Source: California State University, Chico submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2012
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2016
Grant Year
Project Director
Aschenbrener, M.
Recipient Organization
California State University, Chico
400 West First Street, College of Agriculture MS-0310
Chico,CA 95929
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Need- California leads the nation in agricultural production; however, the ability for working professionals to obtain a Master's degree in agriculture is limited. Agricultural professionals are challenged by time and distance to meet their ongoing need for post-baccalaureate professional education. Outcomes- This project is a collaborative effort between Colleges of Agriculture at California State University (CSU), Chico and California State Polytechnic University, Pomona to design and implement a fully online, distance education Option in Agricultural Leadership and Communication to each respective universities' existing Masters of Science in Agricultural Education degree programs. Project directors expect a cohort of approximately 20 students to enroll in the program annually. Successful completion of this option will equip agriculture industry professionals with skills to advance in a wide array of career choices as well as create future collaborations between agriculture industry professionals and post-secondary institutions for future research. The investigators will develop, design and implement four new online courses in agricultural leadership and communication. Team members will also create recruitment and assessment plans, and launch a Website to promote the collaborative degree plan option key to the project's success. Impacts- Additionally, the project addresses the National Academy of Science's 2009 recommendations to implement strategic planning, build stronger connections among institutions, and build strategic partnerships. This joint project is the first of its kind offered by the CSU or by any university in the western United States and will collaboratively leverage state resources to address a workforce need. It will serve as a model for academic institutional partnerships within California and other states.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
901 - Program and Project Design, and Statistics;

Subject Of Investigation
6010 - Individuals;

Field Of Science
3020 - Education;
Goals / Objectives
Six major project goals are to: 1) collaborate between California State University (CSU), Chico and California State Polytechnic University, Pomona to offer the proposed option in existing Master of Science degree programs in agricultural education at each institution; 2) develop four courses via online instruction for an option in agricultural leadership and communication; 3) evaluate elective course offerings through an existing participant role in the AG*IDEA consortium; 4) implement a statewide outreach and recruitment plan; 5) launch a Website to promote the degree option; and 6) disseminate AG*IDEA model and degree option among CSU faculty to stimulate additional collaboration and generate new program opportunities throughout the CSU system. Objectives are to develop MOUs between institutions; design a needs assessment; network with academic and industry leaders on course design, topics and content; establish a faculty curriculum development team; design and launch a new Website (or amend existing sites); create and distribute recruitment material; finalize newly-designed courses; identify possible elective courses offered via AG*IDEA; recruit and enroll at least 20 students in the first cohort; and refine the project model to attract a wider audience than as currently envisioned. Expected outcomes are lasting academic partnerships, a clearer understanding of students' educational needs, lessons learned in selecting new course curricula, followed by recruitment and acceptance of student candidates. Concurrent outcomes will be more effective dissemination of information via access to the database, Website, and new partnerships with other CSU and R1 faculty in the AG*IDEA consortium. The latter will help identify other universities seeking a similar collaborative program. Additionally, this project will help strengthen ties between faculty and industry leaders. New course curricula will enhance current master's degrees offered by both institutions through the new option. As it strengthens collaborative needs of the industry throughout the western United States, it will also provide remote access to an advanced degree, including potential exposure to underserved populations. Recruitment and dissemination serve to communicate results to other institutions choosing to replicate the program. Ultimately, it will provide advanced educational access and enhanced economic potential of those in the industry. Lasting impact will be measured primarily by working professionals' improved ability to obtain an advanced degree without excess travel or relocation, resulting in greater access to higher incomes in the workforce. Additionally, investigators anticipate exposure to a graduate degree will facilitate more effective communication between industry groups and decision makers. Therefore, adding this option may provide more participation in industry support groups and offer critical leadership development for industry professionals. The degree option -- empowering participants with valuable, employable skills that aim to improve California's agricultural industry -- has the potential to serve as a replicable model for other regions of the country.
Project Methods
Phase One: Development - MOUs will be developed to outline responsibilities between institutions. - Create needs assessment based upon literature review of necessary skills in the areas of leadership and communication using online survey and focus group methods. Population determined from a variety of sources; validated with panel of experts and piloted with selected industry members. - Distribute needs assessment to industry leaders - Identify necessary skills and form learning objectives. - Using a panel of experts, coordinate learning objectives into four core courses. - Assign two courses to each of the primary investigators. - Develop curriculum for courses to meet established learning objectives. - Propose online courses to be included in the AG*IDEA consortium through annual AG*IDEA conference. - Identify possible elective courses offered through the AG*IDEA consortium based upon skills necessary according to the needs assessment (because some of the topics may be beyond the scope of the four courses). Phase Two: Implementation - Develop a recruitment plan by consulting with university marketing experts, conferring with industry leaders, and coordinating recruitment strategies for each investigator. - Create marketing and promotional materials using marketing resources of each university partner. - Implement recruitment plan, including attending industry conferences and annual meetings. Recruit and enroll at least 20 students. - Create (or significantly revise existing) an online MS in Agricultural Education Website to facilitate self-support outreach and student recruitment/marketing with application and registration process and online tech support tools using Technology and Learning Programs (TLP) at both institutions. TLP will model website after recent Website development. Application and registration will be developed by CSU, Chico's Regional and Continuing Education College modeled after existing MS program's enrollment process. - Provide input to AG*IDEA consortium coordinator for AG*IDEA Website. Phase Three: Evaluation and Dissemination - Project evaluator will provide formative and summative assessments throughout each project phase. Communication will be via periodic meetings, phone calls (or Skype with co-PI), and email with the investigators while holding separate formal reviews with deans. - Project evaluator will provide written assessment summaries at least annually to confirm project milestones and recommend changes to enhance project impact. - Principal investigators will convey outcomes with university deans, project evaluator, faculty at other CSU campuses, R1 university faculty in the AG*IDEA consortium, and industry stakeholders through meetings and online communication. - Share collaborative model for online graduate programs within the CSU through meeting at annual State Agricultural Education Staff meeting.

