Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2009
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2014
Grant Year
Program Code
[SCRI]- Specialty Crop Research Initiative
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Current application technology for floral, nursery, and other specialty crop production wastes significant amounts of pesticides. Innovative new spray technologies would benefit the production of these crops and institutes with on-going or future SCRI- funded projects. The proposed research is to develop two affordable intelligent spray systems for floral and nursery crops, and these developments are adaptable to other specialty crops. The proposed systems have five major modules: (a) first, an intelligent acquisition and control unit continuously characterizes size, shape, foliage density, foliar surface, and target crop location, ultimately controlling spray output; (b) an expert computer subsystem incorporates microclimatic conditions with pest prediction models for selection of formulations and application schedules to control specific insect/disease problems; (c) an in-line unit injects predetermined concentrates into a carrier near the nozzles, avoiding leftover tank mixtures; (d) then, in either system, a delivery subsystem with an array of multi-jet nozzles is incorporated capable of variable air and liquid discharge rates; and lastly, (e) an off-target recovery unit traps sprays not retained on the crop. Moreover, depending on crop requirements, each module can be used or disassembled independently. With these systems, pest pressures and crop structures govern the amount, kind and frequency of spray applications, avoiding excessive spray-mixture and off-target waste. At completion, the proposed project enhances the prospects that future sprayers will be more efficient, reliable, and operator-friendly. These sprayers will deliver pest control formulations in an economical, accurate, timely and environmentally sustainable manner, with optimal human and operator safety.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The objective of this research is to develop two advanced and affordable spray systems that employ intelligent technologies to continuously match system operating parameters to crop characteristics, insect/disease pressures and microclimatic conditions during pesticide applications. The first system will be an air-assisted variable-rate sprayer used for nursery tree crops. The second system will be a hydraulic boom variable-rate sprayer used for flowering container plants in greenhouses and woody ornamentals in the field. Due to the similarities in crop structures, use of the first system can be expanded to other specialty crops such as fruit trees and vineyards, and the second system can be expanded to berries and vegetables. The advanced sprayers include five major modules: (a) a data acquisition and control unit comprised of simplified laser scanning sensors to characterize crop shape, canopy density, plant volume, and the fine structures of foliar surfaces integrated with an electronic control system to control spray outputs based on the crop characteristics; (b) an expert subsystem to incorporate real-time microclimatic conditions and pest prediction models to determine application decisions; (c) an off-target recovery unit to trap sprays not retained on the target areas; (d) a direct in-line injection unit to proportionate chemicals as needed and eliminate leftover disposal problems; (e) an air-assisted spraying system containing multi-jet nozzles to deliver air and liquid with variable rates for tree crops, and an hydraulic boom spraying systems to deliver variable-rate liquids for floral greenhouse plants and woody ornamentals. These modules can be used or disassembled independently from the spray systems depending on crop production requirements. The cost of the new spray system may be up to $8500 more than that of a conventional spray system; however, because of increased application efficiency, the initial cost would be offset by more than a 50% reduction in the amount of pesticide use, resulting in a major savings in both materials cost and environmental risk. Floral and ornamental nurseries will be the primary beneficiaries as a result of achieving the objective, as well other specialty crops including orchards, vineyards, berries, and vegetables. Pesticide applicators and sprayer manufacturers will have access to safe, reliable and user-friendly sprayers that deliver pesticides more economically, accurately, timely and in an environmentally sustainable manner with minimum human involvement before, during and after applications. This research will provide critical new technology to increase application efficiency and reduce the uncertainty associated with current pesticide delivery systems used in floral and nursery as well as other specialty crop production. Anticipated products of the research will be: new precise spray systems to accurately and effectively deliver pest control agents to target areas, innovative pesticide spray technologies and strategies for efficient and economical pest control, healthy and marketable products with minimal off-target loss and worker exposure, and increased our food safety and security.
Project Methods
In cooperation with The Ohio State University, University of Kentucky, Oregon State University, floral and nursery growers, and private sprayer manufacturers, the ATRU will develop two intelligent expert precision spraying systems comprised of five main modules to deliver pest control agents in an economical, accurate, timely and environmentally sustainable manner, with optimal human and operator safety. Research by our team will use several proven technology usage assessment techniques to document on-the-ground challenges that affect the design and adoption of such systems. Theme-mapping strategies in key informant interviews and listening sessions will be used to identify design concerns and to quantify acceptable levels of direct and indirect costs. Experts will be selected from a sample of engineers, representatives of equipment manufacturers, horticultural firm managers, and front-line spray applicators. The information derived from this research will be shared with extension educators and sprayer manufacturers across the country, enabling them to teach growers how to properly use the new spray technology. The first system will be an air-assisted variable-rate sprayer for use in shade, flowering and ornamental trees in nurseries. The second system will be a hydraulic boom variable-rate sprayer for flowering container plants in greenhouses and woody ornamentals in nurseries. Due to the similarity of crop structures, the first system can be used to spray other specialty crops such as fruit trees and vineyards, and the second system can be used on berries and vegetables. The five modules will be: (a) a sensor-controlled unit to control spray outputs that match specific floral and nursery crop structures and foliar characteristics, (b) an expert subsystem to assist the decision making process of choosing proper chemicals and application schedules as determined by local, ambient microclimatic conditions and applicable pest models, (c) a direct in-line injection unit to inject measured amounts of concentrated chemicals to individual nozzles to eliminate sprayer tank leftover disposal problems, (d) a basic mechanical sprayer unit to provide storage tanks, pumps and fans for spray operations, and (e) an off-target recovery unit to prevent off-target losses including drift beyond target areas. All five operations will occur simultaneously as the sprayers move past the canopy, providing uniform spray coverage of the canopy with minimal pesticide use and off-target loss beyond the target area. These modules can be used and disassembled independently from the spray systems depending on the specific crop production circumstances. The two intelligent spray systems will be evaluated under actual commercial floral and nursery field conditions and growers will provide inputs into the entire system development process for this proposal to meet the goals of the Specialty Crop Research Initiative.

