Source: UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Oct 1, 2010
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2013
Grant Year
Program Code
[(N/A)]- (N/A)
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Food Science & Technology
Non Technical Summary
Fusarium Head Scab is a serious disease of wheat, causing considerable economic losses due to both outright loss of the crop to the fungus, and to mycotoxin production in grain pre- and postharvest. The fungus Fusarium graminearum is incapable of spreading in wheat without the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON); strains that lack DON are effectively harmless. Resistant varieties of wheat do not respond to DON - or F. graminearum - but may be susceptible to other pathogens, or lack optimal qualities for food, flour, etc. The exact plant genes responsible for DON response or resistance are not known. This research addresses the dialog between fungus and plant during the early stages of infection: what signal from the plant turns on DON production What genes in the plant respond to DON to let the fungus infect or, in resistant plants, to keep it from spreading By examining gene expression at the time of initial infection and the 72 hours afterwards, in wheat varieties that differ only in Fusarium resistance, we can identify the wheat genes that respond directly to the fungal toxin. These individual genes can then be evaluated one by one for their role in disease development, and may be used in very specific, targeted breeding programs to introduce one or a few disease-resistance genes into plants possessing other desirable characteristics. Whole-genome microarrays, a technique showing the expression of every gene in a genome for a given gene or set of conditions, will be used to identify wheat genes of interest. It is necessary to use a whole-genome technique, as it is not known what wheat genes are involved. The presence of the fungus, and toxin gene expression, will be monitored by qRT-PCR, a technique that allows quantification of the expression of individual genes where they are known. Toxin production will be confirmed by the use of a commercial kit for DON detection and quantification.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
To characterize quality attributes and develop systems to measure quality of cereals, oilseeds, and bioprocess coproducts. To develop methods to maintain quality, capture value, and preserve food safety at key points in the harvest to end product value chain. To quantify and disseminate the impact of market-chain technolgoies on providing high value, food-safe, and bio-secure grains for global markets and bioprocess industries.
Project Methods
First phases of multistate project: Research will be performed in the greenhouses on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln East Campus. Near-isogenic lines of hard red winter wheat cv. Wesley, differing in the presence or absence of the head scab resistance QTL FHB1 will be inoculated with the sequenced strain of Fusarium graminearum, PH-1 (NRRL 31084). This strain produces the trichothecene mycotoxins DON and 15ADON, which act as virulence factors in wheat. Additionally, a TRI5 knockout strain of F. graminearum PH-1, incapable of producing trichothecenes, will be used as a control. Kernels adjacent to the inoculation point will be harvested from 3-9 days post-inoculation, the wheat and fungal RNA extracted, and mycotoxin levels quantified using ELISA. Quantitative reverse-transcript PCR (qRT-PCR) will be used to assess 1) the presence or absence of the fungus (using fungal housekeeping genes GAPDH and EF1A) and 2) the transcript abundance of genes in the trichothecene biosynthesis pathway (e.g. TRI5 and TRI8); this data will be correlated with the condition of the harvested wheat kernels and the measured levels of DON. The same RNA will be hybridized to the Affymetrix Wheat GeneChip to provide a transcriptional profile for the wheat. The cross-talk between host plant and fungus will be examined at fine scale (with sampling at 1-3 hour intervals beginning 12 hours before DON gene expression is first detected, and continuing until 24 hours after the DON mycotoxin is first detected - likely 5-7 days post-inoculation) to answer the following questions: What signal(s) from the plant initiate DON gene expression and DON synthesis in the fungus What plant genes allow DON to act as a virulence factor in the absence of FHB1, but not in its presence The use of the TRI5 knockout strain of PH-1 will enable us to differentiate between general plant response to pathogen attack, and specific response to the trichothecene mycotoxin; the resistant wheat plants will independently address the same issue. Affymetrix data will be analyzed using the limma module in Bioconductor, which provides statistical significance for comparisons between treatments in microarray data. All experiments will be replicated in triplicate. The exact times of harvest for data collection will be contingent upon initial mycotoxin and mycotoxin transcript data, collected daily from 3-9 days post-inoculation. Affymetrix GeneChips will not be used until the second phase investigating the cross-talk between plant and fungus with sampling at 1-3 hour intervals. Depending on the information obtained from the wheat GeneChips, qRT-PCR may eventually be used to query a subset of relevant wheat genes. Future stages of the project include collaboration with the wheat breeders to investigate the specific roles of individual wheat genes in the response of wheat to DON, with the possibility for field trials of promising plants, which would also be evaluated for grain quality.