Progress 09/01/15 to 08/31/16

Target Audience:The targeted audience for the grant includes graduates interested in pursuing an online graduate degree in agricultural education with an option in leadership and communication. To determine curriculum needs, focus groups were conducted at the California State Farm Bureau annual meeting. Individual interviews comprised of leaders in agriculture, including producing farmers, ag credit and finance, commodity leaders, etc. were utilized to further define the skills needed by Master's candidates. Four courses were designed and approved to offer as part of the existing MS in Agricultural Education at CSU, Chico. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The professional development opportunities include development of a recruitment brochure, development of online curricula and website development. Additionally, focus groups and interviews provided direct connect with agricultural industry leaders who provided tremendous insight and offered opportunities for future training. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results have been shared with undergraduate students at participating universities. Additionally, results are scheduled to be shared at regional and national meetings for the agricultural education division of the AG*IDEA consortium. Finally, results will be shared with industry stakeholders through university outreach publications. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?This is a final report.

What was accomplished under these goals? Option in Agricultural Leadership and Communication for a MS in Agricultural Education Objective Outcomes OBJECTIVES: ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1). Collaborate between California State University (CSU), Chico and California State Polytechnic University, Pomona to offer the proposed option in existing Master of Science degree programs in agricultural education at each institution; Collaborate occurred between California State University (CSU), Chico and California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. It was determined each university would propose 2 classes to comprise the option. Note: The inability to offer course/degrees through both state support and self support in California resulted in the proposed option to be developed through CSU, Chico, as Chico is currently a member of the AG*IDEA consortium. 2). Develop four courses via online instruction for an option in agricultural leadership and communication; Following focus groups and personal interviews, a survey was developed to assess the skills deemed necessary for those obtaining a Master's degree by leaders in the agricultural industry. From this feedback, course curricula were developed to design the option. Four online courses were created and approved by CSU, Chico, including the following: AGED 623-Ethics and Ethical Applications in Agricultural Education; AGED 624-Technological Applications in Agricultural Education; AGED 630- Leadership in Agricultural Organizations; and AGED 640 Advanced Agricultural Issues. 3). Evaluate elective course offerings through an existing participant role in the AG*IDEA consortium Existing course offerings through the AG*IDEA consortium were evaluated. Six course were determined to offer options for electives and were thus submitted and approved by CSU, Chico. 4). Implement a statewide outreach and recruitment plan The outreach and recruitment program has been developed, but will not be implemented until additional faculty resources are allocated to the agricultural education faculty at CSU, Chico. Additional faculty are needed to accommodate the additional student interest in the online option in leadership and communication. Outreach plans include participation in the California Agricultural Teachers Association annual meeting, California FFA State Conference, California Farm Bureau annual meeting as well as trade organizations . 5) launch a Website to promote the degree option; A website has been created (not yet live) and will be linked to both CSU, Chico and California State University, Pomona as soon as recourses all faculty members to fully launch the option in leadership and communication. 6.) Disseminate AG*IDEA model and degree option among CSU faculty to stimulate additional collaboration and generate new program opportunities throughout the CSU system Results from both the qualitative focus groups/ interviews as well as the quantitative survey results will be shared with the AG*IDEA consortium at both regional and national meetings. Additionally, the consortium is currently examining the need for a leadership focus. Courses developed as part of this grant will be included in this new focus area.


