Source: CLEMSON UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2008
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2011
Grant Year
Program Code
[QQ.E]- Extension Integrated Pest Management - Support
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
eXtension is a new national, web-based, information source for Land-grant University Extension agents and faculty to consolidate research findings and outreach materials. Within the framework of eXtension, eOrganic is being developed as the new organic agriculture Extension Service website to provide accurate and up-to-date information for agricultural professionals, researchers, and organic and conventional farmers. eOrganic will offer searchable content consisting of brief articles; nationally compiled FAQs; an interactive Ask-the-Expert tool; regionally-specific case studies; certification resources and decision tools; and a portal to in-depth information available from other sources. eOrganic content is being developed in three key areas of organic certification; dairy production and marketing; and vegetable production and marketing, and additional support is needed to develop information on ecologically-based pest management for vegetable crops. The proposed project will support the development of pest management content for eOrganic; i.e. create a new Community of Practice (CoP) for ecologically-based pest management. The project will facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration among pest management workers throughout the U.S. and the content will be applicable for organic and conventional vegetable pest management systems in all regions of the country. The eOrganic pest management content will strengthen the ability of CSREES to actively address national needs in Extension IPM programming for disease, insect and weed pests, and will help pest managers implement IPM methods that will enhance farm conservation efforts and the protection of natural resources. Given the national scope of eOrganic outcomes from this project will have wide scale impact and benefits. The project leverages resources from a variety of organizations in the public and private sectors.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Objective 1. Identify and recruit disease, insect and weed management experts for the eOrganic Pest Management Community of Practice (CoP). Outcomes: A group of 20-30 researchers, extension specialists and farmers with expertise on disease, insect and weed management will join the eOrganic Pest Management CoP. They will collaborate on selection and development of pest management content. . Objective 2: Train all participants on the collaborative workspace. Outcomes: All participants will be able to work independently and in collaboration to put together (synthesize, or mash-up), author, review, and/or edit content on the workspace. This is the most important step towards creating collaborative content. Objective 3. Review and upload onto the collaborative workspace available resources on disease, insect and weed management strategies for organic crop systems and synthesize appropriate content for eOrganic. . Outcomes: An inventory listing 1) reliable and comprehensive sources and 2) specific content on organic disease, insect and weed pest management appropriate for eOrganic will be developed. .Sources will include Organic Ag Info, ATTRA, SARE, and local and regional Land-grant University and Cooperative Extension resources. Objective 4. Identify and synthesize newly emerging information on pest management derived from research on organic cropping systems. . Outcomes: New content on organic disease, insect and weed pest management, derived from research on organic systems, will be created and posted on eOrganic. Objective 5. Utilize the eOrganic workspace to create appropriate pest management content through a collaborative process among the eOrganic Pest Management CoP members. Outcomes: A compilation of comprehensive, research-based information on ecologically sound disease, insect and weed pest management strategies appropriate for horticultural and field crops. Resources will be in the form of searchable content for rapid access, a national compilation of updated and searchable FAQs, interactive Ask the Expert sessions, regionally specific farm case studies, and a portal to in-depth information available from partner sites and Land grant University and Cooperative Extension sources. Objective 6. Evaluate eOrganic Pest Management CoP process, content, delivery, utility and outcomes. Outcome: The establishment of a clear action framework that formalizes a plan for evaluation to improve the project.