Progress 10/01/12 to 09/30/13

Target Audience: Fellow participants (scientists and industry stakeholders) in the NC-213 multistate project Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Two undergarduates have worked on portions of this project, and have been trained in general microbiology and molecular biology techniques. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? A poster was presented at the Fungal Genetics meeting in Pacific Grove, CA, in March, 2013; additionally, I attended the annual meeting of the NC-213 multistate project in Kansas City, MO, in February, 2013, and discussed our research and results with other participants. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Conclude the gene expression study of fungus and wheat; write up and publish results. Continue supervising undergraduates in the study of latent wheat infection, shifting funding to other sources (i.e. Nebraska Wheat Board) as this funding for me on this project is now at an end.

What was accomplished under these goals? The above goals are those of the overall project, not all of which are relevant to each individual investigator. Under goal 2 (and, to a certain extent, goal 3), my lab is concluding greenhouse studies of the interaction between susceptible and resistant wheat and the wheat scab fungus,Fusarium graminearum, in the first several days of plant infection, before visible symptoms in the plant. We are doing this by analyzing the gene expression of both plant and fungus. For the fungus, gene expression analysis is complete and shows, hour by hour, where the fungius is in the wheat head relative to the inoculation point and whether the fungus is producing the virulence factor and mycotoxin deoxynivalenol. Plant gene expression analysis is ongoing, and is expected to provide a better understanding of specific genes involved in the wheat-fungus interaction than has been provided by other methods (such as QTL mapping). This knowledge, in turn, could inform wheat breeding practices to better produce scab-resistant plants without loss of valuable agronomic traits. Additionally, my lab has begun evaluation of several hundred wheat accessions used by Nebraska breeders for latentFusariuminfection in the seed. Understanding of latent, asymptomatic carriage ofFusariumby wheat can better explain the ecology of the wheat-fungus interaction, while carriage of asymptomaticFusariummay protect wheat from infection with virulent strains, as has been observed in other crop-pathogen systems (such as corn-nontoxigenicAspergillus flavus, or perennial ryegrass and nontoxigenic lolitreme endophytes).


    Progress 10/01/10 to 09/30/13

    Target Audience: Fellow participants (scientists and industry stakeholders) in the NC-213 multistate project Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Two undergraduates have worked on portions of this project, and have been trained in general microbiology and molecular biology techniques. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? A poster was presented at the Fungal Genetics meeting in Pacific Grove, CA, in March, 2013; additionally, I attended the annual meeting of the NC-213 multistate project in Kansas City, MO, in February, 2013, and discussed our research and results with other participants. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Conclude the gene expression study of fungus and wheat; write up and publish results. Continue supervising undergraduates in the study of latent wheat infection, shifting funding to other sources (i.e. Nebraska Wheat Board) as this funding for me on this project is now at an end.

    What was accomplished under these goals? The above goals are those of the overall project, not all of which are relevant to each individual investigator. Under goal 2 (and, to a certain extent, goal 3), my lab is concluding greenhouse studies of the interaction between susceptible and resistant wheat and the wheat scab fungus, Fusarium graminearum, in the first several days of plant infection, before visible symptoms in the plant. We are doing this by analyzing the gene expression of both plant and fungus. For the fungus, gene expression analysis is complete and shows, hour by hour, where the fungus is in the wheat head relative to the inoculation point and whether the fungus is producing the virulence factor and mycotoxin deoxynivalenol. Plant gene expression analysis is ongoing, and is expected to provide a better understanding of specific genes involved in the wheat-fungus interaction than has been provided by other methods (such as QTL mapping). This knowledge, in turn, could inform wheat breeding practices to better produce scab-resistant plants without loss of valuable agronomic traits. Additionally, my lab has begun evaluation of several hundred wheat accessions used by Nebraska breeders for latent Fusarium infection in the seed. Understanding of latent, asymptomatic carriage of Fusarium by wheat can better explain the ecology of the wheat-fungus interaction, while carriage of asymptomatic Fusarium may protect wheat from infection with virulent strains, as has been observed in other crop-pathogen systems (such as corn-nontoxigenic Aspergillus flavus, or perennial ryegrass and nontoxigenic lolitreme endophytes).


