Sponsoring Institution
Agricultural Research Service/USDA
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Mar 17, 2016
Project End Date
Mar 16, 2021
Grant Year
Program Code
[(N/A)]- (N/A)
Project Director
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Objective 1: Define the differential host-pathogen interactions between Salmonella and chicken and poultry mucosal immune systems using genomic technologies. Determine the relationship between foodborne pathogens and the mucosal innate immune response, focusing on epigenetic reprogramming of host immune genes in persistent infections. Objective 2: Identify and develop key strategies including waste, vaccination (using innate immunity), and lighting management strategies for use at animal production facilities that mitigate and reduce the bacterial load of Salmonella and other foodborne pathogens without the use of antibiotics during pre-harvest production in broiler chickens and turkeys. Objective 3: Analyze and characterize both host and Salmonella proteins that are modulated in expression during infection using quantitative proteomic. Develop strategies to reduce foodborne pathogens by targeting host immune-metabolic signaling pathways affected by Salmonella and Campylobacter virulence factors. Objective 4: Investigate potential alternatives to antibiotics, such as chitosan preparations and other commercially available products, on the cecal levels of Salmonella and Campylobacter using an experimental model and metagenomics. Investigate the potential for use and the mechanism used by specific nutritional supplements to inhibit the transfer of genetic resistance elements, such as plasmids, by conjugation between commensal and foodborne bacteria. Objective 5: Investigate the interaction between yeast and fungi and foodborne bacteria to determine their role as commensals and inhibitors or their use as alternatives to antibiotics as pre-and probiotics. Objective 6: Identify ecological reservoirs of pathogens and the potential role of dispersal of animal waste that enable the retention of foodborne pathogens within animal production facilities and the surrounding environments.
Project Methods
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to monitor multistate foodborne outbreaks that impact health of the nation over the last 10 years. One area of concern is the reduction of Salmonella as a foodborne pathogen. Despite control efforts that cost over a half a billion dollars annually, foodborne illnesses due to Salmonella continues to impact the consumer. Poultry are commonly identified as a major source of Salmonella. To develop urgently needed new control strategies against Salmonella, we will take a multi-faceted, but integrated approach to identify and evaluate factors at the pre-harvest level that can be used. Based on previous research and collaborations with industry, we will identify and modify management practices that may decrease foodborne pathogen load, as well as environmental conditions associated with higher risk that would be conducive to pathogen survival and growth. Cost effective alternatives will be suggested throughout the poultry production phase. Environmental areas of concern, such as poultry waste and insect vectors will be included. At a more micro-level, interactions among fungi, protozoa, and other microbes will be evaluated under commercial production practices with the outcome of proposed new strategies for pathogen reduction. Campylobacter, a foodborne pathogen in poultry, has become an increasing concern due to the development of antibiotic resistance, especially to fluoroquinolones. The proposed research will investigate strategies to reduce pre-harvest Campylobacter, which will enhance the microbiological safety of poultry. This is important for food safety, but also for the reduction of potential antimicrobial resistance in animal agriculture and public health. Immune modulation is one approach for new anti-infective therapies, whereby natural mechanisms in the host can be exploited to strengthen therapeutic benefits. The stimulation of innate immunity has considerable potential to induce a profound and rapid cross-protection against multiple serovars of bacteria. Using "omic" techniques, including functional genomics, epigenetics, proteomics, and metabolomics, we will identify effective modulators of innate immunity to control infections, especially in situations where vaccination is not appropriate. Furthermore, metabolism and host immunity are essential requirements for survival. Mounting an immune response requires major changes to metabolic processes. Thus, the integration of central metabolic pathways and nutrient sensing with antibacterial immunity alters cellular energy homeostasis and contributes to the prevention or resolution of infectious diseases. Hence, immune and metabolic response processes govern infectious diseases. Research taken will focus on obtaining a greater understanding of the critical nodes of immunometabolism during Salmonella and Campylobacter infection.

