Differ in EU and U.S.", U.S. Department of Agriculture, pp.
- Carolyn Dimitri and Lydia Oberholtzer, Marketing Trends in the U.S. Organic Sector: 1997 to 2007, Economic Information Bulletin, U.S. Department of Agriculture, pp.
- Carolyn Dimitri and Lydia Oberholtzer, The U.S. Organic Handling Sector in 2004 Baseline Findings of the Nationwide Survey of Organic Manufacturers, Processors, and, Economic Information Bulletin, U.S. Department of Agriculture, pp.
- Carolyn Dimitri and Rachael Dettmann, "Demographic characteristics of organic consumers: milk and vegetables", AAEA organized symposium, Portland, OR, pp.
- Carolyn Dimitri, and Lydia Oberholtzer, 2006, "A Brief Retrospective on the U.S. Organic Sector: 1997 and 2003", Crop Management, Vol. 2006, No. 9, pp.
- Carolyn DImitri, Lydia Oberholtzer, and Edward C Jaenicke, Marketing and Procuring Organic Products: Factors Influencing How Far Organic Food Travels from Farm to Consumer, Economic Research Report, U.S. Department of Agriculture, pp.
- Carolyn Dimitri, Lydia Oberholtzer, and Michelle Da Pra, The organic supply chain and the role of contracts: 2004 and 2007, Economic Information Bulletin, U.S. Department of Agriculture, pp.
- Catherine Greene and Michael Barron, "Trends in the U.S. Organic Industry", U.S. Department of Agriculture, pp.
- Catherine Greene, "An Overview of Organic Agriculture in the United States", Organic food: Consumers� Choices and Farmers� Opportunities, Kent Olson and Maurizio Canavari (Eds.), Springer Publishing, NY, NY.
- Catherine Greene, and Katherine Smith, 2010, "Can Genetically Engineered and Organic Crops Coexist", Choices, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 49-61
- Chikasada, Mitsuko, Carolyn Dimitri and Ted Jaenicke, "Censored Demand System Estimation and Analysis for U.S. Organic Milk", presentation at Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association meeting, Quebec, Canada, pp.
- Corinne Alexander, Joseph Balagtas, Carlos Mayen and Catherine Greene, "Marketing Organic Milk in the United States: Findings from the Agricultural Resource and Management Survey of 2006", paper presented at AAEA Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, July 31, 2007. pp.
- Daniel Hellerstein, Cathy Greene, Maria Bowman, "Review of Symphony of the Soil", AJAE -- uncertain which issue., pp.
- Dettmann, R., Dimitri, C., "Who's Buying Organic Vegetables? Demographic Characteristics of U.S. Consumers", Journal of Food Products Marketing, pp.
- Dimitri, C., "A Brief Retrospective on the US Organic Sector: 1997 vs 2003", ERS Workshop on Organic Agriculture, Washington, DC, October 6, 2005. pp.
- Dimitri, C., "Biodynamic Agriculture", Encyclopedia of Organic, Sustainable, and Local Food, Leslie Duram (Eds.), Greenwood Publishing Group, 88 Post Road West, Westport CT 06881.
- Dimitri, C., "Certified organic handlers: sourcing organic products", Presentation at All Things Organic, Chicago, IL, June 15, 2009. pp.
- Dimitri, C., "Competing over quality: How organic is organic milk?", Presentation to NAREA meeting, Burlington, VT, pp.
- Dimitri, C., "Economic Research Service", Encyclopedia of Organic, Sustainable, and Local Food, Leslie Duram (Eds.), Greenwood Publishing, 88 Post Road West, Westport CT 06881.
- Dimitri, C., "Is Natural Better, and Does It Matter", 2001 National Food Policy Conference, Washington, D.C., April 30, 2001. pp.
- Dimitri, C., "Marketing Organic Food Products", The Encyclopedia of Sustainable and Organic Agriculture, Leslie Duram (Eds.), Greenwood Publishing Group 88 Post Road West Westport CT 06881.
- Dimitri, C., "Organic Agriculture Ready for Contracts", All Things Organic, Austin, TX, May 15, 2003. pp.
- Dimitri, C., "Organic Agriculture: An Agrarian or Industrial Revolution?", Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, pp.
- Dimitri, C., "Organic Agriculture: An Agrarian or Industrial Revolution?", NAREA invited paper, Atlantic City, NJ, pp.
- Dimitri, C., "Organic Milk in the U.S.", Agricultural Marketing Marketing Service: Dairy Economic and Market Information Conference, Washington, DC (ERS), pp.
- Dimitri, C., "Retailing, distributing, and producing organic milk in the US: Some Highlights", The Organic Summit conference, Boulder Colorado, pp.
- Dimitri, C., "US Organic Agriculture", pp.
