Source: CORNELL UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Dec 15, 2008
Project End Date
Dec 14, 2013
Grant Year
Project Director
Batt, C. A.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
The perception and acceptance of nanotechnology by the general public will be assessed along with the impact of information on the public impression of this emerging technology. One very tangible outcome will be a set of best practices through which the general public can be informed on progress made in the field of nanotechnology. To provide an information base we will produce a series of audio and video episodes in collaboration with Earth & Sky. The episodes will cover both potential benefits and risks of the technology. They will be developed after some front-end assessment to determine what the general public knows and their concerns about nanotechnology in agriculture and food systems. The radio episodes will be broadcast as part of the regular Earth & Sky series which reaches approximately nine-million listeners each day. The video versions will be used in two traveling museum exhibitions that are currently on tour in the United States. In addition we will use these videos in other public venues. Over the two year period of this grant (and beyond) approximately 55 million 'views' should be recorded on the subject. We will use online response and interviews with visitors to determine their perceptions of nanotechnology. The interviews and the evaluation of the project will be carried out by an external evaluator to determine the impact of these informational pieces on their perception and acceptance of nanotechnology. The influence of these informational programs will be determined by controlled follow-up interviews.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The proposed objectives will not only assess perception and acceptance of nanotechnology in agriculture and food systems but will provide a long-lasting series of programs to inform the public. To accomplish these goals, we propose the following objectives: 1. Establish a set of core concerns and concepts based upon front-end surveys. 2. Create a series of radio programs on nanotechnology from a variety of perspectives and disseminate them. 3. Create a series of video episodes based upon the radio programs and disseminate them. 4. Evaluate impact of these informational programs on the public perception and acceptance of nanotechnology. The project will involve the collaboration of Cornell University and Earth & Sky. External evaluation will be carried out by Waldron Educational Consulting. The deliverables will be a series of radio episodes and video versions of these episodes. It will include the means through which over 55 million views of these episodes can be realized. The deliverables will also include a full independent evaluation of the impact of these programs on the perception and acceptance of nanotechnology in agriculture and food systems. Together this effort will provide an understanding of the impact of information on the public's perception of nanotechnology and the means to generate effective media to inform the public.
Project Methods
The overall strategy will guide a series of objectives that will provide not only an assessment of the general public but also a long-lasting series of informative audio and video programs on nanotechnology as it applies to agriculture and food systems. The dissemination of this effort will be great reaching over ten-million people during the proposed two years (and a total of 55 million 'views'). We will first establish a baseline of knowledge and concerns in the area of nanotechnology as it applies to agriculture and food systems. This knowledge will help to guide the development of six radio episodes by Earth & Sky which will be broadcast to their national audience of over nine million listeners. The episodes will be divided between the supporters and the 'critics' of nanotechnology as it applies to agriculture and food systems. The scripts will be managed by the Earth & Sky team so as to avoid any bias by the PI. The episodes will be spread over a period of approximately one year although they will also be available as podcasts through a number of portals including iTunes. As part of the evaluation, the episodes will be linked to an opportunity for listeners to comment and to ask questions of the scientists interviewed. The audio programs will be converted to a video format to help further engage the general public especially visitors to the museum exhibition. The museum environment and other venues (e.g., malls and other public spaces) will form the basis for determining public perception and acceptance of nanotechnology as it applies to agriculture and food systems.

Progress 12/15/08 to 12/14/13

Target Audience: The target audience is the general public and especially that public exposed to exhibits at Disney World and Disneyland. Over the course of the past five years this is in excess of 25 million individuals. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Approximately 25 million individuals were exposed to the content in the radio shows, website, magazine and interactive exhibit. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? The radio episodes are archived at Earth Sky and through iTunes. The magazines are still being distributed and reprinted on demand. The exhibit at Disney World is ongoing to an audience of 3-5 million visitors each year. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? A series of radio episodes and video segments were conceived, produced and deployed by Earth Sky and shown at Walt Disney World. In addition an issue of Nanooze, a kid's science magazine was produced and distributed to 100,000 students in the US. These were used as the information base for informing the general public about the benefits and risks of nanotechnology.


