Sponsoring Institution
Agricultural Research Service/USDA
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Nov 19, 2003
Project End Date
Oct 31, 2008
Grant Year
Project Director
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Genetically characterize and evaluate the horticultural merit and pest resistance contained in Tsuga and Ulmus; from the preceding materials incorporate into breeding populations new or improved sources for pest resistance; and from the preceding breeding stocks develop and transfer superior landscape tree cultivars to end users. In preliminary work, establish breeding populations of Celtis and Nyssa for future evaluation and genetic improvement of disease- and insect- resistance and of desirable horticultural attributes. Carry out technology transfer by propagating and distributing for evaluation additional germplasm of alder (Alnus), elm (Ulmus), hornbeam (Carpinus), maple (Acer), and zelkova (Zelkova) to end-users (nurserymen).
Project Methods
Inoculate plants growing in the greenhouse or in field plots with disease pathogens or expose plants to insect populations to screen for resistance. Analyze susceptible and resistant plants for morphological or biochemical variability related to resistance. Determine intrageneric crossability patterns by controlled pollinations. Evaluate progenies and make clonal selections for pest resistance. Develop appropriate mass-propagation techniques. Test plants for geographic and climatic adaptability and horticultural traits through cooperative procedures.

Progress 11/19/03 to 10/31/08

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416) Genetically characterize and evaluate the horticultural merit and pest resistance contained in Tsuga and Ulmus; from the preceding materials incorporate into breeding populations new or improved sources for pest resistance; and from the preceding breeding stocks develop and transfer superior landscape tree cultivars to end users. In preliminary work, establish breeding populations of Celtis and Nyssa for future evaluation and genetic improvement of disease- and insect- resistance and of desirable horticultural attributes. Carry out technology transfer by propagating and distributing for evaluation additional germplasm of alder (Alnus), elm (Ulmus), hornbeam (Carpinus), maple (Acer), and zelkova (Zelkova) to end-users (nurserymen). Approach (from AD-416) Inoculate plants growing in the greenhouse or in field plots with disease pathogens or expose plants to insect populations to screen for resistance. Analyze susceptible and resistant plants for morphological or biochemical variability related to resistance. Determine intrageneric crossability patterns by controlled pollinations. Evaluate progenies and make clonal selections for pest resistance. Develop appropriate mass- propagation techniques. Test plants for geographic and climatic adaptability and horticultural traits through cooperative procedures. Significant Activities that Support Special Target Populations We completed the largest published study on Dutch elm disease tolerance among American elm clones, having screened 19 clones for susceptibility to the pathogen. Superior clones were identified and propagated, resulting in the release of one new American elm, �Jefferson� to the nursery industry, and three more potential releases. We generated and planted out novel elm hybrids using underutilized Asian and Eurasian germplasm for long-term evaluation for elm-leaf beetle and Dutch elm disease resistance. We completed initial evaluations of interspecific hybrid hemlocks for hemlock woolly adelgid, an introduced insect pest devastating both natural and planted stands of hemlocks. The Superior clone program continued, with nursery industry interest in alder and new American elm selections. This research supports problem statements 3B (Capitalizing on Untapped Genetic Diversity) and 3C (Germplasm enhancement/release of improved genetic resources and varieties) under Component 3 (Genetic Improvement of Crops) of National Program 301 (Plant Genetic Resources, Genomics, and Genetics Improvement). Technology Transfer Number of New/Active MTAs(providing only): 1



    Progress 10/01/06 to 09/30/07

    Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416) Genetically characterize and evaluate the horticultural merit and pest resistance contained in Tsuga and Ulmus; from the preceding materials incorporate into breeding populations new or improved sources for pest resistance; and from the preceding breeding stocks develop and transfer superior landscape tree cultivars to end users. In preliminary work, establish breeding populations of Celtis and Nyssa for future evaluation and genetic improvement of disease- and insect- resistance and of desirable horticultural attributes. Carry out technology transfer by propagating and distributing for evaluation additional germplasm of alder (Alnus), elm (Ulmus), hornbeam (Carpinus), maple (Acer), and zelkova (Zelkova) to end-users (nurserymen). Approach (from AD-416) Inoculate plants growing in the greenhouse or in field plots with disease pathogens or expose plants to insect populations to screen for resistance. Analyze susceptible and resistant plants for morphological or biochemical variability related to resistance. Determine intrageneric crossability patterns by controlled pollinations. Evaluate progenies and make clonal selections for pest resistance. Develop appropriate mass- propagation techniques. Test plants for geographic and climatic adaptability and horticultural traits through cooperative procedures. Significant Activities that Support Special Target Populations Additional research has been performed under Agreements (1230-21000-043- 01R with Western Maryland Resource Conservation and Development Council; 1230-21000-043-02S with the University of Maryland; 1230-21000-043-03R with U.S. Forest Service; and 1230-21000-043-04R with J. Frank Schmidt Family Charitable Foundation). See specific reports for more information 1230-21000-045-08S. Accomplishments Hemlock woolly adelgid study Hemlock woolly adelgid is a devastating