Sponsoring Institution
Agricultural Research Service/USDA
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Dec 12, 2003
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2008
Grant Year
Project Director
Recipient Organization
RR #3 BOX 45B
AMES,IA 50011
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
202 - Plant Genetic Resources;

Subject Of Investigation
1510 - Corn;

Field Of Science
1080 - Genetics;
Goals / Objectives
To exploit the value of exotic germplasm for improving the productivity and profitability of maize and to develop and modify selection and breeding methods for utilizing exotic by adapted germplasm to improve and diversify the U.S. corn germplasm base.
Project Methods
1) Identify adapted by exotic genotypes for traits important for the above quality traits and productivity, 2) develop these genotypes into usable inbred lines, 3) validate the expression of the traits over environments, and 4) target the inbred lines to their best possible use.

Progress 12/12/03 to 09/30/08

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416) To exploit the value of exotic germplasm for improving the productivity and profitability of maize and to develop and modify selection and breeding methods for utilizing exotic by adapted germplasm to improve and diversify the U.S. corn germplasm base. Approach (from AD-416) 1) Identify adapted by exotic genotypes for traits important for the above quality traits and productivity, 2) develop these genotypes into usable inbred lines, 3) validate the expression of the traits over environments, and 4) target the inbred lines to their best possible use. Significant Activities that Support Special Target Populations This is the final report for this project. We have developed inbred lines with low onset temperature of gelatinization and a wide temperature range of gelatinization resulting from the incorporation of exotic alleles into Corn Belt germplasm. By growing the lines in four environments, we found that the warmest environments generally produced starch with higher onset temperatures and narrower temperature ranges of gelatinization. Strongest relationships were between temperature and soil types. Some lines were found to have two independent gelatinization transitions, one corresponding to the melting of a peak at ~660C and the other to a peak melting at ~690C, caused by two separate types of granules within the endosperm. Exotic germplasm can contribute useful variation for grain quality traits to adapted germplasm, but our past research showed that exotic germplasm had poor wet milling traits. Ten adapted by exotic corn lines showed significantly different characteristics for grain composition and wet milling characteristics. Three even had better starch yield than an adapted check line. These genetic materials can be used by breeders to develop hybrids that wet mill efficiently, resulting in increased product with less energy expended. We also examined wet milling properties of their F1 hybrids with elite tester lines and found significant tester effect, meaning that selection of higher starch tester lines improved millability. We obtained negative heterosis values for starch composition, yield and recovery, and positive heterosis values for protein composition, meaning that the F1 generation had poor millability. Some exotic sources were associated with better millability, showing that exotic germplasm had potential for producing good milling hybrids if attention was paid to selection for milling traits, exotic sources, and using the proper tester. NIR technology could be used to screen early progeny for high starch and low protein content, which are associated with higher starch yield and recovery. A temporary laboratory manager hired through a subordinate project is analyzing germplasm developed through this project for starch thermal properties using differential scanning calorimetry. Data has been finalized on S7 lines of adapted by exotic (CHIS775, CUBA164, and DK212T) germplasm selected for unusual starch properties, especially low onset of gelatinization. When data on all germplasm is finalized, decisions for release will be made. Manuscripts relating compositional traits between inbred lines and their hybrids, and between winter and summer nurseries are being finalized for submission. This research related to National Program 301, Component 3, Genetic Improvement of Crops because it developed improved germplasm lines of corn for value added traits from exotic by adapted crosses that will broaden the germplasm base of the crop. Technology Transfer Number of Active CRADAS: 1