Progress 09/01/09 to 08/31/14

Target Audience: Target audiences are ornamental nursery and fruit tree growers, farm managers, extension educators, researchers, sprayer manufacturers, chemical companies, environmental protection agency regulators, and state and national legislators. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Provided formal presentations on the development of new precision sprayers and their test results at regional, national and international professional conferences, growers’ workshops, field days, trade shows, and industrial advisory groups; demonstrated the development progress of the new technology to target audiences every year from 2010 to 2014; published 37 papers in scientific peer-reviewed journals and proceedings, and 14 industry articles in trade magazines; featured the new spray technology on TV shows, radios and news papers in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Texas, and Ohio. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Disseminated advantages, benefits, and reductions in chemical use and environmental pollution by using intelligent sprayers to control pest insects and diseases through workshops, conferences, seminars, and industrial group and individual tours to growers, extension educators, researchers, sprayer manufacturers, chemical companies, federal and state EPA representatives, and regional and national congress members. The nursery and orchard growers, legislators and EPA regulators have accepted the feasibility of this technology, and anticipated benefits in profitability, safety and environmental improvements with this new generation of precision sprayers. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Automated variable-rate, air-assisted intelligent sprayers that minimize human involvement to determine the amount of sprays needed for spray applications were invented for ornamental nursery and fruit tree crop production. The automatically-processed spraying systems are able to characterize the presence, size, shape, and foliage density of target trees and apply the necessary amount of pesticide in real time. The sprayers integrate a high-speed, 270° radial and 30-m range laser scanning sensor in conjunction with a non-contact Doppler radar travel speed sensor, a sophisticated automatic nozzle flow rate controller, an embedded computer, a touch screen, a manual switch box, and four five-port nozzle manifolds on each side of the sprayers. Automatically-controlled spray capabilities to the sprayer are achieved with integrations of electronic advance innovations and the embedded computer. The laser scanning sensor mounted between the tractor and sprayer detects the return distance signals of the bilateral tree structure. A dedicated C++ language algorithm was developed to process the signals and translate them into tree surface structures and is the computerized brain of the system. The algorithm uses the signals to determine the presence of a tree canopy, and calculates its height, width, foliage density and volume. It then determines the requisite amount of sprays for each nozzle coupled with a pulse-width-modulation controlled solenoid valve for each tree sectional structure and sprayer travel speed. Consequently, application rates of each nozzle are optimized for each assigned sectional canopy structure. During spray applications, a diaphragm pump delivers spray solutions in a 400 L spray tank to five modified flat-fan pattern nozzles in each eight of five-port nozzle manifolds and into airstreams from an axial turbine fan. Nozzle flow rates are controlled by the flow rate controller housed in a control box and connected to the embedded computer by a wire harness with pluggable connectors. Its two microprocessors generate flow rate commands to independently modulate the 10-Hz pulse width (or duty cycle) of the solenoid valve for each nozzle. All 40 nozzles on the 8 manifolds on two sides of the sprayer can thus independently discharge variable flow rates to their designated canopy sections on their respective sides. To acquire real-time ground travel speeds, the travel speed sensor is mounted at the bottom of the sprayer. The entire spray unit is mounted on a tractor with a three-point hitch, and the tractor PTO system powers the spray pump and air fan. The embedded computer, touch screen and switch box operational components are mounted in the tractor cab. The functional touch screen displays the sprayer travel speed, total discharged spray volume, spray width, and active nozzles. The operators can also modify spray parameters through the touch screen as needed. Three 3-way toggle switches in the switch box allow the sprayer operator to choose sprayer outputs from one or both sides in manual or automatic control mode. All electronic devices are powered by a 12 VDC tractor battery. Additionally, a 10x6x2 cm rechargeable battery is wired to provide backup power in case of a power failure or a surge when starting the tractor. Another precaution includes a flat jet mounted on the top of the laser sensor that provides an air stream from the sprayer fan to prevent dust and droplet contaminations landing on the laser scanning sensor surface. USDA-ARS Application Technology Research Unit built six precision prototype sprayers at a cost of $21,000 per unit and they were tested for pest control efficacy, reliability and durability in commercial nurseries in Ohio, Oregon and Tennessee. Field experiments showed the precision sprayer reduced variations in spray deposition due to changes in tree structure and species, and it increased consistency of spray deposition uniformity on targets at different growth stages, as compared to conventional sprayers with best pest management practices. The pest control efficacies of the new sprayer were comparable to those of conventional sprayers, while the new sprayer reduced average pesticide use by 46% to 68%, for an average pesticide cost savings of $230 per acre. Additional tests in an apple orchard demonstrated that the new sprayer reduced spray loss beyond tree canopies by 40% to 87%, reduced airborne spray drift by up to 87%, and reduced spray loss on the ground by 68% to 93%. In addition to the successful development of the new intelligent spray systems, three separate modules including direct inline injection system for avoiding leftover tank mixtures, an expert system to predict insect and disease pressures for selection of formulations and application schedules, and an automatic control system for vertical boom sprayers were also investigated and developed for assisting the new spray systems to fulfil comprehensive tasks. In this global economy, efficiency and sustainability are key attributes to a competitive advantage. This new generation of precision spraying systems has significantly advanced the technology for efficient variable-rate pesticide spray applications and transformed the standard untenable approach for a sustainable one to control of insects and diseases. Nursery and orchard growers also have long anticipated these innovative technologies in precision sprayers to increase their sprayer application efficiencies and profitability, worker safety, and environmental sustainability. Now, automated variable-rate, air-assisted precision sprayers with real time capabilities to control spray outputs to match variable canopy structures are commercially feasible.


