Source: AUBURN UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Oct 1, 2010
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2015
Grant Year
Program Code
[(N/A)]- (N/A)
Project Director
Wang, Y.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Biosystems Engineering
Non Technical Summary
This project focuses on childhood obesity. Below is a county-by-county map of the United States showing in black those counties that are in the top 2 quintiles for both obesity and diabetes. As can be seen from the map, most of the counties in the State of Alabama are blackened. The State of Alabama has perennially been among the states with the highest incidence of obesity and has been the state with the most diagnosed cases of diabetes per capita. There is a high probability that an obese child will be obese as an adult (Whitaker et al. 1997). To reverse the obesity trend in the United States, and decrease the incidence of its associated health complications, it is appropriate to attack the problem when it begins. For some people, this is in childhood. When food intake and physical activities habit begin to be established.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The long-term goal of this multi-disciplinary (ecology, engineering, and human nutrition) project is to develop a complete chain of culture of algae rich in fucoxanthin; extraction, separation, purification and identification of fucoxanthin from algae; and determine the effects of fucoxanthin on energy balance in an animal model of obesity.
Project Methods
A. Culture of diatoms (Chaetoceros gracilis) Four Chaetoceros cultures will be purchased from the Provasoli-Guillard National Center for Culture of Marine Phytoplankton (Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Science) and maintained under axenic conditions in glass containers using standard f/2 + Si medium for diatoms (Guillard and Ryther 1962) with artificial seawater. B. Fucoxanthin extraction 1. Selection of raw material 2. Selection of extractant 3. Optimization of extraction condition 4. Redistribution of the extract 5. Purification 6. Analysis C. Energy Balance of Rats Administered Extracted Fucoxanthin. To extend the earlier findings that funcoxanthin can decrease body fat; we will perform an energy balance study. We have previously performed a similar study looking at the effects of low dietary protein on energy balance (Du et al. 2000).

Progress 10/01/10 to 09/30/15

Target Audience:Food industry, nutritionist, scientists and engineers. Obesity has become a major public health problem in the United States. Obesity increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and some forms of cancer. A couple of research groups have identified the carotenoid fucoxanthin as a potential antiobesity compound. The functional food industry will be the immediate beneficiary of the study and the information provided by this research will be expended to other food. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?One PhD student worked on this project for four years. The observation and data the student collected became part of her dissertation. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Observations and results collected from this project have been disseminated to communities of interest by giving presentations in Institute of Food Technologists and other conferences, publishing a dissertation, and preparing one manuscript for a scientific journal. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? During the project period, we accomplished following activities according to the research timeline:First, determine the optimum perimeters of extraction of fucoxanthin from two species of algae (Chaetoceros gracilis as microalgae and Undaria pinnatifida as large algae) rich in fucoxanthin including ratio of extractant to raw material, extraction time and temperature; then separate, purify and identify fucoxanthin from algae; and use this product to determine the effect of the extracted fucoxanthin, administered daily, on the energy balance of rats fed a high-fat diet. Fucoxanthin is an epoxy carotenoid with important beneficial bioactivities. In this study, a type of microalgae (diatom) Thalassiosira weissflogii was used as the feedstock for fucoxanthin extraction. Effects on fucoxanthin yield of solvent types, feedstock conditions, presence of antioxidants, and extraction time were investigated. Results suggested diatoms might be a more cost-effective source for fucoxanthin extraction than brown algae. Wet diatoms can achieve high extraction yield over a much shorter period. Yield was 100.7 ± 5.8% of the average total available fucoxanthin in the diatoms during 10 min of extraction with acetone. Adding 0.3% of antioxidant, butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) could not increase the yields significantly in the short time, but may prevent the further potential decomposition of fucoxanthin. Fucoxanthin, a major carotenoid that exists in the Phaeophyta and most other heterokonts such as diatoms, has been suggested to exerts some amazing health benefits in recent metabolic and nutritional studies. Functional foods are defined as foods that have health-promoting or disease-preventing properties beyond that of the basic nutrients they supply. In this regard, fucoxanthin could be considered as a functional food that has been suggested to have antiobesity and antidiabetic properties. It is attracting more and more attention from researchers in food science and human nutrition areas. In this study, we examined whether daily administration of fucoxanthin would have an anti-obesity effect in Wistar rats fed a high fat, high sucrose diet. Fucoxanthin administration (0.5 mg/kg/day for the first 4 weeks and up to 1.0 mg/kg/day for an additional 8 weeks) did not result in any anti-obesity or anti-diabetes activity. Rather, the rats gavaged with fucoxanthin had more fat and fat% (a percentage of carcass weight). The lipid gain of rats fed the high-fat diet and treated with fucoxanthin was 37% greater than that of rats fed the high-fat diet and treated with vehicle. The energy efficiency of rats treated with fucoxanthin was also significantly greater than in rats not treated with fucoxanthin. While food intake was not significantly different between fucoxanthin- and vehicle-treated rats fed the high fat diet, food intake was numerical greater in the fucoxanthin-treated rats between weeks 4 and 8. Data calculated from the examination of energy balance showed that high fat-fed fucoxanthin-treated rats had lower energy expenditures for a given amount of food than did high fat-fed vehicle-treated rats. The fucoxanthin-treated rats did have lower averages of ambulatory activity, but the variation was too high to be any statistical differences between treatment groups. As opposed to our hypothesis, but consistent with an increase in body fat in fucoxanthin-treated rats, rats treated with fucoxanthin were glucose intolerant as compared to either the low fat-fed rats or the high fat-fed treated with vehicle. This was inconsistent with fucoxanthin having anti-diabetic effects. Fucoxanthin- treated Wistar rats fed a high diet seemed to store energy into fat more readily through small increases in food take over a long period time and increased energetic efficiency. This study questions the hypothesis that fucoxanthin supplementation has anti-obesity and anti-diabetic effects.


