Source: UNIV OF WISCONSIN submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Oct 1, 2008
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2012
Grant Year
Project Director
Currie, C.
Recipient Organization
21 N PARK ST STE 6401
MADISON,WI 53715-1218
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Honey bees (Apis mellifera) play a critical role in agriculture in the US, both as producers of honey and as the primary pollinator for many cultivated crops. Colonies of Apis mellifera are highly vulnerable to parasites and pathogens; and, as highlighted by the recent emergence of colony collapse disorder (CCD), understanding host defense and host-pathogen dynamics in this social insect is crucial for the stability of the domestic apicultural industry. I propose investigating the microbial community associated with honey bees. In addition, I will examine the hypothesis that Apis mellifera has a symbiotic association with actinomycetes to derive antibiotics to help defend against microbial pathogens. This will be examined by combining intensive field sampling of beehives, using culture and culture-independent methods for detecting actinomycetes, and executing bioassay and infection experiments. This study will provide insights into the biology of honey bees, a crucial component in many agricultural systems, and could provide new management strategies designed to help ensure the health of the domestic apicultural industry. Actinomycetes are now known to be mutualistically associated with at least 200 species of fungus-growing ants, 3 species of European beewolves, and the southern pine beetle. In each of these cases, the symbiotic actinomycete produces antibiotics that help defend these insects or their food source from pathogens. In the proposed work, I expect to find that as predicted, honey bees have symbiotic associations with actinomycetes that produce antibiotics to help deal with pathogens. This would support my hypothesis that these types of associations are widespread in nature. In addition, as part of this project, using biolipid markers, we will document the broad microbial community composition associated with honey bees, including distinguishing differences between different components of colonies (i.e., workers, brood, honey, etc.). This will provide important baseline information for understanding issues such as colony collapse disorder. The proposed research could lead to the discovery of antibiotics for commercial use, including drugs designed to help defend nests of Apis from pathogens such as American foulbrood and chalk brood. The discovery that honey bees have a symbiotic association with antibiotic-producing actinomycetes would provide further insights into how common this type of host defense mechanism might be in nature.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
I will investigate the microbial community associated with Honey bees (Apis mellifera), which play an important role in US agriculture. In addition, I will examine the hypothesis that Apis mellifera has a symbiotic association with actinomycetes to derive antibiotics to help defend against microbial pathogens. There are four specific goals to this proposal: Goal 1: To describe the broad microbial community associated with honey bees and their hives. Goal 2: To determine the diversity and specificity of actinomycetes associated with honey bees. Goal 3: To test the hypothesis that symbiotic actinomycetes help defend honey bees from pathogens. Goal 4: To develop outreach material for engaging and educating K-12 students and the general public. This study will provide insights into the biology of honey bees, a crucial component in many agricultural systems, and could provide new management strategies designed to help ensure the health of the domestic apicultural industry.
Project Methods
To analyze the broad microbial community composition of honey bees and their hives we will employ a hybrid method, which combines phospholipid fatty acid (PFLA) and fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analyses. By using these biomarkers it is possible to quantify relative abundance of broad groups of bacteria. Specifically, we will conduct PFLA/FAME work on 10 honey bee colonies, including comparing microbial lipid signatures from different nest components (e.g., workers, brood, comb material, honey, and pollen). To determine the diversity and specificity of actinomycetes associated with honey bees we will survey the diversity of actinomycetes associated with domesticated honey bees and their colonies from different geographic locations within the North Central region of the US. The sites will include at least four from within Wisconsin and one site from each of Illinois and Minnesota. At each site, 3 colonies will be sampled and the diversity of actinomycetes determined using both culture-dependent and culture-independent approaches. We will explore the potential role actinomycetes play in protecting colonies from invading microbes by screening the isolates we obtain for antibiotic activity. Bioassays will follow established protocols we have used on fungus-growing ants. We will look for general and specific anti-fungal and anti-bacterial activity in the actinomycetes. Inaddition, we will setup and maintain 3 honey bee colonies at the West Madison Agricultural Research Station (WMARS). We will undertake in vivo infection experiments to further test how the microbial community within hives influences colony health. We will conduct 2x2 crossing experiments, involving infections of colonies with the pathogen P. larvae (American Foul Brood) and augmentation of biomass of the actinomycetous bacteria. Capitalizing on the general public's fascination with social insects; one goal of this proposal is to develop outreach material for engaging and educating the public to contribute towards a more scientifically literate citizenry. Their workers' conspicuous behaviors, potential large colony size, social nature, fascinating biology, and ease of maintenance, make it both easy to develop and great for engaging the public. As part of this Hatch proposal, I will setup an observational honey bee hive, in the Microbe Place (UW-Madison, Microbial Science Building), if possible, or on the 6th floor balcony of MSB. I will also develop display material for the Microbe Place that will focus on associations between microbes and honey bees, including information on the biology of bees, their economic importance, and the role microbes have in their biology, both as potential beneficial partners as well as being a major cause of honey bee population decline in the US. We will publish our results in peer reviewed journals. In addition, if we find that actinomycetes help honey bee colonies defend against pathogens, we will explore ways of applying these findings to help alleviate current problems with disease management in apicultures. Our work should also provide opportunities to leverage funding for further studies of this symbiotic association.

