Progress 10/01/08 to 09/30/13
Outputs Target Audience: Commercial floriculture greenhouses Changes/Problems: On target for the project. No major changes expected. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Conductec grower presentations at 2 large meetings. The OFA Short Course had over 150 people in a 3 hour session. The DIG Conference involved 5 hours of training for 75 people. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? The PGR Guide and presentations were direct dissemination to my communities of interest. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Expand on trial work and rate determination. Publish a Perennial Guide to PGRS.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Trials conducted on anti GA PGRS. Optimal rates determined. New formulations of PGRs evaluated.
- Type:
Year Published:
Whipker, B.E. 2013. GROWERTALKS Plant Growth Regulator Guide, Ball Publishing, p. 38.
Progress 10/01/11 to 09/30/12
Outputs OUTPUTS: Conducted five experiments involving plant growth regulators. Presentations include updates at the 2012 New England Greenhouse Conference. A new website was created to highlight work completed in the project. PARTICIPANTS: Brian Whipker, Professor of Floriculture at NC State University Joyce Latimer, Professor of Floriculture at Virginia Tech University Brian Krug, Floriculture Extension Specialist, Univ of New Hampshire TARGET AUDIENCES: Greenhouse Growers PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Protocols are customized to the plant being studied.
Impacts Salvia species have long been popular as summer annuals, culinary herbs and landscape perennials. We selected Salvia microphylla Hot Lips, a recently introduced perennial sage, to assess efficacy of the growth regulator flurprimidol (Topflor) for controlling height. Substrate drenches of flurprimidol at 0, 0.25, 0.50, 1.0, 2, and 4 mg a.i per pot were applied using 0.24 L of solution per pot on 17 June 2010. Plant height was recorded at treatment, 27 days after treatment (DAT), and 48 DAT. Flurprimidol drench concentrations of 0.25 mg a.i. per pot and higher controlled plant height by 20 to 41 percent 27 DAT, and by 26 to 50 percent 48 DAT. While all treatments at 48 DAT produced a significantly shorter plant, concentrations between 0.25 to 1 mg a.i. would provide growers options for controlling plant growth by 26 to 44 percent. Using concentrations over 1.0 mg a.i. did not produce any additional reduction in height in Hot Lips sage.
- Fair, B.A., B. Whipker, I. McCall, and W. Buhler. 2012. Height Control of Hot Lips Hybrid Sage to Flurprimidol Substrate Drench. HortTechnology 22:539-541.
- Barnes, J., B. Whipker, I. McCall, and J. Frantz. 2012. Nutrient Disorders of Evolution Mealy-cup Sage HortTechnology 22:502-508.
- Currey, C.J., R.G. Lopez, B.A. Krug, I. McCall, and B.E. Whipker. 2012. Substrate drenches containing flurprimidol suppress height of Nellie White easter lilies. HortTechnology 22:164-168.
- Davis K.I., C.E. Niedziela Jr., B.E. Whipker, and M.R. Reddy. 2012. Branching enhancement and growth control of Clerodendrum thomsoniae. Proc. of the 38th Annual Plant Growth Regulation Soc. of America Conf., p. 146-156.
Progress 10/01/10 to 09/30/11
Outputs OUTPUTS: Results of this research project have been shared locally, nationally and internationally. Presentations at grower meetings have updated growers on the latest findings. Nationally we published a PGR Rate Guide in conjunction with a trade magazine and chemical company. We also created a series of PGR podcasts with a magazine. PARTICIPANTS: Joyce Latimer, Virginia Tech Brian Krug, University of New Hampshire Ingram McCall, North Carolina State University Roberto Lopez, Purdue University North Carolina Commercial Flower Growers Ohio Florist Association TARGET AUDIENCES: Greenhouse growers in the United States, plus applicable operations worldwide. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Continue to evaluate new chemistries as they become available.
Impacts Our program at NCSU is the top information source for best management practices in controlling growth. Our PGR Rate Guide was distributed to 10,000 growers, the end users of our results. Furthermore our impact has gone digital with the creation of the PGR podcasts with Greenhouse Grower magazine. We now have a series of 15 podcasts that average 400 views each. We have also reached into the classroom, both in high school, college, and the real world with the publication of our plant growth chapters in a series of text.
- Whipker, B.E., B. Krug, I. McCall, and W. Buhler. 2011. Flurprimidol prelant soaks and substrate drenches control excessive plant growth. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 886:383-389.
- Whipker, B.E., I. McCall, B. Krug, and W. Buhler. 2011. Flurprimidol preplant tuber soaks for dahlia growth control. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 886:391-394.
- Whipker, B.E., I. McCall, and W. Buhler. 2011. Control of calla lily growth with flurprimidol preplant tuber soaks and substrate drenches. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 886:395-398.
- Whipker, B., I. McCall, J. Barnes, W. Buhler, B. Krug, C. Currey, and R. Lopez. 2011. Flurprimidol pre-plant bulb soaks control growth of potted Liliums. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 900:79-87.
- Whipker, B.E. and M.R. Evans. 2011. Regulation of plant growth. p. 373-390. In: P.V. Nelson (ed), Greenhouse operation and management, 7th ed., Pearson, New York.
- Whipker, B.E., I. McCall, and J. Latimer. 2011. Growth regulators. p. 95-105. In: J. Nau (ed), Ball Redbook, vol. 2, 18th ed. Ball Publishing, West Chicago, IL.