    Progress 10/01/06 to 09/30/07

    Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416) To exploit the value of exotic germplasm for improving the productivity and profitability of maize and to develop and modify selection and breeding methods for utilizing exotic by adapted germplasm to improve and diversify the U.S. corn germplasm base. Approach (from AD-416) 1) Identify adapted by exotic genotypes for traits important for the above quality traits and productivity, 2) develop these genotypes into usable inbred lines, 3) validate the expression of the traits over environments, and 4) target the inbred lines to their best possible use. Accomplishments Hybrids of adapted and exotic introgressed corn lines expressed poor wet milling quality due to higher protein levels. Genetic diversity is vital for breeding progress, and in corn useful diversity can come from exotic germplasm. Our past research showed that exotic accessions had poor wet milling traits but millability improved by crossing to adapted lines. We examined wet milling properties of F1 hybrids of improved exotic introgressed lines crossed to elite tester lines and found significant tester effect, meaning that selection of higher starch tester lines improved millability. We obtained negative heterosis values for starch composition, yield and recovery, and positive heterosis values for protein composition, meaning that the F1 generation had poor millability. Some exotic sources were associated with better millability, showing that exotic germplasm had potential for producing good milling hybrids if attention was paid to selection for milling traits, exotic sources, and using the proper tester. NIR technology could be used to screen early progeny for high starch and low protein content, which are associated with higher starch yield and recovery. This research fits under the umbrella of NP301, Plant, Microbial, and Insect Genetic Resources, Genomics and Genetics Improvement, Component II - Genome Characterization and Genetic Improvement. It specifically fits within Problem Area IIIb � Genetic Improvement. Technology Transfer Number of New CRADAS and MTAS: 1 Number of Non-Peer Reviewed Presentations and Proceedings: 3



