Sponsoring Institution
Agricultural Research Service/USDA
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Oct 1, 2007
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2012
Grant Year
Project Director
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
1. Implement an area-wide IPM program that will reduce navel orangeworm damage, aflatoxin contamination, and broad-spectrum insecticide use throughout the Central Valley. 2. Collect baseline data characterizing the experimental plots in terms of NOW population density, historic levels of damage, sanitation efficacy, and the cost of current practices. Compare the efficacy of current and proposed NOW management programs using cost/benefit analysis. 3. Identify key variables responsible for both consistent control and program failure and analyze the relative importance of these variables using epidemiological/epizootiological statistics. 4. Expand an existing damage prediction model for Nonpareil almond damage that is based on Kern County data, to the other growing regions in the Central Valley; and develop a damage prediction model for pollenizer varieties of almonds and validate the model in the different growing regions. 5. Determine the role played by NOW movement among multiple hosts on the efficacy of the new management practices demonstrated. 6. Create NOW damage databases using grower-provided data that can identify high-risk areas for each commodity within a county and utilize these databases to develop a better understanding of the distribution of both NOW infestation and aflatoxin contamination within and between counties. 7. Work with farm advisers and an advisory council to develop educational programs and training materials to instruct growers on the strategies demonstrated in the area-wide proposal.
Project Methods
Establish and implement an areawide pest management research and action program for navel orangeworm management which (a) results from a stakeholder partnership and collaboration dedicated to the demonstration and areawide adoption of navel orangeworm control technologies; (b) demonstrates the positive impacts and advantages of such a program through enhanced grower profits, reduced worker risks, an enhanced environment, and a proven superiority of area-wide adoption; and (c) achieves a mature navel orangeworm management system so end-users, consultants and other interested parties will be left with an operation program that will meet the overall goals through its wide-scale adoption. This will require the development of a unified effort between Federal, State, local and private interests, and whose participants will be involved in the program from conception to adoption.

Progress 10/01/07 to 09/30/12

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416): 1. Implement an area-wide IPM program that will reduce navel orangeworm damage, aflatoxin contamination, and broad-spectrum insecticide use throughout the Central Valley. 2. Collect baseline data characterizing the experimental plots in terms of NOW population density, historic levels of damage, sanitation efficacy, and the cost of current practices. Compare the efficacy of current and proposed NOW management programs using cost/benefit analysis. 3. Identify key variables responsible for both consistent control and program failure and analyze the relative importance of these variables using epidemiological/epizootiological statistics. 4. Expand an existing damage prediction model for Nonpareil almond damage that is based on Kern County data, to the other growing regions in the Central Valley; and develop a damage prediction model for pollenizer varieties of almonds and validate the model in the different growing regions. 5. Determine the role played by NOW movement among multiple hosts on the efficacy of the new management practices demonstrated. 6. Create NOW damage databases using grower-provided data that can identify high-risk areas for each commodity within a county and utilize these databases to develop a better understanding of the distribution of both NOW infestation and aflatoxin contamination within and between counties. 7. Work with farm advisers and an advisory council to develop educational programs and training materials to instruct growers on the strategies demonstrated in the area-wide proposal. Approach (from AD-416): Establish and implement an areawide pest management research and action program for navel orangeworm management which (a) results from a stakeholder partnership and collaboration dedicated to the demonstration and areawide adoption of navel orangeworm control technologies; (b) demonstrates the positive impacts and advantages of such a program through enhanced grower profits, reduced worker risks, an enhanced environment, and a proven superiority of area-wide adoption; and (c) achieves a mature navel orangeworm management system so end-users, consultants and other interested parties will be left with an operation program that will meet the overall goals through its wide-scale adoption. This will require the development of a unified effort between Federal, State, local and private interests, and whose participants will be involved in the program from conception to adoption. Mating disruption to manage the navel orange worm, a lepidopteran pest of almonds, was expanded to 30,000 acres in the San Joaquin Valley. Optimal insecticide application was demonstrated in the San Joaquin Valley. The efficacy of Intrepid, Belt, Proclaim and Altacor was demonstrated in both almonds and pistachios, enabling these new chemistries to be used to support mating disruption or as stand alone treatments. The importance of sanitation to reduce navel orangeworm damage was demonstrated in field trials as well as the linkage of navel orangeworm damage and aflatoxin contamination. Accomplishments 01 Improved monitoring for navel orangeworm using egg traps. Navel orangeworm (NOW) is the principal insect pest of U.S. almonds. Egg traps the current method of monitoring NOW, are expensive and unreliable. ARS Researchers at Parlier, California, with University of California and private industry collaborators, found pistachio meal to be as effective the currently used bait and determined the number of traps needed to reliably detect egg-laying. Monitoring with pistachio meal has been adapted on tens of thousands of acres of almonds, and will help prevent NOW damage to almonds, worth >$2.3 billion per year and planted on >800, 000 acres in California. 02 Duration of control of insecticides in pistachios. Considerable uncertainty exists about the duration of navel orangeworm control provid by newly registered insecticides in pistachios. California pistachios ar a valuable crop (500+ million pounds) and are increasing in importance. ARS researcher at Parlier evaluated 4 classes of newly registered insecticides for 8 weeks after application. Several insecticide classes, alone or in combination, provided control for more than 5 weeks. This wi enable growers to revise their control strategies in order to optimize timing and reduce damage, which in turn will increase profits. 03 Ovicidal and neonate activity of insecticides in almonds. Almonds are t largest California nut crop (>1.9 billion pounds) and the navel orangewo is the primary pest during production. The degree of ovicidal, neonate and adult activity of the newly registered insecticides in almonds has n been established and this information is necessary to improve control. O class of narrow spectrum insecticide was shown by an ARS researcher in Parlier to be toxic to navel orangeworm eggs while another class killed adults. Their use will replace broad spectrum insecticides and reduce environmental disruption. 04 Optimizing insecticide applications. It has been established for more than 20 years that optimal sprayer speed for control of navel orangeworm in almonds and pistachios should not exceed 2 mph, yet many applications are conducted at speeds > 2.5 mph. Demonstration trials were conducted b an ARS researcher from Parlier to reinforce the importance of spraying a 2 mph. Coverage improved when two banks of nozzles were used at each position. Improved coverage will reduce damage and increase profit.



