Progress 09/01/10 to 08/31/14
Outputs Target Audience: The target audience was both extension personnel and small flock holders. Extension personnel, in their efforts to be responsive to the small flock holders and businesses, specifically pastured operations, in their area require training in the managment and biosecurity of these operations. The high risk activity of raising pastured poultry is counfounded further by the fact that there is little or no science-based information available to the producers so that they can make educated decsions while raising pastured poutlry or if they are exploring the option of starting a pastured poultry business. Producers often turn to the internet. Extension personnel often quote managment strategies for commercial poultry operations, however raising poultry on pasture produces avery different product. Changes/Problems: Since the biosecure, pastured poultry unit was destroyed by weather, much of the efforts have been focused on getting informaiton to producers using the Center for Small Flock Research and Innovation's webpage. The fact sheets have been downloaded many times and have even been used by the extension personnel at their event in their states. A comparison of two breeds of chickens often used on pasture was done and the information was shared with producers and extension personnel at the Pastured Poutlry Conference. The Pastured Poultry Conference was a way to reach both farmers and growers with science-based information designed to help them make better decisions for their flock health and profitability. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? The outreach to extension personnel and small flock holders was completed in the form of a conference held on August 1 and 2, 2014 at Delaware State University. The first day was directed to extension personnel, however1 farmer did attend because she was going out of town on the weekend. A total of 8 attendees came from Delaware, Maryland, andVirginia. Speakers covered topics such as starting a pastured poultry operation, pasture managment, biosecurity, pastured poultry nutrition,the use of chickens for insect control, the realities of raising poultry on pasture (including data on the comparison on heritage vs broiler chickens for growht and feed conversion ratio),pastured poultry for eggs, the economics and marketing of pastured poultry. The topics were the same for the farmers who attended on Saturday August 2nd, 2014. There were a total of 10 farmers who attended from Delaware and Maryland. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? The fact sheets are available as both hard copies (provided via mail upon request or at meetings) and also available online at the Center for Small Flock Research and Innovation website. The conference disseminated information to producers and extension personnel. One extension agent, from Suffolk, VA, asked the principle investigator and one of the speakers to be presenters at a workshop that was held in his area of the state. A dozen attendees came to this secondaryseminar that was new for the region. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?
Nothing Reported
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
All factsheets were completed and posted online to the Center for Small Flock Research and Innovation website. Upcoming events are posted on the website as information becomes available. A pastured poultry conference was held to reach out to small flock entrepreneurs as well as extension personnel. After the event, as news about the conference's topics spread, inquiries about a repeat of the program began coming in from as far away as Tennessee.
- Type:
Year Published:
1. Moyle, J. R, J.L. Rhodes, B. McCrea, T. Tabler, F. D. Clark, 2014. Rodent Control on Small Poultry Farms. University of Maryland Extension Factsheet FS-985-2014.
2. I. Mayes and B.A. McCrea. 2014. Insect Pests of Pastured Poultry. Delaware State University Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet.
3. I. Mayes and B.A. McCrea. 2014. Wild Bird Control Measures for Pastured Poultry Flocks. Delaware State University Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet.
4. I. Mayes and B.A. McCrea. 2014. Quarantine and Isolation Procedures for Pastured Poultry . Delaware State University Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet.
Progress 09/01/12 to 08/31/13
Outputs Target Audience: Fact sheets were created and made available to small flock owners as they were the target audience. Changes/Problems: The model biosecure pastured poultry system was not erected due to the strong winds associated with weather that passed over the Delmarva Peninsula. This was the second and final attempt at erecting the system. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? In 2014 there will be a conference aimed at extension professionals as well as pastured poultry farmers. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? The fact sheets have been made available through the Center for Small Flock Research and Innovation website. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? The remaining fact sheets will be published and the conference for extension professionals and pastured poultry farmers will take place.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Two additional fact sheet were completed in 2013. They were placed onto the CSFRI website as PDF documents for download.We attempted to re-erect the model biosecure pastured poultry system and was unable to do so, once again, due to irreparable damage because of strong winds. It was determined the system could not handle the winds associated with certain weather conditions that pass through Delaware. This was the second attempt that failed due to the strong winds that occur on the Delmarva Penninsula. Efforts were redirected to creating the fact sheets as well as the conference in order to meet the remaining goals of the project.
- Type:
Year Published:
McCrea, B.A., and D. Bautista. 2013. The Lasher Laboratory: The Small Flock Owners Best Friend. Delaware State University Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet.
McCrea, B.A. 2013. Locks and Signs for Pastured Poultry. Delaware State University Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet.