Progress 10/01/08 to 09/30/12

OUTPUTS: Poster: Int. Symbiosis Society 2009. The Presence of Actinobacteria within Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Hives and their Floral Food Sources: Implications for a New Symbiosis. PARTICIPANTS: K. Grubbs, PhD student; C. Currie PI <p> </p> Poster: Perlman Symposium on Antibiotic Discovery and Development 2010. An Actinobacterium from Apis mellifera Hives Produces an Antibiotic that Specifically Inhibits American Foulbrood PARTICIPANTS: K. Grubbs, PhD student; C. Currie PI <p> </p> Poster: Arthropod Genomics Symposium 2010: The genome sequence of the leaf-cutter ant Atta cephalotes. PARTICIPANTS: K. Grubbs, PhD student; C. Currie PI <p> </p> Oral presentation: Arthropod Genomics Symposium 2011. Transcriptional response to manipulation of fungal symbiosis in the leaf-cutter ant Atta cephalotes. PARTICIPANTS: K. Grubbs, PhD student; C. Currie PI <p> </p> Oral presentation: Entomological Society of America 2012. Component wise variance in community profiles of Apis mellifera hives. PARTICIPANTS: Kirk Grubbs, PhD student; C. Currie PI <p> </p> A couple hundred strains of antibiotic-producing Actinobacteria have been isolated from both honey bee hives and some flowers that are pollinated by honey bees. Further exploration of one of these isolates yielded the novel compound Apinimycin. PARTICIPANTS: Kirk Grubbs, PhD student; Cameron Currie PI <p> </p> Kirk Grubbs, who was supported by this Hatch, helped analyze the draft genome for the leaf-cutter ant Atta cephalotes. This provided the training necessary for Kirk to work on the honeybee microbiome. PARTICIPANTS: K. Grubbs <p> </p> We generated a membrane lipid profiling of the microbial community from honeybee colonies. PARTICIPANTS: K. Grubbs <p> </p> We conducted an experiment to look at the effect chemical pesticides have on the microbiota of honeybees. Six colonies were selected, 3 receiving Chlorothalonil (a fungicide used in WI), and 16S rRNA pyrotag sequencing of the microbiota was conducted. This work provides insights into the general microbiota of honeybee colonies, as well as the impact of a fungicide on this community. PARTICIPANTS: K. Grubbs <p> </p> Three students have received training. PhD candidate Kirk Grubbs has received training in microbiology, entomology, and molecular ecology. Undergraduate Robert Dugenske was trained in basic microbiology and phylogenetic methods (2009-2012). James Estevez received training in microbiology and entomology working as an undergraduate assistant (2010). <p> </p> Summary: One graduate and two undergraduate students received training in microbiology and symbiosis. A novel antibiotic was discovered from an Actinobacterium isolated from a honeybee colony. This antibiotic is highly active against the most significant bacterial disease of honeybees, American Foulbrood (AFB). Thus, it has the potential to be a used to help treat AFB by apiculturists. PARTICIPANTS: PhD candidate Kirk Grubbs has received training in microbiology, entomology, and molecular ecology. He conducted research, mentored undergrad students, conducted fieldwork, and performed pyrotag sequencing. Undergraduate Robert Dugenske and James Estevez were trained in basic microbiology and phylogenetic methods. They made microbiological media, helped maintain honeybee colonies, helped conduct DNA isolation and Sangar sequencing of isolates PI Cameron Currie oversaw progress of Kirk Grubbs' graduate training and mentoring. TARGET AUDIENCES: Genomics community, Insect genomics community, Apiculturists, Symbiosis researchers, Entomological Society of America, Int. Symb. Society. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