Progress 10/01/20 to 09/30/21

PROGRESS REPORT Objectives (from AD-416): Objective 1: Define the differential host-pathogen interactions between Salmonella and chicken and poultry mucosal immune systems using genomic technologies. Determine the relationship between foodborne pathogens and the mucosal innate immune response, focusing on epigenetic reprogramming of host immune genes in persistent infections. Objective 2: Identify and develop key strategies including waste, vaccination (using innate immunity), and lighting management strategies for use at animal production facilities that mitigate and reduce the bacterial load of Salmonella and other foodborne pathogens without the use of antibiotics during pre-harvest production in broiler chickens and turkeys. Objective 3: Analyze and characterize both host and Salmonella proteins that are modulated in expression during infection using quantitative proteomic. Develop strategies to reduce foodborne pathogens by targeting host immune-metabolic signaling pathways affected by Salmonella and Campylobacter virulence factors. Objective 4: Investigate potential alternatives to antibiotics, such as chitosan preparations and other commercially available products, on the cecal levels of Salmonella and Campylobacter using an experimental model and metagenomics. Investigate the potential for use and the mechanism used by specific nutritional supplements to inhibit the transfer of genetic resistance elements, such as plasmids, by conjugation between commensal and foodborne bacteria. Objective 5: Investigate the interaction between yeast and fungi and foodborne bacteria to determine their role as commensals and inhibitors or their use as alternatives to antibiotics as pre-and probiotics. Objective 6: Identify ecological reservoirs of pathogens and the potential role of dispersal of animal waste that enable the retention of foodborne pathogens within animal production facilities and the surrounding environments. Approach (from AD-416): The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to monitor multistate foodborne outbreaks that impact health of the nation over the last 10 years. One area of concern is the reduction of Salmonella as a foodborne pathogen. Despite control efforts that cost over a half a billion dollars annually, foodborne illnesses due to Salmonella continues to impact the consumer. Poultry are commonly identified as a major source of Salmonella. To develop urgently needed new control strategies against Salmonella, we will take a multi-faceted, but integrated approach to identify and evaluate factors at the pre-harvest level that can be used. Based on previous research and collaborations with industry, we will identify and modify management practices that may decrease foodborne pathogen load, as well as environmental conditions associated with higher risk that would be conducive to pathogen survival and growth. Cost effective alternatives will be suggested throughout the poultry production phase. Environmental areas of concern, such as poultry waste and insect vectors will be included. At a more micro-level, interactions among fungi, protozoa, and other microbes will be evaluated under commercial production practices with the outcome of proposed new strategies for pathogen reduction. Campylobacter, a foodborne pathogen in poultry, has become an increasing concern due to the development of antibiotic resistance, especially to fluoroquinolones. The proposed research will investigate strategies to reduce pre-harvest Campylobacter, which will enhance the microbiological safety of poultry. This is important for food safety, but also for the reduction of potential antimicrobial resistance in animal agriculture and public health. Immune modulation is one approach for new anti-infective therapies, whereby natural mechanisms in the host can be exploited to strengthen therapeutic benefits. The stimulation of innate immunity has considerable potential to induce a profound and rapid cross-protection against multiple serovars of bacteria. Using "omic" techniques, including functional genomics, epigenetics, proteomics, and metabolomics, we will identify effective modulators of innate immunity to control infections, especially in situations where vaccination is not appropriate. Furthermore, metabolism and host immunity are essential requirements for survival. Mounting an immune response requires major changes to metabolic processes. Thus, the integration of central metabolic pathways and nutrient sensing with antibacterial immunity alters cellular energy homeostasis and contributes to the prevention or resolution of infectious diseases. Hence, immune and metabolic response processes govern infectious diseases. Research taken will focus on obtaining a greater understanding of the critical nodes of immunometabolism during Salmonella and Campylobacter infection. This project expired on March 16, 2021, and was replaced by the new project 3091-32000-037-00D. Project work in Fiscal Year 2021 finalized research that described new mechanisms on modulating the immune system of poultry to enhance the microbiological safety of poultry meat products reaching the consumer. Work under Objective 3 identified novel biomarkers formed during the development of a nutritionally-based gut inflammation model which can be used by industry to assess overall flock health and performance, and accurately assess and predict the effects of food poisoning microorganisms on gut tissues. The identification of these biomarkers will facilitate the commitment by industry to produce poultry with a healthier gut, that are less susceptible to colonization by foodborne pathogens including Salmonella and Campylobacter, and that will provide microbiologically safer poultry products for the consumer. Objective 4 work focused on alternative approaches to the use of in-feed antibiotics in poultry production. Natural plant products, called tannins, when added to poultry diets or incorporated into drinking water, enhanced both immune and metabolic responsiveness of young chickens. This resulted in increased resistance to infection/colonization by pathogenic microorganisms and increased performance in the tannin-fed birds. Work under Objective 4 showed that the addition of a microencapsulated blend of organic acids and botanicals to poultry feed enhanced the innate immune responsiveness of young chicks. Collectively, these results gave clear evidence that such non-conventional approaches to maintenance of chick health, in the absence of conventional antibiotics, will result in growing birds that are significantly more resistant to pathogen colonization. Overall, during the life of the project, major accomplishments were achieved that provide a much clearer perspective on how the innate poultry immune system functions to protect the birds from infection by pathogenic bacteria, and by bacteria that can contaminate poultry products reaching the consumer level. Highly productive relationships with industry partners were established and will lead to products and protocols that will be implemented in commercial production facilities. Project accomplishments will result in microbiologically safer poultry products, and enhanced consumer health. Record of Any Impact of Maximized Teleworking Requirement: Minimal impact was observed on productivity during the months of maximum telework, because the great majority of the experiments required to achieve the objectives of this project had been completed before maximized telework. Project scientists were able to finish studies in progress and generate the necessary data to publish papers resulting in all project scientists fulfilling their minimum publication requirements. Furthermore, because of the timing for development of the new project plan, maximum telework provided the opportunity for the scientists to concentrate on planning the experimental designs to be included in the new project. ACCOMPLISHMENTS 01 New alternatives to antibiotics in poultry production. The colonization of commercial poultry by food poisoning microorganisms including, Clostridium, Salmonella, Campylobacter, and others, remains a serious problem. Historically, such pathogens were controlled by traditional antibiotics, which are at present greatly restricted given both microbial resistance, and consumer and regulatory pressure. New approaches are needed to assure ongoing poultry health, performance, and consumer safety. ARS researchers at College Station, Texas, working with university and industry collaborators, established that feeding chicks a diet supplemented with a blend of organic acids and botanicals resulted in significantly less pathological tissue damage in birds experimentally infected with Clostridium. In addition, the treated birds had improved performance over the control, untreated birds, and suffered significantly less adverse health issues. This accomplishment has identified a viable alternative to traditional antibiotics in assuring bird health, and in protecting them from harmful bacteria which can also result in human food poisoning.



  • Kogut, M.H. 2019. Understanding gut function in poultry: the role of commensals, metabolites, inflammation and dysbiosis in intestinal immune function and dysfunction. In: Ricke S. editor. Improving Gut Health in Poultry. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited. p. 143-153.
  • Redweik, G.A., Kogut, M.H., Arsenault, R.J., Mellata, M. 2020. Oral treatment with ileal spores triggers immunometabolic shifts in chicken gut. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 7: Article 629. fvets.2020.00629.
  • Zhao, D., Kogut, M.H., Genovese, K.J., Hsu, C., Lee, J., Farnell, Y.Z. 2020. Altered expression of lactate dehydrogenase and monocarboxylate transporter involved in lactate metabolism in broiler wooden breast. Poultry Science. 99(1):11-20.
  • Feye, K.M., Swaggerty, C.L., Kogut, M.H., Ricke, S.C., Piva, A., Grilli, E. 2020. The biological effects of microencapsulated organic acids and botanicals induces tissue-specific and dose-dependent changes to the Gallus gallus microbiota. BMC Microbiology. 20. Article 332. https://doi. org/10.1186/s12866-020-02001-4.
  • Ogunrinu, O.J., Norman, K.N., Vinasco, J., Levent, G., Lawhon, S.D., Fajt, V.R., Volkova, V.V., Gaire, T., Poole, T.L., Genovese, K.J., Wittum, T.E., Scott, H.M. 2020. Can the use of older-generation beta-lactam antibiotics in livestock production over-select for beta-lactamases of greatest consequence for human medicine? An in vitro experimental model. PLoS ONE. 15(11). Article e0242195.
  • Johnson, C.N., Hashim, M.M., Bailey, C.A., Byrd II, J.A., Kogut, M.H., Arsenault, R.J. 2020. Feeding of yeast cell wall extracts during a necrotic enteritis challenge enhances cell growth/survival and immune signaling in the jejunum of broiler chickens. Poultry Science. 99(6):2655- 2966.
  • Dal Pont, G.C., Farnell, M., Farnell, Y., Kogut, M.H. 2020. Dietary factors as triggers of low-grade chronic intestinal inflammation in poultry. Microorganisms. 8(1). Article 139. microorganisms8010139.
  • Lee, A., Dal Pont, G., Farnell, M.B., Jarvis, S., Battaglia, M., Arsenault, R.J., Kogut, M.H. 2021. Supplementing chestnut tannins in the broiler diet mediate a metabolic phenotype of the ceca. Poultry Science. 100(1):47- 54.
  • Beier, R.C., Byrd II, J.A., Andrews, K., Caldwell, D.Y., Crippen, T.L., Anderson, R.C., Nisbet, D.J. 2021. Disinfectant and antimicrobial susceptibility studies of the foodborne pathogen Campylobacter jejuni isolated from the litter of broiler chicken houses. Poultry Science. 100(2) :1024-1033.

