Source: UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Oct 1, 2008
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2013
Grant Year
Program Code
[(N/A)]- (N/A)
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Unknown Department
Non Technical Summary
Florida contains unique freshwater aquatic resources encompassing over 7,700 lakes (Canfield and Hoyer 1992) and over 1,700 streams and rivers (Bass and Cox 1985). These waters provide a large diversity of freshwater ecosystems, with ecosystems ranging from small, crystal-clear springs to the second largest lake found solely within the continental United States (Lake Okeechobee). Additionally, many of the ecosystems of Florida are linked directly to marine systems and include even more diverse fishes than would occur in solely freshwater ecosystems (e.g., American shad Alosa sapidissima). Clearly, management efforts to sustain and improve the quality of fisheries resources in the state of Florida would benefit the residents of the state and the health of these aquatic ecosystems.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
307 - Animal Management Systems;

Subject Of Investigation
0810 - Finfish;

Field Of Science
1070 - Ecology; 3100 - Management;
Goals / Objectives
Objectives:I. Identify mechanisms related to recruitment of important fishes including the factors affecting the abundance, growth and mortality of larval and juvenile fishes. II. Determine the effectiveness of harvest restrictions in improving fishery yields, increasing the average weight of fish harvested, and increasing fish population density given the growth, mortality and exploitation rates of adult fishes. III. Evaluate the relationships among fishes and their aquatic habitats including the effect of habitat complexity and abiotic factors (e.g., dissolved oxygen concentrations, temperature) on community composition, fish abundance and size structure.
Project Methods
I propose to evaluate factors affecting fish recruitment in Florida lakes, rivers, and estuaries, where the effects of winter on recruitment to adulthood may be less severe than is commonly reported in the literature. I hypothesize that inter- and intraspecific relationships (e.g., competition, predation) during early life may have a more pronounced influence on recruitment than has previously been reported from studies at more northern latitudes. To examine factors affecting recruitment, I will conduct diet analysis of young-of-year fishes in Florida lakes and develop indices of diet overlap and selectivity (Bowen 1996) to evaluate potential for inter-and intraspecific competition for food resources. Diet analysis will be conducted through the first year of life for important fishes. Further, the use of reading daily rings on otoliths (ear bones) has been effective for determining daily age and growth of young-of-year fishes (Graham and Orth 1987; Savoy and Crecco 1987). Age and growth can be used to determine hatch date and growth rates of early versus late hatched cohorts. Age-frequency distributions of young-of-year fishes can also be used to determine mortality rates using catch-curve analysis (Ricker 1975), which will measure mortality of early versus late-hatched fish and allow comparison of interspecific mortality rates. I will examine the diet overlap, relative selectivity of food items among species, age, growth and mortality of young-of-year fishes in order to examine factors affecting recruitment. High degrees of diet overlap and/or similar selectivity of food items, combined with growth and mortality rates may yield strong inferences about the mechanisms affecting recruitment of fishes in Florida. Potential benefits from this work include: (1) a more thorough understanding of the factors affecting year-class strength of important fishes, (2) development of management strategies to predict and/or create strong recruitment of important fishes in Florida lakes, and (3) improved understanding of the sources of variability in abundance of important fishes in Florida lakes, rivers, and estuaries.

