Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2011
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2016
Grant Year
Program Code
[113.A]- Organic Agriculture Research & Extension Initiative
Project Director
Kaye, J. P.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Ecosystem Science & Management
Non Technical Summary
The use of biodiversity to enhance farm performance is deeply rooted in organic farming philosophy, reflected in the organic rule, and consistent with contemporary ecological theory. Recently, farmers have demonstrated interest in using diverse cover crop mixtures, or cocktails, to increase biodiversity in their cropping systems. However, there is a lack of applied research and outreach to support farmer efforts to employ diverse cover crop mixtures, especially in organic feed and forage systems. To fill this gap, our long-term goal is to quantify and translate the benefits and trade-offs of using diverse cover crop mixtures in organic feed rotations. Our multidisciplinary research, extension, and farmer team will integrate experiments on one research station and three organic farms with a suite of innovative outreach activities. At the research station we will embed a range of cover crop treatments within a common feed and forage rotation to test the effects of cover crop diversity on eight agronomic, economic, and environmental functions. On-farm participatory research will enable us to determine the performance of diverse cover crop mixtures within realistic management constraints. Outreach will include evaluated activities to promote co-learning with two organic producer networks and creation and evaluation of other programs and materials delivered to a broad audience (including and
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The main goal of this project is to quantify and translate benefits and trade-offs of using diverse cover crop mixtures in organic feed rotations. Our outreach goals are to create and share science-based information that supports sustainable organic production and builds capacity to address the needs of organic producers. We have 5 objectives: 1. Determine how the level of cover crop diversity affects a suite of grower-identified priority functions, including: 1) nutrient supply, 2) nutrient retention, 3) weed suppression, 4) insect pest regulation, 5) increasing organic matter quantity and quality, 6) erosion control, 7) yield, 8) and short-term profitability. Expected outcome 1: We hypothesize that increasing cover crop diversity will increase the beneficial functions derived from cover crops and that this relationship will be non-linear. 2. Determine the relationships among the 8 priority functions to determine whether cover crop mixtures enable farmers to emphasize one beneficial function without reducing other functions, or whether inherent trade-offs exist among functions. Expected outcome 2: We hypothesize that in cover crop mixtures, one function can be maintained while other functions are added, and that there is a level of diversity at which benefits do not exceed management or monetary costs. 3. Determine on-farm performance and management constraints of cover crop mixtures in organic feed and forage systems through farmer-participatory research. Expected outcome 3: We expect that cover crop mixtures will out-perform single species in fulfilling farmer-desired functions, but that management constraints will be important determinants of optimal cover crop mixes. 4. Foster information sharing and co-learning in two organic crop producers' networks to support organic grower innovation and experimentation with cover crops and inform our research and extension programs. Expected outcome 4a: Members of two organic crop producers' networks will adapt information shared at on-farm network meetings to incorporate cover crop mixtures relevant to their farm operation. Expected outcome 4b: Members will place high value on the quality of information received at network meetings, which will contribute to the growth and persistence of networks. 5. Create new, incorporate existing, and deliver research- and farmer-based information on the benefits, management challenges, and costs associated with cover crop mixtures to growers, extension educators and other trainers, and agriculture-related organizations through field-based education events, workshops, and various media, including and Expected outcome 5: Research- and farmer-experience-based information about cover crop mixtures will be used both locally and nationally by growers, extension educators and other trainers, and agriculture-related organizations. Key outputs from this project will include field station experiments that manipulate cover crops, on-farm experiments, greenhouse experiments, research publications, grower network meetings, advisory board meetings, eXtension publications, educational materials, conference workshops, field days, and webinars.
Project Methods
Our methods include four interconnected activities: 1) A replicated field experiment at the PSU research farm will embed the following cover crop diversity treatments in corn-soybean-wheat rotation: 1) no cover crop, 2) monoculture of red clover, 3) monoculture of field pea, 4) monoculture of forage radish, 5) monoculture of oilseed rape, 6) monoculture of cereal rye, 7) monoculture of oats, 8) 3-species mixtures emphasizing management ease, 9) 3-species mixtures emphasizing N management, 10) 3-species mixtures emphasizing weed suppression, 11) 6-species mixture, and 12) commercially available mixtures. We will measure soil aggregate stability and ground cover to indicate soil erosion potential, germinable seedbank and emerging weedy plant cover and biomass to estimate weed pressure and suppression, field insect pest abundance and greenhouse corn gene expression to determine pest pressure and crop response, crop nutrient content and soil fertility to indicate nutrient supply, nutrient accumulation in lysimeters and exchange resins to document nutrient leaching, active carbon and soil microbial substrate use to indicate soil organic matter quality and quantity, yields and crop quality, and short term profitability using partial budget analysis. 2) On-farm research will assess the performance and management constraints of cover crop mixtures through farmer-participatory research. Farmers will select one cover crop monoculture and one 3-species cover crop mixture from the research station treatments plus a second cover crop mixture that is based on the farmer's goals and experience. Measurements related to nutrient supply and retention, soil quality, weed suppression, insect pest regulation, yield and short-term profitability will be made in the on-farm experiments. 3) We will synthesize and analyze PSU and on-farm experiment data with both traditional approaches and a more novel spider plot analysis. Traditional univariate and regression will test for statistical differences among treatments and assess whether ecosystem function increases non-linearly with cover crop diversity. Spider plots provide a unique opportunity to synthesize our diverse array of datasets in a way that is both scientifically rigorous and amenable to translation for outreach. Eight ecosystem functions that we are quantifying will be represented by one axis on a spider plot for an outreach tool that will facilitate learning network discussions and hands-on learning activities at field days and workshops. 4) Outreach will include four grower network meetings that enable farmers to share their experiences managing cover crops and enable the project team to share results from the on-farm and research station experiments. Two field days at the PSU research farm and organized workshops will be co-sponsored by regional sustainable and organic agriculture groups. We will develop 1 webinar per year and 3 articles per year for through To assess the impact of outreach activities we will conduct evaluations that measure knowledge gained about the functional traits of cover crop species and mixtures.