introduced insect pest of native eastern hemlock species which are important forest and landscape trees. Our approach is to create and evaluate hybrids between the susceptible N. American species and resistant Asian germplasm. Concluding second year of controlled inoculations of interspecific hemlock hybrids. Inoculations were extended to investigate maternal and paternal affects on susceptibility to hemlock woolly adelgid. Successfully propagated selected clones for further inoculation studies and long-term field evaluations. Multiple sources of resistance to hemlock woolly adelgid identified which will serve as a template for future crosses. This research was one of the FY 2007 milestones (Analyze data and write manuscript on hemlock adelgid study). This research is part of Component II of National Program 301 (Genome characterization and genetic improvement); and is under ARS Strategic Plan Goal 1, Performance measure 1.2.8 and Goal 3, Performance measure 3.2.4. American elm study The accidental introduction of Dutch elm disease practically eliminated American elm from urban landscapes in the eastern U.S. Interest in disease-tolerant American elms has increased with the release of USDA-ARS selections from the U.S. National Arboretum. An additional three clones of American elm tolerant to Dutch elm disease have been identified for further evaluation, including two intraspecific hybrids from our breeding program. This research was one of the FY 2007 milestones (Continue to grow on elm hybrids). This research is part of Component II of National Program 301 (Genome characterization and genetic improvement); and is under ARS Strategic Plan Goal 1, Performance measure 1.2.8 and Goal 3, Performance measure 3.2.4. Superior clone program Disease and pest tolerant urban trees are of increasing importance as urban areas increase and new pathogens and insects ravage the urban forest. Evaluations from cooperators indicated that several selections from the tree breeding program will be targeted for further evaluation and potential for release, including one disease and pest tolerant interspecific elm and one leaf-miner tolerant European alder. This research was one of the FY 2007 milestones (Select best clones from American elm study). This research is part of Component II of National Program 301 (Genome characterization and genetic improvement); and is under ARS Strategic Plan Goal 1, Performance measure 1.2.8 and Goal 3, Performance measure 3.2.4. Technology Transfer Number of Non-Peer Reviewed Presentations and Proceedings: 4 Number of Newspaper Articles,Presentations for NonScience Audiences: 7



      Progress 10/01/05 to 09/30/06

      Progress Report 1. What major problem or issue is being resolved and how are you resolving it (summarize project aims and objectives)? How serious is the problem? Why does it matter? The environmental horticulture industry, also known as the "Green Industry", is one of the fastest growing segments of the nation's agricultural economy and is comprised of a variety of businesses involved in production, distribution and services associated with ornamental plants, landscape and garden supplies and equipment. The National Gardening Association reported that 85 million U.S. households spent $39. 6 billion at lawn and garden retail outlets in 2002. The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service reported that in 2005 the wholesale value of floral and nursery crops were $15.22 billion with 12,258 growers employing 187,563 workers. Over one quarter of these growers (28%) had sales less than $100,000. Landscape and street trees are increasingly important resources used for the enhancement of aesthetic and economic value of residential, recreational, urban, park, and industrial sites. These trees are important for shade; a healthy connection to the natural world; beneficial management of water runoff; and reduction of soil erosion, heat, noise, and air pollution. Unfortunately, trees planted in urban and suburban landscapes of the United States, where people live, work, and recreate, are in serious trouble. Each year, hundreds of thousands of trees are lost to the ravages of native and introduced diseases and insects and these problems are compounded by the environmental stresses under which the trees struggle for existence. The control of these diseases and insects often involves the use of potentially toxic pesticides. Tree maintenance and replacement costs are extremely high. To resolve this issue, we are developing improved landscape trees that are pest-resistant, tolerant of environmental stresses (such as heat and drought), and are of superior ornamental value. The objectives of our research are to find and utilize natural resistance to these insects and diseases within the breeding pool of a wide range of major tree genera in order to develop superior, pest-resistant, and adaptable trees that can survive and prosper without pesticide use. Targeted genera currently under investigation include hemlock (Tsuga), elm (Ulmus), hackberry (Celtis), and tupelo (Nyssa). This research falls under National Program 301, Component III, Genetic Improvement of Crops: Germplasm Enhancement/Release of Improved Genetic Resources and Varieties, and addresses goals including identifying sources of useful genes for incorporation into crops; broadening genepools of crops through genetic improvement; and the release of improved cultivars resistant to disease and pests, tolerant of abiotic stresses, and responsive to consumer's needs. 