Progress 10/01/08 to 09/30/13

Target Audience: The target audience for this research includes 1) the greater scientific community, and 2) natural resource users who will benefit from the research (e.g., anglers, the public, etc.). Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? We've had over ten graduate students on this project over the term, resulting in a total of 12 graduate student awards and multiple student publications. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Yes, we have published in the scientific literature and written a minimum of 20 magazine articles about the results of this work. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? This project improved our understanding and management of recreationally important sportfish, including habitat requirements, use of regulations, and improvements in use of population modeling.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Accepted Year Published: 2014 Citation: 96. Thompson, B. C.a, and M. S. Allen. 2014. Effects of surgically implanting radio transmitters in juvenile largemouth bass. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143:346-352. 95. Shaw, S. L.a, and M. S. Allen. 2014. Localized spatial and temporal variation in reproductive effort for Florida bass. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143:85-96. 94. Gwinn, D. C.a, M. S. Allen, F. D. Johnston, P. Brown, C. R. Todd, and R. Arlinghaus. 2013. Rethinking length-based fisheries regulations: the value of protecting old and large fish with harvest slots. Fish and Fisheries 93. Ley, J. A., and M. S. Allen. 2013. Modeling marine protected area value in a catch and release dominated estuarine fishery. Fisheries Research 144:60-73. 92. Coggins, L. G., D. C. Gwinna, and M. S. Allen. 2013. Evaluation of age-length key sample sizes required to estimate fish total mortality and growth. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:832-840. 91. Tetzlaff, J. C., W. E. Pine, M. S. Allen, and R. N. M. Ahrens. 2013. Effectiveness of size limits and bag limits for managing recreational fisheries: a case study of the Gulf of Mexico Recreational gag fishery. Bulletin of Marine Science 89:483-502 90. Hangsleben, M. A.a, M. S. Allen, and D. C. Gwinn. 2013. Evaluation of electrofishing catch per effort for indexing fish abundance in Florida lakes. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:247-256. 89. Dotson, J. R., M. S. Allen, J. A. Kernsa, and W. F. Pouder. 2013. Utility of restrictive harvest regulations for trophy largemouth bass management. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:499-507. 88. Dutterer, A. C., C. Mesing, R. Cailteux, M. S. Allen, W. E. Pine, and P. A. Strickland. 2013. Fish recruitment is influenced by river flows and floodplain inundation at Apalachicola River, Florida. River Research and Application 29:1110-1118. 87. Allen, M. S., M. W. Rogersa, M. J. Catalanoa, D. C. Gwinna, and S. J. Walsh. 2013. Reply to Comment: Assessing the potential for the angling of nesting males to influence largemouth bass recruitment should consider the quality of nesting individuals: comment on Allen et al. (2011). Parkos, J., D. Wahl, and D. Philipp. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 86. Allen, M. S., R. M. Ahrens, M. J. Hansen, and R. Arlinghaus. 2013. Dynamic angling effort influences the value of minimum length limits to prevent recruitment overfishing. Fisheries Management and Ecology 20:247-257. 85. Kerns, J., M. S. Allen, and J. E. Harris. 2012. Importance of assessing population-level impact of catch and release mortality. Fisheries 37:502-503. 84. Haley, N. V., R. A. Wright, D. R. DeVries, and M. S. Allen. 2012. Privately owned small impoundments in central Alabama: a survey and evaluation of management techniques for largemouth bass and bluegill. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:11801190. 83. Rogers, M. R., and M. S. Allen. 2012. An ecosystem model for exploring lake restoration effects on fish communities and fisheries in Florida. Ecological Restoration 20:612-622. 82. Linhoss, A. C., R. Munoz-Carpenaa,, M. S. Allen, G. Kiker, and K. Mosepelec. 2012. A flood pulse driven fish population model for the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Ecological Modelling 228:27-38. 81. Austin J.D., Johnson A.!, Matthews M., Tringali M., Porak W.F., Allen M.S. 2012. An assessment of hatchery effects on Florida bass (Micropterus salmoides floridanus) microsatellite genetic diversity and sibship reconstruction. Aquaculture Research. 43: 628-638. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2109.2011.02873.x

Progress 10/01/11 to 09/30/12

OUTPUTS: Data were collected in freshwater systems across Florida. These data were analyzed and interpreted with results presented to governmental agencies via reports and articles in scientific journals. Advice was provided to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and several state Water Management Districts. Classes were taught to graduate students and undergrads in Population Dynamics and Field Ecology, respectively. Students were mentored and received MS and PhD degrees. PARTICIPANTS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. TARGET AUDIENCES: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

Mentoring, presentations, training, and publications improved knowledge of nutrients in freshwater aquatic systems, other important ecological processes, and methods of scientific inquiry for scientists, university students, teachers, natural resource managers, employees of non-governmental organizations, and the public. The improved knowledge is being used in establishing sustainable management of Florida's coastal systems.


  • Binion, G.a, M. Catalanoa, M. Allen, and W. Pine. 2009. Direct and indirect estimates of black crappie size selectivity to a common sampling gear: potential biases and limitations for assessment. Fisheries Research 95:47-54.
  • Catalano, M.a, D. Duttererb, W. Pine, and M. S. Allen. 2009. Effects of variable mortality and recruitment on performance of catch-curve residuals as indicators of fish year class strength. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:395-305
  • Rogers, M. W.a, and M. S. Allen. 2009. Exploring the generality of recruitment hypotheses using largemouth bass in Florida. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138:23-37.
  • M. V. Hoyer, M. W. Jacksonb, and M. S. Allen. 2008. Is hydrilla occurrence associated with biota diversity for Florida lakes Lake and Reservoir Management 24:331-338.
