Sponsoring Institution
Agricultural Research Service/USDA
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
May 14, 2008
Project End Date
May 13, 2013
Grant Year
Project Director
Recipient Organization
FARGO,ND 58102-2765
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
201 - Plant Genome, Genetics, and Genetic Mechanisms;

Subject Of Investigation
1844 - Sunflower;

Field Of Science
1080 - Genetics;
Goals / Objectives
The objectives of our proposed research are threefold: (1) To evaluate cultivated sunflower and wild Helianthus species for insect and disease resistance, concentrating on those diseases and insects which are of greatest impact to the U.S. sunflower industry, (2) to develop and phenotype segregating populations for DNA marker discovery, which will be used to supplement classical breeding methods to identify breeding material with improved agronomic, disease and insect resistance traits, and (3) to develop advanced germplasm which carry genes for insect and disease resistance.
Project Methods
To identify new sources of insect and disease resistance in sunflower we will evaluate, either under natural infestations (insects) or with artificial inoculations (diseases) a diverse selection of sunflower germplasm, including breeding populations, USDA Plant Introductions, and wild species (obtained from a companion research project 5442-21000-034-00D). For diseases, we will focus on Sclerotinia, downy mildew, and rust. The major insect pests in our studies are the sunflower stem weevil, sunflower moth, and banded sunflower moth. We have developed segregating populations for some insect and diseases, and are developing others. These populations will be used by the project molecular geneticist to identify markers for these traits. Phenotyping will be done at several locations, using either natural insect infestations or artificial inoculations for diseases. Finally, using field plots with natural insect infestations or artificial disease inoculations, and supplemented by marker-assisted selection, we will evaluate the new sources for resistance to the major insect pest species and disease pathogens and transfer that resistance into genetic stocks or advanced USDA germplasm for release to the public.