Progress 09/01/11 to 08/31/16

Target Audience:The target audience reached during this period consisted of farmers, particularly, but not exclusively, organic farmers in the mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. as well as extension personnel, industry leaders, University students and interested members of the public. In addition, we have targeted scientists working in the area of cover crops and organic agriculture. Efforts in these areas are outlined in the accomplishments, dissemination and products portions of the report. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Through this project we trained six postdoctoral scholars, three of which are nowin tenure track faculty positions in agroecology. Three postdoctoral scholars are still actively engaged in our cover crops research. We also trained 10 graduate students and with effective mentoring many of these students securedcompetetive fellowships (2 NSF, 2 NIFA, and 4 NESARE) and have moved on to postdoctoral positions in agroecology. Our postdocs and graduate students have all engaged in high level professional development activities such as publishing in peer reviewed journals andpresenting at national and international meetings as documented in the "products" section. Fourpostdocs have become co-PIs on grants with the team.In addition, all of our graduate students and postdocs designed and delivered outreach materials and gained extension experience and credentials as detailed in the "products" portion of the report. Finally, our project trained numerous undergraduate researchers and co-designed a new undergraduate field orientation that introduces students to all of the sustainable agricultural projects going on at the Penn State experimental farm. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?We disseminated results to thousands of farmers and agricultural professionals through field days, workshops at grower meetings, presentations at grower meetings, extension in-service presentations, webinars, eExtension fact sheets, print publications, advisory board meetings, a newsletter, magazine articles, and other outlets that are detailed in the "products" portion of the report. Throughout the grant we engaged in more focused dissemination through co-learning with two regionalgrower learning networks in a series of meetings, twilight farm tours, and field days. We disseminated results to scientists and agricultural professionals through publications and presentations at national and international meetings as detailed in the "products" portion of the report. In addition, our project initiated a new sustainable agriculture systems research symposium at Penn State that has become an annual event drawing 50+ scientists to amplify the impact of systems research at the University. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? The use of diverse cover crop mixtures is a rapidly expanding area of grower interest, yet there is little science-based information to guide farmers toward mixture designs that meet their needs. We conducted four years of research at an agricultural experiment station and on private farms to evaluate the benefits and tradeoffs of planting cover crop mixtures instead of monocultures. We grew six cover crop species in monoculture and in mixture within a corn-soybean-wheat rotation. We evaluated the impact of each cover crop treatment on a suite of grower-prioritized agroecosystem functions including: yield, profitability, weed suppression, beneficial insects, nutrient supply, nutrient retention, soil erosion control, and soil organic matter quality. We found that cover crop mixtures can provide more ecosystem services than many monocultures, but that designing mixtures is challenging and important tradeoffs do occur. If farmers prioritize a limited number of benefits from cover crops (e.g. just N fixation from legumes) then monocultures or mixtures with a few species is probably adequate. If farmers seek a variety of benefits from cover crops, then mixtures can outperform monocultures. Designing mixtures can be a challenge because local climate and soils have a large impact on the growth of mixtures. This means that each farmer will need to carefully consider both their goals for the cover crop mixture and how their local conditions will affect the growth of particular cover crop species. Our research provided guidelines to help farmers manage these choices and we delivered content to hundreds of farmers and agriculture professionals in field days, webinars, and factsheets. These materials are the first of their kind for guiding farmers in the mid-Atlantic to design cover crop mixtures that meet their goals. Objectives 1 and 2: We sustained a research station field experiment at Penn State's Russell E. Larson Research Center in Rock Springs, PA for the duration of the grant. The experiment contrasted 12 cover crop treatments in a corn-soybean-wheat rotation with cover crops planted after corn and wheat. The following cover crop treatments were established: red clover, winter cereal rye, oat, pea, canola, forage radish, a three species mix designed for weed suppression, a three species mix designed for N fixation or retention, a four species mix, a six species mix, a modified commercially available mix, and a bare fallow control. These 12 treatments were developed in consultation with our advisory board. Throughout the experiment we measured multiple indicators of all 8 grower identified functions. Key findings from this experiment that are relevant to designing mixtures were that: 1) Cover crop mixtures retain higher diversity when allowed sufficient growth in fall, 2. Cereal rye dominates mixtures in spring, particularly when fall planting is delayed, 3. Grasses overperform in cover crop mixtures compared to their growth in monoculture, 4. Brassicas underperform in cover crop mixtures compared to their growth in monoculture, and 5. Legumes' growth in cover crop mixtures varies depending on species and planting time. Given this range of species-specific responses, mixtures did not always outperform monocultures. While many of our measured ecosystem functions increased with increasing cover crop diversity, the correlations were often weak, and the best monoculture often outperformed all mixtures when considering a single ecosystem function. When considering the delivery of multiple functions simultaneously (multifunctionality), we suggest that the key target should be achieving a cover crop stand with critical plant traits (e.g. N fixation, fall growth, flowering), rather than a stand with higher species richness. Still, some functions can clearly be achieved in tandem; for example, we found that effective of nutrient retention, weed suppression, and soil erosion could be achieved simultaneously with mixtures that achieved rapid fall cover and included a winter hardy grass. In contrast, there were potential tradeoffs between these functions and N supply (see below for objective 3). Objective 3. In years 2 through 4 of the project we conducted research on private farms that was tightly linked to our research station experiments. The farms were arrayed throughout Pennsylvania and each farmer planted a monoculture of their choice, a mixture of their choice, and the four species mixture that was also planted on the research station (clover, pea, canola, rye). The cover crops were planted after a small grain and we monitored performance of the cover crops and their impact on yields of the subsequent corn crop. The key results from this research were that 1) a single mixture will perform very differently on different farms, and 2) Environment and cover crop mixture composition affect nitrogen supply/retention tradeoffs. On the farms we studied, canola dominated the four season mix when soil N was high and rye dominated when growing season conditions limited canola growth. Clover growth was minimal in these mixtures, so they relied on pea to provide nitrogen to the following corn crop. The tradeoffs occurred because dominance of non-legume crops were effected at achieving nitrogen retention, but limited nitrogen fixation by legumes, which impacted yield of the following corn crop. We suggest that this tradeoff can be minimized by maintaining low soil NO3- concentrations at cover crop planting and by sowing mixtures with a low seeding rate of winter-hardy grasses. We designed a decision support tool that visualizes and can inform management of these nitrogen tradeoffs in mixtures. Objectives 4 and 5. Collaborating with farmers, we facilitated two organic grower networks for the duration of the grant. Co-learning with farmers occurred through grower network meetings (multiple each year), field days (several per year), advisory board meetings (once each year), and workshops coordinated with regional sustainable agriculture NGOs. Evaluations at each of these events reveal that the grower networks are impacting farmer's management practices. For example, in 2013 our collaborations with grower networks reached 54 organic field crop producers farming 1400 acres in Southeastern Pennsylvania participated in one winter study circle and one spring field walk concentrating on organic field crops and cover crop mixes. 100% of producers participating in the cover crop walk rated their increase in knowledge as moderate or considerable as a result of these interactive and highly focused experiences (n=10). While the grower networks represent a highly successful, but focused extension activity, we also developed outreach and extension materials that reached more regional farmers and had national impact. Examples include an eOrganic-hosted webinar that reached more than 700 viewers, eOrganic factsheets, and (collaboratively with other teams) development of the first-ever organic crop production guide from Penn State extension. These types of outreach materials, including the number of attendees at outreach events, are all quantified in the "products" portion of this report.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Submitted Year Published: 2017 Citation: Baraibar B, Hunter M, Schipanski M, Hamilton A, Mortensen D (in review). Weed Suppression by Cover Crop Monocultures and Mixtures. The Importance of Planting Window and Cover Crop Species. Weed Science.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Accepted Year Published: 2017 Citation: Finney, D.M. and J.P. Kaye. 2017. Functional diversity in cover crop polycultures increases multifunctionality of an agricultural system. Journal of Applied Ecology. In press.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Finney, D.M., C.M. White, and J.P. Kaye. 2016. Biomass production and carbon:nitrogen ratio influence ecosystem services from diverse cover crop mixtures. Agronomy Journal. 108:39-52.
  • Type: Theses/Dissertations Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Hamilton, A. (2016) Maximizing the on-farm benefits of cover crops: comparing management, intentions and ecosystem service provisioning. Master Thesis. The Pennsylvania State University.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2017 Citation: Hunter M, Smith R, Schipanski M, Atwood L, Mortensen D. (in review at BioScience). Agriculture in 2050: Recalibrating Targets for Sustainable Intensification.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Accepted Year Published: 2017 Citation: Murrell, E.G., M.E. Schipanski, D.M. Finney, M.C. Hunter, M. Burgess, J.C. LaChance, B. Baraibar Padro, C.M. White, D.A. Mortensen, J.P. Kaye. (In press) Achieving diverse cover crop mixtures: Effects of planting date and seeding rate. Agronomy Journal.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2017 Citation: White, C., D.M. Finney, A.R. Kemanian, J.P. Kaye. (In review, accepted with major revisions) A model-data fusion approach for predicting cover crop nitrogen supply to corn. Agronomy Journal.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Finney, D.M., C.M. White, and J.P. Kaye. 2015. Using diverse cover crop cocktails to provide agroecosystem services. ASA/CSSA/SSSA International Annual Meetings. Minneapolis, MN.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: Baraibar B, Hunter M, Schipanski M, Mortensen D. 2016. Cover crops affect weed abundance but not weed community assembly. 70th Northeast Weed Science Society Meeting. Northeast Plant, Pest and Soils Science Conference in Philadelphia, PA.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Accepted Year Published: 2017 Citation: Finney, D.M., J.S. Buyer, and J.P. Kaye. 2017. Living cover crops have immediate impacts on soil microbial community structure and function. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. In press.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Finney, D.M. 2015. Quantitative approaches to multifunctionality assessment in agroecosystems. Entomological Society of America International Annual Meetings. Minneapolis, MN.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Finney, D.M. and J.P. Kaye. 2015. Functional diversity promotes multifunctional cover cropping systems. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: Hamilton 2016. Maximizing the on-farm benefits of cover crops: studying the best matches between management intentions and ecosystem service provisioning . 70th Northeast Weed Science Society Meeting. Northeast Plant, Pest and Soils Science Conference in Philadelphia, PA.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: Hamilton 2016. (January 16): NOFA-MA winter conference in Worcester, MA: Led an hour long workshop titled Maximizing the On-farm Benefits of Cover Crops for commercial and hobby farmers. (~30 attendees)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Hinds, J. 2015. Impacts of cover crop diversification on attraction, dispersal, and pest suppression by generalist predators. Entomological Society of America - Annual National Meeting.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Hamilton. 2015. Maximizing the On-farm Benefits of Cover Crops. Plant Science Department Seminar at Penn State.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: Hunter, M. and D. Mortensen. 2016. Cover crops and drought: implications for climate resilience (poster). Sustainable Agriculture Systems Research Symposium, Penn State University, University Park, PA, Apr 1
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: Hunter, M. and C. White. 2016. Making the Most of Cover Crop Mixtures. Cover Crops for Soil Health: A Northeast SARE Professional Development Workshop, Baltimore, MD, Mar 29.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Hunter, M. 2015. Agriculture in 2050: Recalibrating targets for production and environmental sustainability. Plant Science Department Seminar, Penn State University, University Park, PA, Dec 11.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Hunter, M., J. Lachance, C. White. 2015. Cover Crops: Where are we now? What about mixes? Atlantic Seed Association 63rd Annual Convention, Gettysburg, PA, Oct 3
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: Randhawa, P., I. Ahmed, D. Luthe, M. Barbercheck (presenter). 2016. Uncovering the effects of cover crops and soil characteristics on Metarhizium-plant-insect interactions in an organic cropping system. Invited speaker, COST FA1405 symposium, Menage a trois: Three-way interactions between plants, arthropods, and microbes that benefit the plants at Society for Invertebrate Pathology Annual Meeting, 2016, Tours, France, July 25, 2016.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: Schipanski, M.E., S. Rosenzweig, J. Kaye. and D. Finney. 2016. Plant-mediated nitrogen cycling in agroecosystems. 19th Nitrogen Workshop. Skara, Sweden.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: White, C. 2016. Harnessing variation across on-farm experiments to understand agroecosystem processes. In 6th Annual Sustainable Cropping Systems Symposium. The Pennsylvania State University. University Park, PA. 1 April 2016.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: White, C., T. DuPont, D. Hartman, M. Hautau. 2015. A systems model for Extension: Integrating farmer participatory learning, on-farm research, and extension outputs. In Applying a systems approach: Emergent outcomes of multidimensional interactions in agroecosystems. Annual Meeting, Entomological Society of America. Minneapolis, MN. 17 November 2015.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Hunter, M. and D. Mortensen. 2015. Cover crops and drought: implications for climate resilience. Transitioning Cereals to Adapt to Climate Change, Minneapolis, MN, Nov 13
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: Baraibar B., Schipanski M, Hunter M, Hamilton A, Mortensen D. 2016. Cover crops for weed suppression. The importance of planting date and cover crop species. 6th Annual Sustainable Agricultural Cropping Systems Symposium. Penn State, University Park, State College, PA.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: Hinds, J and Barbercheck, M. 2016. The role of insectary plants in promoting pest suppression by key generalist natural enemies. 6th Annual Sustainable Agricultural Cropping Systems Symposium. Penn State, University Park, State College, PA
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Hunter, M. and D. Mortensen. 2015. Cover crops and drought: implications for climate resilience. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings, Minneapolis, MN, Nov 17.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Murrell, E., Mullen, C., Pisani-Gareau, T., Barbercheck, M. Crop management legacies in organic systems affect environmental conditions, but not ground beetle communities. Ecological Society of America Conference, August 4, 2015.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: Shan Jin and Dawn S. Luthe. 2016. Maize NAM founder lines exhibit diverse responses to caterpillar herbivory. 6th Annual PSU Sustainable Cropping Systems Symposium. University Park, State College, PA. April 1st
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: White, C., M. Barbercheck, T. DuPont, D. Finney, A. Hamilton, D. Hartman, M. Hautau, J. Hinds, M. Hunter, J. Kaye, J. La Chance. 2015. Making the Most of Mixtures: Considerations for Winter Cover Crops in Temperate Climates. eXtension/eOrganic.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: Baraibar, B., Mortensen, D., Murrel, E., White, C., Regan, K., Randawa, P. June 2016. Cover crop mixtures for organic farming. Argentinian Delegation visit. 15 attendees.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: Finney, D.M. and S.B. Mirsky. July 2016. Customizing cover crop species mixtures to meet farmer needs and the behavior of cover crop mixtures. Southern Cover Crop Conference. Goldsboro, NC. (200 participants).
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Finney, D.M. December 2015. Farm-tuning soil fertility with cover crop mixtures. Organic Vegetable Production Intensive. Penn State Extension. Easton, PA. (50 participants).
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Hamilton 2015 (November 2). Crop Management Extension Group in service at Bald Eagle State Park in Howard, PA: 20 minute presentation of project preliminary conclusions for state extension educators (~30 attendees)
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: White, C. and F. Egan. 2016. Interpreting soil health tests. Soil Health Conference: Living Roots 24/7/365. Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture: Centre Hall, PA. 29 July 2016. 50 people attended.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: White, C. 2016. Farm-tuning cover crop mixtures: Finding the right cover crop for your soil. Columbia County Ag Day: Bloomsburg, PA. 24 February 2016. 150 people attended.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: White, C. 2015. Approaches to monitoring soil health. Upper Susquehanna Valley Organic Field Crop Producers Network Meeting. Penn State Extension: Muncy, PA. 27 August 2015. 30 people attended.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: White, C. 2015. Farm-tuning cover crop mixtures to balance nitrogen retention and supply. Advanced Soil Health Training. Natural Resources Conservation Service: Pennsylvania Furnace, PA. 25 August 2015. 150 people attended.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: White C., Hartman, D. 2015. Field day at Banner Farm (Northumberland County). Innovative ways to transition to organic farming: The role of tillage and soil health evaluation. 45 people attended.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: Hartman, D. 2016. Organic Grower Study Circle. Union County. 25 people attended.

