Progress 08/01/11 to 02/29/12
Outputs OUTPUTS: Objectives: 1. Developed 12 on-line self contained Family and Consumer Science (FCS)curriculum modules (6 hours total) that include knowledge based learning objectives and pre/post evaluation. The learning modules were developed for Cooperative Extension Master FCS Volunteers nationwide. Module titles/lessons include: Module 1 Cooperative Extension Organization (Cooperative Extension History, FCS History, Extension FCS volunteers, Core Areas of FCS) Module 2 Leadership/ Public Policy (Effective Communication, Working With Diverse Audiences, Facilitation Skills, Resource Development) Module 3 Marketing/Branding (Branding Mateirals Available, Value of FCS, Value of Volunteers, Telling Our Story) 2. Reviewed volunteer management system and made recommendations for how it could be adapted or enhanced for the Master FCS Volunteer program. 3. Hired Education Program Associate to develop curriculum modules, conduct focus groups and review volunteer management system. 4.Conducted four focus groups in Virginia with Extension Agents to review modules and make recommendations. 5.Delivered modules to federal grant funder (USDA)for review and comment. 6. Utilized Virginia Cooperative Extension specialist expertise in developing learning objectives, evaluation, instructional technology and volunteer management. PARTICIPANTS: 1.Patsy Pelland, Extension Research Associate, conducted focus groups, developed learing modules and worked with specialists. 2.Mike Lambur, Extension Specialist, assisted in developing learning objectives and evaluation modules 3.Carl Estes, Computer Technology Associate, assisted with Information Technology to develop modules 4.Christine Kastan, Extension Agent, conducted focus groups, developed learing modules and worked with specialists. 5.Kim Elkins, Extension agent, conducted focus groups, developed learing modules and worked with specialists. 6. Melissa Chase, Extension specialist, provided input on modules. 7. Karen Gehrt, Extension specialist, submitted grant. 8. Katie Pelland, student, transcribed audio portion of learing modules. TARGET AUDIENCES: Target Audiences: 1. Family and Consumer Science Extension Agents in Virginia. 2. Family and Consumer Science volunteers. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Received one year no cost time extension.
Impacts Short term outcomes: 1. Development and delivery of the 12 learning modules served as a basis for a national broad based focus group of 18 people convened by the National Program Leader, Housing and Community living, Institute of Youth, Family and Community, Division of Family and Consumer Sciences, National Instiutute of Food and Agriculture, USDA. Focus group members reviewed and commented on the modules. 2. The learning modules and comments will be used to revise and pilot test in phase 2 of this project. Long term outcomes: 1. The impact of this project in completion will be to build Family and Consumer Science capacity through consistent training materials for volunteers. 2. Increased visability of Family and Consumer Sciences through trained master volunteers.
- No publications reported this period