      Progress 10/01/05 to 09/30/06

      Progress Report 1. What major problem or issue is being resolved and how are you resolving it (summarize project aims and objectives)? How serious is the problem? Why does it matter? This project, 3625-21000-043-00D, Enhancing Agronomic and Value-Added Traits of Corn Germplasm, is part of NP 301 Plant Genetic Resources, Genomics, and Genetics Improvement. A breeding program needs genetic variability to make significant gains in the traits under selection. Current world corn usage relies on only 5% of the available germplasm, an increasing concern for agricultures long-term success. As the domestic gene pool for corn becomes more closely related, less can be done to enhance yields, and existing varieties become ever more vulnerable to disease. By accessing diverse sources of corn to improve quality, the crop base would be significantly broadened, thus enhancing the agricultural diversity of corn. Corn breeders in the U.S. Corn Belt have concentrated breeding efforts in a restricted and small sample of the total available genetic variation in corns genetic base. It seems unreasonable to assume that most of the favorable alleles are concentrated in that small sample. To overcome this problem, we use exotic germplasm to improve U.S. corn. Utilization of exotic germplasm in traditional corn breeding will contribute new sources of variation for both quantitative and qualitative traits. The development of genetically-bred corns that have higher yields plus contain higher oil content, higher protein content, more digestible starch, more balanced essential amino acid content, or other nutrients will benefit producers and users, and ultimately impact consumers. We currently have identified many adapted x wild relative and adapted by exotic sources with wide ranges of variability for economic traits. The genetic sources have values for these traits with significantly different values and properties than those found in normal Corn Belt corn. In addition to providing an excellent medium for study, the introduction of these materials for commercial use can be anticipated to add great value to the crop. It is prudent to develop alternate breeding populations from exotic sources, because broadening both the genetic base and the range of traits would be beneficial and potentially more profitable for producers. Traditionally corn has been treated as a commodity but corn grain users and processors are becoming more interested in the quality characteristics of the grain and how this affects their business. Incorporation of exotic strains into adapted germplasm will increase the available genetic variability and give rise to additional heterotic vigor, lessening chances for a yield plateau. Studies indicate that significant variability for quality traits is present in corn genetic resources, so new grain quality characteristics will likely be found in exotic rather than the narrow-based germplasm now used. Growing hybrids best suited to their specific feed use can have a major impact on profitability for farmers. Improving the value of a bushel of corn to the end-user will not only allow the corn producer to select varieties best suited for a specific end-use, but will also increase the value of that product to the livestock feeder or corn processor. 2. List by year the currently approved milestones (indicators of research progress) Year 1 Breeding with teosinte x GEM and popcorn x GEM lines Develop non-Stiff Stalk Starch lines Develop lines with low onset temperature and low range of gelatinization Marker and inheritance studies Disease/insect/value-added traits Seed quality study. Year 2 Breeding with teosinte x GEM and popcorn x GEM lines Develop non-Stiff Stalk Starch lines Develop lines with low onset temperature and low range of gelatinization Marker and inheritance studies Inbred-hybrid value-added traits Winter nursery vs. summer trait study Disease/insect/value-added traits Environment study with starch lines Seed quality study Environment study with starch lines Year 3 Breeding with teosinte x GEM and popcorn x GEM lines Develop non-Stiff Stalk Starch lines Develop lines with low onset temperature and low range of gelatinization Marker and inheritance studies Inbred-hybrid value-added traits Winter nursery vs. summer trait study Disease/insect/value-added traits Environment study with starch lines Year 4 Breeding with teosinte x GEM and popcorn x GEM lines Develop non-Stiff Stalk Starch lines Develop lines with low onset temperature and low range of gelatinization Marker and inheritance studies Inbred-hybrid value-added traits Winter nursery vs. summer trait study Year 5 Breeding with teosinte x GEM and popcorn