Progress 10/01/11 to 09/30/14
Outputs Target Audience: The market for organic products has great potential in the state of North Carolina and remains a high priority national research goal that will enhance U.S. domestic and international competitiveness of small- and medium-scale producers. The project seeks to understand North Carolina consumers' preferences for produce based on its labeling - organic, natural, local, and/or non-GM; and producers' willingness to adopt organic production. The investigators have continued to evaluate the potential on both sides of the market, starting with consumers. In fulfilling objective #1 of the study, which is to evaluate the perceptions of North Carolina consumer choices for organic, local and/or other 'labeled' food products, consumer focus groups were conducted across North Carolina serving both as the method of gathering information and as a means of transferring knowledge of local and organic products offered in the state. Upon the completion of the study, findings will be disseminated in collaboration with the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Program to stakeholders in the form of formal educational programs. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? The demand for organic fruits and vegetables has grown considerably over the last 20 years, exceeding the overall growth in demand for food. To meet this demand, groceries have had to import organic fruits and vegetables. It is estimated that currently at least 50 percent of organic fruits and vegetables are imported. There appears to be great opportunity for U.S. farmers to produce organic fruits and vegetables. In North Carolina, many farmers have given up tobacco production, and are seeking alternatives. We examined the profitability for them to begin organic production of selected vegetable by using enterprise budgets. Our results show that producing organic vegetables would be as profitable, and in many cases, more profitable than tobacco. There is a need to provide assistance and information on certification, production, marketing and management to farmers interested in entering organic production. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? The project has provided opportunities for training one graduate student, two undergraduates, and an undergraduate research scholar to assist with the project. Their primary responsibilities were to assist researchers with literature review, data collection, data analysis, and assist with a Summer Research Apprentice through the SAES Research Apprenticeship Program. All students were mentored as literature and data were retrieved and stored for further analysis The project has also provided opportunities for personal development of the Co-Principal Investigator. The researcher attended the annual meetings of the Food Distribution Research Society in Salt Lake City, Utah. There, the researcher attended presentations on local and organic markets to engage in current research discussions. This conference provided discussions on food availability, small farms' involvement in local food production and value added marketing. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? During this reporting period, findings of the costs and returns associated with the small-to-medium scale adoption of organic products in North Carolina were schedule to be presented during the annual meetings of the Food Distribution Research Society conference. However, due to scheduling errors, the presentation will be delayed for presentation during the upcoming March 2015 SAES Agricultural Research Program Research Seminar.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Activities administered in fulfilling objective #2 of the study were as follows: The investigators have mentored a graduate research assistant while the student has been conducting thesis research in a closely related area addressing objective #2. The student has been evaluating socioeconomic impacts on the probability of organic, local and/or other 'labeled' food products' availability. The student collected socioeconomic data in the five regions addressed in objective #2 - Greensboro/High Point/Winston-Salem, Charlotte, Wilmington, Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill, and Asheville. Currently, the student is analyzing data for delivery of findings, scheduled for spring 2015. Activities administered in fulfilling objective #3 of the study were as follows: During the months of June and July 2014, a database of North Carolina small-to-medium sized farms producing local and/or organic produce was utilized for the distribution of surveys. An undergraduate student assisted with the administration of questionnaires. Farmer response rates were low, but provided a great resource for case-by-case evaluation.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Jefferson-Moore, K.Y., Robbins, R., Johnson, D., and Bradford, J. (2014). Consumer preferences for local food products in North Carolina. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 45(1):41-46.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Robbins, R. & Jefferson-Moore, K. (2014). Consumer Preferences for Organic and Local Food Products in North Carolina. Paper presented at the SAES Agricultural Research Seminar Series, Greensboro, NC, 25, March.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Tanksley, K.* & Jefferson-Moore, K. (2014, March). Student characteristics and preferences for local and organic food products. Poster presented at the 2014 MANRRS Annual Conference, Birmingham, AL.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Mukunzi, A.*, Jefferson-Moore, K., Reyes, M., & Scott, J. (2014, July). Sweet potatoes: an economically viable alternative? Poster presented at the 2014 SAES Research Apprenticeship Program Closing Ceremonies, Greensboro, NC.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Stinchcomb, D.*, Bradford, J., & Jefferson-Moore, K. (2013, July). Improving community nutrition one oasissofa at a time a business model. Poster presented at the 2013 SAES Research Apprenticeship Program Closing Ceremonies, Greensboro, NC.
