Source: UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Feb 1, 2011
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2015
Grant Year
Project Director
Moose, ST, P.
Recipient Organization
2001 S. Lincoln Ave.
Performing Department
Crop Sciences
Non Technical Summary
The Illinois Long-term Selection Experiment (ILTSE) for grain protein and oil concentration has produced populations with the known phenotypic extremes for these traits. The strains created from this experiment (Illinois Protein and Oil Strains), therefore, provide an excellent genetic resource for studying the genetic basis for the response to phenotypic selection. Genomics approaches will allow for the identification of genes contributing to kernel composition and associated traits, such as N metabolism and seed development, and their introgression into elite germplasm for trait improvement. Furthermore, because selection has altered multiple correlated traits, including kernel starch concentration and grain yield, the ILTSE also provides a genetic resource for studying how selection for quantitative traits can alter many regions of the genome simultaneously, of which little is known.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Objective One: Create populations of IHP, IRLP, IRLP2, IRHP2 and IRHP3, and continue selection. Objective Two: Generate inbred oil strains from the most recent cycle of selection: IHO1, ILO1, IRHO1, and IRLO1. Objective Three: Conduct genome-wide high-density genotyping on a minimum of 24 individuals from cycle 65 and 105 of the inbred protein strains (IHP1, ILP1, IRHP1 and IRLP1).
Project Methods
For Objective One: The Illinois Protein Strains still exhibiting progress from selection over the last decade (IHP, IRLP, IRLP2, IRHP2 and IRHP3) will be planted in the 2011 summer nursery using seed generated from the previous cycles of selection and which is available in our lab. Although the breeding scheme employed in this experiment only requires 200 plants, 300 kernels are planted per genotype in twenty plots of 15 plants per plot to allow for poor germination and to account for differences in flowering time within each population. One-hundred ears per genotype will be created from 200 plants where each plant is only used once, as either the male or female, a breeding scheme that minimizes inbreeding. Ears will be pollinated using conventional maize breeding techniques, harvested, dried and shelled. Approximately 150 kernels from each ear will be ground to a fine powder and NIR performed to obtain the percentage of protein, starch, moisture and oil using a DICKEY-john Instalab 600 near-infrared analyzer (NIR) available for our use at the University field laboratory. The rest of the kernels from each ear will be saved. Depending on genotype, the twelve ears with the highest or lowest protein concentration will be selected as the parents of the next cycle of recurrent selection. All aspects of Objective One will be completed by one graduate student. Objective Two: For each oil strain, individual ears with grain oil concentrations representing the population mean will be selected from the most recent cycle of selection. Fifteen kernels from each ear will be planted in a single row in the 2011 summer nursery, and the individuals selfed six or more generations to create several inbred lines per genotype. The individuals with the best agronomic traits, such as germination and standability, and whose oil concentrations represent that of the population, will be selected as the inbred oil strain for a particular genotype. All aspects of Objective Two will be completed by one graduate student. Objective Three: A minimum of 24 individual plants from cycle 65 and 105 of IHP, ILP, IRHP and IRLP, as well as the inbred protein strains (IHP1, ILP1, IRHP1 and IRLP1) will be grown in the greenhouse and leaf tissue sampled for DNA isolation. Possible genotyping approaches are identification of copy number variation, SNPs or genotyping by sequencing.

Progress 02/01/11 to 09/30/15

Target Audience:Scientists engaged in studies of plant evolution, genetics, and breeding. Researchers with an interest in trait variation modulated by the experiment, such as grain composition and nutrient utilization. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The project provides practical training to undergraduate and graduate students in the genetic improvement of corn, specifically grain composition and related traits, such as N utilization and the relative growth of endosperm and embryo tissues within the cereal seed. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Through presentations at scientific conferences, seminars, and peer-reviewed publications. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? An additional cycle of selection was conducted in 2015 for each of IHP, IRHP, IRHP2, IRHP3, and IRLP2. IRLP was also grown, but early season flooding negatively impacted the growth of the plants from this population, so grain composition data was not collected. Inbred lines were produced from each of the populations selected for oil concentration: Illinois High Oil inbreds (IHO1, IHO2, IHO3, IHO4), Illinois Low Oil (ILO1), Illinois Switchback High Oil (ISHO1, ISHO2, ISHO3), Illinois Reverse High Oil (IRHO1), and Illinois Reverse Low Oil (IRLO1). Genotype-by-sequencing was used to generate information at approximately 900,000 SNP positions in the genomes of at least six individuals from each of the IHP cycle 65, ILP cycle 65, and IHP cycle 100 populations. Similar profiles were generated for the IHP1, ILP1, IRLP1 and IRHP1 inbred lines. Quality filtering yielded 61,060 SNPs that were present in all individuals without any missing data. All genotypes shared the same SNP allele at 43,996 positions. Among the segregating sites, 9,242 were segregating in ILP65 but fixed in IHP65, and 4,782 were segregating in IHP65 but fixed in ILP65. A total of 3,060 (5%) SNPs were fixed for different alleles in IHP65 compared to ILP65. Heterozygosity was reduced to 10.4% in IHP100 compared to 20% in IHP65 and 12.8% in ILP65.