x GEM lines Develop non-Stiff Stalk Starch lines Develop lines with low onset temperature and low range of gelatinization Marker and inheritance studies Winter nursery vs. summer trait study 4a List the single most significant research accomplishment during FY 2006. This project, 3625-21000-043-00D, entitled Enhancing Agronomic and Value- Added Traits of Corn Germplasm is under NP 301, Plant Genetic Resources, Genomics, and Genetics Improvement, and fits within Action Plan Component III: Genetic Improvement of Crops (Problem Statement 3C: Germplasm Enhancement/Release of Improved Genetic Resources and Varieties). Exotic corn germplasm can enhance genetic diversity of adapted germplasm for wet milling traits. Exotic germplasm can contribute useful variation for grain quality traits to adapted germplasm, but our past research showed that exotic germplasm had poor wet milling traits. Ten adapted crossed to exotic corn lines showed significantly different characteristics for grain composition and wet milling characteristics. Three even had better starch yield than an adapted check line. These genetic materials can be used by breeders to develop hybrids that wet mill efficiently, resulting in increased product with less energy expended. 5. Describe the major accomplishments to date and their predicted or actual impact. This project, 3625-21000-043-00D, entitled Enhancing Agronomic and Value- Added Traits of Corn Germplasm is under NP 301, Plant Genetic Resources, Genomics, and Genetics Improvement, and fits within Action Plan Component III: Genetic Improvement of Crops (Problem Statement 3C: Germplasm Enhancement/Release of Improved Genetic Resources and Varieties). Naturally-occurring starch modifications have value for specialty starch uses, especially for food uses requiring all natural ingredients. Our project within the Corn Insects and Crop Genetics Research Unit developed inbred lines with unusually low onset temperature of gelatinization and a wide temperature range of gelatinization resulting from the incorporation of exotic alleles into Corn Belt germplasm, with our colleagues at Iowa State University. Some lines were found to have two independent gelatinization transitions, one corresponding to the melting of a peak at ~66 degrees C and the other to a peak melting at ~69 degrees C, caused by two separate types of granules within the endosperm. These lines may be of interest by food companies for commercial uses because they could allow food processors to market their products as all natural. We have also developed lines with altered fatty acid traits, including higher levels of oleic acid up to 70%. These lines may be used in food products by food companies with increased health benefits. 6. What science and/or technologies have been transferred and to whom? When is the science and/or technology likely to become available to the end- user (industry, farmer, other scientists)? What are the constraints, if known, to the adoption and durability of the technology products? I visited frequently with representatives of grain processing and ethanol companies. I worked through a trust fund agreement with industry to evaluate agronomic value of lines with altered fatty acids. 7. List your most important publications in the popular press and presentations to organizations and articles written about your work. (NOTE: List your peer reviewed publications below). Taboada-Gaytan, O., Pollak, L., Johnson, L., Fox, S., Duvick, S. 2005. Wet milling characteristics of ten lines from the Germplasm Enhancement of Maize Project. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. Duvick, Susan, Pollak, Linda, White, Pamela. 2006. Breeding corn for altered fatty acids. 97th American Oil Chemists Society Annual Meeting & Expo, April 30-May 3, St. Louis, MO. Pollak, Linda, Duvick, Susan, White, Pamela. 2006. Variation in fatty acid content in a wide breeding cross. 97th American Oil Chemists Society Annual Meeting & Expo, April 30-May 3, St. Louis, MO. Duvick, Susan, Pollak, Linda M. 2006. Quality trait characterization of expired plant variety protected corn lines. Corn Utilization and Technology Conference, June 5-7, Dallas, TX. Taboada-Gaytan, O.R., Pollak, L.M., Johnson, L., Fox, S., Duvick, S., Montgomery, K. 2006. Wet milling efficiency of hybrids from exotic by adapted inbred lines in corn. Corn Utilization and Technology Conference, June 5-7, Dallas, TX. Taboada-Gaytan, Oswaldo R., Pollak, Linda, Johnson, Lawrence, Fox, Steve, Duvick, Susan, Montgomery, Kevin. 2006. Wet milling efficiency of the F1 and F2 generations of hybrids from exotic by adapted inbred lines in corn. International Plant Breeding Symposium, August 20-25, Mexico City, D.F.