    Progress 09/01/12 to 08/31/16

    Target Audience: The target audience for this grant includes graduate interested in pursuing an online graduate degree in agricultural education with an option in leadership and communication. To determine curriculum needs, focus groups were conducted at the California State Farm Bureau annual meeting. Individual interviews comprised of leaders in agriculture, including producing farmers, ag credit and finance specialists, commodity leaders, etc., were utilized to further define the skills needed by Maser's candidates. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The professional development opportunities include development of a recruitment brochure, development of online curricula and website development. Additionally, focus groups and interviews provided direct connect with agricultural industry leaders who provided tremendous insight and offered opportunities for future training. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results have been shared with undergraduate students at participating universities. Additionally, results are scheduled to be shared at regional and national meetings for the agricultural education division of the AG*IDEA consortium. Finally, results will be shared with industry stakeholders through university outreach publications. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

    What was accomplished under these goals? Option in Agricultural Leadership and Communication for a MS in Agricultural Education Objective Outcomes OBJECTIVES: ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1). Collaborate between California State University (CSU), Chico and California State Polytechnic University, Pomona to offer the proposed option in existing Master of Science degree programs in agricultural education at each institution; Collaborate occurred between California State University (CSU), Chico and California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. It was determined each university would propose 2 classes to comprise the option. Note: The inability to offer course/degrees through both state support and self support in California resulted in the proposed option to be developed through CSU, Chico, as Chico is currently a member of the AG*IDEA consortium. 2). Develop four courses via online instruction for an option in agricultural leadership and communication; Following focus groups and personal interviews, a survey was developed to assess the skills deemed necessary for those obtaining a Master's degree by leaders in the agricultural industry. From this feedback, course curricula were developed to design the option. Four online courses were created and approved by CSU, Chico, including the following: AGED 623-Ethics and Ethical Applications in Agricultural Education; AGED 624-Technological Applications in Agricultural Education; AGED 630- Leadership in Agricultural Organizations; and AGED 640 Advanced Agricultural Issues. 3). Evaluate elective course offerings through an existing participant role in the AG*IDEA consortium Existing course offerings through the AG*IDEA consortium were evaluated. Six course were determined to offer options for electives and were thus submitted and approved by CSU, Chico. 4). Implement a statewide outreach and recruitment plan The outreach and recruitment program has been developed, but will not be implemented until additional faculty resources are allocated to the agricultural education faculty at CSU, Chico. Additional faculty are needed to accommodate the additional student interest in the online option in leadership and communication. Outreach plans include participation in the California Agricultural Teachers Association annual meeting, California FFA State Conference, California Farm Bureau annual meeting as well as trade organizations . 5) launch a Website to promote the degree option; A website has been created (not yet live) and will be linked to both CSU, Chico and California State University, Pomona as soon as recourses all faculty members to fully launch the option in leadership and communication. 6.) Disseminate AG*IDEA model and degree option among CSU faculty to stimulate additional collaboration and generate new program opportunities throughout the CSU system Results from both the qualitative focus groups/ interviews as well as the quantitative survey results will be shared with the AG*IDEA consortium at both regional and national meetings. Additionally, the consortium is currently examining the need for a leadership focus. Courses developed as part of this grant will be included in this new focus area.