      Progress 10/01/11 to 09/30/12

      OUTPUTS: Winter wheat of Fusarium head blight (FHB)-susceptible cultivar Wesley and resistant cultivar Wesley-FHB was grown in the greenhouse at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and inoculated with the pathogenic fungus Fusarium graminearum. Beginning 120 hours post-inoculation, and hourly until 168 hours post-inoculation, kernels at defined distances from the inoculation point were harvested. RNA was extracted from these kernels for quantitative reverse transcript PCR (qRT-PCR) to confirm 1) presence of fungus (detection of fungal housekeeping gene transcripts) and 2) whether or not fungus was producing the mycotoxin and virulence factor deoxynivalenol (DON). Based on these findings, RNA was prepared for Affymetrix Wheat GeneChips, which would provide a comprehensive profile of wheat gene expression during fungal infection. Timepoints for data collection were empirically determined on the basis of the previous year's results. The project results, from its inception through March 2012, were presented at the annual NC-213 meeting, held in Minneapolis, MN, March 6-7, 2012. Whate maturation was not synchronous and RNA quality was found insufficient for Affymetrix GeneChip analysis. Consequently, new plantings have been made using spring wheat, susceptible cultivar Wheaton and resistant cultivar Alsen, with which I have extensive past experience. PARTICIPANTS: PI Heather Hallen-Adams inoculated wheat, harvested all wheat samples, participated in the RNA extraction and qRT-PCR and was responsible for data analysis. Graduate student Maria de Jesus Quintero (has since left graduate studies) performed qRT-PCR, and was taught to do so as part of her graduate training. Undergraduate Richard Spinner (has since graduated) transplanted wheat and performed RNA extraction. This was part of his training in molecular biology. TARGET AUDIENCES: Target audiences include wheat growers and breeders, and plant pathologists. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: After two years, winter wheat is not displaying the same degree of synchronous development I have come to expect with spring wheat, and RNA extractions, while suitable for qRT-PCR, have not been of sufficient quality for Affymetrix GeneChip analysis. For the final year of the project, I am therefore shifting to spring wheat, which can be planted year-round, has a shorter growth cycle (not requiring vernalization), and which in my past experience has exhibited highly synchronous development and from which I have not had difficulty extracting high quality RNA. Additionally, I am performing all RNA extractions myself to minimize variation caused by differing personnel.

      Fungal housekeeping genes, and therefore fungal presence, was detected from the kernels nearest the inoculation point in the earliest time points monitored (as early as 93 hours post-inoculation, although hourly sampling did not begin until 120 hours post-inoculation), in both FHB-susceptible and -resistant winter wheat. Mycotoxin gene expression was also detected at the earliest time points, with a slight lag for the Tri8 gene (near the end of the DON biosynthetic pathway) compared with the Tri5 gene (the first step in DON biosynthesis). Differences in the timing of DON biosynthetic gene expression must be confirmed by further study and in different wheat cultivars; if verified, they may suggest targets for control.


      • No publications reported this period

      Progress 10/01/10 to 09/30/11

      OUTPUTS: This project contributes to the understanding of the genetic mechanisms of Fusarium head blight (FHB) in wheat, with an especial effort to characterize the "cross-talk" between plant and fungus during the early stages of infection in order to identify wheat genes/proteins directly inductive of or responsive to the mycotoxin and virulence factor deoxynivalenol (DON). 250 FHB-susceptible plants and 250 FHB-resistant plants derived from winter wheat var. "Wesley" were inoculated with Fusarium graminearum. Visible disease progress was noted over a 25 day period. Kernels immediately adjacent to, and 4 spikelets below, the inoculation point were harvested daily from 4-8 and 17-25 days post-inoculation, and every three hours from 5-7 days post-inoculation. RNA was extracted from the kernels and real-time PCR was used to determine 1) fungal presence or absence and 2) expression of DON genes in the presence of fungus. This data will be used to determine the timing of the initiation of DON gene expression and thus the optimal time frame for hourly sampling of kernels; and select samples within five hours of DON gene expression initiation will be analyzed using the Affymetrix Wheat GeneChip microarray. PARTICIPANTS: This project was performed by the PI, Heather Hallen-Adams, and by three undergraduate research assistants at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Mr. Alex Hlavaty, Mrs. Geraldine Spinner and Mr. Richard Spinner. These students, juniors at the start of the project, were trained in safe handling of plant pathogenic fungi; wheat inoculation; safe and hygienic laboratory procedures; RNA isolation and purification; cDNA synthesis, and quantitative reverse-transcript PCR. TARGET AUDIENCES: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

      Results from real-time PCR identify a period of 160-180 hours post-inoculation as the time when DON mycotoxin gene expression begins. This information will be used to collect hourly samples and confirm (to within the hour) the start of DON gene expression. These samples will be used for wheat gene expression profiling, and next years' impacts/outcomes will include the identification of candidate wheat genes responsible for eliciting DON production, and for responding to DON.


      • Hallen-Adams HE, Wenner N, Kuldau GA, Trail F (2011) Deoxynivalenol biosynthesis-related gene expression during wheat kernel colonization by Fusarium graminearum. Phytopathology 101:1091-1096.