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: 1. Jeon, H. Y., H. Zhu, R.C. Derksen, H.E. Ozkan, C.R. Krause. Laboratory and Field Tests of Ultrasonic Sensors for Precision Sprayers. ASAME Paper # 1008801. 2010. 2. Jeon, H. Y., H. Zhu, R.C. Derksen, H.E. Ozkan, C.R. Krause. A Real-time Variable-Rate Sprayer for Nursery Liner Application. ASAME Paper # 1008804. 2010. 3. Chen, Y., H. Zhu, H.E. Ozkan. Development of LIDAR-guided sprayer to synchronize spray outputs with canopy structures. ASABE Paper # 1110496. 2011. 4. Chen, Y., H. Zhu, H.E. Ozkan, R.C. Derksen, C.R. Krause. An experimental variable-rate sprayer for nursery and orchard applications. ASABE Paper # 1110497. 2011. 5. Gu, J., H. Zhu, W. Ding, H.Y. Jeon. Spray droplet sizes with additives discharged from an air-assisted variable-rate nozzle. ASABE Paper # 1110542. 2011. 6. Jeon, H. Y., H. Zhu, R.C. Derksen, H.E. Ozkan, C.R. Krause. Development of an experimental variable-rate sprayer for nursery liner applications. ASABE Paper # 1110537. 2011. 7. Jeon, H. Y., H. Zhu, R.C. Derksen, H.E. Ozkan, C.R. Krause. Verification of a variable rate sprayer for nursery liner applications. ASABE Paper # 1110538. 2011. 8. Chen, Y., H.E. Ozkan, H. Zhu. Development of an intelligent sprayer to optimize pesticide applications in orchards. Sustainable Plant Protection Techniques in Fruit Growing: 110-111. 2011. 9. Gu, J., H. Zhu, and W. Ding. Air Velocity Distributions from Air-assisted Five-port Sprayer. ASABE Paper # 121337320. 2012. 10. Liu, H., H. Zhu, Y. Chen, Y. Shen, H. E. Ozkan. An Electronic Flow Control System for a Variable-rate Tree Sprayer. ASABE Paper # 121337321. 2012. 11. Zhu, H., J. Gu, Y. Chen, H. Liu, X. Dong, W. Ding, H.E. Ozkan, C.R. Krause. Air Velocity Distributions from a Variable-rate Air-assisted Sprayer for Tree Applications. The CIGR-AgEng International conference. Paper # C1547. 2012. 12. Zhu, H., E. Ozkan, R. Derksen, M. Reding, C. Ranger, L. Canas, C. Krause, J. Locke, S. Ernst, R. Zondag, A. Fulcher, R. Rosetta, Y. Chen, H. Liu, Y. Shen, H. Jeon, J. Gu, X. Dong, W. Jia. Development of Intelligent Spraying Systems for Tree Crop Production. The 6th National Small Farm Conference. 4 pages. 2012. 13. Gu, J., H. Zhu, and W. Ding. Air velocity distributions inside tree canopies from a variable-rate air-assisted sprayer. ASABE Paper # 131594711. 2013. 14. Liu, H., H. Zhu, Y. Chen, Y. Shen, R. H. Zondag, H. E. Ozkan. Influence of travel speed on spray deposition uniformity from an air-assisted variable-rate sprayer. ASABE Paper# 131594610. 2013. 15. Chen, Y., H. Zhu, H.E. Ozkan. Real-time Tree Foliage Density Estimation with Laser Scanning Sensor for Variable-Rate Tree Sprayer Development. ASABE Paper # 131596009. 2013. 16. Liu, H., H. Zhu, Y. Shen, Y. Chen, H. E. Ozkan. Evaluation of a laser scanning sensor for variable-rate tree sprayer development. ASABE Paper # 131594649. 2013. 17. Shen, Y., H. Zhu, H. Liu, Y. Chen, H. E. Ozkan. Delay times of a LiDAR-guided precision sprayer control system. ASABE Paper # 131594649. 2013. 18. Shen, Y., H. Zhu, H. Liu, Y. Chen, H. E. Ozkan. Development of a real-time chemical injection system for air-assisted variable-rate sprayers. ASABE Paper # 131594669. 2013.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: 1. Jeon, H. Y., H. Zhu, R.C. Derksen, H.E. Ozkan, C.R. Krause. Evaluation of Ultrasonic Sensors for the Variable Rate Tree Liner Sprayer Development. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 75(1): 213-221. 2011. 2. Zhu, H., M. Salyani, R.D. Fox. A portable scanning system for evaluation of spray deposit distribution. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 76(1): 38-43. 2011. 3. Zhu, H., J. Altland, R.C. Derksen, C.R. Krause. Optimal Spray Application Rates for Ornamental Nursery Liner Production. HortTechnology. 21(3): 367-375. 2011. 4. Zhu, H., R. H. Zondag, C. R. Krause, J. Merrick, and J. Daley. Reduced Use of Pesticides for Effective Controls of Arthropod Pests and Plant Diseases. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. 29(3): 143-151. 2011. 5. Zhu, H., and R. H. Zondag. Spray technologies for insect and disease control in ornamental nurseries. Nursery Management. 4: 58-61. 2011. 6. Gu, J., H. Zhu, W. Ding, H. Y. Jeon. Droplet size distributions of adjuvant-amended sprays from an air-assisted five-port PWM nozzle. Atomization and Sprays 21 (3): 263274. 2011. 7. Jeon, H., H. Zhu, R. C. Derksen, H. E. Ozkan, C. R. Krause, R. D. Fox. Performance Evaluation of a Newly Developed Variable Rate Sprayer for Nursery Liner Applications. Transactions of the ASABE 54(6):1997-2007. 2011. 8. Jeon, H., H. Zhu. Development of Variable-Rate Sprayer for Nursery Liner Applications. Transactions of the ASABE 55(1):303-312. 2012. 9. Chen, Y., H. Zhu, H. E. Ozkan. Development of Variable-Rate Sprayer With Laser Scanning Sensor to Synchronize Spray Outputs to Tree Structures. Transactions of the ASABE 55(3): 773-781. 2012. 10. Gu, J., H. Zhu, W. Ding. Unimpeded air velocity profiles of air-assisted five-port sprayers. Transactions of the ASABE 55(5):1659-1666. 2012. 11. Zhu, H., R. Zondag, C. Krause, J. Daley, R. Lyons, J. Merrick, D. Hammersmith, J. Lee, M. Holahan, M. Shelton, D. Geary, T. Demaline, A. Harding, B. Champion, K. Losely, B. Gilson, W. Hendricks. Half the Price for Insect and Disease Control, Is It Possible? The Buckeye 23(3): 15-21. 2012. 12. Chen,Y., H. E. Ozkan, H. Zhu, R. C. Derksen, C. R. Krause. Spray deposition inside tree canopies from a newly developed variable-rate air-assisted sprayer. Transactions of the ASABE. 56(6): 1263-1272. 2013. 13. Chen,Y., H. Zhu, H. E. Ozkan, R. C. Derksen, C. R. Krause. Spray drift and off-target loss reductions with a precision air-assisted sprayer. Transactions of the ASABE. 56(6): 1273-1281. 2013. 14. Liu, H., H. Zhu, Y. Shen, Y. Chen, and H.E. Ozkan. Development of digital flow control system for multi-channel variable-rate sprayers. Transactions of the ASABE. 57(1): 273-281. 2014. 15. Gu, J., H. Zhu, W. Ding, X. Wang. Characterization of air profiles impeded by plant canopies for a variable-rate air-assisted sprayer. Transactions of the ASABE. 57(5): 1307-1315. 2014. 16. Zhu, H. An Intelligent Sprayer  for nursery and fruit tree crops. Resource (ASABE). July/August 2014: 20-21. 2014.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: 19. Zhu, H., Y. Chen, H. Liu, Y. Shen, H. Jeon, J. Gu, H. E. Ozkan, R. Derksen, M. Reding, C. Ranger, L. Canas, C. Krause, J. Locke, S. Ernst, R. Zondag, A. Fulcher, R. Rosetta. Development of variable-rate precision spraying systems for tree crop production. SuproFruit 2013: 123-125. 2013. 20. Fulcher, A., D. Cochran, R. Rosetta, R. Zondag, H. Zhu. Laser-guided, intelligent sprayers increase application efficiency. Nursery Management. January: 20-24. 2014. 21. Zhu, H., H. Liu, Y. Shen, Y. Chen, J. Gu, H. Ozkan, R. Derksen, M. Reding, C. Ranger, L. Canas, C. Krause, J. Locke, S. Ernst, R. Zondag, A. Fulcher, R. Rosetta. Development of laser-guided precision sprayers for tree crop applications. The 18th World Congress of CIGR. Paper # 2014-0642. 2014.

