Sponsoring Institution
Other Cooperating Institutions
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Jun 16, 2011
Project End Date
Dec 31, 2012
Grant Year
Project Director
Marzluff, J.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Wildlife Science
Non Technical Summary
We have demonstrated that crows recognize individual humans who have wronged them in the past and retain this information for over 5 years. We have demonstrated individual learning of this information and have inferred social learning by observation as well. Recent advances in the ability to peer within the brains of small animals as they behave suggested an opportunity to further understand the neural bases of recognition in the crow. Therefore we collaborated with Dr. Donna Cross and Dr. Robert Miyaoka in the University of Washington Department of Radiology to test the feasibility of positron emission tomography (PET) scanning for crows. We completed a small pilot study that shows this technique works on crows and that crows activate several regions in their forebrain (olfactory bulb, hippocampus, and other areas of the hyperpallium) differentially when they view a known dangerous person relative to a known, harmless person. In this research project, upgrades to existing facilities will be completed to support more of this research. We will conduct 31 more PET scans of crows that will demonstrate the activation of their brain regions when viewing 1) no person, 2) a person, but not a face, 3) a familiar crow, 4) a crow predator, the red-tailed hawk, 5) a never before seen person perceived as dangerous because they will be holding a taxidermy mounted crow that appears to be dead. We will also improve our experimental chamber for this and subsequent research.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
135 - Aquatic and Terrestrial Wildlife;

Subject Of Investigation
0820 - Wild birds;

Field Of Science
3070 - Psychology;
Goals / Objectives
Objective 1. Refine Procedures: We will continue our new collaboration with Dr. Donna Cross and Dr. Robert Miyaoka in the University of Washington Department of Radiology to refine procedures. Objective 2. Expand Pilot Research: We will conduct 31 new positron emission tomography (PET) scans to provide a baseline control and a series of new dangerous and neutral stimuli to isolate how crow brains respond to danger generally and human faces specifically. This research will establish expertise and demonstrate the suitability of our approach to a range of possible future experiments. Time Schedule: It requires 1 month to trap, acclimate, and scan 5 birds; thus the proposed research will be scheduled to occur from July 2011 to January 2012.
Project Methods
We will upgrade our existing facilities to support more of this research. We will conduct 31 more positron emission tomography (PET) scans of crows that will demonstrate the activation of their brain regions when viewing 1) no person, 2) a person, but not a face, 3) a familiar crow, 4) a crow predator, 5) a never before seen person perceived as dangerous. We will capture groups of wild crows. We use the act of capturing birds as an aversive conditioning event that pairs a human face with a noxious event (capture and restraint). A realistic rubber, full face, custom mask will be worn by the trapper. This face is the only human face seen by crows as they are restrained; it will be quickly and accurately associated with danger. This mask, worn during later experiments is the "dangerous" human face. We will hold the captive birds for an acclimation/quarantine period prior to testing. During this time we will wear a second mask which is considered familiar and "harmless." The evening before an experiment we will carry a bird to the microPET lab (we will wear the dangerous mask during this capture). The bird will be placed in a darkened experimental chamber without food and allowed to acclimate, undisturbed, overnight. Next, we will cover the bird with a dark hood to calm and limit visualization, and give it an injection of fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG). The bird will be placed back in the experimental chamber, unrestrained and unhooded but behind an opaque screen. Typical, nonthreatening crow calls will be played for 3 minutes. As FDG uptake in the brain reaches a peak, the opaque screen will be alternately opened and closed, repeatedly exposing the crow to the test stimulus. After the exposure is completed the bird will be removed again from the test chamber (while restrained and hooded) and anesthetized. The anesthetized crow will be placed within a microPET scanner for about 50 minutes of brain, body, and calibration scanning. The crow will remain in the test chamber for 24 hours for radioactive decay and then will be returned to the holding cage or released. To determine significant differences in brain activation among regions in response to various stimuli we will work with Dr. Cross to compare activation voxel by voxel. We will test new stimuli: 1. What is the response to a human face We will compare brain responses to no person, a person whose face is not seen, and a person whose face is seen. 2. What is the response to danger We seek to understand what, if any, brain activity in response to a dangerous person was simply a general response to danger and what portion may be a specific response to the face of a dangerous person. 3. How can we distinguish memory storage from retrieval We will compare the pattern of hippocampus activity to a known dangerous face and to a danger that is seen for the first time. Brain activity in response to a known dangerous face that is not evident when a new face is being learned as dangerous would support recall of prior knowledge. Brain activity in response to learning a new face that is not evident in responses to a known dangerous face would support memory formation, not recall.