2. List by year the currently approved milestones (indicators of research progress) Year 1 (FY 2003) Make controlled pollinations, hemlock crossability study. Complete AFLP studies and outplanting of seedlings, hemlock crossability study. Collect crown dieback data, American elm study. Make controlled crosses between various elm clones. Verify existing hackberry hybrids with AFLP. Collect data on tupelo progenies in the field. Verify authenticity of F2 tupelo progenies Propagate superior clones of alder, elm, hornbeam, maple, and zelkova. Year 2 (FY 2004) Complete hemlock crossability study. Collect data on seedling traits of hemlock progenies. Collect crown dieback data, American elm study. Make controlled crosses between elms. Make controlled crosses between hackberry species. Collect data on tupelo progenies in the field. Outplant F2 tupelo progenies. Continue propagation of superior clones and begin distribution to cooperators. Year 3 (FY 2005) Write manuscript on hemlock crossability study. Begin study on hemlock woolly adelgid. Analyze data and write manuscript on American elm study. Verify and outplant elm hybrids from 2003. Verify hackberry hybrids with AFLP. Analyze tupelo data and write manuscript. Collect data on F2 tupelo progenies. Superior clone program: Complete distribution of trees to cooperators; continue in-house evaluation. Year 4 (FY 2006) Continue hemlock woolly adelgid study Verify and outplant elm hybrids from 2004. Outplant hackberry hybrids. Continue to collect data on F2 tupelos. Superior clone program: request initial evaluation from cooperators. Year 5 (FY 2007) Analyze data and write manuscript on hemlock adelgid study. Select best clones from American elm study. Continue to grow on elm hybrids. Collect data on growth, hardiness, and insect injury of hackberry hybrids. Superior clone program: Request additional information from cooperators, consider naming and release of best clones. Complete collection of data on F2 tupelo hybrids. 4a List the single most significant research accomplishment during FY 2006. Acquisition of Chitalpa germplasm: A diverse collection of Catalpa, Chilopsis, and Chitalpa (bi-generic hybrid between Chilopsis and Catalpa) was acquired and outplanted. Our native taxa of Catalpa are underutilized urban tolerant trees that, along with Asian and West Indian species, are poorly represented in botanical and research collections. The germplasm represents the most comprehensive collection in the country and will serve as the core research collection for breeding and selecting new cultivars of Catalpa and Chitalpa (in cooperation with North Carolina State University). New cultivars will be disease and pest resistant, produce less fruit, and will be smaller in stature. Disease and pest resistant Chitalpa will decrease the need for harmful fungicides and pesticides; reduced fruit set will decrease fruit litter and weediness; and smaller stature trees will be better suited for reduced planting spaces in urban areas, and ultimate increase the diversity of our urban forests. 4d Progress report. This report serves to document research conducted under a reimbursable agreement between ARS and the Western Maryland Resource Conservation and Development Council. Further work was conducted to evaluate selected U.S. National Arboretum tree cultivars for suitability in street and utility line planting situations. Trees were grown either in pot-in-pot or traditional in-ground production methods and transplanted to utility line sites in Greenbelt, MD, in addition to previous plantings in Washington, DC for on-going evaluation for suitability in street and utility line plantings. An existing problem planting where inappropriate trees are already conflicting with utility lines has been identified as a suitable demonstration site for replacement with attractive, more appropriate plantings in cooperation with the local power utility. A web site is being developed to make information on appropriate trees for street and utility line plantings available to nurserymen, city planners, urban foresters, and homeowners. This work was carried out in collaboration with partners including the U.S. Forest Service Mid-Atlantic Center for Urban and Community Forestry, the University of Maryland, the State of Maryland Department of Natural Resources, the Maryland Electric Reliability Tree Trimming Council, and the District of Columbia Urban Forestry Administration. Knowledge of the characteristics of tree growth and suitability will allow cities and utilities to plant the right tree in the right place to minimize conflicts between trees and utility lines, thus reducing costs and increasing utility reliability. This report serves to document research conducted under a Specific Cooperative Agreement between ARS and the University of Maryland. Selected U.S. National Arboretum tree and shrub cultivar releases grown under either a pot-in-pot or traditional in-ground production methods were transplanted to street locations in Washington, DC and Greenbelt, MD, for further evaluation; these plants extend a study initiated previously with plantings in Washington, DC. Street and utility line plantings suffer additional pest, disease, and environmental stress in comparison to landscape planting, but the ability of trees to withstand these stresses is often not specifically evaluated. Growth of the trees was evaluated and analyzed statistically during the production phase, and baseline data collected for on-going evaluation in the street and utility line settings; there were statistically significant differences between plants grown in the different production systems, with some cultivars growing better (increased height and caliper) in the pot-in-pot production system. Information was compiled for presentation on a website to transfer relevant information to nurserymen, city planners, utilities, urban foresters, and homeowners about appropriate trees for utility line and street tree plantings. A student class project on the importance of urban plantings is being developed into a video to enable broader dissemination of the benefits of urban trees and the importance of selection of appropriate trees for each site. This work was carried out in collaboration with partners including the U.S. Forest Service Mid- Atlantic Center for Urban and Community Forestry, the State of Maryland Department of Natural Resources, the Maryland Electric Reliability Tree Trimming Council, and the District of Columbia Urban Forestry Administration. Knowledge of difference between production systems and the ability of different cultivars to withstand the stresses of street and utility line plantings will benefit producers, utilities, and