Progress 09/01/14 to 08/31/15

Target Audience:The target audience reached during this period consisted of farmers, particularly, but not exclusively, organic farmers in the mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. as well as extension personnel, industry leaders, University students and interested members of the public. In addition, we have targeted scientists working in the area of cover crops and organic agriculture. Efforts in these areas are outlined in the accomplishments, dissemination and products portions of the report. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The project provided a collaborative learning environment for undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and faculty across multiple disciplines, including weed ecology, soil science, agronomy, entomology, and agricultural economics. Through collaborative meetings and one-one-one training from other research groups, graduate students and faculty learned new research skills and techniques. Several members of the team attended scientific conferences and farmers meetings where they had opportunities for networking and learning from farmers experience and invited speakers. Team member Baraibar attended an HR workshop "Subtle Slights: Understanding the Impact of Unconscious Bias and Microaggressions" to increase understanding of working in an interdisciplinary team. For the third year in a row, our team also co-organized an undergraduate summer research orientation program and an annual university-wide sustainable cropping systems symposium, which allowed graduate students an opportunity to share research and increase networking. Similar to in previous reporting periods, several undergraduate courses and labs have visited the research station site for hands-on learning modules related to agronomy, weed ecology, soil ecology, and biodiversity, and the project has been highlighted in lectures for several courses in agroecology, entomology, and ecosystem science and management. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?In addition to our on-farm collaborative research and the 6 study circles that took place during this period, results have been disseminated to communities of interest through several means, including 10 field days, 3 fact sheets, 3 agronomic guides (Organic Crop Production Guide, Agronomy Guide and a Manual for Vegetable Growers) and other extension articles and documents, a newsletter, 5 peer reviewed scientific publications, 15 presentations at conferences, 3 invited presentations of which two were done abroad (one in the Netherlands and one in Canada), and several research station tours. These activities forward proposed Objective 5. For a complete listing of activities, please see the Products section of this report. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?For the next reporting period we will synthesize and analyze findings from across the three years of the project and across all disciplines involved in the project, to fully understand and best disseminate key findings regarding benefits and tradeoffs when using cover crop mixtures. We will continue to sample soil related properties and weed biomass on the corn and soybean crops that are still in the field at the time of writing this report and yields for these cash crops will be measured. Cover crop and weed biomass samples will be also taken in the coming fall and chemical analyses will be performed on those samples to reflect legacy effects from the cover crop treatments.