  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2009 Citation: on exhibit at Walt Disney World, EPCOT.

Progress 12/15/10 to 12/14/11

OUTPUTS: 1. A series of six radio broadcasts were produced and heard across the EarthSky network and web site 2. An edition of the magazine Nanooze was produced featuring the promises and challenges of agriculture/nanotechnology/food, then distributed to 100,000 students 3. The radio series was used to produce six short videos and those are being broadcast at Walt Disney World and Disneyland with an annual audience of 5-7 million guests. 4. Ongoing studies are being conducted to determine the impact of these messages and individuals tend to be very much influenced by the tone of the message. PARTICIPANTS: Not relevant to this project. TARGET AUDIENCES: General public PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: none

The public has little understanding of the core concepts of nanotechnology yet when pressed will express opinions on safety, appropriateness and value of nanotechnology to society. A coordinated effort to both inform the public and assess their awareness of nanotechnology is being carried out using a radio/video presentation format at a major theme park. A series of six EarthSky radio episodes were created using nanotechnology thought leaders from across the United States and Europe. A distribution of thought leaders was selected to represent the different positions on nanotechnology. Three of these 90 second interviews were selected for an extended presentation on the EarthSky website. The six radio episodes were broadcast in the Spring 2009 and also made available on iTunes and mobile distribution networks. An estimated 90 million impressions were created through these media. The website generated almost 2 million more impressions. Listeners had the opportunity to post comments on the website. The radio episodes were videofied with images and are being shown at a long-term exhibition, Take a Nanooze Break, Epcot, Walt Disney World Resorts and Nanooze Labs at Disneyland in Anaheim CA. An estimated 5-7 million guests interact with these exhibits each year. In addition an edition of Nanooze which featured the people being interviewed and the subject area was produced and distributed across the US to more than 100,000 students across K-12. Assessment of attitudes is being determined using small focus groups of students in a classroom setting. The results from a group of high school students suggests that the nature of the message (positive or negative) had a predominant impact on how they perceived the risk/benefit.


  • Batt, C.A. (2011) Too Small to think (about) Materials Today, 14 (6) 238

Progress 12/15/09 to 12/14/10

OUTPUTS: The 2009 audio podcast series produced by Cornell University and EarthSky brought to light the fascinating, innovative and controversial topic of nanotechnology in agriculture. EarthSky worked closely with Cornell to produce a set of programs highlighting the potential advantages of agricultural nanotechnology as well as the risks involved. These programs were broadcasted on the EarthSky Network, to a global audience of millions, and posted on the EarthSky website to gauge public perception and acceptance of agricultural nanotechnology and nanotechnology in general. PARTICIPANTS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. TARGET AUDIENCES: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

The series has been a great success, producing a significant number of impressions around the world through the various outlets of the EarthSky Network and will continue to create additional impressions in the months to come. EarthSky conducted six interviews with various nanotechnology experts and produced from these six 90 second audio pieces. Due to the great value and relevance to our audience, EarthSky also produced three 8 minute extended audio pieces and all 90 second pieces were translated into Spanish and released to the Spanish EarthSky Network, though not contracted to do so. Below is a brief look at the series impact in terms of impressions generated; a more detailed breakdown follows later in this report. Number of impressions created through the EarthSky Network 90 Million Number of impressions via 1,844,455


  • No publications reported this period

Progress 12/15/08 to 12/14/09

OUTPUTS: A series of videos have been produced and disseminated through Earth Sky. PARTICIPANTS: Not relevant to this project. TARGET AUDIENCES: Not relevant to this project. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

A total of more than 75 million listeners have been impacted through distribution of the radio episodes through Earth Sky.


  • see 2009