We conducted the first lipid based (fatty acid methyl ester and phospholipid-derived fatty acid) microbial community characterization of honeybees and their hive components (i.e., bees, comb, propolis, honey, and stored pollen). Given that the different components within hives can be physically separated and are nutritionally variable, in this work we explored the hypothesis that unique microbial communities occur within the different microenvironments of honey bee colonies. Overall microbial community richness was found to vary from lowest to highest in honey, comb, pupae, pollen, adults and propolis, respectively. Finally, microbial community lipid profiles were more similar when compared by component than by hive, location or sampling year. Specifically, we found that individual hive components typically exhibited several dominant lipids and that these dominant lipids differ between components. As part of this project, we conducted extensive isolation for the presence of Actinobacteria inside the hives of honeybee colonies. We isolated X colony forming units of Actinobacteria from honey bees and their hive components. Specifically, the majority of these strains belong in the genus Streptomyces, most commonly from pollen and adult bees. Together these findings suggest that Actinobacteria are maintained within the hive and that at least some of the strains are acquired during pollen foraging. One specific strain was found to produce a novel secondary metabolite, Apinimycin, which has antibiotic activity specific to the common hive pathogen, Paenibacillus larvae (American Foulbrood). To characterize the microbial community (microbiome) of honeybees we have conducted 16S rRNA pyrosequencing. Further, we explored the impact of a common crop pesticide (Chlorothalonil) on the normal microbial community associated with hive. Furthermore, this study will provide further detail on the microbial profiles of individual hive components. In this work, we have gained valuable insights into the microbiology of honeybees. Some of the main findings we have generated are as follows. First, we have shown that the community of bacteria is most diverse in adult bees, and least diverse in pupae. Second, we have shown that the community of microbes undergoes significant shifts over time. We have found that the community is dominated by Proteobacteria and Firmicutes, as well as Bacteriodetes and Actinobacteria. We have also found a shift in the microbial community associated with hives based on our Chlorothalonil treatment. <p> </p> Summary: Through pyrosequencing and lipid-based microbial community profiling we have characterized the microbial community associated with honeybees and their hive components. This includes showing that distinct hive components (e.g., brood, pollen, workers, etc.) appear to have specialized and distinct communities of microbes. Finally, we have discovered one novel antibiotic from a strain of Actinobacteria associated with hives and shown that this compound has high activity against the major bacterial pathogen of honeybees.


  • Kirk J. Grubbs, Peter H.W. Biedermann, Garret Suen, Sandra M. Adams, Joseph A. Moeller, Jonathan L. Klassen, Lynne A. Goodwin, Tanja Woyke, A. Christine Munk, David Bruce, Chris Detter, Roxanne Tapia, Cliff S. Han and Cameron R. Currie. The Complete Genome Sequence of Streptomyces cf. griseus (XylebKG-1), an Ambrosia Beetle-Associated Actinomycete. J. Bact. 2011; Published ahead of print 1 April 2011, doi: 10.1128/ JB.00330-11

Progress 01/01/11 to 12/31/11

OUTPUTS: A couple hundred strains of antibiotic producing Actinobacteria have been isolated from both honey bee hives and the flowers honey bees pollinate. Further exploration of one of these isolates yielded the novel compound Apinimycin. Lipid analysis allowed for the production of general microbial community profiles for individual hive components. A metagenomic study that is currently in progress will allow for the further refinement of microbial community profiles and for the determination of if and how the use of Chlorothalonil on crops affects these communities. PARTICIPANTS: Kirk Grubbs TARGET AUDIENCES: Not relevant to this project. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

An exploratory search for secondary metabolite producing Actinobacteria has yielded a couple hundred different Actinobacterial strains with varying degrees of antibiotic activity. These strains were further linked to flowers that honey bees actively pollinate. One specific strain was found to produce a novel secondary metabolite, Apinimycin, which appears to have antibiotic activity specific to the common hive pathogen, Paenibacillus larvae. Our lipid analysis has established a microbial community profile for individual hive components and shown that the same components from different hives are statistically more similar than different hive components from the same hive. Our most recent metagenomic study of hive components in response to the common crop pesticide will determine if and how microbial communities within honey bee hives respond to biologically relevant levels of the crop pesticide. Furthermore, this study will provide further detail to the microbial profiles of individual hive components.


    Progress 01/01/10 to 12/31/10

    OUTPUTS: We have isolated bacteria from colonies of honeybees, specifically actinobacteria in the genus Streptomyces. We have also conducted membrane lipid profiling of the microbial community from honeybee colonies. Finally, Kirk Grubbs who is supported by this Hatch helped with analyses of the draft genome for Atta cephalotes. PARTICIPANTS: Kirk Grubbs TARGET AUDIENCES: Not relevant to this project. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

    We have found the presence of antibiotic producing bacteria inside the hives of honeybee colonies. From one of these colonies, we have discovered a novel small molecule (antibiotic), which has high activity against a bacteria pathogen of honeybees. Further, our lipid analysis suggestion that different hive components have distinct microbial communities associated with them. We have also generated a draft genome for Atta cephalotes. Analysis of this genome suggests genetic modifications that reflects its obligate dependence on the fungal cultivar for nutrients.