Progress 09/01/11 to 08/31/12
Outputs OUTPUTS: The airstream model has been purchased; the watering systems for each quarter acre has been installed; the electrical components are nearly complete; and prior to hurricane Sandy the unit was inflated and nearly complete. However, due to Hurricane Sandy severe damage to the airstream model occurred. There were high winds associated with the storm that arrived in Delaware on Monday October 29th, 2012. We are currently working with the engineer to determine when replacement material may be obtained and how best to removed damaged material so that the ground may be tilled and planted with pasture seed. It has been proposed by the engineer that the months of January and February be when new material is put onto the airstream model. The website has been developed by the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources graphic designer. The webpage is online and can be viewed at the following web address ( ock-research-and-innovation). The site makes available all current fact sheets. The DSU College of Agriculture is currently creating a new template for all fact sheets and so as the sheets are being updated they are being removed from the website and then put back up in their new format. Upcoming events will be listed on the website as information becomes available. COOPTASTIC! 2013 is one event on March 2, 2013 that will be posted on the website. PARTICIPANTS: We have had no participants as of yet since we have yet to hold workshops. Our new timeline will be dependent upon the application of new material to the airstream model and so workshops are to be held in 2013. TARGET AUDIENCES: Our target audiences for this project are the owners of small flocks who raise poultry using alternative methods (i.e. pastured poultry) that lead to a higher risk of disease and breach of biosecurity. Also we will reach out to extension professionals who give a more traditional biosecurity message to small producers. These two groups will be reached via workshop in year 3 of the project. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Due to Hurricane Sandy on October 29th, 2012, we have delayed the workshops due to storm damage to the material of the airstream model. In early 2013, it is expected that the airstream model will be re-inflated with new material. We are planning to continue with the planting of pasture grasses over which the new material may be placed during the re-inflation. Fact sheets and website updates still proceed on schedule.
Impacts The building of the airstream model, and renovations to the current coop, are delayed due to Hurricane Sandy. This relates to the second and fourth objectives of this project. The implementation of the website, with fact sheets and upcoming events, meets the first objective of the project. Upon completion of the airstream model, objective three can be implemented.
- Shelton, A, and McCrea, BA. 2012. Cleaning and Disinfection in Pasture Based Poultry Management Systems. Via Center for Small Flock Research and Innovation website.
- Matthews, K, and McCrea, BA. 2012. Traffic Patterns for Pastured Poultry Producers. Via Center for Small Flock Research and Innovation website.
Progress 09/01/10 to 08/31/11
Outputs OUTPUTS: The structural components of the airstream model have been purchased and delivered. Permits with the county were difficult to obtain given the unique nature of the airstream model. It took 3 months to describe, explain and then obtain the appropriate permits. Given the size of the model, and that it will contain chickens, it was deemed a chicken house by the county despite our descriptive efforts. We worked very hard to change this, but had no success. The original setbacks to the property lines and siting had to be changed to accommodate county rules regarding chicken houses. There were also concerns about noise with the fans, but those were allayed by playing a recording of the fans from an already erected facility from 50 feet back. They were so quiet the recording yielded almost no sound. A delay occurred in processing paperwork for surveying the site and obtaining work orders for water and electricity installation due to fiscal close. Surveying is now completed. The electric and water installation began the week of November 7th, 2011 and will be completed by December 23rd, 2011. The remaining installation of the airstream model is scheduled for the week of March 18, 2012. The website is being developed by the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources graphic designer. The webpage should be online December 12, 2011. The site will make available all current fact sheets as well as the fact sheets recently developed by the Fall 2011 Introduction to Poultry Science class. These 8 fact sheets contain 10 educational facts about different chicken breeds selected by students in the class. The fact sheets also contain a picture of the selected breed. Upcoming events will be listed on the website as information becomes available. The first to be listed is the Small Flock Seminar at Delaware's AgWeek on January 18th, 2012 from 6-9 pm at the Delaware State Fairgrounds in the Agricultural Commodities Building. The second event that will be listed is the Mid-Atlantic 4-H Avian Bowl Challenge on March 31st, 2012 during the Delmarva Poultry Fancier's Show in the Dover Building at the Delaware State Fairgrounds. PARTICIPANTS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. TARGET AUDIENCES: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.
Impacts The building of the airstream model, and renovations to the current coop, are in compliance with the timeline which meets the second and fourth objectives of this project. The implementation of the website, with fact sheets and upcoming events, meets the first objective of the project.
- Fact sheets: Lister, BN, and McCrea, BA. 2011. Breed: Ancona. Via Center for Small Flock Research and Innovation website.
- Smith, JR, and McCrea, BA. 2011. Breed: Australorp. Via Center for Small Flock Research and Innovation website.
- Huyett, B, and McCrea, BA. 2011. Breed: Buckeye . Via Center for Small Flock Research and Innovation website.
- Galloway, TS, and McCrea, BA. 2011. Breed: Dominique. Via Center for Small Flock Research and Innovation website.
- Bowers, LV, and McCrea, BA. 2011. Breed: Dorking. Via Center for Small Flock Research and Innovation website.
- Evans, A, and McCrea, BA. 2011. Breed: Plymouth Rock. Via Center for Small Flock Research and Innovation website.
- McCrea, BA. 2011 Breed: Sebright. Via Center for Small Flock Research and Innovation website.
- Alford, M, and McCrea, BA. 2011. Breed: Wyandotte. Via Center for Small Flock Research and Innovation website.