Progress 05/14/08 to 05/13/13

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416): The objectives of our proposed research are threefold: (1) To evaluate cultivated sunflower and wild Helianthus species for insect and disease resistance, concentrating on those diseases and insects which are of greatest impact to the U.S. sunflower industry, (2) to develop and phenotype segregating populations for DNA marker discovery, which will be used to supplement classical breeding methods to identify breeding material with improved agronomic, disease and insect resistance traits, and (3) to develop advanced germplasm which carry genes for insect and disease resistance. Approach (from AD-416): To identify new sources of insect and disease resistance in sunflower we will evaluate, either under natural infestations (insects) or with artificial inoculations (diseases) a diverse selection of sunflower germplasm, including breeding populations, USDA Plant Introductions, and wild species (obtained from a companion research project 5442-21000-034- 00D). For diseases, we will focus on Sclerotinia, downy mildew, and rust. The major insect pests in our studies are the sunflower stem weevil, sunflower moth, and banded sunflower moth. We have developed segregating populations for some insect and diseases, and are developing others. These populations will be used by the project molecular geneticist to identify markers for these traits. Phenotyping will be done at several locations, using either natural insect infestations or artificial inoculations for diseases. Finally, using field plots with natural insect infestations or artificial disease inoculations, and supplemented by marker-assisted selection, we will evaluate the new sources for resistance to the major insect pest species and disease pathogens and transfer that resistance into genetic stocks or advanced USDA germplasm for release to the public. Identify new sources of disease resistance and map genes. One-sixth of the USDA Plant Introduction Station collection of cultivated sunflower germplasm (~ 250 accessions) was tested at multiple field sites in ND, SD and MN over the 5-yr period to identify new sources of resistance to Sclerotinia head rot (SHR), Sclerotinia stalk rot (SSR) and Phomopsis stem canker (PSR). The 19 trials, using artificial inoculation, totaled 13,000 rows, and the data were also used in association mapping analysis to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) for the three diseases. A candidate gene analysis indicated that COI1-like genes are associated with resistance to SSR. During the 5-yr period we planted 18,000 rows to evaluate unit breeding material for SSR and SHR. A new virulent race of downy mildew (DM), able to attack the Pl6 gene, was found in 2009. We examined 400 DM isolates over the 5-yr period, and identified nine virulent races, which comprised 30% of DM population in ND, SD, and MN. Four resistance genes, available in 12 USDA inbreds, remain immune to all DM races. A 4-yr study of rust races was finished in 2009, and revealed that 39 rust races exist in the U.S., with two races comprising 45%. Nine USDA lines are resistant to all U.S. races. Find new sources of insect resistance and integrate into oilseed and confectionery lines. Over the 5-yr period, > 500 germplasm sources were tested for resistance to major sunflower insect pests under field conditions. Greatest progress was made for the red sunflower seed weevil. Germplasm developed for the weevil is agronomically very good and reduces weevil damage by ~ 75%. For the banded sunflower moth, a recombinant inbred line population was developed and is being evaluated for resistance. The first populations developed for the sunflower moth and sunflower stem weevil showed inconsistent results, suggesting these sources are not suitable for future breeding work. This has focused our future work on discovering resistance mechanisms which can be tested under lab and greenhouse conditions, thus increasing our efficiency. Work on the inheritance of two sunflower moth-specific resistance traits is underway. Transfer new sources of disease resistance into high yielding backgrounds. Over the 5-yr period, our germplasm enhancement project has formed 162 breeding populations and developed new inbred lines with disease and insect resistance traits. From these populations, around 8, 000 yield trial plots have been planted across the sunflower growing region (ND, SD, MN, KS, TX) to assess yield and agronomic quality, as well as disease and insect resistance. Four germplasm releases were