Progress 06/15/11 to 06/14/16
Outputs Target Audience:The target audience for this project was school-age children (k-8) who reside in one rural and one urban setting in South Carolina, charcterized by by high poverty rates (67% and 91% respectively) and who potenally could particpate in an afterschool program. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?
Nothing Reported
How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Ongoing data collection is now collected by the Boys and Girls Club of the Upstate to disseminate the results of participation in the afterschool programs to community funders in order to sustain the program. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?
Nothing Reported
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
The four major goals of this project were accomplished. Goal: To involve community partners in improving educational outcomes. This goal was accomplished through partnership with the Boys and Girls Club of the Upstate whereby afterschool programs were established in both sites. Each site now has 100+ children attending every year. Goal: To integrate technology into the everyday experiences of children. This goal was accomplished through the introduction of various science curriculums delivered in the afterschool programs, and the permanent establishment of Legos clubs in each site that participate in regional competitions. Goal: To improve educational outcomes for students. This goal was accomplished as demonstrated by data routinely collected by the Boys and Girls Club of the Upstate that revels that children who participate in these afterschool programs have better educational outcomes than those who do not. Goal: To create a self-sustaining program at the conclusion of the project. The after-school programs at both sites are now self-sustaining and require no futher investment by Clemson. Indeed, both programs have succeeded to the point of having a waiting list for some activities.
Progress 06/15/12 to 06/14/13
Outputs Target Audience: Approximately 120 elementary students from the 3rd, 4th and 5th grades located in two rural and urban communities in South Carolina participated in the program. Changes/Problems: Two staff were replaced at the onset of the year requiring additional training. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? The annual CYFAR tranining conference provided training opportunities for 5 staff members. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?
Nothing Reported
What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? In addtiion to implementing the strategic plans, the goals are to begin 4-H clubs in both locations.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
To accomplish the goals,a STEM curriculum was implemented in two after-school programs in partnership with the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Upstate, South Carolina. The aftershool programs ran Monday-Friday during the school year, and STEM curricular modules were pilot-tested to develop a curriculum that could be used annually in a sustained fomat. Strategic plans were set in place regarding technology, evaluation and sustainability with goals of integrating technology into tthe curruculum, desining an appropriate evaluation and creating a plan to recruit volunteers and replenish curricular supplies.
Progress 06/15/11 to 06/14/12
Outputs OUTPUTS: Goal 1: Develop Program. The following objectives were accomplished- Program fully staffed and operational in two sites. Goal 2. Implement Program. A science curriculum was chosen and implemented in after-school programs at two sites in Spartanburg County, South Carolina. Goal 3: Evaluate Program. An evaluation plan was constructed using both common measures and will be pilot tested this summer. Goal 4: Integrate Community. Meetings have been held with staff to ascertain the most effective strategy to increase community involvement and these strategies are being integrated into a strategic plan. Goal 5: Integrate technology. Meetings have been held with staff to discuss an increase in the technology available to students and the training for staff, the results are being integrated into a strategic plan. Goal 6: Sustainability. Meeting have been held to increase community outreach and increase funding to improve sustainability. The results are being integrated into a strategic plan. PARTICIPANTS: Principal Investigator: Mark Small Mary Wright Elementary School Site Staff: Tamika Oden, Natalie Worley Edward Kibirige Chesnee Elementary School Site Staff: Latasha Carter, Magalie Kibirige Community Outreach Worker: Barbara Brown Partner Organization: Boys and Girls Club of the Upstate TARGET AUDIENCES: The targeted audience is children in two after-school programs,one urban, one rural, in economically distressed areas in South Carolina. Efforts are made to improve attitudes, knowledge and skills related to a science curriculum. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.
Impacts An assessment strategy is being designed and awaits Internal Review Board approval to measure students increase in attitudes, knowledge and skills related to the science curriculum.
- No publications reported this period