      Progress 09/01/14 to 08/31/15

      Target Audience:Efforts to validate a second pilot study included a wider use of resources to secure additional participants to complete the survey. Changes/Problems:The development of the Option in Leadership and Communication created the need to assess our current Master's program and reflect on areas that needed improvement. As a result, it became apparent the culminating activity was a tremendous challenge to manage. Thus, a new culminating experience option has been created to provide additional opportunities for both current and future students. The professional paper option will provide students, especially those completing the option in leadership and communication, an applied yet scholarly option to complete the required culminating experience. This generated the need to create another new "course" and submit through the college and university course intent processes. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Final results are pending... What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?The results of the survey will be shared with stakeholders as well as the AG*IDEA consortium. Additonally, all courses will be approved and the option will be submitted to CSU, Chico.

      What was accomplished under these goals? 1. Collaboration with Cal Poly Pomona continues. The challenge of state support vs. self support continues to be an issue for full integration. Our current plan is to hire as "adjunct" faculty and provide courses through CSU, Chico. 2. All four courses have been developed and are being held in review by the curriculum committee at CSU.Two of the four new courses have been submitted to the AG*IDEA consortium and approved to be offered in the upcoming year. 3. Six additional courses have been submitted to the university and have completed the intent process. These electives will be offered through the AG*IDEA consortium from participating universities. Additionally, advisors at participating universities are aware of the new electives CSU, Chico will offer through the consortium. 4. Outreach efforts continue. State recruitment occurred at the California State FFA Conference as well as the state agricultural teachers's annual meeting (California Agricultural Teachers Association). 5. The development of the website tied to both Cal Poly Pomona and CSU, Chico is underway. 6. Faculty have become aware of the option through the course intent process at both universities. Additional dissemination will occur in the next phase of the project.


        Progress 09/01/13 to 08/31/14

        Target Audience: During this reporting period, the target audience reached included a wide variety of agriculture industry representatives and potential students. The target audience included building on prior identification in the past reporting period. This included focus group sessionsandmore than twenty personal interviews were conducted, including phone and in person, to assess the needs of the agricultural community. Finally, multiple email coorespondence, face to face meetings and video conferences were conducted to discuss the curriculum currently provided by instutions througout the nation and specifically, those who participate in the AG*IDEA consortium and will provide potential coursework for students. This proceedure was added to insure duplication of courses or course content did not occur during the development of new courses to comprise the option in leadership and communication. Changes/Problems: The only challenge has occurred through the development of collaboration between a self-support Master's program (CSU, Chico) and a state support program (Cal Poly Pomona). Administrators are addressing this issue. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? At this point, training and professional development has focused on the participation in state and national conferences. Training may include verbal conversations to make potential participants aware of the advantages of an advanced degree as well as the option development through this joint project. Both of these have occurred at the two state conferences. Informal professional development has been received through attending the regional agricultural educators conference, which provided opportunities for clarification in the areas of agricultural leadership and communication. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Goal 1: Collaboration between CSU Chico and Cal Poly Pomona is expected to be complete by the end of the spring, 2015 semester. Administrators at both institutions are working to establish a functional MOU. Goal 2: All four courses should be complete, with at least 2 offered in the fall, 2015 semester. All content will be developed by the end of the spring, 2015 semester. Goal 3: AG*IDEA is aware of the future courses that will be offered from CSU Chico and Cal Poly Pomona. The course matrix will be shared on the website (component of goal 6). Goal 4: Statewide recruitment will continue through two specific state conferences, the CA State FFA Conference and the California Agricultural Teachers Association. The agricultural industry will be contacted through major state meetings. For example, a booth will be utilized at the state Farm Bureau conference to reach a diverse audience in California agriculture. Recruitment material, including a brochure and banner, will be developed and used to recruit future students. Goal 5: Website will be completed Goal 6: Dissemination will occur on both campuses.