- Dimitri, C., "US Organic Market: from consumers to the farm", Food Distribution Research Society, Washington DC, October 15, 2005. pp.
- Dimitri, C., "Where does our food come from?", seminar to high school students, Washington Waldorf School, Bethesda MD, pp.
- Dimitri, C., Edward C. Jaenicke and Lydia Oberholtzer, "Local marketing of organic food by certified organic processors, manufacturers, and distributors", Journal of Agribusiness, pp.
- Dimitri, C., EU and US Organic Agriculture Policies, September/2006, pp.
- Dimitri, C., Greene, C., 2002, "Organic Food Industry Taps Growing American Market", October, pp.
- Dimitri, C., Greene, C., 2002, Recent Growth Patterns in the U.S. Organic Foods Market, Agricultural Information Bulletin, AIB-777, U.S. Department of Agriculture, September, 42 pp.
- Dimitri, C., Kathryn M. Venezia, Retail and Consumer Aspects of the Organic Milk Market, U.S. Department of Agriculture, carolyn dimitri's computer, pp.
- Dimitri, C., Luanne Lohr, University of Georgia, "The US Consumer Perspective on Organic Foods in book:", Organic Food: Consumers' Choices and Farmers' Opportunity, Maurizia Canavari and Kent Olson (Eds.), Springer.
- Dimitri, C., Lydia Oberholtzer, New Product Introductions, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Lydia Oberholtzer,
- Dimitri, C., Lydia Oberholtzer, University of Georgia, "Meeting Market Demand in the Organic Sector: Handler-Supplier Relationships in the Face of Tight Supply", Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, pp.
- Dimitri, C., Oberholtzer, L., Supplying the Organic Market: Handler Procurement Practices in Face of Tight Supply, U.S. Department of Agriculture, cdimitri's computer, pp.
- Dimitri, C., Lydia Oberholtzer, University of Georgia, "Organic Price and Marketing Risk", presentation to Risk Management Agency, pp.
- Dimitri, C., Lydia Oberholtzer, University of Georgia, "The Geography of Organic Markets", All Things Organic, Chicago, Ill, pp.
- Dimitri, C., Oberholtzer, L., A Brief Retrospective on the US Organic Sector: 1997 vs 2003, Conference Organized by ERS, Washington DC, October 6, 2005.
- Dimitri, C., Oberholtzer, Lydia, Market growth versus government-facilitated growth: U.S. and EU-15 Organic Agriculture Policies, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Carolyn Dimitri's personal workstation, pp.
- Dimitri, C., Organic Prices, U.S. Department of Agriculture, carolyn dimitri's computer,
- Dismukes, R., Chambers, W., Greene, C., James Hanson and Amy Kremen, "Risk Management in Organic Farming", Final report to USDA Risk Management Agency, April 10, 2003.
- Fengxia Dong, David Hennessy, Helen Jensen and Timothy Park, "Quality Dispersion Among Organic Milk Channels", AAEA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO,
- Gitter, S.R., Weber, J.G., Barham, B.L., Callenes, M., Lewis, J.M., "Fair Trade-Organic Coffee Cooperatives, Migration, and Secondary Schooling in Southern Mexico", Journal of Development Studies, pp.
- Glaser, L., Gary D. Thompson, "National Demand for Organic and Conventional Baby Food", 2001 Western Agricultural Economic Association Meeting, Logan, UT, July 10, 2001. pp.
- Greene, C., ""Organic Food: Gourmet Indulgence or Promising Alternative?"", Christine Mirzayan Science and Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship Seminar, Washington DC, pp.
- Greene, C., "Activities on Organic Production and Marketing in USDA's Economic Research Service", Crop Management Journal/USDA Organic Farming Systems Research Symposium Proceedings, pp.
- Greene, C., "Book Review: Long-term Field Experiments in Organic Farming", Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, pp.
- Greene, C., "Costs, Yields and Returns for Organic and Conventional Production Systems in the U.S.", Organic Trade Association Research Workshop, Expo East, Baltimore, MD, pp.
- Greene, C., "Current Issues in Organic Production and Marketing", University students participating in the ERS Distance Learning Program, ERS videoconference presentation and session with various minority-serving universities, April 19, 2012. pp.
- Greene, C., "New Economic Data Activities in USDA", presentation at an educational conference at Purdue's Conference Center, Indianapolis, Indiana, November 12, 2008. pp.
- Greene, C., "New Legislation Supports Organic Production and Conversion", U.S. Department of Agriculture, pp.
- Greene, C., "Organic Agriculture: Update on ERS Orgaic Activities", NAREEE Advisory Board Meeting, Washington DC, pp.