made in 2011 and nine are planned for 2013, combining multiple disease resistances (SSR, SHR, PSC and DM) with yield and agronomic traits of importance. These releases will help seed companies by providing germplasm that can be used in conjunction with genetic markers. This and companion project 5442-21000-034-00D have been merged into a new project 5442-21000-039-00D titled "Sunflower Genetic Improvement with Genes from Wild Crop Relatives and Domesticated Sunflower." Accomplishments 01 Markers for Sclerotinia Stalk Rot resistance in sunflower. Sclerotinia stalk rot is one of the most important diseases in sunflower in terms of losses. ARS scientists were able to find 25 SNP loci including those in two COI1-like genes that associate with resistance in breeding germplasm and the Plant Introduction collection. These markers should translate well to other breeding germplasm and provide additional information on the Plant Introduction germplasm resources. 02 Resistance to new infectious strains of sunflower downy mildew. Sunflower is an important oil and confection seed crop in the US. Downy mildew is a serious disease of sunflower. ARS scientists in Fargo, ND, identified a total of nine new infectious strains of downy mildew in the last foure years that overcome two genes widely used in commercial downy mildew-resistant hybrids. More importantly, they determined that 12 USDA lines remain resistant to all known U.S. downy mildew strains. This information allows sunflower seed companies to use effective resistance genes to downy mildew in their hybrids, thus protecting the U.S. crop from this ever-present disease. 03 Identification of new sunflower pathogens. Most sunflower pathogens are well known, and identified by classical methods. Three additional Phomopsis species (P. stewartii, P. longicola, and P. gulyae, in addition to P. helianthi), all causing similar stem lesions, have been identified on sunflower in the U.S and are only distinguishable by complex DNA analysis. The above Phomopsis spp. have now been identified on soybeans and several weeds, which increases the host range and presents a larger reservoir of inoculum. This is a collaborative effort between our unit and North Dakota State University. Precise identification of these new species will allow pathologists and breeders to refine inoculation/evaluation methods to specifically find resistance to each species. This information will make the development of resistant germplasm and commercial hybrids more effective and precise. 04 Identification of physical resistance in developing sunflower germplasm. The resistance source PI 170415 has been shown to have an unusually strong pericarp 2-3 weeks after fertilization, reducing damage from larvae of the sunflower moth. The ability to screen germplasm derived from this source using a simple physical trait will allow more efficient selection of breeding material with the desired trait, eliminating the need to rely only on field trials, in which populations of insects are inconsistent. The simplified screening method should allow for the trait to be mapped and utilized by public and private breeders in the development of hybrids with sunflower moth resistance.



  • Prasifka, J.R., Gray, M.E. 2012. Research needs and potential effects of biomass crops on pest management. Journal of Integrated Pest Management. 3(4):C1-C5.
  • Gulya Jr, T.J., Rooney-Latham, S., Miller, J.S., Kosta, K., Murphy-Vierra, C., Larson, C., Kandel, H., Vaccaro, W., Nowatzki, J.F. 2012. Sunflower diseases remain rare in California seed production fields compared to North Dakota. Plant Health Progress [online]. Available: DOI:10/1094/PHP- 2012-1214-01-RS.
  • Gulya Jr, T.J., Kandel, H., McMullen, M., Knodel, J., Berglund, D., Mathew, F., Lamey, H.A., Nowatzki, J., Markell, S. 2013. Prevalence and incidence of sunflower downy mildew in North Dakota from 2001 to 2011. Online Plant Health Progress. doi:10.1094/PHP-2013-0522-01-RS.
  • Kantar, M., Betts, K., Hulke, B.S., Stupar, R.M., Wyse, D. 2012. Breaking tuber dormancy in Helianthus tuberosus L. and interspecific hybrids of Helianthus annuus L. x Helianthus tuberosus. HortScience. 47(9):1342-1346.
  • Prasifka, J.R., Bradshaw, J.D., Gray, M.E. 2012. Potential biomass reductions to Miscanthus � giganteus by stem-boring caterpillars. Environmental Entomology. 41(4):865-871.
  • Burd, J.D., Prasifka, J.R., Bradshaw, J.D. 2012. Establishment and host effects of cereal aphids on switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) cultivars. Southwestern Entomologist. 37(2):115-122.

