Source: NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
State Agricultural Experiment Station
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Sep 16, 2010
Project End Date
Jul 1, 2013
Grant Year
Project Director
Singh, N.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Meiotic recombination rate is known to be variable both with respect to the total amount of crossing over and crossover distribution. This variation manifests both within and between species, and at both local and genomic scales. However, the genetic basis of this variation largely remains unknown. I propose a series of experiments using Drosophila melanogaster that captures the nature and extent of variation in recombination rate at several scales and probes the genetic basis of this variability. These experiments combine classical genetics with innovative next-generation sequencing technologies to yield critical information regarding the genetic basis of a fundamental biological process.Together, these experiments will not only characterize the scale and scope of variation in recombination rate among individuals and populations and across the genome, but will also identify both genetic and genomic factors that serve to modulate this variation. While the former has deep implications for both genome-wide association studies and population genetic models, both of which assume that recombination rate is constant among individuals, the latter will shed crucial light on the genetic basis of a fundamental biological process and the degree to which these mechanisms are conserved evolutionarily.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
304 - Animal Genome;

Subject Of Investigation
3110 - Insects;

Field Of Science
1080 - Genetics;
Goals / Objectives
Meiotic recombination rate is known to be variable both with respect to the total amount of crossing over and crossover distribution. This variation manifests both within and between species, and at both local and genomic scales. However, the genetic basis of this variation largely remains unknown. I propose a series of experiments using Drosophila melanogaster that captures the nature and extent of variation in recombination rate at several scales and probes the genetic basis of this variability. First, I will survey natural variation in broad-scale recombination rate in a fully sequenced panel of 192 lines and use whole genome association studies to identify the genic variants associated with recombination rate variation. Second, I will examine crossover distribution at an ultrafine scale in two populations of D. melanogaster to identify local features of genomic context that mediate within- and between-population variation in crossover distribution. Finally, I will leverage existing population genomic datasets to estimate population recombination rate in two populations of D. melanogaster. This proposed project will yield ultrafine-scale genetic maps of a 2.1 Mb region in 16 lines of D. melanogaster in addition to a fine-scale genetic map of two different populations. This work will be presented at several national and international conferences, including the annual Drosophila meeting and the meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution.
Project Methods
The proposed work has three specific aims. First, I will determine the genetic basis for chromosome-level variation in recombination rate. To do so, I will survey population-level variability in recombination rate in a natural population of D. melanogaster. I will measure rates of crossing over between pairs of markers on all three major chromosomes using classical genetics in a fully-sequenced panel of 192 inbred lines of D. melanogaster. Having determined the nature and extent of recombination rate variation, I will use whole genome association studies to identify allelic variants that associate with phenotypic variation in recombination rate among individuals. These data will thus highlight which genes contribute to variation in global recombination rate among individuals. Second, I will characterize population-level variation in crossover distribution at an ultrafine scale and determine the genetic basis for this variation. I hypothesize that total amount of crossing over and the physical distribution of crossovers are under separate genetic control. While the first aim seeks to identify the factors modulating variation in total recombination rate among individuals, the current aim will identify factors associated with variation in the distribution of crossovers. I will characterize the distribution of crossover events at an ultrafine scale in sixteen lines of D. melanogaster by generating recombinant males containing a single crossover in the 2.1 Mb separating garnet and scalloped. I will fully resequence this region in the recombinants to determine crossover distribution at maximal resolution. Associating peaks and valleys in the recombinational landscape with features of sequence context such as transcription factor binding sites or GC content will facilitate identifying genomic features critical for determining crossover distribution. Finally, I seek to estimate variation in population recombination rate and determine its genetic basis. This project seeks to integrate heterogeneity in recombination rates across global and local scales by estimating population recombination rate in two populations of D. melanogaster. I will take advantage of existing population genomic datasets for both African and American populations, and leverage well-supported computational infrastructure to estimate the population recombinational landscape at a genomic scale. Querying the genome for sequence motifs or other aspects of genomic context that associate with recombination intensity will facilitate identifying key genetic components mediating recombination rate variation across the genome and between populations.

Progress 09/16/10 to 07/01/13

Target Audience: Our work has been presented at one international conference and two other universities. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? We have presented these data at the annual Drosophila meeting. These data will be written up for publication in the next 6 months. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? We stand poised to accompish these goals in the next 6 months.


    Progress 10/01/10 to 09/30/11

    OUTPUTS: My proposed work focuses on recombination rate variation in Drosophila. In this reporting period, we have generated 10,000 recombinant males with a single crossover in a defined 2.1 Mb region of the D. melanogaster X chromosome. These recombinants represent meiotic events occurring in 16 different strains from two different populations. We will be sequencing these individual flies for this target region to localize recombination breakpoints. Pilot genotyping data are forthcoming. We have also made much progress in our population genetic inference of recombination rate. The first step in this project is to define relevant, Drosophila-specific parameter space. We have conducted a series of simulations to this end, which are currently running. With respect to the final project, which is the estimation of recombination rate in a mapping panel of D. melanogaster, we have nearly completed the construction of the mutant lines that will be used for this experiment. We expect to begin this project in the Fall. PARTICIPANTS: Stephanie Ruzsa (part-time research support specialist) Matt Robinson (graduate student) TARGET AUDIENCES: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

    The impacts of this work are broad and far-reaching. With respect to fine-scale mapping of recombination rate, our data will yield 16 independent estimates of the recombination map, providing key information regarding the population-level variability of ultrafine-scale crossover distribution in D. melanogaster, about which nothing is known. As nothing is known regarding the underlying cause(s) of population-level variation in recombination rate in Drosophila, this line of inquiry is extremely exciting and has tremendous potential for uncovering the key genomic features that govern fine-scale recombination rate variation in this model system. In addition, the comparison of resulting data from the two distinct populations will allow us to test whether the features governing intrapopulation variability in recombination rate are the same as those modulating interpopulation variability. Further, comparing these features to those identified in other systems such as humans, for instance, will illuminate the degree to which the factors modulating recombination rate variation are grossly conserved across eukaryotes. With respect to the population genomic inference of recombination rate,understanding the scale at which recombination intensity varies is critical. With the advent of genomics, we are now poised to dissect the relationship between genotype and phenotype with unparalleled precision. Doing so relies heavily on genome-wide association studies (GWAS), which can facilitate discovery of allelic variants underlying phenotypes of interest. The efficacy of such studies, however, is dependent on the degree of linkage disequilibrium (LD), or the non-random association of alleles at multiple loci, in the sample. Because recombination essentially removes LD by breaking down the non-random association of alleles at linked sites, determining the scale at which recombination intensity is heterogeneous will necessarily inform mapping studies and linkage-based analyses. This is particularly important in D. melanogaster, which is often used as a model for association studies. Finally, with respect to characterizing genome-level variability in recombination rate, the data yielded in our studies will yield a comprehensive estimate of population-level variability in recombination rate in D. melanogaster. This work will provide much-needed insight into the genetic basis of this variation by identifying SNPs statistically associated with recombination rate variation that will make excellent candidates for functional validation. Finally, our results will greatly contribute to our understanding of key questions about the genetic basis of complex traits.


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