Source: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
Agricultural Research Service/USDA
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2009
Project End Date
Sep 15, 2012
Grant Year
Project Director
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The objective of this research is to evaluate, characterize, and utilize accessions from the ARS germplasm collection with an overall goal of releasing new germplasm resulting in a marked increase in hybrid grain yields. The specific objectives include the development and utilization of genotyping methodology based on next generation sequencing technology to allow detailed germplasm fingerprints; genetically fingerprint tropical accessions and photoperiod-converted materials to obtain a catalog of the regions of the tropical genomes that are critical for agronomic performance; identify sorghum genes/alleles that modulate photoperiod sensitivity; and investigate the regulation of the sorghum flowering gene network through analysis of diurnal/circadian flowering gene expression in different genetic backgrounds and by comparative analysis of flowering pathways in sorghum, rice and Arabidopsis.
Project Methods
Utilize next-generation sequence machines and sequence methodology being developed at Texas A&M University to fingerprint tropical accessions. Utilize genetic fingerprints to expedite the breeding process required to convert tropical germplasm to photoperiod insensitive material. Transfer fundamental information about genes that regulate flowering time in Arabidopsis, rice, and other plants to sorghum by identifying and annotating the sorghum homologs of known flowering genes; identify quantitative trait loci, genes, and alleles that modulate flowering time in sorghum using populations that vary extensively in photoperiod sensitivity and flowering time.

Progress 09/01/09 to 09/15/12

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416): The objective of this research is to evaluate, characterize, and utilize accessions from the ARS germplasm collection with an overall goal of releasing new germplasm resulting in a marked increase in hybrid grain yields. The specific objectives include the development and utilization of genotyping methodology based on next generation sequencing technology to allow detailed germplasm fingerprints; genetically fingerprint tropical accessions and photoperiod-converted materials to obtain a catalog of the regions of the tropical genomes that are critical for agronomic performance; identify sorghum genes/alleles that modulate photoperiod sensitivity; and investigate the regulation of the sorghum flowering gene network through analysis of diurnal/circadian flowering gene expression in different genetic backgrounds and by comparative analysis of flowering pathways in sorghum, rice and Arabidopsis. Approach (from AD-416): Utilize next-generation sequence machines and sequence methodology being developed at Texas A&M University to fingerprint tropical accessions. Utilize genetic fingerprints to expedite the breeding process required to convert tropical germplasm to photoperiod insensitive material. Transfer fundamental information about genes that regulate flowering time in Arabidopsis, rice, and other plants to sorghum by identifying and annotating the sorghum homologs of known flowering genes; identify quantitative trait loci, genes, and alleles that modulate flowering time in sorghum using populations that vary extensively in photoperiod sensitivity and flowering time. The goal of this project is to clarify the cellular processes fundamental to the photoperiodic flowering response of sorghum. In FY 2012, work was completed in screening photoperiod-sensitive (non-flowering) germplasm with thousands of sequenced-based markers to provide a detailed, unique fingerprint of the genome of each accession. Over the life of the project, critical information was obtained to permit rapid screening of sorghum germplasm for photoperiod sensitivity, and molecular markers were developed that will allow plant breeders in the future to quickly and efficiently develop new photoperiod-insensitive sorghums for productive use in U.S. agriculture. This project was scheduled to expire in FY 2014, but it was terminated in FY 2012 because project goals had largely been met.