What was accomplished under these goals? All goals of the project are moving forward as proposed. At the Penn State research farm (Objectives 1-2), we continued to monitor our grower-identified priority functions derived from cover crops. Our 2014 cover crop cocktails were planted in August (after wheat) and September (after corn), and were sampled repeatedly during this reporting period to determine seedling emergence, fall biomass production, weed pressure in the fall and spring, winter survival, spring biomass production and nutrient uptake. Before cover crop planting, corn and soybeans had been harvested. Early cover crop termination in May 2014 resulted in an increase of corn yields in the plots following rye and where rye dominated in the mixes probably as a result of a decrease in N immobilization. Most of the legume-based cover crop treatments also resulted in expected corn growth and yields. Soybean yields increased by 10 bushels/acre compared to 2013. The 3rd organically-managed winter wheat rotation crop was also planted in fall 2014. Following on the success of 2014 yields, cover crops were again terminated when rye was still at the vegetative "boot" stage in spring 2015, in an effort to continue to reduce N immobilization in the corn plots. Before corn planting, corn plots received manure amendments and had a manure exclusion sub-plots delineated. Corn was planted on May 28 and soybeans on June 10. Both crops management proceeded with timely and effective mechanical weed control. The winter wheat harvested in summer 2015, which had two previous year of post-corn cover crop treatments and bedded pack manure applied at 15 ton/acre, did not have significant cover crop treatment effects. Grain and straw yield were both recorded, with yields being lower than expected (although similar to organic wheat in an adjacent research field), likely because of the hard winter, which reduced fall tillering and possibly increased winter mortality. Weed management in the wheat was adequate, and achieving early fall planting (post-soybean harvest) is key to improving yields. Based on experience gained in the past years, cover crop cocktails after wheat were successfully established in mid-August 2015, to avoid high summer annual weed biomass (which occurred in 2013) and to increase winter survival of some cover crop species, like pea, which tend to die if allowed too much time to grow during the fall. Additional measurements relevant to our grower-identified priority functions have proceeded as originally proposed. We collected cover crop and weed biomass prior to termination, soil samples, entomological samples, and plant genetic response samples. Soil water content and year-round bucket lysimeter data collection continued in the 2015 corn plots, along with bi-weekly soil sampling for ammonium and nitrate in the corn and soy cash crops. We also completed deep soil cores to 80 cm in both the pre-soy and pre-corn plots in spring, before moldboard plowing of cover crops, as well as biological soil sampling for microbial analysis. Cover crop and weed sampling included biomass clipping in fall and spring sorted to cover crop and weed species. We continued to measure nutrient retention using several strategies, including measuring cover crop N uptake through elemental analysis of dried cover crop biomass, and by using field lysimeters and anion resin bags for nitrate leaching potential. We also continued monitored early season arthropod dynamics in treatment plots and maturing cover crops, and late-season fall armyworm damage in corn. We analyzed soil pH, electrical conductivity, labile organic matter, matric potential, and prevalence of Metarhizium spp. We conducted field and greenhouse bioassays to determine the effects of cover crop treatments on growth of black cutworm. On-farm related work (Objective 3) finished in spring 2014 but during fall 2014 and spring 2015 CCC researcher and grad student Hamilton continued to conduct qualitative and quantitative research of cover crop usage reaching 45 PA farms and 110 fields and analyzed on-farm soil and plant samples from across the state. In 2014-2015 we continued to foster co-learning with farmer networks (Objective 4). During the reporting period, six organic field crop study circles took place in collaboration with 6-county Central Susquehanna Valley Organic Crop Growers' Network and the Southeast Pennsylvania Organic Crop Producers' Network, reaching over 150 participants. In Southeastern PA there were 4 study circle meetings associated with the Cover Crop Cocktails research project, including a total of 89 participants (5,822 acres when added, 1,913 highest in one). And in Central PA three more events were held in Montour Co., Union Co., and Lycoming Co. drawing another 45 participants. Study-circles evaluations found that 71% of grower participants learned a great or good deal from the study circle, and approximately 54% of the participants planned to make specific changes in their operations after the workshops including planting cover crop mixtures. Many growers come back to study circle meetings year after year and 66% of them had already implemented new practices from past study circles. Attendance at study circle events is steady or growing, depending on the specific topic. During the reporting period, much has been accomplished to create and deliver research- and farmer-based information on the benefits, management challenges, and costs associated with cover crop mixtures (Objective 5). Researchers Barbercheck and White have presented at 17 field meetings, conferences, county and district field days, and industry events over the reporting period. They have also co-edited the first version of the Organic Crop Production Guide. Other project members have presented at similar events and annual scientific conferences, and have also written fact sheets, chapters on the Agronomy Guide, articles for internal and external websites, eXtension publications and newsletters. Two webinars have been also held, one by eOrganic, registering more than 400 attendees.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Ellis, K., Barbercheck, M. 2015. Management of Overwintering Cover Crops Influences Floral Resources and Visitation by Native Bees. 2015. Environmental Entomol. DOI: 10.1093/ee/nvv086
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Barbercheck, M., Brasier, K., Kiernan, N.E., Sachs, C., Trauger, A. 2014. Use of conservation practices by women farmers in the Northeastern United States. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 29(1): 65 -82
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: White, C.M., Kemanian, A., Kaye, J.P. 2014. Implications of carbon model structure for simulated nitrogen mineralization dynamics. Biogeosciences 11:9667-9695.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Awaiting Publication Year Published: 2015 Citation: Finney, D.M., Eckert, S.E., Kaye, J.P. 2015. Drivers of nitrogen dynamics in ecologically based agriculture revealed by long-term, high frequency field measurements. Ecological Applications.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Awaiting Publication Year Published: 2015 Citation: LaChance, J., Hunter, M., Finney, D.M. 2015. Post-its and priorities: A participatory exercise for understanding perspectives of diverse stakeholders. Journal of Extension.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2015 Citation: Finney, D.M., White, C.M., Kaye, J.P. Productivity and carbon:nitrogen ratio influence ecosystem services from diverse cover crop mixtures. Agronomy Journal.
  • Type: Theses/Dissertations Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Finney, D.M. 2015. Diversity, disturbance, and nitrogen: Using ecologically based nutrient management to design multifunctional agroecosystems. PhD Dissertation. Penn State University.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Curran, W.S., Barbercheck, M., Dempsey, M., Keene, C., Mirsky, S., Ryan, M., VanGessel, M.J., Wallace, J. 2014. Success and Challenge with Reducing Tillage in an Organic Cropping System. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, Nov. 2  5. Long Beach, CA.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Schipanski, M., Barbercheck, M., Finney, D.M., Smith, R., Kaye, J.P., Mortensen D., Harper, J. 2014. Rotation Strategies for Balancing Multiple Management Objectives in Organic Cropping Systems. Agronomy Society of America, ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, Nov. 2  5. Long Beach, CA.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: White, C.M., DuPont, T., Hartman, D., Hautau, M., Kaye, J.P. 2014. Cover crop mixtures can improve nitrogen retention and supply in organic grain cropping systems. Agronomy Society of America Meetings, ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, Nov. 2  5. Long Beach, CA.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Hunter, M., Hamilton, A., Schipanski, M., Mortensen, D. 2014. Diverse Cover Crop Mixtures in an Organic Grain Rotation: Ecology and Management for Weed Suppression. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings, Long Beach, CA, Nov 4.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: White, C.M., Kemanian, A.R., Kaye, J.P. 2014. Implications of carbon saturation model structure for simulated nitrogen mineralization dynamics. Agronomy Society of America Meetings, ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. Nov. 2  5. Long Beach, CA.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Lemmon, M., Rider, M., Finney, D.M., White, C.M., Kaye, J.P. 2015. Cover crop mixture and monoculture effects on nitrogen retention, leaching and inorganic N availability. 5th Annual PSU Sustainable Agriculture Cropping Systems Symposium.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Barbercheck, M., Mullen, C. 2014. The Seed Corn Maggot and Metarhizium are related to maize yield in an organic, cover crop-based farming systems experiment. Society for Invertebrate Pathology Annual Meeting. Aug. 3  8. Mainz, Germany. Proceedings p. 87.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: LaChance, J., Hunter, M. 2014. Cover Crops to Achieve Multiple Farm Goals. 57th Annual Horticulture Growers Short Course. Abbotsford, BC. Canada
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Hamilton, A. 2015. Are farmers getting what they want from cover crops? A study linking farmer intentions to biophysical realities. 5th Annual PSU Sustainable Agriculture Cropping Systems Symposium.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Hunter, M., Mortensen, D. 2015. Cover crops and drought: implications for climate resilience (poster). 5th Annual PSU Sustainable Agriculture Cropping Systems Symposium.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Hinds, J. 2014. Investigating the role of plant diversification on attraction and pest suppression in an insectary border. Entomological Society of America National Meeting. 10 Minute Student Paper Competition. First place winner.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Hinds, J. 2015. The role of insectary plants in promoting pest suppression by key generalist natural enemies. Entomological Society of America - Eastern Branch Meeting. General Poster Submission. Poster Presentation.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Hunter, M., Mortensen, D. 2015. Managing Weeds with Diverse Cover Crop Mixtures. 2015 Horticulture Growers Short Course, Lower Mainland Horticulture Improvement Association, Abbotsford, BC, CA, Jan 30.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Hunter, M., Mortensen, D. 2014. Meeting Agriculture's Grand Challenge with Climate-Ready Ecological Cropping Practices. International Symposium on Weather and Climate Extremes, Food Security and Biodiversity, Fairfax, VA, Oct 23.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Mortensen, D. 2015. The multifunctionality of cover crop mixtures. Presented March 2015 to the Theoretical Production Ecology Department, Wageningen University as a webinar seminar (The Netherlands).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Mortensen, D., Dempsey, M. 2014. Organic Weed Management: Divergent approaches to success. Invited presentation at the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association Annual Meeting, November 2014, Greenville, SC.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: DuPont, S. T. Cover Crop Mixtures. Northampton and Lehigh Vegetable and Small Fruit Meeting (24 participants). February 25.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Hautau, M. Cover Crop Mixtures. Lehigh Berks Vegetable and Small Fruit Meeting (63 participants). February 13.
  • Type: Book Chapters Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Barbercheck, M., Curran, W.S. 2015. Ch. 11. Organic Crop Production. Pp 137  146 in: The Agronomy Guide 2015-2016. Penn State Extension AGRS026.
  • Type: Books Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: White, C.M., Barbercheck, M., Curran, W.S. (co-editors). 2015. PSU Organic Crop Production Guide. Penn State Extension AGRS-124
  • Type: Book Chapters Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: White, C.M., Barbercheck, M., Bates, B. 2015. Ch. 1 Introduction to organic farming and the national organic standards. Pp. 1  7 in: Organic Crop Production Guide, Penn State Extension AGRS-124. C. White, M. Barbercheck, W. Curran (co-editors).
  • Type: Book Chapters Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Barbercheck, M., Tooker, J. 2015. Ch. 8. Insect Management. PP 151-162 in: PSU Organic Crop Production Guide. C. White, M. Barbercheck, W. Curran (co-editors). In: The Agronomy Guide 2015-2016. Penn State Extension AGRS026.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Barbercheck, M.E. 2015. Entomology in organic reduced-tillage and cover crop research. PASA Soil Management Summer Conference. 6 August. Russell E. Larsen Agricultural Research Center, Rock Springs, PA.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Regan, K., Barbercheck, M. 2015. Entomology in organic reduced-tillage and cover crop research. Field and Forage Crop Team In-Service. Russell E. Larsen Agricultural Research Center, Rock Springs, PA. 7 July
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Murrel, E., Baraibar, B., Hinds, J., White, C.M., Hamilton, A. 2015. Weeds, nitrogen management and biological control of insects with cover crops. Field and Forage Crop Team In-Service. Russell E. Larsen Agricultural Research Center, Rock Springs, PA. 7 July.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Barbercheck, M., Hamilton, A., Mortensen, D.A. 2015. Organic reduced-tillage and cover crop research. Field day organized for agricultural delegation from Argentina. Russell E. Larsen Agricultural Research Center, Rock Springs, PA.18 June. 24 attendees.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Randhawa, P. 2015. The soil borne insect-pathogenic fungus, Metarhizium and its role as an endophyte. Field day organized for agricultural delegation from Argentina. Russell E. Larsen Agricultural Research Center, Rock Springs, PA.18 June. 24 attendees.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2014 Citation: Barbercheck, M.E., 2014. Assessment of Biological Soil Health. Field and Forage Extension Team In-Service. State College, PA. Nov. 7. 20 attendees, 3 women.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Kaye, J.P. 2015. Finding the right mix: Multifunctional cover crop cocktails for organic systems. Extension in-service, Bald Eagle, PA, April 20. 25 attendees.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2014 Citation: Barbercheck, M.E. 2014. Assessment of Biological Soil Health. Gettysburg Young Farmers Twilight Field Walk. Brown Valley Farm, Littlestown, PA (Adams Co.) 22 August. 50 attendees, 2 women.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2014 Citation: Barbercheck, M.E., Hinds, J. 2014. Preserving Beneficial Predators in the Home Garden. Ag Progress Days. Russell E. Larsen Agricultural Research Center, Rock Springs, PA. 14 August. 50 attendees, 20 women.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: White, C.M. 2015. Nitrogen Management with Cover Crop Mixtures. Blair County Crops Day. January 16. Attended by 20 people.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: White, C.M. 2015. Making the Most of Cover Crop Mixtures. Blair County Crops Day. January 16. Attended by 20 people.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: White, C.M. Making the Most of Cover Crop Mixtures. 2015. Western Pennsylvania No-Till Conference. March 3. Attended by 60 people.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: White, C.M, DuPont, T., Hautau, M., Hartman, D. 2015. Results from On-Farm Cover Crop Mixture Experiments. Southeast Organic Crop Producer Meeting. January 14. Attended by 25 people.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: White, C.M, DuPont, T., Hautau, M., Hartman, D. 2015. Organic Equipment Systems. Southeast Organic Crop Producer Meeting. February 24. Attended by 39 people.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Barbercheck, M. 2015. Carabid Beetles: Your Allies on the Ground. March 2015 Newsletter, Pennsylvania Certified Organic.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Ellis, K., Barbercheck, M. 2014. Bees and Cover Crops: Using flowering cover crops for native pollinator conservation. PSU Entomology Fact Sheet.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Barbercheck, M., Pickel, S., Schildt, B., Thomas, C. 2015. Vegetable Integrated Pest Management with an Emphasis on Biocontrol. A Guide for Growers in the Mid-Atlantic. Penn State Extension AGRS-128.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: White, C.M., Barbercheck, M., DuPont, T., Finney, D.M., Hamilton, A., Hartman, D., Hautau, M., Hinds, J., Hunter, M.C., Kaye, J.P., La Chance, J. 2015. Making the Most of Mixtures: Considerations for Winter Cover Crops in Temperate Climates.

