Performing Department
School of Agricultural, Forest, & Environmental Sciences
Non Technical Summary
An initial certification training in pesticide safety is required to become a Certified Private Pesticide Applicator in South Carolina. The Clemson University Extension Pesticide Safety Education Program will produce a completely new Private Applicator Training Program to replace the existing program. This new Private Applicator Initial Certification Training program will be based on newest National Pesticide Applicator Core manual and will include recent changes in appropriate pesticide regulations relevant to pesticide applicators and will be CD/DVD-based. In addition to updated pesticide safety information, and new regulatory requirements related to the application of pesticides, the program will emphasize Integrated Pest Management. The Clemson University Extension Pesticide Safety Education Program will produce a training program for South Carolina Commercial and Noncommercial Category 3, Turf and Ornamental Pest Control. This training will be based on the new South Carolina Category 3 manual and will replace the existing initial certification training program. Category 3 is a mandatory certification category in South Carolina. The Clemson University Pesticide Safety Education Program will continue to produce new web site for the Pesticide Information Program/Pesticide Safety Education Program (began in 2010). The CU Pesticide Safety Education Program will continue to develop content for and conduct Certified Pesticide Recertification training. Two new PowerPoint presentations will be provided to Clemson University Extension county agents to provide Recertification training to both Certified Private and Commercial Applicators. The CU Pesticide Program will revise two (2) pesticide information sheets and write and publish two (2) new Pesticide Information Program information sheets.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories
Goals / Objectives
In South Carolina Private Applicators apply Restricted Use Pesticides: farmers and growers, nursery and greenhouse personnel and forestry applicators. Initial Certification Training in pesticide safety is required to become a Certified/licensed Private Pesticide Applicator. in South Carolina. Training is provided by the Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service. In the Federal fiscal year 01 October 2012 - 30 September 2013 the Clemson University Extension Pesticide Safety Education Program will finalize a completely new Private Applicator Training (PAT) Program to replace our existing program. The new Private Applicator Initial Certification Training program will be based in part on newest National Pesticide Applicator Certification Core manual (rev. 2008) and will include recent changes in pesticide regulations relevant to pesticide applicators. The DVD-based training program will be used by Clemson University Extension county agents. This new Private Pesticide Applicator training program will have a new pre-test and post test (paper). For each unit of the training, review questions will be imbedded in the training CD/DVD. In addition to updated pesticide safety information, and new regulatory requirements related to the application of pesticides, the program will emphasize pest identification and Integrated Pest Management. Clemson University Extension county agents will be trained on the delivery of the new program. The Clemson University Extension Pesticide Safety Education Program will begin production of a training program for South Carolina Commercial and Noncommercial applicators. This training will be based on the National Pesticide Applicator Certification Core manual. This program is planned to be web-based but may also be made available on DVD. The Clemson University Pesticide Safety Education Program will continue to produce a new web site for the Pesticide Information Program/Pesticide Safety Education Program. This new web site has new training calendars, updated links, new links to new pesticide safety information and other new content. [Clemson University Extension Pesticide Safety Education Program ] The CU Pesticide Safety Education Program will continue to develop content for and conduct Certified Pesticide Applicator Recertification training. One PowerPoint presentation covering new requirements for the use of soil fumigants will be developed for Clemson University Extension county agents so they can provide Recertification training to Private and Commercial applicators. The CU Pesticide Program will revise two pesticide information sheets and write and publish one new Pesticide Information Program information sheet. Other programming for pesticide applicators, to include recertification training will be conducted if time permits and other funding sources become available. Priorities will be determined by working with the South Carolina Department of Pesticide Regulation. The Clemson University Extension Pesticide Coordinator and Pesticide Safety Education Program Coordinator and Project Director for this grant proposal is Robert G. Bellinger, Ph.D.
Project Methods
The PSEP coordinator is responsible for the program in South Carolina and works with the South Carolina (Clemson University) Department of Pesticide Regulation to identify the training needs and activities for the year. Common activities include: presenting initial certification training for Private Applicators in a classroom setting and also presenting educational programs in a hands-on environment; developing and updating manuals and other training materials, including DVD and web-based training instruments; developing and coordinating recertification education programs; informing pesticide applicators of programs and materials through e-mail and the Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service Pesticide Safety Education Program web site. Thus, pesticide safety education and training programs consist of classroom or in-the-field presentations, hands-on training, printed media, computer-based media, and web-based information.