  • Tuten, T.a, M. S. Allen, and C. Cichra. 2008. Effects of benthic prey composition and abundance on diet and growth of black crappie at three Florida lakes. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137:1778-1790.
  • Bonvechio, K. I., M. S. Allen, T. F. Bonvechio, and T. P. Coughlin. 2008. Comparison of largemouth bass assessment metrics between standardized and historical sampling designs at six Florida lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:1132-1137.
  • Allen, M. S., R. M. Myers, and C. J. Walters. 2008. Temporal trends in largemouth bass mortality, with fisheries implications. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:418-427.
  • Myers, R. M., J. B. Taylor, M. S. Allen, and T. F. Bonvechio. 2008. Temporal trends in voluntary release of largemouth bass. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:428-433.
  • Rogers, M.a, and M. S. Allen. 2008. Hurricane impacts to Lake Okeechobee: altered hydrology creates difficult management trade offs. Fisheries 33(1):11-17.
  • Dutterer, A.a, and M. S. Allen. 2008. Spotted sunfish habitat utilization at three Florida rivers with implications to minimum flows. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137:454-466.
  • Barrientos, C., and M. S. Allen. 2008. Fish abundance and community composition in native and non-native plants following hydrilla colonization at Lake Izabal, Guatemala. Fisheries Management and Ecology 15:99-106.
  • Coggins, L. G. Jr., M. J. Catalanoa, M. S. Allen, W. E. Pine III, and C. J. Walters. 2007. Effects of cryptic fishing mortality on fishery sustainability and performance. Fish and Fisheries 8:196-210.
  • Trippel, N. A.a, M. S. Allen, and R. S. McBride. 2007. Seasonal and historical trends of abundance and size of juvenile shad (Alosinae: Alosa spp.) in the St. Johns River, Florida. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136:988-993.
  • Johnson, K. G.b, M. S. Allen, and K. E. Havens. 2007. A review of littoral vegetation, fisheries, and wildlife responses to hydrologic variation at Lake Okeechobee. Wetlands 27:110-126.
  • Rogers, M.a, M. S. Allen, and W. Porak. 2006. Separating genetic and environmental influences on temporal hatching distributions of largemouth bass. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63:2391-2399.
  • Catalano, M.a, M. Allen, and D. Murie. 2006. Effects of variable flows on water chemistry gradients and fish communities in the Hillsborough River, Florida. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:108-118.
  • Crawford, S., and M. S. Allen. 2006. Fishing and natural mortality of bluegill and redear sunfish at Lake Panasoffkee, Florida. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:42-51.
  • Cooney, P.a, and M. S. Allen. 2006. Effects of introduced groundwater on water chemistry and fish assemblages in central Florida Lakes. Hydrobiologia 556:279-224.
  • Allen, M. S. 2005. Aquatic plants and fisheries: making sense of conflicting evidence. Aquatics 27(2):4-8.
  • Rogers, M.a, M. S. Allen, and D. Jones. 2005. Relations between river surface level and fish assemblage in the Oklahwaha River, Florida. River Research and Application 21:501-511.
  • Myers, R. A., and M. S. Allen. 2005. Factors related to angler catch of 13-lb largemouth bass in Texas reservoirs. Lake and Reservoir Management 21:309-315.
  • Dockendorf, K. J.a, and M. S. Allen. 2005. Age-0 black crappie abundance and size in relation to zooplankton density, stock abundance, and water clarity in three Florida lakes. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 132:172-183.
  • Dockendorf, K. J.a, and M. S. Allen. 2005. Age-0 black crappie abundance and size in relation to zooplankton and stock abundance at three Florida lakes. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134:172-183.
  • Allen, M. S., M. Rogers, R. Myers, and M. Bivin. 2004. Simulated impacts of tournament-associated mortality on largemouth bass fisheries. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:1252-1261.
  • Tugend, K. Ia., M. S. Allen, and M. Binford. 2004. Potential use of remote sensing to assess effects of wave action on plant re-establishement. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 42:54-60.
  • Tugend, K. I..a, and M. S. Allen. 2004. Changes in plant and fish communities in enhanced areas of Lake Kissimmee, Florida following a habitat enhancement. Lake and Reservoir Management 20:54-64.
  • Allen, M. S., K. I. Tugend, and M. J. Mann. 2003. Largemouth bass abundance and angler catch rates following a habitat enhancement project at Lake Kissimmee, Florida. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23:845-855.