Progress 09/01/13 to 08/31/14

Target Audience: The target audience consists of farmers, particularly, but not exclusively, organic farmers in the mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. as well as extension personnel, industry leaders, government agency and non-profit staff, University students, and interested members of the public. In addition, we target scientists working in the area of cover crops and organic agriculture. Efforts in these areas are outlined in the accomplishments, dissemination and products portions of the report. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? The project provided a collaborative learning environment for undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and faculty across multiple disciplines, including weed ecology, soil science, agronomy, entomology, and agricultural economics. Through collaborative meetings and one-one-one training from other research groups, graduate students and faculty learned new research skills and techniques, including root architecture analysis, and team members Barbercheck and Hinds attended an HR workshop "Subtle Slights: Understanding the Impact of Unconscious Bias and Microaggressions" to increase understanding of working in an interdisciplinary team. At our annual meeting, we included a collaborative learning exercise where farmers, extension and outreach personnel, and researchers collectively selected a set of functions for study pertaining to cover crops. This exercise was well received, with evaluations showing that participants had an increased understanding of the possible services provisioned by cover crop mixtures. For the second year in a row, our team also co-organized an undergraduate summer research orientation program and continued its efforts in organizing an annual university-wide sustainable cropping systems symposium, which allows graduate students an opportunity to share research. Through faculty mentorship, our two post-docs were placed in tenure-track faculty positions, with one of these individuals having an incoming graduate student (at Colorado State University) contributing to the project for the summer of the reporting period and completing ongoing research. Additionally, similar to in previous reporting periods, several undergraduate courses and labs have visited the research station site for hands-on learning modules related to agronomy, weed ecology, soil ecology, and biodiversity, and the project has been highlighted in lectures for several courses in agroecology, entomology, and ecosystem science and management. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? In addition to our on-farm collaborative research and the 6 study circles that took place during this period, results have been disseminated to communities of interest through several means, including field days, a field diagnostic clinic, fact sheets, newsletter articles, presentations, research station tours, scientific publications, and a collaborative presentation with the three participating farmer-collaborators at an annual Pennsylvania sustainable agriculture conference. These activities forward proposed Objective 5. For a complete listing of activities, please see the Products section of this report. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? To accomplish the goals of the project we will continue at the same pace on the research station and with our farmer learning networks. Our on-farm collaborator research is officially complete, although we anticipate maintaining on-farm involvement as this has been a mutually beneficial collaboration. Our involvement in eOrganics and eXtension will increase, with the creation of a webinar and fact sheets. We will also begin synthesizing findings from across the three years of cover crops and across all disciplines involved in the project, to fully understand and best disseminate key findings regarding benefits and tradeoffs when using cover crop mixtures.