    Progress 10/01/10 to 09/30/11

    Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416) 1. Implement an area-wide IPM program that will reduce navel orangeworm damage, aflatoxin contamination, and broad-spectrum insecticide use throughout the Central Valley. 2. Collect baseline data characterizing the experimental plots in terms of NOW population density, historic levels of damage, sanitation efficacy, and the cost of current practices. Compare the efficacy of current and proposed NOW management programs using cost/benefit analysis. 3. Identify key variables responsible for both consistent control and program failure and analyze the relative importance of these variables using epidemiological/epizootiological statistics. 4. Expand an existing damage prediction model for Nonpareil almond damage that is based on Kern County data, to the other growing regions in the Central Valley; and develop a damage prediction model for pollenizer varieties of almonds and validate the model in the different growing regions. 5. Determine the role played by NOW movement among multiple hosts on the efficacy of the new management practices demonstrated. 6. Create NOW damage databases using grower-provided data that can identify high-risk areas for each commodity within a county and utilize these databases to develop a better understanding of the distribution of both NOW infestation and aflatoxin contamination within and between counties. 7. Work with farm advisers and an advisory council to develop educational programs and training materials to instruct growers on the strategies demonstrated in the area-wide proposal. Approach (from AD-416) Establish and implement an areawide pest management research and action program for navel orangeworm management which (a) results from a stakeholder partnership and collaboration dedicated to the demonstration and areawide adoption of navel orangeworm control technologies; (b) demonstrates the positive impacts and advantages of such a program through enhanced grower profits, reduced worker risks, an enhanced environment, and a proven superiority of area-wide adoption; and (c) achieves a mature navel orangeworm management system so end-users, consultants and other interested parties will be left with an operation program that will meet the overall goals through its wide-scale adoption. This will require the development of a unified effort between Federal, State, local and private interests, and whose participants will be involved in the program from conception to adoption. Mating disruption to manage the navel orange worm, a lepidopteran pest of almonds, was expanded to 30,000 acres in the San Joaquin Valley. Optimal insecticide application was demonstrated in the San Joaquin Valley. The efficacy of Intrepid, Belt and Altacor was demonstrated in both almonds and pistachios, enabling these new chemistries to be used to support mating disruption or as stand alone treatments. The importance of sanitation to reduce navel orangeworm damage was demonstrated in field trials as well as the linkage of navel orangeworm damage and aflatoxin contamination. Accomplishments 01 Ovicidal and neonate activity of insecticides in almonds. Almonds are t largest California nut crop (>1.7 billion pounds) and the navel orangewo is the primary pest during production. The degree of ovicidal and neonat activity of the newly registered insecticides in almonds has not been established and this information is necessary to improve control. Two ne classes of insecticides, anthranilic diamide and diacyl hydrazine, were shown by ARS researchers in Parlier, California, to be toxic to navel orangeworm eggs and newly hatched larvae (up to 97% kill). Their use wil replace broad spectrum insecticides and they are compatible with mating disruption. Identification of ovicidal activity will change spray timing (insecticides will go on earlier) and will improve control and minimize nontarget effects. 02 Sample costs to establish an orchard and produce almonds. There has not been an economic analysis of the cost of producing almonds for the past years despite the growth of this industry. A UC Davis economist, support by this areawide project, completed a cost-and-return analysis for almon in 2011. The results, published in Ag Alert and presented at the annual Almond Board of California Conference in Modesto, are available at The total cost of production is $3,974 per acre, of which Insects and Gophers account for $328 (8.25%). This information will allow growers to determi the cost/benefit of new strategies developed by this project including mating disruption and the use of softer insecticide chemistries.