Project Methods
Project PIs and coordinators will meet via conference calls and online web conferencing to develop a short list of CoP members and experts on ecologically-based disease, insect and weed pest management. The part-time project coordinator supported by this project will be trained on use of the collaborative workspace. The project coordinator will cooperate on training, through phone/web-conferencing of all participants. All content development will occur on the workspace to facilitate collaboration and synthesis. The part time project coordinator and two consultants with expertise in disease and weed management will be hired to work with the eOrganic pest management group members to upload resources on ecologically-based disease, insect pest, and weed management. An eOrganic coordinator housed at University of IL is contacting all organic cropping systems and on-farm trials funded by the CSREES Integrated Organic Program, SARE and the Organic Farming Research Foundation. Each project member creates a personal page in which he/she describes his/her expertise and experience. Each group describes their project objectives, procedures, and results, and uploads reports and research and outreach publications. The pest management coordinator will recruit entomologists, weed scientists, and pathologists from these groups to become members of the eOrganic Pest Management groups, which will then work together to synthesize and then extend pest management information emerging from the organic research projects. Pest management content will be developed through this process: 1)Each disciplinary group (weed, disease and insect pest management) will create a group workspace. 2)Complete introductory content, some model in-depth modules on specific pests, and full curriculum outlines will be developed for the eOrganic launch on eXtension in fall 2008. 3)After the launch, each group will develop in-depth, regionally-specific weed, disease and insect pest management information for all major vegetable crop families. Information will include cultural and biological control, pest sampling and identification, systems approaches to pest management, use of approved biological and botanical pesticides, and USDA National Organic Program regulations and requirements. Groups will assign members to develop specific sections of the curriculum outline.Group members and coordinators will individually and/or collaboratively synthesize, author, and/or co-author content. Final drafts will undergo peer review (process managed by pest management coordinators. Content approved for publication will be copy-edited and published on (process managed by John McQueen, OSU Web Coordinator) Evaluation procedures already in place for eXtension and eOrganic will be utilized for evaluation of the eOrganic Pest Management CoP process, content, delivery, and utility.

Progress 09/01/08 to 08/31/11

OUTPUTS: eOrganic disease, insect and weed group members continued to develop new pest management content via the eOrganic workspace. A total of 21 articles were developed for publication in 2010/2011 and will be available to the public on The pest management group coordinator continued to recruit and work with reviewers to move articles through the review process. A total of 66 articles on organic disease, insect and weed management have thus far been published as part of this project. Organic pest management content developed by the eOrganic Community of Practice in the form of peer reviewed articles and videos on organic pest management are available to the public on the eXtension website ( Additional activities related to publication of pest management content included copy editing and formatting (editing articles to comply with eOrganic standard style determined by the eOrganic staff, editing citations to meet ASA standards), adding metadata (each article requires metadata or "data about data" which contains information describing context, content and structure of records and their management). Additional work was done to obtain permissions and to correctly cite photos and diagrams. When sources were not identified new images were created or sourced. PARTICIPANTS: Kelly Gilkerson; Associate Coordinator Sustainable Agriculture Programs and Integrated Pest Management program, Clemson University. Project Coordinator Geoff Zehnder; Coordinator Sustainable Agriculture Programs and Integrated Pest Management program, Clemson University. Project Leader/Insect Management group leader/author Alex Stone; Oregon State University Dept of Horticulture. eOrganic Manager/author Mary Barbercheck; Department of Entomology, Penn State University. Insect Management group leader/author Mark Schonbeck; Virginia Association for Biological Farming (VABF) and Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group (Southern SAWG) Board of Directors. Weed Management content author Mark Boudreau; University of Georgia. Disease group leader/author John McQueen; Oregon State University, Horticulture Department. eOrganic Administrator. Ed Zaborski; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Copy edit and publishing/authors. Eric Gallandt; University of Maine, Plant, Soil, and Environmental Sciences, Weed Ecology and Management. Weed Content Leader for eOrganic. A 3-day eOrganic Insect Management Group intensive writing workshop was held in Clemson, SC in April 2010 where 5 new insect articles were developed and submitted for publication on eOrganic. eOrganic members continued to receive training during the year in the use of the eOrganic workspace, and were provided with technical support for content development. TARGET AUDIENCES: Target audiences for this project include extension agents, agricultural professionals and farmers with an interest or need for information related to organic agriculture. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

The eOrganic project will provide organic pest management information to a broad range of users including farmers, agricultural professionals, processors, suppliers, retailers, regulators, policy-makers, funders, educators, researchers, and students. The pest management articles developed under this project will be a well-known, trusted, and peer-reviewed source of organic pest management information. The project will create original pest management content and link users to existing content ranging from the fundamentals of organic pest management to regionally-relevant strategies for managing specific pests, and will provide credible, peer-reviewed, science-based information on pest management as well as experiential information derived from farmers and agricultural professionals. The project will identify research priorities for organic pest management based on the intersection of farmer experience and emerging science, and will elevate the profile and value of organic agriculture to the public and policy makers by helping improve the practices and performance of organic food systems. The project will also increase awareness of the relationships between healthy people, healthy food, and a healthy planet, and will inspire and support a diverse community of practitioners from all regions of the country to collaboratively develop and maintain eOrganic.