  • Type: Theses/Dissertations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Lucas, C.J. 2014. Genetic analysis of grain protein concentration and related traits in the Illinois protein strain recombinant inbred population of maize. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Illinois. Available for download at

Progress 10/01/13 to 09/30/14

Target Audience: Scientists engaged in studies of plant evolution, genetics, and breeding. Researchers with an interest in trait variation modulated by the experiment, such as grain composition and nutrient utilization. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? The project provides practical training to undergraduate and graduate students in the genetic improvement of corn, specifically grain composition and related traits, such as N utilization and the relative growth of endosperm and embryo tissues within the cereal seed. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Conduct an additional cycle of selection for grain composition traits, complete generation of Illinois Oil Strain inbred lines, and analyze genotyping data for an experiment to identify genomic regions influencing selected traits. Publish journal articles on genomic responses to selection for grain protein concentration.

What was accomplished under these goals? Under Objective One,an additional cycle of selection was conducted for each of IHP, IRLP, IRLP2, IRHP2 and IRHP3. Under Objective Two,S6 lines were produced from each of IHO1, ILO1, IRHO1 and IRLO1. Under Objective Three,DNA samples from individuals of cycles 65 and 100 from each of IHP and ILP, as well as recombinant inbred lines derived from the cross of IHP cycle 70 and ILP cycle 70, were collected for high density genotyping.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Ayodeji, A., Adetimirin, V.O., Menkir, A., Moose, S.P. and Olaniyan, A.B. Performance of tropical maize hybrids under conditions of low and optimum levels of nitrogen fertilizer application  grain yield, biomass production, and nitrogen accumulation. Maydica 58: 141-150.

Progress 01/01/13 to 09/30/13

Target Audience: Scientists engaged in studies of plant evolution, genetics, and breeding. Researchers with interest in trait variation modulated by the experiment, such as grain composition and nutrient utilization. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? The project provides practical training in the genetic improvement of corn, specifically grain composition and related traits, such as N utilization and the relative growth of endosperm and embryo tissues within the cereal seed. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Project progress was presented by graduate student Christine Lucas to attendees of the Illinois Corn Breeder’s School, a continuing education program for industry corn breeders, the Maize Genetics Conference (poster) and a Plant Breeding webinar sponsored by Dow AgroSciences and hosted by the University of Minnesota. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Conduct an additional cycle of selection for grain composition traits, complete generation of Illinois Oil Strain inbred lines, analyze genotyping data for experiment to identify genomic regions influencing selected traits. Publish journal article on genomic responses to selection for grain protein concentration.

What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1 – An additional cycle of selection was conducted for each of IHP, IRLP, IRLP2, IRHP2 and IRHP3. Objective 2 – S5 lines were produced from each of IHO1, ILO1, IRHO1 and IRLO1. Objective 3 – DNA samples from individuals of cycles 65 and 100 from each of IHP, ILP, IRHP, IRLP, IHO and ILO, as well as derived inbred lines from cycle 90 of each strain were genotyped using genotyping by sequencing performed by the Cornell University Institute for Genomic Diversity.


    Progress 01/01/12 to 12/31/12

    OUTPUTS: This project's activities were associated with the continuation and further analysis of materials and information produced from the Illinois Long Term Selection Experiment for protein and oil concentration in corn grain. 2012 marks the 113th growing season for the project. An additional cycle of selection was conducted for the following six populations (cycle number): Illinois High Protein (110), Illinois Reverse High Protein (61), Illinois Reverse Low Protein (63), Illinois Reverse Low Protein2 (21), Illinois Reverse High Protein2 (9), and Illinois Reverse High Protein3 (10). Included as reference genotypes in the experiment to aid in assessing genetic gain were inbred lines derived from each of Illinois High Protein, Illinois Low Protein, Illinois Reverse High Protein, and Illinois Reverse Low Protein. Also grown for reference were S4-derived lines from the most recent cycle of selection of each of the other strains: Illinois High Oil (108), Illinois Low Oil (86), Illinois Reverse High Oil (58), Illinois Reverse Low Oil (61), and Illinois Switchback High Oil (101). An additional generation of inbreeding was conducted to produce representative inbred lines from these selected populations. All populations were grown in adjacent plots in the summer nursery, with 60 kg/ha supplemental N fertilizer. For each population, the 12 selected ears from the previous selection cycle were divided into two groups of six ears, 25 seed from the six ears bulked, and 15 seed from each bulk planted per row in 10 sets of rows that alternated the two groups of six selected ears. Fifty ears from each of the two groups within the population (100 total) were pollinated by a single male plant from the other group, with each plant being used as either a male or female parent only once. Sixty well-filled ears were randomly chosen for compositional analysis. The primary outputs from this project are the unique germplasm resources and the opportunities it offers for educating students and the general public about plant breeding. The project annually investigates and provides empirical data regarding the limits to genetic selection, sources of genetic variation, and methods for measuring cereal grain composition. The project also provides practical training in the genetic improvement of corn, including the development of germplasm resources with novel grain composition and related traits, such as N utilization and the relative growth of endosperm and embryo tissues within the cereal seed. PARTICIPANTS: The principal investigator for this project is Stephen Moose. He worked with laboratory personnel to organize the nursery plots, produce plant materials, conduct laboratory tests, and analyze data. A graduate student (Christine Lucas) and three undergraduate students directly participated in the conduct of the experiment during 2012. TARGET AUDIENCES: Scientists engaged in studies of plant evolution, genetics, and breeding. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