        What was accomplished under these goals? Progress was made toward several of the project goals: Goal 1: Collaboration between CSU Chico and Cal Poly Pomona is ongoing. An unexpected challenge has occurred with the MOU development. Program administrators are currently addressing solutions to accommodating a self-support Master’s program with a State support program. However, progress is being made. Goal 2: Four courses have been identified and syllabi are being constructed. Courses are expected to be submitted through the official campus intent process by the end of 2014. Course development through online learning management systems (Blackboard Learn) are under development. Goal 3: Course electives offered through the AG*IDEA consortium have been evaluated. A matrix of possible courses to comprise the option in Leadership and Communication is under development. Additionally, AG*IDEA partners have received information regarding the need for future course consumption as part of the course options available to students receiving an option in leadership and communication. Goal 4: Statewide recruitment occurred through two specific state conferences, the CA State FFA Conference and the California Agricultural Teachers Association. Recruitment material, including a brochure and banner, are under development. However, CSU Chico self-support programs have requested these materials not be disseminated until campus approval has been achieved. Goal 5: Website construction is ongoing. The existing website for the Master’s in Agricultural Education is being modified to include specific information for the Option in Leadership and Communication. The website will also contain a link to connect CSU, Chico and Ca Poly Pomona’s agricultural collaborations. Goal 6: Dissemination has not yet occurred.


          Progress 09/01/12 to 08/31/13

          Target Audience: The target audience was identified during this reporting period. Two focus group sessions were held to identify the target audience for the quantitative needs assessment to be conducted during the next stage of research. The results from the focus groups revealed themes to use as foundational criteria for assessing the specific skills needed in leadership and communication in the agricultural industry. Additonally, more than twenty personal interviews were conducted, including phone and in person, to assess the needs of the agricultural community. Finally, multiple email coorespondence, face to face meetings and video conferences were conducted to discuss the curriculum currently provided by instutions througout the nation and specifically, those who participate in the AG*IDEA consortium and will provide potential coursework for students. This proceedure was added to insure duplication of courses or course content did not occur during the development of new courses to comprise the option in leadership and communication. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? IResponses from focus groups are currently being shared with stakeholders and the needs assessment created from their feedback will be distributed to determine specific program direction from these stakeholders. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? During the next reporting period, investigators will distribute and analyze a needs assessment designed to determine specific feedback from stakeholders and provide direction for course development. The four courses will be identified following analysis of the needs assessment. Additionally, the outreach and recruitment plan (goal four) will be finalized.

          What was accomplished under these goals? Progress was made on three of the six project goals at the end of the first reporting period. A collaborate between CSU, Chico and CSPU, Pomona has been formally developed (goal one). Additional efforts will be required to facilitate course sharing as the degree option is implemented. Additionally, the primary investigators are in process of reviewing current elective course offerings through CSU, Chico’s existing partnership with the AG*IDEA Consortium (goal three). Currently, the agricultural education branch of AG*IDEA is contemplating including additional agricultural communications and leadership courses to existing consortium members. This will provide additional elective offerings for students enrolled in our Master’s program and seeking an option in agricultural leadership and communication. Finally, investigators are in the planning stages of developing a statewide outreach and recruitment plan (goal four).