  • Barbercheck, M.; 2010.Biology and Management of Aphids in Organic Cucurbit Production Systems;
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010. A Virtual Tour of Major Weed Plant Families;
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010. A Virtual Tour of Major Weed Plant Families;
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010. Common Waterhemp (Amaranthus rudis) and Tall Waterhemp (A. tuberculatus);
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010. Mulching for Weed Control in Organic Vegetable Production;
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010. Organic Mulching Materials for Weed Control;
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010. Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri);
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010. Powell Amaranth (Amaranthus powellii);
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010. Purple Nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) in Greater Depth;
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010. Smooth Pigweed (Amaranthus hybridus);
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010. Spiny Amaranth (Amaranthus spinosus);
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010. Synthetic Mulching Materials for Weed Control;
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010. Weed Management Strategies for Organic Cucurbit Crops in the Southern United States;
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010. Weed Management Strategies for Organic Tomato, Pepper, and Eggplant in the Southern United States;
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010. Weed Profile: Pigweeds (Amaranthus spp.);
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010. Weed Profile: Redroot Pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus);
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010. Weed Profile: Tumble Pigweed (Amaranthus albus);
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010. Weed Profile: Yellow Nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) and Purple Nutsedge (C. rotundus);
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010. Weed Profle: Prostrate pigweed (Amaranthus blitoides);
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010. Yellow Nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) in Greater Depth;
  • Zehnder, G.; 2010, Biology and Management of Pickleworm and Melonworm in Organic Curcurbit Production Systems;

Progress 09/01/09 to 08/31/10

OUTPUTS: Developed eOrganic branding and advertising for use in conference brochures and other relevant publications. Participated in the 2010 EcoFarm Conference in Pacific Grove, CA to promote the eOrganic project and recruit potential new pest management members. Planned and implemented a 3-day eOrganic Insect Management Group meeting held in Clemson, SC in April 2010 where 5 new insect articles were developed and submitted for publication on eOrganic. eOrganic members continued to receive training during the year in the use of the eOrganic workspace, and were provided with technical support for content development. eOrganic disease, insect and weed group members continued to develop new pest management content via the eOrganic workspace. A total of 24 new articles were developed in 2009/2010 and submitted for publication on The review and copy editing of additional articles currently in progress will be completed by the end of December 2010. The pest management group coordinator continues to recruit and work with reviewers to move articles through the review process. Instant messaging technology was introduced to assist with communication between group members. A total of 66 articles on organic disease, insect and weed management have thus far been published (see publication list). Organic pest management content developed by the eOrganic Community of Practice in the form of peer reviewed articles and videos on organic pest management are available to the public on the eXtension website ( Additional activities related to publication of pest management content included: Copy Editing: review of articles for grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes, readability and continuity Formatting: editing articles to comply with eOrganic standard style determined by the eOrganic staff; editing citations to meet ASA standards. Adding Metadata: Each article requires metadata or "data about data" which contains information describing context, content and structure of records and their management. The eOrganic wiki maintains metadata on every article and is a requirement for articles to be published. Obtaining Permissions and Correctly Citing Photos and Diagrams: Cross-checking sources and authorizations for all images contained in articles. When sources were not identified new images were created or sourced. PARTICIPANTS: Kelly Gilkerson; Associate Coordinator Sustainable Agriculture Programs and Integrated Pest Management program, Clemson University. Project Coordinator Geoff Zehnder; Coordinator Sustainable Agriculture Programs and Integrated Pest Management program, Clemson University. Project Leader/Insect Management group leader/author Alex Stone; Oregon State University Dept of Horticulture. eOrganic Manager/author Mary Barbercheck; Department of Entomology, Penn State University. Insect Management group leader/author Mark Schonbeck; Virginia Association for Biological Farming (VABF) and Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group (Southern SAWG) Board of Directors. Weed Management content author Mark Boudreau; University of Georgia. Disease group leader/author