Source: Pathovacs Incorporated submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
May 15, 2012
Project End Date
Jan 14, 2014
Grant Year
Program Code
[8.3]- Animal Production & Protection
Project Director
John, M.
Recipient Organization
Pathovacs Incorporated
1024 Roy J. Carver Co Laboratory
Ames,IA 50011
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Human Campylobacter disease caused by the foodborne pathogens, Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli, is a huge public health problem globally. The economic burden of this disease, which ranges from mild self-limiting diarrhea to devastating neurological complications, in the United States alone is estimated at more than USD 8 billion annually. Broiler chickens harbor these pathogens in their gastrointestinal tracts (GITs) without developing disease, and are primary reservoirs considered to be the principal source of human infection. Hence, efficacious vaccines for elimination of these pathogens from the GITs of broiler chickens will significantly reduce incidence of human Campylobacteriosis; however, despite an urgent need, currently there are no efficacious chicken Campylobacter vaccines commercially available. Thus far, progress toward development of efficacious Campylobacter chicken vaccines has been slow. This is because Campylobacter species that infect broiler chickens and have human disease causing potential are a very diverse group, which dictates that efficacious vaccines comprise multiple components, including proteins that are shared by the vast majority chicken Campylobacter strains/isolates with human disease causing potential (conserved proteins). Also, the lack of innovative discovery tools for identification of conserved pathogen proteins is another contributory factor, since such conserved proteins are "hidden" by the pathogen during natural infection to escape host defenses. PELS is one such innovative tool that has the ability to identify conserved pathogen proteins (antigens). This antigen discovery technology makes clever use of the response of a host infected with a pathogen to identify components (proteins) with potential for vaccines against the same pathogen. In this project, PELS will be applied in an innovative manner, and coupled with a suite of computer-based algorithms for identification of proteins that are shared by diverse Campylobacter chicken and human strains/isolates. It is expected that this study will result in a panel of conserved Campylobacter proteins, a subset of which is likely to have potential for development of broadly protective Campylobacter chicken vaccines. Future studies in broiler chickens will examine if these proteins can function as vaccines. Such vaccines are anticipated to reduce the public health burden, as well as significantly reduce health care costs currently expended toward management of human Campylobacteriosis in the United States.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
311 - Animal Diseases;

Subject Of Investigation
3220 - Meat-type chicken, live animal;