Progress 01/01/13 to 09/30/13
Outputs Target Audience: The market for organic products has great potential in the state of North Carolina and remains a high priority national research goal that will enhance U.S. domestic and international competitiveness of small- and medium-scale producers. The project seeks to understand North Carolina consumers’ preferences for produce based on its labeling – organic, natural, local, and/or non-GM and producers’ willingness to adopt organic production. The investigators have continued to evaluate the potential on both sides of the market, starting with consumers. In fulfilling objective #1 of the study, which is to evaluate the perceptions of North Carolina consumer choices for organic, local and/or other ‘labeled’ food products, consumer focus groups were conducted across North Carolina serving both as method of gathering information and as a means of transferring knowledge of local and organic products offered in the state. Upon the completion of the study, findings will be disseminated in collaboration with the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Program to stakeholders in the form of formal educational programs. Changes/Problems: During the second quarter of the fiscal year, progress with implementing the project was delayed over 3 months due to administrative approval of an independent contractor, who was hired to assist with consumer focus groups. In addition, administrative approval of supply purchases hindered on-time implementation of producer survey administration. The lengthy process of IRB approval delayed Undergraduate Research Scholar progress with data collection. The student is now awaiting survey completion of participants. The contingency plan is to evaluate data from January – February. The student is preparing a paper presentation for the Association of Social and Behavioral Scientists, Inc. in mid-February for presentation at the annual meeting scheduled for March 19 – 22, 2014. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? The project has provided opportunities for training one graduate student and three undergraduates. Their primary responsibilities were to assist researchers with literature review, data collection, data analysis, and assist with a summer research apprentice enrolled in the Research Apprenticeship Program. All students were mentored as literature and data were retrieved and stored for further analysis. The project has also provided opportunities for personal development of the PI and Co-PI. The Co-PI attended and presented the most recent findings of the study at the 1890 Biennial Research Symposium of Agricultural Research Directors in Jacksonville, FL in April 2013. The PI attended the annual meetings of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association in Washington, D.C. in August 2013. There, the researcher attended presentations on local and organic markets to engage in current research discussions. The PI also attended the annual meetings of the Food Distribution Research Society in Chicago, IL in October 2013. This conference provided discussions on food availability, small farms’ involvement in local food production, and food hubs. The PI presented findings of the North Carolina consumer focus groups during the conference with a paper submission for the upcoming March 2014 issue of the Journal of Food Distribution Research. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? During this reporting period, findings of the North Carolina consumer focus groups were presented during the annual meetings of the Food Distribution Research Society conference and a paper has been submitted for the upcoming March 2014 issue of the Journal of Food Distribution Research. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? During the next reporting period, the researchers plan to administer producer surveys in fulfilling objective #3, which is to analyze costs and returns associated with the small-to-medium scale adoption of organic products in North Carolina. Survey administration is planned for February and March 2014. Completed surveys will be coded and analyzed from April to June 2014. Findings and publications will be written and distributed from July to September 2014.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Major activities in fulfilling objective #1 (to evaluate the perceptions of North Carolina consumer choices for organic, local and/or other ‘labeled’ food products) included: (1) conducting consumer focus groups, (2) disseminating findings through a conference presentation and a proceedings publication, and (3) mentoring of undergraduate research assistants with conducting research. As described in the proposed research, this objective has been met. Major Findings Focus groups were asked a series of questions concerning their attitudes about and perceptions of organic and/or local food products. In addition to evaluating the perceptions of consumer choices for organic and locally grown products in their market, we noted the differences among consumers in the three regions identified in the state. It appears as if there were slight differences in feedback among all groups in the Piedmont region (Greensboro, Charlotte, and Raleigh-Durham). The greatest difference was found between the coastal (Wilmington) and western (Asheville) regions of the state. Participants were asked to distinguish between organic and local foods and whether or not they believe they were essentially the same. Greensboro, Charlotte, Raleigh-Durham, and Asheville primarily made distinctions through labeling (i.e., organic certification, local farmer grown, and other advertisements). Wilmington primarily made the contrast through price. The groups were also asked to provide their definition of “local” and responses ranged from products produced within a 50- to 200-mile radius. Major differences were found between Charlotte, Wilmington and Asheville, where they identified local as products grown specifically in North Carolina, plus a 50- to 100-mile radius. Further discussion revealed that there were out-of-state markets such as Tennessee, Georgia, and South Carolina closer than food products produced in the eastern regions of the state. The coastal region also served out-of-state and agritourism markets such as Myrtle Beach, Hilton Head, Charleston, and other coastal beaches in South Carolina. The groups felt that locally grown and organic had similar benefits. Many in the group purchased organic because it was pesticide free, but substituted locally grown often because of the price difference. Participants in all groups were also asked about factors leading to the decision to buy local food. Attributes were consistently presented as healthy, affordable, community-support, quality, taste, color, nutrition, price, and freshness. When asked about other trusted sources for local food and other products, participants presented similar responses – regional supermarkets, specialty grocers, producer and consumer cooperatives, and other regional, state, county, and/or city farmers markets.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Awaiting Publication
Year Published:
Jefferson-Moore, K., Robbins, R. & Johnson, D. (2013, October). Consumer preferences for local food products in North Carolina. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the 2013 Food Distribution Research Society, Chicago, Illinois. {Forthcoming paper proceedings publication for the March 2014 issue of the Journal of Food Distribution Research}
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Robbins, R., Jefferson-Moore, K., & Johnson, D. (2013, April). Consumer preferences for organic and local food products in North Carolina. Paper presented at the 17th 1890 Biennial Research Symposium, Jacksonville, Florida.