Progress 10/01/11 to 09/30/12

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416): The objectives of our proposed research are threefold: (1) To evaluate cultivated sunflower and wild Helianthus species for insect and disease resistance, concentrating on those diseases and insects which are of greatest impact to the U.S. sunflower industry, (2) to develop and phenotype segregating populations for DNA marker discovery, which will be used to supplement classical breeding methods to identify breeding material with improved agronomic, disease and insect resistance traits, and (3) to develop advanced germplasm which carry genes for insect and disease resistance. Approach (from AD-416): To identify new sources of insect and disease resistance in sunflower we will evaluate, either under natural infestations (insects) or with artificial inoculations (diseases) a diverse selection of sunflower germplasm, including breeding populations, USDA Plant Introductions, and wild species (obtained from a companion research project 5442-21000-034- 00D). For diseases, we will focus on Sclerotinia, downy mildew, and rust. The major insect pests in our studies are the sunflower stem weevil, sunflower moth, and banded sunflower moth. We have developed segregating populations for some insect and diseases, and are developing others. These populations will be used by the project molecular geneticist to identify markers for these traits. Phenotyping will be done at several locations, using either natural insect infestations or artificial inoculations for diseases. Finally, using field plots with natural insect infestations or artificial disease inoculations, and supplemented by marker-assisted selection, we will evaluate the new sources for resistance to the major insect pest species and disease pathogens and transfer that resistance into genetic stocks or advanced USDA germplasm for release to the public. Identify new sources of disease resistance and map genes. One-quarter of the USDA PI collection of cultivated sunflower germplasm ( ~ 250 accessions) were phenotyped for Phomopsis stem canker resistance at four nurseries (ND, SD and MN) under natural infection and also tested for resistance to Sclerotinia head rot at two MN nurseries, using artificial inoculation. When completed in 2012, three diseases will have been phenotyped at four to six locations for each disease. These lines are the core of our association mapping effort to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to Sclerotinia and Phomopsis diseases. A candidate gene analysis indicated that COI1-like genes in sunflower are associated with resistance to stalk rot. Currently, we are awaiting the final field trial results to begin mapping of resistance QTL for the other two diseases. Forty downy mildew isolates were characterized to race, and four new races virulent on the Pl6 gene were identified, bringing the three-year total to nine new races. Ninety-five percent of commercial hybrids are susceptible to these new races, but four resistance genes available in 12 released USDA inbreds, remain immune to all U.S. mildew races. This information can be used by scientists and seed companies to further improve sunflower with the use of marker-assisted selection. Find new sources of insect resistance and integrate into oilseed and confectionery lines. We evaluated more than 300 germplasm sources for resistance to key insect pests, including sunflower moth and sunflower stem weevil in Kansas, red sunflower seed weevil in South Dakota, and banded sunflower moth in North Dakota to find new sources of insect resistance. Several populations are under various stages of development in oilseed and confectionery backgrounds. A germplasm release is expected in 2012 for red sunflower seed weevil resistance. These releases will be used by commercial seed companies to produce hybrids requiring less pesticide use. Based on testcross data, significant contributions to insect resistance in hybrids are being made by R-line parents (while previous breeding for insect resistance has focused on B-line development). Thus, we are testing additional testcross parents and R- and B-lines to better understand how both parents of a hybrid contribute to insect resistance. Transfer new sources of disease resistance into high yielding backgrounds. Transfer of downy mildew (DM) resistance into multiple genetic backgrounds has continued, effectively combining it with resistance to IMI herbicide, Phomopsis, Sclerotinia stalk rot, Sclerotinia head rot, and insects, and altered fatty acid profiles in both confectionery and oilseed backgrounds. Rust resistant populations are in the early stages of development. We have F4 populations segregating for Verticillium wilt resistance genes, as well as other stacked traits, in both confection and oilseed background. This will further help seed companies by providing germplasm that can be used in conjunction with genetic markers. Accomplishments 01 New sunflower genetic lines for disease resistance. Sunflower is an important oil and confection seed crop in the US. Sclerotinia is the maj fungal disease of sunflower. ARS scientists in Fargo, ND, will release u to 8 oilseed sunflower genetic lines in 2012. Each contributes new genet diversity for Sclerotinia resistance in a high yielding genetic backgrou that possesses favorable genes for oil quality and herbicide resistance. These genetic lines will provide the sunflower breeding community and sunflower producers new sources of resistance against the nearly complet devastation of sunflower when it is attacked by Sclerotinia diseases. 02 Resistance to new infectious strains of sunflower downy mildew. Sunflowe is an important oil and confection seed crop in the US. Downy mildew is serious disease of sunflower. ARS scientists in Fargo, ND, identified a total of nine new infectious strains of downy mildew in the last three years that overcome two genes widely used in commercial downy mildew- resistant hybrids. More importantly, they determined that 12 released US lines remain resistant to all known U.S. downy mildew strains. This information allows sunflower seed companies to use effective resistance genes to downy mildew in their hybrids, thus protecting the U.S. crop fr this ever-present disease. 03 Identification of new sunflower pathogens. Most sunflower pathogens are well known, and identified by classical methods. New species of the fung Phomopsis have been identified in the U.S. which cause similar symptoms sunflower, and are only distinguishable by complex DNA analysis. Precise identification of these new species will allow pathologists and breeders to refine inoculation/evaluation methods to specifically find resistance to each species. This information will make the development of resistant germplasm and commercial hybrids more effective and precise.