Field Of Science
1090 - Immunology;
Goals / Objectives
The goal of this project is to identify and define a panel of immunologically cross reactive (conserved) proteins of 20 Campylobacter jejuni and 10 Campylobacter coli strains/isolates, representative of those infecting chicken gastrointestinal tracts/causing human disease globally, using an innovative and powerful proteome mining tool for antigen discovery called Proteomics-based Expression Library Screening (PELS). PELS involves immunoaffinity capture of recombinant proteins expressed from genes on inserts within clones constituting inducible genomic DNA expressible libraries of a pathogen of interest using "bait" polyclonal antibodies (PAbs) from diverse sources. Specifically captured proteins are then identified using tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The specific strategy adopted in this study to accomplish the above objective involves the following tasks: The first task is the construction of highly functional, inducible expression libraries (Elibraries) using genomic DNA isolated from each of the 30 Campylobacter strains/isolates. The second task entails generation of high titer polyclonal antibodies (PAbs) against the recombinant proteome of C. jejuni strain RM1221, a sequenced chicken isolate, in an experimental host. The next task involves PELS-based sequential immunoaffinity capture of recombinant proteins expressed from Elibraries of each of the C. jejuni and C. coli strains/isolates using the anti-RM1221 proteome PAbs as "bait". This task will be followed by identification of specifically captured proteins of each strain/isolate by interrogation of the sequenced Campylobacter genomes in non redundant public databases using mass spectral data. The final task will be the compilation of a core panel of proteins conserved across all 30 Campylobacter strains/isolates using bioinformatics. TARGET DATES (Project duration: 05/01/2012 - 04/30/2013) Construction of Elibraries of 30 Campylobacter strains/isolates: 05/01/2012 - 10/30/2012 Generation of anti-RM1221 proteome PAbs: 05/15/2012 - 07/15/2012 PELS - Harvesting of recombinant proteins, Immunoaffinity capture: 07/15/2012 - 11/30/2012 PELS - Proteomics-based protein identification: 10/15/2012 - 02/28/2013 Bioinformatics for definition of a panel of conserved proteins: 03/01/2013 - 04/30/2013 EXPECTED OUTPUTS Expected outputs from this project include activities such as planning and execution of relevant experiments, strict adherence to established protocols pertaining to use and care of animals in this study, and the use of stringent statistical analysis of data to ensure relevance of experimental results. Also anticipated is the dissemination of data/results of this study at local/national events such as conferences either in the form of oral/poster presentation. Another expected output is a patent application to protect intellectual property, since this study involves the first application of a new technology to develop prophylactic measures against the pathogen in this study, and hence likely to yield a novel product . A final anticipated output is the publication of results in a peer-reviewed journal to diseminate results of this study to the scientific community.
Project Methods
An innovative and sensitive proteome mining tool for antigen discovery called Proteomics-based expression library screening (PELS), coupled with bioinformatics-based algorithms will be used to define and compile a panel of proteins that are conserved across geographically diverse C. jejuni (n=20) and C. coli (n=10) strains/isolates of both avian and human origin. PELS involves immunoaffinity capture of recombinant proteins expressed from genes on inserts within clones constituting inducible genomic DNA expressible libraries of a pathogen of interest using "bait" polyclonal antibodies (PAbs) from diverse sources. Specifically captured proteins are then identified by querying relevant non redundant public databases with the mass spectral data obtained using tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The unique approach proposed in this first application of PELS-based mining of Campylobacter proteomes for identification of potential universal vaccine candidates will begin with the construction of inducible, functional expression DNA libraries (Elibraries) using genomic DNA from each of the 30 Campylobacter strains/isolates. Each Elibrary will be induced, and then recombinant proteins expressed by genes on inserts within clones comprising these libraries will be harvested and purified "en masse" using immobilized metal ion chromatography (IMAC). IMAC-purified recombinant proteins expressed from the Elibrary of a prototypical sequenced C. jejuni chicken isolate, strain RM1221 (RM1221 proteome), depleted of "housekeeping" proteins will be used to generate high titer anti-RM1221 proteome polyclonal antibodies (PAbs) in an experimental host. These anti-RM1221 proteome PAbs will be then used as "bait" to sequentially effect PELS-based immunoaffinity capture of IMAC-purified recombinant proteins comprising the proteomes of each of the remaining 29 Campylobacter strains/isolates. Protein identification for each of the Campylobacter strains/isolates will be identified by querying sequenced C. jejuni and C. coli genomes at, and with the generated mass spectral data. Following rigorous statistical analysis to ensure relevance of the identified proteins, a suite of bioinformatics-based algorithms will be deployed to define a core panel of conserved proteins, which are expected to include both proteins that are identical as well as those that share only domains/epitopes. Efforts to change knowledge /inform target audiences will include dissemination of results of this project at relevant local/national scientific meetings in the form of a poster/oral presentation, and also via a publication in a scientific peer-reviewed journal. The scope of this project is to employ an innovative proteome mining tool and bioinformatics to define a panel of highly conserved C. jejuni and C. coli proteins that have potential for inclusion in broadly protective chicken vaccines. Evaluation of potential of these conserved proteins to prevent C. jejuni and C. coli infection of chicken gastrointestinal tracts will be the focus of future studies.