Progress 01/01/12 to 12/31/12
Outputs OUTPUTS: Outputs for objective #1 (To evaluate the perceptions of North Carolina consumer choices for organic, local and/or other 'labeled' food products.) Two graduate research assistants and one undergraduate research assistant continued on with activities from the first funded year. Students were mentored as literature and data were retrieved and stored for further analysis. Investigators began consumer focus groups in the Piedmont region, on of the three North Carolina regions (Coastal, Piedmont, and Mountain) to be evaluated. Sessions were transcribed and saved for further analyses. A research presentation of the preliminary findings that was submitted to the Food Distribution Research Society was accepted, and presented in October of 2013 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. [See Publications] Outputs for objective #2 (To assess the sensitivity of varying income levels to prices of organic, local and/or other 'labeled' food products.): The outputs for objective #2 are currently underway. Outputs for objective #3 (To analyze costs and returns associated with the small-to-medium scale adoption of organic products in North Carolina.): The outputs for objective #3 are also underway. PARTICIPANTS: One undergraduate student has worked on this project. Two graduate students have assisted with literature reviewing, data mining, and focus groups. We hold a partnership with NC A&T SU Cooperative Extension Program. Their contribution will be to connect findings of the research to interested producers within the state of North Carolina. A compilation of findings will be presented to the Extension Specialist assisting with the project. A total of 19 participants were involved with consumer focus groups conducted in Guilford (September 2012) and Yadkin counties (October 2012). The remaining focus groups will be conducted in 2013. TARGET AUDIENCES: Our target audience was small-to-medium scale farmers, state legislators, and citizens of the state of North Carolina. Short term outcomes include: (1) have increased knowledge of organic markets in NC, (2) be knowledgeable about resources related to marketing organic products, (3) be able to identify production and processing regulations, (4) be able to identify career opportunities within the marketing channels, and (5) be able to identify new market opportunities. Mid-term outcomes include: (1) make informed decisions about entering markets for organically produced products, (2) select information that best suits their business from resources contacted, (3) implement process or practice change to regulatory requirements, (4) implement technological changes, (5) research selected market opportunities, and (6) actively apply practical policy and decision-making knowledge. Long-term outcomes include: (1) information on successful market opportunities results in high profitability, (2) increased local sales, (3) increased production and processing of organically produced commodities in the state, (4) expansion of high quality employment opportunities for residents, (5) increased number of successful collaborate ventures in NC, and (6) increased competitiveness of local farms. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Project modifications included providing incentives for consumer participation in focus groups.
Impacts The market for organic products has great potential in the state of North Carolina and remains a high priority national research goal that will enhance U.S. domestic and international competitiveness of small- and medium-scale producers. NIFA-funded investigators found that there is potential for such products; however, there remains a lack of information on behalf of the decision-makers, producers and consumers. Therefore, the investigators have begun to evaluate the perceptions of North Carolina consumer choices for organic, local and/or other 'labeled' for products. With the findings, investigators will be able to assess the sensitivity of varying income levels to prices of organic, local and/or other 'labeled' food products. Producers will also have access to costs and returns associated with the small-to-medium scale adoption of organic products in North Carolina. The findings will encourage the interest of small- and medium-scale producers of organic products and provide insight to consumers. Interested producers can identify organic enterprises that are suitable to their farming structures throughout the U.S., thus increasing the agricultural workforce, providing economic opportunities for graduates, providing food options for consumers, and improving the quality of life for those dwelling in areas where agricultural commodities are produced.
- Jefferson-Moore, K., Robbins, R., & Johnson, D. (2012). Consumer Choices for Organic and Local Food Products in North Carolina. Annual Meetings of the Food Distribution Research Society, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 13-17, 2012.
Progress 01/01/11 to 12/31/11
Outputs OUTPUTS: The project began in September of 2011. The activities were therefore very limited. Investigators had two meeting with Dr. John O'Sullivan, Extension Service who will be a collaborator with us on the project. These meetings were designed to review the objectives of the projects, possible counties, farmers, and other potential cooperators in this study. Investigators also visited the CEFS Center in Goldsboro to look at their organic project s. Investigators also contacted the Division of research to review the IRB protocols for those on the project.. Other activities included planning the research design. PARTICIPANTS: The project PI and Co PI are Kenrette Jefferson- Moore and Richard Robbins. We have collaborated with John O'Sullivan from the NCATSU Agricultural Extension Service. TARGET AUDIENCES: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.
Impacts Because this project is just beginning, there are no outcomes or impacts to report.
- No publications reported this period