    Progress 10/01/10 to 09/30/11

    Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416) The objective of this research is to evaluate, characterize, and utilize accessions from the ARS germplasm collection with an overall goal of releasing new germplasm resulting in a marked increase in hybrid grain yields. The specific objectives include the development and utilization of genotyping methodology based on next generation sequencing technology to allow detailed germplasm fingerprints; genetically fingerprint tropical accessions and photoperiod-converted materials to obtain a catalog of the regions of the tropical genomes that are critical for agronomic performance; identify sorghum genes/alleles that modulate photoperiod sensitivity; and investigate the regulation of the sorghum flowering gene network through analysis of diurnal/circadian flowering gene expression in different genetic backgrounds and by comparative analysis of flowering pathways in sorghum, rice and Arabidopsis. Approach (from AD-416) Utilize next-generation sequence machines and sequence methodology being developed at Texas A&M University to fingerprint tropical accessions. Utilize genetic fingerprints to expedite the breeding process required to convert tropical germplasm to photoperiod insensitive material. Transfer fundamental information about genes that regulate flowering time in Arabidopsis, rice, and other plants to sorghum by identifying and annotating the sorghum homologs of known flowering genes; identify quantitative trait loci, genes, and alleles that modulate flowering time in sorghum using populations that vary extensively in photoperiod sensitivity and flowering time. The goal of this project is to elucidate cellular processes underlying the photoperiod response of sorghum. During FY 2011, progress was made screening photoperiod-sensitive (non-flowering) germplasm with thousands of sequenced-based markers to provide a detailed, unique fingerprint of the genome of each accession. Work by this project, as it continues, will provide critical information to permit rapid screening of sorghum germplasm for photoperiod sensitivity, and will allow plant breeders to develop new photoperiod-insensitive sorghums for productive use in U.S. agriculture. The ADODR of this project and the cooperator maintain regular communication by phone and e-mail, where progress of the work is discussed and evaluated, and where solutions to work impediments are developed. The ADODR and cooperator meet periodically (at national scientific meetings, etc.) where they discuss the direction and progress of the work.



      Progress 10/01/09 to 09/30/10

      Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416) The objective of this research is to evaluate, characterize, and utilize accessions from the ARS germplasm collection with an overall goal of releasing new germplasm resulting in a marked increase in hybrid grain yields. The specific objectives include the development and utilization of genotyping methodology based on next generation sequencing technology to allow detailed germplasm fingerprints; genetically fingerprint tropical accessions and photoperiod-converted materials to obtain a catalog of the regions of the tropical genomes that are critical for agronomic performance; identify sorghum genes/alleles that modulate photoperiod sensitivity; and investigate the regulation of the sorghum flowering gene network through analysis of diurnal/circadian flowering gene expression in different genetic backgrounds and by comparative analysis of flowering pathways in sorghum, rice and Arabidopsis. Approach (from AD-416) Utilize next-generation sequence machines and sequence methodology being developed at Texas A&M University to fingerprint tropical accessions. Utilize genetic fingerprints to expedite the breeding process required to convert tropical germplasm to photoperiod insensitive material. Transfer fundamental information about genes that regulate flowering time in Arabidopsis, rice, and other plants to sorghum by identifying and annotating the sorghum homologs of known flowering genes; identify quantitative trait loci, genes, and alleles that modulate flowering time in sorghum using populations that vary extensively in photoperiod sensitivity and flowering time. This is a new project with the goal of defining the biochemical processes, at the cellular level, that control the response of sorghum to length-of- day (photoperiod) during the growing season. During FY 2010, efforts focused on research planning and protocol development, but significant progress was made in understanding the cellular processes involved in control and expression of the genes that regulate the adaptation of sorghum to long photoperiods. As project work continues, it is expected that new techniques will be developed to allow rapid screening of a wide variety of sorghum germplasm for photoperiod sensitivity. Knowledge gained from the work will facilitate the ongoing efforts of sorghum breeders to develop new photoperiod-insensitive sorghums for U.S. agriculture. These new sorghums will have improved agronomic and production traits captured from germplasm sources that have previously not been exploitable in breeding programs. The ADODR of this project and the cooperator maintain regular communication by phone and e-mail, where progress of the work is discussed and evaluated, and where solutions to work impediments are developed. The ADODR and the cooperator periodically meet face-to-face (at national scientific meetings, etc.) to discuss research priorities and the overall direction and progress of the work.