Progress 10/01/19 to 09/30/20

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416): Objective 1: Define the differential host-pathogen interactions between Salmonella and chicken and poultry mucosal immune systems using genomic technologies. Determine the relationship between foodborne pathogens and the mucosal innate immune response, focusing on epigenetic reprogramming of host immune genes in persistent infections. Objective 2: Identify and develop key strategies including waste, vaccination (using innate immunity), and lighting management strategies for use at animal production facilities that mitigate and reduce the bacterial load of Salmonella and other foodborne pathogens without the use of antibiotics during pre-harvest production in broiler chickens and turkeys. Objective 3: Analyze and characterize both host and Salmonella proteins that are modulated in expression during infection using quantitative proteomic. Develop strategies to reduce foodborne pathogens by targeting host immune-metabolic signaling pathways affected by Salmonella and Campylobacter virulence factors. Objective 4: Investigate potential alternatives to antibiotics, such as chitosan preparations and other commercially available products, on the cecal levels of Salmonella and Campylobacter using an experimental model and metagenomics. Investigate the potential for use and the mechanism used by specific nutritional supplements to inhibit the transfer of genetic resistance elements, such as plasmids, by conjugation between commensal and foodborne bacteria. Objective 5: Investigate the interaction between yeast and fungi and foodborne bacteria to determine their role as commensals and inhibitors or their use as alternatives to antibiotics as pre-and probiotics. Objective 6: Identify ecological reservoirs of pathogens and the potential role of dispersal of animal waste that enable the retention of foodborne pathogens within animal production facilities and the surrounding environments. Approach (from AD-416): The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to monitor multistate foodborne outbreaks that impact health of the nation over the last 10 years. One area of concern is the reduction of Salmonella as a foodborne pathogen. Despite control efforts that cost over a half a billion dollars annually, foodborne illnesses due to Salmonella continues to impact the consumer. Poultry are commonly identified as a major source of Salmonella. To develop urgently needed new control strategies against Salmonella, we will take a multi-faceted, but integrated approach to identify and evaluate factors at the pre-harvest level that can be used. Based on previous research and collaborations with industry, we will identify and modify management practices that may decrease foodborne pathogen load, as well as environmental conditions associated with higher risk that would be conducive to pathogen survival and growth. Cost effective alternatives will be suggested throughout the poultry production phase. Environmental areas of concern, such as poultry waste and insect vectors will be included. At a more micro-level, interactions among fungi, protozoa, and other microbes will be evaluated under commercial production practices with the outcome of proposed new strategies for pathogen reduction. Campylobacter, a foodborne pathogen in poultry, has become an increasing concern due to the development of antibiotic resistance, especially to fluoroquinolones. The proposed research will investigate strategies to reduce pre-harvest Campylobacter, which will enhance the microbiological safety of poultry. This is important for food safety, but also for the reduction of potential antimicrobial resistance in animal agriculture and public health. Immune modulation is one approach for new anti-infective therapies, whereby natural mechanisms in the host can be exploited to strengthen therapeutic benefits. The stimulation of innate immunity has considerable potential to induce a profound and rapid cross-protection against multiple serovars of bacteria. Using "omic" techniques, including functional genomics, epigenetics, proteomics, and metabolomics, we will identify effective modulators of innate immunity to control infections, especially in situations where vaccination is not appropriate. Furthermore, metabolism and host immunity are essential requirements for survival. Mounting an immune response requires major changes to metabolic processes. Thus, the integration of central metabolic pathways and nutrient sensing with antibacterial immunity alters cellular energy homeostasis and contributes to the prevention or resolution of infectious diseases. Hence, immune and metabolic response processes govern infectious diseases. Research taken will focus on obtaining a greater understanding of the critical nodes of immunometabolism during Salmonella and Campylobacter infection. Work under this project in fiscal year (FY) 2020 developed important new information on how the immune system of poultry can be exploited/ manipulated to enhance the microbiological safety of poultry meat products reaching the consumer. Work under Objective 1 focused on the key innate immune pathways associated with the mucosal lining of the gut of poultry and on defining factors associated with resistance to colonization by Salmonella. Under Objective 3, biological indicators known as biomarkers were used in work focused on development of a gut inflammation model that can be used by industry to assess overall flock health and performance, and accurately assess and predict the effects of food poisoning microorganisms on gut tissues. Work thus far has identified specific immune biomarkers that are associated with gut inflammation. The work will ultimately facilitate the commitment by industry to produce poultry that have a more healthy gut, that are less susceptible to colonization by foodborne pathogens including Salmonella and Campylobacter, and that therefore will result in microbiologically safer poultry products. Under Objective 4, work focused on evaluation of alternative approaches to the use of in-feed antibiotics in poultry production. The work established that tannins, natural plant products, when added to poultry diets or incorporated into drinking water, enhanced both immune and metabolic responsiveness of young chickens, which is predicted to result in increased resistance to infection/colonization by pathogenic microorganisms. Work under Objective 4 also showed that the addition of a microencapsulated blend of organic acids and botanicals to poultry feed enhanced the innate immune responsiveness of young chicks. Collectively, these results gave clear evidence that such non- conventional approaches to maintenance of chick health, in the absence of conventional antibiotics, will result in growing birds that are significantly more resistant to pathogen colonization. Work by this project in FY2020, overall, developed important new information and approaches that will be adapted by industry to produce poultry products that are wholesome and less likely to contain harmful microorganisms. Accomplishments 01 New alternatives to antibiotics in poultry production. The colonization of commercial poultry by food poisoning microorganisms including Clostridium, Salmonella, Campylobacter, and others, remains a serious problem. Historically, such pathogens were controlled by traditional antibiotics which are currently greatly restricted given microbial resistance, and consumer pressure. New approaches are needed to assure ongoing poultry health and performance. ARS researchers at College Station, Texas, working with University and industry collaborators, established that feeding chicks a diet supplemented with a blend of organic acids and botanicals resulted in significantly less pathological tissue damage in birds experimentally infected with Clostridium. In addition, the treated birds had improved performance over the control, untreated birds, and suffered significantly less adverse health issues. This accomplishment has identified a viable alternative to traditional antibiotics in assuring bird health and in protecting them from harmful bacteria that can also result in human food poisoning. 02 Prevention of wooden breast syndrome in poultry. The syndrome known as wooden breast is a relatively new problem affecting poultry production. It is evidenced by highly fibrous breast muscle that greatly impacts carcass quality. The cause of the syndrome is not fully known, but is likely multifactorial, and is generally considered to result from poor gut health. New approaches are needed to minimize or prevent the problem. ARS researchers at College Station, Texas, working closely with interested industry partners, established that nutrient rich diets contributed to the development of gut inflammation and resulting woody breast. Sodium butyrate, a naturally occurring short chain fatty acid, when consumed by poultry, resulted in a significant improvement in the gut health of birds, which is projected to significantly lessen woody breast. This research is important in directing future research efforts to find practical protocols for solution of the woody breast problem in commercial poultry. 03 Tungsten for Salmonella control in poultry. Salmonella remains the leading bacterial cause of foodborne illness and is a significant contributor to food poisoning associated with consumption of poultry meat products. It has been established that gastrointestinal tract inflammation contributes significantly to Salmonella colonization in birds. ARS researchers at College Station, Texas, established that metallic tungsten, administered in the diet to commercial poultry, significantly reduced gut inflammation in an experimental chicken model, and also reduced the Salmonella load carried by the birds. This accomplishment has identified a new approach for management of Salmonella in poultry. It will guide future research aimed at developing novel approaches and protocols to both assure poultry health and performance in commercial production, and lessen the occurrence of Salmonella colonization and the resulting risk to consumers.