Progress 09/01/13 to 08/31/14

Target Audience: Target audiences are ornamental nursery and fruit tree growers, farm managers, extension educators, researchers, sprayer manufacturers, chemical companies, national and state legislators, and environmental protection agency regulators. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Provided formal presentations on the development of new precision sprayers and their test results at 2013 Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, 2014 American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Conference, 2014 International Conference of European Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2014 International Plant Propagators Society Conference, 2014 Agrochemical Formulation Conference, 2014 Ohio State University Nursery Short Course, 2014 Central Environmental Nursery Trade Show “CENTS”, Ohio State University Extension Northwestern Branch Orchard IPM Workshop, 2014 Ohio Produce Growers & Marketers Association Congress, 18th World Congress of International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (CIGR), 73th Annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, 19th Ornamental Workshop on Diseases and Insects, 2014 Pacific Branch Entomology Society of America Annual Meeting, Annie’s Project Webinar Series in New Jersey, Center for Applied Nursery Research Annual Open House in Georgia, Tennessee Turf and Ornamental Field Day, Celebrating Trees “Right Tree, Right Place”, Grounds Maintenance Short Course, Middle Tennessee Landscape Short Course, and Green Express Horticultural Short Course in Tennessee. Provided field demonstrations and oral presentations on the new spray technology at the 2014 Ohio Lake County Nursery Field Day, 2014 Ohio Wine Grape Growers Workshop, 2nd National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education, and Economics Advisory Board Meeting, 2014 American Horticulture Association Tour, 2014 Oregon Association of Nurseries Workshop, 2014 Farwest Trade Show, Oregon Innovative Equipment Day Tour, Oregon Horticulture Society Cranberry Day, Tennessee Nursery and Landscape Association Field Day, Tennessee Nursery IPM Workshop, Tennessee Green Industry Expo. Published industry articles in Nursery Management & Production, Growing, The Crush, Capital Press, and numerous electronic farm presses. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Disseminated advantages, benefits, and reductions in chemical use and environmental pollution by using intelligent sprayers to control pest insects and diseases through field days in commercial nurseries, workshops, conferences, seminars, study groups, and individual study to growers, extension educators, researchers, sprayer manufacturers, chemical companies, federal and state EPA representatives, horticultural commodity leaders, a U.S. Senator and a state House of Representative. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? An expert decision support system was developed for the ornamental industry. The system was composed of three main modules: a pest/pathogen identification module, a database for the selection of pest control methods, and a module that uses/connects to nursery pest phenological models. It integrated the programs PHP, JavaScript and MS-SQL and was hosted both online and as a standalone module integrated to the intelligent sprayers. Data on pests, ornamental plants and pesticides were entered in the pest control selection database. The database prototype, originally tested in one browser, was improved and works on most browsers. A microprocessor controlled premixing inline injection system implementing a ceramic piston chemical metering pump and two small transition tanks was developed for the inteligent variable-rate sprayers. Differently from conventional direct in-line injection systems, the new system dispensed desired amounts of water and chemical concentrates into an injection chamber first and further agitated the mixture in the first transition (or premixing) tank. The mixture was then transferred into the second transition (or buffer) tank for the spray pump to discharge. This process was repeated when the buffer tank neared empty. The mixture concentration in the buffer tank was maintained as a constant for the sprayer to provide variable-rate outputs. This new system avoided inconsistency of spray mixture uniformity and inaccuracy of metering chemical concentrates at low flow rates associated with conventional direct in-line injection systems, and offered a great potential for variable-rate precision sprayers to further improve spray application efficiency. Six advanced and affordable spray systems for fruit and tree crop applications were constructed based on our previous invention as part of this SCRI project. The spray systems employ intelligent technology to automatically match spray outputs to crop structures with only the necessary amount of pesticides. Field tests were conducted for their biological control efficacy, reliability, economic analysis and environmental protection capability in six ornamental nurseries in Ohio, Oregon and Tennessee. Compared to the conventional sprayers with comparable control levels in insects and diseases, the new sprayers could reduce pesticide use by up to 68% and annual pesticide savings of $230 per acre. Therefore, real cost benefits for tree crop producers, consumers and the environment were achieved with the new pesticide application technology.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: 1. Liu, H., H. Zhu, Y. Shen, Y. Chen, and H.E. Ozkan. Development of digital flow control system for multi-channel variable-rate sprayers. Transactions of the ASABE. 57(1): 273-281. 2014. 2. Chen,Y., H. E. Ozkan, H. Zhu, R. C. Derksen, C. R. Krause. Spray deposition inside tree canopies from a newly developed variable-rate air-assisted sprayer. Transactions of the ASABE. 56(6): 1263-1272. 2013. 3. Chen,Y., H. Zhu, H. E. Ozkan, R. C. Derksen, C. R. Krause. Spray drift and off-target loss reductions with a precision air-assisted sprayer. Transactions of the ASABE. 56(6): 1273-1281. 2013. 4. Gu, J., H. Zhu, W. Ding, X. Wang. Characterization of air profiles impeded by plant canopies for a variable-rate air-assisted sprayer. Transactions of the ASABE. 57(5): 1307-1315. 2014. 5. Zhu, H. An Intelligent Sprayer  for nursery and fruit tree crops. Resource (ASABE). July/August 2014: 20-21. 2014. 6. Fulcher, A., D. Cochran, R. Rosetta, R. Zondag, H. Zhu. Laser-guided, intelligent sprayers increase application efficiency. Nursery Management. January 2014: 20-24. 2014. 7. Rosetta, R., H. Zhu, Doane, S., and D. Wells. Taking Aim. Digger. 56: 11. 2012.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: 1. Zhu, H., Y. Chen, H. Liu, Y. Shen, H. Jeon, J. Gu, H. E. Ozkan, R. Derksen, M. Reding, C. Ranger, L. Canas, C. Krause, J. Locke, S. Ernst, R. Zondag, A. Fulcher, R. Rosetta. Development of variable-rate precision spraying systems for tree crop production. 12th Workshop on Spray Application Techniques in Fruit Growing (SuproFruit 2013), Valencia (Spain). Page 123-125. 2013. 2. Heping Zhu, Amy Fulcher, Robin Rosetta, Erdal Ozkan, Richard Derksen, Michael Reding, Christopher Ranger, Luis Canas, Charles Krause, James Locke, Stanley Ernst, Randall Zondag, Hong Young Jeon, Yu Chen, Hui Liu, Yue Shen, and Diana Cochran. 2013. Sensor-Guided Intelligent Sprayers: Implications for Increased Worker Safety and Reduced Pesticide Use. Engineering Section. Proceedings of SNA Research Conference Vol. 58 2013. P. 79-88. 3. Fulcher, A., Cochran, D., Rosetta, R., Zontag, R., and H. Zhu. 2013. Laser Tag: Intelligent Sprayers Change the Pest Management Game. Proceedings of the International Plant Propagators Society (SRNA). (Proceedings). 4. 5. Robin Rosetta, Heping Zhu, Derek Wells, Adam Clark. 2014. Field evaluation of smart spray systems in Oregon nursery production. 73th Annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Portland, OR. 68 participants. (abstract) 6. Robin Rosetta, Heping Zhu, Derek Wells, Adam Clark. 2013. Field evaluation of smart spray systems in Oregon nursery production. Entomology Society of America Annual Meeting. Austin, TX. (abstract). 7. Robin Rosetta, Heping Zhu, Erdal Ozkan, Richard D. Derksen, Michael E. Reding, Christopher M. Ranger, Luis Canas, Charles R. Krause, James C. Locke, Stanley C. Ernst, Randall H. Zondag, Amy Fulcher, Hong Young Jeon, Yu Chen, Jiabing Gu, Hui Liu, Yue Shen and Alfredo A. Rios. 2013. Development of smart spray systems to enhance delivery of pesticides in field nursery production. Pacific Branch Entomology Society of America Annual Meeting. Reno, NV. (Abstract).