      • Pollak, L.M., Scott, M.P. 2006. Breeding for grain quality traits. Maydica. 50:247-257.

      Progress 10/01/04 to 09/30/05

      1. What major problem or issue is being resolved and how are you resolving it (summarize project aims and objectives)? How serious is the problem? What does it matter? A breeding program needs genetic variability to make significant gains in the traits under selection. Current world corn usage relies on only 5% of the available germplasm, an increasing concern for agricultures long- term success. As the domestic gene pool for corn becomes more closely related, less can be done to enhance yields, and existing varieties become ever more vulnerable to disease. By accessing diverse sources of corn to improve quality, the crop base would be significantly broadened, thus enhancing the agricultural diversity of corn. Corn breeders in the U. S. Corn Belt have concentrated breeding efforts in a restricted and small sample of the total available genetic variation in corns genetic base. It seems unreasonable to assume that most of the favorable alleles are concentrated in that small sample. To overcome this problem, we use exotic germplasm to improve U.S. corn. Utilization of exotic germplasm in traditional corn breeding will contribute new sources of variation for both quantitative and qualitative traits. The development of genetically- bred corns that have higher yields plus contain higher oil content, higher protein content, more digestible starch, more balanced essential amino acid content, or other nutrients will benefit producers and users, and ultimately impact consumers. We currently have identified many adapted x wild relative and adapted by exotic sources with wide ranges of variability for economic traits. The genetic sources have values for these traits with significantly different values and properties than those found in normal Corn Belt corn. In addition to providing an excellent medium for study, the introduction of these materials for commercial use can be anticipated to add great value to the crop. It is prudent to develop alternate breeding populations from exotic sources, because broadening both the genetic base and the range of traits would be beneficial and potentially more profitable for producers. Traditionally corn has been treated as a commodity but corn grain users and processors are becoming more interested in the quality characteristics of the grain and how this affects their business. Incorporation of exotic strains into adapted germplasm will increase the available genetic variability and give rise to additional heterotic vigor, lessening chances for a yield plateau. Studies indicate that significant variability for quality traits is present in corn genetic resources, so new grain quality characteristics will likely be found in exotic rather than the narrow- based germplasm now used. Growing hybrids best suited to their specific feed use can have a major impact on profitability. Improving the value of a bushel of corn to the end-user will not only allow the corn producer to select varieties best suited for a specific end-use, but will also increase the value of that product to the livestock feeder or corn processor. 2. List the milestones (indicators of progress) from your Project Plan. Breeding with teosinte x GEM and popcorn x GEM lines Develop non-Stiff Stalk Starch lines Develop lines with low onset temperature and low range of gelatinization Marker and inheritance studies Inbred-hybrid value-added traits Winter nursery vs. summer trait study Disease/insect/value-added traits Environment study with starch lines 3a List the milestones that were scheduled to be addressed in FY 2005. For each milestone, indicate the status: fully met, substantially met, or not met. If not met, why. 1. Breeding with teosinte x GEM and popcorn x GEM lines. Milestone Substantially Met 2. Develop non-Stiff Stalk Starch lines. Milestone Substantially Met 3. Develop lines with low onset temperature and low range of gelatinization. Milestone Substantially Met 4. Marker and inheritance studies. Milestone Not Met Critical SY Vacancy 5. Inbred-hybrid value-added traits. Milestone Fully Met 6. Winter nursery vs. summer trait study. Milestone Fully Met 7. Disease/insect/value-added traits. Milestone Substantially Met 8. Seed quality study. Milestone Fully Met 3b List the milestones that you expect to address over the next 3 years (FY 2006, 2007, and 2008). What do you expect to accomplish, year by year, over the next 3 years under each milestone? Breeding with teosinte x GEM and popcorn x GEM lines FY2006. Teosinte x GEM line development has been transferred to a collaborator at Texas A&M (Dr. W. Xu) where they are better adapted. Seed of popcorn x GEM lines will be extracted and analyzed by DSC. FY2007. Data from DSC analyses will be analyzed to estimate breeding parameters for the starch quality traits. Selections will be planted in the nursery for advancement. FY2008. Results from the breeding parameter study will be published, and selected lines will be topcrossed for yield testing. Results from the studies will give insight on breeding success with these traits, and result in breeding lines that can lead to possible new or enhanced corn utilization. Develop non-Stiff Stalk Starch lines. FY 2006. Because non-Stiff Stalk lines from GEM did not show unusual starch characteristics, began collaborating with Dr. M. Blanco using advanced GEM lines from his breeding program. Grew one of three total locations for an experiment to validate starch quality traits in his lines. FY 2007. Collaborate to collect DSC data on the lines. FY 2008. Analyze data and publish results. Research can result in breeding lines leading to possible new or enhanced corn utilization. Develop lines with low onset temperature and low range of gelatinization. FY2006. Self pollinated ears will be analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry for starch quality. Selections will be planted in the nursery for advancement. FY2007. Self pollinated ears will be analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry for starch quality. Selections will be planted in the nursery for advancement. FY2008. Selected lines will be topcrossed for yield testing. Research can result in breeding lines producing starch requiring less energy for cooking. Inbred-hybrid value-added traits. FY2006. Analyze and publish results. Research will result in insight on how grain quality of inbred lines is expressed in their resulting hybrids. Winter nursery vs. summer trait study. FY2006. Continue NIR evaluation. FY2007. Analyze and publish results. Research will result in insight on whether selection for grain quality can be made on seed from winter nursery production. Disease/insect/value-added traits. FY2006. Collect starch quality data. FY2007. Analyze and publish results. Research will result in insight on interactions among disease and insect susceptibility with quality traits. Environment study with starch lines. FY2006. Grow testcrosses and measure agronomic traits in several locations. Self pollinate entries in at least one location. FY2007. Collect samples off combine at harvest. Analyze samples of self pollinations and yield tests by DSC. Repeat nursery and yield test experiments. FY 2008. Analyze samples of self pollinations and yield tests by DSC. Research will result in insight on environmental effects on starch quality. 4a What was the single most significant accomplishment this past year? Environmental effects on thermal properties of corn starch. Our project within the Corn Insects and Crop Genetics Research Unit, along with our colleague Pamela White at Iowa State University, has developed inbred lines with unusually low onset temperature of gelatinization and a wide temperature range of gelatinization resulting from the incorporation of exotic alleles into Corn Belt germplasm. By growing the lines in four environments, we found that the warmest environments generally produced starch with higher onset temperatures and narrower temperature ranges of gelatinization. Strongest relationships were between temperature and soil types. Our results suggest that a number of factors affect thermal starch properties of corn starch in a particular environment, and these factors may be exploitable for the production of specialty starches. These traits are important for new food and industrial uses of corn. Naturally occurring functionality variation may reduce or eliminate the need for chemically modified corn starch in some uses. 5. Describe the major accomplishments over the life of the project, including their predicted or actual impact. Naturally-occurring starch modifications have value for specialty starch uses, especially for food uses requiring all natural ingredients. Our project within the Corn Insects and Crop Genetics Research Unit developed inbred lines with unusually low onset temperature of gelatinization and a wide temperature range of gelatinization resulting from the incorporation of exotic alleles into Corn Belt germplasm, with our colleagues Pamela White and Jay-lin Jane at Iowa State University. Some lines were found to have two independent gelatinization transitions, one corresponding to the melting of a peak at 660C and the other to a peak melting at 690C, caused by two separate types of granules within the endosperm. These lines may be of interest for commercial uses because they could allow food processors to market their products as all natural. 6. What science and/or technologies have been transferred and to whom? When is the science and/or technology likely to become available to the end- user (industry, farmer, other scientists)? What are the constraints, if known, to the adoption and durability of the technology products? Visited frequently with representatives of grain processing and ethanol companies.