Progress 05/15/12 to 01/14/14

Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? This project provided several opportunties for professional development of personnel, including the Principal Investigator. The cross-disciplinary nature of the project, necessitated learning of new skills to grow and handle these pathogens.Cutting-edge bioinformatics-based skills were acquiredto be able to analyze the mass spectral data and to derive the required information. The specialized bioinformatics-based algorithms were also essential to compile the panel of conserved proteins, which was the objective of this SBIR phase I proposal. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? The long-term goal of thisstudy isdevelopment of an efficacious protein subunit vaccine thatbroadly protects against infection/colonization of the chicken gastrointestinal tract by diverse C. jejuni and C.coli strains/isolates. An efficacious vaccinewill reducethe burden of human Campylobacteriosis globally,since broiler chickens areprimary sources of human disease. As a preliminary step toward this goal,theobjectivewas to define a panel of immunologically cross reactive (conserved proteins or CPs) proteins that were shared bydiverse C. jejuni (n = 20), and C. coli (n=10), with the rationalethat a subset of suchCPs were likely to becandidates fora universal Campylobacter chicken vaccine. The proposed strategywas to employ aproprietary proteomics-based proteome mining tool for antigen discovery called Proteomics-based Expression Library Screening (PELS; described briefly under Task iii), coupled with bioinformatics to arrive at the panel of CPs. The realization of the stated technical objective was dependent on sequential completion of the following three tasks, all of which were successfully accomplished: (i) Construction of “optimized” inducible genomic DNA expression libraries.Genomic DNA was isolated from each of the 30 Camyplobacter strains/isolates, and fragments in the range of 0.5- 1.5-kbp were cloned into the pET (30) abc expression vectors (Novagen) and then first transformed into E. coli DH5 alpha (primary Elibrary), followed by transformation intoE. coli BL21 (DE3; general high-level expression; Invitrogen), the recommended expression host strain,E. coliOrigami 2 [DE3] (EMD Biosciences), and C41[DE3] (Lucigen; for optimal expression of disulfide bonded and membrane proteins), respectively, to generate optimized secondary Elibraries.Each Elibrary was cultured with shaking at 250 rpm at room temperature to an OD600 of 0.6,induced with 0.5 mM IPTG overnight andrecombinant proteins harvested were from pellet and lysate fractions following 3 cycles of freeze-thaw and 3 cycles of sonication, and stored at -70oC in PBS-0.2 % NOG until further use. (ii) Generation of C. jejuni strain RM 1221 (RM 1221) anti-proteome PAbs in mice. Recombinant proteins from lysate and pellet fractions of the three Elibraries made from genomic DNA of C. jejuni strain RM1221 were pooled, purified via nickel affinity chromatgrapy (by exploting a vector-derived hexa histidine tag added to theamino terminus of recombinant proteins),formulated with a potent adjuvant (alum), and used to generate anti-proteome PAbs in mice for use as “bait” for defining a panel of conserved proteins. (iii) Definition of a panel of conserved proteins. ThePELStechnologyfor antigen discovery wasusedto define CPs. The principle of PELSinvolves the use of covalently immobilized “bait” antibodies from any source (body fluids of acute/convalescent susceptible hosts/reservoirs host or experimental hosts) to immunoaffinity capture proteins, including recombinant proteins expressed from genomic DNA expression libraries ofcognate hosts or cDNA libraries fromcorresponding hosts/tissues.Interrogation of relevant databases with the spectral data, obtained following one dimensional SDS-PAGE and tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) of proteins specifically bound to the immobilized “bait” antibodies then results in protein identification. Anti-proteome PAbs generated against RM 1221 were used as “bait” in PELS to sequentially immunoaffinity captured proteins expressed by Elibraries