      Progress 10/01/09 to 09/30/10

      Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416) 1. Implement an area-wide IPM program that will reduce navel orangeworm damage, aflatoxin contamination, and broad-spectrum insecticide use throughout the Central Valley. 2. Collect baseline data characterizing the experimental plots in terms of NOW population density, historic levels of damage, sanitation efficacy, and the cost of current practices. Compare the efficacy of current and proposed NOW management programs using cost/benefit analysis. 3. Identify key variables responsible for both consistent control and program failure and analyze the relative importance of these variables using epidemiological/epizootiological statistics. 4. Expand an existing damage prediction model for Nonpareil almond damage that is based on Kern County data, to the other growing regions in the Central Valley; and develop a damage prediction model for pollenizer varieties of almonds and validate the model in the different growing regions. 5. Determine the role played by NOW movement among multiple hosts on the efficacy of the new management practices demonstrated. 6. Create NOW damage databases using grower-provided data that can identify high-risk areas for each commodity within a county and utilize these databases to develop a better understanding of the distribution of both NOW infestation and aflatoxin contamination within and between counties. 7. Work with farm advisers and an advisory council to develop educational programs and training materials to instruct growers on the strategies demonstrated in the area-wide proposal. Approach (from AD-416) Establish and implement an areawide pest management research and action program for navel orangeworm management which (a) results from a stakeholder partnership and collaboration dedicated to the demonstration and areawide adoption of navel orangeworm control technologies; (b) demonstrates the positive impacts and advantages of such a program through enhanced grower profits, reduced worker risks, an enhanced environment, and a proven superiority of area-wide adoption; and (c) achieves a mature navel orangeworm management system so end-users, consultants and other interested parties will be left with an operation program that will meet the overall goals through its wide-scale adoption. This will require the development of a unified effort between Federal, State, local and private interests, and whose participants will be involved in the program from conception to adoption. Mating disruption in walnuts was evaluated at multiple sites covering more than 2,000 acres. Data will be gathered for several years to demonstrate that this technology can reduce navel orangeworm (NOW) damage and decrease the use of broad-spectrum insecticides. Mating disruption was demonstrated in 2,000 acres of almonds in Fresno County and in 2009 it was overlaid on the existing insecticide management scheme and successfully reduced damage. In Kern County almonds, monitoring techniques were refined to speed adoption of this technology. Information was transferred to growers in a series of Field Day demonstrations and symposia sponsored by county Farm Advisors, The Almond Board of California, and Industry Cooperators. Mating disruption is now used for 30,000 acres of almonds, a dramatic expansion from the 5,000 acres of almonds using this technology in 2007. Project participants continue to gather data on the development and pattern of emergence of NOW in almonds and pistachios in order to improve treatments employing new narrow spectrum insecticides. The use of these materials facilitates the adoption of mating disruption because disruption does not work at high populations. The combination of optimized insecticide use combined with mating disruption will reduce NOW damage and overall insecticide use in almonds and pistachios. Information on the prevalence of aflatoxin- producing molds on adult NOW and the role of NOW in dispersing aflatoxin- producing molds continues. This information will reduce the number of aflatoxin-related load rejections by the European Union and will refine the current economic assessment of NOW control costs. Supporting studies monitored NOW survival in unharvested almonds in order to validate the more stringent sanitation standards for the San Joaquin Valley proposed by this project. A simple educational tool created by project participants is now hosted on the website of the Almond Board of California. Use of this tool will increase acceptance of sanitation and harvest recommendations and contribute to decreased NOW damage. The above research addresses National Program objectives by reducing postharvest use of methyl bromide and other fumigants for durable commodities and protects these commodities using ecologically sound means. Cooperator activity was monitored by means of a stakeholder meeting in Parlier, August 2009, presentations made at the second Pest Management Alliance for almonds meetings in Parlier and Stockton, October 2009, presentations made at the Almond Board of California, Modesto, December 2009, presentations at Statewide Pistachio Day, Visalia, January 2010, presentations at the Kern County Almond Day, Bakersfield, January 2010, and at a symposium sponsored by this project, Tulare, April, 2010. Additional information was provided to UCCE farm advisors by meetings, telephone calls and e-mail.