Progress 06/16/11 to 12/31/12

OUTPUTS: We completed a strong pilot study of crow brain imaging. We completed two basic studies: 1. The first study contrasted the neural response of crows as they recalled pleasant and fearful memories. My previous research found that crows pay close attention to people and can remember specific faces for several years after a single encounter. In mammals, including humans, faces are evaluated by an integrated neural system involving the sensory cortex, limbic system, and striatum. But the neural basis for how a crow (or for that matter any bird or wild animal) recognized people had not been done. Our approach was to provide the first imaging analysis of an awake, wild animal's brain as it performed an adaptive, complex cognitive task. 2. Our second study expanded these findings to two other situations: the observation of a never before seen person as that person held a dead crow, and the observation of a robotic predator (a taxidermy mounted red-tailed hawk). Here we probed the neurobiology frontier by imaging the whole brains of wild animals to reveal the neural circuits activated by a variety of dangers. While crows scold and mob natural dangers, including predators, dead conspecifics, and threatening people, the brain regions commanding these behaviors are unknown. We again used positron emission tomography to identify differential use of forebrain regions including the amygdala, hippocampus, and the ventrolateral portion of the caudal nidopallium as crows viewed each of these dangerous stimuli. Our findings produced the image of the day for MSNBC and Science Now ( -fear-of-f.html), were featured on the BBC special "Super Smart Animals," and will be featured in Science in the next few months (writer just left and is working on special article on the new advances in bird cognition). PARTICIPANTS: John Marzluff, Professor, University of Washington School of Environmental and Forest Sciences. Managed the project, co-designed the research, performed the research, analyzed the data, and co-wrote the PNAS article. Donna Cross, Research Assistant Professor, University of Washington School of Medicine, Department of Radiology. Co-designed the research, performed the research, analyzed the data, and co-wrote the PNAS article. Robert Miyaoka, Research Associate Professor, University of Washington School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, performed the research, analyzed the data, and co-wrote the PNAS article. Satoshi Minoshima, Professor and Vice Chair for Research, University of Washington School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, co-designed the research and co-wrote the PNAS article. Jack Delap, graduate student, University of Washington School of Environmental and Forest Sciences. Ila Palmquist, University of Washington undergraduate student, completed her capstone thesis within our project. TARGET AUDIENCES: Target audiences include neuroscientists, wildlife scientists, behavioral scientists, educators, students, and the general public. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

The outcomes of our two studies: 1. We showed that in vivo imaging of crow brain activity during exposure to familiar human faces previously associated with either capture (threatening) or caretaking (caring) activated several brain regions that allow birds to discriminate, associate, and remember visual stimuli, including the rostral hyper-, nido-, and mesopallium, and lateral striatum. Perception of threatening faces activated circuitry including amygdalar, thalamic, and brainstem regions, known in humans and other vertebrates to be related to emotion, motivation, and conditioned fear learning. In contrast, perception of caring faces activated motivation and striatal regions. In our experiments and in nature, when perceiving a threatening face, crows froze and fixed their gaze (decreased blink rate), which was associated with activation of brain regions known in birds to regulate perception, attention, fear, and escape behavior. These findings indicate that, similar to humans, crows use sophisticated visual sensory systems to recognize faces and modulate behavioral responses by integrating visual information with expectation and emotion. Our approach has wide applicability and potential to improve our understanding of the neural basis for animal behavior. 2. Our analysis suggests that mobbing behavior is guided by unique neural circuits that are responsive to differences in the mental processes -- learning, memory retrieval, and decision making -- required to appropriately nuance a risky behavior to the variety of natural stimuli evoking it. Importantly we show that the same behavior of a crow may conceal many minds -- those that are fearful, making decisions, and storing memories. Our work has had impact. We supported an undergraduate student (Ila Palmquist) as she completed her capstone thesis within our project. Graduate student Jack Delap was also partially supported by our award. By pioneering a new approach to understanding animal cognition we are opening doors for other researchers. Already a team from Knox College has come to UW to apply our approach to their research and two other groups are planning on the same.


  • Marzluff, J. M., Miyaoka, R., Minoshima, S., and Cross, D. J. 2012. Brain imaging reveals neuronal circuitry underlying the crow's perception of human faces. PNAS 2012 109 (39) 15912-15917; published ahead of print September 10, 2012, doi:10.1073/pnas.1206109109.