John McQueen; Oregon State University, Horticulture Department. eOrganic Administrator. Ed Zaborski; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Copy edit and publishing/authors. Eric Gallandt; University of Maine, Plant, Soil, and Environmental Sciences, Weed Ecology and Management. Weed Content Leader for eOrganic A 3-day eOrganic Insect Management Group intensive writing workshop was held in Clemson, SC in April 2010 where 5 new insect articles were developed and submitted for publication on eOrganic. eOrganic members continued to receive training during the year in the use of the eOrganic workspace, and were provided with technical support for content development. TARGET AUDIENCES: Target audiences for this project include extension agents, agricultural professionals and farmers with an interest or need for information related to organic agriculture. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

By providing resources on organic pest management, the eOrganic project will: Provide organic pest management information to a broad range of users including farmers, agricultural professionals, processors, suppliers, retailers, regulators, policy-makers, funders, educators, researchers, and students. Be a well-known, trusted, and peer-reviewed source of organic pest management information and resources for farmers and extension educators and other agricultural professionals. Create original pest management content and link users to existing content ranging from the fundamentals of organic pest management to regionally-relevant strategies for managing specific pests. Provide credible, peer-reviewed, science-based information on pest management as well as experiential information derived from farmers and agricultural professionals. Identify research priorities for organic pest management based on the intersection of farmer experience and emerging science. Elevate the profile and value of organic agriculture to the public and policy makers by helping improve the practices and performance of organic food systems. Increase awareness of the relationships between healthy people, healthy food, and a healthy planet. Inspire and support a diverse community of practitioners from all regions of the country to collaboratively develop and maintain eOrganic.


  • Zehnder, G.; 2009; Cultural Practices for Managing Insect Pests;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009; Decomposers in Organic Farming Systems;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009; Ecological Understanding of Insects in Organic Farming Systems;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009; Ecological Understanding of Insects in Organic Farming Systems: Diversity, Stability, and Productivity;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009; Ecological Understanding of Insects in Organic Farming Systems: Ecological Succession;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009; Ecological Understanding of Insects in Organic Farming Systems: Factors that Influence the Size of Insect Populations;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009; Ecological Understanding of Insects in Organic Farming Systems: How Insects Damage Plants;; published
  • Zehnder, G.; 2009; Overview of Monitoring and Identification Techniques for Insect Pests;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009; Ecological Understanding of Insects in Organic Farming Systems: Insect Life Cycles;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009; Ecological Understanding of Insects in Organic Farming Systems: Insect Populations;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009; Ecological Understanding of Insects in Organic Farming Systems: Insects in Communities;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009; Ecological Understanding of Insects in Organic Farming Systems: Plant Defenses against Insects;; published
  • Zehnder, G.; 2009; Farmscaping: Making Use of Natures Pest Management Services;; published
  • McNeil, J.; 2009; Fungi for the biological control of insect pests;; published
  • Zehnder, G.; 2009; Host Plant Resistance and Tolerance to Insect Pests;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009; Insect-Parasitic Nematodes for the Management of Soil-Dwelling Insect Pests;; published
  • Zehnder, G.; 2009; Managing the Soil to Reduce Insect Pests;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009; Natural Enemies in Organic Farming Systems;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009; Physical and Mechanical Pest Controls;; published
  • Zehnder, G.; 2009; Planning Crop Location and Timing to Avoid Insect Pests;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009; Pollinators in Organic Farming Systems;; published
  • Lelito, J.; 2009. Praying mantids;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009; Using Diversity as a Pest Management Tool;; published
  • Fielder, A.K.; 2009; Using Native Flowering Plants to Attract Beneficial Insects;; published
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2009; Grow Vigorous, Competitive Crops;the First Line of Defense Against Weeds;; published
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2009; How Cover Crops Suppress Weeds; link; published
  • Menalled, F., Schonbeck M.; 2009; Manage the Weed Seed Bank; Minimize Deposits and Maximize Withdrawals;; published
  • Seaman, A.; 2010. Biology and management of squash vine borer in organic farming systems;; currently in review
  • Zehnder, G.; 2010, Biology and Management of Pickleworm and Melonworm in Organic Curcurbit Production Systems;; currently in review