  • Hulke, B.S., Bushman, B.S., Watkins, E., Ehlke, N.J. 2012. Association of freezing tolerance to LpCBFIIIb and LpCBFIIIc gene polymorphism in perennial ryegrass accessions. Crop Science. 52:2023-2029.
  • Knodel, J.J., Ganehiarachchi, G.A.S.M., Beauzay, P.B., Chirumamilla, A., Charlet, L.D. 2011. Impact of planting dates on a seed maggot, Neotephritis finalis (Diptera: Tephritidae), and sunflower bud moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) damage in cultivated sunflower. Journal of Economic Entomology. 104(4):1236-1244.
  • Prasifka, J.R., Bradshaw, J.D., Lee, S.T., Gray, M.E. 2011. Relative feeding and development of armyworm, Mythimna (Pseudaletia) unipuncta (Haworth), on switchgrass and corn, and its potential effects on switchgrass grown for biomass. Journal of Economic Entomology. 104(5): 1561-7.
  • Kang, J., Onstad, D.W., Hellmich II, R.L., Moser, S.E., Hutchison, W.D., Prasifka, J.R. 2012. Modeling the impact of cross-pollination and low toxin expression in corn kernels on adaptation of European corn borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) to transgenic insecticidal corn. Environmental Entomology. 41(1):200-211.

Progress 10/01/10 to 09/30/11

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416) The objectives of our proposed research are threefold: (1) To evaluate cultivated sunflower and wild Helianthus species for insect and disease resistance, concentrating on those diseases and insects which are of greatest impact to the U.S. sunflower industry, (2) to develop and phenotype segregating populations for DNA marker discovery, which will be used to supplement classical breeding methods to identify breeding material with improved agronomic, disease and insect resistance traits, and (3) to develop advanced germplasm which carry genes for insect and disease resistance. Approach (from AD-416) To identify new sources of insect and disease resistance in sunflower we will evaluate, either under natural infestations (insects) or with artificial inoculations (diseases) a diverse selection of sunflower germplasm, including breeding populations, USDA Plant Introductions, and wild species (obtained from a companion research project 5442-21000-034- 00D). For diseases, we will focus on Sclerotinia, downy mildew, and rust. The major insect pests in our studies are the sunflower stem weevil, sunflower moth, and banded sunflower moth. We have developed segregating populations for some insect and diseases, and are developing others. These populations will be used by the project molecular geneticist to identify markers for these traits. Phenotyping will be done at several locations, using either natural insect infestations or artificial inoculations for diseases. Finally, using field plots with natural insect infestations or artificial disease inoculations, and supplemented by marker-assisted selection, we will evaluate the new sources for resistance to the major insect pest species and disease pathogens and transfer that resistance into genetic stocks or advanced USDA germplasm for release to the public. We evaluated 400 germplasm sources for resistance to key insect pests, including sunflower moth and sunflower stem weevil in Kansas, red sunflower seed weevil in South Dakota, and banded sunflower moth in North Dakota to find new sources of insect resistance and integrate into oilseed and confectionery lines. Several populations are under various stages of development for resistance to the four major insect pests, in both oilseed and confectionery genetic background. Germplasm releases are expected in 1 to 2 years. These will be used by commercial seed companies to eventually produce hybrids requiring less pesticide use. A recombinant inbred line population is being developed and phenotyped for Banded Sunflower Moth resistance. Concurrently, a study will conclude next year to determine whether insect resistances for all four of above species is dominant or additive. The genetics will determine whether one or both parents of a hybrid need to contain resistance. A portion of the USDA PI collection previously tested for Scleortinia stalk rot (SR) is being tested for Sclerotinia head rot (HR) at two locations to identify new sources of disease resistance and map genes. Data from this multi-year study will be used to select germplasm with combined HR and SR rot resistance. These lines are the core of our association mapping efforts to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to all diseases. About 8,000 SNP markers and sequences from host plant defense-related genes in these lines will be used in an analysis to determine the location of QTL for Sclerotinia SR resistance by September 2011. Wild sunflowers of 11 annual species, shown to have SR resistance in greenhouse trials, are being field tested. Field disease evaluations of the unit�s breeding material for Sclerotinia HR and SR continue, with over 5000 rows at five locations. Three new virulent races of downy mildew (DM) were identified in 2010, bringing the total of races overcoming the Pl-6 gene to five. Ninety percent of commercial hybrids marketed as DM-resistant were susceptible to one or more of these races. At least four released USDA lines confer resistance to all new virulent DM races. This information can be used by scientists and seed companies to further improve sunflower with the aid of marker- assisted selection. Transfer new sources of disease resistance into high yielding backgrounds continued. We transferred DM resistance into multiple genetic backgrounds, effectively combining it with resistance to IMI herbicide, Sclerotinia SR, and insect resistance, and altered fatty acid profiles in both confectionery and oilseed backgrounds. Rust resistant populations are in the early stages of development. We have F4 populations segregating for Verticillium wilt resistance genes, as well as other traits, in both confection and oilseed background. This will further help seed companies by providing germplasm that can be used in conjunction with genetic markers. Accomplishments 01 New sunflower genetic lines for disease resistance. Sunflower is an important oil and confection seed crop in the US. Sclerotinia is the maj fungal disease of sunflower. ARS scientists in Fargo, ND, released four oilseed sunflower genetic lines. Each contributes new genetic diversity for Sclerotinia resistance in a high yielding genetic background that possesses favorable genes for oil quality and herbicide resistance. The genetic lines will provide the sunflower breeding community and sunflowe producers a new source of resistance against the nearly complete devastation of sunflower when it is attacked by Sclerotinia diseases. 02 Resistance to new infectious strains of sunflower downy mildew. Sunflowe is an important oil and confection seed crop in the US. Downy mildew is serious disease of sunflower. ARS scientists in Fargo, ND, identified fi new infectious strains of downy mildew that overcome two genes widely us in commercial downy mildew-resistant hybrids. More importantly, they determined that some USDA genetic lines remain resistant to all known U. downy mildew strains, including the five new infectious strains. The information allows sunflower hybrid seed producers to incorporate effective genes for resistance to downy mildew in their hybrids.