Progress 09/01/12 to 08/31/13

Target Audience: Target audiences are ornamental nursery and fruit tree growers, extension educators, researchers, legislators, sprayer manufacturers, and chemical companies. Ornamental nursery and fruit tree growers and extension educators were involved in the initial planning stages and in subsequent meetings to identify the research goals and objectives of this project. They are also users of this new technology and were kept abreast of our preliminary findings that using the new intelligent sprayers would significantly increase their spray application efficiency, reduce pesticide use and safeguard the environment. Changes/Problems: We want to extend the project for one more year to complete field tests of the new sprayers. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Provided formal presentations on the development of new precision sprayers and their test results at the 2013 Annual International Agricultural and Biological Engineering Meeting, the 2013 American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting, the 12th Workshop on Spray Application Techniques in Fruit Growing (SuproFruit 2013) in Spain, the 2013 Ohio Farm Science Review, the 2013 Ohio Lake County Nursery Field Day, The Ohio State University Extension Lorain County Nursery Workshop, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and Ministry of Rural Affairs Nursery Grower’s Workshop, Tennessee Nursery and Landscape Association Field Day, Turf and Ornamental Field Day, TNLA Winter Educational program, Green Industry Express, Grounds Maintenance Short Course, TDA Nursery Inspectors’ Annual Meeting, Georgia Green Industry Association, TNLA Green Expo, Tennessee Master Nursery Producer Program, Kentucky Nursery and Landscape Association, Oregon Clackamas Water Basin Technical Working Group, Washington DC Congressional Briefing Panel – Morrill ActExtension representative on panel, the 18th Ornamental Workshop on Diseases and Pests, North Willamette Research and Extension Center Advisory Council, Oregon Nursery and Specialty Crop Workshops, 2013 Farwest Trade Show, and industry articles in the Digger. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? (1) Disseminated to extension educators and professionals advantages, benefits, and reductions in chemical use and environmental pollution by using intelligent sprayers to control pest insects and diseases. (2) Demonstrated the new sprayer at the Central Environmental Nursery Trade Show, and Nursery Field Days, Farm Science Review, and commercial nurseries in Ohio, Oregon and Tennessee. (3) Introduced the new intelligent sprayer prototypes to domestic and international growers, sprayer manufacturer engineers, chemical company representatives, and spray application technology specialists when they were visiting the USDA-ARS Application Technology Research Unit, The Ohio State University, University of Tennessee, and Oregon State University. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Continue to test the sprayer prototypes for pest control efficacy, reliability and durability in commercial nurseries in Ohio, Oregon and Tennessee. Conduct economic analysis for the use of new sprayers in ornamental nurseries.

What was accomplished under these goals? Accomplishments completed for this Annual Report period are: (1) The spray performance of newly developed laser-sensor guided, air-assisted, precision sprayer was tested with different canopy structures, planting patterns and travel speeds in a laboratory plot, three commercial nursery fields and a vineyard, and was compared with the conventional spray applications. Spray deposition and coverage inside canopies were measured with nylon screens and water sensitive papers to determine the spray quality on target trees. In the laboratory plot, tests were conducted with three travel speeds, two size nozzles and six different tree species of different sizes on the same row. In the first commercial nursery field, tests were conducted with six different sizes of five tree species in two rows and three travel speeds. In the second nursery field, tests were conducted with four similar size trees of the same variety in two rows and three travel speeds to compare spray quality with a constant-rate application. In the third nursery field, tests were conducted in two plots with different widths of multi rows. One plot had four rows of sterling silver linden trees and the other plot had six rows of red oaks. In the vineyard, tests were conducted for the 10 year-old red wine grape plants. Spray deposition samples were collected on the trunk, in the front, the middle and the back of three plant canopies as well as spacing between two plants. (2) Five sprayer prototypes were built at a cost of $21,000 for each in the USDA-ARS Application Technology Research Unit. Four of them are currently tested for pest control efficacy, reliability and durability in commercial nurseries in Ohio, Oregon and Tennessee.


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Gu, J., H. Zhu, and W. Ding. 2013. Air velocity distributions inside tree canopies from a variable-rate air-assisted sprayer. ASABE Paper No. 131594711. Liu, H., H. Zhu, Y. Chen, Y. Shen, R. H. Zondag, H. E. Ozkan. 2013. Influence of travel speed on spray deposition uniformity from an air-assisted variable-rate sprayer. ASABE Paper No. 131594610. Chen, Y., H. Zhu, H.E. Ozkan. 2013. Real-time Tree Foliage Density Estimation with Laser Scanning Sensor for Variable-Rate Tree Sprayer Development. ASABE Paper No. 131596009. Liu, H., H. Zhu, Y. Shen, Y. Chen, H. E. Ozkan. 2013. Evaluation of a laser scanning sensor for variable-rate tree sprayer development. ASABE Paper No. 131594649. Shen, Y., H. Zhu, H. Liu, Y. Chen, H. E. Ozkan. 2013. Delay times of a LiDAR-guided precision sprayer control system. ASABE Paper No. 131594649. Shen, Y., H. Zhu, H. Liu, Y. Chen, H. E. Ozkan. 2013. Development of a real-time chemical injection system for air-assisted variable-rate sprayers. ASABE Paper No. 131594669. Zhu, H., Y. Chen, H. Liu, Y. Shen, H. Jeon, J. Gu, H. E. Ozkan, R. Derksen, M. Reding, C. Ranger, L. Canas, C. Krause, J. Locke, S. Ernst, R. Zondag, A. Fulcher, R. Rosetta. Development of variable-rate precision spraying systems for tree crop production. 12th Workshop on Spray Application Techniques in Fruit Growing (SuproFruit 2013), 26-28 June 2013 - Valencia (Spain). Page 123-125.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2013 Citation: Y. Chen, H. Zhu, H. E. Ozkan, R. C. Derksen, C. R. Krause. Spray Drift and Off-Target Loss Reductions with a Precision Air-Assisted Sprayer. Transactions of the ASABE. H. Liu, H. Zhu, Y. Shen, Y. Chen, and H.E. Ozkan. Development of Digital Flow Control System for Multi-channel Variable-rate Sprayers. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. Y. Chen, H. Zhu, H. E. Ozkan, R. C. Derksen, C. R. Krause. Spray Deposition inside Tree Canopies from A Newly Developed Variable-rate Air-assisted Sprayer. Transactions of the ASABE.

