Progress 01/11/13 to 05/08/13
Outputs Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416): The long term objective of this project is to diversify the genetic base of maize in the United States by the addition of new genes from exotic maize that will improve agronomic productivity, disease resistance, and insect resistance, and contribute value-added grain characteristics, including total extractable starch to support ethanol production. Approach (from AD-416): Manage Germplasm Enhancement of Maize (GEM) field nurseries, seed inventories, and germplasm exchange so that new sources of germplasm and information reach stakeholders annually. With the GEM Project Technical Steering Group (TSG) , identify and acquire new sources of exotic maize germplasm for breeding and diversity assessment projects. Conduct cooperative maize germplasm evaluations for host-plant resistance to gray leaf spot, southern corn leaf blight, northern leaf blight, and fumonisin production. Develop advanced maize breeding families, derived from non-U.S. and U.S. sources which are selected for wide adaptation to U.S. conditions. This was the bridging project for 6645-21000-029-00D pending the completion of scienfic review and has been replaced by new project #6645- 21000-030-00D.
Impacts (N/A)