of each of the remaining 29 representative Campylobacter strains. Following identification of proteins of each strain/isolate,specialized bioinformatics-based algorithms to compile the panel of conserved proteins as follows: First, we identified identical/near-identical proteins using the standard alignment software program, LALIGN. We then defined a group of disparate proteins that shared short linear epitopes using the multiple sequence alignment algorithm called M-Coffee (, and followed this up by examining all disparate proteins using a structure-based multiple alignment algorithm called 3D-Coffee/Expresso ( for identification of possible discontinuous/assembled epitopes, and confirmed using the PROMALS 3D web server at Results of the phase I study. We identified a panel of 88 immunologically cross reactive proteins (conserved proteins or CPs). Bioinformatics revealed that identified CPs (i) were encoded by genes that localized all over the genome; (ii) were of diverse functional classes ( transporters, lipoproteins, sensors of signal transduction systems, extracellular matrix binding proteins, putative adhesins, those involved in chemotaxis, iron regulation, invasion, respiration, periplasmic proteases, chaperones, outer membrane proteins), including unknown proteins; and (iii) localized to all cellular compartments. The major functional categories (COGS) of identified proteins, and the percentage of identified proteins in each functional category were as follows:(i) Energy production &Conversion (5%); (ii) DNA replication, recombination & Repair (2%); (iii) Post translational modification, protein turnover & Chaperones (6%); (iv) Denfense mechanisms (1%); (v) Signal transduction mechanims (1%); (vi) Transcription (1%); (viii) Necleotide transport & Metabolism (1%); (ix) ABC-type dipeptide/oligopeptide nickel transport systems (1%); Coenzyme metabolism (2%); Cell division & Chromosomal partioning (3%); Carbohydrate transport & Metabolism (2%); Intracellular trafficking & Metabolism (2%); ABC-type amino acid transporters/signal transduction systems (5%); Translation, ribosomal structure & Biogenesis (5%); Cell envelope biogenesis and outer membrane (6%); Amino acid transport & Metabolism (6%); Cell motility & Secretion (7%); Inorganic ion transport & Metabolism (11%); Unknown function (33%). Identified CPs included those that had been identified previously by other studies: These proteins, includingFlaA (invovled in virulence); FlaC (role in invasion);CadF (adhesin); PglB (Oligosaccharide transferase); FlpA (adhesin); and Cj0977 (Invasin),have beenreported to be encoded by genes present across diverse Campylobacters. This fact served as an internal control and both validated our experimental approach and lent credibility to our results. This study demonstrated the power ofusing anti-proteome “bait” PAbs, since both identical/ near identical proteins, as well as disparate proteins with only short regions of homology (putative cross reactive epitopes) wereidentified resulting in a large panel of CPs for futher study. The 82 remaining CPs (out of a total of 88 CPs identified in this phase I proposal) include those not yet implicated in infection / colonization of the avian GIT (including numerous conserved domain proteins/hypothetical proteins), and therefore merit further evaluation. The evaluation of vaccine potential of the 82 CPs in relevant animal models, and determination of promisingvaccine candidates will be the subject of the phase II proposal. Additional anticipated outputs, following experimental evalution in animal modelsinclude (i) presentation of results of this study at local/national conferences either in the form of oral/poster presentation; (ii) a patent application to protect intellectual property, given that this study is likely to yield a novel vaccine components;and (iii) dissemination of results of this study to the scientific community via a publication in a peer-reviewed journal. A partnership with a major player in the area of veterinary biologics for further evaluationof the experimental vaccine in chickens, and for development and marketing of the final product will also be sought.