  • Feye, K.M., Dittoe, D.K., Shi, Z., Woitte, J.L., Owens, C.M., Kogut, M.H., Ricke, S.C. 2019. The reduction of pathogen load on Ross 708 broilers when using different sources of commercial peracetic acid sanitizers in a pilot processing plant. Microorganisms. 7(11):503.
  • Beier, R.C., Byrd II, J.A., Caldwell, D.Y., Andrews, K., Crippen, T.L., Anderson, R.C., Nisbet, D.J. 2019. Inhibition and interactions of Campylobacter jejuni from broiler chicken houses with organic acids. Microorganisms. 7(8):1-18.
  • Crippen, T.L., Sheffield, C.L., Singh, B., Byrd, J.A., Beier, R.C. 2019. How management practices within a poultry house during successive flock rotations change the structure of the soil microbiome. Frontiers in Microbiology. 10:2100.
  • Yang, Y., Feye, K.M., Shi, Z., Pavlidis, H.O., Kogut, M.H., Ashworth, A.J., Ricke, S. 2019. A historical review on antibiotic resistance of foodborne Campylobacter. Frontiers in Microbiology. 10:1-8.
  • Shi, Z., Dittoe, D.K., Feye, K.M., Kogut, M.H., Ricke, S.C. 2019. Short communication: Preliminary differences identified in genes responsible for biofilm formation in poultry isolates of Salmonella enterica Heidelberg, Enteritidis, and Kentucky. Microorganisms. 7(7):1-11.
  • Johnson, C.N., Kogut, M.H., Genovese, K.J., He, L.H., Kazemi, S., Arsenault, R.J. 2019. Administration of a postbiotic causes immunomodulatory responses in broiler gut and reduces disease pathogenesis following challenge. Microorganisms. 7(8):1-19.
  • Sanchez-Zamora, N., Silva-Vázquez, R., Rangel-Nava, Z.E., Hernandez- Martinez, C.A., Kawas-Garza, J.R., Hume, M.E., Herrera-Balandrano, D.D., Mendez-Zamora, G. 2019. Agave inulin and oregano oil improve the broiler performance. Ecosistemas y Recursos Agropecuarios. 6(18):523-534.
  • Cázares-Gallegos, R., Silva-Vazquez, R., Hernandez-Martinez, C.A., Gutierrez-Soto, J.G., Kawas-Garza, J.R., Hume, M.E., Mendez-Zamora, G. 2019. Performance, carcass variables, and meat quality of broilers supplemented with dietary Mexican oregano oil. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science. 21(1):1-10.
  • Kogut, M.H., Santin, E. 2019. Advances in vaccines for controlling foodborne Salmonella spp. in poultry. In: Venkitanarayanan K., Thakur S., Ricke S., editors. Food Safety in Poultry Meat Production. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland. p. 161-189.
  • Lu, Y., Wen, Y., Hu, G., Liu, Y., Beier, R.C., Hou, X. 2019. Genomic sequence analysis of the multidrug-resistance region of avian Salmonella enterica serovar Indiana strain MHYL. Microorganisms. 7(8):1-10.
  • Swaggerty, C.L., He, L.H., Genovese, K.J., Callaway, T.R., Kogut, M.H., Piva, A., Grilli, E. 2020. A microencapsulated feed additive containing organic acids, thymol, and vanillin increases in vitro functional activity of peripheral blood leukocytes from broiler chicks. Poultry Science. 99(7) :3428-3436.
  • Swaggerty, C.L., Arsenault, R.J., Johnson, C., Piva, A., Grilli, E. 2020. Dietary supplementation with a microencapsulated blend of organic acids and botanicals alters the kinome in the ileum and jejunum of Gallus gallus. PLoS One. 15(7):e0236950.

Progress 10/01/18 to 09/30/19

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416): Objective 1: Define the differential host-pathogen interactions between Salmonella and chicken and poultry mucosal immune systems using genomic technologies. Determine the relationship between foodborne pathogens and the mucosal innate immune response, focusing on epigenetic reprogramming of host immune genes in persistent infections. Objective 2: Identify and develop key strategies including waste, vaccination (using innate immunity), and lighting management strategies for use at animal production facilities that mitigate and reduce the bacterial load of Salmonella and other foodborne pathogens without the use of antibiotics during pre-harvest production in broiler chickens and turkeys. Objective 3: Analyze and characterize both host and Salmonella proteins that are modulated in expression during infection using quantitative proteomic. Develop strategies to reduce foodborne pathogens by targeting host immune-metabolic signaling pathways affected by Salmonella and Campylobacter virulence factors. Objective 4: Investigate potential alternatives to antibiotics, such as chitosan preparations and other commercially available products, on the cecal levels of Salmonella and Campylobacter using an experimental model and metagenomics. Investigate the potential for use and the mechanism used by specific nutritional supplements to inhibit the transfer of genetic resistance elements, such as plasmids, by conjugation between commensal and foodborne bacteria. Objective 5: Investigate the interaction between yeast and fungi and foodborne bacteria to determine their role as commensals and inhibitors or their use as alternatives to antibiotics as pre-and probiotics. Objective 6: Identify ecological reservoirs of pathogens and the potential role of dispersal of animal waste that enable the retention of foodborne pathogens within animal production facilities and the surrounding environments. Approach (from AD-416): The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to monitor multistate foodborne outbreaks that impact health of the nation over the last 10 years. One area of concern is the reduction of Salmonella as a foodborne pathogen. Despite control efforts that cost over a half a billion dollars annually, foodborne illnesses due to Salmonella continues to impact the consumer. Poultry are commonly identified as a major source of Salmonella. To develop urgently needed new control strategies against Salmonella, we will take a multi-faceted, but integrated approach to identify and evaluate factors at the pre-harvest level that can be used. Based on previous research and collaborations with industry, we will identify and modify management practices that may decrease foodborne pathogen load, as well as environmental conditions associated with higher risk that would be conducive to pathogen survival and growth. Cost effective alternatives will be suggested throughout the poultry production phase. Environmental areas of concern, such as poultry waste and insect vectors will be included. At a more micro-level, interactions among fungi, protozoa, and other microbes will be evaluated under commercial production practices with the outcome of proposed new strategies for pathogen reduction. Campylobacter, a foodborne pathogen in poultry, has become an increasing concern due to the development of antibiotic resistance, especially to fluoroquinolones. The proposed research will investigate strategies to reduce pre-harvest Campylobacter, which will enhance the microbiological safety of poultry. This is important for food safety, but also for the reduction of potential antimicrobial resistance in animal agriculture and public health. Immune modulation is one approach for new anti-infective therapies, whereby natural mechanisms in the host can be exploited to strengthen therapeutic benefits. The stimulation of innate immunity has considerable potential to induce a profound and rapid cross-protection against multiple serovars of bacteria. Using "omic" techniques, including functional genomics, epigenetics, proteomics, and metabolomics, we will identify effective modulators of innate immunity to control infections, especially in situations where vaccination is not appropriate. Furthermore, metabolism and host immunity are essential requirements for survival. Mounting an immune response requires major changes to metabolic processes. Thus, the integration of central metabolic pathways and nutrient sensing with antibacterial immunity alters cellular energy homeostasis and contributes to the prevention or resolution of infectious diseases. Hence, immune and metabolic response processes govern infectious diseases. Research taken will focus on obtaining a greater understanding of the critical nodes of immunometabolism during Salmonella and Campylobacter infection. Work under the project during FY 2019 concentrated on establishing the effects of gut microbial metabolites (postbiotics) on reducing foodborne bacterial colonization. Following the restriction of in-feed antibiotics, the search for antibiotic alternatives has become critically important. Postbiotics are non-viable bacterial products or metabolic byproducts from probiotic microorganisms that have positive effects on the host or microbiota. These are a promising alternative to antibiotics. Work by project scientists described a mechanism of action of a postbiotic in the context of a Clostridium perfringens challenge model (Objective 4). The postbiotic improved weight gain, lesion scores, Clostridium perfringens counts, and mortality compared to challenge groups. The postbiotic was shown to predominantly affect the innate immune response and appears to be immunomodulatory (Objective 1). In the context of infection, it reduces the proinflammatory responses and generates a homeostatic-like response. This postbiotic is a viable alternative to antibiotics to improve poultry health in the context of Clostridium perfringens pathogen challenge. Accomplishments 01 Differential host peptide response to Salmonella infection. In a different approach evaluating Salmonella persistence, ARS scientists at College Station, Texas, in collaboration with scientists at the University of Delaware, used an immune peptide array to show that the host kinome profile (protein phosphorylation patterns) in broilers with a high burden of S. Enteritidis is distinct from that of broilers with lower levels of colonization. As expected, the birds with lower loads of S. Enteritidis, meaning the host's immune response had minimized bacterial colonization, showed increased activity in key signaling pathways associated with a number of immune cell types (chemokine, Jak- Stat, MAPK, and T-cell) receptor signaling. These findings provide the groundwork for more in-depth studies into specific biomarkers to select individual birds that are more resistant to S. Enteritidis colonization. Collectively, these studies have laid a solid foundation for future experiments to determine practical approaches to reduce the incidence of foodborne illnesses associated with poultry-acquired Salmonella. 02 Correlations between microbiotic bacterial and immune cell (cytokine) gene expression. To better understand the ecology of the poultry gastrointestinal (GI) environment (microbiome) and its interactions with the host, ARS scientists at College Station, Texas, in collaboration with scientists at the College of Veterinary Medicine, Western University of Health Sciences, Pomona, California, compared GI bacterial communities over time and measured the expression of key immune cells (cytokines IL18, IL1ÿ, and IL6, IL10, and TGF-ÿ4). At a young age (1-week) versus older (6-weeks), chickens showed significant differences in concentrations of varius bacteria, and where they were mainly detected in the GI tract. Cytokine expression was correlated in different ways (positive or negative) with the changes in bacterial presence. These are the first studies done in poultry which demonstrate that specific bacteria within the poultry gut are directly associated with immune regulation and will form the basis for future studies on developing immune-specific probiotics.