  • Hulke, B.S., Miller, J.F., Gulya, T.J. 2010. Registration of the restorer oilseed sunflower germplasm RHA 464 possessing genes for resistance to downy mildew and sunflower rust. Journal of Plant Registrations. 4:249-254.
  • Charlet, L.D., Gavloski, J. 2011. Insects of sunflower in the northern Great Plains of North America. In: Floate, K.D., editor. Arthropods of Canadian Grasslands (Volume 2): Inhabitants of a Changing Landscape. Biological Survey of Canada. p. 159-178.
  • Ode, P.J., Charlet, L.D., Seiler, G.J. 2011. Sunflower stem weevil and its larval parasitoids in native sunflowers: Is parasitoid abundance and diversity greater in the U.S. Southwest?. Environmental Entomology. 40(1) :15-22.

Progress 10/01/09 to 09/30/10

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416) The objectives of our proposed research are threefold: (1) To evaluate cultivated sunflower and wild Helianthus species for insect and disease resistance, concentrating on those diseases and insects which are of greatest impact to the U.S. sunflower industry, (2) to develop and phenotype segregating populations for DNA marker discovery, which will be used to supplement classical breeding methods to identify breeding material with improved agronomic, disease and insect resistance traits, and (3) to develop advanced germplasm which carry genes for insect and disease resistance. Approach (from AD-416) To identify new sources of insect and disease resistance in sunflower we will evaluate, either under natural infestations (insects) or with artificial inoculations (diseases) a diverse selection of sunflower germplasm, including breeding populations, USDA Plant Introductions, and wild species (obtained from a companion research project 5442-21000-034- 00D). For diseases, we will focus on Sclerotinia, downy mildew, and rust. The major insect pests in our studies are the sunflower stem weevil, sunflower moth, and banded sunflower moth. We have developed segregating populations for some insect and diseases, and are developing others. These populations will be used by the project molecular geneticist to identify markers for these traits. Phenotyping will be done at several locations, using either natural insect infestations or artificial inoculations for diseases. Finally, using field plots with natural insect infestations or artificial disease inoculations, and supplemented by marker-assisted selection, we will evaluate the new sources for resistance to the major insect pest species and disease pathogens and transfer that resistance into genetic stocks or advanced USDA germplasm for release to the public. We evaluated about 440 germplasm sources including accessions, F4:5 lines and their testcrosses, and interspecific crosses for resistance to one or more key insect pests of sunflower, including the sunflower moth and sunflower stem weevil in Kansas, the red sunflower seed weevil in South Dakota, and the banded sunflower moth in North Dakota. Several different populations are under various stages of development for resistance to the four major insect pests. Each insect is also the subject of a separate phenotypic recurrent selection program. F5:6 lines and their testcrosses are currently being developed. Testcrosses of the F4:5 lines and the lines themselves are currently under evaluation in North Dakota and South Dakota. We are also making new elite x resistant donor crosses to continue a cycle of introducing new sources of resistance into elite germplasm. Studies were again conducted to evaluate selected commercial sunflower hybrids for tolerance to damage by the sunflower midge, sunflower seed maggot, and sunflower bud moth. We organized, for a third year, a network of cooperators to monitor flight activity of the sunflower moth from Canada to southern Texas using pheromone traps to provide a system to alert consultants and growers when moths are active in the area. Two hundred sixty diverse cultivated sunflower germplasms were evaluated for Sclerotinia stalk rot resistance in three environments in two years. This data has been summarized in preparation for regression in an association mapping project. Work is now underway to complete marker interrogation of the 260 germplasms using candidate gene and random SNP markers. There are also plans to use this population for other diseases, such as Sclerotinia head rot. A cross section of the USDA PI collection (260 accessions), previously tested over four environments for resistance to Sclerotinia stalk rot, is being phenotyped for head rot resistance in an inoculated field trial. Data from this multi-year study will be used to select germplasm with combined head and stalk rot resistance, and used in association studies. Wild sunflowers of 11 annual species, which have shown resistance to Sclerotinia stalk rot in greenhouse trials in Iowa, are being field tested under inoculated conditions, along with F1 crosses with cultivated sunflower. Field disease evaluations of the Sunflower Research Unit�s USDA breeding material for Sclerotinia head rot and stalk rot continue, with over 3500 rows at five off-station locations. Transfer of downy mildew resistance into multiple genetic backgrounds was continued, effectively combining this resistance with IMI herbicide resistance, Sclerotinia resistance, and altered fatty acid profiles. Rust resistant populations are in the early stages of development, and this resistance will be placed in an elite genetic background with other already stacked traits in both confectionery and oilseed backgrounds. We began work to investigate sources of resistance to Verticillium wilt, and have F2 populations segregating for Verticillium wilt resistance genes, as well as other stacked traits, in both confection and oilseed background. Accomplishments 01 Resistance among sunflower germplasm to sunflower insect pests. The banded sunflower moth, sunflower moth, and red sunflower seed weevil are significant insect pests of cultivated sunflower. All three cause yield loss because of larval destruction of seeds in the head. In five-year studies of the banded sunflower moth and sunflower moth, ARS scientists the Sunflower Research Unit in Fargo, North Dakota, evaluated oilseed sunflower accessions, breeding lines, and interspecific crosses for resistance to infestation by naturally occurring populations of these insects in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Kansas. Eight accessions show greatly reduced damage by the banded sunflower moth. Two accessions, thr interspecific crosses, and two breeding lines demonstrated resistance to infestation and damage from larval feeding by the sunflower moth. Nine potential sources of resistance to attack by the red sunflower seed weev were identified that showed low seed damage in two or more years of testing. Results from these investigations indicated that there is potential for developing resistant genotypes with reduced feeding injury that will help sunflower producers reduce yield loss due to these three major insect pests. 02 Identification of new virulent races of sunflower downy mildew. Downy mildew exists as different races, which are effectively controlled by single resistance genes. In 2009 ARS scientists in the Sunflower Researc Unit in Fargo, ND, identified two new virulent races which overcome gene in USDA sunflower lines that are widely used to produce downy mildew- resistant hybrids. Of 49 downy mildew samples tested, 11 samples from North Dakota and Minnesota were able to overcome the Pl6 and Pl7 genes commonly employed in sunflower resistance to downy mildew. The ARS scientists determined that USDA lines with the Pl8 and Plarg genes remai resistant to all known U.S. downy mildew races. The information provided by this study will be critical to sunflower hybrid seed producers in ord to incorporate effective genes for resistance to downy mildew in their hybrids. 03 Registration of germplasm with downy mildew and sunflower rust resistanc ARS scientists in the Sunflower Research Unit in Fargo, ND, registered three sunflower genetic stocks, HA 458, HA 459, and HA 460, in 2010. Eac contributes a new gene available for incorporation of downy mildew resistance into a female parent for hybrid sunflower seed production. These three genetic stocks also provide the genes for high oleic acid content and good agronomic and yield characteristics. A sunflower germplasm, RHA 464, was also registered. This germplasm possesses genes for downy mildew and sunflower rust resistance. Both resistances have no been defeated, to our knowledge, by virulent races of either fungus. Thi will provide a valuable source of resistance to these two diseases in ma parental lines, along with good yield and agronomic characteristics.