What was accomplished under these goals? All goals of the project are moving forward as proposed. At the Penn State research farm (Objectives 1-2), our 2013 plantings of cover crop cocktails, planted in August (after wheat) and September (after corn), were sampled repeatedly during this reporting period to determine seedling emergence, fall biomass production, winter survival, and spring biomass production and nutrient uptake. The 2nd organically-managed winter wheat rotation crop was also planted in fall 2013. In spring 2014, cover crops in both entries (post-wheat and post-corn) were terminated for planting of cash crops (corn silage on June 1 and soy grain on June 2), with corn plots receiving manure amendments and having manure exclusion sub-plots delineated. Corn and soybean crop management proceeded with timely and effective mechanical weed control consistent with transition to certified organic status for the field station site. Based on the 2013 soil N and corn growth analysis, cover crops before corn were terminated while biomass was less mature than in previous years - specifically, when rye was still at the vegetative "boot" stage - in an effort to reduce N immobilization in the corn plots, which in 2013 likely reduced corn yields. Preliminary evidence suggests that this change in management improved the ratio of rye biomass in the mixtures, and reduced N immobilization in the corn cash crop. Legume-based cover crop treatments also resulted in expected corn growth. Soybean growth in 2014 was excellent, with the increase in rainfall (as compared to 2013), likely increasing yields significantly. The winter wheat harvested in summer 2014, which had one previous year of post-corn cover crop treatments and bedded pack manure applied at 15 ton/acre, did not have significant cover crop treatment effects. Grain and straw yield were both recorded, with yields being lower than expected (although similar to organic wheat in an adjacent research field), likely because of the hard winter, which reduced fall tillering and possibly increased winter mortality. Weed management in the wheat was adequate, and achieving early fall planting (post-soybean harvest) is key to improving yields. Cover crop cocktails were successfully established after wheat in mid-August, with preliminary observations finding volunteer wheat dense in the yield-harvest areas, likely owing to the stop-and-go nature of wheat yield harvest. We continue to monitor year-to-year differences in cover crop establishment and growth, and have planted this year's post-wheat cover crops between previous planting dates, to aid in our understanding of the role of diversity over different spatial and temporal scales. Additional measurements relevant to our grower-identified priority functions have proceeded as originally proposed. We collect cash crop, cover crop, weed, soil, entomological, and plant genetic response samples. Soil water content and year-round bucket lysimeter data collection continued in the 2014 corn plots, along with bi-weekly soil sampling for ammonium and nitrate in the corn and soy cash crops. We also completed deep soil cores to 80 cm in both the soy and corn plots in spring, before moldboard plowing of cover crops, as well as biological soil sampling for microbial analysis. Cover crop and weed sampling included percent cover and light attenuation readings at multiple time points in fall and spring, biomass sampling in fall and spring sorted to cover crop and weed species, and cover crop root architecture sampling. We continue to measure nutrient retention using several strategies, including measuring cover crop N uptake through elemental analysis of dried cover crop biomass, and by using field lysimeters and anion resin bags for nitrate leaching potential. We also continued monitoring black cutworm and true armyworm moths with pheromone traps from April-July, and the emergence of seedcorn maggot flies via emergence traps placed over corn and soybean rows 2-3 days after planting until true leaf formation. Similarly, we continued assessment of epigeal arthropod community through pitfalling events that are timed to occur about 2 weeks prior to cover crop termination and one week after corn and soy emergence, and in mid-June for wheat. In addition to monitoring early season pest and predator dynamics, in our 2014 corn strips we included a late-plowed strip of 5' in width to monitor similar dynamics in maturing cover crops. In these strips, the insect community was sampled weekly to assess the identities and abundances of insects associated with particular cover crop mixtures. We also continued tracking fall armyworm damage in corn in late July, and also analyzed the soil for pH, electrical conductivity, labile organic matter, matric potential, and the presence of entomopathogenic organisms. Finally, we conducted field and greenhouse experiments (using field soil), to continue our study of the effects of cover crop treatments on black cutworm larvae growth. On-farm cover crop experiments (Objective 3) were continued on the same 3 organic farms in Pennsylvania as were completed in 2013. These 3 farmers planted the same farmer-chosen mixes and research station mixtures, and nutrient retention and leaching were closely monitored under these post-small grains cover crops. These cover crops were managed by the farmer collaborators, and were terminated and rotated into a corn cash crop, which included the creation of supplemental N regime split plots, thus continuing the 2013 approach. General measurements taken in the on-farm experiments included: cover crop and weed biomass and nitrogen content in November and April, inorganic soil nitrogen in November, April, and June; and nitrate adsorbed to anion resin bags buried at 30cm during the cover crop rotation. Related to the aforementioned on-farm work, CCC researcher and grad student Hamilton conducted qualitative and quantitative research of cover crop usage on PA farms and analyzed on-farm soil and plant samples from across the state. In 2013-2014 we continued to foster co-learning with farmer networks (Objective 4). During the reporting period, three organic field crop study circles took place in collaboration with the Southeast Pennsylvania Organic Crop Producers' Network (reaching 89 participants and 5,822 acres), and two more study circles and a field day took place in collaboration with the 6-county Central Susquehanna Valley Organic Crop Growers' Network (approximately 80 more participants). Study-circle evaluations found that most grower participants learned a great or good deal from the study circle, and approximately half of the participants either had already implemented new practices from past study circles or planned to implement new practices based on what they had learned. Attendance at study circle events is steady or growing, depending on the specific topic. During the reporting period, much has been accomplished to create and deliver research- and farmer-based information on the benefits, management challenges, and costs associated with cover crop mixtures (Objective 5). Researchers Barbercheck and White have presented at over 20 field meetings, conferences, clinics, county and district field days, and industry events over the reporting period. Other project members have presented at similar events and annual scientific conferences, and have also written fact sheets and articles for internal and external websites and newsletters. Work has also begun on eOrganic and eXtension publications.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Schipanski, M., R.G Smith, T.L. Pisani-Gareau, R. Jabbour, D.B. Lewis; M.E. Barbercheck, D. A. Mortensen; J.P. Kaye. 2014. The structure of multivariate relationships influencing crop yields during the transition to organic management. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 189: 119-126.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Schipanski, M., Mary Barbercheck, Margaret R. Douglas, Denise M. Finney, Kristin Haider, Jason P. Kaye, Armen R. Kemanian, David A. Mortensen, Matthew R. Ryan, John Tooker and Charlie White. 2014. A framework for evaluating ecosystem services provided by cover crops in agroecosystems. Agricultural Systems 125:12-22
  • Type: Theses/Dissertations Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Ellis, Katherine. Flowering cover crops as an early-season floral resource for native bees in Pennsylvania agroecosystems. Master's thesis. Pennsylvania State University. State College, PA.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2014 Citation: Finney, Denise, Sara Eckert, and Jason P. Kaye. Drivers of N dynamics in ecologically based agriculture revealed by long-term, high frequency field measurements of soil organic nitrogen. Ecological Applications.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2013 Citation: Finney, D.M., and J.P. Kaye. Cover Crop Cocktails Enhance Nitrogen Management. November 2013. (Oral Presentation) ASA/CSSA/SSSA International Annual Meetings. Tampa, FL.

Progress 09/01/12 to 08/31/13

Target Audience: The target audience consists of farmers, and particularly, but not exclusively, organic farmers in the mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. as well as extension personnel, industry leaders, government agency and non-profit staff, University students, and interested members of the public. In addition, we target scientists working in the area of cover crops and organic agriculture. Efforts in these areas are outlined in the accomplishments, dissemination and products portions of the report. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? The project provided a collaborative learning environment for undergraduate students, graduate students and postdoctoral scholars across multiple disciplines, including weed science, soil science, agronomy, and entomology. Through workshops and one-on-one training from other research groups, graduate students and faculty learned new research skills and techniques, including molecular biology techniques, soil microbial PLFA extraction methods, andplant identification. We co-organized an undergraduate summer research orientation program and a university wide sustainable cropping systems symposium that provided graduate students with an opportunity to share their research. Postdoctoral scholars received career development mentoring. Two undergraduate research assistants were motivated by their work at the PSU field station experiment to conduct their Honors thesis in soil nutrient cycling. In 2013 the project leveraged funds from PSU program (which fosters undergraduate research by students in underrepresented groups) to host a student from the University of Puerto Rico. The student played a key role in the laboratory analysis of samples collected to measure nitrate leaching and inorganic nitrogen availability in cover crop mixtures and presented the results at research symposium at Penn State in July 2013. This mentoring was highly successful as two postdoctoral scholars were offered tenure-track faculty positions during the reporting period. In addition, four Penn State undergraduate classes have visited the site for hands-on learning modules related to agronomy, weed ecology, and soil ecology. Faculty and graduate students took advantage of new training opportunities. For example, Barbercheck attended a two-week workshop on techniques in molecular biology organized by the Huck Institutes for Life Sciences, Penn State University, June 3 – 14, 2013. Similarly, Katie Ellis (graduate student) spent one week in the lab of Rufus Isaacs at Michigan State University to receive training on native bee identification. September 16 – 20, 2013. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? In addition to activities carried out with farmer and extension collaborators, the experiment station research has been incorporated into several outreach activities on cover crop mixtures to growers, extension educators and other trainers, and agriculture-related organizations. These activities forward our proposed objective 5. In July 2013 project personnel led a workshop on nitrogen management with cover crop mixtures at the Annual Penn State Extension Field Diagnostic Clinic that incorporated data from the project on cover crop N uptake and retention. There were 150 participants in this event. On September 11, 2013, the project co-hosted the field day, Cocktails & Crimpers: Cover crop innovations for low-input corn, soy and wheat production attended by 45 people. Activities at the field day included demonstrations of equipment used for cover crop management, discussion of timing of management operations, and a field walk during which participants collected data on cover crop growth, N uptake and retention, weed populations, pollinator and beneficial insect populations, and cash crop production. The data was then used in a participant-led synthesis of ecosystem services provided by cover crop mixtures. Forty percent of participants indicated that the likelihood that they would use cover crop mixtures increased after attending the field day. Results from our experiment were shared (by Co-PI White) with the Chesapeake Bay Program's Cover Crop Expert Review Panel as they update the nutrient and sediment reduction efficiencies that are assigned to cover crop practices in the Chesapeake Bay Model. Co-PI Tianna Dupont facilitated dissemination of a field day, our on-farm research, and the organic grower networks by working with Pennsylvania Certified Organic staff on an article entitled, “The ever important role of cover crops on the organic farm” in the Summer 2013 edition of their Organic Matters publication. A thorough list of dissemination activities appears in the publications and “other products” sections. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Comparable to the prior reporting period, we will repeat experiments at PSU and on-farms with the same farmer collaborators. We will continue to work with farmer learning networks. Outreach and dissemination will continue at the same pace.