  • Allen, M. S.c, and L. E. Miranda. 1998. Linking models of constituent activity to the management process: potential for increased value of user surveys. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 2:1-9.
  • Allen, M. S.c, and L. E. Miranda. 1995. An evaluation of the value of harvest restrictions in managing crappie fisheries. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 15:766-772.
  • Miranda, L. E., M. Schorr, M. Allen, and K. Meals. 1996. Description of a floating trap net for sampling crappies. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 16:457-460.
  • Allen, M. S. 1993. Guide to choosing a graduate school. Fisheries 18(2):30-31.
  • Allen, M. S., and D. R. DeVries. 1992. Spatial and temporal heterogeneity of larval shad in a large impoundment. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 122:1070-1079.
  • Rogers, M. W.a, and M. S. Allen. 2008. Using available prey estimates to inform largemouth bass stocking strategies in Florida. Fourth International Reservoir Symposium: Managing Fisheries in the Context of Water Allocation Issues. Pages 371-392 in Allen M.S., S. Sammons, and M. J. Maceina, editors. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.
  • Berg, J. J.a, M. Allen, and K. J. Sulak. 2007. Population assessment of the Gulf of Mexico sturgeon in the Yellow River, Florida. Pages 365-379 in Munro, J., D. Hatin, J., Hightower, K. McKown, K. J. Sulak, A. Kahnle, and F. Caron, editors. Anadromous Sturgeons: Habitats, Threats, and Management. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.
  • Allen, M. S., M. J. Van Den Ayvle, R. L. Noble, and F. A. Harris. 2004. A 50-year history of the Southern Division American Fisheries Society. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Southeastern Fish and Wildlife Agencies 56:1-16.
  • Allen, M. S.c, and L. E. Miranda. 1996. A qualitative evaluation of specialization among crappie anglers. Pages 145-151 in L. E. Miranda and D. R. DeVries, editors. Multidimensional Approaches to Reservoir Fisheries Management. Third National Reservoir Symposium, Southern Division Reservoir Committee, American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.
  • Linhoss, A. C., R. Munoz-Carpenaa,, M. S. Allen, G. Kiker, and K. Mosepelec. 2012. A flood pulse driven fish population model for the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Ecological Modelling 228:27-38. Austin J.D., Johnson A., Matthews M., Tringali M., Porak W.F., Allen M.S. 2012. An assessment of hatchery effects on Florida bass (Micropterus salmoides floridanus) microsatellite genetic diversity and sibship reconstruction. Aquaculture Research. 43: 628-638. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2109.2011.02873.x
  • Catalano, M. J., and M. S. Allen. 2011. A whole-lake density reduction to assess compensatory responses of gizzard shad. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68:955-968.
  • Hunt, T. L., J. W. Douglas, M. S. Allen, D. C. Gwinn, Z. Tonkin, J. Lyon, and A. Pickworth. 2011. Evaluation of population decline and fishing sustainability of the endangered Australian freshwater fish Macquaria australasica. Fisheries Management and Ecology 18:513-520.
  • Allen, M. S., M. W. Rogers, M. J. Catalano, D. C. Gwinn, and S. J. Walsh. 2011. Evaluating the potential for stock size to limit recruitment in largemouth bass. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140:1093-1100.
  • Gwinn, D. C., J. C. Tetzlaff, P. Brown, and M. S. Allen. 2011. Evaluating mark recapture sampling designs for fish in an open riverine system. Marine and Freshwater Research 62:835-840.
  • Tetzlaff, J. C., M. J. Catalano, M. S. Allen, and W. E. Pine. 2011. Evaluation of two methods for indexing fish year class strength: catch curve residuals and cohort method. Fisheries Research 109:303-310.
  • Barbour, A. B., M. S. Allen, T. K. Frazer, and K. D. Sherman. 2011. Evaluating the potential efficacy of invasive lionfish removals. PLOS ONE 6: 6(5):e19666. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0019666
  • Purtlebaugh, C. H., and M. S. Allen. 2010. Relative abundance, growth, and mortality of five age-0 estuarine fishes in relation to discharge of the Suwannee River, Florida. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139:1233-1246.
  • Douglas, J., Brown, P., M. Rogers, T. Hunt, and M. Allen. 2010. Evaluating relative impacts of recreational fishing harvest and discard mortality on Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii). Fisheries Research 106:18-21.
  • Hohausova, E., R. J. Lavoy, and M. S. Allen. 2010. Fish dispersal in a seasonal wetland: influence of anthropogenic structures. Marine and Freshwater Research 61:682-694.