      • Willmot, D.B., Hibbard, B.E., Darrah, L.L., Pollak, L.M., Montgomery, K., Pratt, R., Hawk, J., Weldekidan, T., Abel, C.A., Foster, J. 2004. Effect of environment on resistance to the european corn borer (lepidoptera: pyralidae) in maize. Journal of Economic Entomology. 97(5):1745-1751.
      • Li, R., Kang, M., Moreno, O., Pollak, L.M. 2004. Relationship among aspergillus flavus infection, maize weevil damage, and ear moisture loss in exotic x adapted maize. Cereal Research Communications. 32:371-378.
      • Pollak, L.M. 2004. Germplasm collections:Regeneration in maintenance. In: Goodman, Robert M., editor. Encyclopedia of Plant and Crop Science. New York, NY: Marcel Dekker, Inc. p. 541-543.
      • Taba, S., Eberhart, S., Pollak, L.M. 2004. Germplasm resources of maize. In: Smith, C. Wayne, Betran, J., Runge, E.C.A., editors. Maize Monograph. New York, NY:John Wiley & Sons. p. 99-132.

      Progress 10/01/03 to 09/30/04

      1. What major problem or issue is being resolved and how are you resolving it (summarize project aims and objectives)? How serious is the problem? What does it matter? A breeding program needs genetic variability to make significant gains in the traits under selection. Current world corn usage relies on only 5% of the available germplasm, an increasing concern for agriculture's long- term success. As the domestic gene pool for corn becomes more closely related, less can be done to enhance yields, and existing varieties become ever more vulnerable to disease. By accessing diverse sources of corn to improve quality, the crop base would be significantly broadened, thus enhancing the agricultural diversity of corn. Corn breeders in the U. S. Corn Belt have concentrated breeding efforts in a restricted and small sample of the total available genetic variation in corn's genetic base. It seems unreasonable to assume that most of the favorable alleles are concentrated in that small sample. To overcome this problem, we use exotic germplasm to improve U.S. corn. Utilization of exotic germplasm in traditional corn breeding will contribute new sources of variation for both quantitative and qualitative traits. The development of genetically- bred corns that have higher yields plus contain higher oil content, higher protein content, more digestible starch, more balanced essential amino acid content, or other nutrients will benefit producers and users, and ultimately impact consumers. We currently have identified many adapted x wild relative and adapted by exotic sources with wide ranges of variability for economic traits. The genetic sources have values for these traits with significantly different values and properties than those found in normal Corn Belt corn. In addition to providing an excellent medium for study, the introduction of these materials for commercial use can be anticipated to add great value to the crop. It is prudent to develop alternate breeding populations from exotic sources, because broadening both the genetic base and the range of traits would be beneficial and potentially more profitable for producers. Traditionally corn has been treated as a commodity but corn grain users and processors are becoming more interested in the quality characteristics of the grain and how this affects their business. Incorporation of exotic strains into adapted germplasm will increase the available genetic variability and give rise to additional heterotic vigor, lessening chances for a yield plateau. Studies indicate that significant variability for quality traits is present in corn genetic resources, so new grain quality characteristics will likely be found in exotic rather than the narrow- based germplasm now used. Growing hybrids best suited to their specific feed use can have a major impact on profitability. Improving the value of a bushel of corn to the end-user will not only allow the corn producer to select varieties best suited for a specific end-use, but will also increase the value of that product to the livestock feeder or corn processor. 2. List the milestones (indicators of progress) from your Project Plan. Breeding with teosinte x GEM and popcorn x GEM lines Yield evaluations of specialty starch lines Develop non-Stiff Stalk Starch lines Develop lines with low onset temperature and low range of gelatinization Marker and inheritance studies Inbred-hybrid value-added traits Winter nursery vs. summer trait study Disease/insect/value-added traits Seed quality study Environment study with starch lines 3. Milestones: A. List the milestones that were scheduled to be addressed in FY 2004. How many milestones did you fully or substantially meet in FY 2004 and indicate which ones were not fully or substantially met, briefly explain why not, and your plans to do so. Breeding with teosinte x GEM and popcorn x GEM lines. Teosinte x Corn Belt lines would not flower under our summer nursery conditions, so we sent them to a cooperator who backcrossed them in Texas. Backcrosses that flowered at normal times in our summer nursery were self pollinated. Popcorn x GEM lines were self pollinated in 2004. Yield evaluations of specialty starch lines. Testcrosses of specialty starch lines were tested in yield evaluations. Develop non-Stiff Stalk Starch lines. Non-Stiff Stalk germplasm sources were analyzed by DSC. Develop lines with low onset temperature and low range of gelatinization. Crosses made in 2003 between lines with low onset temperature and relatively low range of gelatinization were advanced by self-pollination. Marker and inheritance studies. Genotyping of GEM and donated private lines was finished. Inbred-hybrid value-added traits. Analysis of inbreds and hybrids by near- infra red spectrophotometry (NIR) was initiated. Winter nursery vs. summer trait study. Entries in the fourth and final nursery environment were grown and self-pollinated for seed for analysis. Disease/insect/value-added traits. Composition data using NIR was collected. Seed quality study. Seed quality traits were collected on inbreds and hybrids of diverse backgrounds. B. List the milestones that you expect to address over the next 3 years (FY 2005, 2006, and 2007). What do you expect to accomplish, year by year, over the next 3 years under each milestone? Breeding with teosinte x GEM and popcorn x GEM lines FY2005. Self pollinated ears will be analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) for starch quality. Selections will be planted in the nursery for advancement. FY2006. Self pollinated ears will be analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry for starch quality. Selections will be planted in the nursery for advancement. FY2007. Self pollinated ears will be analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry for starch quality. Selections will be planted in the nursery for advancement. Yield evaluations of specialty starch lines. FY2005. Yield tests grown in FY2004 will be harvested, data will be analyzed, and lines of selected hybrids will be crossed to additional tester lines. FY2006. Yield tests will be grown in several locations. FY2007. Yield tests grown in FY2006 will be harvested, and repeated in 2007. Develop non-Stiff Stalk Starch lines. FY2005. Selections of non-Stiff Stalk lines with low onset of gelatinization will be increased and advanced in the nursery. FY2006. Advanced lines will be tested by DSC, and then selections will be advanced in the nursery. Increased lines will be crossed as testers to Stiff Stalk lines with low onset of gelatinization. FY2007. Advanced lines will be tested by DSC, and then selections will be advanced in the nursery. Testcrosses will be grown in yield tests. Develop lines with low onset temperature and low range of gelatinization. FY2005. Self pollinated ears will be analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry for starch quality. Selections will be planted in the nursery for advancement. FY2006. Self pollinated ears will be analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry for starch quality. Selections will be planted in the nursery for advancement. FY2007. Self pollinated ears will be analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry for starch quality. Selections will be planted in the nursery for advancement. Marker and inheritance studies. FY2005. Publish GEM and donated private lines study. Because our cooperator left for another job, further work in this area will depend on finding another molecular marker colleague. Inbred-hybrid value-added traits. FY2005. Continue NIR evaluation. FY2006. Analyze and publish results. Winter nursery vs. summer trait study. FY2005. Initiate NIR evaluation. FY2006. Continue NIR evaluation. FY2007. Analyze and publish results. Disease/insect/value-added traits. FY2005. Analyze and publish results. FY2006. Collect starch quality data. FY2007. Analyze and publish results. Seed quality study. FY2005. Analyze and publish results. Environment study with starch lines. FY2005. Select entries for study, and cross to tester lines in isolation. FY2006. Grow testcrosses and measure agronomic traits in several locations. Self pollinate entries in at least one location. FY2007. Collect samples off combine at harvest. Analyze samples of self pollinations and yield tests by DSC. Repeat nursery and yield test experiments. 4. What were the most significant accomplishments this past year? A. Single Most Significant Accomplishment during FY 2004. Our project within the Corn Insects and Crop Genetics Research Unit has developed inbred lines with unusually low onset temperature of gelatinization and a wide temperature range of gelatinization resulting from the incorporation of exotic alleles into Corn Belt germplasm, along with our colleague Pamela White at Iowa State University. We found that exotic background had a large influence on the inbreeding needed to genetically fix these gelatinization properties, and that there was a genotype by environment interaction effect. Our results suggest that introgression of adapted germplasm with useful genes from exotic corn increase the available genetic variability for starch functionality and allow the development of hybrids with important value-added traits. These traits are important for new food and industrial uses of corn. Naturally occurring functionality variation may reduce or eliminate the need for chemically modified corn starch in some uses. B. Other Significant Accomplishment(s). None. C. Significant accomplishments/activities that support special target populations. None. 5. Describe the major accomplishments over the life of the project, including their predicted or actual impact. Naturally-occurring starch modifications have value for specialty starch uses, especially for food uses requiring all natural ingredients. Our project within the Corn Insects and Crop Genetics Research Unit developed inbred lines with unusually low onset temperature of gelatinization and a wide temperature range of gelatinization resulting from the incorporation of exotic alleles into Corn Belt germplasm, with our colleagues Pamela White and Jay-lin Jane at Iowa State University. Some lines were found to have two independent gelatinization transitions, one corresponding to the melting of a peak at 660C and the other to a peak melting at 690C, caused by two separate types of granules within the endosperm. These lines may be of interest for commercial uses because they could allow food processors to market their products as all natural. 6. What science and/or technologies have been transferred and to whom? When is the science and/or technology likely to become available to the end- user (industry, farmer, other scientists)? What are the constraints, if known, to the adoption and durability of the technology products? Invited to present breeding results for lines with altered fatty acid compositions to several companies with oil processing operations. 7. List your most important publications in the popular press and presentations to organizations and articles written about your work. Pollak, L.M., and S. Duvick. 2004. Corn quality trait evaluations and results. North Central Crop Evaluation Committee, Ames, IA. (invited). Gelski, Jeff. 2004. Make mine trans-free! Milling and Baking News, February 17. Zenk, P. 2004. Breeding healthier hybrids. Farm Industry News, February. Fiderlein, D. 2004. New corn line targets health food market. Iowa Farmer Today, June 26. Pollak, L.M., S. Duvick, and P.J. White. 2004. Developing new corn output traits. 26th Annual Seed Technology Conference, Ames, IA. Pollak, L.M. Regeneration. In Robert M. Goodman (ed.) Encyclopedia of Plant and Crop Science. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York. 2004. Pollak, L.M., K. Montgomery, C. Abel, P. Williams, and W. Xu. 2004. Effect of grain chemical composition on pest resistance in corn. Corn Utilization and Technology Conference, Indianapolis, IN. CD-ROM. Duvick, S., L.M. Pollak, and P.J. White. 2004. Developing altered fatty acid lines of corn. Corn Utilization and Technology Conference. Indianapolis, IN. CD-ROM.