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010. A Virtual Tour of Major Weed Plant Families;; currently in review
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010. Weed Management Strategies for Organic Cucurbit Crops in the Southern United States;; currently in review
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010. Mulching for Weed Control in Organic Vegetable Production;; currently in review
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010. Organic Mulching Materials for Weed Control;; currently in review
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010. Synthetic Mulching Materials for Weed Control;; currently in review
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010. Weed Management Strategies for Organic Tomato, Pepper, and Eggplant in the Southern United States;; currently in review
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010. Weed Profile: Pigweeds (Amaranthus spp.);; currently in review
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010. Weed Profile: Redroot Pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus);; currently in review
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010.Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri);; currently in review
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010.Smooth Pigweed (Amaranthus hybridus);; currently in review
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010.Spiny Amaranth (Amaranthus spinosus);; currently in review
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010.Weed Profile: Yellow Nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) and Purple Nutsedge (C. rotundus);; currently in review
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010.Purple Nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) in Greater Depth;; currently in review
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010.Yellow Nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) in Greater Depth;; currently in review
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010. Powell Amaranth (Amaranthus powellii);; currently in review
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010.Common Waterhemp (Amaranthus rudis) and Tall Waterhemp (A. tuberculatus);; currently in review
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010.Weed Profile: Tumble Pigweed (Amaranthus albus);; currently in review
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010.Weed Profle: Prostrate pigweed (Amaranthus blitoides);; currently in review
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2010.A Virtual Tour of Major Weed Plant Families;; currently in review
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2010.Biology and Management of Aphids in Organic Cucurbit Production Systems;; currently in review
  • Snyder, W.; 2010.Managing Squash Bugs in Organic Farming Systems; currently in review
  • Snyder, W.; 2010.Managing Cucumber Beetles in Organic Farming Systems;; currently in review

Progress 09/01/08 to 08/31/09

OUTPUTS: eOrganic disease, insect and weed group members received training in use of the eOrganic COP workspace, and members were provided with technical support for content development. Three new pest management group members were recruited during the reporting period. Transcription of video content for compliance with Web Content Accessibility standards took place in November and December of 2008. Review and final development of formatting standards for publication of pest management articles was completed in early 2009. Further development of content and uploading of articles to took place between January and April. Review and copy editing of additional articles in review was done between October-March. Activities related to publication of pest management content included Copy Editing: review of articles for grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes, readability and continuity Formatting: editing articles to comply with eOrganic standard style determined by the eOrganic staff; editing citations to meet ASA standards. Adding Metadata: Each article requires metadata which contains information describing context, content and structure of records and their management. The eOrganic wiki maintains metadata on every article and is a requirement for articles to be published. Obtaining Permissions and Correctly Citing Photos and Diagrams: Cross checking sources and authorizations for all images contained in articles. When sources were not identified new images were created or sourced. Working With Authors to Clarify or Correct Content: A total of 66 articles on organic disease, insect and weed management have thus far been published (see publication list). Following the eOrganic launch in January 2009 pest management group members collaborated to create a plan for the development of future content. Evaluation of the publishing process, new content development and delivery occurs through teleconference meetings and forum postings. The pest management group coordinator continues to recruit and work with reviewers to move articles through review process. Instant messaging technology was introduced to assist with communication between group members. Organic pest management content developed by the eOrganic Community of Practice in the form of peer reviewed articles and videos on organic pest management are available to the public on the eXtension website ( A coordinated effort has been made to provide information on eOrganic and eXtension to different audiences via exhibits/displays at professional meetings. Appropriate venues for dissemination of outreach materials are identified, and eOrganic