    • Suen, G., Teiling, C., Li, L., Holt, C., Abouheif, E., Bornberg-Bauer, E., Bouffard, P., Caldera, E.J., Cash, E., Cavanaugh, A., Denas, O., Elhaik, E., Fave, M-J., Gadau, J., Gibson, J.D., Graur, D., Grubbs, K.J., Hagen, D.E., Helmkampf, M., Hu, H., Johnson, B.R., Kim, J., Marsh, S.E., Moeller, J.A., Munoz-Torres, M.C., Murphy, M.C., Naughton, M.C., Nigam, S., Overson, R., Rajakumar, R., Reese, J.T., Scott, J.J., Smith, C.R., Tao, S., Tsutsui, N.D., Viljakainen, L., Wissler, L., Yandell, M.D., Zimmer, F., Harkins, T.T., Taylor, J., Slater, S.C., Clifton, S.W., Warren, W.C., Elsik, C.G., Smith, C.D., Weinstock, G.M., Gerardo, N.M. & Currie, C.R. 2010. (in press) The Genome Sequence of the Leaf-cutter Ant Atta cephalotes Reveals Insights into its Obligate Symbiotic Lifestyle. Public Library of Science Genetics.
    • Smith, C.R., Smith, C.D., Robertson, H.M., Helmkampf, M., Zimin, A., Yandell, M., Holt, C., Hu, H., Abouheif, E., Benton, R., Cash, E., Croset, V., Currie, C.R., Elhaik, E., Elsik, C.G., Fave, M.J., Ferandes, V., Gibson, J.D., Graur, D., Gronenber, W., Grubbs, K.J., Hagen, D., Vinniegra, A.S.I., Johnson, B.R., Johnson, R., Khila, A., Kim, J.W., Mathis, K.A., Munoz-Torres, M.C., Murphy, M.C., Mustard, J.A., Nakamura, R., Neihuis, O., Nigham, S., Overson, R., Placek, J., Rajakumar, R., Resse, J.T., Suen, G., Shu, T., Torres, C.W., Tsutsui, N.D., Viljakainen, L., Wolschin, F. and J. Gadau. 2010. A Draft Genome of the Red Harvester Ant, Pogonomyrmex barbatus: a Model for Reproductive Division of Labor and Social Complexity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. (in press).
    • Smith, C.D., Abouheif, E., Benton, R., Croset, V., Currie, C.R., Elhaik, E., Elsik, C.G., Fave, M.J, Fernandes, V., Gadau, J., Gibson, J.D., Graur, D., Hagen, D.E., Helmkampf, M., Holt, C., Hu, H., Johnson, B.R., Johnson, R.M., Abderrahman, K., Kim, J.K., Mathis, K.A., Munoz-Torres, M.C., Murphy, M.C., Nakamura, R., Nigam, S., Overson, R., Placek, J., Rajakumar, R., Reese, J.T., Robertson, H.M., Smith, C.R., Suen, G., Tao, S., Torres, C.W., van Wilgenburg, E., Viljakainen, L., Vinniegra, A.S. I., Walden, K.K.O., Yandell, M.D., Zimin, A. and N.D. Tsutsui. 2010. The Genome of the Globally Widespread and Invasive Argentine Ant (Linepithema humile). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. (in press).

    Progress 01/01/09 to 12/31/09

    OUTPUTS: Poster was presented at International Symbiosis Society; 9-15 Aug 2009; Madison, WI. Grubbs K, Hanshew A, Scott J, Pinto A, Adams S, Currie C. The Presence of Actinobacteria within Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Hives and their Floral Food Sources: Implications for a New Symbiosis. Poster session presented at: International Congress on Symbiosis. PARTICIPANTS: Kirk Grubbs, PhD student; Cameron Currie, PI TARGET AUDIENCES: International Symbiosis Society PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

    With the importance of social insect/actinobacteria relationships coming to light, the honey bee system, with its numerous pathological states and discreet hive components, is ripe for the discovery and use of this type of relationship for better hive management. Sampling of several hive components and two honey bee castes gave rise to overall colony forming unit(CFU) counts in which actinobacteria were more prevalent in bees that have been foraging and in pollen cells. This is further supported by SEM images in which growth that is morphologically consistent with actinobacteria was visualized in pollen stores and on the walls of pollen cells. Together these findings suggest that actinobacteria are maintained within the hive and that they are being attained during pollen foraging. To explore this possibility, flowers known to be visited by honey bees were sampled for the presence of actinobacteria CFUs. Subsequent discovery of actinobacteria lead to morphological comparisons which indicated that some of the actinobacterial isolates found from hive components and flower components were similar and possibly the same species. To further support this idea, a 16s phylogeny was made with DNA isolated from pure cultures of actinobacteria isolates.


    • No publications reported this period