urban foresters. This report serves to document research conducted under a reimbursable agreement between ARS and the U.S. Forest Service. This research was carried out in collaboration with US Forest Service Center for Forest Health Research partners and with assistance from the US National Arboretum Gardens Unit and Germplasm Units. Hemlock woolly adelgid is a devastating imported pest of native eastern hemlock which is an important forest and landscape tree. Our approach is to create and evaluate hybrids between the susceptible native American species and resistant Asian germplasm, in particular, T. chinensis. Interspecific hemlock hybrids and species were field inoculated with hemlock woolly adelgid in spring 2006 and data is being collected on infestation and reproduction of the adelgids through spring 2007 as is data on size, cone- bearing and fertility of hybrids. Propagation experiments of interspecific Tsuga hybrids and species were initiated in February and July 2006, and rooting evaluation of over 2000 cuttings has begun. A replicated field planting of documented wild collected Tsuga chinensis germplasm is completed. 5. Describe the major accomplishments to date and their predicted or actual impact. Release of Jefferson American elm. Each year, hundreds of thousands of trees are lost to diseases and insects. One of the most valuable trees was the American elm (Ulmus americana); however, Dutch elm disease has practically eliminated this tree from the landscape. A new disease tolerant American elm (Ulmus americana 'Jefferson') was released in cooperation with the Department of Interior's National Park Service. We have cooperated with the Department of Interior in evaluating elm selections for disease tolerance and in propagating the more tolerant clones for planting in our National Parks, and suburban streets. Jefferson American elm was selected for its good growth habit, as well as, its high disease tolerance and should become a valuable landscape tree. This accomplishment was part of a Milestone for nearly every year in the current Project Plan; is part of Component II of National Program 301 (Genome characterization and genetic improvement); and is under ARS Strategic Plan Goal 1, Performance measure 1.2.8 and Goal 3, Performance measure 3.2.4. Tolerance of American elm selections to Dutch elm disease was determined. American elms vary in their tolerance to Dutch elm disease. Twenty eight trees of each of 19 American elm clones, a group of American elm seedlings, and two non-American elm selections were planted and inoculated with the Dutch elm disease-causing fungus. Two years post inoculation, crown dieback ranged from 0% to 42%, with a few cultivars such as 'Valley Forge' and a few selections, showing a high level of disease tolerance. The wide range of variation observed should allow for the development and release of several disease-tolerant cultivars. In addition, this data will be useful to nurserymen, arborists, horticulturists, plant breeders, and plant pathologists involved with evaluating, growing, planting, and breeding disease-tolerant American elms. This accomplishment was part of a Milestone for nearly every year in the current Project Plan; is part of Component II of National Program 301 (Genome characterization and genetic improvement); and is under ARS Strategic Plan Goal 1, Performance measure 1.2.8 and Goal 3, Performance measure 3.2.4. Interspecies hemlock breeding. The woolly adelgid has become a very serious pest threatening the survival of both of the wild and landscape populations of the native Eastern hemlocks (Tsuga canadensis and T. caroliniana). We have created interspecific hybrids between adelgid-resistant species and the native hemlocks. Over 300 seedlings of hybrids between T. canadensis, T. chinensis, T. caroliniana, T. diversifolia, and T. sieboldii were successfully outplanted in a randomized block design to a field site and will be evaluated for variation in resistance to the hemlock woolly adelgid. This accomplishment was part of a Milestone for nearly every year in the current Project Plan; is part of Component II of National Program 301 (Genome characterization and genetic improvement); and is under ARS Strategic Plan Goal 1, Performance measure 1.2.8 and Goal 3, Performance measure 3.2.4. 6. What science and/or technologies have been transferred and to whom? When is the science and/or technology likely to become available to the end- user (industry, farmer, other scientists)? What are the constraints, if known, to the adoption and durability of the technology products? We continued to send trees of the new disease-tolerant elms and insect- tolerant red maples and alders to a wide range of production nurseries. Many of the named cultivars (developed during a previous CRIS project) will become available to the public in substantial numbers during 2006. Presentation made at the Chesapeake Green Symposium, Maryland Nursery and Landscape Association/Maryland Greenhouse Growers Association, Feb 7, 2006, Linthicum, MD, to nurserymen, landscapers, and general public regarding the US National Arboretum's American elm breeding program and its Dutch Elm disease resistant releases. Participated in Floral and Nursery Plants Research Unit Open House, May 9, 2006 and interacted with stakeholders (nurserymen, urban foresters, gardening public). A display describing recent releases was presented at the Friends of the National Arboretum annual dinner held June 14, 2006. Met with stakeholders (nurserymen) in Tennessee and Minnesota to discuss US National Arboretum cultivars, potential releases, and future research. Continue to maintain and release Fact Sheets for US National Arboretum cultivar releases. 7. List your most important publications in the popular press and presentations to organizations and articles written about your work. (NOTE: List your peer reviewed publications below). Flores, Alfredo. 2006. Dutch elm disease update. Agricultural Research Magazine. 54(6):18.



      • Olsen, R.T., and Ranney, T.G. 2006. Polyploid breeding in Hypericum androsaemum L. HortScience. 41:952.