members attending the meetings are recruited to coordinate eOrganic outreach presentations or exhibits. Outreach materials include informative brochures about the eOrganic workspace and and promotional items including pens, magnets and notepads. The project coordinator identifies representatives for individual events, coordinates outreach budgets, delivery of outreach materials and follow up with eOrganic representatives after events. PARTICIPANTS: Kelly Gilkerson; Associate Coordinator Sustainable Agriculture Programs and Integrated Pest Management program, Clemson University. Project Coordinator Geoff Zehnder; Coordinator Sustainable Agriculture Programs and Integrated Pest Management program, Clemson University. Project Leader/Insect Management group leader/author Alex Stone Oregon State University Dept of Horticulture. eOrganic Manager/author Mary Barbercheck Department of Entomology, Penn State University. Insect Management group leader/author Mark Schonbeck Virginia Association for Biological Farming (VABF) and Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group (Southern SAWG) Board of Directors. Weed Management content author Mark Boudreau Hebert Green Agroecology. Disease group leader/author John McQueen Oregon State University, Horticulture Department. eOrganic Administrator. Ed Zaborski University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Copy edit and publishing/authors. Eric Gallandt University of Maine, Plant, Soil, and Environmental Sciences, Weed Ecology and Management. Weed Content Leader for eOrganic TARGET AUDIENCES: Target audiences for this project include extension agents, agricultural professionals, farmers, gardeners and others with an interest or need for information related to organic agriculture. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

By providing resources on organic farming information, eOrganic will: Develop a cooperative model of partnership among Land Grant Universities, government, policy-makers, business, industry, and farmers to rebuild American agriculture around the principle of long-term ecological, social and economic sustainability. Serve a broad group of daily users: farmers, agricultural professionals, processors, suppliers, retailers, regulators, policy-makers, funders, educators, researchers, and students. Be a well-known, trusted, and peer-reviewed source of organic information and resources for farmers and extension educators and other agricultural professionals seeking information on how to make farms profitable and sustainable. Create original content and link users to existing content ranging from the fundamentals of organic agriculture to regionally-relevant strategies for managing specific organic crop and livestock systems. Provide credible, peer-reviewed, science-based information as well as experiential information derived from farmers and agricultural professionals. Identify organic research priorities based on the intersection of farmer experience and emerging science. Elevate the profile and value of organic agriculture to the public and policy makers by helping improve the practices and performance of organic food systems. Increase awareness of the relationships between healthy people, healthy food, and a healthy planet. Inspire and support a diverse community of practitioners from all regions of the country to collaboratively develop and maintain eOrganic.


  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009; Biological Control of Insect Pests;; published
  • Zehnder, G.; 2009;Cultural Practices for Managing Insect Pests;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009;Decomposers in Organic Farming Systems;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009;Ecological Understanding of Insects in Organic Farming Systems ;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009;Ecological Understanding of Insects in Organic Farming Systems: Diversity, Stability, and Productivity;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009; Ecological Understanding of Insects in Organic Farming Systems: Ecological Succession ;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009; Ecological Understanding of Insects in Organic Farming Systems: Factors that Influence the Size of Insect Populations ;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009;Ecological Understanding of Insects in Organic Farming Systems: How Insects Damage Plants ;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009;Ecological Understanding of Insects in Organic Farming Systems: Insect Life Cycles ;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009;Ecological Understanding of Insects in Organic Farming Systems: Insect Populations ;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009;Insect-Parasitic Nematodes for the Management of Soil-Dwelling Insect Pests ;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009; Introduction to Integrated Pest Management in Organic Farming Systems ;; published
  • Zehnder, G.; 2009;Managing the Soil to Reduce Insect Pests;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009;Natural Enemies in Organic Farming Systems ;; published
  • McQueen, J., Stone, A.; 2009; Organic Vegetable Production: Farm Case Studies, Systems Descriptions, and Farmer Interviews ;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009;Ecological Understanding of Insects in Organic Farming Systems: Insects in Communities ;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009;Ecological Understanding of Insects in Organic Farming Systems: Plant Defenses against Insects ;; published
  • Zehnder, G.; 2009;Farmscaping: Making Use of Natures Pest Management Services;; published