        Progress 10/01/07 to 09/30/08

        Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416) 1. Implement an area-wide IPM program that will reduce navel orangeworm damage, aflatoxin contamination, and broad-spectrum insecticide use throughout the Central Valley. 2. Collect baseline data characterizing the experimental plots in terms of NOW population density, historic levels of damage, sanitation efficacy, and the cost of current practices. Compare the efficacy of current and proposed NOW management programs using cost/benefit analysis. 3. Identify key variables responsible for both consistent control and program failure and analyze the relative importance of these variables using epidemiological/epizootiological statistics. 4. Expand an existing damage prediction model for Nonpareil almond damage that is based on Kern County data, to the other growing regions in the Central Valley; and develop a damage prediction model for pollenizer varieties of almonds and validate the model in the different growing regions. 5. Determine the role played by NOW movement among multiple hosts on the efficacy of the new management practices demonstrated. 6. Create NOW damage databases using grower-provided data that can identify high-risk areas for each commodity within a county and utilize these databases to develop a better understanding of the distribution of both NOW infestation and aflatoxin contamination within and between counties. 7. Work with farm advisers and an advisory council to develop educational programs and training materials to instruct growers on the strategies demonstrated in the area-wide proposal. Approach (from AD-416) Establish and implement an areawide pest management research and action program for navel orangeworm management which (a) results from a stakeholder partnership and collaboration dedicated to the demonstration and areawide adoption of navel orangeworm control technologies; (b) demonstrates the positive impacts and advantages of such a program through enhanced grower profits, reduced worker risks, an enhanced environment, and a proven superiority of area-wide adoption; and (c) achieves a mature navel orangeworm management system so end-users, consultants and other interested parties will be left with an operation program that will meet the overall goals through its wide-scale adoption. This will require the development of a unified effort between Federal, State, local and private interests, and whose participants will be involved in the program from conception to adoption. Significant Activities that Support Special Target Populations Began implementation of the first phase of an areawide pest management research and action program for navel orangeworm management in almonds, pistachios and walnuts. Six cooperators were enlisted from the University of California and University of California Cooperative Extension based at Berkeley and Davis, Specific Cooperative Agreements are being developed. Three ARS entomologists based in Parlier, CA are also involved in this project and are collaborating with UC and industry researchers. Sites were selected in northern, central and southern regions to collect baseline data and these sites will be used to demonstrate mating disruption in the next two years. The ongoing research of the ARS scientists was integrated with this project and joint projects were initiated with UC researchers. One technology transfer seminar was held in June at the Tulare County Agriculture Center to present the current research of the ARS and industry researchers to an audience of almond growers, pistachio growers and pest control advisers. The success of this areawide project is dependent on the collaborative efforts of ARS, University of California and industry researchers. A series of demonstration and research projects in almonds, pistachios and walnuts will be conducted. Two specific cooperative agreements were finalized in late July. This relates to NP308, Component 2.