      Progress 10/01/04 to 09/30/05

      1. What major problem or issue is being resolved and how are you resolving it (summarize project aims and objectives)? How serious is the problem? What does it matter? The environmental horticulture industry, also known as the "Green Industry", is one of the fastest growing segments of the nation's agricultural economy and is comprised of a variety of businesses involved in production, distribution and services associated with ornamental plants, landscape and garden supplies and equipment. The National Gardening Association reported that 85 million U.S. households spent $39. 6 billion at lawn and garden retail outlets in 2002. The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service reported that in 2004 the wholesale value of floral and nursery crops was $9.15 billion with 18,841 growers employing 191,501 full-time workers. Over half of these growers (59%) had sales less than $100,000. Landscape and street trees are increasingly important resources use for the enhancement of residential, recreational, urban, park, and industrial sites. These trees are important for shade; a healthy connection to the natural world; beneficial management of water runoff; and reduction of soil erosion, heat, noise, and air pollution. Unfortunately, the trees planted in the urban and suburban landscapes of the United States, where people live, work, and recreate, are in serious trouble. Each year, hundreds of thousands of trees are lost to the ravages of native and introduced diseases and insects and these problems are compounded by the environmental stresses under which the trees struggle for existence. The control of these diseases and insects often involves the use of potentially toxic pesticides. Tree maintenance and replacement costs are extremely high. To resolve this issue, we are developing improved landscape trees that are pest-resistant, tolerant of environmental stresses (such as heat and drought), and are of superior ornamental value. The objectives of our research are to find and utilize natural resistance to these insects and diseases within the breeding pool of a wide range of major tree genera in order to develop superior, pest-resistant, and adaptable trees that can survive and prosper without pesticide use. Targeting genera currently under investigation include hemlock (Tsuga), elm (Ulmus), hackberry (Celtis), and tupelo (Nyssa). This research falls under National Program 301, Component II, Genomic Characterization and Genetic Improvement, and addresses goals including identifying sources of useful genes for incorporation into crops; broadening genepools of crops through genetic improvement; and elucidating the genetic basis of key horticultural traits. 2. List the milestones (indicators of progress) from your Project Plan. Year 1 (FY 2003) Make controlled pollinations, hemlock crossability study. Complete AFLP studies and outplanting of seedlings, hemlock crossability study. Collect crown dieback data, American elm study. Make controlled crosses between various elm clones. Verify existing hackberry hybrids with AFLP. Collect data on tupelo progenies in the field. Verify authenticity of F2 tupelo progenies Propagate superior clones of alder, elm, hornbeam, maple, and zelkova. Year 2 (FY 2004) Complete hemlock crossability study. Collect data on seedling traits of hemlock progenies. Collect crown dieback data, American elm study. Make controlled crosses between elms. Make controlled crosses between hackberry species. Collect data on tupelo progenies in the field. Outplant F2 tupelo progenies. Continue propagation of superior clones and begin distribution to cooperators. Year 3 (FY 2005) Write manuscript on hemlock crossability study. Begin study on hemlock woolly adelgid. Analyze data and write manuscript on American elm study. Verify and outplant elm hybrids from 2003. Verify hackberry hybrids with AFLP. Analyze tupelo data and write manuscript. Collect data on F2 tupelo progenies. Superior clone program: Complete distribution of trees to cooperators; continue in-house evaluation. Year 4 (FY 2006) Continue hemlock woolly adelgid study Verify and outplant elm hybrids from 2004. Outplant hackberry hybrids. Continue to collect data on F2 tupelos. Superior clone program: request initial evaluation from cooperators. Year 5 (FY 2007) Analzye data and write manuscript on hemlock adelgid study. Select best clones from American elm study. Continue to grow on elm hybrids. Collect data on growth, hardiness, and insect injury of hackberry hybrids. Superior clone program: Request additional information from cooperators, consider naming and release of best clones. Complete collection of data on F2 tupelo hybrids. 3a List the milestones that were scheduled to be addressed in FY 2005. For each milestone, indicate the status: fully met, substantially met, or not met. If not met, why. 1. Write manuscript on hemlock crossability study. Milestone Not Met Critical SY Vacancy 2. Begin study on hemlock woolly adelgid. Milestone Fully Met 3. Analyze data and write manuscript on American elm study. Milestone Substantially Met 4. Verify and outplant elm hybrids from 2003. Milestone Fully Met 5. Verify hackberry hybrids with AFLP. Milestone Fully Met 6. Analyze tupelo data and write manuscript. Collect data on F2 tupelo progenies. Milestone Not Met Critical SY Vacancy 7. Superior clone program: Complete distribution of trees to cooperators; continue in-house evaluation. Milestone Fully Met 3b List the milestones that you expect to address over the next 3 years (FY 2006, 2007, and 2008). What do you expect to accomplish, year by year, over the next 3 years under each milestone? Year 4 (FY 2006) Continue collection of data in field study of hemlock woolly adelgid resistance. Verify and outplant elm hybrids from 2004 hybridizations. Continue to collect data on F2 tupelo seedlings. Request initial evaluation form cooperators of alder, elm, hornbeam, maple, and zelkova, Possibly release one or more alder selections with resistance to the alder leaf miner. Initiate research on species with appropriate growth habits for street and utility line plantings. Year 5 (FY 2007) Outplant hackberry hybrids from 2005 crosses, and begin to collect data on growth, cold hardiness, and insect injury. Select best clones from American elm disease-tolerance study and begin to propagate for national evaluation. Request additional information from cooperators on other clones of alder, elm, hornbeam, maple, and zelkova, and consider naming and release of the best clones of these. Propagate germplasm selections for street and utility line planting and evaluation. Initiate crosses for development of trees for street and utility line plantings. Year 6 (FY 2008) Write a new project plan. Continue evaluating hemlock germplasm for woolly adelgid resistance. Continue collecting data on growth, cold hardiness, and insect injury in hackberry. 