  • Bunch, Aa, M. S. Allen, and D. Gwinn. 2010. Spatial and temporal trends in hypoxia in dense plant habitats of Florida lakes. Wetlands 30:429-435.
  • Catalano, M.a, and M. S. Allen. 2010. A size- and age-structured model to estimate fish recruitment, growth, mortality, and gear selectivity. Fisheries Research 105:38-45.
  • Catalano, M.a, and M. S. Allen. 2010. Evaluating short-term effects of omnivorous fish removal on water quality and zooplankton at a subtropical lake. Hydrobiologia 655:159-169.
  • Gwinn, D.a, and M. S. Allen. 2010. Effects of fitting procedures on parameter bias for the von Bertalanffy growth equation. Fisheries Research 105:75-79.
  • Gwinn, D.a, and M. S. Allen. 2010. Exploring population level effects of fishery closures during spawning: an example using largemouth bass. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139:626-634.
  • Hunt, T., J. Douglas, M. Allen, and A. Gason. 2010. Evaluation of a sport fish stocking program in lakes of the southern Murray-Darling Basin, Australia North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30:805-811.
  • Rogers, M. W.a, M. S. Allen, P. Brown, T. Hunt, W. Fulton, and B. Ingram. 2010. Relative value of stock enhancement versus harvest regulations for Murray cod fishery sustainability. Ecological Modelling 221:919-926.
  • Flowers, J., W. E. Pine, D. Dutterer, K. Johnson, J. Zewitz, M. Allen, and F. Pauruka. 2009. Spawning site selection and potential implications of modified flow regimes on Gulf sturgeon population viability. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.
  • Haley, N. V., R. A. Wright, D. R. DeVries, and M. S. Allen. 2012. Privately owned small impoundments in central Alabama: a survey and evaluation of management techniques for largemouth bass and bluegill. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:1180-1190.
  • Allen, M. S., M. W. Rogers, M. J. Catalano, D. C. Gwinna, and S. J. Walsh. 2013. Reply to Comment: Assessing the potential for the angling of nesting males to influence largemouth bass recruitment should consider the quality of nesting individuals: comment on Allen et al. (2011). Parkos, J., D. Wahl, and D. Philipp. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.
  • Allen, M. S., R. M. Ahrens, M. J. Hansen, and R. Arlinghaus. 2012. Utility of minimum-length limits to prevent recruitment overfishing while considering dynamic angling effort patterns. Fisheries Management and Ecology (In Press).
  • Ley, J., and M. S. Allen. 2012. Modeling marine protected area value in a catch-and-release dominated estuarine fishery. Fisheries Research (In press).
  • Rogers, M. R., and M. S. Allen. 2012. An ecosystem model for exploring lake restoration effects on fish communities and fisheries in Florida. Ecological Restoration 20:612-622.
  • Brenner, M., J. M. Smoak, M. S. Allen, C. L. Schelske, and D. A. Leeper. 2000. Biological accumulation of 226RA in a groundwater-augmented Florida lake. Limnology and Oceanography 45:710-715.
  • Miranda, L. E., M. P. Driscoll, and M. S. Allen. 2000. Transient microhabitats allow fish survival in inhospitable plant stands. Freshwater Biology 44:752-758.
  • Myers, R. A., M. S. Allen, and D. Colle. 2000. Production and stocking evaluation of black crappie in a Florida lake. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 20:534-537.
  • Allen, M. S. 1997. Effects of variable recruitment on catch-curve analysis for crappie populations. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 17:202-205.
  • Tugend, K. I.a, and M. S. Allen. 2000. Temporal dynamics of zooplankton density and community composition in Lake Wauberg, Florida. Florida Scientist 63(3):142-154.
  • Allen, M. S., M. M. Hale, and W. E. Pine III.a 1999. A comparison of trap nets and otter trawls for sampling black crappie in two Florida lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 19:977-983.
  • Allen, M. S., J. C. Greene, F. R. Snow, M. J. Maceina, and D. R. DeVries. 1999. Recruitment of largemouth bass in Alabama impoundments: relations to trophic state and larval shad occurrence. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 19:67-77.
  • Maceina, M. J., O. Ozen, M. S. Allen, and S. M. Smith. 1998. Use of equilibrium yield models to evaluate length limits for crappie in Weiss Lake, Alabama. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 18:854-863.