      • Pollak, L.M., Montgomery, K., Abel, C.A., Williams, W.P., Xu, W. 2004. Correlations between grain composition and pest resistance in a set of corn hybrids. Corn Conference Interregional Proceedings. Available:
      • Montgomery, K., Pollak, L.M., Goggi, S., Abel, C.A., Williams, W.P., Xu, W. 2004. Yield of two sets of hybrids and the grain composition of the parents and hybrids with associated agronomic traits. Corn Conference Interregional Proceedings. Available: http://www.corn2.agron.iastate. edu/NCR167/Meetings/2004/2004NCRAgenda.htm.
      • Googgi, S., Devries, M., Montgomery, K., Pollak, L.M. 2004. Seed quality of a set of inbreds and their corresponding hybrids. Corn Conference Interregional Proceedings. Available: http://www.corn2.agron.iastate. edu/NCR167/Meetings/2004/2004NCRAgenda.htm.
      • Duvick, S.A., Pollak, L.M., White, P. 2004. Nutritional enhancement of corn through breeding. NCR-167 Corn Breeding Committee Meeting. Available:
      • Ji, Y., Pollak, L.M., Duvick, S.A., Seetharaman, K., Dixon, P.M., White, P. J. 2004. Gelatinization properties of starches from three successive generations of six exotic corn lines grown in two locations. Cereal Chemistry. 59:-64.
      • Munamava, M.R., Goggi, A.S., Pollak, L.M. 2004. Seed quality of maize inbred lines with different oil and protein content and genetic background. Crop Science. 44:542-548.
      • Duvick, S.A., Pollak, L.M., White, P.J. 1999. Altered fatty acid, protein, oil, and starch corn lines and method for producing the same. U.S. Patent 60/080,406.