4a What was the single most significant accomplishment this past year? Release of 'Jefferson' elm Each year, hundreds of thousands of trees are lost to diseases and insects. One of the most valuable trees was the American elm (Ulmus americana); however, Dutch elm disease has practically eliminated this tree from the landscape. A new disease tolerant American elm ('Jefferson') was released in cooperation with the Department of Interior's National Park Service. We have cooperated with the Department of Interior in evaluating elm selections for disease tolerance and in propagating the more tolerant clones for planting in our National Parks, and suburban streets. 'Jefferson' elm was selected for its good growth habit, as well as, its high disease tolerance and should become a valuable landscape tree. 4d Progress report. This report serves to document research conducted under a reimbursable agreement between ARS and the Western Maryland Resource Conservation and Development Council. A project was initiated to evaluate selected U.S. National Arboretum tree cultivars for suitability in street and utility line planting situations. Many trees are used for street and utility line plantings without specific evaluation of their suitability or resistance to pests, diseases, and the environmental stresses associated with these situations; municipalities and utilities may incur unnecessary tree trimming and removal costs if inappropriate trees are planted. Selected U. S. National Arboretum tree and shrub releases were grown in a pot-in-pot system, and in traditional in-ground production systems, to compare growth characteristics; trees produced in each system were then transplanted to city streets in Washington DC for on-going evaluation for suitability in street and utility line plantings. This work was carried out in collaboration with partners including the U.S. Forest Service Mid- Atlantic Center for Urban and Community Forestry, the University of Maryland, the State of Maryland Department of Natural Resources, the Maryland Electric Reliability Tree Trimming Council, and the District of Columbia Urban Forestry Administration. Knowledge of the characteristics of tree growth and suitability will allow cities and utilities to plant the right tree in the right place to minimize conflicts between trees and utility lines, thus reducing costs and increasing utility reliability. This report serves to document research conducted under a Specific Cooperative Agreement between ARS and the University of Maryland. Selected U.S. National Arboretum tree and shrub cultivar releases grown under either a pot-in-pot or traditional in-ground production methods were transplanted to street locations in Washington DC for further evaluation. Street and utility line plantings suffer additional pest, disease, and environmental stress in comparison to landscape planting, but the ability of trees to withstand these stresses is often not specifically evaluated. Growth of the trees was evaluated and analyzed statistically during the production phase, and baseline data collected for on-going evaluation in the street and utility line settings; there were statistically significant differences between plants grown in the different production systems, with some cultivars growing better (increased height and caliper) in the pot-in-pot production system. This work was carried out in collaboration with partners including the U.S. Forest Service Mid-Atlantic Center for Urban and Community Forestry, the State of Maryland Department of Natural Resources, the Maryland Electric Reliability Tree Trimming Council, and the District of Columbia Urban Forestry Administration. Knowledge of difference between production systems and the ability of different cultivars to withstand the stresses of street and utility line plantings will benefit producers, utilities, and urban foresters. 5. Describe the major accomplishments over the life of the project, including their predicted or actual impact. Tolerance of American Elm selections to Dutch Elm disease was determined. American elms vary in their tolerance to Dutch Elm disease. Twenty eight trees of each of 19 American elm clones, a group of American elm seedlings, and two non-American elm selections were planted in a randomized block design and inoculated with the Dutch elm disease-causing fungus. Two years post inoculation, crown dieback ranged from 0% to 42%, with a few cultivars such as `Valley Forge' and a few selections, showing a high level of disease tolerance. The wide range of variation observed should allow for the development and release of several disease-tolerant cultivars. In addition, this data will be useful to nurserymen, arborists, horticulturists, plant breeders, and plant pathologists involved with evaluating, growing, planting, and breeding disease-tolerant American elms. This accomplishment was part of a Milestone for nearly every year in the current Project Plan; is part of Component II of National Program 301 (Genome characterization and genetic improvement); and is under ARS Strategic Plan Goal 1, Performance measure 1.2.8 and Goal 3, Performance measure 3.2.4. Interspecies hemlock breeding. The wooly adelgid has become a very serious pest threatening the survival of both of the wild and landscape populations of the native Eastern hemlocks (Tsuga Canadensis and T. caroliniana). We have created interspecific hybrids between adelgid-resistant species and the native hemlocks. Over 300 seedlings of hybrids between T. canadensis, T. chinensis, T. caroliniana, T. diversifolia, and T. sieboldii were successfully outplanted in a randomized block design to a field site and will be evaluated for variation in resistance to the hemlock woolly adelgid. This accomplishment was part of a Milestone for nearly every year in the current Project Plan; is part of Component II of National Program 301 (Genome characterization and genetic improvement); and is under ARS Strategic Plan Goal 1, Performance measure 1.2.8 and Goal 3, Performance measure 3.2.4. 6. What science and/or technologies have been transferred and to whom? When is the science and/or technology likely to become available to the end- user (industry, farmer, other scientists)? What are the constraints, if known, to the adoption and durability of the technology products? We continued to send trees of the new disease-tolerant elms and insect- tolerant red maples and alders to a wide range of production nurseries. Many of the named cultivars (developed during a previous CRIS project) will become available to the public in substantial numbers during 2005. A display describing current research, and practical demonstrations was presented at the Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show in Baltimore, MD held January 5-7, 2005. A display describing current research was presented at the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Open House Field Day held June 4, 2005. 7. List your most important publications in the popular press and presentations to organizations and articles written about your work. (NOTE: List your peer reviewed publications below). Bentz, S.E., A.M. Townsend, R.J. Griesbach, and M.R. Pooler. 2005. Investigating Genetic Resistance of Tsuga to Hemlock Woolly Adelgid. Third Symposium on Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, Feb 1-3, 2005. Asheville, NC.