  • Broom, L.J., Kogut, M.H. 2018. The role of the gut microbiome in shaping the immune system of chickens. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology. 204:44-51.
  • Swaggerty, C.L., Genovese, K.J., He, L.H., Byrd II, J.A., Kogut, M.H. 2018. Mechanisms of persistence, survival, and transmission of bacterial foodborne pathogens in production animals. Lausanne: Frontiers Media. 130 p.
  • He, L.H., Genovese, K.J., Swaggerty, C.L., Nisbet, D.J., Kogut, M.H. 2018. Mitogen-activated protein kinase p38, not ERK1/2 and JNK, regulates nitric oxide response to Salmonella Heidelberg infection in chicken macrophage HD11 cells. International Journal of Bacteriology & Parasitology. 2018(2) :1-5. doi: 10.29011/IJBP-107.000007.
  • Bearson, S.M., Bearson, B.L., Sylte, M.J., Looft, T.P., Kogut, M.H., Cai, G. 2019. Cross-protective Salmonella vaccine reduces cecal and splenic colonization of multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Heidelberg. Vaccine. 37(10):1255-1259.
  • Swaggerty, C.L., Callaway, T.R., Kogut, M.H., Piva, A., Grilli, E. 2019. Modulation of the immune response to improve health and reduce foodborne pathogens in poultry. Microorganisms. 7(3):65.
  • Sohail, M.U., Hume, M.E. 2019. Evaluation of antimicrobial action of chitosan and acetic acid on broiler cecal bacterial profiles in anaerobic cultures inoculated with Salmonella Typhimurium. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 28(1):176-183.
  • He, L.H., Arsenault, R.J., Genovese, K.J., Swaggerty, C.L., Johnson, C., Nisbet, D.J., Kogut, M.H. 2019. Inhibition of calmodulin increases intracellular survival of Salmonella in chicken macrophage cells. Veterinary Microbiology. 232:156-161.
  • Kogut, M.H. 2019. The effect of microbiome modulation on the intestinal health of poultry. Animal Feed Science And Technology. 250:32-40.
  • Betancourt, L., Hume, M.E., Rodríguez, F., Nisbet, D.J., Sohail, M.U., Afanador-Tellez, G. 2019. Effects of Colombian oregano essential oil (Lippia origanoides Kunth) and Eimeria species on broiler production and cecal microbiota. Poultry Science.
  • Hernández-Coronado, A.C., Silva-Vázquez, R., Rangel Nava, Z.E., Hernández- Martínez, C.A., Kawas-Garza, J.R., Hume, M.E., Méndez-Zamora, G. 2019. Mexican oregano essential oils given in drinking water on performance, carcass traits, and meat quality of broilers. Poultry Science. 98(7):3050- 3058.