Progress 09/01/11 to 08/31/12

OUTPUTS: Outputs completed for this Annual Report period are: (1) an experimental intelligent hydraulic sprayer using ultrasonic sensors and pulse-width modulated spray nozzles was developed and tested in a commercial nursery in Oregon for insect and disease controls. The field tests reported that the intelligent spray system used less than half the sprays and achieved the equal control of the powdery mildew or aphids as the conventional spray systems. (2) An experimental intelligent air-assisted sprayer implementing a high speed laser scanning sensor was developed to control the spray output of individual nozzles in real time. The sprayer accuracy to trigger sprays toward detected targets was examined. The sprayer consistency to assess tree canopy structures and the effects of sprayer travel speeds and canopy structures on the uniformity of spray deposition and coverage inside canopies were also evaluated in three commercial nurseries and a commercial vineyard. The spray quality inside canopies was also compared with constant-rate applications. Outputs to communities for this annual report period are: (1) disseminated to extension educators and professionals a chemical reduction concept using intelligent sprayers to control pests and diseases; (2) completed consultations with leading nursery and greenhouse growers in Ohio, Oregon, Kentucky, Tennessee and many other states to update the progress on intelligent sprayer development; (3) provided formal presentations on the development of new sprayer components and test results at the 2012 Annual International Agricultural and Biological Engineering Meeting, the 2012 American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting, the 2012 American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Meeting, the 6th National Small Farm Conference, the 2012 International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (CIGR) - International Conference of Agricultural Engineering in Spain, the American Chemistry Society 244th National Meeting, the Ohio Green Circle Growers Association Annual Tour, the Tennessee Nursery and Landscape Association Field Days and Short Course, the Tennessee Agricultural Professional Associations Meeting; (4) demonstrated the capabilities of the intelligent sprayer for State of Ohio and the U.S. Representatives, and the Ohio Northeastern Regional Representative for Senator Sherrod Brown; (5) demonstrated the new sprayer at the Central Environmental Nursery Trade Show, and Nursery Field Days; (6) Introduced the new intelligent sprayer prototypes to domestic and international growers, sprayer manufacturer engineers, chemical company representatives, and spray application technology specialists when they were visiting the USDA-ARS Application Technology Research Unit at Wooster, Ohio. PARTICIPANTS: Individuals who worked on this project are: H. Zhu1, Y. Chen2, H. Y. Jeon1, J. Gu1, H. Liu2, Yue Shen2, H.E. Ozkan2, R. C. Derksen1, M. E. Reding1, C. M. Ranger1, L. Canas2, A. Rios2, C. R. Krause1, J. C. Locke1, S. C. Ernst2, R. H. Zondag2, A. Fulcher3, R. Rosetta4. 1 USDA-ARS Application Technology Research Unit, 2 The Ohio State University, 3 University of Tennessee, 4 Oregon State University. Collaborators are: Willoway Nurseries, Inc.; Sunleaf Nursery, LLP; Herman Losely & Son, Inc.; Klyn Nurseries, Inc.; Possum Run Greenhouse; Wearren & Son Nursery; Green Ridge Tree Farm; J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co.; Hans Nelson & Sons Nursery, Inc.; Bailey Nurseries. TARGET AUDIENCES: Ornamental nursery and fruit tree growers and extension educators were involved in the initial planning stages and in subsequent meetings to identify the research goals and objectives of this project. They are also users of this new technology and were kept abreast of our preliminary findings that using the new intelligent sprayers would significantly increase their spray application efficiency, reduce pesticide use and safeguard the environment. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

The impact and outcome of new advanced precision sprayers listed above in the Outputs during this Annual Reporting period resulted in: (1) it was the first commercial nursery test that demonstrated no significant difference to control aphids or powdery mildew between the conventional and new variable-rate sprayers while the new sprayer used two to three times less chemicals than the conventional sprayer. This research significantly advanced the variable-rate pesticide spray technology and transformed the standard approach to spray applications for control of insects and diseases. The nursery industry has quickly recognized the considerable impact of this technology on the profitability of their enterprise and the stewardship of environment and provided necessary resources to promote this technology; (2) the design criteria for the intelligent air-assisted sprayer using the high-speed laser sensor fundamentally advanced the spray application technology. The new experimental air-assisted sprayer had the capability to control spray outputs that continuously matched canopy characteristics in real time with great spray volume reduction, and significantly less off-target losses on the ground, through gaps between trees, and in the air. This technology significantly increased the accuracy of delivering pesticides to target areas. The nursery and orchard growers have accepted the feasibility of this technology, and anticipate benefits in profitability, safety and environmental improvements with this new generation of precision sprayers. The practical outcome of the development on these experimental intelligent sprayers with automatic variable-rate control systems was an advanced new generation of variable-rate sprayers suitable for ornamental nurseries and other fruit tree crops. The funds provided by USDA Specialty Crop Research Initiative were absolutely essential to the project investigators. With these funds they were able to hire temporary researchers, purchase scientific instrumentations, electronic and mechanical components, and other test materials and suppliers for sprayer fabrication and test the prototype sprayers under laboratory and field conditions. The matching funds provided by the nursery growers were used to purchase test plants and cover the costs associated with field test plots.


  • Gu, J., H. Zhu, W. Ding, H. Y. Jeon. 2011. Droplet size distributions of adjuvant-amended sprays from an air-assisted five-port PWM nozzle. Atomization and Sprays 21 (3): 263-274.
  • Jeon, H., H. Zhu, R. C. Derksen, H. E. Ozkan, C. R. Krause, R. D. Fox. 2011. Performance Evaluation of a Newly Developed Variable Rate Sprayer for Nursery Liner Applications. Transactions of the ASABE 54(6):1997-2007.
  • Jeon, H., H. Zhu. 2012. Development of Variable-Rate Sprayer for Nursery Liner Applications. Transactions of the ASABE 55(1):303-312.
  • Chen, Y., H. Zhu, H. E. Ozkan. 2012. Development of Variable-Rate Sprayer With Laser Scanning Sensor to Synchronize Spray Outputs to Tree Structures. Transactions of the ASABE 55(3): 773-781.
  • Gu, J., H. Zhu, W. Ding. 2012. Unimpeded air velocity profiles of air-assisted five-port sprayers. Transactions of the ASABE 55(5):1659-1666.
  • Zhu, H., R. Zondag, C. Krause, J. Daley, R. Lyons, J. Merrick, D. Hammersmith, J. Lee, M. Holahan, M. Shelton, D. Geary, T. Demaline, A. Harding, B. Champion, K. Losely, B. Gilson, W. Hendricks. 2012. Half the Price for Insect and Disease Control, Is It Possible The Buckeye 23(3): 15-21.
  • Dong, X., H. Zhu, X. Yang and W. Jia. 2012. A System to Investigate 3-D Droplet Impact on Leaf Surfaces. ASABE Paper No. 121337317. (American Society Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, MI 49085).
  • Gu, J., H. Zhu, and W. Ding. 2012. Air Velocity Distributions from Air-assisted Five-port Sprayer. ASABE Paper No. 121337320. (American Society Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, MI 49085).
  • Liu, H., H. Zhu, Y. Chen, Y. Shen, H. E. Ozkan. 2012. An Electronic Flow Control System for a Variable-rate Tree Sprayer. ASABE Paper No. 121337321. (American Society Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, MI 49085).
  • Zhu, H., J. Gu, Y. Chen, H. Liu, X. Dong, W. Ding, H.E. Ozkan, C.R. Krause. 2012. Air Velocity Distributions from a Variable-rate Air-assisted Sprayer for Tree Applications. The CIGR-AgEng International conference 2012, Valencia, Spain. Paper No. C1547: 6 pages.
  • Zhu, H., E. Ozkan, R. Derksen, M. Reding, C. Ranger, L. Canas, C. Krause, J. Locke, S. Ernst, R. Zondag, A. Fulcher, R. Rosetta, Y. Chen, H. Liu, Y. Shen, H. Jeon, J. Gu, X. Dong, W. Jia. 2012. Development of Intelligent Spraying Systems for Tree Crop Production. The 6th National Small Farm Conference in Memphis, Tennessee. 4 pages.