What was accomplished under these goals? All goals of the project are being forwarded as proposed. At the Penn State research farm (objectives 1-2), our first experimental plantings of cover crop cocktails, planted in August 2012 (after wheat) and October 2012 (after corn) were sampled repeatedly during this reporting period to determine seedling emergence, fall biomass production, winter survival, and spring biomass production and nutrient uptake. The 1st organically-managed winter wheat rotation crop was also established in fall 2012 to set the stage for 2013 cover crops. In spring 2013 cover crops following 2012 wheat and corn were terminated and manure was spread to establish manure exclusion sub plots in corn. Corn and soybean crops were planted in late May and early June. Corn and soybean crop management proceeded with timely and reasonably successful mechanical weed control consistent with transition to certified organic status for the field site. Preliminary analysis of soil N trends and corn growth indicate that that cover crop cocktails containing cereal rye immobilized soil N, including added manure N, resulting in reduced corn growth. Legume-based and high-diversity cover crop cocktails with little or no cereal rye resulted in corn growth generally meeting expectations. Soybean growth in 2013 was good, though drought during grain fill likely impacted yields. Soybean yield component data was collected to help explain any effect of cover crops on soybean drought response. Althoughthe 2012-2013 winter wheat crop was not preceded by cover crop treatments, yield data were recorded on a plot-wise basis for future use as a covariate. Bucket lysimeter (volume of water and nitrate concentration)and automated soil volumetric water content data were also recorded in the 2012-2013 winter wheat crop for use as covariate as this well-instrumented part of the project enters the critical post-wheat cover crop and corn phase for 2013-2014. Winter wheat was harvested in mid-July 2013 and cover crop cocktails were successfully established in this entry in early August. Soil water content and bucket lysimeter data collection continues in the growing post-wheat cover crops. Growth of cover crop cocktails has been notably different in 2013 than 2012, with legumes appearing to compete better in mixtures, and annual weeds being more prominent, possibly owing to different soil nutrient dynamics as this system matures in its organic transition. Ongoing observation of the year-to-year differences continues to aid our understanding of the role of diversity over different spatial and temporal scales. Additional measurements relevant to our grower-identified priority functions have proceeded as originally proposed. Nutrient supply has been monitored through annual soil sample collection and analysis for major and micronutrients. In addition, in 2013 we monitored inorganic nitrogen availability in the corn cash crop throughout the growing season through bi-weekly sample collection and analysis for ammonium and nitrate. We are measuring nutrient retention using several strategies. First, cover crop N uptake has been measured through elemental analysis of dried cover crop biomass collected in fall 2012 and spring 2013.Lysimeter nitrate data will be augmented with the use of a second strategy to measure nitrate leaching potential, buried anion resin bags. Bags were buried in fall 2012 in cover crops preceding corn and recovered in spring 2013 for nitrate extraction and analysis. In fall 2013 bags were buried in cover crop preceding corn and soybeans and will be recovered and analyzed in spring 2014. We have monitored the dynamics between early season pests and their predators that are found on the soil surface. These soil surface predators may help control pests when corn and soybeans are at their most vulnerable stage. We monitor black cutworm and true armyworm moths through pheromone traps from April until July. We monitor and attempt to quantify the emergence of seedcorn maggot flies via emergence traps placed over corn and soybean rows 2-3 days after planting until true leaf formation. We assess the epigeal arthropod community through pitfalling events that are timed to occur about two weeks prior to cover crop termination and one week after crop emergence for corn and soybean and mid June for the wheat. We also assess the potential predation rate of lepidopteran larva through sentinel traps that are timed to occur the day before and after the pitfalling event. We quantified the number of corn plants damaged by fall armyworm in late July. We analyzed the soil for pH, electrical conductivity, labile organic matter, matric potential, and the presence of entomopathogenic organisms. Finally, we conducted a greenhouse experiment and found that when corn seedling were grown in soil collected from the field plots and fed to black cutworm larvae in bioassays, larval growth rates were significantly lower when the plants were grown in soil from the 3 and 6 species plots than the fallow control plots. This indicates that these plants were more resistant to herbivory. On-farm cover crop experiments (objective 3) were established at 3 organic farms in distinct geographies of Pennsylvania during the prior reporting period (August 2012). Cover crops in the on-farm experiments were managed by the farmer collaborators through May 2013, when they were terminated with tillage and the fields were rotated into a corn cash crop. The previous cover crop plots were monitored throughout the corn growing season to measure the effects of cover crops on corn growth. During the corn phase of the experiment previous cover crop plots were split into two nitrogen rates with one half of each plot receiving supplemental nitrogen as soybean meal or compost and the other half receiving no supplemental nitrogen. Measurements taken in the on-farm experiments included: cover crop and weed biomass and nitrogen content in November and April; inorganic soil nitrogen in November, April and June; and nitrate adsorbed to anion exchange resin bags buried at 30 cm from September through April. In August 2013 a second year of on-farm cover crop experiments were established in new fields at the 3 organic farms. At each farm the second year experiments were planted after a small grain cash crop and used the same cover crop treatments as were used in the first year. We continued to foster co-learning with farmer networks (objective 4), and during the reporting period 54 organic field crop producers farming 1400 acres in Southeastern Pennsylvania participated in one winter study circle and one spring field walk concentrating on organic field crops and cover crop mixes. 100% of producers participating in the cover crop walk rated their increase in knowledge as moderate or considerable as a result of these interactive and highly focused experiences (n=10). 78% of participants planned to make specific changes in their operations such as “planting additional cover crops,” planting “mixes with clover and vetch,” “and evaluating the economic contribution of their cover crop.” 60% had already made changes in their operations as a result of what they learned in past study circles such as “added multispecies mixes,” “went organic,” “increased cover cropping” and “diversifying cover crops.” As a result of the changes they made based on past learning 50% said production increased, 60% felt their income increased, and 100% felt their confidence was higher (n=10).


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2013 Citation: Schipanski, M.E., R.G. Smith, T.L. Pisani Gareau, R. Jabbour, D.B. Lewis, M.E. Barbercheck, D.A. Mortensen, J.P. Kaye. The structure of multivariate relationships influencing crop yields during the transition to organic management. In review at Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2013 Citation: Schipanski, M.E., M.E. Barbercheck, M.R. Douglas, D.M. Finney, K. Haider, J.P. Kaye, A.R. Kemanian, D.A. Mortensen, M.R. Ryan, J. Tooker and C. White. A framework for evaluating multifunctionality of cover crops in agroecosystems. In review at Agricultural Systems
  • Type: Websites Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Finding the Right Mix: Multifunctional Cover Crop Cocktails for Organic Systems
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2013 Citation: Barbercheck, M.E., R. Jabbour, C. Mullen. 2013. Conservation of soilborne fungi and nematodes in sustainable cropping systems. Invited symposium presentation, in: Growing Towards a Sustainable Future: Current Research, Insights and Discussions on Sustainable Management. Annual Meeting, Eastern Branch Entomological Society of America, Lancaster, PA, March 16  19, 2013.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2013 Citation: Ellis, K. E., M.Barbercheck. 2013. Evaluation of native bee visitation and floral resources of early-season canola (Brassica napus) cover crop mixtures. 2013 International Conference on Pollinator Biology, Health and Policy. August 14-17, 2013. University Park, PA
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2013 Citation: Finney, D.M., and J.P. Kaye. 2013. Cover Crop Cocktails Enhance Nitrogen Management. November 2013. ASA/CSSA/SSSA International Annual Meetings. Tampa, FL.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Schipanski, M. E., R.G. Smith, T.L. Pisani Gareau, R. Jabbour, D.B. Lewis, M.E. Barbercheck, D.A. Mortensen, J.P. Kaye. 2013. The structure of multivariate relationships influencing crop yields during the transition to organic management. Ecological Society of America, Minneapolis, MN, Aug 3-8, 2013.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2013 Citation: White, C., T. DuPont, D. Hartman, M. Hautau, and J. Kaye. 2013. Testing Multi-functionality of Cover Crop Mixtures Through On-farm Collaborations. Sustainable Cropping Systems Research Symposium. Penn State: University Park, PA.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Barbercheck, M. 2013. Remembering Rachel Carson. Sustainable Agriculture Newsletter 10(1): Spring 2013.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: White, C. and D. Finney. 2013. Monitoring Nitrogen Dynamics in Cover Crop Mixtures. Progressive Forage Grower 14(8): 28-29. Available online at:
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: White, C. 2013. Legume Cover Crops Planted After Wheat Can Supply Significant Quantities of Nitrogen to Your Next Crop. Field Crop News. Penn State Extension: University Park, PA. Available online at:
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: White, C. 2013. Making the Most of Cover Crop Mixtures. Proceedings of the 2013 Empire State Producers Expo. New York State Vegetable Growers Association: Syracuse, NY. Available online at:
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2013 Citation: White, C. 2013. Nitrogen Management with Cover Crop Mixtures. Proceedings of the 2013 Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention. Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association: Hershey, PA.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2013 Citation: White, C. 2013. Cover Crops for Soil Health. Proceedings of the 2013 Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention. Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association: Hershey, PA.