- Greene, C., "Organic Data and Research�New Building Blocks� and Puzzles", Organic Trade Association Policy Conference - 2011, Washington DC, pp.
- Greene, C., "Organic Producers Capture a Small Slice of the Apple Market", U.S. Department of Agriculture, pp.
- Greene, C., "Organic Production and Markets: The National Picture", Purdue University and OSU regional conference for organic agriculture professionals, Videoconference, ERS hook-up, pp.
- Greene, C., "OTA Policy Conference--ERS update on organic activities", presentation to Organic Trade Association on ERS organic activities, Arlington, Virginia, pp.
- Greene, C., "Overview of the U.S. Organic Sector", powerpoint presentation at a public USDA meeting on co-existence, Washington DC, March 26, 2007. pp.
- Greene, C., "Recent Trends in U.S. Organic Agriculture", Powerpoint presentation at the 25th Ecological Farming Conference, Pacific Grove, CA, January 20, 2005. pp.
- Greene, C., "U.S. Organic Agriculture Sector: Overview bullets", panel presentation, "Exploring the Organic Explosion" session, CFA National Food Policy Conference, National Press Club, Washington, DC, September 29, 2005. pp.
- Greene, C., "U.S. Organic Agriculture", Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators, Monograph Chapter, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
- Greene, C., "U.S. Organic Agriculture: Growth... and Integration with ARMS", NASS state statisticians, Kansas City, MO, August 28, 2006. pp.
- Greene, C., "U.S. Organic Farm Sector Continues Expansion", U.S. Department of Agriculture, pp.
- Greene, C., "U.S. Organic Production and Marketing: USDA Cross-Agency Data Integration", Power-point presentation in USDA cross-agency panel at Natural Products Expo East, Boston, MA, pp.
- Greene, C., 2005, Amber Waves, U.S. Department of Agriculture, May, pp.
- Greene, C., 2007, "U.S. organic farming expands as production rises worldwide", U.S. Department of Agriculture, November, pp.
- Greene, C., 2008, "Organic provisions encourage organic production and conversion", ERS Amber Waves, U.S. Department of Agriculture, November, pp.
- Greene, C., Briefing Room Chapters, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
- Greene, C., Dimitri, C., 2003, Amber Waves, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, February, 1 pp.
- Greene, C., Ebel, R., Barron, M., Hanson, James; Adalja, Aaron, "Adoption and Coexistence of GE, Conventional non-GE, and Organic Crops", pp.
- Greene, C., Dimitri, C., Lin, B., McBride, W., Oberholtzer, L., Smith, T., Supply Constraints and Other Emerging Issues in the U.S. Organic Sector, Economic Information Bulletin, U.S. Department of Agriculture, pp.
- Greene, C., Dimitri, C., Lydia Oberholtzer, USDA Organic Agriculture Workshop, Conference Organized by ERS, Washington DC,
- Greene, C., Dismukes, R., James Hanson, "Risk Management Strategies in the U.S. Organic Farm Sector", symposium presentation at AAEA Annual Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island, pp.
- Greene, C., Environmental Indicators Case Study: ERS Organic Farming Systems Database Project, Workshop/Seminar, EPA/USDA Performance Measures Workshop, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Burlington, Vermont, October 17, 2004.
- Greene, C., ERS Organic Program Activities, Conference Organized by ERS,
- Greene, C., ERS Organic Program Activities, Conference Organized by ERS, Arlington, Virginia,
- Greene, C., Farm and Comodity Policy: program Provisions, Organic Programs, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
- Greene, C., Grow, S., McBride, W., Andrea Rossi, U.S. Organic Farming, 2000-2010: A decade of policy change and growth, Economic Research Report, U.S. Department of Agriculture, pp.
- Greene, C., Kremen, A., 2003, U.S. Organic Farming in 2000-2001: Adoption of Certified Systems, Agricultural Information Bulletin, AIB-780, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, February, 51 pp.
- Greene, C., McBride, W., "Organic Agriculture in the U.S.: Adoption, Growth, and Economic Characteristics", Pacific Grove, CA, pp.
- Greene, C., McBride, W., 2015, "Consumer Demand for Organic Milk Continues to Expand--Can the U.S. Dairy Sector Catch Up?", Choices, January, pp.
- Greene, C., McBride, W., Cooke, B., Ferreira, G., Wells, H., "The Outlook for Organic Agriculture", USDA 92nd Annual Agricultural Outlook Forum, Arlington, VA, February 25, 2016. pp.
- Greene, C., McBride, W., Payne, T., Daberkow, S., "Organic Farming Practices, Costs, and Profitability: New USDA Survey Data", presentaition at the 2007 International Annual Meetings ASA-CSSA-SSSA, New Orleans, LA, November 6, 2007. pp.