    Progress 05/15/13 to 01/14/14

    Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? The project itself was challenging to the research team on several fronts, all of which provided ample opportunities for training and development. The project presented several technical challenges, including those that pertained togrowth/culture of a number of Campylobacter isolates. The ability toculture these isolates wasmandatory for isolation of genomic DNA for construction of Elibraries, which required the research team to learn new microbiological skills and techniques.Furthermore, theexectuion of the project, which invovled cutting-edge science and new approaches, including novel recombinant DNA methodologies,immunochemistry procedures, and proteomics,have added to professional skill sets ofresearch personnel. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? In regards to this particular SBIR phase I project, we have accomplished the stated goals. In the next phase, funded by aSBIR phase II grant, our goal will beto sytematically examine each protein and evaluate its vaccine potenial in vivo using either a surrogate animal model ornatural hosts, chickens.An experimental vaccine comprising of the most promising proteins will bethen be evaluated for efficacy in chickens both in a controlled environment and in field trials in collaboration with a majordeveloper of veterinary vaccines.

    What was accomplished under these goals? The overall goal of this SBIR phase I project was to define a panel of proteins that were highly conserved (immunologically cross reactive proteins/epitopes) across spatially and temporally diverse members of Campylobacter species, representative of those infecting chicken gastrointestinal tracts and with potential to cause human disease. The stated goal was to be accomplished using a novel proteome mining tool, called PELS,in anapproach that involved "walking" across the proteomes of 20 Campylobacter jejuni and 10 Campylobacter coli strains/isolates immunologically (called "proteome walking,"), and then apply specialized bioinformatics-based algorithms to arrive at the panel ofconservedproteins. The experiemental strategy was to use high affinity antibodies ("bait" antibodies) generated experimentally againstthe proteome of C. jejuni RM1221to define proteins that wereshared by the all of the remaining strains. All of these were accomplished. Specifically in line with this goal, we first constructed Elibraries of each of the strains/isolates. We expressed these Elibraries and then harvested recombinant proteins expressed by each of the Elibraries. Using "bait" antibodies, weappliedPELS to each strain/isolateto first define proteins that crossreacted with the "bait" antibodies , andthenusedbioinformatics toarrive at a panel of 88 proteins that contained antigenic determinants (linear/conformational) shared by all 30 strains. Identified proteinsincudedthose that were both identical/near-identical, as well as those that were dissimilarbut shared only short regions (epitopes/determinants). A subset of the identified proteins included thosehad been previously identified by other studies, whichserved to validateour proposed approach and experimental strategy. In addition, further bioinformatics-based analysis revealed thata subpopulation of the PELS-identified proteins had adhesin potential (suggesting that they couldcontribute to binding of Campylobacters toepithelial cells of the chicken gastrointestinal tract), and another groupthat includedorthologs of those that contribute topathogenesisin related pathogens. Severalnovel proteins were also identified.


      Progress 05/15/12 to 05/14/13

      Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? This project has provided opportunities for both professional development and training opportunities. The project presented several challenges to the research team, including those pertaining to culture of certain Campylobacter strains/isolates, which was imperative for isolation of genomic DNAfor expression library construction. The resolution of suchchallenges viaexperimentationadded to the scientific knowledge of the research team, including the principal investigator. In addition,the cutting-edge science, including novel recombinant DNA methodologies, protein and immunochemistry, and proteomicsemployed to attain the major goals of this project and imparted on a one-to-one basis hasprovidedample opportunities for adding to the professional skill setof the bench scientist. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? To accomplish the major goals of the project, we plan to continue along the lines described above, namely, to complete mining of individual proteomes of the remaining three Campylobacter strains/isolates, and tocompile a panel of proteins conserved in all of the 30 Campylobacer strains/isolates using bioinformatics-based algorithms. We anticipate to attain all of the stated major goals by the project end date.

      What was accomplished under these goals? The stated major goals were todefine a panel of immunologically cross reactive (conserved)proteins shared among 20 Campylobacter jejuni and 10 Campylobacter coli strains/isolates (total of 30 Campylobacter strains/isolates),representative of those infecting chicken gastrointestinal tracts/causing human disease globally, using a novel proprietary proteome mining tool called Proteomics-based Expression Library Screening (PELS) coupled with bioinformatics. In accordance with these goals, we have completed mining of individual proteomes of 19 C. jejuni and 8 C. coli strains/isolates(total of 27 strains) thus far. We anticipatethe completion of mining individual proteomes of the remaining one C. jejuni and two C. coli strains/isolates, andbioinformatics-based compilation of a panel of conserved Campylobacter proteinsby the project end date (January 14, 2014). Additional anticipated outputsinclude (i)presentation of resultsof this study at local/nationalconferences either in the form of oral/poster presentation; (ii) apatent application to protect intellectual property, given thatthis studyis likely to yield a novel novel vaccine components; and (iii)dissemination ofresults of this study to the scientific community via a publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