Progress 09/01/11 to 08/31/12

OUTPUTS: We initiated a plot-scale research experiment at Penn State's Russell E. Larson Research Center in Rock Springs, PA in 2012, starting with the cash crop entry points of corn, soybean, and spring barley (substituted for winter wheat) each represented in four blocks. These pre-treatment crops were initially managed using conventional farming practices for purposes of creating more uniform field conditions for subsequent experimental treatments, but consistent with beginning the transition of the entire 12 ha site to certified organic status. Crop yield, pre-treatment soil properties, and germinable weed seedbank measurements were recorded for use as covariates and baseline measurements for future analyses. In late August (after barley harvest) and October (after corn silage harvest), the following cover crop treatments were established: red clover, winter cereal rye, oat, pea, canola, forage radish, a three species mix designed for weed suppression, a three species mix designed for N fixation or retention, a four species mix, a six species mix, a modified commercially available mix, and a bare fallow control. These 12 treatments were developed in consultation with our advisory board, which met in November, 2011. After cover crop establishment, measurements of emergence, percent cover, weed growth, and canopy light interception were made. Anion exchange resin membranes were buried under cover crops preceding corn. After soybean harvest, bucket lysimeters and electronic soil moisture instrumentation were installed, manure was incorporated, and winter wheat was established in the plots assigned to this entry point. On-farm research and demonstration projects were also initiated in 2012 on three farms across the state. Each farmer established two treatments also present in the PSU research farm plot experiment plus one additional mixture selected based on each farmer's interests and crop rotation. On-farm cover crop treatments were planted in a randomized complete block design with four replicates, in fields following winter grain or alfalfa in 2012 that will be planted to corn in 2013. Baseline soil samples were collected and anion exchange resins were installed at the initiation of each on-farm experiment. We held one summer field day, facilitated three farmer network meetings and contributed to a multi-departmental research symposium and a multi-project field day. PARTICIPANTS: Faculty Project Directors: Dr. Jason Kaye (lead PD), Mary Barbercheck, Dawn Luthe, Dave Mortensen. Postdoctoral Scholars, Dr. Macdonald (Mac) Burgess and Dr. Meagan Schipanski. Graduate students: Katie Ellis (M.S., Entomology), Denise Finney (Ph.D., Ecology), Jermaine Hinds (Ph.D., Entomology), Mitch Hunter (Ph.D., Agronomy), Shan Jin (Ph.D., Plant Biology) and Charlie White (Ph.D., Soil Science). Extension personnel: Sarah Cornelisse (Senior Extension Associate in Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology), Tianna Dupont (Extension Educator), David Hartman (Extension Educator), Mena Hautau (Extension Educator), Dr. Nancy Kiernan (Extension Administrator), and Charlie White. Technicians: Christina Mullen, Alan Cook, Brosi Bradley. Russell E. Larson Research Center Farm Managers: Scott Harkcom and Scott Smiles. Farmer advisors: Wade Esbenshade, Dan DeTurk, Abrahm Ziegler. TARGET AUDIENCES: The target audience consists of farmers, and particularly, but not exclusively, organic farmers in the mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. as well as extension personnel, industry leaders, government agency and non-profit staff, University students, and interested members of the public. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: In collaboration with our famer advisory committee, the 3-species cover crop mixture designed for "ease of management" was eliminated and replaced with a 4-species mixture targeting the provision of spring floral resources for beneficial insects, especially pollinators. Our proposal had noted that our final mixture choices would be made in consultation with our advisory board, so this type of modification was not unexpected. The new 4-species treatment includes winter cereal rye for weed suppression and soil improvement, winter canola and winter pea for spring floral resources, and either forage radish or red clover for nitrogen scavenging or fixation preceding soybean and corn crops respectively. The proposed "commercially-available" cover crop mixture has been specified as the "Broadcaster" mix available from King's Agriseeds, Ronks, PA, with the addition of oat and sunflower, for a total of 8 cultivars representing 7 species from 6 genera. The addition of these treatment adds two additional levels of diversity to the spectrum being analyzed (1,3,4,6, and 8 cultivars).

In November, 2011 a press release announcing initiation of the project was issued through Penn State and published by numerous print and online farm publications. Our farmer network meetings and summer field day were attended by 66 organic field crop producers farming 2,650 acres in Southeastern Pennsylvania. 54% of producers participating in these events rated their increase in knowledge as "considerable" as a result of these interactive and highly focused experiences (n=22). 100% of producers learned a moderate or considerable amount (n=22). 45% of participants planned to make specific changes in their operations such as "testing soil frequently," adopting "changes in weed management, cover cropping, planting dates and soil amendments," including specific techniques "blind tillage" and precise use of techniques such as "[timing] when to cut hay" (n=22). 27% had already made changes in their operations as a result of what they learned in study circles such as "cover crop seedings," and changing "my rotation and combating weeds." Network meetings and field days combined a variety of learning strategies. Producers were asked to rate strategies on a scale of not helpful to very helpful. 38% rated discussion with producers very helpful (n=13); 60% rated presentations by Penn State Specialists very helpful (n=15); 54% rated on-farm field days very helpful (n=11); and 30% rated powerpoint presentations very helpful (n=13). In March, 2012 we co-organized and presented an overview of our research to approximately 60 people at the Penn State Cropping Systems Symposium. In June we contributed one station to the multi-project field day "Strategies for Soil Health and Nutrient Conservation," attended by 103 farmers and ag service providers. This project's station focused on using cover crop mixtures for nitrogen management. Of 53 people that completed a post-event evaluation, 14 people who had "little" or "no" knowledge of nitrogen retention and supply from cover crop mixtures prior to the event increased their knowledge level to "some" or a "great deal" of knowledge. While only 13% of survey respondents had a "great deal" of knowledge prior to the event, 45% had a "great deal" of knowledge after the event. In fall 2012, 27 students from PI Mortensen's "weed ecology"' class utilized our plot study for a field exercise to assess trade-offs between weed suppressive and N-fixing cover crops.


  • Barbercheck, M. E. and R. Jabbour. 2012. Conservation of soilborne entomopathogens in organic cropping systems. Invited symposium presentation, in: Persistence of Microbial Control Agents: Current Challenges, Recent Advancements and Future Needs. Annual Meeting. Entomological Society of America. Knoxville, TN. Nov. 10-15, 2012. Program Book, pg. 56.
  • Barbercheck, M. E., W. S. Curran, J. Harper, R. Hoover, S. Mirsky, C. Reberg-Horton, A. Stone, M. VanGessel, and D. Weber. 2012. Reducing tillage in organic cropping systems. USDA NIFA Institute of Food Production and Sustainability Organic Project Directors Meeting. Washington, D.C. Oct. 3-4, 2012. Proceedings/Abstracts: pg. 31.
  • Kaye, J. P., M. E. Barbercheck, M. Burgess, S. Cornelisse, T. DuPont, D. Hartman, M. Hautau, D. Luthe, D. Mortensen, M. Schipanski, and C. White. 2012. Finding the right mix: Multifunctional cover crop cocktails for organic systems. USDA NIFA Institute of Food Production and Sustainability Organic Project Directors Meeting. Washington, D.C. Oct. 3-4, 2012. Proceedings/Abstracts: pg. 113.