- Greene, C., McBride, W., Wechsler, S., "Measuring the Frequency of Farming System Practices in Commercial Organic Production in the U.S.", presentation at the Organic Center's Organic Confluences workshop, Washington, D.C., pp.
- Greene, C., Organic Agriculture in America -- Is it sustainable?", pp.
- Greene, C., USDA Workshop on Organic Agriculture: Innovations in Organic Marketing, Technology, and Research, pp.
- Greene, C., Wechsler, S., Aaron Adalja and James Hanson, Economic Issues in the Coexistence of Organic, Genetically Engineered (GE), and Non-GE Crops, Economic Information Bulletin, U.S. Department of Agriculture, pp.
- Greene, Catherine and Shelly Grow, Organic Production, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
- Jaenicke, Edward C., Carolyn Dimitri, Lydia Oberholtzer, "Retailer Decisions about Organic Imports and Organic Private Labels", Invited paper - AAEA summer 2010, Denver, CO, pp.
- Jeremy G. Weber and Brad Barham, "The Economic Sustainability of Certified Coffee: Recent Evidence from Mexico and Peru", World Development, pp.
- Jeremy G. Weber, "Social learning and technology adoption: The case of coffee pruning in Peru", pp.
- Karen Klonsky and Catherine Greene, "Widespread Adoption of Organic Agriculture in the US: Are Market-Driven Policies Enough?", pp.
- Greene, C., Slattery, E., "Organic Production and Marketing: Data and Trends in the U.S.", presentation to National Association of State Organic Programs at USDA Certifier Training Conference, Savannah, GA, pp.
- Greene, C., USDA Organic Farming Systems Research Conference, Conference Organized by ERS,
- Klonsky, Karen and Catherine Greene, "Widespread Adoption of Organic Agriculture in the US: Are Market-Driven Policies Enough?", presentation to AAEA Annual Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island, July 26, 2005. pp.
- Kremen, A., "Organic Produce, Price Premiums and Eco-labeling in U.S. Farmers� Markets", U.S. Department of Agriculture, pp.
- L. Lohr, T.A. Park, "Assessing the Technical and Allocative Efficiency of Marketing Decisions by U.S. Organic Producers", Selected paper for AAEA Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, July 24, 2011. pp.
- Lohr, L., and Park, T.A., "Demand for Private Marketing Expertise by Organic Farmers: A Quantile Analysis Based on Counts", Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 44, pp.
- Lohr, L., Park, T., "Local Selling Decisions Affect Organic Farm Income", U.S. Department of Agriculture, pp.
- Lohr, L., Park, T., "Local Selling Decisions and the Technical Efficiency of Organic Farms", Sustainability, 2010,Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 189-203
- Lydia Oberholtzer and Carolyn Dimitri, "Procurement and Contract Practices of U.S. Organic Handlers", Midwest Organic Research Symposium, LaCrosse, WI, pp.
- Lydia Oberholtzer and Carolyn Dimitri, Certified Organic Intermediaries: Marketing of Organic Food Products in the United States, Economic Information Bulletin, U.S. Department of Agriculture, pp.
- Lydia Oberholtzer, Carolyn Dimitri and Luanne Lohr, "Factors Affecting Market Outlet Use by U.S. Organic Handlers:", poster presented at International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements, Modena, Italy, June 17, 2008.
- Lydia Oberholtzer, Carolyn Dimitri and Catherine Greene, "Organic Price Premiums Remain Strong", U.S. Department of Agriculture, pp.
- Lydia Oberholtzer, Carolyn Dimitri, and Catherine Greene, 2008, "Adding Value in the Organic Sector: Characteristics of Organic Producer-Handlers", Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 200-207
- Lydia Oberholtzer, Carolyn Dimitri, and Catherine Greene, Organic Price Premiums Hold on as Produce Market Expands, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Lydia Oberholtzer's adn Carolyn Dimitri's personal workstation, pp.
- Lydia Oberholtzer, Carolyn Dimitri, and Luanne Lohr, "Factors Affecting Market Outlet Use by U.S. Organic Handlers", International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements, Modena, Italy, pp.
- Lydia Oberholtzer, Catherine Greene, and Enrique Lopez, Organic Poultry and Eggs Capture High Price Premiums and Growing Share of Specialty Markets, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Lydia Oberholtzer's workstation, pp.
- Lydia Oberholtzer, University of Georgia, and Carolyn Dimitri, Economic Research Service, "Organic Price and Marketing Risk", presentation to Southwest Marketing Network Annual Conference, Flagstaff, Arizona, March 12, 2007. pp.
- McFadden, J., Wallace Huffman, "Willingness-to-Pay for Natural, Organic, and Conventional Foods: The Effects of Information and Meaningful Labels", pp.