      • Townsend, A.M., Bentz, S.E., Douglass, L.W. 2005. Evaluation of 19 American elm clones for tolerance to Dutch elm disease. J. Environ. Hort. 23:21-24.
      • Bentz, J., Townsend, A.M. 2005. Diversity and abundance of leafhopper species (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) among red maple clones. Journal of Insect Conservation. 9:29-39.

      Progress 10/01/03 to 09/30/04

      1. What major problem or issue is being resolved and how are you resolving it (summarize project aims and objectives)? How serious is the problem? What does it matter? Landscape and street trees are increasingly important resources use for the enhancement of residential, recreational, urban, park, and industrial sites. Estimated to be worth hundreds of billions of dollars, these trees are important for shade; a healthy connection to the natural world; beneficial management of water runoff; and reduction of soil erosion, heat, noise, and air pollution; Unfortunately, the trees planted in the urban and suburban landscapes of the United States, where people live, work, and recreate, are in serious trouble. Each year, hundreds of thousands of trees are lost to the ravages of native and introduced diseases and insects and these problems are compounded by the environmental stresses under which the trees struggle for existence. The control of these diseases and insects often involves the use of potentially toxic pesticides. Billions of dollars are spent on tree maintenance and replacement costs. To resolve this issue, we are developing improved landscape trees that are pest-resistant, tolerant of environmental stresses (such as heat and drought), and are of superior ornamental value. The objectives of our research are to find and utilize natural resistance to these insects and diseases within the breeding pool of a wide range of major tree genera in order to develop superior, pest-resistant, and adaptable trees that can survive and prosper without pesticide use. Targeting genera currently under investigation include hemlock (Tsuga), elm (Ulmus), hackberry (Celtis), and tupelo (Nyssa). This research falls under National Program 301, component 2, Genomic Characterization and Genetic Improvement, and address goals including identifying sources of useful genes for incorporation into crops; broadening genepools of crops through genetic improvement; and elucidating the genetic basis of key horticultural traits. 2. List the milestones (indicators of progress) from your Project Plan. Year 1 (FY 2003) Make controlled pollinations, hemlock crossability study. Complete AFLP studies and outplanting of seedlings, hemlock crossability study. Collect crown dieback data, American elm study. Make controlled crosses between various elm clones. Verify existing hackberry hybrids with AFLP. Collect data on tupelo progenies in the field Verify authenticity of F2 tupelo progenies Propagate superior clones of alder, elm, hornbeam, maple, and zelkova. Year 2 (FY 2004) Complete hemlock crossability study. Collect data on seedling traits of hemlock progenies. Collect crown dieback data, American elm study. Make controlled crosses between elms. Make controlled crosses between hackberry species. Collect data on tupeolo progenies in the field. Outplant F2 tupelo progenies. Continue propagation of superior clones and begin distribution to cooperators. Year 3 (FY 2005) Write manuscript on hemlock crossability study. Begin study on hemlock woolly adelgid. Analyze data and write manuscript on American elm study. Verify and outplant elm hybrids from 2003. Verify hackberry hybrids with AFLP. Analyze tupelo data and write manuscript. Collect data on F2 tupelo progenies. Superior clone program: Complete distribution of trees to cooperators; continue in-house evaluation. Year 4 (FY 2006) Continue hemlock woolly adelgid study Verify and outplant elm hybrids from 2004. Outplant hackberry hybrids. Continue to collect data on F2 tupelos. Superior clone program: request initial evaluation from cooperators. Year 5 (FY 2007) Analzye data and write manuscript on hemlock adelgid study. Select best clones from American elm study. Continue to grow on elm hybrids. Collect data on growth, hardiness, and insect injury of hackberry hybrids. Superior clone program: Request additional information from cooperators, consider naming and release of best clones. Complete collection of data on F2 tupelo hybrids. 