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Wang, S., Wang, Y., and White, D. 2015. Paradoxical Increase in Body Fat Gain and Decrease in Glucose Responsiveness in Rats Chronically Treated with a Fucoxanthin Extract. The 8th annual Boshell Research Day, February 13, 2015, Auburn, AL.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Yifen Wang and Douglas White, 2014. Comprehensive Utilization of Microalgae. Auburn Speaks, pages 226 to 233.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Wang, S., Liu, S., White, D., and Wang, Y. 2013. Fucoxanthin Extraction from Diatom (Thalassiosira weissflogii). IFT Annual Meeting, July 13-16, 2013, Chicago, IL.
  • Type: Theses/Dissertations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Study on Extraction of Fucoxanthin and Its Potential Anti-obesity Effect

Progress 10/01/12 to 09/30/13

Target Audience: Food industry, nutritionist, scientists and engineers. Obesity has become a major public health problem in the United States. Obesity increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and some forms of cancer. A couple of research groups have identified the carotenoid fucoxanthin as a potential antiobesity compound. The functional food industry will be the immediate beneficiary of the study and the information provided by this research will be expended to other food. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Two associate professors and one PhD student mainly involved in the research supported by the project. Through the experimental design, experiments, and observations and results from the experiments, two professors enhanced their theoretic knowledge and hands-on skills, and applied the knowledge to practice. On the other hand, the PhD student not only learned how to use related equipment, instruments, tools etc. needed by the research, but also learned a methodology on how to do research independently which is more important for PhD training. After completing part or all objectives of the project, the PhD student, under advice of the professors, will write scientific papers and dissertation to report observations of the research. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? We attended several academic seminars and presented our observations in two departments--Chemical Engineering Department and Biosystems Engineering. Also, a report about this work was published in our university’s media. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? During the past year, we accomplished following activities according to the research timeline: First, measured viscosity of gelatin solution for various gelatin concentrations and at different temperatures; then optimized combination of gelatin and fucoxanthin under different concentrations and temperatures to form stable emulsions suitable for effective spray drying process. Secondly, set up a laboratory scale spray dryer system together with high speed and high resolution cameras that enable visualization studies on the spray and droplet characteristics during spray drying process. Thirdly, optimized operational parameters of the spray dryer with the assistance of the high speed and high resolution cameras to “design” spray and result in the desired particle properties.


    Progress 10/01/11 to 09/30/12

    OUTPUTS: Based on achievement of objective a): First, determine the optimum perimeters of extraction of fucoxanthin from one species of algae (Thalassiosira weissflogii as microalgae) rich in fucoxanthin, including ratio of extractant to raw material, extraction time and temperature; then separate, purify and identify fucoxanthin from algae last year, we carried out studies on effect of antioxidants including vitamin C and butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) on extraction of fucoxathin. Also, we examined extraction kinetics. PARTICIPANTS: Yifen Wang: principal investigator, Doug White: co_PI, Shaoyang Liu: research fellow, and Shuhui Wang: PhD student TARGET AUDIENCES: Food industry, nutritionist, scientists and engineers. Obesity has become a major public health problem in the United States. Obesity increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and some forms of cancer. A couple of research groups have identified the carotenoid fucoxanthin as a potential antiobesity compound. The functional food industry will be the immediate beneficiary of the study and the information provided by this research will be expended to other food. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