Progress 10/01/17 to 09/30/18

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416): Objective 1: Define the differential host-pathogen interactions between Salmonella and chicken and poultry mucosal immune systems using genomic technologies. Determine the relationship between foodborne pathogens and the mucosal innate immune response, focusing on epigenetic reprogramming of host immune genes in persistent infections. Objective 2: Identify and develop key strategies including waste, vaccination (using innate immunity), and lighting management strategies for use at animal production facilities that mitigate and reduce the bacterial load of Salmonella and other foodborne pathogens without the use of antibiotics during pre-harvest production in broiler chickens and turkeys. Objective 3: Analyze and characterize both host and Salmonella proteins that are modulated in expression during infection using quantitative proteomic. Develop strategies to reduce foodborne pathogens by targeting host immune-metabolic signaling pathways affected by Salmonella and Campylobacter virulence factors. Objective 4: Investigate potential alternatives to antibiotics, such as chitosan preparations and other commercially available products, on the cecal levels of Salmonella and Campylobacter using an experimental model and metagenomics. Investigate the potential for use and the mechanism used by specific nutritional supplements to inhibit the transfer of genetic resistance elements, such as plasmids, by conjugation between commensal and foodborne bacteria. Objective 5: Investigate the interaction between yeast and fungi and foodborne bacteria to determine their role as commensals and inhibitors or their use as alternatives to antibiotics as pre-and probiotics. Objective 6: Identify ecological reservoirs of pathogens and the potential role of dispersal of animal waste that enable the retention of foodborne pathogens within animal production facilities and the surrounding environments. Approach (from AD-416): The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to monitor multistate foodborne outbreaks that impact health of the nation over the last 10 years. One area of concern is the reduction of Salmonella as a foodborne pathogen. Despite control efforts that cost over a half a billion dollars annually, foodborne illnesses due to Salmonella continues to impact the consumer. Poultry are commonly identified as a major source of Salmonella. To develop urgently needed new control strategies against Salmonella, we will take a multi-faceted, but integrated approach to identify and evaluate factors at the pre-harvest level that can be used. Based on previous research and collaborations with industry, we will identify and modify management practices that may decrease foodborne pathogen load, as well as environmental conditions associated with higher risk that would be conducive to pathogen survival and growth. Cost effective alternatives will be suggested throughout the poultry production phase. Environmental areas of concern, such as poultry waste and insect vectors will be included. At a more micro-level, interactions among fungi, protozoa, and other microbes will be evaluated under commercial production practices with the outcome of proposed new strategies for pathogen reduction. Campylobacter, a foodborne pathogen in poultry, has become an increasing concern due to the development of antibiotic resistance, especially to fluoroquinolones. The proposed research will investigate strategies to reduce pre-harvest Campylobacter, which will enhance the microbiological safety of poultry. This is important for food safety, but also for the reduction of potential antimicrobial resistance in animal agriculture and public health. Immune modulation is one approach for new anti-infective therapies, whereby natural mechanisms in the host can be exploited to strengthen therapeutic benefits. The stimulation of innate immunity has considerable potential to induce a profound and rapid cross-protection against multiple serovars of bacteria. Using "omic" techniques, including functional genomics, epigenetics, proteomics, and metabolomics, we will identify effective modulators of innate immunity to control infections, especially in situations where vaccination is not appropriate. Furthermore, metabolism and host immunity are essential requirements for survival. Mounting an immune response requires major changes to metabolic processes. Thus, the integration of central metabolic pathways and nutrient sensing with antibacterial immunity alters cellular energy homeostasis and contributes to the prevention or resolution of infectious diseases. Hence, immune and metabolic response processes govern infectious diseases. Research taken will focus on obtaining a greater understanding of the critical nodes of immunometabolism during Salmonella and Campylobacter infection. Work under the project during FY 2018 concentrated on investigating the interaction of chicken intestinal tissues and chicken macrophages with Salmonella using kinomic peptide array. The work has identified many key host kinases and pathways which play critical roles in determining the fate of the intracellular Salmonella (Objectives 3 and 4). Additional work in FY 2018 identified crucial elements of the mucosal immune system that provide a remarkable ability to respond and modify diverse encounters in the intestines via two distinct functions: The ability to respond to pathobionts (potential pathogenic microbes), invasive pathogens, and microbial products while also maintaining a state of tolerance to the diverse and beneficial commensal intestinal microbes (Objective 2). The development of the different divisions of the immune response was found to correspond with the acquisition and maintenance of a symbiotic microbiota. This microbiota train stimulates and functionally adjusts the different features of the immune system. Together, the immune system, the microbiota, and the host nutritional/metabolic systems form the "intestinal m�nage a trois" which provides the maintenance of optimal gut health. Accomplishments 01 Alternative to antibiotics. Antimicrobials are provided to poultry and livestock for disease prophylaxis, treatment, and growth promotion. Persistent low dose administration of antimicrobials in animal feed is thought to lead to selection, emergence, and dissemination of drug resistant microorganisms. Alternatives to antimicrobials are actively being sought to replace antimicrobials currently used in agriculture. Methylsulfonylmethane is a dietary supplement that exhibits anti- inflammatory properties and is used for the treatment of osteoarthritis in horses, dogs, and humans. It has been generally regarded as safe by the Federal Drug Administration for the treatment of osteoarthritis. Methylsulfonylmethane was found to be inhibitory to several antimicrobial resistant Escherichia coli during initial studies. ARS researchers in College Station, Texas, have done several growth studies to determine parameters of inhibition by methylsulfonylmethane and to determine if it was bacteriostatic or bactericidal. Methylsulfonylmethane at 0, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, and 16% was evaluated on E. coli, Salmonella Kinshasa, vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium, and Staphylococcus aureus strains. Methylsulfonylmethane was bacteriostatic to all strains. Methylsulfonylmethane demonstrated bacteriostatic inhibition on bacterial growth in short-term growth studies, but was bactericidal in long-term growth studies under the conditions used during this study. Methylsulfonylmethane provided to food animals as a nutritional supplement may reduce the need for antimicrobial use in agriculture. If true, this would have a global impact with regard to agriculture's contribution to antimicrobial resistance. 02 Genetic selection for resistance to foodborne pathogens in poultry. Breeding chickens resistant to Salmonella and Campylobacter infection is considered to be a potential long-term intervention in controlling these bacteria in broiler chicken production. ARS scientists at College Station, Texas, developed an innovative selection strategy based on a phenotype of inherently higher pro-inflammatory mediators that showed the profile of the sire was passed onto progeny. This approach is very different from other selection strategies that are seeking to improve resistance against single pathogens. A population of sires and dams from two lines of broiler chickens have been screened, and individuals with naturally high and low levels of key immune markers (IL6, CXCLi2, and CCLi2) have been identified. Selection based on pro-inflammatory mediators could be valuable in light of stricter regulations with respect to antibiotic use, and may provide the poultry industry with a viable option to enhance selection for improved robustness, livability, and resistance against a broad range of poultry and foodborne pathogens.



  • Hume, M.E., Sohail, M.U. 2018. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis- polymerase chain reaction comparison of chitosan effects on anaerobic cultures of broiler cecal bacteria and Salmonella Typhimurium. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. 15(4):246-252.
  • Hashim, M.M., Arsenault, R.J., Byrd II, J.A., Kogut, M.H., Al-Ajeeli, M., Bailey, C.A. 2018. Influence of different yeast cell wall preparations and their components on performance and immune and metabolic pathways in Clostridium perfringens-challenged broiler chicks. Poultry Science. 97(1) :203-210.
  • He, L.H., Arsenault, R.J., Genovese, K.J., Johnson, C., Kogut, M.H. 2018. Chicken macrophages infected with Salmonella (S.) Enteritidis or S. Heidelberg produce differential responses in immune and metabolic signaling pathways. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology. 195:46-55.
  • Broom, L.J., Kogut, M.H. 2018. Inflammation: Friend or foe for animal production? Poultry Science. 97(2):510-514.
  • Beskin, K.V., Holcomb, C.D., Cammack, J.A., Crippen, T.L., Knap, A.H., Sweet, S.T., Tomberlin, J.K. 2018. Larval digestion of different manure types by the black soldier fly (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) impacts associated volatile emissions. Waste Management. 74:213-220.
  • Crippen, T.L., Sheffield, C.L., Beier, R.C., Nisbet, D.J. 2018. The horizontal transfer of Salmonella between the lesser mealworm (Alphitobius diaperinus) and poultry manure. Zoonoses and Public Health. 65(1):e23-e33.
  • Broom, L., Kogut, M.H. 2018. Gut immunity: Its development and reasons and opportunities for modulation in monogastric production animals. Animal Health Research Reviews. 19(1):46-52.
  • Kogut, M.H., Genovese, K.J., Swaggerty, C.L., He, L.H., Broom, L. 2018. Inflammatory phenotypes in the intestine of poultry: Not all inflammation is created equally. Poultry Science. 97(7):2339-2346.
  • Flores, M., Crippen, T.L., Longnecker, M., Tomberlin, J.K. 2017. Nonconsumptive effects of predatory Chrysomya rufifacies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) larval cues on larval Cochliomyia macellaria (Diptera: Calliphoridae) growth and development. Journal of Medical Entomology. 54(5) :1167-1174.
  • Zheng, L., Crippen, T.L., Dabney, A., Gordy, A., Tomberlin, J.K. 2017. Evaluation of sterilized artificial diets for mass rearing the Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Journal of Medical Entomology. 54(5) :1122-1128.
  • Rehkopf, A.C., Byrd II, J.A., Coufal, C.D., Duong, T. 2017. Advanced oxidation process sanitization of hatching eggs reduces Salmonella in broiler chicks. Poultry Science. 96(10):3709-3716.
  • Swaggerty, C.L., Kogut, M.H., He, L.H., Genovese, K.J., Johnson, C., Arsenault, R.J. 2017. Differential levels of cecal colonization by Salmonella Enteritidis in chickens triggers distinct immune kinome profiles. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 4(214):1-14.