    The important outcomes and impacts of the project are knowledge about the genetic basis for phenotypic responses to selection. Both commercial and academic research programs continue to request seeds and biological materials from the Illinois Long Term Selection Strains, with two new requests during 2012 from Dr. Ivan Baxter (USDA-ARS and Donald Danforth Center) and Michigan State University. The generation of molecular genetics resources such as DNAs isolated from individual plants can be used in studies of how selection has affected the structure and expression of the corn genome. Furthermore, it will allow more effective associations between genotype and phenotype, with utility in both discovery of gene functions and the genetic improvement of corn.


    • Lucas, C.J., Zhao, H., Schneerman, M. and Moose, S.P. 2012. Genomic changes in response to 110 cycles of selection for seed protein and oil concentration in maize. Book chapter in Seed Genomics. P. Becraft ed., Wiley.

    Progress 01/01/11 to 12/31/11

    OUTPUTS: This project's activities were associated with the continuation and further analysis of materials and information produced from the Illinois Long Term Selection Experiment for protein and oil concentration in corn grain. 2011 marks the 112th growing season for the project. An additional cycle of selection was conducted for the following six populations (cycle number): Illinois High Protein (109), Illinois Reverse High Protein (60), Illinois Reverse Low Protein (62), Illinois Reverse Low Protein2 (20), Illinois Reverse High Protein2 (8), and Illinois Reverse High Protein3 (9). Included as reference genotypes in the experiment to aid in assessing genetic gain were inbred lines derived from each of Illinois High Protein, Illinois Low Protein, Illinois Reverse High Protein, and Illinois Reverse Low Protein. Also grown for reference were individuals from the most recent cycle of selection of each of the other strains: Illinois High Oil (108), Illinois Low Oil (86), Illinois Reverse High Oil (58), Illinois Reverse Low Oil (61), and Illinois Switchback High Oil (101). Selection for the other strains was discontinued due to the apparent lack of recent response to selection. However, individuals from each of these recent selection cycles were self-pollinated to initiate the development of reference inbred lines for each population. All populations were grown in adjacent plots in the summer nursery, with 60 kg/ha supplemental N fertilizer. For each population, the 12 selected ears from the previous selection cycle were divided into two groups of six ears, 25 seed from the six ears bulked, and 15 seed from each bulk planted per row in 10 sets of rows that alternated the two groups of six selected ears. Fifty ears from each of the two groups within the population (100 total) were pollinated by a single male plant from the other group, with each plant being used as either a male or female parent only once. Sixty well-filled ears were randomly chosen for compositional analysis. The primary outputs from this project are the unique germplasm resources and the opportunities it offers for educating students and the general public about plant breeding. The project annually investigates and provides empirical data regarding the limits to genetic selection, sources of genetic variation, and methods for measuring cereal grain composition. The project also provides practical training in the genetic improvement of corn, including the development of germplasm resources with novel grain composition and related traits such as N utilization and the relative growth of endosperm and embryo tissues within the cereal seed. PARTICIPANTS: The principal investigator for this project is Stephen Moose. He worked with laboratory personnel to organize the nursery plots, produce plant materials, conduct laboratory tests, and analyze data. A graduate student (Christine Lucas) and three undergraduate students directly participated in the conduct of the experiment during 2011. TARGET AUDIENCES: Scientists engaged in studies of plant evolution, genetics, and breeding. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

    The important outcomes and impacts of the project are knowledge about the genetic basis for phenotypic responses to selection. Both commercial and academic research programs continue to request seeds and biological materials from the Illinois Long Term Selection Strains, with four new requests during 2011 from Galilee Seeds in Israel, Michigan State University, Purdue University, and the University of Minnesota. The generation of molecular genetics resources such as DNAs isolated from individual plants can be used for studies of how selection has affected the structure and expression of the corn genome. Furthermore, it will allow more effective associations between genotype and phenotype, with utility in both discovery of gene functions and the genetic improvement of corn.


    • Lucas, C.J. 2010. Regulation of FLOURY2-mRFP expression in response to long term selection for grain protein concentration in maize. M.S. thesis, University of Illinois. Available for download at