    Fucoxanthin is a major carotenoid with formula C42H58O6. It is an orange pigment which is found as an accessory pigment in the chloroplasts of brown algae and most other heterokonts such as diatoms, prymnesiophytes, raphidophytes and chrysophytes, giving them a brown or olivegreen color. Worldwide, the yield of fucoxanthin in algae is 6.8 million tons every year. Fucoxanthin is found in high content in two species of brown algae: Undaria pinnatifida and Laminaria japonica Aresch, which are the common sources for fucoxanthin extraction. Effects of antioxidants Antioxidants are frequently used to prevent or slow down degradation of carotenoids. In preliminary experiments, we tested vitamin C and BHA. BHA, a widely used antioxidant in food industry, appeared better anti-oxidant effects in fucoxanthin extraction. Acetone and ethanol with 0.3% BHA (w/v) were used to extract fucoxanthin from wet diatom concentrate. Figure 3 indicated that BHA can protect fucoxanthin during the extraction and slightly increase the fucoxanthin yields. The data showed that, in the wet algae extraction, fucoxanthin yields for 60-min extractions were increased by 5.6% in ethanol and 4.3% in acetone when using 0.3% BHA. As fucoxanthin is sensitive to oxidation, there is a potential need to use antioxidants to stablize the extraction process and prolong fucoxanthin's shelf life. The variety and dosage of antioxidant will be further investigated in further studies. Extraction kinetics About 1 g of wet diatom concentrate was placed in an Erlenmeyer flask. Then, 20 ml of organic solvent (ethanol or acetone, with or without 0.3% BHA) was added, and the flask was sealed, placed in an orbital shaker and shaken at 150 rpm under room temperatures. At a series of predetermined time (2min, 4min, 6min, 8min, 10min, 15min, 30min and 60min), 0.10 ml of the extract was sampled from the flask, then 100 ul of 0.40 mg/ml Sudan I were added , and the sample was further diluted by 5.0 ml of ethanol. After mixing, the resulted solution was filtered through a 0.2 um syringe filter and subjected to HPLC analysis. The flask was completely covered with aluminum foil during the extraction to prevent potential light-induced degradation of fucoxanthin. All the experiments were conducted in triplicate


    • Wang, S., Liu, S., White B. D., and Wang, Y. 2013. Fucoxanthin Extraction from Diatom (Thalassiosira weissflogii). Abstract Book of IFT Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. July, 2013.

    Progress 10/01/10 to 09/30/11

    OUTPUTS: We accomplished following activities according to the research timeline: a) First, determine the optimum perimeters of extraction of fucoxanthin from one species of algae (Thalassiosira weissflogii as microalgae) rich in fucoxanthin, including ratio of extractant to raw material, extraction time and temperature; then separate, purify and identify fucoxanthin from algae. PARTICIPANTS: Yifen Wang: principal investigator, Doug White: co_PI, Shaoyang Liu: research fellow, and Shuhui Wang: PhD student TARGET AUDIENCES: Food industry, nutritionist, scientists and engineers. Obesity has become a major public health problem in the United States. Obesity increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and some forms of cancer. A couple of research groups have identified the carotenoid fucoxanthin as a potential antiobesity compound. The functional food industry will be the immediate beneficiary of the study and the information provided by this research will be expended to other food. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

    Extraction and analysis of Fucoxanthin Fucoxanthin is a major carotenoid with formula C42H58O6. It is an orange pigment which is found as an accessory pigment in the chloroplasts of brown algae and most other heterokonts such as diatoms, prymnesiophytes, raphidophytes and chrysophytes, giving them a brown or olive-green color. Worldwide, the yield of fucoxanthin in algae is 6.8 million tons every year. Fucoxanthin is found in high content in two species of brown algae: Undaria pinnatifida and Laminaria japonica Aresch, which are the common sources for fucoxanthin extraction. The extraction and purification procedures from brown algae employed by researchers are similar: an organic solvent is first used to extract fucoxanthin from algae, and then silica gel column chromatography and/or thin layer chromatograph (TLC) are applied for purification. Considering the properties of fucoxanthin and its presence in the algae, researchers have usedvisible spectroscopy (VIS), mass spectrometry (MS), high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), circular dichroism spectroscopy (CD) and their combinations to determine and quantify it. In an acidic solution and under dim light and low temperatures, fucoxanthin is stable. Under weak acid and weak alkali conditions, a reversible change of color takes place. Under strong alkali, strong light or high temperature conditions, the structure of fucoxanthin is destroyed. These chemical characteristics of fucoxanthin increase the difficulty of extracting and purifying it. In our laboratories one of our goals is to obtain pure fucoxanthin and use other cultivated microalgae instead of brown algae to produce fucoxanthin. In the literature, there are several reports on the fatty acid, lipid, amino-acids and sugar composition of almost all microalgae used in mariculture for determining the nutritional value of the microalgae as food for animals in mariculture. No study has been reported on extracting fucoxanthin from diatoms (Thalassiosira weissflogii). Compared with brown algae, the advantages of extracting fucoxanthin from diatoms are micro-volume but well-nutrition, its fast reproduction rate, heat-resistance, and low cost. Preliminary Data We did the chemical structural identification on fucoxanthin isolated through silica gel column chromatography by HPLC, MS and NMR to make sure the fucoxanthin isolated by the right methods but not other isomers. The purity of the fucoxanthin isolated is as high as 90%. Two different types of chromatographic conditions were established for analyzing pigments extracted from brown algae and diatoms respectively. Both are effective in detecting the characteristic peak of fucoxanthin with a retention time of approximately 9.5 minutes. The HPLC method to determine fucoxanthin content in the algae was established. This method is accurate and has a highly linear relationship. It can be applied to determining the fucoxanthin content of a variety of algae and food and will help to establish the quality standards of fucoxanthin food products.


    • No publications reported this period