Progress 10/01/16 to 09/30/17

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416): Objective 1: Define the differential host-pathogen interactions between Salmonella and chicken and poultry mucosal immune systems using genomic technologies. Determine the relationship between foodborne pathogens and the mucosal innate immune response, focusing on epigenetic reprogramming of host immune genes in persistent infections. Objective 2: Identify and develop key strategies including waste, vaccination (using innate immunity), and lighting management strategies for use at animal production facilities that mitigate and reduce the bacterial load of Salmonella and other foodborne pathogens without the use of antibiotics during pre-harvest production in broiler chickens and turkeys. Objective 3: Analyze and characterize both host and Salmonella proteins that are modulated in expression during infection using quantitative proteomic. Develop strategies to reduce foodborne pathogens by targeting host immune-metabolic signaling pathways affected by Salmonella and Campylobacter virulence factors. Objective 4: Investigate potential alternatives to antibiotics, such as chitosan preparations and other commercially available products, on the cecal levels of Salmonella and Campylobacter using an experimental model and metagenomics. Investigate the potential for use and the mechanism used by specific nutritional supplements to inhibit the transfer of genetic resistance elements, such as plasmids, by conjugation between commensal and foodborne bacteria. Objective 5: Investigate the interaction between yeast and fungi and foodborne bacteria to determine their role as commensals and inhibitors or their use as alternatives to antibiotics as pre-and probiotics. Objective 6: Identify ecological reservoirs of pathogens and the potential role of dispersal of animal waste that enable the retention of foodborne pathogens within animal production facilities and the surrounding environments. Approach (from AD-416): The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to monitor multistate foodborne outbreaks that impact health of the nation over the last 10 years. One area of concern is the reduction of Salmonella as a foodborne pathogen. Despite control efforts that cost over a half a billion dollars annually, foodborne illnesses due to Salmonella continues to impact the consumer. Poultry are commonly identified as a major source of Salmonella. To develop urgently needed new control strategies against Salmonella, we will take a multi-faceted, but integrated approach to identify and evaluate factors at the pre-harvest level that can be used. Based on previous research and collaborations with industry, we will identify and modify management practices that may decrease foodborne pathogen load, as well as environmental conditions associated with higher risk that would be conducive to pathogen survival and growth. Cost effective alternatives will be suggested throughout the poultry production phase. Environmental areas of concern, such as poultry waste and insect vectors will be included. At a more micro-level, interactions among fungi, protozoa, and other microbes will be evaluated under commercial production practices with the outcome of proposed new strategies for pathogen reduction. Campylobacter, a foodborne pathogen in poultry, has become an increasing concern due to the development of antibiotic resistance, especially to fluoroquinolones. The proposed research will investigate strategies to reduce pre-harvest Campylobacter, which will enhance the microbiological safety of poultry. This is important for food safety, but also for the reduction of potential antimicrobial resistance in animal agriculture and public health. Immune modulation is one approach for new anti-infective therapies, whereby natural mechanisms in the host can be exploited to strengthen therapeutic benefits. The stimulation of innate immunity has considerable potential to induce a profound and rapid cross-protection against multiple serovars of bacteria. Using "omic" techniques, including functional genomics, epigenetics, proteomics, and metabolomics, we will identify effective modulators of innate immunity to control infections, especially in situations where vaccination is not appropriate. Furthermore, metabolism and host immunity are essential requirements for survival. Mounting an immune response requires major changes to metabolic processes. Thus, the integration of central metabolic pathways and nutrient sensing with antibacterial immunity alters cellular energy homeostasis and contributes to the prevention or resolution of infectious diseases. Hence, immune and metabolic response processes govern infectious diseases. Research taken will focus on obtaining a greater understanding of the critical nodes of immunometabolism during Salmonella and Campylobacter infection. In FY 2017, focus was on implementing management strategies for reducing the movement of bacteria from the poultry house environment. As part of project work to reduce the spread of foodborne pathogens, studies were conducted to examine the impact that types of lighting (LED versus florescent) may have on foodborne pathogens in poultry (Objective 1). The results indicate that the spectrum of LED light can affect the cecal Salmonella contamination when combined with Salmonella Enteritidis- vaccinated laying hens. Work also assessed the role of arthropods at animal production facilities and their influence on pathogen transmission. Work in FY 2017 advanced the understanding of the fate and transport of bacteria by arthropods and led to a better knowledge base for development of new procedures and protocols for controlling foodborne pathogens (Objectives 2 and 3). In other work during FY 2017, feeding of certain bacterial and fungal products to broiler chickens improved overall animal health and welfare as measured by evaluation of stress indicators while the birds were under heat stress or non-heat stress conditions. Fungal products may be useful as a means to improve poultry welfare by reducing stress susceptibility (Objective 4). Accomplishments 01 Filth fly transmission of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella enterica. Much needs to be learned about the roles arthropods play in animal production facilities regarding the transfer of food poisoning microbes. ARS researchers at College Station, Texas, characterized the differential capacity of the blow fly and the house fly to acquire and deposit E. coli O157:H7 or Salmonella. House flies have historically been implicated in pathogen contamination, but data from this work indicates that blowflies are more efficient vectors of foodborne pathogens. The vectoring capacities of different insects exposed to the same pathogen may not be equal, and different pathogens may not be equally vectored by a given insect species. This knowledge is important in developing strategies for arthropod/pathogen management in and around poultry rearing facilities. 02 Interkingdom cues by bacteria associated with filth fly behavior. Mechanisms that regulate insect succession on carrion, which affects decomposition rates and pathogen dispersal, are poorly understood. ARS researchers at College Station, Texas, examined the succession responses of the native secondary screwworm and the invasive hairy maggot blowfly to colonization of resources when in direct competition. The flies exhibited differential responses to eggs from their species versus competing species, which appears to be a result of microbial produced odors that are tied into the predator-prey interactions between the species. Analysis revealed the blow fly had similar egg- associated microbes that may serve as camouflage, allowing the predator fly to colonize and attract the prey for its larvae. This work suggests that insect and microbial interactions may have broader impacts on carcass decomposition and could allow direct intervention of insect attraction to waste and pathogen dispersal at food animal production facilities.