- Davis K.I., C.E. Niedziela Jr., B.E. Whipker, and M.R. Reddy. 2011. Branching enhancement and growth control of Clerodendrum thomsoniae. 38th Annual Plant Growth Regulation Soc. of America Conf., Chicago, IL, 24-28 July, p. 25.
- Whipker, B., W. Buhler, and I. McCall. 2010. Pot chrysanthemum growth control with flurprimidol foliar sprays. Proc. Plant Growth Reg. Soc. Am. Conf. 37: 116-121.
- Latimer, J. and B. Whipker. 2011. Plant growth regulators for floricultural crops. p. 183-208. In: S.A. Gill and D. Smith-Fiola (eds), Total crop management for greenhouse production. Univ. of Maryland.
- Whipker, B.E. 2011. GrowerTalks Plant Growth Regulator 2011. GrowerTalks. 32 pp.
- Whipker, B.E. 2011. Growth regulators for floricultural crops, p. 471-486. In: 2011 North Carolina Agricultural Chemicals Manual, NC State University.
Progress 10/01/09 to 09/30/10
Outputs OUTPUTS: Project results include conducting 10 experiments involving plant hormones and the screening of two candidate formulations for commercial applications. Grower rate recommendations for specific crops were were also developed. PARTICIPANTS: Dr. Joyce Latimer, Virginia Tech Dr. Erik Runkle, Michigan State University Fine Americas SePRo Chemical Company TARGET AUDIENCES: The target audience in the U.S. are the 10,000 greenhouse operations. The results have application to other greenhouse container crop production operations around the world. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: We will continue to screen new candidate formulations for phytotoxicity and suitability for the greenhouse industry. In addition, we will select other species of plants suitable for conducting further rate recommendation work.
Impacts The writing of the Configure use guide was a team effort of Dr. Joyce Latimer and myself as editors. We include research results from other researchers from multiple institutions in the guide (chapter authors). This work is the first comprehensive guide for the use of benzyladenine on floricultural crops and aids growers in the use of the product to improve their plant structure, branching and and new axillary shoot development. Results from the flurprimidol use study on Lilium species provide growers with recommended rates to trial in their operation for three species.
- Whipker, B., I. McCall, J. Barnes, W. Buhler, B. Krug, C. Currey, and R. Lopez. 2010. Flurprimidol pre-plant bulb soaks control growth of potted Liliums. ISHS Lilium Conference, Pescia, Italy, 28 Aug to 3 Sept., p.36.
- Whipker, B., W. Buhler, and I. McCall. 2010. Pot chrysanthemum growth control with flurprimidol foliar sprays. 37th Annual Plant Growth Regulation Soc. of America Conf., Portland, OR, 8 to 12 Aug., p. 39.
- Latimer, J. and B. Whipker (eds.). 2010. Configure Product Information and University Trial Results, p. 44.
Progress 10/01/08 to 09/30/09
Outputs OUTPUTS: Outputs of our research findings have occurred in both popular press articles distributed to both North Carolina and U.S. greenhouse producers. The circulation numbers for the magazine GPN is around 10,000 growers. In addition, eight presentations about plant growth regulators were given to grower groups throughout the U.S.. We were also active with podcast to greenhouse growers in partnership with the magazine Greenhouse Grower and two were on plant growth regulators. PARTICIPANTS: Brian Whipker is a Professor of Floriculture at North Carolina State University. Joyce Latimer is Professor of Floriculture at Virginia Tech. Brian Whipker is a Floriculture Extension Specialist at the University of New Hampshire. TARGET AUDIENCES: The 10,000 greenhouse growers in the U.S. along the allied trade people. Researchers in plant growth regulators. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.
Impacts Flurprimidol (Topflor, SePRO Inc., Carmel, IN) was applied as a pre-plant bulb soak to determine its efficacy on growth control of vigorously growing Orange Tiger tiger lily (Lilium lancifolium). On 13 Feb. the bulbs were hydrated in 17C water for 1 hr, allowed to drain 1 hr, given ten minute soaks of 0 to 160 ppm flurprimidol, and then allowed to drain for 1 hr prior to potting. Emergence date was noted, and the plants were measured at bloom for plant height, plant diameter, and flower number. Flurprimidol at 10 to 20 ppm controlled plant stretch. Results indicate that pre-plant bulb soaks are a suitable production practice for greenhouse growers in order to make an excessively tall (>100 cm) plant suitable for retail sales.
- Barnes, J., Whipker, B.E., and McCall, I. 2009. Flurprimidol pre-plant bulb soaks control growth of Lilium lancifolium Orange Tiger. 36th Ann. Mtg. of the Plant Growth Regulation Soc. of America, Asheville, NC, 2 to 6 Aug., p. 34.
- Barnes, J., Whipker, B.E., and McCall, I. 2009. Osteospermum growth control with paclobutrazol substrate drenches. 36th Ann. Mtg. of the Plant Growth Regulation Soc. of America, Asheville, NC, 2 to 6 Aug., p. 28.
- Cary, D., Buhler, W., and Whipker, B. 2009. Configure: expanding a plants growth potential. NCCFGA Bull. 54(1&2):5-7.
- Carey, D., Buhler, W., and Whipker, B.E. 2009. Stimulating plant growth. GPN 19(5):20-22.