  • Hulke, B.S., Miller, J.F., Gulya, T.J., Vick, B.A. 2010. Registration of the Oilseed Sunflower Genetic Stocks HA 458, HA 459, and HA 460 Possessing Genes for Resistance to Downy Mildew. Journal of Plant Registrations. 4:93- 97.
  • Johnsen, A.R., Horgan, B.P., Hulke, B.S., Cline, V. 2009. Evaluation of Remote Sensing to Measure Plant Stress in Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) Fairways. Crop Science. 49:2261-2274.
  • Charlet, L.D., Seiler, G.J., Miller, J.F., Hulke, B.S., Knodel, J.J. 2009. Resistance Among Cultivated Sunflower Germplasm to the Banded Sunflower Moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in the Northern Great Plains. Helia. 32:1- 10.
  • Charlet, L.D., Seiler, G.J., Grady, K.A., Hulke, B.S., Chirumamilla, A. 2010. Resistance in Cultivated Sunflower Germplasm to the Red Sunflower Seed Weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in the Northern Great Plains. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 83:51-57.
  • Charlet, L.D., Aiken, R.M., Seiler, G.J., Chirumamilla, A., Hulke, B.S., Knodel, J.J. 2008. Resistance in Cultivated Sunflower to the Sunflower Moth (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology. 25(4):245-257.
  • Gulya, T.J., Mengistu, A., Kinzer, K., Balbyshev, N., Markell, S. 2010. First Report of Charcoal Rot of Sunflower in Minnesota, USA. Plant Health Progress. Available: http://www.plantmanagementnetwork. org/sub/php/brief/2010/charcoal/
  • Glover, J.D., Reganold, J.P., Bell, L.W., Borevitz, J., Brummer, E.C., Buckler Iv, E.S., Cox, C.M., Cox, T., Crews, T.E., Culman, S.W., Dehann, L. R., Eriksson, D., Gill, B., Holland, J.B., Hu, F.Y., Hulke, B.S., Ibrahim, A., Jackson, W., Jones, S., Murray, S., Paterson, A.H., Ploschuk, E., Sacks, E.J., Snapp, S., Tao, D.Y., Van Tassel, D., Wade, L., Wyse, D., Xu, Y. 2010. Increasing Food and Ecosystem Security through Perennial Grain Breeding. Science. 328:1638-1639

Progress 10/01/08 to 09/30/09

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416) The objectives of our proposed research are threefold: (1) To evaluate cultivated sunflower and wild Helianthus species for insect and disease resistance, concentrating on those diseases and insects which are of greatest impact to the U.S. sunflower industry, (2) to develop and phenotype segregating populations for DNA marker discovery, which will be used to supplement classical breeding methods to identify breeding material with improved agronomic, disease and insect resistance traits, and (3) to develop advanced germplasm which carry genes for insect and disease resistance. Approach (from AD-416) To identify new sources of insect and disease resistance in sunflower we will evaluate, either under natural infestations (insects) or with artificial inoculations (diseases) a diverse selection of sunflower germplasm, including breeding populations, USDA Plant Introductions, and wild species (obtained from a companion research project 5442-21000-034- 00D). For diseases, we will focus on Sclerotinia, downy mildew, and rust. The major insect pests in our studies are the sunflower stem weevil, sunflower moth, and banded sunflower moth. We have developed segregating populations for some insect and diseases, and are developing others. These populations will be used by the project molecular geneticist to identify markers for these traits. Phenotyping will be done at several locations, using either natural insect infestations or artificial inoculations for diseases. Finally, using field plots with natural insect infestations or artificial disease inoculations, and supplemented by marker-assisted selection, we will evaluate the new sources for resistance to the major insect pest species and disease pathogens and transfer that resistance into genetic stocks or advanced USDA germplasm for release to the public. Significant Activities that Support Special Target Populations We evaluated about 250 germplasm sources including accessions, F3:4 lines, and interspecific crosses for resistance to one or more key insect pests of sunflower, including the sunflower moth and sunflower stem weevil in Kansas, the red sunflower seed weevil in South Dakota, and the banded sunflower moth in North Dakota. Each insect is the subject of a separate phenotypic recurrent selection program, and all four populations are beginning the third cycle of selection this year. Testcrosses (experimental hybrids) of the F3:4 banded sunflower moth and red sunflower seed weevil resistant lines are currently under evaluation in North Dakota and South Dakota, and will allow us to see the effectiveness of the resistance in sunflower hybrids. Studies also were conducted to evaluate selected commercial sunflower hybrids for tolerance to damage by the sunflower midge, sunflower seed maggot, and sunflower bud moth. We organized, for a second year, a network of cooperators to monitor flight activity of the sunflower moth from southern Texas to Canada using pheromone traps to provide a system to alert consultants and growers when moths are active in the area. This information is plotted weekly on a map available on university and industry websites. Research was continued on a study to develop a degree- day model for banded sunflower moth emergence and flight activity using pheromone traps in North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, and Manitoba. Two hundred sixty diverse cultivated sunflower germplasms were evaluated for Sclerotinia stalk rot resistance in inoculated field trials at three locations, which will complete a two-year study. In addition to identifying new sources of resistance, the combined data set from five environments will be used in a subsequent association mapping study. Twenty-six accessions of seven annual wild Helianthus species were tested in two inoculated field trials for stalk rot resistance, which required transplanting over 3000 plants. Breeding material from three other unit scientists was evaluated for head rot and stalk rot resistance in six inoculated nurseries in Minnesota and North Dakota. The effect of root exudates of six different crops on the mode of sclerotial germination was studied in a greenhouse trial. Two hundred rust samples collected from six states were identified to race, completing a two-year effort totaling over 400 isolates. Downy mildew samples were collected for race identification and to monitor the possible development of fungicide resistance. Transfer of downy mildew resistance into multiple genetic backgrounds was continued, effectively combining this resistance with IMI herbicide resistance, Sclerotinia resistance, and altered fatty acid profiles. Rust resistant populations are in the early stages of development, and this resistance will be placed in an elite genetic background with other already stacked traits in both confectionery and oilseed backgrounds. We began work to investigate sources of resistance to Verticillium wilt, and have F2 populations segregating for Verticillium wilt resistance genes, as well as other stacked traits, in both confection and oilseed background.