  • Pace, R.C., Talley, J.L., Crippen, T.L., Wayadande, A.C. 2017. Filth fly transmission of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella enterica to lettuce, Lactuca sativa. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 110(1):83-89.
  • Brundage, A.L., Crippen, T.L., Singh, B., Benbow, E., Liu, W., Tarone, A.M. , Wood, T.K., Tomberlin, J.K. 2017. Interkingdom cues by bacteria associated with conspecific and heterospecific eggs of Cochliomyia macellaria and Chrysomya rufifacies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) potentially govern succession on carrion. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 110(1):73-82. doi:10.1093/aesa/saw090.
  • Castaneda Correa, A., Trachsel, J., Allen, H.K., Corral-Luna, A., Gutierrez-Banuelos, H., Ochoa-Garcia, P.A., Ruiz-Barrera, O., Hume, M.E., Callaway, T.R., Harvey, R.B., Beier, R.C., Anderson, R.C., Nisbet, D.J. 2017. Effect of sole or combined administration of nitrate and 3-nitro-1- propionic acid on fermentation and Salmonella survivability in alfalfa-fed rumen cultures in vitro. Bioresource Technology. 229:69-77. doi: 10.1016/j. biortech.2017.01.012.
  • Silva-Vazquez, R., Garcia-Macias, J.A., Duran-Melendez, L.A., Hume, M.E., Mendez-Zamora, G. 2017. Mexican oregano (Lippia berlandieri Schauer) oil on turkey slaughter quality. Ecosistemas y Recursos Agropecuarios. 4(10) :177-182.
  • Kogut, M.H., Byrd, J.A. 2016. The relationship between the immune response and susceptibility to Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis infection in the laying hen. In: Ricke, S.C., Gast, R.K., editors. Producing Safe Eggs. London, UK: Elsevier Inc. p. 209-234.

Progress 10/01/15 to 09/30/16

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416): Objective 1: Identify and develop key strategies including waste, vaccine, and lighting management strategies for use at animal production facilities that mitigate and reduce the bacterial load of foodborne pathogens without the use of antibiotics during pre-harvest production. Sub-objective 1.A: Determine the effects of vaccine management programs on the viability of pathogenic bacteria in poultry. Sub-objective 1.B: Determine the effects of Intestinal Alkaline Phosphatase on the viability of pathogenic bacteria in poultry. Objective 2: Identify ecological reservoirs of pathogens and the potential role of dispersal of animal waste that enable the retention of foodborne pathogens within animal production facilities and the surrounding environments. Sub-objective 2.A: Determine the dispersal of bacteria including antibiotic resistance (AR) from animal production facilities, animal waste, or carrion decomposition sites by arthropods. Sub-objective 2.B: Determine the effects that management practices have on environmental dispersal (such as by arthropods, machinery, environmental elements, etc.) of bacteria and antibiotic resistance (AR) from animal production facilities, animal waste, or carrion decomposition sites. Objective 3: Investigate potential alternatives to antibiotics, such as chitosan preparations and other commercially available products on the cecal levels of Salmonella and Campylobacter using an experimental model and metagenomics. Sub-objective 3.A: Determine the bactericidal effects of chitosan as a feed additive against human foodborne enteropathogen colonization in poultry. Sub-objective 3.B: Determine the bactericidal and anti-coccidial effects of chlorate as a feed additive against human foodborne enteropathogen colonization in poultry. Objective 4: Investigate the interaction between yeast and fungi and foodborne bacteria to determine their role as commensals, inhibitors, or their use as alternatives to antibiotics as pre-and probiotics. Sub-objective 4.A: Identify fungi and bacteria that will reduce or control the growth of Salmonella and Campylobacter. Objective 5: Investigate the potential for use and the mechanism used by specific nutritional supplements to inhibit the transfer of genetic resistance elements, such as plasmids, by conjugation between commensal and foodborne bacteria. Sub-objective 5.A: Determine the effect of Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) on antimicrobial resistant bacteria in vitro and in vivo. Approach (from AD-416): The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to monitor multistate foodborne outbreaks that impact health of the nation over the last 10 years. One area of concern is the reduction of Salmonella as a foodborne pathogen. Despite control efforts that cost over a half a billion dollars annually, foodborne illnesses due to Salmonella continues to impact the consumer. Poultry are commonly identified as a major source of Salmonella. To develop urgently needed new control strategies against Salmonella, we will take a multi-faceted, but integrated approach to identify and evaluate factors at the pre-harvest level that can be used. Based on previous research and collaborations with industry, we will identify and modify management practices that may decrease foodborne pathogen load, as well as environmental conditions associated with higher risk that would be conducive to pathogen survival and growth. Cost effective alternatives will be suggested throughout the poultry production phase. Environmental areas of concern, such as poultry waste and insect vectors will be included. At a more micro-level, interactions among fungi, protozoa, and other microbes will be evaluated under commercial production practices with the outcome of proposed new strategies for pathogen reduction. Campylobacter, a foodborne pathogen in poultry, has become an increasing concern due to the development of antibiotic resistance, especially to fluoroquinolones. The proposed research will investigate strategies to reduce pre-harvest Campylobacter, which will enhance the microbiological safety of poultry. This is important for food safety, but also for the reduction of potential antimicrobial resistance in animal agriculture and public health. This is a new project that replaced 3091-32000-032-00D, and is expanding upon the work of the precursor project. An initial feeding trial of the gut enzyme, intestinal alkaline phosphatase (IAP), was completed to the data analysis stage to determine if the enzyme prevents Salmonella typhimurium infections in broilers. Ongoing studies established that coarse molecular weight chitosan reduced the overall bacterial diversity and bacterial populations found in broilers. Research on several bacterial and fungal populations is underway to establish if there is any correlation with broiler chickens raised in high producing houses versus low producing houses. The results will establish the potential of beneficial bacterial/fungal populations as probiotics for the control of foodborne pathogens, thus reducing the need for conventional antibiotics. Accomplishments 01 Native microbial populations affect Salmonella in poultry production systems. Current poultry management programs are standardized on single production areas, called poultry production complexes. However, poultry production parameters and food safety parameters can vary dramatically between the individual farms within a complex. ARS researchers at College Station, Texas, identified 14 bacterial and 28 fungal populations that occur in high-producing versus low-producing farms or in Salmonella-positive versus Salmonella-negative farms. The next phase of this work will be to isolate the different populations and study their attributes to control foodborne pathogens. This work will assist the poultry industry to develop new approaches to minimize the impact of harmful microorganisms in production environments. The impact to the consumer will be safer and more wholesome poultry food products.