  • McNeil, J.; 2009; Fungi for the biological control of insect pests ;; published
  • Zehnder, G.; 2009;Host Plant Resistance and Tolerance to Insect Pests;; published
  • Barbercheck, M., Zaborski, E.; 2009; Insect Pest Management: Differences Between Conventional and Organic Farming Systems;; published
  • Zehnder, G.; 2009;Overview of Monitoring and Identification Techniques for Insect Pests;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009;Pest Management in Organic Farming Systems: The NOP Standard ;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009;Physical and Mechanical Pest Controls ;; published
  • Zehnder, G.; 2009;Planning Crop Location and Timing to Avoid Insect Pests;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009;Pollinators in Organic Farming Systems ;; published
  • Lelito, J.; 2009; Praying mantids ;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009;Using Diversity as a Pest Management Tool;; published
  • Fielder, A.K.; 2009; Using Native Flowering Plants to Attract Beneficial Insects ;; published
  • McNeil, J.; 2009; Viruses as biological control agents of insect pests;; published
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2009; Keeping New Weedy Invaders Out of the Field;; published
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2009; Knock Weeds Out at Critical Times;; published
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2009; Know the Weeds;; published
  • Menalled, F., Schonbeck M.; 2009; Manage the Weed Seed Bank;Minimize Deposits and Maximize Withdrawals;; published
  • Brainard, D., Mohler, C.; 2009; Manipulating Weed Seed Banks to Promote their Decline;; published
  • McQueen, J., Stone, A.; 2009; Organic Vegetable Production: Farm Case Studies, Systems Descriptions, and Farmer Interviews;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009; Pest Management in Organic Farming Systems: The NOP Standard;; published
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2009; Plant and Manage Cover Crops for Maximum Weed Suppression;; published
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2009; Twelve Steps Toward Ecological Weed Management in Organic Vegetables;; published
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2009; An Ecological Understanding of Weeds;; published
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2009; An Organic Weed Control Toolbox;; published
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2009; Bring Existing Weeds Under Control Before Planting Weed-Sensitive Crops;; published
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2009; Design the Cropping System and Select Tools for Effective Weed Control;; published
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2009; Design the Cropping System to Minimize Niches for Weed Growth;; published
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2009; Experiment, and Watch for New Developments in Organic Weed Management;; published
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2009; Grow Vigorous, Competitive Crops; the First Line of Defense Against Weeds;; published
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2009; How Cover Crops Suppress Weeds; link; published
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2009; Integrated Pest Management Concepts for Weeds in Organic Farming Systems;; published
  • Skelton, E.; 2009; Prohibited and Restricted Weed Seed Commonly Found in Vegetable Seed Lots;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009; Introduction to Integrated Pest Management in Organic Farming Systems;; published
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2009; Keep the Weeds Guessing with Crop Rotations;; published
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2009; Promoting Weed Seed Predation and Decay;; published
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2009; Put the Weeds Out of Work;Grow Cover Crops;; published
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2009; The Organic Grower's Dilemma: How to Manage Weeds Effectively Without Compromising Soil Quality;; published
  • Schonbeck, M.; 2009; Utilize Biological Processes to Further Reduce Weed Pressure;; published
  • Andrews, N., Baker B.; 2009; Can I Use This Input on My Organic Farm ;; published
  • Andrews, N., Baker B.; 2009; Can I Use this Product for Disease Management on my Organic Farm ;; published
  • du Toit, L., Gatch E.; 2009; Disease Management in Organic Seed Production;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009; Introduction to Integrated Pest Management in Organic Farming Systems;; published
  • Johnson, K.B., Morton, F.; 2009; Keys to Disease Management in Organic Seed Crops;; published
  • Eastburn, D.; 2009; Managing Disease by Managing Soils;; published
  • Miller, S.A.; 2009; Managing Diseases of Organic Tomatoes in Greenhouses and High Tunnels;; published
  • Boudreau, M.; 2009; Organic Farmers and the Disease Triangle;; published
  • Stone, A.; 2009; Organic Management of Late Blight of Potato and Tomato (Phytophthora infestans) ; link; published
  • Baker, B., Stone, A.; 2009; Organic Management of Late Blight of Potato and Tomato with Copper Products;; published
  • Boudreau, M.; 2009; Organic Plant Disease Management: the Environment;; published
  • McQueen, J., Stone, A.; 2009; Organic Vegetable Production: Farm Case Studies, Systems Descriptions, and Farmer Interviews;; published
  • Barbercheck, M.; 2009; Pest Management in Organic Farming Systems: The NOP Standard;; published
  • Egel, D.; 2009; Scouting for Vegetable Diseases on Your Organic Farm;; published