  • Morris, B.D., Charlet, L.D., Foster, S.P. 2009. Isolation of Three Diterpenoid Acids from Sunflowers, as Oviposition Stimulants for the Banded Sunflower Moth, Cochylis hospes. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 35:50- 57.
  • Charlet, L.D., Aiken, R.M., Miller, J.F., Seiler, G.J. 2009. Resistance Among Cultivated Sunflower Germplasm to Stem-Infesting Pests in the Central Great Plains. Journal of Economic Entomology. 102(3):1281-1290.

Progress 10/01/07 to 09/30/08

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416) The objectives of our proposed research are threefold: (1) To evaluate cultivated sunflower and wild Helianthus species for insect and disease resistance, concentrating on those diseases and insects which are of greatest impact to the U.S. sunflower industry, (2) to develop and phenotype segregating populations for DNA marker discovery, which will be used to supplement classical breeding methods to identify breeding material with improved agronomic, disease and insect resistance traits, and (3) to develop advanced germplasm which carry genes for insect and disease resistance. Approach (from AD-416) To identify new sources of insect and disease resistance in sunflower we will evaluate, either under natural infestations (insects) or with artificial inoculations (diseases) a diverse selection of sunflower germplasm, including breeding populations, USDA Plant Introductions, and wild species (obtained from a companion research project 5442-21000-034- 00D). For diseases, we will focus on Sclerotinia, downy mildew, and rust. The major insect pests in our studies are the sunflower stem weevil, sunflower moth, and banded sunflower moth. We have developed segregating populations for some insect and diseases, and are developing others. These populations will be used by the project molecular geneticist to identify markers for these traits. Phenotyping will be done at several locations, using either natural insect infestations or artificial inoculations for diseases. Finally, using field plots with natural insect infestations or artificial disease inoculations, and supplemented by marker-assisted selection, we will evaluate the new sources for resistance to the major insect pest species and disease pathogens and transfer that resistance into genetic stocks or advanced USDA germplasm for release to the public. Significant Activities that Support Special Target Populations Two hundred sixty cultivated sunflower accessions from the USDA Plant Introduction collection and elite inbreds were tested in inoculated field trials at three locations for resistance to Sclerotinia stalk rot. The most resistant material will be retested in 2009 for stalk rot and in separate trials for head rot. Breeding material from three other unit scientists was evaluated for head rot and stalk rot in separate inoculated nurseries in Minnesota and North Dakota. Transfer of downy mildew resistance into multiple genetic backgrounds was initiated, effectively combining this resistance with IMI herbicide resistance, Sclerotinia resistance, and altered fatty acid profiles. Rust resistant populations are in the early stages of development, and this resistance will be placed in an elite genetic background combined with other important traits. The effect of root exudates of six different crops on the mode of sclerotial germination was studied in a Fargo field trial. Downy mildew samples were collected for race identification and to monitor the possible development of fungicide resistance. Evaluation was conducted on over 432 germplasm sources including accessions, S1 lines, F2:3 lines, and interspecific crosses for resistance to the principal insect pests of sunflower, including the sunflower moth and sunflower stem weevil in Kansas, the red sunflower seed weevil in South Dakota, and the banded sunflower moth in North Dakota. Several different populations are under various stages of development for resistance to the four major insect pests. Most noteworthy this year was the advancement of an F2-derived set of lines that consistently showed insect resistance over two years of trials. We plan to begin testing F3-derived versions of these lines next year. Studies also were conducted to evaluate selected commercial sunflower hybrids for tolerance to damage by the sunflower midge. We developed a network of cooperators to monitor flight activity of the sunflower moth from southern Texas to Canada using pheromone traps to provide a system to alert consultants and growers when moths are active in the area and the information is plotted weekly on a map available on university and industry websites. We conducted research to develop a degree-day model for banded sunflower moth emergence and flight activity using pheromone traps in North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, and Manitoba. A study was initiated to investigate the biology and management of the sunflower seed maggot in North Dakota, including field studies of maggot biology, impact of planting date, determination of economic injury levels, insecticide efficacy and timing, and evaluation of commercial sunflower hybrids for resistance to maggot damage. (This research addresses National Program 301 Action Plan Component 3, Genetic Improvement of Crops, Problem Statement 3B, Capitalizing on Untapped Genetic Diversity, and Problem Statement 3C, Germplasm Enhancement/Release of Improved Genetic Resources and Varieties).