  • Allen, M. S., M. V. Hoyer, and D. E. Canfield, Jr. 1998. Factors related to black crappie occurrence density and growth in Florida lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 18:864-871.
  • Allen, M. S.c, L. E. Miranda, and R. E. Brock. 1998. Implications of compensatory and additive mortality to the management of selected sportfish populations. Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management 3:67-79.
  • Allen, M. S.c, and L. E. Miranda. 1998. An age-structured model for erratic crappie fisheries. Ecological Modelling 107:289-303.
  • Wheeler, A. P.a, and M. S. Allen. 2003. Habitat and diet partitioning between shoal bass and largemouth bass in the Chipola River, Florida. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 132:438-449.
  • Wheeler, A. P.a, and M. S. Allen. 2002. Comparison of three statistical classification procedures for classifying the presence-absence of an aquatic macrophyte from habitat observations. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 17:601-608.
  • Bonvechio, T. F.a, and M. S. Allen. 2005. Abundance, growth and mortality of Suwannee bass in four Florida Rivers: implications for minimum size limits. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25:275-283.
  • Bonvechio, T. F.a, and M. S. Allen. 2005. Relations between hydrologic variables and year class strength of sportfish in eight Florida waterbodies. Hydrobiologia 32:193-207.
  • Bonvechio, T.a, M. S. Allen, and R. Cailteaux. 2005. Abundance, growth and mortality of Suwannee bass in four Florida Rivers: implications for minimum size limits. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25:275-283.
  • Tate, W. B.b, M. Allen, R. Myers, and J. Estes. 2002. Comparison of electrofishing and rotenone for sampling largemouth bass in vegetated areas of two Florida lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23:181-188.
  • Tate, W. B.b, M. Allen, R. Myers, E. Nagid, and J. Estes. 2002. Relation of age-0 largemouth bass abundance to hydrilla coverage and water level at Lakes Lochloosa and Orange, Florida. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23:251-257.
  • Tugend, K. I.a, M. S. Allen, and M. Webb. 2002. Use of artificial habitat structures in U. S. lakes and reservoirs: a survey from the Southern Division AFS Reservoir Committee. Fisheries 27:22-25.
  • Tate, W. B.b, and M. S. Allen. 2002. Simulated impacts of juvenile mortality on Gulf of Mexico sturgeon populations. Freshwater Systems, The Scientific World 2:270-274.
  • Tugend, K. I.a, and M. S. Allen. 2001. Habitat structures in lakes and reservoirs: if you build it, will they come Lakeline, a publication of the North American Lake Management Society 21(3):23-25.
  • Pine, W. E. III.a, M. S. Allen, and V. Dreitz. 2001. Population viability of Gulf of Mexico sturgeon in the Suwannee River, Florida. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 130:1164-1174.
  • Allen, M. S.c, and L. E. Miranda. 2001. Quasi-cycles in crappie populations are forced by interactions among population characteristics and environment. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58:594-601.
  • Pine, W. E. III.a, and M. S. Allen. 2001. Differential growth and survival of weekly age-0 black crappie cohorts in a Florida Lake. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 130:80-91.
  • Allen, M. S., M. V. Hoyer, and D. E. Canfield, Jr. 2000. Factors related to gizzard shad and threadfin shad occurrence and abundance in Florida lakes. Journal of Fish Biology 57:291-302.
  • Terrell, J. B., D. L. Watson, M. V. Hoyer, M. S. Allen, and D. E. Canfield, Jr. 2000. Temporal water quality trends (1967-1997) for a population of Florida waterbodies. Lake and Reservoir Management 16:177-194.
  • Miranda, L. E., and M. S. Allen. 2000. Use of length limits to reduce variability in crappie fisheries. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 20:752-758.
  • Allen, M. S., and W. E. Pine III.a 2000. Detecting fish-population responses to a minimum length limit: effects of variable recruitment and duration of evaluation. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 20:672-682.
  • Dotson, J. R.a, M. S. Allen, W. E. Johnson, and J. Benton. 2009. Impacts of commercial gill net bycatch and recreational fishing on a Florida black crappie population. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:1454-1465.
  • Douglas, J., T. Hunt, M. Allen, and P. Brown. 2009. Application of GIS modeling to quantify fish habitats in lakes. Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management 14:171-174.
  • De Brabandere, L., M. J. Catalanoa, T. K. Frazer, and M. S. Allen. 2009. Stable isotope evidence of ontogentic changes in the diet of gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum. Journal of Fish Biology 74:105-119.