3. Milestones: A. The milestones listed below were scheduled to be completed under year 2. The controlled crosses with hackberry were not completed because of time consumed in collecting elm pollen and making elm crosses; these hackberry crosses will be completed next year. All other milestones were fully or substantially met. Complete hemlock crossability study Collect data on seedling traits of hemlock progenies Collect crown dieback data, American elm study Make controlled crosses between elms. Make controlled crosses between hackberry species. Collect data on tupelo progenies in the field. Outplant F2 tupelo progenies. Continue propagation of superior clones and begin distribution to cooperators. B. Year 3 (FY 2005) Publish results of hemlock crossability study, and begin field study on resistance of hemlocks to the woolly adelgid. Complete data analysis of American elm fungal inoculation study, and publish results. Outplant elm hybrids from 2003 crosses, and begin to make new hackberry crosses. Analyze F1 tupelo data and publish; collect field data on performance of F2 tupelo progenies. Distribute propagules of superior clones of alder, elm, hornbeam, maple, and zelkova. Make controlled crosses between hackberry species (postponed from FY 2004) . Year 4 (FY 2006) Continue collection of data in field study of hemlock woolly adelgid resistance. Verify and outplant elm hybrids from 2004 hybridizations. Continue to collect data on F2 tupelo seedlings. Request initial evaluation form cooperators of alder, elm, hornbeam, maple, and zelkova, Possibly release one or more alder selections with resistance to the alder leaf miner. Year 5 (FY 2007) Outplant hackberry hybrids from 2005 crosses, and begin to collect data on growth, cold hardiness, and insect injury. Select best clones from American elm disease-tolerance study and begin to propagate for national evaluation. Request additional information from cooperators on other clones of alder, elm, hornbeam, maple, and zelkova, and consider naming and release of the best clones of these. 4. What were the most significant accomplishments this past year? A. Tolerance of American Elm selections to Dutch Elm disease was determined. Twenty eight trees of each of 19 American elm clones, a group of American elm seedlings, and two non-American elm selections were planted in a randomized block design at Glenn Dale, MD, in 1993, and inoculated with the Dutch elm disease-causing fungus Ophiostoma in May 2002. We collected 2-year crown dieback data in May 2004, and statistical analysis of this data showed that average dieback ranged from 0% to 42%, with a few cultivars such as 'Valley Forge' and a few selections such as N3487, 190, and, 290 showing a high level of disease tolerance. This new information will be useful to nurserymen, arborists, horticulturists, plant breeders, and plant pathologists involved with evaluating, growing, outplanting, and breeding disease-tolerant American elms. 5. Describe the major accomplishments over the life of the project, including their predicted or actual impact. This is only the second year of a five-year project, but we have already established ourselves as the national leaders in the development of insect-resistant hemlocks, and disease-tolerant elms. Successful hybridization of hemlocks has resulted in several new species hybrids, including Tsuga canadensis x T. caroliniana, T. caroliniana x T. chinensis, T. chinensis x T. caroliniana, T. chinensis x T. diversifolia, T. chinensis x T. sieboldii, T. diversifolia x T. chinensis, T. diversifolia x T. sieboldii, and T. sieboldii x T. chinensis. More than 300 seedlings representing these hybrids were successfully outplanted in a randomized block design to a field site on the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, and will be evaluated for variation in resistance to the hemlock woolly adelgid, with hopes of eventually releasing adelgid-resistant clones in the future. Our study of variation in Dutch elm disease tolerance among 19 clones in American elm represents the largest study of its kind ever conducted. The wide range of variation shown offers new hope for development and release of several more disease-tolerant American elm cultivars. 6. What science and/or technologies have been transferred and to whom? When is the science and/or technology likely to become available to the end- user (industry, farmer, other scientists)? What are the constraints, if known, to the adoption and durability of the technology products? We continued to send trees of the new disease-tolerant elms and insect- tolerant red maples and alders to a wide range of production nurseries. Many of the named cultivars (developed during a previous CRIS project) will become available to the public in substantial numbers by 2005. Attended the Mid-Atlantic Trade Show (MANTS) on January 8, 2004, in Baltimore, MD. Attended and participated in a workshop on the 'Urban Tree Canopy', May 24, 2004 in Annapolis, MD. 7. List your most important publications in the popular press and presentations to organizations and articles written about your work. Brigham, D. Jr. December , 2003. Elm: the once and future king? Landscape Architecture, v. 93 (12), p. 18-22. DePalma, A. May 2004. From a sturdy old survivor, hardier elms grow. The New York Times, May 7, 2004, p. 1-C16. Buttala, L. May 2004. Canadian hemlock is slowly vanishing. The New York Times, May 9, 2004. Kebhart, K. August 2004. American elm: back from the dead. Popular Woodworking 24(4): 66-69.



      • Townsend, A.M., Douglass. 2004. Evaluation of elm clones for tolerance to dutch elm disease. Journal of Arboriculture. 30(3): 179-184.