Progress 09/01/10 to 08/31/11

OUTPUTS: Outputs completed for this Annual Report period are: (1) an experimental intelligent hydraulic sprayer using ultrasonic sensors and pulse-width modulated spray nozzles was developed to deliver real-time variable-rate sprays to liners based on their canopy size. The sprayer accuracy to trigger sprays toward detected targets was examined. The sprayer consistency to assess tree canopy size and the effect of sprayer travel speed on spray deposit and coverage were also evaluated on various tree sizes. The spray quality inside canopies of various nursery liner varieties was compared with constant-rate applications. (2) An experimental intelligent air-assisted sprayer implementing a high speed laser scanning sensor was developed to control the spray output of individual nozzles in real time. Each nozzle in the sprayer, coupled with a pulse width modulation solenoid valve, achieved variable-rate delivery based on the occurrence, height, width of the target tree and its foliage density. A unique algorithm for variable-rate control was developed to instantaneously process the signals reflected from canopy surfaces. Spray deposition uniformity inside canopies were verified with four different size and density ornamental nursery trees under laboratory conditions. Outputs to communities for this annual report period are: (1) Disseminated to extension educators and professionals a chemical reduction concept using intelligent sprayers to control pests and diseases. (2) Completed consultations with leading nursery and greenhouse growers in Ohio, Oregon, Kentucky, Tennessee and many other states to update the progress on intelligent sprayer development. (3) Gave formal presentations on the development of new sprayer components at the Annual International Agricultural and Biological Engineering Meeting in Louisville, the 2011 Farwest Show short course organized by the Oregon Nursery Association, Airblast Sprayer Workshop organized by The University of Tennessee, the 2011 CENTS Short Course organized by The Ohio State University, 18th Annual Nursery Growers' Short Course organized by Canada British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, the 2011 Greenhouse & Nursery Grower Tour organized by Ohio Nursery and Landscape Association, the 2011 Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Convention organized by the Niagara Pennisula Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association and Horticultural Crops Ontario, and 2011 symposium of Sustainable Plant Protection Techniques in Fruit Growing in France. (4) Demonstrated the new capabilities of the intelligent sprayer at the Central Environmental Nursery Trade Show, and Nursery Field Days; (5) Introduced the new intelligent sprayer prototypes to domestic and international growers, sprayer manufacturer engineers and spray application technology specialists when they were visiting the USDA-ARS Application Technology Research Unit at Wooster, Ohio. PARTICIPANTS: Individuals who worked on this project are: H. Zhu1, Y. Chen2, H. Y. Jeon1, J. Gu1, H. Liu2, H.E. Ozkan2, R. C. Derksen1, M. E. Reding1, C. M. Ranger1, L. Canas2, A. Rios2, C. R. Krause1, J. C. Locke1, S. C. Ernst2, R. H. Zondag2, A. Fulcher3, R. Rosetta4 1 USDA-ARS Application Technology Research Unit 2 The Ohio State University 3 University of Tennessee 4 Oregon State University TARGET AUDIENCES: Ornamental nursery and fruit tree growers and extension educators were involved in the initial planning stages and in subsequent meetings to identify the research goals and objectives of this project. They are also users of this new technology and were kept abreast of our preliminary findings that using the new intelligent sprayers would significantly increase their spray application efficiency, reduce pesticide use and safeguard the environment. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

Sensor guided variable-rate sprayers that can adjust spray outputs automatically to match tree structures are a critical application technology to reduce pesticide use, limit off-target loss and economically benefit nursery growers. This is because capabilities of conventional sprayers are limited and unable to optimize spray outputs and thus cannot compensate for the rapid changes of growth characteristics in crops. The impact and outcome of these systematic investigations and sequential achievements listed above in the Outputs during this Annual Reporting period resulted in: (1) The newly developed intelligent variable-rate hydraulic sprayer demonstrated a promising prospect to achieve uniform spray deposition and coverage for small size nursery tree applications despite variations in canopy size and sprayer travel speed. Moreover, spray volume savings of the variable-rate sprayer were up to 71% compared to the conventional application of the constant rate that was normally recommended for ornamental nursery tree spray applications. Therefore, the newly developed variable-rate sprayer would bring great reductions in pesticide use and safeguard the environment for the nursery production. (2) The design criteria for the intelligent air-assisted sprayer using the high speed laser sensor demonstrated acceptable for variable rate applications for middle or large size nursery trees. The new experimental air-assisted sprayer had the capability to control spray outputs that continuously matched canopy characteristics in real time with great spray volume reduction, and significantly less off-target losses on the ground, through gaps between trees, and in the air. The practical outcome of the development on these experimental intelligent sprayers with automatic variable-rate control systems was an advanced new generation of variable-rate sprayers suitable for ornamental nurseries. The funds provided by USDA Specialty Crop Research Initiative were absolutely essential to the project investigators. With these funds they were able to hire temporary researchers, purchase scientific instrumentations, electronic and mechanical components, and other test materials and suppliers for sprayer fabrication and test the prototype sprayers under laboratory and field conditions. The matching funds provided by the nursery growers were used to purchase test plants and cover the costs associated with field test plots.


  • Xu, L., H. Zhu, H.E. Ozkan, W.E. Bagley, and C.R. Krause. 2011. Droplet evaporation and spread on waxy and hairy leaves associated with type and concentration of adjuvants. Pest Management Science, 67(7):842-851.
  • Zhu, H., J. Altland, R.C. Derksen, C.R. Krause. 2011. Optimal Spray Application Rates for Ornamental Nursery Liner Production. HortTechnology. 21(3): 367-375.
  • Zhu, H., R. H. Zondag, C. R. Krause, J. Merrick, and J. Daley. 2011. Reduced Use of Pesticides for Effective Controls of Arthropod Pests and Plant Diseases. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. 29(3): 143-151.
  • Jeon, H. Y., H. Zhu, R.C. Derksen, H.E. Ozkan, C.R. Krause. 2011. Evaluation of Ultrasonic Sensors for the Variable Rate Tree Liner Sprayer Development. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 75(1): 213-221.
  • Zhu, H., M. Salyani, R.D. Fox. 2011. A portable scanning system for evaluation of spray deposit distribution. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 76(1): 38-43.
  • Jeon, H. Y., H. Zhu, R.C. Derksen, H.E. Ozkan, C.R. Krause. 2011. Verification of a variable rate sprayer for nursery liner applications. ASABE Paper No. 1110538. (American Society Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, MI 49085).
  • Chen, Y. , H.E. Ozkan, H. Zhu. 2011. Development of an intelligent sprayer to optimize pesticide applications in orchards. Sustainable Plant Protection Techniques in Fruit Growing, Ctifl Lanxade, France. 110-111.
  • Zhu, H., and R. H. Zondag. Spray technologies for insect and disease control in ornamental nurseries. 2011. Nursery Management. 4: 58-61.
  • Chen, Y., H. Zhu, H.E. Ozkan. 2011. Development of LIDAR-guided sprayer to synchronize spray outputs with canopy structures. ASABE Paper No. 1110496. (American Society Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, MI 49085).
  • Chen, Y., H. Zhu, H.E. Ozkan, R.C. Derksen, C.R. Krause. 2011. An experimental variable-rate sprayer for nursery and orchard applications. ASABE Paper No. 1110497. (American Society Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, MI 49085).
  • Gu, J., H. Zhu, W. Ding, H.Y. Jeon. 2011. Spray droplet sizes with additives discharged from an air-assisted variable-rate nozzle. ASABE Paper No. 1110542. (American Society Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, MI 49085).
  • Jeon, H. Y., H. Zhu, R.C. Derksen, H.E. Ozkan, C.R. Krause. 2011. Development of an experimental variable-rate sprayer for nursery liner applications. ASABE Paper No. 1110537. (American Society Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, MI 49085).

Progress 09/01/09 to 08/31/10

OUTPUTS: Outputs completed for this Annual Report period are: (1) A series of tests was completed to evaluate the operational durability and stability of the ultrasonic sensor detector. The tests were carried out under actual field conditions of exposure to cold, wind, dust, travel speed, varied air temperatures and spray mists conditions. (2) A microprocessor-controlled unit was developed to achieve rapid detection rates at high travel speeds and durability and measurement stability for the ultrasonic sensors under field conditions. (3) An optimal sprayer configuration was developed to reduce root mean square errors between the ultrasonic sensors and spray nozzles. (4) An experimental hydraulic sprayer with real-time variable-rate capabilities that accommodated the high-speed ultrasonic sensors was developed. (5) A high-speed interface was developed to acquire data on canopy size, shape and density in real time from a high-speed laser scanner. (6) A software program to process the acquired data between the laser sensor and computer was developed. The algorithm automatically detects the ground location and the tree centerline to calculate tree width, height, volume and foliage density, which was also validated under laboratory conditions. (7) A flow rate control unit was designed and tested with pulse width modulation signals to adjust the spray output of nozzles. (8) An experimental intelligent air-assisted sprayer incorporating the automatic variable-rate control system with the laser scanner was developed. Outputs to communities for this annual report period are: (1) Disseminated to extension educators and professionals a chemical reduction concept using intelligent sprayers to control pests and diseases. (2) Completed consultations with leading nursery and greenhouse growers in Ohio, Oregon, Kentucky and Rhode Island to update the progress on intelligent sprayer development. (3) Gave formal presentations on the development of new sprayer components at the Annual International Agricultural and Biological Engineering Meeting in Pittsburg, Annual American Society for Horticultural Science Meeting in Palm Spring, and the International Plant Propagators Society (IPPS) Eastern Region 60th Annual Meeting in Rhode Island. (4) Demonstrated the new capabilities of the intelligent sprayer at the Central Environmental Nursery Trade Show, and Nursery Field Days; (5) Introduced the new intelligent sprayer prototypes to domestic and international growers, sprayer manufacturer engineers and spray application technology specialists at Wooster, Ohio. PARTICIPANTS: Individuals who worked on this project are: H. Zhu1, H. Y. Jeon1, Y. Chen2, J. Gu1, L. Xu2, H.E. Ozkan2, R. C. Derksen1, M. E. Reding1, C. M. Ranger1, L. Canas2, C. R. Krause1, J. C. Locke1, S. C. Ernst2, R. H. Zondag2, A. Fulcher3, R. Rosetta4. 1 USDA-ARS Application Technology Research Unit, 2 The Ohio State University, 3 University of Kentucky, 4 Oregon State University. Collaborators are: Willoway Nurseries, Inc.; Sunleaf Nursery, LLP; Herman Losely & Son, Inc.; Klyn Nurseries, Inc.; Possum Run Greenhouse; Wearren & Son Nursery; Green Ridge Tree Farm; J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co.; Hans Nelson & Sons Nursery, Inc.; Bailey Nurseries. TARGET AUDIENCES: Ornamental nursery and fruit tree growers and extension educators were involved in the initial planning stages and in subsequent meetings to identify the research goals and objectives of this project. They are also users of this new technology and were kept abreast of our preliminary findings that using the new intelligent sprayers would significantly increase their spray application efficiency, reduce pesticide use and safeguard the environment. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: No major changes

The capabilities of conventional sprayers are limited and unable to optimize spray outputs and thus cannot compensate for the rapid changes of growth characteristics in nursery crops. Although traditional ultrasonic sensors coupled with variable-rate sprayers are an improvement, they cannot evaluate small nursery trees. Consequently, the high-speed ultrasonic sensors or laser scanners are needed for advanced sprayers that automatically adjust spray outputs based on canopy sizes. Advancements incorporated with this new generation of detecting technologies were critical for the developmental outcomes of variable-rate sprayers for ornamental nursery tree applications. The impact and outcome of these systematic investigations and sequential achievements listed above in the Outputs during this Annual Reporting period resulted in: (1) An experimental intelligent hydraulic sprayer for small trees, which was developed with real-time variable-rate capabilities, reduced pesticide usage by coordinating spray outputs with canopy sizes. Preliminary laboratory evaluations of this ultrasonic sensor-guided sprayer demonstrated an average of 59 to 75% reduced application rates; (2) An experimental intelligent air-assisted sprayer incorporating the laser scanner guided automatic variable-rate control system that used in ornamental nursery trees. Preliminary tests in the laboratory and field verified the accuracy of the spray controller timing and modulation components. These tests demonstrated that the new experimental sprayer had the capability to control spray outputs that continuously matched canopy characteristics in real time. The practical outcome of this development on an experimental intelligent air-assisted sprayer with an automatic variable-rate control system was an advanced variable-rate sprayer suitable for ornamental nurseries. The funds provided by USDA Specialty Crop Research Initiative were absolutely essential to the project investigators. With these funds they were able to hire temporary researchers, purchase scientific instrumentations, electronic and mechanical components, and other test materials and suppliers for sprayer fabrication and test the prototype sprayers under laboratory and field conditions. The matching funds provided by the nursery growers were used to purchase test plants and cover the costs associated with field test plots.


  • Jeon, H. Y., H. Zhu, R.C. Derksen, H.E. Ozkan, C.R. Krause. 2010. Laboratory and Field Tests of Ultrasonic Sensors for Precision Sprayers. ASAME Paper No. 1008801.
  • Jeon, H. Y., H. Zhu, R.C. Derksen, H.E. Ozkan, C.R. Krause. 2010. A Real-time Variable-Rate Sprayer for Nursery Liner Application. ASAME Paper No. 1008804.
  • Xu, L., H. Zhu, H. E. Ozkan, W. E. Bagley, R.C. Derksen, C.R. Krause. Adjuvant effects on evaporation rates and wetted area of droplets on waxy leaves. Transactions of the ASABE. Vol. 53(1):13-20. 2010.
  • Zhu, H., Y. Yu and H.E. Ozkan. 2010. Influence of spray formulation and leaf surface structures on droplet evaporation and wetted area. International Advances in Pesticide Application -- Aspects of Applied Biology 99: 333-340.
  • Zhu, H., M. Salyani, R. D. Fox. 2010. A portable pixel recognition system for evaluating the distribution of spray deposits. ASAME Paper No. 1008502.